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Monday, November 7, 2011 J=17

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18 - Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ

TROY MAYORTerm: Four years

Salary: $95,000

Candidate: Carmella Mantello

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent :No

Biographical:LansingburghHigh School,Hudson ValleyC o m m u n i t yCollege; mar-ried, husband(Paul Laviano),

sons (Paul Jr., James).

Occupation: Full-time mom,candidate for mayor.

Community involvement:Former Troy CityCouncilwoman; New York StateCanal Corporation, formerdirector; Hudson River ValleyGreenway, former executivedirector; Commission ofEconomic Opportunity, formerboard member; Save the TroySycaway Library Branch, for-mer board member; Troy Flag

Day Committee, former boardmember; YMCA, former boardmember; Capital District YMCACentury Club, former member;Erie Canalway NationalHeritage Corridor Commission,board member;Quadracentennial Commission,former member; New YorkState Invasive Species Council,member; StatewideComprehensive Open SpaceRecreation Plan InteragencyWorking Group, member; CanalRecreationway Commission,current chair; I Love NY TaskForce, member; Mighty WatersTask Force, member.

Why are you running for thisoffice and what can you bringto the office? I have the ener-gy, the vision and the plan tomove the city of Troy forwardfor the next four years. In addi-tion to many things, one of thekey platforms of my campaign,first and foremost has beenimproving the communicationnot only between the mayor andthe city council, but also ournon-profits (organizations), ourhigher education institutions,our businesses and our resi-

dents. And I’ve put forward anumber of different proposals toadvance those efforts. I plan tobe more responsive, moreproactive and I plan to energizeour work force, much like I didwith the Canal Corporation, andrestructure. … We have awealth of knowledge and oppor-tunity in city hall; we’re going totap into our work force to dothings differently.

What is the most importantissue facing the city of Troyand what do you intend to doabout it? It’s about better com-munication; it’s about taxes, itsexpanding our tax base; itsimproving our quality of life; it’senhancing our ethics laws herein the city. I’ve put forward avery stringent ethics platformand I feel very strongly, weneed to remove that gray ethi-cal cloud over our city, we allknow what’s going on with voterfraud … ethics are a major partof restoring that confidence inthe city government. … We aregoing to show the people ofTroy and this is what I’velearned for the past 12 years —1 percent of what we do is poli-

tics and 99 percent of what wedo day in and day out is policy.That’s what I did with Greenwayand what I did with the Canal(Corporation) and that’s what Iplan to do as the mayor of thecity — promote economicdevelopment and revitalize ourwaterfront.

Candidate: Lou Rosamilia

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

I n c u m b e n t :No

Biographical:E d u c a t i o n :Hudson ValleyC o m m u n i t yCollege, SUNYAlbany (bache-lor’s of science,

master’s degree); married, wife(Peg)

Occupation: Professor ofaccounting, Hudson ValleyCommunity College.

Community involvement:Elected to a four-year term as aRensselaer County Legislatorin 2009; Light the NightCommittee for the Leukemia &

Lymphoma Society, member,fundraiser; Make a WishFoundation, volunteer; fundrais-er for Junior Diabetes, MakingStrides Against Breast Cancer,No Name Angels; volunteer forTropical Storm Irene cleanup,volunteer at the ItalianCommunity Center which pro-vided temporary shelter for thevictims of Irene; volunteer toserve Thanksgiving dinner withthe Missing Link Ministries; for-mer teacher and athletic direc-tor at La Salle Institute.

Why are you running for thisoffice and what do youbelieve you can bring to theposition? One of the reasonsI’m running is it’s the opportuni-ty to give back something to thecity of Troy. I believe I can makea positive change for the city ofTroy and make it a better placefor people to live, a better placefor businesses; and end all thebickering that has gone on inthe city. I feel with my educa-tion, my experience and mywisdom, I can help the city ofTroy become a better place.And once again, I’m not acareer politician, which I believe

can be advantageous to thecity.

What is the most importantissue facing the city of Troyand what do you intend to doabout it? One of the big issuesis the quality of life issue in thecity of Troy. For that we wouldestablish the HealthyNeighborhoods Actions Plan;where we would review andanalyze city services, so basi-cally no neighborhood will beleft behind. Our other actionsteps in this plan is to put policeofficers back in our schools,since safe schools are critical tohealthy neighborhoods;address neighborhood parkingissues; provide civil enforce-ment to keep pressure on negli-gent landlords; as well asaddressing vacant lots in neigh-borhoods to create partnershipsfor parks and playgrounds.Also, the Take Back the BlockInitiative deals with issues likenoise and violence and drugs,and improving neighborhoods.… With the issue of taxes, thetax cap is something we have tolive within in this city.



Salary: $15,000


(Three seats)

Candidate: James R.Gordon

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education:School 12, Doyle MiddleSchool, Troy High School,State University of New YorkDelhi College (businessadministration), WestChester University (Pa.)(business management);married, wife (Melissa).

Occupation: General man-agement and marketing forSchrader and Company, Inc.

Community involvement:North LansingburghNeighborhood Watch, co-founder, chairman; TroyNeighborhood ActionCouncil, member; Uncle SamParade Committee, vicepresident; LansingburghHistorical Society, trustee;Troy Family YMCA, volunteercommittee member; Troy’sSeptember 11th Memorial ofRemembrance Committee,


Why are yourunning forthis officeand what canyou bring tothe position?Through mywork with

numerous groups in the city,I’ve been able to gain anunderstanding and also seechange to our group’s activi-ties because of the quality oflife in our neighborhoods. Ibelieve from my profession Ibring a sense of planning andwhat needs to happen for ourcity. I’m just a person like alot of people in Troy that lovethe city, were born and raisedin the city and have a goodunderstanding of where tobring it, and have the workethic, the ideas and the pas-sion to make it happen.

What is the most importantissue facing the city of Troyand what do you intend todo about it? We need to sta-bilize the quality of life in ourneighborhoods; we need tocreate an environment that isproductive for people to wantto remain residents in the cityof Troy and also attract newpeople to the city. We need todo that by improving our pub-lic safety, stabilizing our tax

base, properly planning andimplementing economicdevelopment projects; andcreating better community,public and private, non-profitpartnerships with the entitiesthat also exist in the city ofTroy, such as Russell Sage,RPI and not-for-profits.

Candidate: Billie-JeanGreene

Lines: Republican,Independence, Community

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education:College of Saint Rose (Finearts); unmarried, dog (Hero).

Occupation: Work for asmall business in the screenprinting industry.

Community involvement:Uptown Initiative, co-founder;Troy Shares, member;Lansingburgh VeteransClub’s Women’s Auxiliary,member; assisted with com-munity benefit events includ-ing Oakwood CommunityCenter fundraiser to assistflood victims on 1st Ave. inLansingburgh and RussellSage play “Hell or HighWater” to raise money forflood victims; worked onevents and fundraisers forThe Sanctuary forIndependent Media; Troy City

C h i c k e n sW o r k s h o pand the TroyPlant Swap.

Why are yourunning forthis officeand what canyou bring to

the position? I decided torun really about a year ago,I’ve been a community andgrassroots activist for the lastfour years working towardlower taxes, smaller govern-ment and greater personalresponsibility. And I decidedafter going to a few of the citycouncil meetings and gettinginvolved with that, that I want-ed to change things from theinside, get involved and actu-ally become a representative.… I’m about accountabilityand people are asking forthat, so I want to give themthat option.

What is the most importantissue facing the city of Troyand what do you intend todo about it? The numberone issue I hear is taxes. Iwant to look at doing a moreaggressive tax abatementprogram, currently its overeight years and it’s incremen-tal until you realize fullassessment. I want to do anabatement of 10 years with

no reassessment to reallyencourage improvements onhomes and this in turn willimprove the neighborhood. …Also, just being business-friendly, getting more peoplehere to expand the tax base.We really have to start think-ing about how we’re going tolower taxes.

Candidate: Tom Killips

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education:Graduate of NewhouseSchool of PublicCommunications of SyracuseUniversity; married, wife(Deborah), daughter(Rachel), son (Brian).

Occupation: Photographer,ship captain licensed throughthe U.S. Coast Guard.

Community involvement:Frear Park Conservatory, vol-unteer.

Why are you running forthis office and what canyou bring to the position?Covering the city for morethan 30 years as a photogra-pher, I think I know the cityand its people pretty well. Ihave a lot of ideas which Ithink we need more of. I thinkTroy is a great city, but it’s

not fulfilling itspotential. Idon’t thinkwe’ve doneenough withthe waterfront;I don’t thinkwe’ve takene n o u g h

advantage of the fact thatwe’re a college town; I don’tthink we’ve appreciatedenough or worked closelyenough with the neighbor-hood associations.

What is the most importantissue facing the city of Troyand what do you intend todo about it? I think taxes areon the public’s mind, I thinkthat part of why a lot of thehomes are for sale in the city.I think quality of life issuesare certainly at the forefrontbecause you rebuild a cityblock by block and neighbor-hood by neighborhood. … Ithink we have to broaden thetax base by bringing in busi-nesses to fill up these emptystorefronts. And there has tobe better communicationquite frankly from the citycouncil and the mayor,regardless of who ends up inthese offices, there has to bea better relationship.

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(One seat from

each district)

Term: Two years

Salary: $15,000


Candidate: Kevin McGrath

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes

B i o g r a p h i c a l :Lansingburgh High School,Hudson Valley CommunityCollege. Family, Erin (wife),daughter (Alisse), son (Ryan).

Occupation: Supervisor forNational Grid.

Community involvement:North LansingburghNeighborhood Watch, mem-ber; supporter and former

coach forRenegadestravel base-ball team,L a n s i n gburgh LittleLeague, TroyPatriots PopWarner foot-ball, St.A u g u s t i n e

CYO basketball, LansingburghYouth Soccer.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat do you believe you canbring to the position?

This is my first term, so Ilearned a lot about the innerworkings of budgets and howthe city is run. Why I’m runningis to give back to my commu-nity; Lansingburgh is a lot dif-ferent then when I was a youthand absentee landlords havereally overcome the neighbor-hood. … I’m not a career politi-cian — I don’t need this post

— but I also want to make surethat organizations that guideour youth get any support wecan provide for them. Thething I bring to the table is I’mnot bound by party politicians;I’m going to do the right thingno matter what.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

The most important issuewe face is the quality of life,which is garnered by theabsentee landlords. What Iwant to do institute a programwith rental occupancy permits(ROPs), with other local firedepartments like Albany andCohoes, I would like to utilizetheir fireman for code inspec-tions prior to tenants movingin. I think our code enforce-ment people do a good job,but they’re too overwhelmed.… Something like this couldreally help change our quality

of life.

Candidate: FrancisLaPosta

Line: Republican

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Catholic Central High School,Canisius College (bachelor’sdegree, political science);Married, two children.

Occupation: Co-owner ofLaPosta Brothers Market inSpeigletown.

Community involvement:Troy City Council, formermember; Democratic Party,former Troy city chairman;Former candidate for Troymayor; Troy’s Commission forEconomic Opportunity, servedon board, former member;Lansingburgh Boys and GirlsClub, supporter and volunteer;Lansingburgh Independentand Lansingburgh LittleLeague, supporter and volun-

teer; OurLady ofV i c t o r ySchool, boardmember.

Question1: Why areyou runningfor this officeand what doyou believe

you can bring to the posi-tion?

I’ve gotten back into politicsto give a little, integrity and pro-fessionalism back to the citycouncil. I was on the CityCouncil for eight years andhelped the city through veryhard financial times. At thatpoint eight years ago it was the(Mark) Pattison administrationand we had a very dauntingtask to straighten out the city’sfinances — we did that and setthe city back on the right path.… I was the only Democrat inthe city of Troy elected or

appointed official to speak outon the voter fraud when it hap-pened in 2009 and still the onlyindividual to speak out on it nowat the state, county and citylevel.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

The most important issue isto get the people to have faith intheir government again.Unfortunately with the voterfraud issue, people have lostfaith in their elected officials andrightfully so. … If you look at thestatistics from a week or so ago,home sales in the city of Troyare down 28.5 percent from lastyear from the same period oftime — and that has to beturned around. And it will onlybe turned around when peoplehave faith in their elected offi-cials.

Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ ÉäÉÅíáçå=OMNN

Candidate: Lynn Kopka

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Russell Sage (history), stateUniversity at Albany (master’s

degree inp u b l i cadministra-tion), DrewU n i v e r s i t y( N . J . )(semester onthe UnitedN a t i o n s ) .Unmarried.

Occupation:Business owner and operatorof Kopka Clothes in Troy.

Community involvement:Budget and legislative experi-ence at the New York StateSenate Finance Committee forthe Democrats and at SUNYCentral Administration; plan-ning and neighborhood revital-ization experience as the cityof Troy’s Director of Planningand the AssistantC o m m i s s i o n e r / R e g i o n a lDirector for the New YorkState Homes and CommunityRenewal, president of theWashington Park Associationand Friends of WashingtonPark; member of VacantBuilding Task Force, memberof 1st Street Focus Block WorkGroup; head of POUNCE

(trap/neuter/return program forferal cats.)

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat can you bring to theposition?

I’m running because the work Ihave done in my neighbor-hood I would like to take to ahigher level and city wide,which is revitalization andcommunity building. What Ican bring to the position is myeducation and my work experi-ence. I plan to develop a work-ing, cordial relationship withthe new city administration;develop extensive knowledgeof the budget and operationsof the city in an effort to con-tain costs, increase productivi-ty and find new revenuesources.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

The biggest issues facing thecity of Troy are those issuesconfronted by all upstate smallcities — declining tax base,erosion of the middle class,loss of blue collar jobs, aginghousing stock and infrastruc-ture, perception of crime. Troyis well positioned to leverageits underused and underap-preciated assets — qualityhigher educational institutions,waterfront access, locationwithin the region and within the

transportation networks, sta-ble neighborhoods with a vari-ety of housing options, amongother positives.

Candidate: Nina M. Nichols

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Trinity University, SanAntonio, Texas (bachelor’sdegree), University of Chicago(master’s degree); Married,husband (Andrew Torres),

c h i l d r e n( M i c a h ,M o s e s ,Joseph).

Occupation:U n i t e dM e t h o d i s tpastor atChrist ChurchU n i t e d

Methodist, Troy.

Community involvement:Rensselaer County ARC,board member, also serves onits human rights and residen-tial services committees;member of DowntownInterfaith Clergy group, mem-ber; on the coordinating teamfor Inn from the Cold, an over-flow shelter in partnership withJoseph’s House and otherdowntown congregations;mentor with the Mentor aScholar program at Troy HighSchool; past member of theBoard of Directors for TroyArea United Ministries; serves

as National LegislativeCoordinator for MethodistFederation for Social Actionand the board president forNew York Interfaith Power andLight.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat can you bring to theposition?

The initial reason that I wantedto run is because the tone ofTroy politics has become sonasty. I think the fightingbetween the administrationand the council has kept usfrom moving forward and capi-talizing on some of the greatpotential that Troy has. So Ithink one of my strengths andsomewhat because of thework that I do on a daily basisof the pastor of a local churchis to bring people together thatoften times have very differentopinions about things — tobuild consensus around acommon vision so we canmove forward with our goals.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

I think that high taxes are anissue that’s affecting everyonein all the different areas ofTroy. I’ve heard it inLansingburgh, Albia, on theeast side as well as SouthTroy that the taxes are veryhigh; so we want to keep ourtaxes as low as possible whilemeeting the quality of life

needs that are so important toattracting new people thatwant to live here and for thosewho want to come and openup businesses here.

Candidate: Rodney G.Wiltshire Jr. (D-W)

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Troy High School, CornellUniversity (bachelor’s degree,electrical engineering);Married, wife (Jolene), sons(Michael, Daniel).

Occupation: ElectricalEngineer and owner ofEmpire Solar Store in Troy.

Community involvement:Rensselaer County YoungDemocrats, president;Working Families PartySteering Committee; AnnualTroy Earthday cleanup, vol-unteer; Transition Troy, mem-ber; WNYT Ch. 13’s greenenergy expert; T-ball coachfor Spring Little League.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat can you bring to theposition?

I’m running for the officebecause as a lifelong resi-dent of Troy and the parent ofchildren who are growing uphere, I’ve seen Troy declinein my lifetime here. I want tobe part of the change that Iwant to see happen here andI don’t just want to sit back

and watchthings. Ithink that Ibring educa-tion andexper ienceto the coun-cil that islacking andis needed.

My vision for Troy involvescreating sustainable jobs andrevitalizing some of the oldmanufacturing and ware-house buildings that are inthe city and fill them withbusinesses that are actuallypart of the 21st century’seconomy.

Question 2: What is themost important issue fac-ing the city of Troy andwhat do you intend to doabout it?

Actually I think the mostimportant issue facing the cityis the high taxes, the highcost of living in the city of Troyand the lack of any sustain-able businesses to supportthat and that really tran-scends into the quality of lifehere. Twenty years ago, wehad some great businessesthat were here, Troy wasobviously truly the Collar Cityat one point, we were also theindustrial capital of the worldand we had a lot of greatthings that made living in Troya bonus. The burden was noton the taxpayer and not onthe homeowner, but busi-nesses really supported us.

Continued from page 18

Continued on page 20

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20 - Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ


(One seat)

Candidate: Mark McGrath

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

Biographical: Education, St.Patrick’s, Troy High School;Albany Business College;Russell Sage. Married, wife(Hilary); sons (Matthew,Connor), daughter (Alicia).

Occuption:R e t i r e d .Worked asthe seniorsystems busi-ness analystfor the stateComptrollersOffice.

Communityi n v o l v e -

ment: CYO basketball, boardmember, former coach; AAUbasketball, former coach; TroyPatriots Pop Warner football,former coach; Troy YMCA,member, former board mem-ber; All Troy Athletic Club,member;

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat do you believe you canbring to the position?

I’m very familiar with my entiredistrict and the city of Troy. I’ma nuts and bolts type guy, I getthe job done everyday. I’veformed relationships over theyears with people at the DPWand the police department andpublic utilities. I have goodrelationships so I can getthings done and when peoplecall me I do just that. I enjoyhelping people.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

Right now it’s certainly theeconomy. The city of Troyprobably has 50 percent ofnot-for-profits that don’t haveto pay taxes, so with the other50 percent the burden falls onthem. And of the 50 percent,with some of these homeown-ers aren’t exactly good own-ers. We have a lot of out-of-town people that own buildingsthat really don’t care aboutthem. It’s frustrating for peoplewho work on the upkeep oftheir house and do work ontheir house to keep it nice andthey’re paying the most taxesbecause of it — it’s frustrating.We’ve got to find a way to

ease the burden on the peoplewho own houses here; thatreally live here.

Candidate: Doris Day

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Elementary School 5, St.Peter’s, Troy High School,Skidmore College. Family, sin-gle, daughter, two grandchil-dren.

Occupation: Telecommunications analyst for state Officeof Children and FamiliesServices.

Communityi n v o l v e -m e n t :U p t o w nI n i t i a t i v e ,m e m b e r ;NAACP localand nationalc h a p t e r s ,m e m b e r ;B e t h e l

Baptist Church, member.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat do you believe you canbring to the position?

I tell people all the time that I’mnot a politician, but I go to citycouncil meetings and I don’tlike the way things are hap-pening in the city. I think thatwe need to have more trans-parency; I think people need tobe held accountable for somethe things that are happening.I am the best candidate for theDistrict 2 City Council repre-sentative, first because Troy ismy birthplace and my home. Ihave known the better citycalled Troy, New York.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

At this point in time, I think thatthe city basically needs to startto work as a community. Iknow everybody says thewaterfront development is themost important thing, but like Itell people ‘I don’t live on thewaterfront and I don’t knowmany people who do.’ In thecommunity, we have a lot ofissues. … The District 2 areaof Troy has seen a level ofneglect and under representa-tion. It is my desire to havebetter code enforcement,cleaner and safe streets. Thebiggest issue is the quality oflife here.


(One seat)

Candidate: Dean Bodnar

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Biographical: Education,Catholic Central High School,Hudson Valley CommunityCollege (associate’s degree),Siena College (bachelor’sdegree, political science);Married, wife (Anne), sons(Michael, Brian), daughters(Melissa, Allison), six grand-children.

Occupation:R e t i r e d .Worked forthe federalgovernment’ssocial securi-ty administra-tion as aclaims repre-sentative andlater in man-


Community involvement:Rensselaer and Albany coun-ties Stop DWI programs andvictim impact panels, guestspeaker; Our Lady of VictoryChurch, former president ofschool board, chaired annualbazaar; coached BrunswickLittle League, Brunswick girlssoftball and Brunswick BabeRuth baseball.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat do you believe you canbring to the position?

I’m running for the officebecause Troy is my home, it’swhere my wife and I have livedfor more than 30 years; it’swhere we raised our kids. Ifound that when I retired fromthe federal government anddecided to run for the citycouncil. … I like the work, I likedoing things for people, I liketrying to solve problems, I likecoming up occasionally withideas for legislation and forhow to fix things and how tomake things easier. What Idon’t like is the political infight-ing — that’s something Istayed away from when I wasrunning for the first time twoyears ago.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

There are some positive eco-nomic signs for the city, butour biggest problem is stabiliz-ing the tax base so that ourhomeowners can stay in their

homes if that’s what theychoose to do — they don’t gettaxed out of their homes. Andat the same time we want tohave a stable tax base toattract new residents to thecity. … The second part is howdo you stabilize the tax rateand improve the economic cli-mate in the city? What wehave to continue to do is todraw more businesses to thecity of Troy.

Candidate: Russell Ziemba

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education,Perth High School in FultonCounty; the University atAlbany (bachelor’s degree,master’s degree); Family, mar-ried, wife (Amanda).

Occupation:G r o c e r ydepartmentfloor manag-er at HonestWeight FoodC o - o p .Former lettercarrier forU.S. PostalService.

Communityinvolvement: Communityadvocate at Troy’s CityCouncil, Planning Board, andZoning Board of Appealsmeetings; LansingburghHistorical Society, vice presi-dent; Mt. Ida PreservationAssociation, member, formerboard member; Troy Food Co-op, founder member.

Question 1: Why are yourunning for this office andwhat do you believe you canbring to the position?

I am well versed on the issuesbecause I’ve been to nearlyevery city council planningboard meeting and zoningboard of appeals meeting inthe city since 1999, so I knowthe issues, I know the zoningand I know the challenges thatface Troy. … I believe in open,honest, fair, and accountablegovernment. A governmentthat helps everyone, not justthe well-connected, corpora-tions, and big institution. Thefunction of governments is notto help your friends and hurtyour enemies, but to helpeveryone.

Question 2: What is themost important issue facingthe city of Troy and what doyou intend to do about it?

There are a lot of important

issues, but when I talk to peo-ple the two things they’re mostconcerned about it seems aretaxes, because they’re havingtrouble making their taxes,their taxes have gone up, sothey would like to see somefrugality there. … And also theschools; it doesn’t help whenwe’re going to be closing alibrary branch and they closedSchool 12, so we need to keepthe neighborhood schoolsopen and not cut back, butexpand the number of pro-grams.


(One seat)

Candidate: Robert Doherty

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Biographical: He had 40years of experience in provid-ing hospital based behavioralhealth care. He has workedwith the Catholic CharitiesAids Service and Senior HopeClinic. A widower, he has fivechildren and six grandchildren.

Occupation: He is a retiredhealth care executive andlicensed social worker.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

Actively elicit opinions andconcerns from constituentsand all involved parties (

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will you doabout it?

Develop a citywide businessplan, work to develop safe andstrong neighborhoods,increase opportunities forowner occupancy of buildings,promote Sage/RPI/HVCC par-ticipation and visibility in ourcommunity, and protect andpreserve existing housing(from

Candidate: Debra Lockrow

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Biographical: A resident ofdowntown Troy, she has beenself-employed most of heradult working life. She has adegree from Utica College ofSyracuse. She is on the boardof Joseph’s House and thedowntown BID board.

Occupation: She ownsArtcentric and ARTPhotography. She has been aprofessional event photogra-pher for 25 years, and owneda portrait studio and photo lab

for 11 years.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

I offer a combination ofhumanity and fiscal responsi-bility. I am available and willingto listen and I work well with alltypes of people and groups. Ihave an upbeat and positiveenergy that should serve mewell as a council women inTroy.

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will you doabout it?

I see no one issue. My plan isto open lines of communica-tion within neighborhoods.Together we can start asgroups to improve the streets.There is power in numbers. Iwant to help encourage a pos-itive force for the improvementof Troy.

Candidate :M i c h a e lLoPorto

Line: WorkingFamilies

Incumbent:C u r r e n t l yholds an at-large councilseat, which hehas held for

three years

Biographical: He attendedschool in Italy and the UnitedStates. He studied how tobecome a chef and the culi-nary arts. He has owned arestaurant for more than 25years. He has a family includ-ing two children.

Occupation: Owner ofLoPorto’s in downtown Troy.He also volunteers in the com-munity to organize events.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

I am a voice of the people.Sometimes I vote with theadministration and other timeswith the council. It all dependson what the people want.

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will you doabout it?

We need to clean up thestreets, from drugs and prosti-tution. We need to bring morebusinesses to Troy, and I thinkthe City Hall should be in thecurrent First Niagara buildingdowntown since they will soonmove to HSBC.

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Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ


(One seat)

Candidate: KennethZalewski

Lines: Democratic,Independence, WorkingFamilies


B i o g r a p hical: ARensselaerPolytechnicI n s t i t u t egraduate, heis fromConnecticutand has

worked at the state UnifiedCourt System, OpenSource,Inc, and the DocumentDevelopment Corporation.

Occupation: He is managerof application development atthe state Senate and hasbeen a city council membersince 2008.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

I am running on my record ofservice to my district and tothe city. In the last four years,I have worked with my col-leagues on the council to

address quality of life issuesin our neighborhoods, to keeptaxes low, and to use mybackground in technology tomake Troy government moreopen, efficient, and participa-tory.

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will youdo about it?

The biggest issue facing ourcity right now is the plague ofnegligent, absentee landlordswhich infest our neighbor-hoods and contribute to adecline in community cohe-sion. Many other issues in thecity are directly related to theabsentee landlord problemincluding crime, drugs,vacant buildings, and noise.The absentee landlord reg-istry, which I spearheaded, isthe first step toward holdingthese landlords accountablefor their properties.

Candidate: SeamusDonnelly

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Biographical: A Troy CitySchool District graduate, he

a t t e n d e dH u d s o nV a l l e yCommun i t yC o l l e g ewhere hestudied busi-ness andi n d i v i d u a lstudies. Her e m a i n s

active in the lives of his moth-er and brother. He wasinvolved in student council,executive boards and otherorganizations at Troy HighSchool. He is a former SpringLittle League president andmanager.

Occupation: Cooley Motorsas a sales consultant. He isactive with the Troy ItalianCommunity Center.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

I would work in a very biparti-san manner. I am an inde-pendent voice on the counciland not line with justRepublicans or Democrats.

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will youdo about it?

I will go back around withinthe first months of office tofind out the quality of life

problems through my EveryBlock Matters program.There are realistic solutionsfor all of our issues in the city.I want to keep constant com-munication with constituents.I also think there should be aSouth Troy Task Force toclean up that area of the city.


(One seat)

Candidate: Gary Galuski

Lines: Democratic, SouthTroy Against the World

Incumbent: Yes

Biographical: With a busi-ness degree from SUNY

C o b l e s k i l l ,he is a for-mer cityr e c r e a t i o ndepar tmentsuperv isor ,f o r m e rSacred Hearts c h o o lteacher, ath-letic director

and CCHS coach. He is mar-ried with five stepsons andsix grandchildren.

Occupation: ElectionRegistrar with the RensselaerCounty Board of Elections

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute to

this position?

I’ve achieved a four yearrecord of delivering resultswhile lowering taxes. I’veearned a reputation as a tire-less, independent mindedbipartisan community advo-cate (

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will youdo about it?

I remain committed to resolv-ing resident issues and work-ing to ensure that South Troyand the Eastside get their fairshare of resources, funding,and project inclusion neededto preserve neighborhoodcharacter, maintain propertyvalues, assure family safetyand receive delivery of quali-ty city services (

Candidate: Daniel Mahoney

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Raised inWatervliet, he attendedWatervliet schools then wenton to Delhi College andSUNY Oneonta. He hasworked with the Mentor DrugEducation for Youth program

since 2004.

Occupation:A probationofficer, hewas a childp r o t e c t i v ecase workerfor 2 years,and aJ D / P I N Scaseworker

for one year.

Question 1: What do youthink you can contribute tothis position?

The gift of kindness anddecency is something I willforever be indebted to myparents. I have a great affec-tion for the city. I believe I canserve the people of District 6with vigor and in a non-parti-san way that has been miss-ing (from Facebook page).

Question 2: What do youthink is the biggest issue inthe city and what will youdo about it?

I will work hard to attract busi-ness to Troy and to clean upthe streets that once thrived. Iwill push to explore ways toattract home ownership. Tothink that only 42 percent ofthe real estate in Troy is tableis mind boggling to me (fromFacebook page).

ÉäÉÅíáçå=OMNNContinued from Page 20


Term: Four years

Salary: $119,000, $150,000after first year

Candidate: Richard McNally

Lines: Democratic,Independence, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: Yes

Biographical: Education: St.John’s University School ofLaw; in first term as RensselaerCounty District Attorney.

Occupation: RensselaerCounty District Attorney

Community involvement:Past President on board ofdirectors of Bethany HospitalityCenter; member of Troy FamilyYMCA’s Board of Managers;Hoosic Valley AthleticAssociation soccer coach;Hoosic Valley ElementarySchool Ski Club; Bugles AcrossAmerica Volunteer Bugler fordeceased veterans; ValleyFalls Centennial Committee;Valley Falls BeautificationCommittee; Lay Eucharistic

Visitor, St.John’s, Troy.

Why are yourunning forthis officeand what doyou believeyou canbring to theoffice? Likewhat I’ve

done, I can bring professional-ism and respect back to theoffice and remove politics fromthe office. With a smaller staffwith an ever demanding caseload, we’ll operate by the rulesof law without any intent otherthan public safety. I want tocontinue that mission.

What is the most importantissue facing the county andwhat do you intend to doabout it? This is perhaps themost important county-wideoffice there is and the impactcan’t be understated. To havea professional staff that oper-ates by the rule of law and notpandering to politics; and themisconceived public perceptionof public safety issues is why Irun the office the way I do.

Candidate: Joel Abelove

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Biographical: FormerRensselaer County DeputyDistrict Attorney; TuftsUniversity (undergraduatedegree); Albany Law School(J.D. degree); Married, wife(Jennifer), son (Aaron), daugh-ter (MaryElizabeth).

Occupation: AssociateCounsel for the Bureau ofProfessional Medical Conductfor the New York StateDepartment of Health.

Community involvement:President of board of directorsof the Rensselaer CountySTART Children’s Center; onthe board for the RensselaerCounty Humane Society; for-merly on the board of theHudson-Mohawk HumaneSociety; currently in the NewYork National Guard; hascoached Lansingburgh LittleLeague in the past.

Why are you running for thisoffice and what do youbelieve you can bring to the

position? I’mr u n n i n gbecause I feelthe people ofRensse laerCounty, thecitizens heredeserve abetter districtattorney thanwhat they

have now. I’ve served in thedistrict attorney’s office here inRensselaer County for just over10 years from June 1995 toAugust 2005; I was an assis-tant D.A., I was the bureauchief of the special victims unit,I was a first assistant D.A. anda deputy district attorney — Iserved under three D.A.’s overthose 10 years, so I have a lotof experience prosecuting crim-inal cases. And for the last sixyears, I’ve been a prosecutorfor the state health department— so career total I have 16years as a prosecutor.

What is the most importantissue facing the county andwhat do you intend to doabout it? The most importantissue facing the county from

this office’s perspective is tak-ing the cases more seriously.He (Rensselaer County DistrictAttorney Rich McNally) hasbeen systematically reducingvast numbers of serious felonycases that should not bereduced. He’s had a reluctanceto put cases to the grand juryand to indict them and to pur-sue cases as felonies. And thathigh reduction is resulting ininappropriate dispositionsbeing given out to defenders —and it doesn’t help the crimerate because you’re talkingabout putting felons back outon the street earlier, you’re talk-ing about putting people’s safe-ty and homes at risk.


Term: Four years

Salary: $97,000

Candidate: Jack Mahar

Lines: Republican,Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Biographical: Education: St.

Mary’s inTroy, CatholicCentral HighS c h o o l ,H u d s o nV a l l e yC o m m u n i t yC o l l e g e(associate’sdegree, crimi-nal justice),

SUNY Albany, Empire StateCollege (bachelor’s degree,public administration); servedfour years in the U.S. MarinesCorps; served for 28 years inthe Troy Police Department,serving and commanding in allunits within the department, ris-ing to the rank of captain; cur-rently in his second term asRensselaer County Sheriff;also a graduate of FBI NationalAcademy, the FBI LawEnforcement ExecutiveDevelopment Association(LEEDA), and the NationalSheriff’s Institute; New YorkSheriffs’ Association, president;recognized throughout thestate as a leader in K-9 pro-

Continued on page 22

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grams by developingRensselaer County’s program;recognized as “Man of theYear” by New York StateParole Officers’ EmeraldSociety; honored byRensselaer County Legislaturefor creating a program whichhas certified all 31 of hisSheriff’s Deputies asEmergency MedicalTechnicians; awarded theChampion for Children Awardfrom the anti-crime group, FightCrime: Invest in Kids; married,wife (Selina), three sons, onegrandchild.

Occupation: RensselaerCounty Sheriff

Community involvement:Veterans of Lansingburgh,member; U.S. Marine CorpsLeague, member; TRIAD (part-nership between area seniorcitizens, law enforcementagencies and community

groups) participant; ProjectChild Safe Neighborhoods,received award for promotingfirearms safety education foryoung people.

Why are you running for thisoffice and what do youbelieve you can bring to theposition? It’s great doingsomething for your communityand to feel that you’re givingsomething back to the commu-nity and protecting it. … I’m inmy 36th year of law enforce-ment and along with four yearsin the U.S. Marine Corps I havealmost 40 years of public serv-ice; it’s in my blood. I want to doit again because we still feel wehave a lot to offer, we’vemoved the sheriff’s office indirections it’s never beenbefore. The performance of theoffice is phenomenal; the offi-cers are well-trained now, wellequipped and are living up to

the level that we envisioned.

What is the most importantissue facing the county andwhat do you intend to doabout it? The most importantissue facing the office of sheriffand probably any office rightnow is the economy. The econ-omy is difficult; the state is indifficult times. That affects usas well especially when they’retransferring costs to the countylevel and those county man-dates and those costs are real-ly having a severe affect on ourability to operate our office andstill maintain the level of servicethat we want to do.

Candidate: Gary Gordon

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Biographical: Education: St.Patrick’s School, Troy HighSchool, Hudson ValleyCommunity College (associ-

ate’s degree,criminal jus-t i c e ) ;M u n i c i p a lP o l i c eT r a i n i n gC o u n c i l( P o l i c eA c a d e m y ) ;Employment,Troy Police

Officer (1986 until retirement in2006), served as patrolman,evidence technician, on trafficsafety and street crimes (nar-cotics) units; promoted to ser-geant, assigned to detectivebureau and investigatedcrimes as a detective sergeant,then was assigned to majorcrimes unit; also a certifiedpolice instructor; married, wife(Linda), son (Michael), daugh-ter (Nicole).

Occupation: Confidentialinvestigator for the RensselaerCounty District Attorney’sOffice.

Community involvement:Troy Police PBA, member andformer interim president, for-mer member of board of direc-tors and executive committee;Questar III School of LawEnforcement Advisory Panel,member; Brunswick LittleLeague and Brunswick BabeRuth League, former memberof the board of directors.

Why are you running for thisoffice and what do youbelieve you can bring to theposition? I think I can do amuch better job enhancingpublic safety for the people ofRensselaer County and I knowthat I can reduce the expendi-tures and save a lot of taxpay-er money. I want to bring moreof a community police-typeservice to the highway patroland I want to increase the levelof morale within the countyjail’s correctional officers. …My first goal is to reduce theexpenditures in the sheriff

department; I would like toreach at least a million dollarsin savings without affecting thecurrent levels of public safetythat are offered to the residentsof the county.

What is the most importantissue facing the county andwhat do you intend to doabout it? The most importantissue is I would take severalsteps to reduce the amount oftime it takes for our patrols toget to calls for service.Currently, I think the average isabout 30 minutes for when aperson calls for a police car andfor that car to get to their home.I don’t think that is acceptableand we need to work on waysto improve that. What I want todo is be able to have ourdeputies work in areas of thecounty where they live. Whatthis does is it saves expendi-tures on gasoline and vehiclemaintenance and it saves timeon response to calls.

Continued from page 21




Term: Two years

Candidate: Robert Jaeger

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Anne Maxon

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: JosephRechen

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Christopher


Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Dean Maxon

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Tara Cinney

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: RobertMichaels

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Unexpired term

Candidate: John Winn

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: PamelaDeShane

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence.

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: James Winn

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Walter Yerton

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Four years

Candidate: CharlesHaynes

Lines: Democratic,Brunswick Citizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: PhilipHerrington

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: Susan Quest-Sherman

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

(Two seats)

Candidate: G. LawrenceKronau

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: JamesBrearton

Lines: Democratic,Independent

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Robert Schmidt

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

(Two seats)

Candidate: AmandaEngelke

Lines: Democratic,Brunswick Citizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: K. Kodela-Betzinger

Lines: Democratic,Brunswick Citizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Daniel Casale

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: James Sullivan

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Four years

Candidate: RichardMcCabe

Lines: Democratic,Independence, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Keith Langley

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No


Term: Four years

Candidate: Linda Kennedy

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Kevin Engel

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

(Two seats)

Candidate: Philip Malone

Lines: Democratic,Independence, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Sue Mangold

Lines: DemocraticIndependence, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Daniel Fiacco

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Edward Gilbert

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: AntonetteMurphy

Lines: Democratic,Independence, WorkingFamilies

Continued on page 23

Page 7: Election Tab 2011


Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Corine Sheldon

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No



Term: Four years

Candidate: Ray Darling

Lines: Democratic, GraftonCitizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Tyler Sawyer

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: SuzannePutnam

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Francis Higgins

Lines: Democratic, GraftonCitizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Kenneth Bruno

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: BarbaraMessenger

Lines: Democratic, GraftonCitizens Party

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Rick Ungaro

Lines: Democratic, GraftonCitizens Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: EdwardFredricks

Lines: Republican,Conservative Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Peter Gundrum

Lines: Republican,

Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Mary Gentner

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: HerbertHasbrouck

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Laura Reynolds

Lines: Democratic, HoosickFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Keith Cipperly

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: RichardWhalen

Lines: Democratic,Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Robert Ryan

Lines: Democratic, HoosickFirst

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Marie O'Neil-Ferrannini

Lines: Democratic, HoosickFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Mark Surdam

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Bruce Patire

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: No



Term: Two years

Candidate: David Fleming

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: Donna Ortgies

Lines: Democratic, NassauFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Sandra Rings

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: RaymondSeney

Lines: Democratic, NassauFirst

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Guy Forte

Lines: Democratic, NassauFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Ronald Sears

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Lani Rafferty

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: MarcelleGadreault

Lines: Democratic, NassauFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Sandra Doyle

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: FrederickMcCagg

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Charles Smith

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Alson Spain

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: KathrynConnolly

Lines: Democratic,

Republican, Conservative,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Ernest Kern

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Andria Fisher

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Louis Desso

Line: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Stephanie Piel

Line: Republican,Conservative, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: MichaelDerevlany

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Amy Clinton

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence,Working Families

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Mark Premo

Lines: Democratic,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: SiegfriedKrahforst

Line: Republican

Incumbent: No


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ

A native of Troy, NY, Jim Brearton has lived in Brunswick

for 30 years. He is a graduate of LaSalle Institute, Holy

Cross College and Albany Law School. Married for 34

years, he has two children.






Continued from page 22

Continued on page 24

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election 201124 - Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ

Candidate: DavidAlderman

Line: Republican

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Richard Snyder

Line: Republican

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Emily Harrison

Line: Republican

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Edwin King

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Michelle Hoag

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: PaulMacNaughton

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: MatthewDemars

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Verna Hansen

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Susan Craver

Line: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Robert Russell

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: DominicJacangelo

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: GregoryKronau

Lines: Democratic,

Republican, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Susan Horton

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Thomas Slavin

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Gail Bentley

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: MichaelStufflebeam

Lines: Democratic,Working Party

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Toby Chadwick

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Flora Fasoldt

Lines: Democratic,Working Families, Sand LakeFirst

Incumbent: No

Candidate: StevenRobelotto

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Barbara Bittig

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Mark Cioffi

Lines: Democratic, SandLake First

Incumbent: No

Candidate: John Sniezyk

Lines: Democratic, SandLake First

Incumbent: No

Candidate: John Glasser

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: RaymondTurner

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Continued from page 23

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election 2011 Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ




Page 10: Election Tab 2011

election 201126 - Monday, November 7, 2011 qÜÉoÉÅçêÇ

Candidate: Jill Quell

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Four years

Candidate: Jean Carlson

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Janet Salisbury

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: DominicPasinella

Lines: Democratic,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Candidate: John Rustin

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: David Akin

Lines: Republican,Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: EricaWasielewski

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Terry Jones

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Shawn Hayes

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Dennis Dowds

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: Paul Peter

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: Donna Conlin

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: LindaUnderwood

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Francis Curtis

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: MichaelKenney

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: KatherineLubbers

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: LawrenceEckhardt

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: TammyWhitman

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: StephanieWagar

Line: Republican

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: WilliamJennings

Lines: Democratic,Working Families

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Alice Caton

Line: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: JasonGuilbeault

Line: Republican

Incumbent: No

Candidate: John Meekins

Line: Republican

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Ruth Rieger

Line: Republican

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Two years

Candidate: AldenGoodermote

Lines: Democratic,Republican

Incumbent: Yes


Term: 10 years

Candidate: Chris Hummel

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



(District includes Albany,Columbia, Greene,Rensselaer, Schoharie,Sullivan and Ulster coun-ties)

(Two seats)

Term: 14 years

Salary: $192,500 as of2012

Candidate:Thomas A.Breslin



Status: He earned a bachelorof arts degree from BostonCollege, 1968; a law degreefrom University of ToledoCollege of Law, 1973 and wasEditor-in-Chief of Law Review.He was admitted to New YorkState Bar, 1974. He and his

wife Judith have two sons

Occupation: Albany CountyCourt Judge and ActingSupreme Court Judge.

He was appointed byGovernor Cuomo in June 1990to fill the newly created FamilyCourt judgeship position inAlbany County. In Novemberof that year, he was elected toa full 10-year term. InNovember 1993, he was elect-ed to a 10-year term in AlbanyCounty Court where he wasre-elected to a second 10-yearterm in the fall 2002. In 1999,Chief Administrative JudgeJonathan Lippman appointedJudge Breslin to be theSupervising Judge of CriminalCourts in the Third JudicialDistrict as well as an ActingSupreme Court Justice.

Candidate: CatherineCholakis

Lines: Republican,Conservative, WorkingFamilies

Incumbent: No

Status: A graduate of theAcademy of Holy Names,Cholakis earned a bachelor ofscience degree in communi-cations management in 1985

from IthacaCollege anda JurisDoctor fromAlbany LawSchool in1989. She isadmitted tothe practiceof law in the

state courts of both New Yorkand Connecticut. She is mar-ried to retired East GreenbushPolice Sergeant Richard P.Kemner and the couple livesin Brunswick.

Occupation: RensselaerCounty Family Court Judgeand Acting Supreme CourtJudge.

After graduating from lawschool, Cholakis prosecutedchild abuse and neglect casesfor the Child WelfareAdministration in KingsCounty, this country’s busiestFamily Court. Upon returningto the Capital District, sheworked for the stateDepartment of Health prose-cuting physicians chargedwith acts of professional mis-conduct. In 1995, she waselected as the first woman toserve as Town Justice in East

Greenbush, and was re-elect-ed to this position in 1997 andagain in 2001. In June 2002,she was appointed to fill avacancy in the RensselaerCounty Family Court and waselected to serve a full term inNovember 2002. She wasappointed an Acting SupremeCourt Justice in January of2003.

Candidate:Raymond J.Elliott III



Status: A native of EastGreenbush and a graduate ofColumbia High School, Elliottearned a bachelor of sciencein political science fromColgate University and earnedhis law degree from AlbanyLaw School. He and his wife,the former Barbara Hedden,have two daughters Kara andKate, and three grandchildren.

Occupation: North Greenbush

Town Justice for the past 27years and a practicing attorneyfor 39 years

Following graduation from lawschool, Elliott become a partnerin the Albany law firm ofMilham, Maney, Maxwell &Elliott from 1973-1976. The firmlater became Milham, Maxwell& Elliott from 1976-1980 untilElliott began his own firm in1980 in North Greenbush. Hishands-on judicial experiencebegan in 1978 as Law Clerk toF. Warren Travers, RensselaerCounty Surrogate Court Judgeand served until 1986. From1986 to 1994, he served asLaw Clerk to George B.Ceresia Jr., Rensselaer CountySurrogate Court Judge. He hasalso served as acting Troy CityCourt Judge in both Civil andCriminal Court, actingRensselaer City Court Judgeand acting East GreenbushTown Court Judge.

Candidate: Guy Roemer

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Status: An Albany native, heattended the Milne School andis a graduate of St. Lawrence

Universityand AlbanyLaw School.He and hiswife Michelehave threechildren.

Occupation:An attorneyfor more than

40 years, he now heads upRoemer and Associates inLatham. Previously was a lawclerk for judges and wasfounding partner of theRoemer andFeatherstonhaugh firm inAlbany, which dissolved in1995. He has served in suchcapacities as Altamont VillageAttorney; Assistant TownAttorney for the Town ofColonie; Deputy VillageAttorney for the AltamontPlanning and Zoning Boards;and also as a member of theTown of Colonie Zoning Boardof Appeals.

Community Involvement:He has taught as an adjunctprofessor at Albany LawSchool, an evening divisionbanking course at SienaCollege as well as an adulteducation class at NorthColonie Central School.

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Term: Four years

Candidate:Daniel P.McCoy

L i n e s :Democratic,C o n s e r va t i v e ,I n d e p e ndence

Status: Heand his wife,

Alyssa, are the parents ofthree children.

Incumbent: No

Occupation: Firefighter/EMTwith the City of Albany FireDepartment and AlbanyCounty Legislator

Community involvement: Heis a member of the New YorkArmy National Guard andserved on active duty in Iraqduring 2006. He also is amember of the board of theNational Little League, socialmember the North Bethlehemand the Slingerlands FireDepartment, and a co-founderand former officer of theAlbany Airport FirefightersUnion Local I-65. He serves onthe City of Albany Zoning andAppeals Board and chairedthe Albany Parks andRecreation Committee.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

With my time in office already,I have been able to form work-ing relationships with countypublic servants. I’ve alreadystarted the dialogue for evenbetter quality of life and sharedservices.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the countyand what will you do aboutit?

The 19 percent tax hike, whichis now about 17 percent.We’re trying to find ways to getit down while dealing with thetax cap. We actually havelower taxes than Rensselaerand Schenectady counties,which have the same popula-tion as Albany County. We’redoing our job but need to do itbetter.


Term: Four years

Candidate: Michael F.Conners II

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

S t a t u s :Graduate ofC h r i s t i a nB r o t h e r sA c a d e m yand SienaC o l l e g e .Conners waswas electedA l b a n yC o u n t y

Comptroller in 1995. Beforeserving as comptroller, he wasa County Legislator from 1992through 1995. His publiccareer also includes service asthe City of Albany PublicWorks Commissioner in 1994,gubernatorial appointee andTreasurer (1988-1992) of theAlbany Municipal FinanceWater Authority. He also wasCEO of MF Conners & SonAgency.

Incumbent: Yes

Occupation: Albany Countycomptroller

Community involvement: Hehas been active in numerouscharitable and not for profitcorporations includingChairman of the Board–Cerebral Palsy Center for theDisabled 1987-1988, andChair-Capital Region NewYork State Mentoring Program1988-1991. He also hasworked on behalf of theWounded Warriors program.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

My independence and experi-ence as a leader in the private,not for profit and governmentalsectors are key to serving ascomptroller. Energy, creativity,and curiosity help with thechallenges.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the countyand what will you do aboutit?

The biggest problem facingthe county is unfunded statemandates. I am continuing towork with the New York StateAssociation of Counties andthe elected comptrollers groupto fight for


Term: 10 years

Candidate: Stephen W.Herrick

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Herrick received hisbachelor of arts degree fromUnion College in 1969 and hislaw degree from Albany UnionUniversity School of Law in1972.

Herrick began his career in1973 as an assistant publicdefender of Albany County. Hethen worked as a member ofthe law firm of McDermott andCheeseman, Esqs. from 1975to 1982. From 1982 to 1994,he worked as a sole practition-er. He was also Chief Counseland Labor Negotiator for theAlbany City School Districtfrom 1976 to 1994, workedbriefly in 1994 as Of Counselfor Ruberti, Girvin andFerlazzo, P.C. before he wasappointed judge of the AlbanyCity Court in 1995. He servedthere through 2001. He alsojudged for the Albany RegionalDrug Treatment Court in 2000and 2001. In 2002, he wasappointed to the AlbanyCounty Drug Treatment Courtand joined the Albany CountyCourt

Incumbent: Yes

Occupation: Albany CountyCourt Judge and has alsoserved on the Albany CountyDrug Treatment Court since2002

Community involvement:Committee member and chair,New York State Best PracticesCommittee for Drug Courts,2002 to present; committeemember, New York StateLocal Courts AdvisoryCommittee, 1997 to 2001;member, New York StateCounty Judges' Association,2002 to present; member,New York State City CourtJudges' Association, 1996 to2001; member, Albany CountyBar Association, 1973 to pres-ent; director, Capital DistrictTrial Lawyers' Association,1995 to 1996; board member,Capital District M.S. Society,1992 to 1995.


Term: 10 years

Candidate: Gerard E. Maney

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Graduate of SienaCollege and received his lawdegree from WidenerUniversity. His professionalexperience includes City ofAlbany assistant corporationcounsel, 1981 to 1991; workedfor Scheiberling, Rogan &Maney, Attorney, 1976 to1991; Acting Justice, SupremeCourt, Albany County, 1991 topresent; Judge, FamilyTreatment Court, 2002 topresent; Judge, Juvenile Drug

Court, 2006 to present; Judge,Family Court, Albany County,elected, 1991-2001; re-elect-ed, 2001 to 2011

Incumbent: Yes

Occupation: Albany CountyFamily Court Judge

Community Involvement:Center Advisory Board,Albany Law School'sGovernment Law, 2002 topresent; Chairman, SienaCollege's Distinguished Juristin Residence Pre-LawProgram, 2002 to present;Board of Directors, NYSFamily Court JudgesAssociation , 1991 to present;Board of Trustees, SienaCollege Associate, 1989 to1998; President (1995),Albany County BarAssociation, 1978 to present;received the Anthony V.Cardona Bridge BuildersAwards in 2006 and the LegalAid Society of NortheasternNew York Equal Justice for allAward in 1995


Term: Four years

Salary: About $108,000

Candidate:Craig D.Apple Sr.

L i n e s :Democratic,Conservative,Indepen


S t a t u s :Graduate ofR a v e n a -

Coeymans-Selkirk and holds abachelor of science degreeand master of science degreein public administration; resi-dent of the town of Colonie.Holds certifications in NewYork State Law EnforcementExecutive Institute at John JayCriminal College, John F.Kennedy School ofGovernment at HarvardUniversity, United StatesDepartment of Justice FederalBureau of InvestigationNational Academy, Universityof Virginia in conjunction withthe FBI National Academy,Hudson Valley CommunityCollege Zone 5 LawEnforcement Academy, NewYork State CorrectionsAcademy

Incumbent: Yes, appointed toreplace Sheriff JamesCampbell

Occupation: Acting sheriffand instructor in forensic sci-ence at Columbia Greene

Community College

Previously he held the follow-ing positions with the AlbanyCounty Sheriff’s Department:Undersheriff, chief deputy fieldcommander; patrol command-er, chief deputy field com-mander, patrol commander,lieutenant, sergeant/investiga-tor, deputy sheriff and correc-tion officer.

Community Involvement:His volunteer activities includeexecutive board member,Greater Capital District UnitedWay; executive board mem-ber, Albany Boys & Girls Club;board member, Colonie BabeRuth; past board member,Colonie Little League, andmember of the Town ofColonie DemocraticCommittee; his professionalaffiliations include: Member ofthe International Associationof Chief’s of Police; Member ofthe International CounterTerrorism OfficersAssociation, Member of theNew York State Sheriff’sAssociation. Also, he waschairman of the Town ofColonie Emergency ServicesTransition Team in 2007

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

I’ve seen all sides of policing,and every aspect of the AlbanyCounty Sheriff’s Office. I’vebuilt crucial relationships withevery law enforcement agencyin the county, as well as theState Police and federal agen-cies.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the city andwhat will you do about it?

As Sheriff, I plan on continuingto be innovative in policing andcontinue to provide a highlevel of public safety by con-solidating units within theagency which will provide acost savings to Albany Countytaxpayers, and expanding ourEmergency Medical ServicesUnit.


(Vote for three)

Term: Four years

Candidate: Timothy J.Cavanaugh

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent. As seniorcoroner, he is running for his7th term. He is state certifiedwith the Association of CountyCoroners and MedicalExaminers.

Occupation: Along with day

to day operations and budget-ing in the coroner’s office, hehas worked for the city ofWatervliet’s HighwayDepartment for 33 years.

Candidate: John G. Keegan

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent, runningfor his second term. A 1988graduate of Hudson ValleyCommunity College, he hasbeen licensed funeral directorfor 22 years. He lives inGuilderland and has a daugh-ter.

Occupation: He is employedat Magin & Keegan FuneralHome.

Candidate: Herman Thomas

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent, runningfor his third term.


Term: Four years

(One for each district)

District 14 (parts ofWatervliet/ Colonie):

Candidate: Philip G. Steck

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Stefan Kalogridis

Lines: Conservative

Incumbent: No

District 15 (parts ofWatervliet/Colonie):

Candidate: Robert J. Beston

Lines: Democratic,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

District 16 (Parts ofWatervliet/Colonie/GreenIsland)

Candidate: Sean Ward

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

District 17 (parts ofCohoes):

Candidate: Shawn M. Morse

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

District 18 (Parts ofCohoes/Colonie):

Candidate: Gilbert F. Ethier

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

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District 19 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Timothy D.Nichols

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Thomas P.Murphy

Lines: Republican

Incumbent: No

District 20 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: David B. Mayo

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

District 21 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Patrick F.Timmins

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: J. Brian Hogan

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

District 22 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Peter B. Tunny

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

District 23 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Richard P.Jacobson

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No

District 24 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Cynthia A. Dott

Lines: Democratic,Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Peter R. Crouse

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

District 25 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Joseph E. O’Brien

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Joseph V.Comella Jr.

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

District 26 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Patricia S. Lockart

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

District 27 (Parts ofColonie):

Candidate: Christine M.Benedict

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Four years

Salary: $58,396

C a n d i d a t e :John T.McDonald III

L i n e s :D e m o c r a t i c ,Conservative,Independence

Status: Marriedwith children. A1980 graduate

of the former Keveny MemorialAcademy in Cohoes,McDonald earned his bachelorof science degree inPharmacy from the AlbanyCollege of Pharmacy in 1985.

Incumbent: Yes

Occupation: Mayor since2000, pharmacist and ownerof Marra’s Pharmacy inCohoes

Community Involvement: Apast legislative chairman forthe Pharmacists Society of theState of New York, McDonaldhas held several positions instate and national pharmacygroups. Also, he is a memberand former president of theNew York State Conference ofMayors.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

I believe my experience,knowledge and commitment tothe community will assist us inour revitalization efforts as wecontinue to evolve from an oldindustrial mill town into an upand coming residential com-munity.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the city andwhat will you do about it?

The biggest issue is the lack ofmandate relief when it comesto doing the business of thecity. Due to state laws imple-

mented decades ago, it is diffi-cult at times to move even themost common sense initiativedue to the arcane rules of NewYork State. I will continue toadvocate for even the simplestreforms to continue to peelaway at this challenge as it istruly the number one item thatthe public does not realize thathas burdened communitiesacross New York State andsaddled taxpayers with thetaxes that they currently haveat the city, school and countylevel.


(Six seats)

Term: Four years

Ward 1:

Candidate: April A. Kennedy

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent

Ward 2:

Candidate: Alfred J. Turcotte

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent

Ward 3:

Candidate: George E.Primeau Sr.

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent

Ward 4:

Candidate: Dianne R. Nolin

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent

Ward 5:

Candidate: Roger R. Ceccucci

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent

Ward 6:

Candidate: Ralph V.Signoracci IV

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, Independence

Status: Incumbent



Term: Two years

Candidate: Paula A. Mahan

Lines: Democratic, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Status: Mahan earned a mas-ter of science in educationdegree from Sage GraduateCollege and a bachelor of artsdegree in psychology fromRussell Sage College. Sheand her husband Joe have twosons.

Incumbent: Yes

Occupat ion:Town supervi-sor. Prior tobecoming townsupervisor in2008, she wasa long-timeeducator in theNorth ColonieSchool District.

While teaching at ShakerJunior High School, sheserved on numerous commit-tees and held the position ofchairperson of the ShakerJunior High Pupil ServicesTeam for ten years.

Community Involvement:Mahan was founder ofCitizens Organized forResponsible Government, for-mer PTA president of FortsFerry Elementary School, andmember of the West LathamNeighborhood Association,the Albany County DemocraticEthics Committee, and thePruyn House. She is also amember of the Albany-ColonieChamber of Commerce,Colonie Chamber ofCommerce, Albany Pine BushCommission, Center forEconomic Growth, CapitalDistrict TransportationCommittee, Town of ColonieVeterans MemorialCommittee, Town of ColonieSmall Business AdvisoryCouncil, Pruyn House Boardof Trustees, Town of ColonieYouth Advisory Board, andTown of Colonie Toys for TotsChairperson.

What do you think you canbring to this position?

I have worked hard to restorefiscal responsibility, createhigh ethical standards, and tobring efficient governmentpractices to our town govern-ment. We have made greatprogress and I am proud tosay we are on a path to finan-cial recovery (from

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the townand what will you do aboutit?

My goals are to continue creat-ing financial stability, keepColonie a safe community,rebuild and maintain thetown’s infrastructure, anddevelop policies that allowColonie residents to enjoy ahigh quality of life.

Candidate: Denise Sheehan

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Status: She was educatedthrough South Colonie public

school systemand is a 1982graduate ofColonie CentralHigh School.S h e e h a nearned a mas-ter of publicadministration

degree from University atAlbany and a bachelor of sci-ence degree in economics andpolitical science from the stateUniversity College at Oneonta.She is married to Mike Millerand has three stepchildren.

Incumbent: No

Occupation:Executive directorof The Climate Registry, anon-profit environmentalgroup. She has more than 20years of managerial experi-ence, having served in variouscapacities in government andthe nonprofit sectors. Herexperience includes nearly 10years with the stateDepartment of EnvironmentalConservation, including twoyears as its Commissioner.Sheehan also has severalyears of experience in publicbudgeting and finance havingworked in the State Division ofthe Budget for more than 10years. She also served as thedirector of planning and eco-nomic development for theTown of Colonie.

Community Involvement:Active in community events,Sheehan served on theBoards of the Mohawk HudsonLand Conservancy and theShaker Heritage HistoricalSociety and is a member of theCapital Regional ActionAgainst Breast Cancer, theBlue Star Mothers, UAlbanyAlumni Association and theColonie Irish.

What do you think you canbring to this position?

I am a native of Colonie whocares deeply for the communi-ty. In more than 20 years ofpublic service, I have provenmyself as an expert and inno-vative leader in budgeting,financial management, andeconomic development.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the townand what do you plan to doabout it?

The mismanagement of thetown’s finances and lack oftransparency in town govern-ment are the most importantissues. As supervisor, I woulddevelop and implement eco-nomic development programsand strategies at the neighbor-hood level that rely on input

from business owners, resi-dents, and community organi-zations.


(Three seats):

Term: Four years

Candidate: Nancy Hernandez

Lines: Democratic,Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: William E. Carl

Lines: Democratic,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Paul Rosano Sr.

Lines: Democratic,Independence

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Peter J. Molinaro

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Thomas A.Jasiewicz

Lines: Republican

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Kevin F.Halburian

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Elizabeth A.DelTorto

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: Peter G.Crummey

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

Candidate: Rachel A. Perfetti

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Term: Four years

Candidate: Theodore G.Koniowka

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes

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(Three seats)

Term: 14 years

The Fourth JudicialDistrict includes the countiesof Clinton, Essex, Franklin,Fulton, Hamilton,Montgomery, St. Lawrence,Saratoga, Schenectady,Warren and Washington.

Candidate: RobertChauvin

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Biographical Info:Chauvin’s experienceincludes Chauvin Law Office,Clifton Park, 35 years; prose-cutor, 30 years, assistant dis-trict attorney, SaratogaCounty; town attorney, 25years, Halfmoon; and plan-ning and zoning attorney for25 years, Halfmoon. He is amember of New York StateBar Association, the AmericanTrial Lawyers Association,New York State Academy ofTrial Lawyers, and SaratogaCounty Bar Association.

Campaign Web

Ratings: Rated Qualifiedby the Independent JudicialElection QualificationCommissions

Candidate: Ann Crowell

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Biographical Info: As atrial attorney in private prac-tice, she has tried casesbefore the Supreme Court fordefendants and plaintiffs. Shealso worked in the RensselaerCounty District Attorney’sOffice and the SchenectadyPublic Defender’s Office,along with serving as DeputyCounsel for the state Divisionof Parole. For the last eightyears, Crowell has served asConfidential Law Clerk toStephen A. Ferradino, Justiceof the State Supreme Court.Her legal education includestraining to be a certified medi-ator. Previously, she servedas president of the SaratogaCounty Bar Association, andon the Board of the CapitalDistrict and AdirondackWomen’s Bar Associations.

Campaign Web

Ratings: Rated Qualifiedby the Independent JudicialElection QualificationCommissions

Candidate: John Lahtinen

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Biographical Info:Lahtinen was actively involvedin the private practice of lawfor 27 years, which includedextensive trial work. As a trialcourt judge, he has presidedat criminal and civil trialsthroughout the Fourth JudicialDistrict. He has served as anappeals court judge for thepast 11 years, where he haswritten in excess of 1300decisions and participated inmore than 9000 cases involv-ing various areas of New Yorklaw. Lahtinen received hisbachelor's degree fromColgate University in 1967and graduated from AlbanyLaw School in 1970. He hasbeen married to Eleanor hiswife for 44 years. He is thefather of three children andgrandfather to three.

Campaign Web

Ratings: Rated Qualifiedby the Independent JudicialElection QualificationCommissions

Candidate: John Silvestri

Lines: Democratic

Biographical Info: His legalcareer began as an associateof litigation firms whichrequired him to appear beforeState Supreme Courts, as

well as federal and districtcourts in the Long Island,New York City area. Silvestriand his family moved toHague, Warren County in1984 and shortly thereafter heserved as the town attorneyfor the town of Hague, as wellas the assistant district attor-ney for Warren County. In pri-vate practice since 1984, hehas appeared before courtsfrom Riverhead, Long Islandto New York City to St.Lawrence, Hamilton, Warren,Essex, Saratoga, and ClintonCounties.

Campaign Web

Ratings: Rated Qualifiedby the Independent JudicialElection QualificationCommissions


Term: 10 years

Candidate: RickKupferman

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Biographical Info:Kupferman has more than 20years of experience in han-dling estates, the probation ofwills, trusts, and issues involv-ing guardianship. Over theyears he has representedmany clients from Saratoga

and surrounding counties inthe Surrogate’s Court as wellas the Supreme and FamilyCourts. In addition to his pri-vate practice in Ballston Spa,he also served as GeneralCounsel for the New YorkState Senate Committee onChildren and Families. Hisother legal experienceincludes 20 plus years asAssistant County Attorney forSaratoga County and at vari-ous times, serving as townattorney for the towns ofMalta, Galway, Corinth,Northumberland, Edinburgand Village of Ballston Spa. Agraduate of Albany LawSchool, he is married andresides with his wife and chil-dren in Rock City Falls.

Campaign Web

For more information, see NYJudicial Candidate Voter Guide:


(Two seats)

Candidate: John R.Demartino

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Thomas A.Salvadore

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes



Candidate: Deanna L.Stephenson

Lines: Democratic,Working Families

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Mindy A.Wormuth

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Lynda A. Bryan

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Kevin J.Tollisen

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Continued on page 31

Candidate: Scott A. Segal

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: No


Term: Two years

Candidate: Julie A. Iannone

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes


Term: Four years

Candidate: Jeffrey P.Dorrance

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Francis Lacosse

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes



Term: Two years

C a n d i d a t e :Ellen McNultyRyan

L i n e s :Democratic

I n c u m b e n t :Yes.

Status: Sheattended the

former Keveny MemorialAcademy in Cohoes, and theColonna School ofCosmetology. She holds adegree in Mortuary Science.

Occupation: Owner and man-ager of McNulty FuneralHome, she was first elected topublic office in 1984.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

I don’t think you’ll find a harderworker than I am. I am a life-long resident and am in tunewith the community’s wantsand needs.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the villageand what will you do aboutit?

The biggest issue in anymunicipality right now is budg-

ets, and money, or lack there-of. We’re trying to keep taxesdown while complying with thetax cap. We’re trying not tohave any layoffs and providethe same services to our resi-dents.

C a n d i d a t e :R i c h a r dPalumbo

L i n e s :Republican

Incumbent: No

Status: A grad-uate of MVCC,

he studied electrical technolo-gy. He is married with one sonand one daughter.

Occupation: He is the formerGreen Island Power Authoritysuperintendent and now ownsa software business.

Community Involvement:Involved in municipal govern-ment for more than 30 years.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

From my 35 years as a publicemployee, I bring manage-ment and financial expertise.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the villageand what will you do aboutit?

I don’t want to raise taxes. Iwant to make it more afford-able to live here while alsoincreasing public safety.


(Three seats)

Term: Two years

Candidate: Lawrence T.Lansing

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Appointed toreplace his late wife

Candidate: Rachel Files

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Albert J. Sterling

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: No

Candidate: George F. Clough

Lines: Republican

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Thomas P. Frank

Lines: Republican

Incumbent: No



Term: Four years

Salary: About $18,000

Candidate: Michael P.Manning

Lines: Democratic,Conservative, WorkingFamilies, Independence

Status: Earned bachelor ofscience and master of sciencedegrees in materials engineer-ing from RensselaerPolytechnic Institute. He andhis wife Erin have three chil-dren

Occupation: Mayor since2008 and advanced sourcingengineer at GE Energy sinceJune 2008.

Incumbent: Yes

Community Involvement: Hehas been involved in commu-nity most notably as a memberof Watervliet High SchoolFootball staff.

What do you think you cancontribute to this position?

Build on the progress and suc-

cesses overlast four years,continue man-agement phi-losophy of run-ning city asbusiness – notpolitics, with awork environ-

ment that welcomes outside-the-box thinking and innova-tion.

What do you think is thebiggest issue in the city andwhat will you do about it?

Operational finances andrelated property tax, majorexpenses like retirement,health care, insurance havingdouble digit increase year afteryear, the pressure to keep taxincreases as low as possiblewhile providing same quantityand quality of services. Weneed to implement conserva-tive budgets and constantlyrevaluate ways to save costsand create new revenues.

*(Seats within The Record’scoverage area)

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Candidate: Craig A.Hayner

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: John P.Wasielewski

Lines: Republican,Independence

Incumbent: No



Candidate: John PingielskiJr.

Lines: Republican,

Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Candidate: Thomas J.Richardson

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Mark Seber

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Candidate: EdwardKinowski

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Michael Zurlo

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: No


(Two positions)

Candidate: Lisa Bruno

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: VirginiaWhitman

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Anne Robyck

Lines: Republican,Conservative, Independence

Incumbent: Yes



Candidate: John E. Lawler

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Darlene A.Dziarcak

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes


Candidate: Mark H.Goldberg

Lines: Democratic,Working Families

Incumbent: No

Candidate: Nancy M.Sunukjian

Lines: Republican,


Incumbent: Yes


(Two seats)

Candidate: David F. Ball

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: Elizabeth M.Callaghan

Lines: Republican,Conservative

Incumbent: Yes

Candidate: JoAnne M.Hines

Lines: Democratic

Incumbent: No

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