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The word “manufacture” is derived from two latin words, manus = hand, and factus

= made; the combination means made by hand. Technologically,manufacturing is

the application of physical and chemical processes to alter the geometry, properties,

and/or appearance of a given starting material to make parts or products;

manufacturing also includes assembly of multiple part to make products. The

processes to accomplish manufacturing involve a combination of machinery, tools,

power, and manual labor, as depicted in Figure 1.1. Manufacturing is almost

always carried out as sequence of operations. Each operation brings the material

closer to desired final state.

Figure 1.1 Manufacturing Process


Manufacturing processes can be divided into two basic types: processing operations

and assembly operations.

A processing operation transforms a work material from state of completion

to a more advanced state that is closer to the final desired product. It adds

value by changing the geometry, properties, or appearance of the starting

material. In general, processing operations are performed on discrete work

parts, but some processing operations are also applicable to assembled


An assembly operation joins two or more components in order to create a

new entity, called an assembly, subassembly, or some other term that refers

to the joining process (e.g., a welded assembly is called a weldment A

classification of manufacturing processes is presented in figure 1.2

Figure 1.2 Classification on Manufacturing process


Machining process is a manufacturing process where the material are cut or

removed using a cutting tool to form the desired product shape. Machining process

is a process that has the most flexible and accurate capabilities compared with other

manufacturing processes in terms of the diversity and geometrical features shaping.

Machining process is divided into three categories :

a. Conventional cutting process. Is a machining process that used a cutting tool

with a particular geometry. Three main processes that are often done by this

process is turning, drilling, and milling.

b. Abrasive Process. Is a material removal process using abrasive material,

such as grinding process.

c. Non-traditional machining processes. This processes are carried out with

electrics chemical and with the help of optical power source.


The most important aspect of the product is the geometric design (including sizes

and shapes). The design is so important due to specify the tools, machines, materials

and manufacturing processes to be used. The design of the product should be made

in detail and must consider various other aspects related. Designing products with

the manual method will lead to higher costs and will spend a long time. To

overcome these problems, the design should be created in a geometric model by

using computer. Among the usages of computer in manufacturing, Computer Aided

Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) are by the far the best

known as well the best applications to create,modify, analyze, and optimize the

product design then translate it to real object.

Computer Aided Design (CAD)

CAD may be defined as a design processing using sophisticated computer graphics

technique, backed by computer software packages, to aid in the analytical,

development, costing, and ergonomic problems associated with design work. the

implementation of a CAD process on a CAD/CAM system is shown in Figure 1.3

Once a conceptual design is materialized, the geometric model can be started. The

choice of a geometric model depends on the type of analysis to be performed.

Figure 1.3 The CAD Process

(Source: Alvala, 2008,p.4)

Computer-aided Design (CAD) is defined as any design activity that involves the

effective use of the computer to create, modify, analyze, or document an

engineering design. CAD is most commonly asociated with the use of an interactive

computer graphics system, referred to as CAD system (Groover,2007).

There are various types of geometric models used in CAD, there are :

a. Two-dimensional (2-D) models

In two dimensions the drawings are built up with basic element as lines,

circle bows, curves and text. Two dimensions CAD drawings are obtained

through that the solid model is projected on a plane in a coordinat system.

b. Three-dimensional (3-D) models

In three dimensions one builds up models with curves, surfaces, or solid

models, depending on if you need wire frame, solid or surface model. By

adapting an orig one can obtain a projected image of the model. Surface and

solid modelling are important in engineering industry. Surface modelling

has been used for designing curves surfaces in shipping and consuming


A typical CAD system consists of CAD software program. The software are :

AutoCAD, Catia, Cadkey, Hobbyists, and Solidwork


CAM maybe define as the use of computer system to plan, manage, and control the

operations of a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer

interface with the production resource of the plant. The implementation of the CAM

process on the CAD/CAM system shown in Figure 1.4 . The geometric model

generated during the CAD process forms the basic for the CAM process with CAM

software, for example : SolidCAM or RhinoCAM. The output from CAM software

is NC Code, this code will b input for CNC machine for further processing into the

machine. Various activities in CAM may require different types ofinformation of

the CAD process. Interface algorithms are used to extract such information from

the CAD database. NC program, along with ordering tools and fixture, result from

process planning. once the parts are manufactured, computer-aided quality control

software is used to inspect the part. This is achieved by superposing an image of

the real part with a master image stored in its model database. After passing

inspection, all the parts are assembles by robots to result in the final product.

Computer-aided manufacturing, is using computers to prepare manufacturing of

parts and products. CAM usually regards to computeraided establishment of

program for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, by using CAM

software. In the computer one creates the model of detail or product that is to be

manufactured and a model of the work piece. The program then establishes the tool

path, the way the tool goes over the work piece to create desired part/detail. CAM

is most efficient to be used with complex surfaces, complicated geometries and

curved surfaces.

In CAM software there are usually a simulation menu and options, where you can

simulate the operations you made in a program before machining it for real. In

simulations eventual coalitions in the operations and sequences can be discovered

and improvements can be done. Construction of parts or products is usually made

in CAD software, where drawings and models can be established. These models are

the ones to be used in CAM modelling as well. There is some sofware which is

integrated between CAD and CAM. The CAM software usually generates a cutter

line data (CLdata), to get the G-code languange or NC code. The sofware called

SolidCAM, RhinoCAM, etc

Figure 1.4 The CAM Process


Face Milling Operation

Operation enables you to machine large flat surfaces with face mill


Profile Operation

You can mill on or along a contour. The profile geometry can be

open or closed. In profile milling you can optionally use tool radius

compensation to the right or to the left side of the geometry.

Pocket Operation

In pocket milling, you have to remove material from the interior of

a closed geometry.

Slot Operation

This operation generates a tool path along the centerline to the right

or to the left of one or more profiles. Two types of slots can be

defined: the Slot with constant depth operation machines the slot in

several steps until the final depth is reached. In Slot with variable

depth, the depth profile is also defined by a 2D section.

T-Slot Operation

This operation enables you to machine slots in vertical walls with a

slot mill tool.

Drilling Operation

This operation enables you to perform drills and other canned drill


Drill Recognition

In this operation drilling on different levels can be carried out. The

drilling levels are automatically recognized but may be edited by the


Pocket Recognition

This Operation recognizes automatically pocket features at the target

model and creates the necessary machining.


CNC (Computer Numerical Control) is a process used in the manufacturing sector

that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. Tools that can be

controlled in this manner include lathes, mills, routers and grinders. The CNC in

CNC Machining stands for Computer Numerical Control. CNC is a machine

controlled by a computer using a numerical language (movement commands that

use numbers and letters) in the process of operation.

Figure 1.5 Computer Numerical Control

We can analogize the CNC machine as a printer. When we are going to make an

article, the things we do is made up in the computer first, then when it has finished,

we will print the article that we have made using the printer machine. Similarly,

when we are going to make a product, the first thing we do is creating an image of

the design on the computer, and when the design has been finished then we will

print the design using the CNC machine.

There are many advantages to using CNC Machining. The process is more precise

than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and

over again. Because of the precision possible with CNC Machining, this process

can produce complex shapes that would be almost impossible to achieve with

manual machining. CNC Machining is used in the production of many complex

three-dimensional shapes.


The CNC machines are divided into two kinds, they are:

a. 2 axis (CNC Lathe Machine)

Figure 1.6 CNC Lathe Machine

Lathe CNC machine can be classified into two as follows:

1. Lathe CNC Machines Training Unit (TU CNC).

2. Lathe CNC Machines Production Unit (PU CNC).

CNC TU used for basic training of CNC programming and operation, the

machine are equipped with EPS (External Programing System). CNC Machine

Training Unit types can only be used for light work with a relatively soft


While PU CNC machines used for mass production. This machine is equipped

with additional accessories such as automatic opening system that applies the

principle of hydraulic, exhaust chips, and so on.

Lathe CNC machines have the basic movement principles as conventional

lathes, the machine motioning in the transverse direction and in the horizontal

axis coordinate system X and Z. The working principle is the same with the

conventional lathe machines, the workpiece are mounted on the moving dibble,

while the cutting tool are not moving.

To the direction of motion on a lathe machine, given symbol as follows:

The X axis transverse to the direction of motion perpendicular to the axis of


Z axis direction of motion is parallel to longitudinal axis of rotation.

To clarify the function of the axises from the lathe machine, it can be seen in

the illustration below.

Figure 1.7 The axises from the Lathe Machine

b. 3 axis ( CNC Milling Machine/ Frais CNC machines)

Figure 1.8 CNC Milling Machine

CNC Milling Machine can be broadly classified into two, they are :

Frais CNC Machine Training Unit

Frais CNC Machine Production Unit

CNC Training Unit is used for basic training of CNC programming and

operation, and are equipped with EPS (External Programing System). CNC

Machine Training Unit types can only be used for light work with a

relatively soft material. While Frais CNC Machine Production Units are

used for mass production, so that the machine is equipped with additional

accessories such as automatic opener systems that apply the principles of

hydraulics work, removal of chips, and so on.

CNC Milling Machine / Frais CNC machine TU-3A use the axis system of

the basic Cartesian coordinate system. The working principle of CNC

machine TU-3A is the table are moving transversely and horizontally, while

the blade / chisel rotates. The axis symbol for the axis motion direction of

the Frais CNC Machine TU-3A are given as follows :

a) X axis for the horizontal direction of motion.

b) Y axis for the transversal direction of motion.

c) Z axis for the vertical direction of motion.

Figure 1.9 The axises from the CNC Milling Machine


Cutting tool or chisel is a tool or knife that used for slicing or cutting the

product or object.

1. Endmill Cutter

This type of blade sizes vary from very small sizes to large sizes. Cutter

is usually used to make grooves on a flat or wedge and the blade types

are generally mounted in an upright position (vertical milling machine),

but in certain circumstances can also be installed in a horizontal position

and directly mounted on the milling machine spindle.

2. Slot Milling Cutter

This tool have a function to make grooves in the surface area of the

workpiece. This type of knife have some kind of custom adjusted types

thatare adjusted to the needs. Figure a and b show the knives type with

one sided groove slice eye, images c and d show two eyed groove

knife slice that are the face and the side , images e and f show two

eyed groove knife slice that are sides of the face and sides of the

crossed slice eyes.

3. Ballnose

This type of knife has a blunt and rounded end. This knife is usually

used for a smooth surface finishing.

4. Drill bits

This type of knives/chisel are used to make a hole.


Programming language code on the CNC machine tools is known as Numerical

Control Code (NC-Code). NC-Code that are often used izn making the program

on the CNC machine to run a series of machine work process is as follows :


G-Code is a code used on the CNC machine tool that are stated the motions

of the machine. G-code function has been standardized by international

organization such as ISO or other international organizations.

G-Code and its meaning :

G00: Move axis position at full speed

G01: Move the axis position linearly (feed rate)

G02: Circular interpolation with direction to right

G03: Circular interpolation or transverse direction to the left

G04: Time standing still (resting in seconds)

G17: Moving XY axis position used in G02 and G03

G18: Moving YZ axis position used in G02 and G03

G19: Moving XZ axis position used in G02 and G03

G20: Input value is set in millimeters or inches

G24: Programming radius

G25: Calling sub-programs

G28: Return to reference point

G40: Cancellation tool diameter compensation

G41: Tool diameter compensation left

G42: Tool diameter compensation right

G43: Length compensation positive direction

G49: Chisel length compensation cancelation

G54: Work Offset positioning coordinate

G76: Thread cutting

G84: Cycle turning lengthwise

G90: Absolute Program

G91: Incremental Program

G92: The workpiece reference coordinates

G98: Chisel returns at the Z start

G99: Returns chisel at a specified distance (R)

2. M- CODE

M-code is a code that is used on the CNC machine which states the functions

of the machine. In the application, the numbers, letters, and symbols code

functions on the CNC machine tools are vary, depending on the type of

engine control system and its used, but in principle it's all the same.

M-Code and its meaning :

M00: Stop the program, which was conducted in the middle of the


M01: Program optionl stop

M02: End of program

M03: Spindel rotation CW

M04: spindel rotation CCW

M05: Stop the spindle spin

M06: Calculation of chisel length

M17: Start or cancel the spindle

M30: End the program, play back or dismiss the machine


This exercise illustrates the CAM-Part

definition process in SolidCAM. In this

exercise, you have to create the

CAMPart for the cover model

displayed and define the Coordinate

System, the Stock model and Target

model that are necessary for the part

machining. The CAM-Part will be used

in the exercises further on. When you start to program a CAM-Part, you have to

decide what workpiece you are going to use. This decision determines the number

and the type of operations that are used to reach the final part shape. In this exercise,

the box stock is used. The box dimensions include offsets from the actual model.

1. Load the Solidworks Model

This model contains a number of features forming the solid body of the


2. Start SolidCAM

To activate SolidCAM, click the SolidCAM field in the main menu of

SolidWorks and choose Milling from the New submenu or click New >

Milling on the SolidCAM Part toolbar.

SolidCAM is started, and the New Milling Part dialog box is displayed.

SolidCAM enables you to create a new CAM-Part

using one of the following options:

• External mode, In this mode, the project

you create is saved in SolidCAM format

(*.prt, *.prz).

• Internal mode, In this mode, the project

you create is saved inside SolidWorks part

(*.sldprt, *.sldasm).

When you create a new CAM-Part, you have

to enter a name for the CAM-Part and for the

model that contains the CAM-Part geometry.

Confirm the CAM-Part Creation

Choose the External mode of CAM-Part

creation. When the Directory, CAM-Part

Name and Model Name have been defined,

click the OK button to confirm the CAM-

Part creation. The CAM-Part is defined, and

its structure is created. The Milling Part

Data dialog box is displayed.

The Structure of the CAM Part

The CAM Part includes a number of data file represented on the illustration

that displays the data inclued in the CAM Part named Milling.

SolidCAM copies the original SolidWorks model to the Milling

subdirectory and creates a SolidWorks assembly that has the same name as

the CAM-Part (Milling.sldasm). There are two components in this


DesignModel.sldprt – a copy of the SolidWorks model file.

CAM.sldprt – a file that contains SolidCAM Coordinate System

data and geometry data.

The SolidCAM CAM-Part uses the assembly environment of SolidWorks.

This enables you to create auxiliary geometries (i.e. sketches) without

making changes in the original design model. You can also insert some

additional components into the assembly file such as stock model,

CNCmachine table, clamping and other tooling elements.

3. Choose the CNC-Machine

Select the CNC machine controller. Click

the arrow in the CNC Machine area to

display the list of post –procesoors installed

on your system. In this exercise, use a 3-

Axis CNC-machine with the AWEA1000-

Fanuc CNC-controller. Choose the

AWEA1000-Fanuc CNCcontroller from

the list.

4. Start the Coordinate System Definition

Click the define button in the coordinate system area

to define the machine coordinate system.

To complete the CAM-Part definition, you need to define the Machine

Coordinate System.

The Machine Coordinate System defines the origin for all machining

operations of the CAM-Part. It corresponds with the built-in controller

functions. You can define the Coordinate System origin position and axes

orientation by selecting model faces, vertices, edges, or SolidWorks

Coordinate Systems. The geometry for the machining can also be defined

directly on the solid model.

5. Select the Model Face

With the select face method chosen, click on the model face as shown. The

coordSys origin is automaticallydefined in the corner of th model box. The

Z axis of the CoordSysis normal to the selected face.

Solid CAM calculates the box surrounding the model. The upper plane of

the model box is parallel to the XY plane of the defined CoordSys is located

in the corner of the model box.

Confirm by clicking the “checklis” icon button. The coordinate system is

defined. The CoordSys Data dialog box is displayed.

6. CoordSys Datals suchas Tool Start

This dialog box enables you to define the machining level, Clearance level,

Part Upper Level, etc.

7. Define the Stock Model

For each Milling project, you can define the Stock

model, which is the workpiece that is placed on

the machine before you start machining the CAM-

Part. Click the Stock button in the Stock &

Target model section of the Milling Part Data

dialog box.

The model dialog box is displayed. Thi dialog box

enables yu to choose the mode of the stock model


8. Define the Target Model

SolidCAM enables you to define the Target model, which is the final shape

of the CAM-Part after the machining. SolidCAM uses the Target model for

gouge checking in the SolidVerify simulation. Click the Target button in

the Stock & Target model area of the Milling Part Data dialog box.

9. Save the CAM Part data

Confirm the Milling Part Data dialog box by clicking the button. The

Milling Part Data dialog box is closed, and the SolidCAM Manager is

displayed. The defined CAM-Part is saved. At this stage, the definition of

the CAM-Part is finished. The definition of Milling operations is covered in

the following exercise using this CAM-Part.

10. And then, Add a Face Millling Operation

In SolidCAM Manager, right-click the Operations header and choose

Face from the Add Milling Operation submenu.

The geometry.Face Milling Operation dialog box is displayed. Define the

Face Milling

11. Switch to the Tool page of the Face Milling Operation dialog box. Start

the tool definition by clicking the Select button. Choose the Face mill tool.

Click the Select button to confirm the tool parameters and choose the tool

for the operation.

12. Switch to the Levels page of the Face Milling Operation dialog box. Click

the Face depth button in the Milling levels area. This button enables you

to define the Operation Lower level directly on the solid model. The depth

is calculated automatically as the difference between the Z-values of the

Operation Upper and Lower levels.

13. Define the technological parameters

Switch to the Technology page of the Face Milling Operation dialog box.

In the Technology section, choose the One Pass option.

14. Simulate

Click the Simulate button in the Face Milling Operation dialog box. The

Simulation control panel is displayed. Switch to the SolidVerify page and

start the simulation with the button.

15. Add an operation

Right-click the Face Milling operation entry in SolidCAM Manager and

choose Profile from the Add Milling Operation submenu. The Profile

Operation dialog box is displayed. In this operation, the external profile is



Alavala, C.R., 2008. CAD/CAM: Concepts and Applications. India:


Bodemyr, Emma., Vallin,Daniel., 2005. How Improve a

CAD/CAM/CNC-process. Adelaide: Lulea University of Technology.

Bralla,James., 2007. Handbook of Manufacturing Process. New York:

Industrial Press. Inc.

SolidCAM, 2013. Milling Training Course 2,5 D Module