Download - FINAL COMMITMENT to ACTION PLAN Assignment4Week4PersonalLeadershipFinalWeekPlan


    My Personal Leadership Plan Commitment to Action Now: I believe that currently in my personal life it would be the most

    important goal of my leadership using the ideas, techniques, and the EACH Empowerment, Accountability, Courage, and Humbleness Attributes as part of my obligation to practice my loyalty of the information and knowledge I have acquired from this course and all the research that was performed deemed important to succeed as a follower and as an inclusive leader. To become the best leader at what I do best in consulting, creating, designing, building, and engineering. But mostly yearn for not just struggling and existing but enhancing my abilities as a father and husband in a different culture to stride in being the best supporter advocate in the family business with workers professionals in my wifes clinic and of course with my beloved family to keep the unconscious bias and stereotyping to an absolute minimum or none at all! Very hard for me to do it will be a challenge and some doing as to work on this for myself on practicing my social skills and unconscious bias aspects and the unconditional respect the clients/patiences need for the use of trusting, courage, diversity, humility, and valued as included should receive from me and to my personal family as well. Even though I have so much to learn about this I have encountered so much knowledge from the course and still continuing my investigating reading studies with all of the material that was presented in this course study. I feel that its my duty to learn and practice as much as possible to become the most fearless unconditional inclusive leader that can possibly be won over as forth coming! This inclusive leadership course that I have loved every minute of my studies will last me my whole life and will never forget how much I learned from just one course study. If you think about it, thats pretty amazing, I think! Im very much looking forward to my next chapter in my life for enhancing my abilities as my new business comes together; continue to my second month action plan.

    My Personal Leadership Plan Commitment to Action next month: Continue to the next months action plan. This is where I will follow up on my progress with my first

    commitment action plan to see if Ive made some good changes moving forward with all of my intentions and some or all of my expectations have been met. This will require of myself to have an organizer planner / charted layout tables of some sort to keep all my work in order so I can keep track of my results as I continue to grow with this process for my inclusive leadership plan of my successful journey. I will begin a new chapter of my journey with starting a new business, but it will go slow due to funds are low at this moment but thats not stopping me from working on plans for this new industrial fabrication shop. At this time I have been working in my fabrication shop mostly for commercial products but my background and studies warrant me experience of 22 years of service in the industrial fabrication manufacturing processes. So, this is my Inclusive Leadership dream goal to have the most innovative manufacturing research and development facility in the world. It will be called GORDONS INNOVATIVE SPACEAGE TECHNOLOGIES INC. this facility needs to be constructed into the side of a mountain for protection and security purposes. But in the mean time while planning goes on the way for this facility that will take years to complete, so, as to proceed I will be constructing a much smaller facility to get projects started and this is where I will facilitate my learned inclusive leadership skills. I wont forget that I will need to be a follower as well, to help in special projects with the team members that I will hand pick to my liking people that can handle a little pressure and have a big heart for creative innovative ideas. Lets continue with the next six month to one year action plan in my case due to circumstances may take me one year to accomplish instead of the six month time frame.

    My Personal Leadership Plan Commitment to Action in six months: Continue to the six-month action plan. Well, its time that I really need to push myself for knowledge, information,

    responsibility, honesty, and commitment to do the best I can, to complete this six-month action plan to have succeeded on what I have set out to do! But this very well might take me one year to do, because of the technical intensive process and these things usually take much longer to complete then for instance working in a company in charge of a group of members in a form of projects. But no matter what the case my be its necessary to improve on our skills as inclusive leaders need to do continually advancing our knowledge, skills, and innovative ideas as a leader to aid and successfully complete projects needed for our situation and then move on to a new projects for in my case one project at a time and when all the projects are finished they will be brought together and assembled to then be tested in a conditioned environment where it will be checked for its integrity, function, and reliability to see if the project system works correctly and completely. The success will depend a pond how well the whole team members involved did on the completed project. There are other factors involved like making sure I always encourage my team members to be motivated by way of including them in every possible form of ideas that come up and always keeping busy on projects put forth to them for accountability, also to give incentives to the most applied achievers and to show this success with the whole team to help encourage the others to do the same. For us to be successful we all must be humble, Committed, Passionate, Persistent, Resilient, Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Visionary, Inspirational, Motivational, Knowledgeable, about self, others, and context. Its very important I think to be successful as an inclusive leader as to get out of our self! I mean always think of the other person over you as to open to new innovated ideas and to listen carefully to the information in an intellectual open hearted perspective. And this explains how I love this WORD INTEGRITY for Life, Work, and Play to use in my daily life long process of Success and Happiness INTEGRITY its. honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness. And I will live up to these expectations as best as I can to always up hold to this idea of my life and to spread it to others with my great attitude and convictions as well as to my family! And to also continue practicing:

    See it. Own it. Solve it. Do it. THE END ONLY FOR NOW!