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One Sided or Balanced Articles

Author: Mohamed Malik

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Students who write one sided articles are far more successful than students who write balanced pieces.

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. The top mark band in the extended marking rubric says

‘Original, Well Developed Ideas’. If you use any ideas from the given prompts, marks will not be awarded from this band. It also mentions independence of thought, which again refers to original ideas.

The core marking rubric doesn’t mention anything about original ideas. However, whether you write CORE or EXTENDED development of ideas is crucial.

Evidence from Examiner Reports indicate that students who write one-sided articles are always more successful.

There are CIE Examiners who back this notion, but some do prefer balanced articles.

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Here is a quote from November 2016 Examiner Report.

’It was noted that responses which developed one side of the topic and showed clear opinions were more successful than those which adopted the balanced argument style of writing, showing advantages and disadvantages of each side.’

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Here is a quote from June 2016 Examiner Report.

“In this final exercise candidates needed to use the prompts by rephrasing them and adding their own opinions. Those who introduced ideas of their own to support the arguments expressed in the prompts gave themselves access to marks in the top band for Content. Where there was good organisation and cohesive argument throughout the article concluding with the candidate's own opinion, marks in the top band could be awarded.”

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Here are quotes from November 2015 Examiner Report.

“In this exercise the candidates are instructed to give their own views on the topic. Successful responses were those which expressed an opinion in the opening paragraph and developed it in subsequent paragraphs, or offered an opinion in a concluding paragraph.”

“There is a clear distinction in style and register in this exercise from that required in the email in the previous exercise. In the article for the magazine, the ideas need to be expressed and developed in a persuasive manner”

“Where candidates moved away somewhat from the prompts to introduce some ideas of their own, access to marks in the top band for Content could be considered, whereas those who only used the given prompts without developing them could only be awarded average marks. Teachers may consider the use of class discussions on topical themes to encourage candidates to consider views which may differ from their own.”

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Here is a quote from June 2015 Examiner Report.

“The most effective pieces of writing were those in which the candidate took a standpoint in the first paragraph, and introduced and developed one or two further ideas in successive paragraphs, concluding with a summarising statement in the final paragraph. This format appeared more persuasive and had greater effect than the responses which considered the topic from both sides. Weaker responses were characterised by the repetition of the given prompts, with little or no further extension and development, and at times no final opinion.”

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Here are quotes from November 2014 Examiner Report.

“There were four written prompts in this exercise, two supporting the topic and two providing opposing ideas. These prompts serve simply as a springboard for candidates to think about the topic and generate their own ideas. In this session, there was clear differentiation between the more able candidates who used additional ideas and offered a personal viewpoint, and those who simply reiterated the ideas provided in the prompts, with no clear decision in the final paragraph. Candidates will be more successful if they introduce the topic at the start, and finish with a decision that reflects their own opinion.”

“The vast majority of candidates responded to the topic with a balanced argument, both for and against, but the most persuasive and effective pieces of writing came from candidates who took a standpoint in the first paragraph. They then presented and developed two or three ideas which were consolidated and summarised in a concluding paragraph.”

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. If an extended student is writing a balanced piece he/she

will most probably use and develop the prompts which are given in the question. When the prompts are used, the student will not be awarded marks for original ideas and independence of thought. HOWEVER,

If an extended student is writing one sided. He/she will most probably use one of the prompts given in the question and then come up with an original idea for the next main point; when the student does this he/she will be awarded marks for original ideas and independence of thought.

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. Writing an effective balanced article is difficult for the

following reasons: It requires a clear structure: argument + refutations + taking a

stand in conclusion Requires a transition sentence since no stand is taken in the

introduction. Requires language/words used to introduce opposing views such as

detractors, opponents, proponents, supporters, advocates, claimants and so on.

For a core candidate, writing a balanced article might seem simple, as the examiner does not expect them to include original ideas.

Core candidates are provided with two arguments in favour and against. This means that they can easily paraphrase the given prompts and use the given ideas to refute positive points with negatives and vice versa.

Article Writing – One Sided or Balanced. AND IT ALSO DEPENDS ON YOU………

• If you are writing extended you are advised to write one sided pieces (this is not a rule)• If you are writing core, attempt to write one sided if you can ( you do not need original ideas in core, you just need to develop the ideas well)• If you are weak, then you are advised to write a balanced piece as it will be easier for you and it will make more sense.

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