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Page 1: Exit Survey 2014 University of Limerick Exit Survey 2014...5 Comparison of 2009 - 2014 Results for UL 6 Benchmark - UL vs UK Institutions 7 Course Breakdown of Respondents 8 Breakdown

Table of Contents


2 Introduction

2 Survey Design

3 Survey Distribution

3 Survey Results

5 Comparison of 2009 - 2014 Results for UL

6 Benchmark - UL vs UK Institutions

7 Course Breakdown of Respondents

8 Breakdown of Respondents by Department

9 University results

16 Appendix


Exit Survey 2014

University of Limerick

Bachelor's Degree Programmes

Response Rate = 28 %

Quality Support Unit

Quality Support Unit 1

Page 2: Exit Survey 2014 University of Limerick Exit Survey 2014...5 Comparison of 2009 - 2014 Results for UL 6 Benchmark - UL vs UK Institutions 7 Course Breakdown of Respondents 8 Breakdown

It was decided that as so many of the NSS questions were very similar to our own, were professionally developed and statistically validated, we would use these questions throughout our survey. In reviewing this decision it was decided to add a small number of bespoke “UL questions”, particularly open-ended ones, in order to establish some continuity with the existing departmental surveys used in the quality reviews and the university-wide student satisfaction survey. The pilot survey distributed to students from a selection of departments in May 2009 comprised 22 NSS core questions, 40 NSS optional questions and a further 6 UL bespoke questions. These questions have been used in all subsequent surveys. See Appendix A for a full list of exit survey questions.

A systematic, face to face, interview system was used to gather student opinions and more than 200 fourth year students were each invited to suggest three questions which the university should be asking. The contributions were generally of good quality and consistent themes emerged. Faculty and staff were also invited to contribute suitable questions and/or topics for the survey.

The chairs, and a cross section of reviewers, of our peer review groups (PRGs) were also consulted in order to establish how such a survey might play a role in future quality reviews. It was suggested that we might investigate the established NSS (National Student Survey) which had been developed in the UK and the results of which are published annually. The NSS runs across all publicly funded higher education institutions (HEIs) in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and participating HEIs in Scotland. Additionally, since 2008, further education colleges (FECs) with directly funded higher education students in England have been eligible to participate.

The questions and topics proposed by staff and students were grouped and consolidated to bring together a first draft of the survey. Questions from the existing student satisfaction survey which often raised interesting feedback were also included where appropriate. This draft survey was then compared to the NSS which itself was professionally developed over an extended period of time. There was good alignment of themes and many of the NSS questions were almost replicated in the UL draft. The NSS is comprised of 22 core Likert style questions plus two open-ended comment boxes at the end inviting positive and negative “highlight comments”. A further 47 optional questions are provided by the NSS of which 7 are specifically for UK National Health Service (NHS) funded programmes. UK institutions are thus able to customise their student survey to suit their own needs and only the 22 core results are reported to the NSS administration for national comparison and publication.

In 2008, the university approved a range of measures aimed to strengthen and broaden existing QA systems in line with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). One of these measures was the development of enhanced student feedback systems including improvements to the bi-annual student satisfaction survey and a new “exit survey”, intended to be administered across the university graduating class each year. This document refers to the development of the exit survey, now in its sixth year, and shows the university results benchmarked against a selection of UK institutions. All results in this document refer to students intending to graduate from bachelor's programmes.

Research was conducted in spring 2009 to establish the optimal approach to the exit survey. It was discovered that such surveys were not routine across the Irish universities although quality officers were aware of localised surveys such as that run systematically by the BBS team here at UL for many years.


Survey Design

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Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sample Size 932 1619 1896 2022 2129 2170

No. of Responses 472 495 694 682 568 606

Response Rate 51% 31% 37% 34% 27% 28%

Launch Date(Week)

1st May (Week 13)

27th April (Week 13)

9th March (Week 7)

7th March(Week 7)

28th Feb(Week 6)

20th Mar(Week 7)

Closed 9th July 8th Oct 19th Oct 7th Nov 14th Oct 11th July

No. of Departments surveyed 12 23 24 22 24 24

Email Reminders sent 3 3 7 3 3 5


Table 3 gives the course breakdown of the respondents, along with the sample size and response rate per programme.

The results of the individual departmental and programme surveys have now been processed and distributed to department heads and course directors for consideration. These results will not be made widely available. This report focusses only on the results from the bachelor's programmes and comprises first a table (Table 1) which compares the “aggregate agree score” (i.e. % satisfaction) for UL from the 2009 to 2014 exit surveys and compares the 2014 data to the 5-year average (2009-2013) making it easy to identify the areas where the university has improved or disimproved over the past six years.

Table 4 gives the department breakdown of the respondents, along with the sample size and response rate per programme.

Survey Distribution

Posters on noticeboards, SAA front counter, exam centres. Email reminders. For 2011 & 2012, advertisements in three editions of An Focail.

Sample size in 2014 = 2171, 1 student RIP removed. Number of actual responses = 606 (3 invalid responses removed)

In March 2014, the 2014 UL student exit survey was launched online using Markclass survey software, with registered students across all faculties and programmes being surveyed (excluding research postgraduates). This included students on distance learning programmes but excluded students from Mary Immaculate College (MIC). Each registered student received a personalised email to their UL student email account inviting them to participate. A unique link to the survey was included in each email. The survey was left open until mid-July, giving students the opportunity to participate in the survey after their exam results had been made available.

The samples sizes and response rates for the past six years are given in the table below, in addition to further information in relation to survey distribution.

Survey Results

The "aggregate agree score", as used in the NSS, is the sum of the "strongly agree" and "agree" responses, divided by the total number of valid responses for each question. The number of valid responses is the total number of responses less the "n/a" (not applicable) responses.

Table 1 shows the results and trends from the 2009 to 2014 exit surveys for UL.

Table 2 is a tabular benchmark of the UL satisfaction levels against selected UK institutions. Only the results of the core NSS questions are published so it is a restricted set of comparisons that can be made. .

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Col 2 – This is the question number used in the UL student exit survey and on the individual graphs.

Col 3 – The quantitative questions – all five point Likert scale with a n/a option (definitely disagree; mostly disagree; neither agree nor disagree; mostly agree; definitely agree; n/a)

Col 4 – 8 These show the university data from the 2009 to 2014 UL student exit surveys respectively – at the top the response rate, number of respondents and sample size. Against each question is the "aggregate agree score", as defined previously.

Col 1 – This indicates the source of the question used. The question numbers “1-22” are core NSS questions. The numbers beginning with a “B” (e.g. B5-1) are NSS optional questions and finally those marked “UL” are bespoke questions taken from previous student satisfaction surveys.

Table 1 Comparison of results from 2009 to 2014 UL student exit surveys

The tables require some explanation. All of the tables follow the same colour coding scheme as outlined below:

Col 11 – This column shows how the UL "aggregate agree score" from 2014 compares with the 5-year average score. Green indicates that the UL score for 2014 was better by x % compared to the 5-year average. Orange indicates that the UL score for 2014 was worse by 10% or less and red indicates that it was worse by more than 10 %.

Col 10 – This column shows the 5-year average, calculated as the average of the UL "aggregate agree scores" from 2009 to 2013.

Col 9 – This column shows how the UL "aggregate agree score" from 2014 compares with the UL average score from 2013. Green indicates that the UL score for 2014 was better by x % compared to the previous year. Orange indicates that the UL score for 2014 was worse by 10% or less and red indicates that it was worse by more than 10 %.

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Table 1 University of Limerick - 2009 to 2014 comparisonNSS UL Questions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

response rate = 51% 31% 37% 34% 27% 28%

number of respondents = 472 495 694 682 568 606

sample size = 932 1619 1896 2022 2129 2170

B5-1 q3.1 Learning materials made available on my course have enhanced my learning 84 88 87 85 88 84 -4 86 -2

B5-2 q3.2 The range and balance of approaches to teaching has helped me to learn 71 75 71 69 76 69 -7 72 -3

B5-3 q3.3 The delivery of my course has been stimulating 64 68 64 68 65 63 -2 66 -3

B5-4 q3.4 My learning has benefited from the modules that are informed by current research 69 74 76 75 73 69 -4 73 -4

B5-5 q3.5 Practical activities on my course have helped me to learn 78 79 81 76 80 75 -5 79 -4

B9-1 q4.1 The workload on my course is manageable 64 70 70 68 76 70 -6 70 0

B9-2 q4.2 This course does not apply unnecessary pressure on me as a student 43 48 49 47 54 45 -9 48 -3

B9-3 q4.3 The volume of work on my course means that I can always complete it to my satisfaction 37 44 46 45 55 45 -10 45 0

B9-4 q4.4 I am generally given enough time to understand the things I have to learn 53 56 59 60 68 57 -11 59 -2

B2-1 q5.1 All of the compulsory modules are relevant to my course 42 50 50 53 55 51 -4 50 1

B2-2 q5.2 There is an appropriate range of options to choose from on my course 33 47 39 42 50 39 -11 42 -3

B2-3 q5.3 The modules of my course form a coherent integrated whole 52 56 53 55 61 54 -7 55 -1

10 q6.1 I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies. 64 70 65 66 74 65 -9 68 -3

11 q6.2 I have been able to contact staff when I needed to. 84 83 82 80 87 83 -4 83 0

12 q6.3 Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices. 59 65 61 62 69 64 -5 63 1

13 q7.1 The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned. 76 82 77 76 78 78 0 78 0

14 q7.2 Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively. 66 70 73 66 72 69 -3 69 0

15 q7.3 The course is well organised and is running smoothly. 61 65 65 63 68 62 -6 64 -2

UL q7.4 Communications between Course Director and students has been efficient and effective. 57 57 63 60 62 55 -7 60 -5

1 q8.1 Staff are good at explaining things. 78 80 79 77 86 79 -7 80 -1

2 q8.2 Staff have made the subject interesting. 68 67 68 69 72 67 -5 69 -2

3 q8.3 Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching. 74 74 77 77 79 77 -2 76 1

4 q8.4 The course is intellectually stimulating. 77 81 79 79 81 79 -2 79 0

19 q9.1 The course has helped me present myself with confidence. 78 78 76 78 77 76 -1 77 -1

20 q9.2 My communication skills have improved. 85 85 83 86 83 83 0 84 -1

21 q9.3 As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems. 78 78 75 78 77 78 1 77 1

B12-1 q10.1 I have found the course motivating 74 74 73 72 73 72 -1 73 -1

B12-2 q10.2 The course has stimulated my interest in the field of study 78 79 79 80 78 78 0 79 -1

B12-3 q10.3 The course has stimulated my enthusiasm for further learning. 74 71 70 70 70 68 -2 71 -3

B10-1 q12.1 Teaching staff test what I have understood rather than what I have memorised 49 57 60 59 62 55 -7 57 -2

B10-2 q12.2 Assessment methods employed in my course require an in-depth understanding of the course content. 60 72 72 72 72 71 -1 70 1

6 q12.3 Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair. 59 63 68 64 71 69 -2 65 4

5 q12.4 The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance. 65 61 67 63 67 64 -3 65 -1

UL q12.5 The marking scheme for each module was published at the start of the semester. 77 66 70 71 75 72 -3 72 0

7 q13.1 Feedback on my work has been prompt. 42 50 45 45 56 48 -8 48 0

8 q13.2 I have received detailed comments on my work. 30 31 33 35 42 36 -6 34 2

9 q13.3 Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand. 40 38 44 46 50 46 -4 44 2

B6-1 q14.1 I have had adequate opportunities to provide feedback on all elements of my course 45 44 47 53 55 56 1 49 7

B6-2 q14.2 My feedback on the course is listened to and valued 32 28 28 34 33 31 -2 31 0

B6-3 q14.3 It is clear to me how students' comments on the course have been acted upon 27 22 26 29 30 27 -3 27 0

16 q16.1* The library resources and services are good enough for my needs. 83 77 80 83 87 80 -7 82 -217 q16.2* I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to. 79 83 81 87 91 88 -3 84 418 q16.3* I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities or rooms when I needed to. 71 72 72 75 78 78 0 74 4

B8-1 q17.1 There is sufficient provision of welfare and student services to meet my needs 71 73 63 70 71 68 -3 70 -2

B8-2 q17.2 When needed, the information and advice offered by welfare and student services has been helpful 71 71 61 69 70 69 -1 68 1

B3-1 q18.1 I received sufficient support and advice from my institution about the organisation of my placement(s) 59 62 53 51 61 61 0 57 4

B3-2 q18.2 My placement(s) were valuable in helping my learning 81 82 81 83 85 82 -3 82 0

B3-3 q18.3 My placement(s) have helped me to develop my skills in relation to my course 76 76 74 76 78 75 -3 76 -1

B3-4 q18.4 My placement(s) have helped me to develop my general life skills 87 90 86 89 87 88 1 88 0

UL q18.5 My placement(s) were a worthwhile use of my time. 82 86 82 85 85 85 0 84 1

B3-5 q18.6 The taught part of my course was good preparation for my placement(s) 49 48 49 45 51 53 2 48 5

B1-1 q19.1 As a result of my course, I believe that I have improved my career prospects 81 80 79 81 81 80 -1 80 0

B1-2 q19.2 Good advice is available for making career choices 64 66 62 60 63 59 -4 63 -4

B1-3 q19.3 Good advice is available on further study opportunities 65 70 64 65 68 61 -7 66 -5

B4-1 q21.1 I have had plenty of opportunities to interact socially with other students 93 92 90 87 90 88 -2 90 -2

B4-2 q21.2 I am satisfied with the range of clubs and societies on offer 91 89 89 88 88 85 -3 89 -4

B4-3 q21.3 I am satisfied with the range of entertainment and social events on offer 85 84 83 83 80 78 -2 83 -5

B7-1 q22.1 Security has been satisfactory when attending classes 89 89 91 92 92 93 1 91 2

B7-2 q22.2 My institution provides an appropriate environment in which to learn 94 95 94 96 97 95 -2 95 0

UL q22.3 My institution provides an appropriate environment for personal development. 92 93 93 92 94 91 -3 93 -2

B11-1 q23.1 I feel part of a group of students committed to learning 82 84 83 83 84 84 0 83 1

B11-2 q23.2 I have been able to explore academic interests with other students 79 79 79 78 79 80 1 79 1

B11-3 q23.3 I have learned to explore ideas confidently 83 85 82 83 84 85 1 83 2

B11-4 q23.4 Within my course, I feel my suggestions and ideas are valued 60 64 63 62 68 62 -6 63 -1B11-5 q23.5 I feel part of an academic community in this university 79 77 75 75 78 76 -2 77 -1

22 q25.1 Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course. 78 80 78 76 80 74 -6 78 -4

UL q25.2 Overall, I am satisfied with the campus facilities. 97 95 95 97 97 94 -3 96 -2

UL q25.3 Overall, I am satisfied that I chose to study at UL. 92 92 89 90 91 88 -3 91 -3

68.5 70.3 69.4 69.9 72.9 69.5 -3.4 70.2 -0.7

Notes: 1. This table is colour coded as follows: Green indicates that UL's score for the current year was better by x% compared to previous year(s) or the 5-year average. Orange indicates that UL's score for the current year was worse by 10% or less compared to previous year(s) or the 5-year average. Red indicates that UL's score for the current year was worse by more than 10 % compared to previous year(s) or the 5-year average. * Due to a programming bug in the third party survey software, answers to Q16 in 2011 on learning resources were not considered valid. The 2011 values for Q16 are calculated as the average of the 2009 and 2010 figures, for comparative purposes in the above table.

UL Average5 year

average2009 to


2014-2013 2014-5 year



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Table 2 Benchmark-UL versus published averages for other institutions (2014)


UL Q No.

Core Question UL

















































1 8.1 Staff are good at explaining things 79 -16 -13 -11 -12 -11 -12

2 8.2 Staff have made the subject interesting 67 -20 -17 -14 -18 -14 -15

3 8.3 Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching 77 -14 -12 -9 -12 -10 -11

4 8.4 The course is intellectually stimulating 79 -13 -8 -6 -12 -8 -5

5 12.4 The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance 64 -17 -19 -15 -10 -15 -6

6 12.3 Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair 69 -14 -13 -10 -10 -12 -8

7 13.1 Feedback on my work has been prompt 48 -26 -27 -24 -26 -21 -7

8 13.2 I have received detailed comments on my work 36 -34 -35 -39 -33 -34 -29

9 13.3 Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand 46 -22 -20 -23 -17 -25 -13

10 6.1 I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies 65 -18 -18 -17 -13 -18 -10

11 6.2 I have been able to contact staff when I needed to 83 -10 -9 -9 -7 -8 -3

12 6.3 Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices 64 -17 -16 -17 -13 -15 -10

13 7.1 The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned 78 -11 -10 -7 -7 -4 6

14 7.2 Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively 69 -21 -20 -15 -12 -15 -5

15 7.3 The course is well organised and is running smoothly 62 -28 -25 -20 -21 -18 -10

16 16.1 The library resources and services are good enough for my needs. 80 -11 -13 -10 -10 -5 -1

17 16.2 I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to. 88 -2 -5 -3 -5 0 0

18 16.3I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities or rooms when I needed to.

78 -9 -11 -10 -10 -4 0

19 9.1 The course has helped me present myself with confidence 76 -8 -6 -6 -4 -4 1

20 9.2 My communication skills have improved 83 -3 -1 -2 -2 0 2

21 9.3 As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems 78 -9 -5 -4 -6 -4 2

22 25.1 Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course 74 -19 -15 -15 -15 -13 -9

2014 Average 70.1 -15.9 -14.9 -12.9 -12.9 -11.9 -6.9

Note: This table is colour coded as follows:

Grey indicates the % positive responses for UL.Green indicates that UL's score was better by x % compared to the other institution's average. Orange indicates that UL's score was worse by 10% or less compared to the other institution's average.Red indicates that UL's score was worse by more than 10 % compared to the other institution's average.

Source of other institutions' data: HEFCE.

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Table 3 Course Breakdown of Respondents

CourseNumber of Responses

Class Size % Class

Arts (Education) in Languages 2 9 22%

Aeronautical Engineering 6 16 38%

Applied Languages 12 35 34%

Applied Physics 2 3 67%

Applied Taxation 7 20 35%

Architecture 11 19 58%

Arts (Evening) 7 17 41%

Biological Science 21 56 38%

Biomedical and Advanced Materials 1 2 50%

Biomedical Engineering 7 24 29%

Business Studies 66 302 22%

Business Studies (Flexible Learning) 5 9 56%

Business Studies with French 10 24 42%

Business Studies with German 3 8 38%

Business Studies with Japanese 0 1 0%

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 3 7 43%

Civil Engineering 2 15 13%

Computer Aided Engineering and Design 1 5 20%

Computer Engineering 7 13 54%

Computer Systems 5 19 26%

Construction Management and Engineering 3 26 12%

Digital Media Design 3 21 14%

Economics and Mathematical Sciences 3 8 38%

Economics and Sociology 5 21 24%

Electronic Engineering 4 9 44%

Electronics 1 6 17%

Energy 11 33 33%

English and History 9 34 26%

Environmental Science 10 35 29%

Equine Science 5 20 25%

European Studies 6 18 33%

Exercise and Health Fitness 0 13 0%

Financial Mathematics 2 8 25%

Food Science and Health 11 29 38%

Health and Safety 3 5 60%

Health Informatics 1 2 50%

HPSS 6 38 16%

Human Resource Management P/T 4 15 27%

Industrial Biochemistry 10 33 30%

Irish and New Media 1 7 14%

Irish Music and Dance 4 36 11%

Joint Honours 12 45 27%

Journalism and New Media 8 31 26%

Languages, Literature and Film 7 15 47%

Law and Accounting 10 57 18%

Law Plus 20 62 32%

Management Practice 4 38 11%

Materials and Architectural Technology 14 68 21%

Materials and Engineering Technology 10 44 23%

Mathematical Sciences 6 18 33%

Mathematics and Physics 1 6 17%

Mechanical Engineering 9 52 17%

Medicine 26 96 27%

Midwifery 6 19 32%

Mobile Communications and Security 4 7 57%

Multimedia and Computer Games Development 5 23 22%

Music, Media and Performance Technology 14 39 36%

New Media and English 10 42 24%

Nursing (General) 18 50 36%

Nursing (Intellectual Disability) 8 19 42%

Nursing (Mental Health) 5 18 28%

Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry 4 14 29%

Physical Education 51 67 76%Physical Science 3 10 30%Physiotherapy 10 28 36%Politics and International Relations 8 12 67%Product Design and Technology 5 38 13%Production Management 4 12 33%Psychology 12 31 39%Psychology and Sociology 8 24 33%Public Administration 6 17 35%Robotics Engineering 1 6 17%Science and Technology Studies 0 4 0%Sport and Exercise Sciences 11 65 17%Supply Chain Management 1 45 2%Voice and Dance 2 15 13%Wood Science and Technology 3 12 25%

606 2170 28%Notes:Full reports were produced for programmes with the following minimum threshold: response rates of greater than or equal to 20% and number of respondents greater than or equal to 10. These are shaded green. For programmes below the minimum threshold, individual reports containing the student comments only have been prepared.

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Table 4 Department response rates for UL Exit Survey 2010 to 2014

Code Department Name 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

AHSLAW *Law 32% (69) 28% (97) 28% (80) 33% (94) 32% (62)

AHSLCS School of Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication 40% (133) 42% (217) 50% (242) 26% (251) 30% (244)

AHSPPA Politics and Public Administration 25% (28) 26% (39) 22% (51) 27% (48) 48% (29)

BUSBUS Business 32% (318) 31% (358) 22% (357) 26% (353) 24% (344)

EHSCLT *Clinical Therapies 16% (25) 56% (25) 54% (28) 41% (29) 36% (28)

EHSMED *Graduate Entry Medical School n/a 56% (32) 53% (55) 20% (89) 27% (96)

EHSNMI Nursing & Midwifery 22% (69) 31% (105) 15% (128) 18% (105) 35% (106)

EHSPSY *Psychology n/a n/a n/a 27% (22) 39% (31)

SENARC *School of Architecture 18% (11) 37% (19) 38% (24) 9% (22) 58% (19)

SENCES Chemical & Environmental Sciences 45% (65) 53% (79) 35% (84) 36% (91) 32% (94)

SENCSI Computer Science & Information Systems 21% (56) 36% (100) 41% (70) 33% (101) 27% (104)

SENECE Electronics & Computer Engineering 18% (34) 64% (22) 32% (28) 42% (38) 41% (41)

SENLSC Life Sciences 49% (35) 55% (33) 29% (35) 29% (38) 33% (49)

SENMAB Mechanical, Aeronautical & Biomedical Engineering 26% (90) 40% (75) 35% (92) 40% (99) 24% (97)

SENPHE Physics & Energy 18% (11) 22% (9) 67% (15) 35% (34) 36% (36)

AHSHIS *History 49% (39) 46% (28) 41% (34) 45% (38) 16% (38)

BUSACF *Accounting & Finance 17% (52) 40% (42) 50% (20) 60% (15) 35% (20)

BUSMMA *Management and Marketing 0% (16) 18% (17) n/a 40% (10) 11% (38)

BUSPER *Personnel & Employment Relations 0% (26) 41% (27) 62% (21) 54% (13) 27% (15)

EHSPES Physical Education & Sports Sciences 24% (109) 50% (117) 30% (47) 17% (60) 14% (78)

IWAMD Irish World Academy of Music and Dance 38% (24) 15% (26) 69% (39) 15% (39) 12% (51)

SENCEM Civil Engineering & Materials Science 32% (74) 22% (72) 49% (88) 15% (73) 16% (55)

SENDMT Design and Manufacturing Technology 34% (32) 17% (24) 35% (62) 17% (84) 12% (42)

SENMAS Mathematics & Statistics 58% (12) 29% (21) 44% (16) 21% (19) 28% (32)

AHSSOC Sociology n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

BUSECO Economics n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

EHSOCT Occupational Therapy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

INFINF Interfaculty 42% (118) 35% (126) 26% (406) 23% (364) 31% (421)


2. The % responses have been given for each year followed by the sample size in brackets.3. No overall report is compiled for Interfaculty as there is no HOD - individual programme reports are produced instead.4. From 2012 "Education" programmes are all considered to be Interfaculty programmes, accounting for the large increasein sample size for Interfaculty.5. There is only one bachelors programme running within departments marked with a * and the figures in this table refer tothis programme for the respective departments. Full reports will be produced for the programme only (not department).

% Responses (sample size)


ll R







ly R







1. This table is colour coded as follows:

Green indicates that the minimum threshold for response rate was obtained by the department and that a full report was compiled for the current year. Minimum threshold: response rates of greater than or equal to 20% and number of respondents greater than or equal to 10. Orange indicates that the minimum threshold was not obtained by the department. In this case, only a report containing the comments made by students was produced for the current year.Red indicates that there are no bachelor's programmes within the department or there were no 4th years for the current year or an interfaculty report (no HOD to circulate report to, programme reports compiled for course directors for circulation to relevant course boards).

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Which of the following best describe your entry route to UL? Response total

Student who entered through CAO 448 Mature student 120 Transferee from another UL programme 16 Transferee from another 3rd level institution 6 Overseas student studying abroad 11 Other 20

n = 621






Q2 Which of the following best describe your entry route to UL? (n = 621)

Student who entered through CAO

Mature student Transferee from another UL programme

Transferee from another 3rd level institution

Overseas student studying abroad Other

The workload on my courseis manageable

This course does not applyunnecessary pressure on me

as a student

The volume of work on mycourse means that I canalways complete it to my


I am generally given enoughtime to understand the things

I have to learn

Definitely agree 92 58 45 64

Mostly agree 330 211 223 280

Neither agree nor disagree 70 105 133 114

Mostly disagree 81 145 128 99

Definitely disagree 32 82 70 43












Q4 Course Workload (n = 605)

Learningmaterials madeavailable on my

course haveenhanced my


The range andbalance of

approaches toteaching hashelped me to


The delivery ofmy course has

been stimulating

My learning hasbenefited from themodules that are

informed bycurrent research

Practical activitieson my course

have helped meto learn

Definitely agree 189 115 93 138 243

Mostly agree 316 304 285 274 206

Neither agree nor disagree 54 91 116 117 63

Mostly disagree 33 71 80 50 56

Definitely disagree 12 23 30 21 27












Q3 Course Delivery (n = 605)

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All of the compulsory modules arerelevant to my course

There is an appropriate range ofoptions to choose from on my


The modules of my course form acoherent integrated whole

Definitely agree 84 71 70

Mostly agree 222 147 252

Neither agree nor disagree 71 100 120

Mostly disagree 111 126 85

Definitely disagree 112 113 68












Q5 Course Content and Structure (n = 604)

I have received sufficient advice andsupport with my studies

I have been able to contact staffwhen I needed to

Good advice was available when Ineeded to make study choices

Definitely agree 119 183 127

Mostly agree 270 315 248

Neither agree nor disagree 99 47 118

Mostly disagree 76 33 62

Definitely disagree 35 24 33












Q6 Academic Support (n = 603)

The timetable worksefficiently as far as my

activities are concerned

Any changes in the courseor teaching have been

communicated effectively

The course is wellorganised and is running


Communications betweenCourse Director and

students has been efficientand effective

Definitely agree 125 130 111 132

Mostly agree 342 284 260 195

Neither agree nor disagree 65 95 109 127

Mostly disagree 44 56 78 75

Definitely disagree 26 32 42 70












Q7 Course Organisation and Management (n = 603)

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Staff are good at explainingthings

Staff have made the subjectinteresting

Staff are enthusiastic aboutwhat they are teaching

The course is intellectuallystimulating

Definitely agree 96 92 137 170

Mostly agree 381 308 324 305

Neither agree nor disagree 87 135 94 76

Mostly disagree 31 50 36 29

Definitely disagree 9 16 11 19












Q8 Course Teaching Standard (n = 605)

The course has helped me presentmyself with confidence

My communication skills haveimproved

As a result of the course, I feelconfident in tackling unfamiliar


Definitely agree 206 257 215

Mostly agree 247 238 248

Neither agree nor disagree 90 65 91

Mostly disagree 34 20 29

Definitely disagree 20 16 11












Q9 Personal Development (n = 599)

I have found the course motivatingThe course has stimulated my

interest in the field of studyThe course has stimulated myenthusiasm for further learning

Definitely agree 171 225 206

Mostly agree 267 244 203

Neither agree nor disagree 86 56 79

Mostly disagree 57 47 57

Definitely disagree 24 29 55












Q10 Intellectual Motivation (n = 605)

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Teaching staff test whatI have understood

rather than what I havememorised

Assessment methodsemployed in my course

require an in-depthunderstanding of the

course content

Assessmentarrangements and

marking have been fair

The criteria used inmarking have been

clear in advance

The marking scheme foreach module was

published at the start ofthe semester

Definitely agree 89 131 96 129 189

Mostly agree 239 291 318 252 237

Neither agree nor disagree 129 86 94 107 64

Mostly disagree 96 59 58 65 67

Definitely disagree 48 29 31 46 39












Q12 Student Assessment (n = 601)

Feedback on my work has been promptI have received detailed comments on

my workFeedback on my work has helped me

clarify things I did not understand

Definitely agree 67 64 79

Mostly agree 218 153 189

Neither agree nor disagree 118 115 128

Mostly disagree 134 162 109

Definitely disagree 62 104 80












Q13 Feedback to Students (n = 600)

I have had adequate opportunities toprovide feedback on all elements of my


My feedback on the course is listened toand valued

It is clear to me how students'comments on the course have been

acted upon

Definitely agree 97 59 50

Mostly agree 232 119 106

Neither agree nor disagree 118 214 206

Mostly disagree 102 110 123

Definitely disagree 44 76 97












Q14 Feedback from Students (n = 597)

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The library resources and services aregood enough for my needs

I have been able to access general ITresources when I needed to

I have been able to access specialisedequipment, facilities or rooms when I

needed to

Definitely agree 204 216 189

Mostly agree 274 302 247

Neither agree nor disagree 48 36 76

Mostly disagree 43 23 32

Definitely disagree 26 14 14












Q16 Learning resources (n = 600)

There is sufficient provision of welfare and student servicesto meet my needs

When needed, the information and advice offered by welfareand student services has been helpful

Definitely agree 140 137

Mostly agree 225 212

Neither agree nor disagree 120 120

Mostly disagree 36 23

Definitely disagree 16 12












Q17 Welfare Resources and Facilities (n = 595)

I received sufficientsupport and advicefrom my institution

about theorganisation of my


My placement(s)were valuable in

helping my learning

My placement(s)have helped me todevelop my skills in

relation to mycourse

My placement(s)have helped me todevelop my general

life skills

My placement(s)were a worthwhile

use of my time.

The taught part ofmy course was

good preparationfor my


Definitely agree 140 301 261 311 324 105

Mostly agree 192 144 140 165 128 180

Neither agree nor disagree 68 40 55 42 43 78

Mostly disagree 72 30 43 7 21 98

Definitely disagree 71 25 38 15 19 76












Q18 Work Placements (Coop, Clinical Placement, TP etc) (n = 600)

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Table 1 gives the “aggregate agree score” for this programme in 2011. The "aggregate agree score" is the sum of the "strongly agree" and "agree" responses, divided by the total number of valid responses for each question. The number of valid of valid responses is the total number of responses less the "n/a" (not applicable) responses.

1Each of the quantitative questions (apart from Q2) are plotted graphically in 100% stacked column charts with an associated data table. Only valid responses are plotted and given in the data table (i.e. "n/a" option excluded). The total number of responses is indicated after the question number and title in each graph, in the format n=x, where x is the number of respondents.

3The qualitative results comprise of the full text comments made by students.


As a result of my course, I believethat I have improved my career


Good advice is available for makingcareer choices

Good advice is available on furtherstudy opportunities

Definitely agree 281 135 140

Mostly agree 193 207 213

Neither agree nor disagree 65 115 111

Mostly disagree 32 77 72

Definitely disagree 24 51 42












Q19 Careers (n = 600)

Security has been satisfactory whenattending classes

My institution provides an appropriateenvironment in which to learn

My institution provides an appropriateenvironment for personal


Definitely agree 328 317 295

Mostly agree 224 249 243

Neither agree nor disagree 35 24 47

Mostly disagree 4 7 6

Definitely disagree 3 2 2












Q22 The Physical Environment (n = 601)

I have had plenty of opportunities tointeract socially with other students

I am satisfied with the range of clubsand societies on offer

I am satisfied with the range ofentertainment and social events on


Definitely agree 310 298 238

Mostly agree 205 185 201

Neither agree nor disagree 40 65 79

Mostly disagree 19 12 32

Definitely disagree 10 6 14












Q21 Social Opportunities (n = 602)

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I feel part of a group ofstudents committed to


I have been able toexplore academic

interests with otherstudents

I have learned toexplore ideas


Within my course, Ifeel my suggestionsand ideas are valued

I feel part of anacademic community

in this university

Definitely agree 215 203 220 155 207

Mostly agree 282 266 282 216 246

Neither agree nor disagree 63 86 71 150 94

Mostly disagree 23 24 12 50 32

Definitely disagree 11 10 6 26 19












Q23 Learning Community (n = 600)

Overall, I am satisfied with the qualityof the course

Overall, I am satisfied with the campusfacilities

Overall, I am satisfied that I chose tostudy at UL

Definitely agree 147 342 376

Mostly agree 299 222 150

Neither agree nor disagree 70 25 41

Mostly disagree 60 7 19

Definitely disagree 27 5 14












Q25 Overall satisfaction (n = 603)

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Q1. What is the name of the Course (Programme) you are about to complete?

Q2. Which of the following best describe your entry route to UL? (You may choose more than 1 if applicable) q2.1 = Student who entered through CAO q2.2 = Mature student q2.3 = Transferee from another UL programme q2.4 = Transferee from another 3rd level institution q2.5 = Overseas student studying abroad q2.6 = Other1 = Selected, 0 = Not Selected

Q3. Course Delivery q3.1 Learning materials made available on my course have enhanced my learning q3.2 The range and balance of approaches to teaching has helped me to learn q3.3 The delivery of my course has been stimulating q3.4 My learning has benefited from the modules that are informed by current research q3.5 Practical activities on my course have helped me to learn1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q4. Course Workload q4.1 The workload on my course is manageable q4.2 This course does not apply unnecessary pressure on me as a student q4.3 The volume of work on my course means that I can always complete it to my satisfaction q4.4 I am generally given enough time to understand the things I have to learn1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q5. Course Content and Structure q5.1 All of the compulsory modules are relevant to my course q5.2 There is an appropriate range of options to choose from on my course q5.3 The modules of my course form a coherent integrated whole1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

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Q6. Academic Support q6.1 I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies. q6.2 I have been able to contact staff when I needed to. q6.3 Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q7. Course Organisation and Management q7.1 The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned. q7.2 Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively. q7.3 The course is well organised and is running smoothly. q7.4 Communications between Course Director and students has been efficient and effective.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q8. Course Teaching Standard q8.1 Staff are good at explaining things. q8.2 Staff have made the subject interesting. q8.3 Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching. q8.4 The course is intellectually stimulating.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q9. Personal Development q9.1 The course has helped me present myself with confidence. q9.2 My communication skills have improved. q9.3 As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

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Q10. Intellectual Motivation q10.1 I have found the course motivating q10.2 The course has stimulated my interest in the field of study q10.3 The course has stimulated my enthusiasm for further learning.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q11. Are there any improvements UL should be making in relation to teaching and course management?

Q12. Student Assessment q12.1 Teaching staff test what I have understood rather than what I have memorised q12.2 Assessment methods employed in my course require an in-depth understanding of the course content. q12.3 Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair. q12.4 The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance. q12.5 The marking scheme for each module was published at the start of the semester.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q13. Feedback to Students q13.1 Feedback on my work has been prompt. q13.2 I have received detailed comments on my work. q13.3 Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q14. Feedback from Students q14.1 I have had adequate opportunities to provide feedback on all elements of my course q14.2 My feedback on the course is listened to and valued q14.3 It is clear to me how students' comments on the course have been acted upon1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

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Q15. Are there any improvements UL should be making in relation to assessment and feedback?

Q16. Learning resources q16.1 The library resources and services are good enough for my needs. q16.2 I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to. q16.3 I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities or rooms when I needed to.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q17. Welfare Resources and Facilities q17.1 There is sufficient provision of welfare and student services to meet my needs q17.2 When needed, the information and advice offered by welfare and student services has been helpful1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q18. Work Placements (Coop, Clinical Placement, TP etc) q18.1 I received sufficient support and advice from my institution about the organisation of my placement(s) q18.2 My placement(s) were valuable in helping my learning q18.3 My placement(s) have helped me to develop my skills in relation to my course q18.4 My placement(s) have helped me to develop my general life skills q18.5 My placement(s) were a worthwhile use of my time. q18.6 The taught part of my course was good preparation for my placement(s)1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

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Q19. Careers q19.1 As a result of my course, I believe that I have improved my career prospects q19.2 Good advice is available for making career choices q19.3 Good advice is available on further study opportunities1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q20. Are there any improvements UL should be making in relation to resources and support?

Q21. Social Opportunities q21.1 I have had plenty of opportunities to interact socially with other students q21.2 I am satisfied with the range of clubs and societies on offer q21.3 I am satisfied with the range of entertainment and social events on offer1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q22. The Physical Environment q22.1 Security has been satisfactory when attending classes q22.2 My institution provides an appropriate environment in which to learn q22.3 My institution provides an appropriate environment for personal development.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q23. Learning Community q23.1 I feel part of a group of students committed to learning q23.2 I have been able to explore academic interests with other students q23.3 I have learned to explore ideas confidently q23.4 Within my course, I feel my suggestions and ideas are valued q23.5 I feel part of an academic community in this university1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

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Q24. Are there any improvements UL should be making in relation to the university environment?

Q25. Overall satisfaction q25.1 Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course. q25.2 Overall, I am satisfied with the campus facilities. q25.3 Overall, I am satisfied that I chose to study at UL.1 = Definitely agree2 = Mostly agree3 = Neither agree nor disagree4 = Mostly disagree5 = Definitely disagree6 = N/A

Q26. Looking back on the UL experience, are there any particularly positive aspects you would like to highlight?

Q27. Looking back on the UL experience, are there any particularly negative aspects you would like to highlight?

Q28. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your time at UL?

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Quality Support Unit 21