Download - Emily Stark at Stanford ACM Hackathon

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,Getting Started with


Emily Stark

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What is Meteor and who am I?

Meteor is a full-stack JavaScript framework for quickly creating fast, realtime web


I’m Emily: Stanford CS ’11, Meteor core dev, @estark37

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Step 1: install Meteor

• On Mac and Linux:

$ curl | sh

• Try for Windows

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Step 2: basic Meteor commands

meteor create <app name>

meteor help and meteor help <command>

Inside your app directory:

meteor run

meteor mongo

meteor reset

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Step 3: scaffolding

git clone

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Step 4: the MongoDB API


A collection (sort of like a table in a SQL database)

Leaders.insert({name: “Foo”, votes: 0});

Inserts a new document (sort of like a row)

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Step 4: the MongoDB API


A cursor representing all the documents in the collection

Leaders.find({ name: “Foo” })

A cursor representing all documents with name equal to “Foo”

Leaders.findOne({ name: “Foo” })

Returns a single document with name equal to “Foo”

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Step 4: the MongoDB API

Leaders.update({name: “Foo”}, {$set: {votes: 1}});

Update all documents with name “Foo” by setting the number of votes to 1

Leaders.update({name: “Foo”}, {$inc: {votes: 1}});

Update all documents with name “Foo” by incrementing the votes by 1

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Step 5: add voting

• Add upvote/downvote buttons in the “leader” template.

• Add a click event:{

‘click .upvote’: function (evt) {...}


• You can use the MongoDB API in your click handler!

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Step 6: add new items

• Add a form in a new template

• Add an event handler for submitting the form:{

‘submit .upvote’: function (evt) {...}


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Step 7: Meteor methods

Should all clients be able to write anything to the database? No.

meteor remove insecure


foo: function () { ... }})‘foo’)

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Step 8: the Meteor package system

meteor list

meteor list --usingmeteor add accounts-ui

meteor add accounts-password for

community packages

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Step 9: authentication and authorization

• Make it so that only logged-in users can vote on items or add new ones.

• this.userId inside methods

• {{loginButtons}} in templates

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Step 10: publish and subscribe

Right now, all users can read all data.

meteor remove autopublishMeteor.publish()

Meteor.subscribe()to control which data is sent to which clients.