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    1. Factor that leading the appearance of new species!a. Natural selection, is the process by which certain heritable traitsthose that

    make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce

    become more common in a population over successive generations. It is a key

    mechanism of evolution. It is the differences in survival and reproduction

    among individuals in a population because of their interaction with the

    environment. In other words, some individuals possess alleles (genotypes) that

    generate traits (phenotypes) that enable them to cope more successfully in

    their environment than other individuals. The more successful individuals

    produce more offspring. Superior traits are adaptations to the environment

    and increase an individuals fitness, or relative ability to survive and leave

    offspring. When the environment favors a trait, that is, when a trait increases

    the survival of its bearer, selection is said to act for that trait. In contrast,

    selection is said to act against unfavorable traits. Favorable traits are adaptive,

    while unfavorable traits are maladaptive.

    b.Polyploidy is the possession of more than the normal two sets ofchromosomes found in diploid (2n) cells. Polyploidy often occurs in plants

    (and occasionally animals) where triploid (3n), tetraploid (4n), and higher

    ploidy chromosome numbers are found.A quite different method by which

    new species can appear is by polyploidy- the doubling of the whole set of

    chromosomes in the nucleus of the developing egg or seed, so that each

    chromosome automatically has an identical partner. Polyploidy species are

    often larger than the original parent type, and also more hardy and vigorous;

    many weeds are polyploidy. Only a few animals groups fall into this category

    (e.g. turbellarians, lumbricid eartworms, and weevils). This new species,

    formed by natural polyploidy, has been extremely successful and has spread

    around the world, often creating problems for shipping by forming mats of

    vegetation within which sediments are deposited, and so contributing to the

    silting up to estuaries. Polyploidy occurs because of nondisjunction of all

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    chromosomes during meiosis, producing two viable diploid gametes and two

    sterile gametes with no chromosomes. A tetraploid zygote can be established

    when a diploid sperm fertilizes a diploid egg. Since normal meiosis in the

    tetraploid individual will continue to produce diploid gametes, reproductive

    isolation with other individuals in the population (and thus speciation) occurs

    immediately in a single generation.

    c. Speciation (isolation), a species is usually defined as a group of individualscapable of interbreeding. Speciation, the formation of new species, occurs by

    the following processes,

    a) Allopatric speciation begins when a geographic barrier divides apopulation so that interbreeding between the two resulting populations is

    prevented. Common barriers include mountain ranges or rivers, but any

    region that excludes vital resources, such as a region devoid of water, a

    burned area devoid of food, or an area covered with volcanic lava, can act

    as a barrier because individuals cannot survive its crossing. Once

    reproductively isolated by the barrier, gene frequencies in the two

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    populations can diverge due to natural selection (the environments may be

    slightly different), mutation, or genetic drift. If the gene pools sufficiently

    diverge, then interbreeding between the populations will not occur if the

    barrier is removed. As a result, new species have formed. For example, a

    German shepherd dog and a greyhound that appear just as different from

    one another but both are members of same species. The essential

    difference is that under normal conditions in the wild, they will mate

    together (due to artificial selection by human). Biologist commonly define

    the species as consisting of a group of populations whose members can all

    breed together to produce offspring that are fully fertile, but that in the

    wild do not do so with other such groups.

    b) Sympatric speciation is the formation of new species without the presence of a geographic barrier. For example, two different species of

    lacewing insect are found in the cold temperate and boreal of North

    America. Chrysopa carnea, is found in grasslands, meadows, and on

    deciduous trees, but only rarely on conifer trees; it is light green in color.

    C. downesi is found only on conifer trees, and is a very dark green. Apart

    from their different color, the two species are nearly indistinguishable

    morphologically and, although they will interbreed in the laboratory, they

    do not in nature. It was originally suggested that the common ancestor of

    these two living species lived in both habitats. A simple genetic mutation

    could then have led to the appearance of the dark green coloration in some

    individuals. This coloration advantage for individuals in the coniferous

    habitats and disadvantage in the grassland/meadow/ deciduous tree

    habitat.It has subsequently been shown that the two species also differ in

    their complex mating calls, and it has been suggested that this, rather than

    their coloration, was the original basis for the separation of the two species

    c) Adaptive radiation (mutation) is the relatively rapid evolution of manyspecies from a single ancestor. It occurs when the ancestral species

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    colonizes an area where diverse geographic or ecological conditions are

    available for colonization. Variants of the ancestral species diverge as

    populations specialize for each set of conditions.

    2. Explain the evolution process without discuss about the fossil!Until recently, it was thought that evolution took place too slowly for it to

    be detectable over the timescale of scientific studies of living organisms, so that

    it could only be detected in the fossil record. However, it is now clear that this

    perception was wrong. For many years, British workers Peter and Rosmary Grant

    have studied the finches on the tiny Galapagos island called Daphne Major, only

    34 ha (84 acres) in area and 8 km (5 miles) from the nearest large island. The

    finches, which belong to the genus Geospiza, live in a variety of environments

    and use a number of sources of food. Some, with narrow bills, live on the ground

    and feed on insects, snails, etc. some, with strong, heavy bills, live in the cactus

    thickets and feed on the cactus seeds, flowers and pollen. However, most live in

    the bushes and trees and feed on the seeds, nuts and fruits of some dozen species

    of plant.

    G. magnirostris, have large bills; G. fuliginosa, have small bills; G. fortis,

    have bills of intermediate size. When food is plentiful, all these three species

    prefer to eat the softest types of seed. In drier seasons, there are fewer of these

    favorite seeds, because smaller plants, which tend to wither and die during a

    drought, produce them. As a result, each species has then to become more

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    specialized, spending more of its time feeding on those seed to which its beak

    size is be adapted. G. magnirostris whit their biggest and strongest beak (best for

    cracking the hardest seeds) can gathering food faster than G. fortis for feed on

    same seed, but not all ofG. fortis can eat that seed while, G. fuliginosa has to

    feed on smaller, softer seeds. This provides a very precise example of the nature

    and results of the correlation between morphology (beak size) and ecology

    (availability of different types of food).

    Two of the extreme years in the century- both the driest year, 1977, and

    the wettest year, 1983 had immense effects on the finches of the island. The

    drought of 1977, make the plants failed to flower and set seed so that it make

    shortage for finches food. The first effected to the new generation of finches,

    make fledglings of 1977 died before they were 3 months old. But the drought

    also hit the adults and the death hit harder at the finches that cold only eat softer

    seeds, number ofG. fortis dropped by 85% from 1200 birds down to 180 but

    suffered worst to G. fuliginosa, it number from a dozen to only a single bird.

    Finally, the drought had been kindest to birds with big beaks The average

    size of the G. fortis birds that survived was 5.6% greater than the average size of

    the 1976 population, and their beaks were correspondingly longer (and stronger)-

    11,07 mm long and 9,96 mm deep, compared with 1976 averages of 10,68 and

    9,42 mm.

    In 1983 years, that was the years of the strongest 20th century El Nino

    event; the rainfall was ten times the previously known maximum, and as result,

    the plants grew rampantly. That time, small seeds predominated-they formed

    up to 80% of the total mass of seeds. That was partly because the smaller plants

    grew luxuriously so they can produced many more seeds, while the growth of

    Tribulus had been hampered by smothering vines. The availability of seed (small

    seed), make number ofG. fortis having increased by more than four times. Now

    it was selecting smaller birds, with smaller beaks, more suited to eating the

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    plentiful smaller seeds. The main information from that is the conditions and

    selection, can oscillate violently.

    A total reversal of the selection pressures within 6 years-a time span

    that would have been totally invisible in the fossil record, had there been

    one. Therefore, the fluctuation in relative numbers of finches that the Grants

    have observed in response to the changes in the availability of food of different

    types, have not been between different, independent species. This records show

    precisely what Darwins explanation had predicted, and what biologist have long

    accepted. Each population is adapted to its existing rnvironment, withing a

    pattern of the availability of food and of competition with other populations. But

    that adaptation is not immutable: it cannot afford to be, for the environment itself

    is fluid and changeable. Therefore, as from year to year, the environment

    makes new demands and provides new opportunities, and it will change in

    harmony with those demands and opportunities. Adaptation by evolution is

    never far behind our efforts to control the biological world.

    Darwin yang berasumsi bahwa evolusi merambat selambat gletser dan

    hanya dapat diamati dalam catatan fosil. Pada 1973, Peter dan Rosemary Grant,

    sekarang di Princeton University, memulai pengamatan tahunan terhadap

    populasi pipit di pulau kecil Daphne Major di Galpagos. Mereka segera

    menemukan bahwa pada kenyataannya pipit berevolusi dari tahun ke

    tahun, saat kondisi pulau itu beralih dari basah ke kering dan basah

    kembali. Misalnya, Daphne Major awalnya mengamati hanya dua burung pipit

    tanah yang berbiak secara teratur, salah satunya adalah burung pipit tanah sedang

    (G. fortis) yang makan bebijian kecil. Ketika kemarau parah melanda pulau itu

    pada 1977 dan bebijian kecil menjadi langka, burung pipit sedang terpaksa

    beralih memakan bebijian yang lebih besar dan lebih keras. Burung yang

    berparuh lebih besar lebih mampu mencari makan dan dapat bertahan hidup

    untuk menurunkan sifat bawaan itu kepada anaknya. Perubahan lain terjadi

    setelah pesaing tiba pada 1982: burung pipit tanah besar (G. magnirostris) yang

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    juga makan bebijian besar yang keras. Selama bertahun-tahun, kedua spesies itu

    hidup berdampingan dan pada 2002, kedua jenis menjadi sangat berlimpah. Lalu

    kemarau tiba dan pada 2005 tinggal 13 pipit tanah besar dan 83 pipit tanah

    sedang yang masih hidup. Yang luar biasa, alih-alih menyesuaikan diri

    terhadap kemarau dengan makan bebijian yang lebih besar seperti yang

    dilakukan 28 tahun sebelumnya, pipit sedang yang menyintas mengalami

    pengecilan ukuran paruh yang mencolok karena saat bersaing dengan

    sepupu mereka yang lebih besar, pipit sedang berjuang mencari ceruk

    hidup dengan makan bebijian yang sangat kecil. Burung pipit yang berparuh

    lebih kecil bukanlah spesies pipit yang baru, tetapi Peter Grant menduga hanya

    diperlukan beberapa episode semacam itu sampai terbentuk spesies baru yang

    tidak mau bereproduksi dengan spesies asalnya.

    3. Why there are many variations in a species!In order for natural selection to operate, there must be variation among

    individuals in a population. Indeed, considerable variation exists in nearly all

    populations. The variation arises from or is maintained by the following


    1. Mutationsprovide the raw material for new variation. All other contributionsto variation, listed below, occur by rearranging existing alleles into new

    combinations. Mutations, however, can invent alleles that never before existed

    in the gene pool.

    2. Sexual reproduction creates individuals with new combinations of alleles.These rearrangements, orgenetic recombination, originate from three events

    during the sexual reproductive process, as follows.

    y Crossing over, or exchanges of DNA between nonsister chromatids ofhomologous chromosomes, occurs during prophase I of meiosis.

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    y Independent assortment of homologues during metaphase I createsdaughter cells with random combinations of maternal and paternal


    y Random joining of gametes during fertilization contributes to thediversity of gene combinations in the zygote.

    3. Diploidy is the presence of two copies of each chromosome in a cell. In theheterozygous condition (when two different alleles for a single gene locus are

    present), the recessive allele is hidden from natural selection. As a result,

    more variation is maintained in the gene pool.

    4. Outbreeding, or mating with unrelated partners, increases the possibility ofmixing different alleles and creating new allele combinations.

    5. Balanced polymorphism is the maintenance of different phenotypes in a population. Often, a single phenotype provides the best adaptation, while

    other phenotypes are less advantageous. In these cases, the alleles for the

    advantageous trait increase in frequency, while the remaining alleles decrease.

    However, examples of polymorphism (two or more different phenotypes) are

    observed in many populations.4. Explain the controversy of evolutionary theory!

    There is now a vast amount of evidence for Darwins explanation of

    evolution by natural selection. Nevertheless, controversy still exists about some

    details of the circumstances in which new species evolve or the rate at which this


    1. Some biologists believe that evolutionary change normally takes place at asteady, gradual rate. Others instead believe that, even if genetic alterations

    gradually accumulate within a population, this may not be reflected in

    detectable morphological or physiological changes until they are so

    numerous as to shift the balance ofthe whole genotype. Example: the finches

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    were evolution from year to year, when the condition of Galapagos island

    change from wet to dry and become wet again.

    2. It is also difficult to isolate such underlying patterns from the more directeffects of the environment. For example: a study of the fossil shells of

    gastropod mollusks that lived in northern Kenya over the last few million

    years shows long periods during which their structure and size remain

    unchanged, interrupted by shorter periods (5000-50.000 years) during which

    they changed rapidly. This was interpreted as an example of punctuated


    3. Darwins suggests that it is the fittest that survive because those are the onethat survives, of course (the catchphrase survive of the fittest was not

    Darwins but by Herbert Spencer).

    Teori evolusi menyatakan bahwa makhluk hidup di muka bumi tercipta sebagai

    akibat dari peristiwa kebetulan dan muncul dengan sendirinya dari kondisi alamiah.

    Berbagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan seperti paleontologi (cabang geologi yang mengkaji

    kehidupan pra-sejarah melalui fosil), genetika, biokimia dan biologi molekuler telah

    membuktikan bahwa tak mungkin makhluk hidup tercipta akibat kebetulan atau muncul

    dengan sendirinya dari kondisi alamiah. Sel adalah struktur paling kompleks yang

    pernah ditemukan manusia. Ilmu pengetahuan modern mengungkapkan bahwa satu sel

    hidup saja memiliki struktur dan berbagai sistem rumit dan saling terkait, yang jauh

    lebih kompleks daripada sebuah kota besar. Struktur kompleks seperti ini hanya dapat

    berfungsi apabila masing-masing bagian penyusunnya muncul secara bersamaan dan

    dalam keadaan sudah berfungsi sepenuhnya. Jika tidak, struktur tersebut tidak akan

    berguna, dan semakin lama akan rusak dan musnah. Tak mungkin semua bagian

    penyusun sel itu berkembang secara kebetulan dalam jutaan tahun, seperti pernyataan

    teori evolusi.