Download - Efraín Rodríguez, Servant and Prophet of the Lord.


To:Obama and The U.S.

English summaryIntroMay The Lord keep you.Prophet Efrain Rodriguez has given a message in Texas, primarily addressed to The United States and President Obama, but also concerning the rest of the world.The following is a summary of some of the most important points covered at that presentation. This summary is divided into topics covered and only highlights certain information. For more detailed information, click on the link to the entire message, posted below the video on the Description box.I. Jehovah-Jehovah will have absolute control over the earth that night. This is what the 12 point earthquake means-The Presence of Jehovah on earth. The Lord comes with His book to claim many souls before Jehovah, The Father, for His kingdom that night.-This event is not part of the Great Tribulation. It is the preamble of a chastisement that will give rise to the new church of Christ, which will go to Heaven in The Rapture. It is not part of the events of Judgement seen by John, prophesied in The Book of Revelation, which will, for the most part, occur after the church has left this earth. The Lord led Efrain, on the plane ride back to Puerto Rico, to read The Book of Revelation. He guided him to chapter 3, verses 7-13, where Jesus is telling John about the Philadelphia Church. In this chapter, He tells John about an event that will happen-a test coming to all the inhabitants of Earth. Jesus tells him that He would look after His own people and then come for them. (Please read it).-Millions of Jehovah's angels are already on earth right now. They will be around those who serve The Lord. The Heavenly Host is here. Intercede for your loved ones, so that they are also protected. Pray for a Hedge of Protection over them.The hedge will be around us. No matter what comes towards us-the shock wave, the sea, the earthquake, pestilence-it will not touch us. As long as we are bound to The Lord.As He did with Elisha, Jehovah will place this Hedge of Protection around His people.The Armies of Heaven will fight for them and protect those who serve The Lord.He will remember you and your family, as He remembered Lot, because Abraham had been faithful. If we are serving Him and are faithful to Him in our hearts, He will honor what we declare.-The game of playing to be a Christian is over. No more messing around with The Lord.-Everywhere you go, give testimony, as a Christian, and as a Watchman.Take advantage of the time that has been given to you. Jehova's judgement approaches this nation. We are all to blame for this. Run to the feet of The Lord Jesus Christ in order for you to find mercy in the midst of this trial. There is still hope. The Lord promised Abraham that the righteous would not die together with the unrighteous. The same promise applies to us if we bind our souls and lives to Jesus, in our hearts and in our conduct.

II. Worldwide preparations/NASA-Martial law is ready to be instituted in the United States and in the whole world, to be able to deal with this catastrophe.-NASA keeps giving dates and trying to justify themselves. The prophetic letters written by Efrain indicate that The Lord would keep NASA in a state of confusion, bewilderment and agitation, since they chose to not consult with The Lord, and chose to not warn the people when they first received Jehova's warning through Efrain. They even labeled the message as false, in a press conference in Florida. The actual date will be dictated by The Lord of Heaven, when He chooses. All Glory will go to Him, not to predictions of men or NASA.-The sea will retreat back in all coasts, including California.III. Puerto Rico-Another earthquake is coming to PR. Puerto Rico had a 6.4 earthquake in January of this year. No great damage was done, considering the earthquake in Haiti was not much stronger than the earthquake in Puerto Rico.Another earthquake is coming to Puerto Rico. No major damage will occur, either. God is letting the people know, so that people start looking up to The Heavens, looking and acknowledging The Lord.-The total death toll in the Caribbean, the United States and South America will be 40 million.-Obama, the President of the United States sent approximately 40 missiles to PR, to try to break the asteroid in the sky, so that it would fall on land (in Puerto Rico), and not in the sea. On a previous message, Efrain warned Obama to not press those buttons. He told the Army not to do it. He said: "Do not interfere with Jehovah's plans."-They made a mistake at Mona Island, the tiny island to the west of Puerto Rico, next to the place where the asteroid will impact the sea. There is a dangerous and unstable seismic fault there. They were trying to seal the seismic plaque with nuclear devices, supposedly to avoid an earthquake. They planted the device, but lost it down the trench. Now they cannot find it. Nobody can stand in the way of Jehovah's plans.-Thousands of foreign troops are stationed in Puerto Rico. There are troops from Russia, China, Germany, France. They have been transported in sealed trucks, during late night hours, to the mountains, supposedy for disaster relief. These foreign troops are meant to protect someone. There are over 15,000 foreign soldiers stationed in Alaska, the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. What for, i ask, unless they are expecting a major disaster? They have stocked up an enormous amount of ammunitions. Many bunkers have been built there.But The Lord has control over the mountains, and His Judgement will reach everywhere, even inside the bunkers.-Provisions for PR are ready in Venezuela. The Lord has chosen them as the nation that will first come to Puerto Rico's aid. They have been stocking provisions for a long time, even though they are experiencing scarcity themselves. The U.S. will be in great need. Aid will not come from them. Venezuela will feed PR just like the poor widow fed Elijah, even though she had almost nothing. The Lord made a miracle and provided food for Elijah, the widow and her son.-To all those pastors who have been preaching and fooling your flock with The Gospel of Abundance and Prosperity: you will see scarcity like never before.IV. Israel-End Time Prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. Israel is ready to build their temple. However, they have to wait. They cannot do anything at the Temple Mount while the muslim mosque -the Dome of the Rock-stands there. They will have to wait for the 12 point earthquake to destroy the mosque.-Obama wants Israel to give up land. Israel will not yield any land. What Israel conquered belongs to them.Even if U.S. troops-or anyone else's-surround Israel, that land is untouchable. These are God's chosen people, with whom He has an everlasting covenant.Leave them alone Mr Obama, or you will encounter the same end that Hugo Chavez encountered, after publicly cursing Israel. He died an agonizing death, due to a cancer that ate the depth of his loins, from where he actually declared he cursed Israel.V. United States-The U.S. authorities are concealing a lot of information. But others, like the Russians, are warning the people of the U.S. to move away from the coasts.-When the asteroid hits, we will feel the shock wave as a very strong wind. Ask The Holy Spirit where to move. Requisite: be bound to The Lord. Stay away from sin, so you can hear Him.-If the U.S. remains silent, over 35 million deaths are expected in the U.S.-Six events will occur that night:1-asteroid2-earthquake3-shock wave4-tsunami5-three days of darkness6- pestilence-Besides the obvious coastal flooding, all rivers will overflow due to the sea level rising and the rivers having no outlet into the ocean. Many will die from this.-Scientists predict that the water will reach inland 50-100 miles.-The U.S. government is preparing for 15 months of scarcity. Millions of boxes of dry food and other resources are stocked and stored in places in the middle of the nation.-Concentration camps are ready.Countless vans and vehicles are prepared to relocate people.-Civil War will break out because of scarcity of food and resources. All the preparations concerning troops, ammunition, vehicles and concentration camps will be used to keep control of the population during the tremendous civil unrest that will follow. Martial Law will be implemented as a necessity to keep the people and the resources under control.-A great epidemic will break out. It will be the worst of the 6 events of Judgement. It will come as a result of the decomposing bodies floating in the waters and left on land unburied. No matter how much medications they have stored, Jehovah will make the Nation come back to His feet, through this chastisement.-This nation will be raised again, after the chastisement. Worldwide grief will lead many to bend their knees before a Holy God, and they will recognize His Supremacy. They will make a change in their lives because they will know that the return of The Lord is near. New leaders will emerge, together with a new church and a new nation, that will honor the God of Heaven. They will change back the laws for a time, up until The Rapture of God's people, which will come before The Great Tribulation.VI. President of the U.S.-Obama-The President of the U.S. asked Congress for ALL Power. He plans to have absolute control during this Emergency. This means NO elections. He has taken advantage of the imminency of this coming disaster. This totalitarian power is a terrible danger. This message should be sent to all Congressmen: you still have time to revoke this power. Politicians, revoke the power you have given Obama. You have no idea what you will face.-Obama does not love this nation, or Christ. In his second term, he has shown his true intentions against everything that is Christian. All the laws that he has signed indicate that he plans to persecute the church.Woe to him who tries to hurt The Lord's church!-He has violated all statutes of God. He has made this nation go astray.-He thinks he will be safe and cozy inside his bunker, while millions of people die above ground.-The President of the U.S. is the most to blame for this judgement over this nation.-He excluded The Law of God.-He signed laws never before signed. He has no respect for The Church of Christ.-However, The Church of Christ will not be touched. Together with Israel, they are the apple of God's eye.He does not chastise or penalize the homosexuals, or the muslims, no matter what they do, yet he takes every action to penalize and extinguish the church of Christ. He takes away freedoms from Christians, while at the same time giving freedoms to those who blaspheme God. Even Putin, the Russian President, rebuked him for this. Woe to you, poor, poor man!-The judgement over the U.S. will come because the pastors and evangelists remained silent.Many, if not all, of The great Evangelists and pastors have said nothing. They have gone along with Obama's changes. Many of them, together with politicians, artists, performers, Hollywood personalities, etc. are in confabulation with Obama, even knowing that he is going against God's mandates. Even knowing that all these laws are a slap in God's face. A direct and shameless challenge to The Lord of Heaven. Great amounts of money are being paid to these people.In New York City, a law is being drafted that would force people who do not accept homosexuals, to be forced out of the city.Two cities were destroyed in the past because they went against the parameters of conduct established by God. The U.S. is following their example.-Judges are forced to pass laws allowing things that The Word of God forbids.Christians cannot talk about Christ in their government work places. Prayer has been taken out of the classrooms. Laws allowing the murder of innocent unborn babies are passed. There is a video that shows how unwanted newborn babies are beheaded after being born.But rest assured, Jehovah will pass judgement over them. Over this nation. Obama has an appointment with Jehovah. He has offended God in every way. He told God that men can marry men and women can marry women, which goes against God's commandment in the book of Genesis. Species went into the Ark as male and female. Otherwise, there would be no animals today.All places in the nation where these aberrations are practiced will be affected.-This spiritually corrupt President has blasphemed God's mandates.He has trampled underfoot all The Postulates of God. The majority of evangelists and pastors have gone along with it, keeping silent. The very few who stand firm in The Lord will be forced to give up their posts because they will be forced to marry men with men, and women with women.Almost Nobody has complained. The rest have allowed it. They will have their sentence too.Politicians have fooled the nation because there is no longer Presence of The Holy Spirit in the majority of the churches.-God delivered Israel from Egypt but, before He did, he made justice. He smote and struck Israel's tormentors with 10 plagues.The wrath of God is great. Nothing will stop it.-Obama thinks he will be safe inside his bunker. He thinks no hand can touch him. But Jehovah's hand will be upon him and his descendants.The serpent-Satan Himself-will crawl down, all the way to the bunker, and Jehovah will execute judgement upon him.-The people will kneel before God Jehovah during the pestilence. Current leaders will be replaced. The pestilence will do away with leaders who sold out God's Supreme Law. A new nation will arise.-This nation was founded upon postulates that cost Abraham Lincoln his life. He believed that all men are created equal. President Obama believes differently. He believes that Christians are to be disposed of.This nation has belonged to Jehovah from its foundation. Christ IS this nation's religion. No matter what laws they pass.-Here I quote Prophet Efrain Rodriguez's words: "Listen to what I say, Obama:Jehovah called me. There is a hedge of protection around the people of Christ, in this land and everywhere. This nation will see with its own eyes what I declare. You have blasphemed the Lord of Heaven, Jehovah, and the Church of the Living God, The church of Christ. And this has consequences.Mr Obama, your whole healthcare system will fail. God's church belongs to Him only. You cannot mark it. God's church still has power. We will claim Heaven's blessings, like The Lord Himself claimed them.Whoever messes with the chosen people of God will pay a price-a certain death sentence. The Angel of God WILL reach you, Mr Obama. As long as the church is here, this nation belongs to God, and to God ALONE.God is greater than Caesar.You can come after me with your planes, but I tell you that before you lay a finger on me, your planes will explode in mid air, shot down by Heaven, because my message comes from Jehovah.I know you will come searching for me, but Jehova's Hedge of Protection is around me. And even if you send someone to kill me, the message is already traveling the world. I am unimportant. It is more important that I obey God, than to obey my pastor, president, or anyone else.This is the Lord's message for you:Respect the Nation.Respect the Church of Christ.Respect the People of God.Respect Israel.This message will be fulfilled and you WILL respect God. This whole nation will respect God.

I have delivered Jehovah's message to this nation.May The Lord keep you.VII. ConclusionBrethren, Watchmen: Go out and rescue souls. Before, during, and after this event. Be active watchmen. Sound the alarm! Point people to the Ark, Jesus Christ. Those of you who are called to bring in souls for The Great Harvest, keep your passports ready and up to date. You will have to travel to other nations that will open their doors to The Gospel of Jesus Christ. You need to spread this message. A lot of the information here is new. It had not been made public on the previous messages. People have to know. Spread the message.All this will happen before The Rapture and before The Great Tribulation.Obama is not the Antichrist. Many believe he is the Antichrist, but he is not. He is only the antichrist's helper. He does his dirty work. Obama is only preparing the way for the Real Antichrist, who will be revealed after the church departs from this earth.His healthcare system and chip are the technological precedents of the system of The Mark. But his plans to mark God's church will be stopped by this event. Many will take the chip out of necessity. But, I say, if I am sick, before allowing myself to be marked with a chip, I would rather go to the altar and pray. I would rather seek the elders of the church to pray for me and lay hands on me, like the Word of God says. I would seek people who have the Presence and Fire of The Holy Spirit. The church cannot sell Herself.Let us empty the hospitals by seeking the Healing Power of God, rather than depending on a human leader's health promises. If we do this, Obama's whole healthcare system will crumble. Let Obama keep his chip.No one will mark the church of Christ.Brethren, Prepare spiritually. Make ammends. Forgive. Leave sin. Leave double lives behind. You are all responsible to pray to The Lord for protection. Pray for your neighbors and loved ones to be protected too. Nobody, except The Lord, is perfect and truly Holy. We all fall short. He knows this. He is there to add what we lack, as long as we cling to Him. We are all inside The Ark-our Lord Jesus Christ. Remain inside The Ark. We have to live in a continous desire and perseverance to please and serve The Lord in all we do while we are here on earth. If we offend Him, let us come back to Him in brokenness and humility. He will be Faithful to forgive us if we truly have changed our heart and seek to stay under His shelter, serving Him. Persevere, ask for His strength. Remain in The Ark until we hear the Blessed Trumpet.May The Lord keep you.The corrupt President of the American nation will be put to death by The Angel of The Lord when the pestilence starts sweeping across the United States. Thus saith The Lord.May The Lod keep you, brethren.-Prophet of Jehovah, Efrain Rodriguez

PROPHECY OF IMMINENT ASTEROID IMPACT-PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ:ALL COUNTRIES WILL BE AFFECTED BY THIS COMING EVENT, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE PART OF THE CARIBBEAN, LATIN AMERICA, CANADA AND UNITED STATES. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND AFRICA WILL ALSO BE AFFECTED.THIS IS A PUNISHMENT AND CLEANSING FOR THE WHOLE WORLD, NOT ONLY FOR THOSE WHO LIVE NEAR THE SEA. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES WILL ALSO RECEIVE THE EFFECT OF THE SHOCK WAVE, THE TSUNAMI AND THE SUBSEQUENT EFFECTS.THIS COMING EVENT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, AND IT IS NOT PART OF THE JUDGMENT EVENTS DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION. WE ARE NOT IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION YET. THIS ASTEROID IS NOT WORMWOOD.THIS EVENT WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. IT IS A PUNISHMENT AND CLEANSING FOR THE APOSTATE CHURCH WHO LIVES IN THE WHOLE WORLD, TO PREPARE THE FAITHFUL REMNANT FOR THE RAPTURE OF THE TRUE CHURCH. THE PRESENT CHURCH IS NOT PREPARED TO GO IN THE RAPTURE.THERE IS LITTLE TIME LEFT.THE MESSAGE IS THE SAME FOR ALL: PREPARE YOUR SOULS WITH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS ARK OF SALVATION, AND STORE WATER, MEDICINES AND FOOD TO THE EXTENT YOU CAN. THE AUTHORITIES ARE PREPARING FOR AT LEAST 15 MONTHS OF SCARCITY. IF YOU HAVE DELIVED YOUR SOUL AND TRUST IN CHRIST, HE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH WHAT YOU NEED.BESIDES THE IMPACT OF THE TSUNAMI, WHICH WILL MOSTLY AFFECT COUNTRIES THAT HAVE COASTS IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, THE SUBSEQUENT EFFECTS WILL AFFECT ALL COUNTRIES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THEY ARE CLOSE TO THE OCEAN OR NOT.The impact of the asteroid will occur at 2:00 in the morning at sea, in the area west of Puerto Rico. Calculate the equivalent time in your country. The impact will stop the rotation of the Earth for three days. The time in your country at the time of the impact, in Puerto Rico, will be the time in which your country will remain for those 3 days, be it night or day.The order of events is:1-The fall of the asteroid2-The rotation of the Earth will stop due to the impact. It will be three days of darkness in places that are not under the light of the Sun at that time.3-A 12 point earthquake, nearly simultaneous. It is the Presence of the Lord on Earth. It will be felt around the whole world.4-Impact Shock wave that will travel the world. It will come quickly because it moves at an incredible speed. It will bring winds of 300 miles per hour5-Tsunami/Tidal wave. It may take from seconds to hours to arrive in your country. (Depending on the distance of your country from the place of impact). All rivers will overflow due to coastal flooding.6-Plague/Pestilence-result of the bodies decomposed in the waters and land, not buried because of the 3 days of darkness, and due to the flooding of rivers and seas. It will be very difficult to get rid of the bodies.7-Scarcity. Shortages of water, food, medications and resources for at least 15 months. Martial Law will be established throughout the whole world to deal with the shortages and unrest in the population.All these events will claim millions of lives, especially the plague.HOW TO PREPARE:JESUS, THE CHRIST, THE ONLY SON OF GOD, IS YOUR ONLY HOPE. UNDERSTAND THIS. THIS IS GOD'S WAKE UP CALL!LOOK NO FURTHER FOR SECURITY IN ANY OTHER PERSON, LIVING OR DEAD, EVEN IF YOU BELIEVE THAT OTHER PERSON TO BE HOLY OR DIVINE. YOU WILL NOT FIND SALVATION, SECURITY OR PROTECTION PRAYING OR CLINGING TO SOMEONE OR SOMETHING THAT IS NOT JESUS CHRIST. YOU WILL NOT FIND IT, AND YOU MAY BE ENDANGERING YOUR SOUL, YOUR LIFE AND THAT OF YOUR LOVED ONES.THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO SALVATION: JESUS CHRIST. THERE ARE NO OTHER ADVOCATES, INTERCESSORS OR MEDIATORS BEFORE THE FATHER. DO NOT RISK THIS. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND SOUL HERE. UNDERSTAND AND DO NOT GAMBLE WITH YOUR SOUL AND LIFE.There should be no fear in your heart if you are bound in your soul to the Master, the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ. The details on how the wave will be in your area, or how much will the shock wave affect it, or if the plague will come to your area, or how much damage will be caused by the earthquake where you live, or how far inland the wave will enter, or the height of the tsunami, or at what time it will happen in your country, region etc. are IRRELEVANT details and unimportant if you are bound to the Lord Jesus in your heart and your conduct. He promised protection for those who believe in His message and seek His Salvation and Protection. The Holy Spirit will give you instructions on what to do if you are bound to Christ.It is important to ask the Holy Spirit what are His plans for you and your loved ones before and during this event. Do not move from the place where you live, unless directed by the Holy Spirit. There will be protection wherever you are, if you are spiritually bound and clinging to the Lord. Do not flee.The Word of God says inRevelation 3:10:"Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the Earth."Be reconciled unto God, by running to the Feet of Christ. Not out of fear, but for the salvation of your soul first, and then to find mercy for your life and that of your loved ones in this trial.There are angels around our homes. Countless Angels are already on Earth. The Lord knows that His people need His faithful refuge. It is Heaven's commitment to us. God will take care of our families if we are bound to Christ. It is His Promise.I say to the Church of the Lord in PR and other places, in the name of the Lord, we will not run, until and unless the Lord through His Holy Spirit, tells us when to move from our homes. The instructions for each person will be different, and will arrive at different times.We must have the courage and the confidence in Him, without losing our faith. Do not act upon the flesh and abruptly. Wait for the instructions of the Lord. If the authorities ask you to evacuate your area, do so. The Lord can use authorities to protect you.The primary preparation is spiritual. Come to Jesus Christ inrepentance and surrender your lives to him completely. It is your only means of salvation and protection: the Lord Jesus Christ. Forgive. Abandon sin and double life. Seek Holiness. You are responsible for praying to the Lord for your protection and the protection of your loved ones. Pray for your neighbours and relatives, so they are also protected.Anoint your homes with oil. There is no procedure or a specific oil for anointing your home. You do not need a priest, a bishop, a Pope, a pastor, a saint or the Virgin Mary to bless your oil or your home. Only The Holy Spirit can do that. This is between you and Jesus Christ, no one else. It is a matter of the heart. The oil is an external sign that once again you are dedicating your life to serve, believe and please Christ, and that you are dedicating all your possessions and all that you are to Him. You can use pure olive oil (from the supermarket or health food store) and pray over it. You can read a passage from the Bible, such as Psalm 91, and then put oil around the frames of the doors, as the Hebrews did in Egypt. The Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the Blood of Christ covering your life and home. But, the actual anointing is the one in your heart.Claim the promises and precedents of protection found in the Bible, for those who love the Lord.The Lord promised Abraham that the righteous and the wicked would not die together. The same promise applies to us if we bind our souls, conduct and heart to our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.Prepare your souls and alert others. Sound the alarm. Time is short. May The Lord Jesus Christ keep you.Mass Destruction for Puerto Rico-Urgent WarningBy Efran RodrguezProphet of Jehovah, God of the UniverseGod's Notice for all the Caribbean islands, The Atlantic Ocean, the East Part of the United States and all South America.To all brethrenin the faith:May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you who read this prophetic message of the living God, about an event that soon shall take place in Puerto Rico and the surrounding Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean.I was named by God Himself, 40 years ago, to be His prophet, to inform His people of His plans, and to declare with great detail what the Lord will do against the wickedness that prevails over His people, in all of Puerto Rico and the world, just as it happened with the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 26:1-6) Please read it.By order of God, I will not hold back one word that He (God) has given to me. God has been knocking on all church doors in Puerto Rico, giving them this warning. For the last two years, I have been taking this message to these churches. Out of approximately 6000, only a small group of Evangelical churches have received this message on God's behalf, even when the majority of pastors have knowledge and information on God's message and the consequences that this will bring. These pastors do not want to inform the church because they fear the panic that this may cause. They also use the excuse that "God is love" and that "He (God) cannot do this." But they forget that God is also a consuming fire, and that He killed Noahs generation. Yet before God did this, He looked on the earth and God saw that Noah was a righteous man, and He told Noah of the plans He had, and He told him to build the ark. God also told Abraham of His plans to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. God also raised Jonah as His prophet and told him what he had to do when he arrived to speak against Nineveh. God gave them an ultimatum of 40 days.I ask you: Who allowed the deaths of 250,000 people in a matter of minutes in Haiti? Who allowed for 200,000 deaths in Indonesia, by way of a tsunami? Who also allowed, and we saw it with our own eyes, what happened in Japan, where an earthquake and a tsunami, both at the same time, killed over 20,000 people in one day?Coincidence or not, all of these three events took place during the day. Were there not children, elders, youngsters, women, men and animals all taken by surprise? All were in different places and all died. Now I ask a question: Does anyone dare say that God is bad? The ones that say that they are God's church in P.R.? The word of God says that nothing happens unless He allows it. That is the answer to this biblical assertion.To our understanding, here in Puerto Rico, God has been revealing His message to not only children, but to elders and even to non-believers, just as he did with Pharaoh in Josephs time. Incredible but true, that a pagan (pharaoh) believed what Joseph told him, unlike God's children, and he immediately gave orders and did as he was adviced (Genesis 41).But God's island (P.R.), having the Holy Spirit and all of its attributes, does not ask the Holy Spirit if this message is true! Ask God if this is from Him or not!I will explain to you exactly how God will carry out His punishment on that night. If I were a false prophet, my days in front of God would be numbered, just as God pointed out the false prophets in Jeremiah 26:11-13-14-16-22-25. And in all of Ezekiel (please read). My whole life would be in dangerwithout Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I would never say these things of my own accord. I say these things because God has truly revealed them to me.I am informing The Church of Jesus Christ in the island of Puerto Rico, that this is final, and true, on behalf of the living God. It does not matter how much you pray, or fast, or scream, no matter what you do, God will not change His mind. The Lord told me that this is just like Pharaoh's dreamit will happen. This means that this is serious for God, and God will soon bring it to pass. Genesis 41:32.There will be three judgments (events) happening in the same night. Holding my head up high, I can say that God revealed to me things that no eye has ever seen in these times.He showed me a huge rock (asteroid) entering through the sky in the municipality of Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and exiting through Mayagez. As it exits Mayagez, the asteroid will collide with the Island called Mona, to the west of Puerto Rico. Then the asteroid will enter the ocean and collide with the seismic fault, which will then cause an earthquake of 12 points on the Richter scale. At the same time, this impact will produce a large wave, which will enter the Island of Puerto Rico immediately. This wave will enter into areas that no one would believe possible: Las Marias and Maricao, where Satanists sacrifice newborn babies. Once this asteroid enters our skies, there will be no time to do anything. There will be nowhere to run. All we can do at that point is give ourselves to God, spiritually. If the Lord has not told anyone to get up and go before this happens, then dont move. Stay in your home. All we can do is prepare for whats coming. I am speaking to God's people, as He told me that on that night many Christians will die. The impact of the asteroid will be such that it will feel like a nuclear explosion.God's priority in giving this message of judgment is so that all His people will understand the urgency and content of His message.I will remind you that scripture says that the disciples asked Jesus: Lord, we do not understand what you are saying and the Lord told them: "Later, in private, I will tell you what I told them in parables." (Luke 8:10). He said: "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, "'though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.'Likewise, I will first explain to Jesus Christ's Church. I say with all certainty that the 12 Richter scale quake will be Jehovah God of the Universe Himself, executing this judgment in Person, identically as when He executed His judgment on King David. That is why the Trinity will have Their feet touching the ground that night. They will be walking on the island, executing the judgment, very similar to when God visited Abraham to warn him about His destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God had no reason to tell Abraham of His plans, but yet He did.Even though many beg to differ, this judgment is brought about due to the church, as much in Puerto Rico as in the rest of the world.When Jesus entered the temple, He saw how His people were violating His spiritual etiquette. Instead of them going out on the streets and buying and selling what they needed, they did it on the temple grounds, provoking God's wrath. Coincidence or not? We can see how many of God's churches are doing the same things today. They have put aside all that Jesus did by dying on The Cross so that we can see Him and the Father. It all comes down to holiness, "without which no man shall see the Lord."The death toll shall be overwhelming: in Puerto Rico alone, it will reach 750,000 people. The massive wave will be moving at a speed of 400 miles per hour, according to a scientist that studies these phenomena. After the impact, the wave will be taking everything in its path through the Caribbean Islands. It will be entering Miami, Florida at around 5:00 am. It will make its way up the eastern United States, also the Gulf of Mexico and South America. (Experts predict that such a colossal impact would cause the Earth's rotation to cease for 3 days -meaning the Earth would not rotate for 3 days, which in turn means that there would be 3 days of utter darkness on this side of the Earth).If you are reading this message, I dare you, in the name of Jesus, to ask The Holy Spirit if this message comes from God or not!The Lord told me: "My servant, why are you trusting in men? He told me: "Trust in Me. I will never fail you, but men always will fail you." He told me this after I gave the Governor of Puerto Rico the message. The Governor did not heed the warnings I gave him, just like Pharaoh in Moses' time. I put my trust in the Governor, thinking that he would ask God to be merciful, and that then, God's wrath would not be so strong, like it happened in Nineveh. Then The Lord told me: "Why are you praying for my servant Yiye Avila?" He told me: "Stop wasting your time!"I was praying, asking God to give His servant Yiye Avila, the great Puertorrican Evangelist, more time here on earth, because I knew that Yiye's parting with The Lord-whenever it happened-was to be the sign that God had chosen for Puerto Rico as prelude to this judgement, in order for His true church (small) to be able to prepare itself, and would be able to escape to the mountains, just like Lot did when The Lord's angels told him where to go. Scripture says that The Lord will not do anything until He first reveals His secrets to His servants, the prophets. Thusly, God, who is in Heaven, is being faithful to His servants here in Puerto Rico, and to all the righteous in the island. For this reason, He told me: "My servantsoon I will take my servant Yiye Avila and I will allow for my people to honor him". He said: "As soon as Yiye is laid to rest, immediately I will send my judgment to the island" (it is in God's timenot ours). Note: Yiye vila has now gone to be with The Lord, as of June 28, 2013. This message was received and written before Yiye's passing.I want to inform the church of Jesus Christ that is in the island of Puerto Rico, that this judgment, which is being contemplated by God, will be executed at night, just like with Sodom and Gomorrah (read Ezekiel 12).I say to the church in the island of Puerto Rico, that we will not run or move until The Lord tells us to do so, just like God told Moses when to go out of Egypt.Even when the remains of our brother Yiye Avila are laid to rest in the ground, God's church in Puerto Rico will not move until The Holy Spirit tells us to do so, no matter where we live in the island.Church of Jesus Christ in Puerto Rico, please understand this. The Lord told me: "My servant, the Big Nation (USA) will not come to help you right away. For this reason I have selected another Nation that will help you out first. They will bring food to all of you. This nation is already storing food for you. " He said: "You will be surprised when I tell you who it is..." He told me it is Venezuela. I will inform you that on February of 2012, in a video that was seen throughout the world, Hugo Chavez told God: "If you are truly God, heal me, (since neither the witch doctors, nor the Cubans, had been able to cure his cancer). This was live on the Government channel in Venezuela. He told God: " You know that I am saving much food and I do not want to die, since I want to be the one to give out the food." This is in a video.What did Hugo Chavez know, so that he would be so emphatic about this? Or who gave him information prior to the fact? (This is an observation that we wrote since this brother, Efrain Rodriguez, says that God told him that aid would come from Venezuela, not from its leader, knowing that Mr. Chavez died in March of 2013).The Lord will do with those that say that they are His church as He did with His people that came out of Egypt. Those who were 20 years old or older did not see the promised land. He told me that the majority of the Christians in the island will perish that night and that a new flock will enter the church, including many who do not know God. They will give Jesus their hearts, and, together with the righteous that remain alive, will become the new church of Jesus Christ.He also told me: "My servant, do you remember Korah?" (read Numbers 16). He asked me this 5 times. After I shook my head, He told me That is the same thing that I will do with the majority of the pastors in the island: while the earthquake is at its peak, I will open the ground, and wherever they are standing, they will go alive, straight to Hell, since they are responsible for this judgment taking place." He said: "Their substitutes are sitting in the temples, waiting for My order.I challenge all those that say that they have the power of God, to say and prove that I am lying. I will go to your church and you can rebuke me if I have anything in me that is not the Presence of The Lord. He who has the Lord does not run from what God says. He confronts whomever, me or anyone else.They have tried to hide this complete message from God's people. This message is very similar to Jonah's message, the difference being that they believed the message that Jonah brought, unlike here in Puerto Rico, where the pastors kill the prophet and the message. On that night, God will ask the pastor where is the flock that He gave into their hands.The Lord told me: "My servant, I will make it possible that from the Big Nation (USA), they will come back to the island and will fill her again."Gods church has not realized that we are entering the beginning of birth pangs, the Beginning of Sorrows.In the meantime, the Roman Pope is asking the United Nations to find a man that can take charge of the world's economy. The church wants to go after the world, to the point that, from the altars, they no longer preach that Jesus is coming, since the church leaders have their eyes on other things.Such things are happening that all you see on their weekly church program is: information on the youth basketball tournaments, or a field trip, or on such day the clown will be here, bring the children, or info on the car wash, or dance classes. All of these have replaced the Holy Spirit! Now they practice dances in church and then they go and dance for the world, which is an aberration. We are not Jewish, they say, and thus many pastors are allowing all these things in church in Puerto Rico (and all over the world). Who are they entertaining? Meanwhile, adultery is passing through our churches, fornication, women being abused and also children-right inside our temples- homosexuals standing in the altars; our youth being one thing inside the church but outside they are something else; men and women inside church practicing witchcraft-and cursing us. How is it possible that they have thrown out The Holy Spirit? Who will defend us?Car washes are usually done by the youth group. These car washes usually take place on church grounds, They use the funds they collect to pay for specific church related needs.Nowadays, the pastors are the ones who decide what will be done in church. It is no longer the Word of God that decides. For this reason, neither the church nor the non-believer, will have peace or tranquility in the island, since they have overstepped the parameters of sin, and, in the presence of The Lord, we were found guilty. We are just waiting for judgment day.Since no one wants to preach what Jesus did on the cross, God himself will do now as He did before by passing judgment on former generations, as previously mentioned in this message.I have said to all that say that "today could be the day that the church goes in the Rapture," that in this moment, the Rapture could not take place, since the majority of the church would not make it, due to the church's lack of candidates to go to Heaven. The Rapture will come after the breaking down of the church that is soon to take place. Then, and only then, will God reap His church in the Rapture.This event will be worldwide, and The Holy Spirit has spoken of it. If God does not do it this way, many would be lost, possibly even the righteous. I will remind you that on that night, there will be three events occurring simultaneously, not two like the government says, according to their FEMA agencies.I will remind you that on that night, there will be three events occurring simultaneously (the shock wave produced by the asteroid collision, the 12 point earthquake and the giant tsunami), not two like the government says, according to their FEMA agencies.At this moment, the US is preparing at a very surprising rate. They are waiting for something to impact all of the Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean. When God told me to speak to our Governor, who has a lot of knowledge on what the government agency FEMA is doing in Puerto Rico, it was with the purpose of finding a way for the population to have access to food and medication.God has told me that this warning is not to bring panic to the churches. It is for them to prepare themselves. If the population does not know what is going to take place, how will they prepare for such an extraordinary event?I will remind you that an earthquake is not predictable. It can happen today, or at any time. I will say what we already know and understand: that FEMA and NASA, the space agency, have joined together by order of the President, and at this moment, we all know that neither FEMA nor NASA have the authority to divulge any information, as this might cause a worldwide panic.However, the Lord Jehovah has told His churches in Puerto Rico (no matter what denomination they belong to) to study and receive this message, and to prepare themselves with Him.I will inform you that the word we received from government agencies and the information that we get from people who work inside these agencies, is that they are really concerned and worried about Puerto Rico.There is talk about a report that was delivered to the president concerning an impending event coming to PR and the area of the Caribbean, and his response was that nothing was going to be said to the people of the island. The President said that, once the event comes to pass, he will send help. He knows that we are the only territory in the area to be affected, where people, as American citizens, can move in and out of the United States freely.He knows that everyone could leave the island and move to the United States if they knew the truth. He said that he doesn't want any more Puertorricans up there. They have known about this event for several years. The time is drawing closer and, as we speak, FEMA urgently prepare for this.There are 2,500,000 bags stored in warehouses in the docks and port areas in Puerto Rico. Thousands of black boxes that can contain 3 corpses each, have recently been sent to the island. We know that the Government has an estimate of about 2 million casualties for this event, rather than the estimate of 750,000 dictated by the message from the Lord to Efrain.This message is to be analyzed FIRST AND FOREMOST before the living God. The amount of actual casualties will be determined by how many people come before God, and believe and respond to the message given by the Lord. People who work for FEMA showed me a map indicating where all the equipment for saving lives and managing survivors is stored- whether it's helicopters, ambulances, Army troops, and other emergency provisions and preparations.Their map shows up to where the water may reach (I only ask: why such unnecessary precision if supposedly they are "only" preparing for a possible earthquake?). We know that the real preparation is for something else, something that has never been seen before on Earth, according to a UNited Nations press Release about Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.Hundreds of aircraft from the army have arrived carrying millions of boxes of dry food.The Governor was told to build places to store all the food and body bags in certain places, up in the mountains, but he did not do it. For this reason, the wave will do away with it. (NOTE: we have received word that, lately, the provisions and equipment has finally been moved into safe places up in the mountains).We know that the Government is preparing a certain amount of people to look for specific places to move and live in the mountains, in order to preserve the survival of the race, because they expect a tremendous loss of life.We know that a division of the army of more than 2,000 soldiers was sent to the island years ago, and trained to store bodies in body bags quickly, in order to avoid the resulting plagues and epidemics from the corpses left behind by the wave.We also know that they are preparing to try to destroy the asteroid from the sky with missiles, from land, and from nuclear submarines. All will all be in vain.NASA predicted an asteroid hit for February 15, 2013. However, all will come to pass as the Lord Jehovah dictates, not as man plans.Now they are starting to talk about this in a subliminal way. The Lord will show them first when the real time is imminent. Then they will have 24 hours to let the people know.We know we depend and trust in God, rather than man, for this. So, when you remember this message, ask the Lord to show you all about this issue to you personally, as soon as possible.We have even more information to give, but, for now, research and watch all the videos on youtube about FEMA trailers, body bags, coffins etc (some are posted below). You will see that the U.S. Is urgently preparing for something unprecedented, because of the reports they get from NASA. All space observatories around the world are working together. Presidents and leaders from all over the world have been informed. However, they will not reveal anything to the public until the moment is upon us.I will remind you that an earthquake is not predictable. It can happen today, or at any time. I will say what we already know and understand: that FEMA and NASA, the Space Agency, have joined together by order of the President, and at this moment, we all agree that neither FEMA nor NASA have the authority to divulge any information, as this might cause a worldwide panic.However, God has told His churches in Puerto Rico-no matter what denomination they belong to-to evaluate this message, and to prepare themselves with Him. We know that we depend on God, more than man, to get us through this. So please, as you remember this message, ask God as soon as possible to reveal to you all its truths.To all the pastors in Puerto Rico, the evangelists, the so called prophets and apostles, the bishops and all who have titles, I say to you that The Lord can also reveal to you what He has revealed to me.We have the same problem that the Prophet Daniel encountered, by surprise, when Nebuchadnezzar gave the order to kill all of the wise men from Babylon. We know that Daniel was on the list of those to be killed, but even though Lord Iehovah did not warn him ahead of time, Daniel did not remain with his arms crossed when having only one day before he would be killed. I recommend that you do as Daniel did: he asked Lord Iehovah to reveal to him all about the king. That very night The Lord revealed to Daniel what he needed to know.We too have a death sentence, so ask Lord Iehovah now to reveal His will to you. If you do not get an answer, then you need to look and reflect and find out where you went wrong.May The Lord open your eyes, so that you might see."Your brother and prophet of The Lord,Efran Rodrguezefrainrodriguez556@yahoo.comwww.profeta-de-dios-efrain.comCell 787-244-5434Member of the Iglesia de Dios Pentecostal of Camuy, Puerto RicoVideo of a reading of this Letter: 8, 2010.Asteroid en route towards Puerto RicoUrgent! Island of Puerto Rico, Prepare.Imminent Judgement of God.Prophecy of God for Puerto RicoBrother Efrain Rodriguez"And God looked upon the land of Puerto Rico and leaned over to see and behold, it was corrupt, the earth is filled with violence because of them. "

- Genesis 6:12-13: 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. "Noah believed God. Just like Noah, I will repeat the same message to the inhabitants of the land, as many times as necessary, so that many in Puerto Rico may escape from eternal death, for that is God's warning in this message .

Let us begin. In a dream, I was standing outside of my parents' house in the neighborhood Piedras Blancas in San Sebastian. I stood at a place from where you can see the valley of San Sebastian, a high place where you can see the municipalities of Moca, Las Marias , Maricao and Aguadilla. As I looked at all those places, I looked towards the distance, where you could no longer see the land, as it was almost night; then I saw a black wall at the bottom where the land ends from Aguadilla to Las Marias. I looked carefully at it and did not understand what I saw. I looked back towards the top of the wall and I saw white spot areas coming off its height, as if it were alive; and that's when I realized that it was a giant tsunami, over a thousand feet high, something which human eyes have never seen in the world.

Then, at the same time, the Lord showed me an earthquake, which made the whole Western area of the island tremble, and the earth seemed to sway like a hammock. After watching these two phenomena, I saw dark clouds circulating throughout the valley, like tornadoes within an undefined storm, understanding that dark clouds are a symbol of death or loss of life throughout the island. Then I asked the LORD, "What is this I'm seeing? You're going to destroy our land with these three phenomena ?" and I heard a voice say: "Rebuke them" and so I did, and they disappeared.

I was happy, within the dream, as I saw these three phenomena disappear. Next, still within the same dream, I heard a voice coming from the air. This voice could be heard at the top of the mountain that is next to my parents' house, and It clearly said to me: "My servant ... let me tell you about my servant ' Yiye' (referring to Yiye vila, the widely known Evangelist from Puerto Rico). This ( ... ) person will be his succesor". I did not understand what He meant about this great servant of His, but then I realized that He was going to take him (Yiye vila), before the Rapture, and would choose a successor, an unknown person, as his replacement,which He was showing me . (Note: As stated by Efrain, this succesor, chosen by The Lord, will follow Yiye's footsteps as a spiritual shepherd. He is not necessarily referring to a replacement of Yiye's lead position within his ministry in Puerto Rico.)

Here, I will tell the people everything I told His servant Yiye Avila, so you can understand the seriousness of this matter.

While at my church, I said to God, "Lord, I am not going to give the message to the people until I speak to your servant Yiye, since it involves him." One night, I asked a brother who works in the ministry: " I need to talk to Yiye. I have a message from the Lord that I have to deliver to him personally." He said: " Make an appointment", which I did.

I said: "Lord, you know that it is urgent for me to talk to him". Some days later they called me and asked me to go to Yiyes ministry channel at 12:30 pm, to meet with him at the end of his program at 1:00 pm (this was in May 2010) . I said, "My God, youve really gotten me into a situation!

I arrived before 12:30 pm and let them know that I had an appointment with the servant (Yiye vila) at 1:00pm. After some time, his secretary came into the lobby and instructed me thus: "Brother Yiye will receive you here, in this waiting area," I then informed her that the conversation had to be private, but she told me it had to be there. She also said : "Brother Yiye will possibly not speak as we speak, but he will understand everything you say." I told her that's all I wanted to know. I had asked the Lord, before going to see Yiye, that he would understand me, even if he did not say anything to me.

I sat on the couch and started to look at all the trophies and awards that Yiye had earned throughout his long ministry career and said: "Lord, What am I doing here? Look at all this! I have to tell your servant what you showed me regarding him ... God, I cannot even hold a candle to this man in the spiritual aspect. Lord, I believe I'm going to open that door and leave. I'm nervous and also, if what the secretary said is correct-that I have to talk to him with other people here- then I will go! Even if you make me come back another time. "

Five minutes before one o'clock in the afternoon, I decided to leave, but at that very moment, the secretary opened the door and when he ( Yiye Avila ) saw me, he said, ' You are the brother who wants to see me? , I said: "Yes, I am." Then we hugged and sat down; but in my mind, I said: "Lord, if someone sits here while I am talking to your servant, I will leave. "

I said, "Servant, I bring a message from the Lord for you, and it is this: You have publicly told God and the world that you are going-or want to go- in the Rapture of the Church, as the Word says, but the Lord says He is going to take you to Him before, because He does not want you to see the largest judgment ever seen in any one place in the world, which is reserved for this island; and God does not want you to suffer for a people who are far away from the root of holiness, which you preached to them, and which they do not believe in any more. Up until today, this judgment has not been poured out and executed because God honors everything you ask of Him , as he did with Moses, when he interceded for Israel. "

I said, " God showed me the highest tsunami ever to be seen in these days, covering part of the island and all its coasts, accompanied by an earthquake, and above all, with a surprise coming down from heaven that we did not expect to see in our time, but which has biblical basis in Revelation. He showed me a large rock coming down from Heaven, which would cause a wave that would rise so high, and which will cause devastation across the continent and PR ".I said:" The death toll will be greater than ever seen in the world and this will happen in the early morning hours, after midnight".

Nearly 40 minutes- and several people-passed by, but no one sat down. I said, "Servant, I'm going now", but he said: " Do not go, I will pray for you, but first , let me say this to you: Everything you have just told me, go quickly and tell the people, " He told me this three times. And I said, " That this is what I will do."

Since June 8, 2010, I have not stopped talking about this message. Brother Yiye's departure with The Lord is the sign for this Judgement. But God will warn us when He is about to carry it out. I know that God will speak to His servants and prophets of this earth, for the righteous and the wicked are not going to die together, because our God is extremely JUST.

This account is true and faithful, as there is nothing hidden throughout this servant. Those who have the Holy Spirit as a personal guide, ask Him so you may believe this message, He will tell you. These judgments will begin in the House of God first, it is the Word of the Lord, and there is no turning back.

Some days ago, I prayed and said, "Lord, show me again your intentions for the people, because every day that goes by, I get more and more distressed," That very night He gave me a dream where He said "What I will do with PR is final and firm". I woke up around 2:00 am and my heart was troubled by the confirmation. I gave thanks to the Lord that I was not wasting my time. I have to take this message even to the governor. The people need to understand that, to God, Yiye is as another Moses, in Puerto Rico, and as a result of Gods love for him, He is honoring him by not allowing him to see what He has reserved for us, due to the evil that we have generated before God's Holy Presence. As soon as Yiye leaves with the Lord, the fulfillment of this event will be a matter of time- it has been shown to many servants and prophets in and out of Puerto Rico- we will see what we have refused to believe from the prophets utterings throughout the island, who are still dreaming about these events.

Acts 2:17-19

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above, and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.

During the 34 plus years that I have been having those dreams, yet dared not speak to anyone (running away just like Jonah), I asked: "My God, I can not understand. Why is the wave that I see in all the dreams you have shown me so big? Why does the water reach the neighborhoods of my people in Piedras Blancas, in San Sebastian and Lares bordering Las Marias, Maricao, and covers and sweeps away all the people of the Western area of our island, and consequently, all coasts of Puerto Rico and other surrounding nations?I asked the Lord the reason for the giant wave. I did not understand, since an earthquake could not cause it, as there is no record in the world of something like what I had been seeing. This question was answered in January 2007.

I had a dream in which I went out of my house in Hatillo. As I paced through the entrance, I decided to look at the night sky, and suddenly, in the air, I saw a great rock coming, and I said " My God, what is that? " and God stopped it in mid air for me to see, as it did not appear to have fire at first glance. After I was able to get a better look, the Lord allowed it to continue its course. I said, "Lord, please do not let it make impact on the mainland. Please send it to impact Mona Island". (Mona is a small uninhabited island to the west of Puerto Rico and east of the Dominican Republic). It was my prayer to our God.

(Still dreaming) I called my wife and said: "Lets take the kids, we have to go to a high place, a big wave is coming!" We left running through Bayaney of Hatillo district, a place that is a somewhat high above sea level. When we got there, I heard, through the car radio, reports that the water had begun to enter the land, and as it was night, I was desperately trying to see the wave. I woke up in desperation and sweating; because what I saw in the dream seemed very real. I looked out the window, as I live less than a mile from the sea shore. I told my wife about the dream in the morning.

Two weeks later, I was watching the Discovery Science Channel, and to my surprise, they were showing an asteroid documentary. The narrator was focusing a laser pen on a picture that he enlarged. He talked about an asteroid that would pass by, or near the earth, or that would impact on 2014, according to them. I was surprised when the picture of the rock was enlarged. I called my wife, who was in the kitchen, and said, "Look, this is the rock I saw in the dream, it looks like it!"

In Puerto Rico, people might say, "This is impossible." They say that "how could God possibly bring down an asteroid to our land, much less if it has to do with us, because we are so good, and God does not punish anyone." Many who read the Word of God think this way, including many pastors and evangelists who forget the "consuming fire" that God is also, a God who-according to their thinking-is good to punish other nations but not us, "God does not dare to touch us," So many think this way.

I say: Look, or go to places near and far, as are Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Africa, U.S.A. and other countries, Ask why--in these nations, God, who controls everything and authorizes all that happens on earth (good or bad, so says His Word)--ask why have so many deaths been allowed in these countries due to tsunamis, earthquakes, famines, pestilences, plagues and other ailments that have afflicted them? Also, ask why God sent judgment upon His people of Israel, with death every time they sinned before Him. Is Puerto Rico better than them? I speak to those who want to question God about why He is so unfair with those people- ask God.

The nature of God is HOLINESS. That is why Puerto Rico has been found "wanting" before the Most High God, for departing from the principles of all Holiness. Up until now, we have been prospered like no other place among so many other people. Many believe it will always be so. They are wrong.

I asked the Lord and then I answered my own question: there are many people prophesying in this island right now Lord. No one knows whom to believe, or which message truly comes from you. For this reason, the people will have to ask your Holy Spirit if they want to know who speaks for you, Lord', Many people have come in these times prophesying judgments of God for the island. The people here today are already confused, frightened and troubled. If you want to escape what is coming, you have to be like the watchmen: warn each other, bind yourself to The Lord Jesus Christ, and ask for the gift of discernment.The dead will be so many that there will be no comparison to any place . If people take this as a joke, the death toll will surpass 750,000 , when the waters rush in, according to what God has shown me . All this depends on the Christian people and whether they believe the message, as did Nineveh when Jonah delivered the message of God.The Lord tells the people , that this time He will not turn back , as He did in the past with the people of Israel. ( Read Genesis 41: 32-33- Joseph in Egypt ) .Also, when He said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 11:14:"You, do not pray for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them : for I will not hear on the day in his distress call to me . " - Jeremiah 11:14 RVR60The plague of sin of Puerto Rico is so great that God cannot withstand us any more.In the transition from Elijah to Elisha , many prophets to Elisha said the same thing (" You know that today your master will be taken off " ) and all the prophets spoke the same. Here it's the same , many prophets indicating that a great "Woe" approaches Puerto Rico .The Lord says there will be famine, pestilence and death . For this reason , we urgently need to take the advice that Joseph gave to Pharaoh , so from now on, store food and supplies because food shortage will come to this island (as in Egypt) . For many months , we will be collecting canned food, left behind by the sea. Better start stocking up.The radio and television stations have sold out for 30 pieces of silver (as Judas did ) all that God granted them, the sacrifice that God placed in the heart of the people , dollar by dollar, to buy these stations. Now, a small group of people run them at will , depriving the vast majority of people from hearing them .Today, the majority of the programs they broadcast do not give hope of eternal life to anyone, and some of the programs you hear make you want to throw up, as the Lord says, " I will spew you out of my mouth. " Therefore, they are like the merchants that Jesus found upon entering the temple ( as traders, buying and selling what was holy ) in grounds that were meant to carry the message that has not, nor will ever have, double meaning.Many claim we have to adjust to the times. But the Lord says ,that the sin of Adam, David and many others have the same wages before God, whether a thousand years ago, or today! How sad that , today, we have to see this with our eyes , just as Jesus saw it more than two thousand years ago , when He entered the temple of God ... the same!All these stations have orphaned the vast majority of the people, to go and offer strange fire , mixed with half-truths . They have corrupted the word and believe that God and the people are blind.They will face the same judgement as the sons of Eli , who were killed by God because of willful sin upon the altar of God. The same is going to happen to those who have authority and power to straighten the paths of those who run these radio and television. They look the other way, allowing what Eli allowed his sons to do. Remember also what happened to the sons of Aaron ; offering strange fire, an offering which God had not asked them to do. These are two examples that no one should forget.This also applies to the owners of the stations , who came to the Gospel and became devoted to the service of God, yet became polluted. Everyone should go back to the old narrow way, with urgency, because the days are coming in which they will lament and regret, for many lives will be lost because of them.They have changed the message of meats and vegetables (the Word of God that nourishes ) for watery, tasteless soups. They were Watchmen, yet hid. They attempted to follow and look more like the world, and they succeeded.Because of this, what most of the people try to do is hear news and search the Word of God to find comfort. Those who run these Radio Stations and Christian TV stations believe that they bring the youth closer to God with summer beach festivals that feed the flesh, or by motivating people in Satan's territory, or with concert with Christian singers, and other things they come up with.I challenge them to produce a list of people who have turned to God in those places. On the contrary, we see those same young people on the news every day, in different situations, dead or in prison. I am sure that thousands of them, tired of the life they lead , turn on the radio in their cars , trying to find comfort from God's Word from those stations, looking for The Lord, yet all they get to hear is 80 % music and other things that do not help with the critical situations of these young people and adults.I remember that, in my day, when I was in distress and wanted to hear a program, I would turn on the radio , and the first thing I heard were servants preaching edifying messages that one was expecting and hoping for. But today, they have removed the message that would make people reflect and bring them to everlasting life, denying programmers who are committed to the message which led Jesus to die on the Cross to give us life.Most of our young people who depart this earth will never again get to embrace our Lord Jesus Christ, because the means that God gave us to help the people , have been turned into businesses that have to produce money. For whom?They entertain the listeners, without realizing that they turn them further away from the Lord. They do not warn them that we, in this world , are in the beginning of sorrows. These are like the times of Noah. No one believed him until the rain came , but then it was too late.People, understand that what comes to Puerto Rico is the same message of Noah. Puerto Rico will be flooded with water and that does not violate God's promise to Noah, nor the rainbow as a sign . This is for Puerto Rico and part of the American continent, not the whole world.Pastors nowadays do not support the prophets who bring a hard word from God and a warning for the people, and they claim to represent God in their churches . I say that no matter what tongues you speak, if you do not ask for the gift of discernment from the Lord, you will do the same as the apostle Paul did when he consented to Stephen's death .But these pastors, in turn, also kill the messenger of God with their apathy, not discerning whether or not the message comes from God or men. What comes from God is known to those who discern through The Holy Spirit.The Lord has allowed me to send all these messages to TV and radio stations. I have been able to talk to managers , broadcasters and secretaries. This message will not be stopped by anyone. It comes from the living God, and He will make all the people know, so they do not have excuses when this judgement comes to our land, on that horrible night for this island.People, understand that the Lord showed me this trial happening at night. For this reason, the death toll will be very high, because all the people will be with their families. The destruction will be immense throughout the island , the coast and in the mountain areas . As soon as the asteroid hit is announced ,everyone should go up to the mountains. It will be the safest area against the sea, except for those in the Western area. The only safe places will be the high places in Lares and Ponce, because Maricao and Las Marias will be underwater.In Exodus chapter 7 to chapter . 11, it says that none of the plagues of Egypt touched The Lord's people.People from the West area , ask the Lord that when this comes, God will cover you with His protection, as He did with His other people, Israel. No plague came near their dwellings. If we believe , even if the wave or earthquake or whatever comes, everything may fall and crumble all around us, but it will pass over us and will not come into our homes. It is His promise.No one can run from Mayagez and nearby towns. They will not have time. On that dark day coming on Puerto Rico , all you have to do is claim the miracles The Lord our God performed in Egypt .We should anoint our homes, lands and posessions with oil ASAP. The oil symbolizes the Blood of Jesus our Savior. On that night, when the Angel of Death sees the oil on the doors and everything we have, he will not enter our homes because there will be a hedge of protection from God. Above all, we have to maintain harmony and peace in everything that we devote to God, not allowing in the house the old chains, the anger and everything we did before in the world , because God will be the absolute Master of what we have anointed.Remember ACAN kept the Babylonian garment in his tent, which to our eyes looks like something simple , but it was anathema to God , sin and disobedience. Before that terrible night , we have to look at what kind of anathema we have in our homes and remove it ASAP. Thus says the Lord , if we want God to honor in us what He did in Egypt.The anointing our homes and property, in and by itself, is not a guarantee that judgement will not reach our material possessions. The Lord reminds us that He only deals with people (souls). Many people just want to secure their property, more than their own lives, but the Lord will first save those who love Him, and then our properties. Because of the possible loss of material possessions throughout the island today, its inhabitants reflect great distress because of what they hear is being prophesied . But the Lord tells us that He just wants to save people ( Souls ) and deal with each soul based on their life of sin or life of holiness before Him. That is the only guarantee of deliverance for us by The Lord, during that trial that will befall us and the properties that He has given us .We have to be connected to Him 24 hours a day, as Enoch was in Genesis 5:24 . We all have to be afraid of losing our lives (souls ) without Christ. We must keep looking for and to the Lord, so we do not die without Him. (also read Leviticus ch. 27 . Things consecrated to God ) .This will be very similar to King David , for when he sinned , God dealt with him personally. Puerto Rico will not be an exception . The God of the universe will be executing this judgement in Person , against our Island, and will demmand an account from all of us who have believed in our Lord Jesus Christ and have rebeled against Him.We accept Him as a Father when we convert, and He now comes to discipline those of us who want to straighten our crooked ways in front of the Lord.Thus Saith the Lord :" I will pass on that night through all the land of Puerto Rico." Men, women, children and animals of all kinds will die that night. It will be a "Woe!" greater than the death of all the firstborn in Egypt, but this time, it will fall upon Puerto Rico and the Americas . "( Exodus 12:12) Please read the Word.Sorcerers of Puerto Rico , spiritualists , idolaters , satanic worshippers and many others have handed their properties and land in Puerto Rico over to Satan. They have yielded much of the land of Puerto Rico that God gave us more than seventy years ago. You see how this island has progressed over the years. The church was fooled by the Gibeonites (Joshua 9)and allowed what they had to be removed by the Enemy.All weekends, for many years, many high society people and others throughout the island gather and come down to the western area and use that part of the island for all kinds of sin, in this land of Puerto Rico .On this island, the Island of the Lamb , there are temples where people worship Satan. Satan worship is done in many of our western mountains and other parts of Puerto Rico :They sacrifice animals and even humans, confirmed by the country's laws .Spiritualists practice consulting the dead across the Island, which is a sin before God.At will, sodomites and lesbians perform their rebellion against God throughout the area and the whole island. Likewise, the worshipers of idols bow down before statues, believing they are gods, and thus ignore the first commandment that says - "Thou Shall have no other gods before me " ( Exodus 20:3 ). They do not respect the Creator! In the whole area, orgies , drugs , crime, theft and more atrocities are also practiced .All sins are mostly concentrated in that area of the Island. The Church knows this and has done nothing . They live like LOT, who adapted to living with the Sodomites in Sodom and Gomorrah. Had it not been for Abraham, Lot and his family would have died. How similar to us, in Puerto Rico! This land will be punished, not with fire, but with water.Now you know the reason for what will happen in this area and in all Puerto Rico and the mainland.The true God demands that everything that He has given us, we use for His glory and honor, whether it is houses, lands, instruments, and whatever we have. However, the Church of the Lord does not even want to honor God and therein lies our sin: we do not give honor to the Creator of all things. While others honor their false gods, we do not do it with the True One (Look at the complaint of the Lord about Puerto Rico in Jeremiah 2:11-13):"Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord.For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water."At the impact area, the wave will be more than a thousand feet high. In the northern area, it will be about 200 feet, and after Fajardo, in the Eastern part, it will come down to 100 feet. God showed me that the waters of the tsunami will also cover the towns of Las Marias and Maricao. I've seen this in all my dreams, for years: the water will cover those places. I am asking the Lord to let us know the time of this event, for the Lord is good.In 2008, the computers of the observatories in the world and of NASA were activated, because they discovered an asteroid that was on route towards the Earth. The computers indicated the place of impact and the time of arrival. The place was in the desert of Sudan, Africa, and they had only 8 hours of notice before the impact of the asteroid.This asteroid exploded in the air, before impact in the desert. Almost nobody knew, because they kept it silent until recently. It was not until 2010 that they reported it, on a documentary in the Discovery Channel. I hope that we get an alert when NASA and the computers of scientists in the world are activated and trace the asteroid's route.I remind NASA, that in Puerto Rico, there are more than four (4) million U.S. citizens, people of flesh and blood. Take this into account, since this message has already been sent to you (NASA) and the Puerto Rico Seismic Network.May God allow us to receive notice so that this time, even if we only get 8 hours' notice, we have time to evacuate people from the Western area of Puerto Rico and from the coasts.IMPORTANT!!! Christian people of Puerto Rico, please remember that the Lord wants, above all, before this trial, that all backsliders return to Him, as soon as possible. Urgently!!We have to run to His feet with urgency. Please, don't think twice. Run, because you will have no excuse before the Lord. It is a call with tears from the Most High God, because a multitude of backsliders will die that day. Also a multitude of those who are within the churches will perish, because of the rebellion that they still practice against the standards of Holiness of The Lord.To those who are within congregations, God demands you honor His Word and bind yourself closer and tighter to Him, in order to claim His promises of protection when this comes; turn your eyes towards Him. The multitude of backslidden Christians in Puerto Rico is such that all the churches of the island would overflow with them. They are, and live, around those same churches; What does the Church do to find them? What does it do to bring them back?The island has been evangelized and God wants to rescue all of them now! The majority of the people no longer want to know about the Lord because of all those who have trampled on His Holy Name with their evil deeds and their aberrations against the Gospel.The Lord calls the pastors, who have closed the churches on Sunday evenings, not realizing that many non-Christians and many wayward and backslidden people in the island, having no other days due to their work, look to reach the churches on Sunday night, to return, and others to be reconciled to The Lord.Pastors have closed churches and temples on the most critical days of humanity, so that Christians go, even on Sunday, to all the shopping malls to enjoy, 24/7, without rest. Meanwhile, many souls that might be facing their last opportunity for salvation in this land, see the temples closed at that hour. Where are the Christians and pastors?Woe! pastors! What you have done to the all powerful God by denying those who have no hope! God is angry with everyone! The Lord wants us to read Luke chapter 21. Verse 25 says: "There will be signs in the Sun, Moon and stars, and on the earth, distress of Nations, confused because of the roaring of the sea and the waves."We are already seeing this all over the world, in Nature. Please open your eyes! We need to return to the old path, the old narrow way, and our first love. We have to remember when we came to Him, our Lord and Master, and gave our lives to Him forever. Return! Our God is claiming this from His Church in Puerto Rico. This judgement is going to come.Nothing is going to stop the trial, even if we pray. All God wants is to not lose the many who took His seed in their hearts and stopped serving Him. For this reason, He makes this call; so that they may be saved and not go to hell.On behalf of the living God, to the Puerto Ricans who do not live on the island; While many scoff and others do not believe and say "God does not speak this way", a dark night, and many days, will come when all will cry on this island and in the United States.Starting long ago, and until today, Puerto Rico has received so many blessings. The Lord had to pull out of this island, a multitude of brothers to evangelize many distant places and countries. God sent His missionaries, evangelists, pastors, and other brothers of this land, taking His Gospel.God wants, and so it has come to pass, that many places around the world receive this prophecy.The Lord wants that all Puerto Ricans residing in the United States and other countries know the reason for this judgement.The Lord of Israel wants all to know that all who left and live outside this small island will also weep bitterly, since they were on this island and, with full knowledge, have also left the old path that is called God.The Lord speaks to the believers who are outside the island because, when this happens, they will not know how many of their family members here will be dead, or if they are still alive. I say that every family there will be mourning in their household because of what will happen in this land. Why will this happen, saith the Lord?First: Today, Evangelicals of Puerto Rico have left God for the love of money, for prosperity, for material goods. They have replaced God, to love and kneel before worldly goods instead of putting God first.Secondly, today, Evangelicals have become asleep, and as if it were something normal, have awakened to realize that the island has revived the worship of statues, spiritism, and open worship of Satan. Evil on the island of Puerto Rico is similar to the time of Noah.The Lord tells us as He told Moses; "Tell the people not to trespass the limits of the mountain, so I do not cause many of them to fall."And what did we do? We went to the altar of our churches as if it was anywhere.Jesus told us to not fornicate, and what have the people done? We have lots of young people in our churches fornicating. Jesus said to the adulterous woman: "Go and Sin no more". However, this sin abounds within our churches. The pastors look the other way because of financial reasons.Lying is another demon that abounds within the congregations in Puerto Rico, from members to the hierarchy. God has said, that within the Church, the days of Ananias and Sapphira would reappear, since lying is abundant within the congregations, on all levels.On this small island, sodomites, working backstage with the politicians, are scheming to try to make laws to be able to get married in Puerto Rico. I will remind you that God, in His perfect creation, made a female companion for Adam.When the flood was approaching and, at the call of God, each species of animals entered the Ark of Noah, as male and female. Otherwise, today, there would be no animals in all the land, since two males or two females cannot exercise the mandate of God of "Go and multiply,' as He ordered the man and the woman.At their whim, the sons of Satan in Puerto Rico use our mountains to sacrifice animals and human lives, already confirmed, to their leader Satan. Throughout the year, they plunder the cemeteries of the island, removing corpses to perform their rituals. We have politicians, lawyers, judges, police officers, doctors, teachers and so many others in Puerto Rico who have given their souls to Satan, who never honors those who serve him and cheats, because he is a compulsive liar.Many of these people previously served God. They went astray, and God gave turned them over to a lying spirit of error. God will hold them accountable. But above all, He will hold accountable the pastors in all Puerto Rico, who abandoned their tenets and scattered His flock in this island.That is why our God will be present in person, overseeing everything that night, so that the Angel of Death does not kill the flocks that were abandoned to their fate in all the territory of Puerto Rico.Brothers, understand that we will only be protected from this, only if we are under the shelter of the God of the universe. Already, all the sins that once we committed in the world, today are also being committed within the Evangelical churches.The people have to look for a place where the First Place is given to God, and where the Spirit moves. Not all Evangelical churches of Puerto Rico accept the Presence of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus left for us, the Spirit who leads, protects, heals and rebukes hidden sin. The Precious Holy Spirit.For this reason, God wants the wayward and backslidden to seek churches where His Spirit moves; as those are the only places where candidacy for eternal life exists, places where His Presence is evident and clearly felt. That is the narrow road, with all its problems, which many pastors and members no longer want to follow. But I tell you, in the name of Jesus, to see to it. It is The Only Door. Only a small group of pastors forbid entry to these sinful aberrations in their churches, because they love God.THE Lord tells the pastors, according to Ezekiel chapter 34 (read it full), that, on that night, He will be judging them because they are solely responsible for the flocks. God Himself will come that night as The Faithful Shepherd, to gather many lost sheep, so they do not all perishwith the rest of the people, since many pastors have left them wandering through many deserts in this island.The Lord calls the pastors to return to the teaching of the ancient path, the narrow way, while there is still time, and fill the void that exists in most Evangelical temples with the Holy Spirit, so that He, together with them, guide the people into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ before the tragedy.The Holy Spirit will also expel the dances of man inside the temples and replace them with the dance of the Holy Spirit. He will bring to the light all the hidden sins, and the people will be restored, as King David was restored when he deviated from the Path of God.Pastors, please realize the claim of God to you. He wants to reconcile with those who shepherd His flocks. Do not miss this opportunity before the trial. David humbled himself and God restored him. Read Chapter 12 of Ezekiel. While reading it, wherever a reference is made to Israel, read "Puerto Rico". That chapter was given to me by The Lord today, and He wishes that the people read it and continue to understand how serious and decided The Lord our God is, concerning this island, because of the sin that continues to be committed here.As Prophet of the Most High God, I have to talk to the people that are constantly attentive to the prophecies about Puerto Rico. Everyone should know that The Lord, our God, is emphatic when giving prophecies, which are direct and without double interpretation.At the end of the year 2010, there was great confusion because many people prophesied different kinds of trials for the island. Such was the confusion, that many people-Christian, non Christians and backslidden-were deeply troubled. I faced many cases where people almost collapsed emotionally.People, understand that when the Lord sends what He is warning about unto the island, He will not be unfair to all of those who love Him with all their heart, and will give notice through His servants and prophets in Puerto Rico.So did He with the prophets in the Old Testament and in the New Testament. Six months ago, when the Lord made me write the message about the credibility, I never thought I would see it with my own eyes. What He made me write was fulfilled in December 2010.I remind all those who say they see judgments on this island: It is not just about talking about the destruction that you see in the dreams and visions. Understand that material things can be reconstructed, rebuilt. What interests Our God are the souls, the people whom He doesn't want to follow their evil way and, above all, He is interested in the multitude of backslidders who, until today, (January 10, 2011), have not been notified by anyone of what is coming. For this reason, God gives prior signals to His people; so they get prepared and run back to Him. Those who are already within the churches and the backslidden cannot continue to "take it easy" on their walk with God, says the Lord.The enemy used many who claim to be prophets, and others opportunists who sought to exploit, to bring confusion. He achieved part of his goal. I remind you that, when the time approaches, many are not going to believe, and will say, "they said that before and nothing happened". Many will not believe when the true notice comes. All those who prophesy will be responsible for those who are lost.Understand that God uses His prophets to carry His message, not ours. Many, in order to say: "I said it first," divulge their messages to the people, without asking for further confirmation and signs on the matter (dreams or visions) from the God of Heaven.Look at what happened to Moses and Aaron. In Numbers 27:14, we read about the time when Moses and Aaron did not give the glory to God, and that cost them entrance to the promised land. Also remember the stories in the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, in which God speaks of those who say and p