Download - Evaluation,Question 1

Page 1: Evaluation,Question 1

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: Evaluation,Question 1

Front cover

Page 3: Evaluation,Question 1

I looked at Billboard magazine and Top of the Pops, as my examples of existing magazines. I followed the typical conventions of them magazines by using a medium shot image on the front cover. I chose to do a medium shot because it captures the readers attention, without revealing to much. However, I challenged the typical conventions in the pose of the model, as normally the image of the artist is looking directly at the character. My image shows the artist looking down, as if she is looking at the headline of her name ‘Morgan’. I wanted the name of the artist to be bold, and eye catching, so the image helps draw attention to the headline. Similar to Billboard and Top of the Pops the image on my front cover is of a female, this reinforces the male gaze theory as she has exposed a lot of skin, and is wearing make-up. Her hair looks wind swept, and is a light blonde which could represent innocence, and purity. This is then counteracted by her dark top, and her pose- as she isn’t connected with the audience. The women audience would also look at the image as see her as a role model and a icon.


Page 4: Evaluation,Question 1

I have followed the typical conventions of music magazines by putting my masthead across the top of the page, like in magazines such as Billboard. I feel that this is the most successful place to put the masthead, as straight away it informs the audience what they are reading, in a bold and simplistic way. Unlike Billboard magazine, my masthead is over the image instead of behind, this suggests that it is a less known magazine.I chose to space the text over the top of the page, instead of putting the logo in the corner like Q magazine. I did this because I think that in the corner it looks less attractive and sophisticated. (See figure 1)A magazine like Vogue, which is a fashion magazine, also put their title across the top of the page. As Vogue is a high quality magazine, I copied their title layout because I wanted my magazine to look like a high end magazine, which is high in quality. (figure 2)The tag line under the mast head, makes my magazine look more attractive and seem more exclusive.

My cover page

Figure 1Figure 2


Page 5: Evaluation,Question 1

I followed the typical conventions by stretching the headline across the image further down the page,(fig 1) I think this is informative as it tells the reader what the main article will be about. I also used capital, simplistic font, to keep the attention on the meaning of the text. I wanted the font to be easily understandable, to show that the magazine is about the music, even if it is a attractive glossy magazine.

Figure 1

Figure 2


Page 6: Evaluation,Question 1

The cover lines of my front cover follow the conventions of a real media product. But unlike most music front covers, I decided to write the cover lines image on the left side (figure 1), rather than both sides (figure 2). This is because the human eye reads left to right, so I want their attention to be on the contents of the issue, and then to go on to the image which shows the main article of the magazine. This allows my cover image to be the main attraction, in comparison to what else is in the magazine. Like fig1, my text covers some of the image, I think this makes my magazine look more realistic, and it also appeals to my target audience- young adults, who aren’t always neat and structured.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Cover lines

Page 7: Evaluation,Question 1

Unlike Billboard magazine, but similar to magazines such as NME (Fig1), I have chose to put a banner running along the bottom of the front cover. By using the buzz word ‘INSIDE’ on the banner it summarises the main attractions of the magazine for the reader. I think this is successful as it grabs the readers attention, and influences them to buy the magazines. I also used words like ‘Free’ and ‘New’ to attract the readers attention and makes them more likely to buy it so they can read what else is inside the magazine.

Figure 1

Figure 2


Page 8: Evaluation,Question 1

Billboard magazine uses more colour than I did on my front cover, my colour scheme is simplistic using 3 main colours, which are repeated through the magazine. This is similar to Figure 2, as it ensures that the magazine doesn’t look too chaotic. I did this because I wanted my magazine to be simplistic and to focus more on the substance rather than the style. The maroon is also a gender neutral colour, so it is appropriate to my target audience-both genders. The colour could also connote passion and love for the music as it is a shade of red. The colour isn’t a fierce, overwhelming colour which makes it more appealing to read and purchase.My background is a very neutral, pale colour, which is typical for the genre of my magazine, as genre’s such as rock/ indie are associated with eye catching background. I want the focus to be on the image and the text.

Colour Scheme

Figure 2

Page 9: Evaluation,Question 1

I challenged the forms by using a calligraphic and a simplistic font instead of just using a plain font, this makes my magazine more appealing and interesting. The font also reinforces the main image of the female, as the swirly font is more female. This is then paired with the more simple, plain font which could relate to the males that read the magazine.The font helps to make the magazine look more of a high quality magazine, as it shows variation to one font all the way through. The three fonts: Lobster/ Florensencas/ Arial were the three fonts uses on my cover page, double page spread and contents page. This makes my magazine look consistent and sophisticated.


Page 10: Evaluation,Question 1

Figure 2. My barcodeFigure 1 Billboard barcode

I included the bar code the date and the price on my front cover. This is a common convention of music magazines and is a necessary to have as it informs the reader on the price, and makes it accessible to buy. I wrote the price of £2.20 small, as I believe that is an affordable price, but I would rather the cover page got their attention so they wanted to buy it no matter how much it costs. Similarly, my bar code is located on the bottom left of my front cover, which reinforces the ‘Z’ reading pattern. So, my intention is that the magazine would of persuade the reader to buy the magazine, and buy the time they see the price it wont matter.

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Contents Page

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I looked at Q magazine, for my example of a contents page

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My contents page followed typical conventions of a music magazine contents page. The existing magazine I looked at was for Q magazine. Like Q magazine I put the title ‘Contents’ at the top of the page, so that the reader was aware that that’s what the page is for. Unlike Q, but similarly to NME magazine(figure 1), I added ‘This week’ this is to remind the reader that the magazine is released weekly, and that is what the magazine has to offer this issue/week. It also suggests that every week the magazine has something special and exciting to offer, and ‘this week’ this is what we have. This will then encourage people to buy the magazine, as they will feel like they don’t want to miss out on the weeks special issue!

Figure 1

Figure 2


Page 14: Evaluation,Question 1

I challenged typical contents page conventions, as I didn’t include the issue number on the contents page, which Q magazine does (figure 1). This is because I had already had it on the front cover, so the reader was already aware and could easily locate the number. I also didn’t include the logo/name of the magazine on the contents page . I did this because it is the first official page of the magazine, so the reader will obviously know which magazine it is as it is on the page before. Billboard magazine also doesn’t put the issue number on the contents page. As Billboard is more of a chart magazine than Q magazine, I followed Billboards conventions, as it is more similar to my genre of magazine and I wanted my contents page to be as realistic as possible.

Figure 1Issue Number

Page 15: Evaluation,Question 1

Out of the three existing magazines I analysed they used 3 or 4 pictures, so I used 3 pictures on my contents page. The larger image is a similar camera angle shot to the front cover, and it features the same artist. This should automatically suggest to the reader that this is the main story of the issue, and the most important. The image is in a black and white filter, which contrasts to the front cover image, and suggests the artist isn’t as innocent as first suggested. The images show males and females, which is similar to figure 1.


Figure 1

Page 16: Evaluation,Question 1

Is a medium shot of two boys-New Law, underneath the magazine offers a inside article on how the ‘duo get on together’ The artists in the image are holding their pops- guitar and drum sticks, so that the reader knows what role they play in their music. The image of the two boys could appeal to the female audience- the female gaze. As the picture is directly under the Features column, it suggests that this is the second main article of the issue.

The third image is of two girls, similar to the Q’s contents page the image is on a angle, this makes the contents page look less formal and more fun, making the reader feel more relaxed and more likely to buy the magazine. The girls are looking at each other in a friendly way, with one girls hand on the other girls shoulder. This suggests that the girls are close friends, which makes the reader feel more involved. They are against a white background which is simplistic and presents innocence, this is reinforced by the expressions they are pulling to each other- smiles.


Page 17: Evaluation,Question 1

I have used the same colour scheme on the contents page, which is what Q and Billboard magazine. This makes the magazine look sophisticated and serious. The maroon colour is used for detailing, e.g. the underlines- which is the same for Q magazine with the red. I decided to go against the typical forms and conventions of a contents page, by doing a banner across the bottom full of a summary of the number 1’s of the week. The banner is similar to the one used in the front cover, so the use of repetition makes the magazine look mature and sophisticated. Conventionally music magazines don’t use just block colours so I added a gradient to the maroon so it didn’t look boring, and so it was eye catching.

By using the maroon strip across the bottom, I developed the idea from Billboard magazine, by having the number one’s summarised on the contents page. This reinforces that genre of my magazine- a chart magazine, and the name Stream40, as it is all about the chart and what is number 1.

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Following the Q magazine conventions, I have a underlined under each heading of what is in the magazine. This makes the contents page look sophisticated, and structured. I created the layout by adding a grid and drawing lines when I was on Photoshop, to ensure that everything was even and in line. This makes my contents page look similar to a existing real life music magazine, and makes it look mature and serious.The layout of my magazine follows typical conventions as it is in two main columns,. The images all follow a imaginary border around the edge, which looks neat and sophisticated. The ratio to picture to text is split just over half, which is effective and there is less to read, making it more likely to attract the audience.


Page 19: Evaluation,Question 1

I followed the typical conventions of a music magazine contents page when it comes to page numbers. I did them in bold, clear fonts on the image. This is informative, and attractive. It also makes it easier for the reader to locate the page they want to find. The other page numbers were in bold and black so were also easy to locate. They were also next to the information of what was on the page, e.g. Rihanna page 12.

Page Numbers

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Double Page Spread

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Double Page spreads I got inspiration from

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3

My double page spread. Figure 4

Page 22: Evaluation,Question 1

Image layout: My image on my double page spread is on the left side. Even though typically the human eye reads left to right, and the text should capture the attention first, I decided to develop this convention and put the text on the right instead. I did this because I wanted the image of my artist to stand out first, and then to read to find out that “She never expected it to happen to her”Magazines such as Billboard, We love Pop, Top of the Pops and Q mainly put images on the right side ( figure 3), but NME puts the image on the left (Figure 1 /2 ) so I decided to base my magazine on this.

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ImageMy image is a long shot. The image provides the male gaze theory as the artist is showing a lot of flesh and she is looking directly in to the camera- connecting with the reader. She is sat on a amplifier which represents her music, which is what she is famous for. I have used a long shot, so the focus is just on the artist, this is similar to figure 1 & figure 2.The image is in black and white, but the artist stands out from the page. It is simple and effective, and a lot similar to other media magazines such as Q with their Lady GaGa double page spread.I also have a second image which is also in black and white- carrying on the theme.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Page 24: Evaluation,Question 1

I have followed the same colour scheme again on my double page spread of maroon/ white/ black and now grey. This shows it is a sophisticated magazine, and as it is the main article the colour match. Other magazines such as Q and NME also do this, so I followed their typical conventions. E.g. NME and Q’s colour scheme is red, so they incorporate snips of red throughout.(Figure 2)I used small amounts of the maroon, where it was effective and bold, like the interviewee’s questions, and the beginning letter. (Figure 1) As I didn’t over use the colour, it is attractive and not overwhelming. The use of the maroon also adds a splash of colour to the all over grey effect.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Page 25: Evaluation,Question 1

The fonts I used on the double page spread, match the contents page and front cover. This shows thorough consistency, and adds to effect. As this double page spread is the main attraction of this issue, I followed the conventions by making the font the same. I used a plain font with the heading “Morgan” to draw attention that that’s who the picture is of, and that’s who we are interviewing (figure 1). The font I used was effective and eye catching. I then used a more calligraphic font for the pull quote and subheading, this adds change and femininity. As it is a quote from the female artist, the font matches what she is saying; which is more understandable and relatable.

Figure 1

I wanted my heading and subheading to take up a large proportion of the page of text (figure 1). I did this as it looks attractive, and it tells the audience that it is a interview and who of, which is the main purpose. We love Pop magazine also did this, so I followed their style of layout. (figure 2) The quote gives the reader a insight to what the article will be about and what the artist’s personality is like.

I used similar language to that of Q and Billboard, as they are aimed at a similar age group as mine. The language I used was relatable and easy to understand. (Figure 1-Pull quote)

Figure 2

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I did a big letter to introduce the article. I think this is effective and eye catching. It also shows the reader where the starting point of the magazine is. This is a convention of a music magazine, as Billboard, Q, NME all do it. As my ‘S’ is a swirly font, it could suggest feminism which is what the article is about- a female.

My double page spreadQ magazine

NME double page spread

Page 27: Evaluation,Question 1

The layout of my double page spread is 50/50 proportioned. On the right side I have a interview. The interview is divided in to three even columns, this looks neat and tidy (Figure 1). It also follows typical conventions, as most interview spreads I looked at were the same(figure 2).

Figure 2Figure 1

The double page spread is easy to read, and it is obvious who is asking a question and who is replying.

Page 28: Evaluation,Question 1

I put the magazine’s website and contact information on the bottom of the article, which other music magazines do. This makes the double page spread look official. It also suggests that there is more information to see on the magazines website.

I also put the music magazines logo on the double page spread. This is a typical convention of a music magazine, as it constantly reminds the reader what magazine they are reading so they remember it and buy it more often. I put my logo on the image, so it stands out as there is no other text on the image.