Download - Energy Conservation System1

  • 8/3/2019 Energy Conservation System1





    Nowadays energy plays an important role in our day to day life. The method

    we brought to you is to save energy and can use those saved energy to many

    purpose. This has been done purposely to reduce the consumption of

    electricity as every where there is shortage of current supply, that too mainly

    in hot cities like CHENNAI. This is done majorly to benefit schools and


    This can also be implemented in houses. If this system is implemented in the

    schools and colleges.

    , there will be no shortage of current.

    The basic materials needed in this system is :-

    (1)2 tires

    (2)2 Dynamos

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    (3)Rechargeable battery


    These material-models are subject to change according to the offered rooms.

    Pictorial representation of dynamo

    Bicycle Dynamo [LAYOUT]

  • 8/3/2019 Energy Conservation System1


    A dynamo (from the Greek word dynamis; meaning power), originally anothername for an electrical generator, generally means a generator that produces directcurrent with the use of a commutator. Dynamos were the first electrical generatorscapable of delivering power for industry, and the foundation upon which manyother later electric-power conversion devices were based, including the electricmotor, the alternating-current alternator, and the rotary converter. Today, thesimpler alternator dominates large scale power generation, for efficiency,reliability and cost reasons. A dynamo has the disadvantages of a mechanicalcommutator. Also, converting alternating to direct current using power rectificationdevices (hollow state or more recently solid state) is effective and usually


    The word still has some regional usage as a replacement for the word generator. Asmall electrical generator built into the hub of a bicycle wheel to power lights iscalled a Hub dynamo, although these are invariably AC devices.
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    Pictorial representation of a rechargeable batteries

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    A rechargeable battery or storage battery is a group of one or moreelectrochemical cells. They are known as secondary cells because theirelectrochemical reactions are electrically reversible. Rechargeable batteries comein many different shapes and sizes, ranging anything from a button cell tomegawatt systems connected to stabilize an electrical distribution network. Severaldifferent combinations of chemicals are commonly used, including: lead-acid,nickel cadmium (NiCd), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), lithium ion (Li-ion), andlithium ion polymer(Li-ion polymer).

    Rechargeable batteries have lower total cost of use and environmental impact thandisposable batteries. Some rechargeable battery types are available in the samesizes as disposable types. Rechargeable batteries have higher initial cost, but can

    be recharged very cheaply and used many times.

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    An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) toalternating current (AC)[1];the converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriatetransformers, switching, and control circuits.

    Solid-state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, fromsmall switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utilityhigh-voltage direct currentapplications that transport bulk power. Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power fromDC sources such as solar panels orbatteries.

    There are two main types of inverter. The output of a modified sine wave inverter is similar to asquare wave output except that the output goes to zero volts for a time before switching positiveor negative. It is simple and low cost (~$0.10USD/Watt) and is compatible with most electronicdevices, except for sensitive or specialized equipment, for example certainlaser printers. A puresine wave inverter produces a nearly perfect sine wave output (

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    center hub(because when only one dynamo is kept, there will be an imbalance

    to the fan , where destruction takes place) is labeled with a rust remover

    paper or some ruff paper so that the tyre gets grip without slipping from the

    coated fan . These dynamo are in hold with the stand which is sealed in the

    wall . The dynamo is coupled with the rechargeable battery.

    The battery is coupled with the inverter and then connected to the switch



    When the fan is switched ON the fan starts rotating , simultaneously the

    tyres connected with the dynamo placed touching with the centre part of the

    fan hub also starts rotating at the most same speed of the fan .

    Due to this rotation of the tyre, the energy is generated and these generated

    energies are saved in the rechargeable battery . The saved energy is sent to the

    inverter where the energy is converted to AC current as a backup.

    When the current is stopped from the main supply point , the AC supply

    which is converted from the inverter is directly connected to the switch board

    that helps in connecting to the fans and tube lights. In this process the backup

    power generated is same as that we get from the main supply. The energy is

    again conserved as this will be a cyclic process.


    The energy produced by this system will be like a cyclic closed loop process

    where ample power can be saved. No interruption in lecture/seminar, No

    tension of power failure, un disturbed output and saves overhead charges if

    we use for certain time even power is available which will extend healthy life

    of the rechargeable batteries and inverter circuits

    This can also be implemented in educational institution (schools & collages),

    hospital, banks and service organisation to serve the public where more public



    1. Assured un-interrupted power supply.

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    2. Low initial cost.

    3. Simple mechanism.

    4. Availability for essential equipment.

    5. Easy to establish.

    6. Renewable never ending power source.

    More electricity can be saved as there will be no shortage of current in any places

    3. This can also be implemented in houses.

    4. The system that are already being used in house, schools and collages has the inverters where there will be current

    supply only for a particular period of time. After that ,energy used cant be regained. But the system proposed here will

    be profitable because the supply of current from inverter is reused by using dynamo, so that this will be cyclic and a

    never ending process.


    1. Odd looking may overcome by suitable modifications of casing.

    2. Initial cost in setting of this process will be more.

    3. There will some loss of energy during conversion from energy to AC current

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    The Electricity plays a vital role in the current day to day life. We can say without electricity day to day

    work will be stalled. So the Hospitals, Offices, firms and Education Institutions badly in need of

    electricity and backup source for the same in the case of electricity failure. Most of the organisations to

    resolve this problem going for Diesel Generator or the Inverter for the short term requirement. But these

    diesel generator will produce environment pollution as well as sound pollution.

    To handle such a critical situation, the RENEWABLE ENERGY SYTEM' will cater the requirement.

    This system will give un-interrupted power supply to meet the emergency as well as normal situation.

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    Electric Power

    Power, originating at a power generating plant, is distributed to residential,

    commercial, and industrial customers through various transmission lines and


    Residential Applications

    Power, generated at a power plant, then stepped up to a high transmission voltage

    is brought to a local substation. Here, it is stepped down to a lower distribution

    voltage. When it reaches its final destination at a residential customer, it is stepped

    down to 240 volts. Only single-phase power is used in a typical residential


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    Principle of AC Generators:

    AC generators operate on the theory of electromagnetic induction. This

    simply means that when conductors are movedthrough a magnetic field a voltage is

    induced into theconductors. A basic generator consists of a magnetic field, an

    armature, slip rings, brushes, and some type of resistive load. An armature is any

    number of conductive wires (conductors)wound in loops which rotate through the

    magnetic field. For simplicity, one loop is shown.

    If the rotation of the AC generator were tracked through a complete revolution of

    360, it could be seen that during the first quarter of a revolution voltage wouldincrease until it reached a maximum positive value at 90. Voltage would decrease

    during the second quarter of a revolution until it reached zero at 180. During the

    third quarter of a revolution, voltage would increase in the opposite direction until it

    reached a maximum negative value at 270. During the last quarter of a revolution,

    voltage would decrease until it reached zero at 360. This is one complete cycle or

    one complete alternation between positive and negative. If the armature of the AC

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    generator were rotated 3600 times per minute (RPM) we would get 60 cycles of

    voltage per second, or 60 hertz.

    Renewable Energy System :

    Block Diagram

    Material Required:-









    0 V


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    1. A working fan

    2. 2 Nos. of Dynamo with fixture

    3. Rechargeable Batteries

    4. Inverter

    5. Relay


    2 Nos. of dynamo to fixed oppositely (180 degree) to avoid loading on the running fan such that both

    dynamo's drive wheel are touch firmly on the upper side of the fan's round surface. The output of the

    dynamo to be connected suitably to charge the rechargeable batteries. The battery to be connected to the

    input of inverter. The output of the inverter to be connected to relay's normally closed contact through

    which supply is to be provided the fan, light or any other important equipment. The normal domestic power

    supply to be connected to the normally open contact through which supply will be extended to fan, light and

    other equipments.

    Working Principle:-

    Fan:- Is a electrical machine converts electrical energy into mechanical energy thro which air circulation isachieved. All the domestic fans are operable on 230 V AC. It consists of two windings namely starting

    winding and running winding. On application of 230 V AC voltage windings are experienced the difference

    in the magnetic field which causes the rotation of fan.

    Dynamo: Here the cycle dynamos are used.

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    Bicycle Dynamo

  • 8/3/2019 Energy Conservation System1


    A dynamo (from the Greek word dynamis; meaning power), originally anothername for an electrical generator, generally means a generator that produces directcurrent with the use of a commutator. Dynamos were the first electrical generatorscapable of delivering power for industry, and the foundation upon which manyother later electric-power conversion devices were based, including the electricmotor, the alternating-current alternator, and the rotary converter. Today, thesimpler alternator dominates large scale power generation, for efficiency,reliability and cost reasons. A dynamo has the disadvantages of a mechanicalcommutator. Also, converting alternating to direct current using power rectificationdevices (hollow state or more recently solid state) is effective and usually


    The word still has some regional usage as a replacement for the word generator. Asmall electrical generator built into the hub of a bicycle wheel to power lights iscalled a Hub dynamo, although these are invariably AC devices.
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    Rechargeable Batteries:

    On applying DC voltages to it, it will convert the electrical energy into chemical energy. On

    connecting load to the batteries it will the chemical energy into electrical energy.

    Pictorial representation of a rechargeable batteries

  • 8/3/2019 Energy Conservation System1


    A rechargeable battery or storage battery is a group of one or moreelectrochemical cells. They are known as secondary cells because theirelectrochemical reactions are electrically reversible. Rechargeable batteries comein many different shapes and sizes, ranging anything from a button cell tomegawatt systems connected to stabilize an electrical distribution network. Severaldifferent combinations of chemicals are commonly used, including: lead-acid,nickel cadmium (NiCd), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), lithium ion (Li-ion), andlithium ion polymer(Li-ion polymer).

    Rechargeable batteries have lower total cost of use and environmental impact thandisposable batteries. Some rechargeable battery types are available in the samesizes as disposable types. Rechargeable batteries have higher initial cost, but can

    be recharged very cheaply and used many times.


  • 8/3/2019 Energy Conservation System1


    An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) toalternating current (AC)[1];the converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropriatetransformers, switching, and control circuits.

    Solid-state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, fromsmall switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utilityhigh-voltage direct currentapplications that transport bulk power. Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power fromDC sources such as solar panels orbatteries.

    There are two main types of inverter. The output of a modified sine wave inverter is similar to asquare wave output except that the output goes to zero volts for a time before switching positiveor negative. It is simple and low cost (~$0.10USD/Watt) and is compatible with most electronicdevices, except for sensitive or specialized equipment, for example certain laser printers. A puresine wave inverter produces a nearly perfect sine wave output (

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    The domestic 230V AC supply is connected to the input