Download - ED25 Public Presentation

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Thank you all for being engaged in this effort.

    Were looking forward to sharing the exciting work underway

    across the state of Delaware to imagine the future of education in

    our state, and we look forward to learning your ideas on how toshape this vision.

    Since January, hundreds of Delawareans have begun

    conceptualizing a new plan to keep our education system moving

    forward into the next decade.

    We hope youll actively join us in the development and to invite

    others to join the conversation as well.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    First well share some context on why were undertaking this


    Then well give you a sense of the work to date.

    Then well share the many ways each of you can partic ipate in

    the ongoing discussion.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Vision 2015 a coalition of education, community, business, and

    nonprofit leaders has worked together over the last ten years with

    a goal of giv ing every Delaware student a world-class


    We have made tremendous progress in the last ten years, since

    Vision 2015 first started.

    But we arent there yet. We still have work to do. We are getting

    better, but we want to be great.

    Were taking stock of how far weve come and where we need to

    head in the next ten years.

    Please join us as we imagine education in Delaware in 2025.

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    If any state can do it, Delaware can.

    We should be proud of all that we have achieved together in

    the last ten years.

    In addition to all the progress weve made, we are small, weve

    proven we can work together, and we have committed

    leadership from all stakeholder groups.

    Each of the successes listed here represents years of hard work by

    hundreds of individuals including many of you in the room. ED25

    is a draft vision that builds on the foundation of Delawares and

    Vision 2015s key goals: implementing higher standards, investingin early learning, supporting high-quality teachers and leaders,

    encouraging innovation, and creating an equitable funding system.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Weve achieved some great things, and weve learned a lot along

    the way. But we arent there yet, and still have some significant

    challenges ahead of us.

    Many students still struggle to reach basic proficiency in reading

    and math.

    Performance varies widely and the system remains inequitable.

    Only 30% of students entering college return for their second


    RTTT funding will end. State budgets are tight, and demands

    are growing.

    And we mustn t be afraid to tackle these challenges head on.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    And, as we know, education does not exist in a vacuum.

    The world isnt going to slow down and wait for our kids to catch


    We need to collectively address these issues quickly so our

    students arent left behind.

    We have an exciting opportunity to design the future rather

    than watch it happen to us.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Join us as we imagine the future for our students

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Now, well give you a sense of what has happened so far and

    how we will keep building on it .

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    To get the process underway, hundreds of people have already

    been imagining the future state of education and what we need

    to do to achieve that vision.

    As you can see, we are currently reaching out to thousandsmore Delawareans to get their help developing the plan.

    Then in October, well discuss the plan at the conference, and

    in January, well release a final plan.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Who has participated in developing the draft vision?

    Hundreds of Delawareans participating in Working Groups and

    the Steering Committee

    Hundreds more that responded to a public survey Local, national, and global experts have also provided input

    You can see a broad range of stakeholder representatives have

    been part of the conversation.

    The visioning process was guided by a Steering Committee.

    The names of the members of this group, the Working Groups,

    and the Vision Coali tion Leadership Team are available

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Lets look at some highlights of the work thats been done so


  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    In developing the draft, the teams conceptualized this model:

    1. Start with the student. What skills and attributes must an

    educated Delawarean possess in 2025 in order to be successful?

    2. How must we design our education system to deliver againstour bold vision for students?

    3. What set of strategies will enable us to create this ideal


  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Lets take a moment to look back on our brainstorm around what a

    successful Delawarean looks like in 2025, and compare it to this

    draft North Star developed by our Steering Committee.

    The student-centered vision will serve as a North Star aroundwhich we can align and anchor our plan. What resonates about this

    early version?

    Core Academic Knowledge defines the foundational knowledge

    students must possess

    Skills identify what our students need to be able to do to actively

    participate in the workforce and society

    Attributes succinctly describe what we want our children to be

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Then we considered how to design a system that supports that


    The Steering Committee proposes there are three essential system

    characteristics that we should strive for: Excellence, Equi ty, andEfficiency.

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    This is some thinking around what the future system could look like

    if we get those 3 Es right.

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    Six Working Groups comprised of about 100 people worked

    intensively over the last several months to develop a vision

    statement and strategies that would help get us to our ideal


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    Across all of the working groups recommendations, nine themes

    emerged in our initial phase. Here are a few more words about

    what each of these means.

    1. Empower students to own their learning, and individualize thelearning experience to meet each students individual talents

    and needs.

    2. Build strong partnerships with parents and families.

    3. Provide all families with access to excellent early education

    options, and make the transition from pre-K to Kindergarten

    clearer for families.

    4. Ensure that all students, regardless of the school they attend,

    have access to excellent, high-quality early college and careeropportunities.

    5. Increase connections among early learning, K-12, higher

    education, and the workforce. Increase collaboration within the

    K-12 system among traditional, charter, and vocational


  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    6. Attract and retain highly effective leaders, and empower them to

    lead great schools.

    7. Provide educators with meaningful professional learning

    opportunities and career paths, ensure all new teachers are well-

    prepared to enter the classroom, and celebrate teachers and theprofession.

    8. Put in place a rigorous, fair accountability system that supports

    all schools and students and allows them to maximize their

    strengths and unleash excellence.

    9. Incorporate student need into funding decisions, and empower

    school and district leaders to make financial decisions that best

    meet the needs of their students.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Now, if we can step back on everything weve discussed so far,

    we would appreciate your reactions

    What do you l ike?

    What do you think could be improved? Whats missing?

    What needs more emphasis?

    Please share your thoughts with us on our online platform,

    ED25.MindMixer, and email us at

    [email protected].

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Our goal is to engage 2,025 Delawareans in live and virtual cups

    of coffee before September.

    Were well on our way, and we hope youll help us reach more


    Whether you are a student, parent, educator, taxpayer, employer,

    or community member, you have a stake and a role in this work.

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    We encourage you to stay involved after today.

    These are several of the ways you can do soattending meetings

    in person, and participating and interacting onl ine.

    We have a number of meetings scheduled to have conversations

    list this one: Please let us know if there are other organizations

    we should reach out to parent or teacher groups, community

    organizations, faith or cultural groups.

  • 8/12/2019 ED25 Public Presentation


    Thank you for your participation and contributions to this important
