Download - EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Page 1: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

EC500 Lecture Made By:Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana

Boston University

Page 2: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SQL BackgroundSQL Background SQL SyntaxSQL Syntax What is SQL Injection? (What?)What is SQL Injection? (What?) What kind of information can we get from it? What kind of information can we get from it?

(why?)(why?) Real world examplesReal world examples How does it work (How?)How does it work (How?)

SQL Injection TypesSQL Injection Types Scripts - ToolsScripts - Tools

Detection TechniquesDetection Techniques Prevention TechniquesPrevention Techniques  

Page 3: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language a programming language designed for managing

data in relational database management systems (RDBMS).

Allows us to define and manipulate data in a database.

Used for relational databases. ANSI and ISO standard computer language

Although the standards have been enhanced several times, SQL portability between major RDBMs differ on implementation.

Page 4: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

There are many different versions of the SQL language

They support the same major keywords in a similar manner (such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, and others).

Most of the SQL database programs also have their own proprietary extensions in addition to the SQL standard!

Page 5: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

• A database contains one or more tables

• Each table is identified by a name. E.g. customers, orders

• Table contains records (rows) with data

• Example of a table contains “customers” and passwords:

user first_name



johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5


admin admin f260853678922e034

Ken_87 ken anderson fg9a76518ac428cb3

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Page 7: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users







johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5


admin admin f260853678922e034

Ken_87 ken anderson fg9a76518ac428cb3



john smith

admin admin

ken anderson

Page 8: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘johns’







johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5


admin admin f260853678922e034

Ken_87 ken anderson fg9a76518ac428cb3





johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5

Page 9: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Insert INTO orders VALUES (3, 67, ‘Kindle Touch’, 99)



Order_id Product_id

Product_name price

1 34 Back to basics: Java


2 15 Biography: Steve Jobs


Order_id Product_id

Product_name price

1 34 Back to basics: Java


2 15 Biography: Steve Jobs


3 67 Kindle Touch 99

Page 10: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Update users SET first_name = Kenneth, last_name = Lee

WHERE user_id = 3



User_id username first_name



1 johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5

2 administrator

admin admin f260853678922e034

3 Ken_87 ken Anderson fg9a76518ac428cb3User_id username first_na



1 johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5

2 administrator

admin admin f260853678922e034

3 Ken_87 Kenneth Lee fg9a76518ac428cb3

Page 11: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

DELETE FROM users WHERE user_id = 1



User_id username first_name



1 johns john smith e99a18ac428cb38d5

2 administrator

admin admin f260853678922e034

3 Ken_87 ken Anderson fg9a76518ac428cb3User_id username first_na



2 administrator

admin admin f260853678922e034

3 Ken_87 Kenneth Lee fg9a76518ac428cb3

Page 12: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = 1


SELECT product_name, price FROM orders WHERE user_id = 1

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User_id username first_name


1 johns john smith

2 administrator admin admin

3 Ken_87 ken Anderson



john smith

Back to basics: Java


Order_id user_id Product_name price1 1 Back to basics:


2 2 Biography: Steve Jobs


Maintains header from first query but appends results from the second query.

Page 14: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

COMMENTS: # or --Example: SELECT * FROM ‘table’ #selects everything

LOGIC: ‘a’=‘a’Example: SELECT * FROM ‘table’ WHERE ‘a’=‘a’

MULTI STATEMENTS: S1; S2Example: SELECT * FROM ‘table’; DROP TABLE ‘table’;

Page 15: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Code Injection TechniqueCode Injection Technique placing SQL codes in the user input

Exploits Security VulnerabilityExploits Security Vulnerability Website/server 's software is not safe

Targets User Input HandlersTargets User Input Handlers Incorrect type handling: supplied field is not strongly

typed / not checked for type constraints

Page 16: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

We can execute queries against a database to:We can execute queries against a database to: retrieve data from a database update records in a database delete records from a database insert new records in a database

Attacker can then do through SQL Injection:Attacker can then do through SQL Injection: Reveal others' usernames and/or passwords Collect personal/corporate information (credit card,

etc.) Change/Delete information (sabotage) Gain access to the host Plant data/code Create backdoors

Page 17: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Product Search: blah‘ OR ‘x’ = ‘x

This input is put directly into the SQL

statement within the Web application: $query = “SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE prodname

= ‘” . $_POST[‘prod_search’] . “’”;

Creates the following SQL: SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE prodname = ‘blah‘ OR ‘x’ =


Attacker has now successfully caused the entire database to be


Page 18: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

What if the attacker had instead entered: blah‘; DROP TABLE prodinfo; #

Results in the following SQL: SELECT prodinfo FROM prodtable WHERE prodname = ‘blah’; DROP

TABLE prodinfo; --’ Note how comment (--) consumes the final quote

Causes the entire database to be deleted Depends on knowledge of table name This is sometimes exposed to the user in debug code called

during a database error Use non-obvious table names, and never expose them to user

Usually data destruction is not your worst fear, as there is low economic motivation

Page 19: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

On August 17, 2009, the United States Justice Department charged an American citizen Albert Gonzalez and two unnamed Russians with the theft of 130 million credit card numbers using an SQL injection attack.

In 2008 a sweep of attacks began exploiting the SQL injection vulnerabilities of Microsoft's IIS web server and SQL database server. Over 500,000 sites were exploited.

More examples available at:

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Page 21: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.
Page 22: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

• First Order AttackFirst Order Attacko The attacker can simply enter a malicious

string and cause the modified code to be executed immediately.o Blind Attack When the attacker can't receive feedback of

his actions.o Error Based Attack When the attacker gets information through

the database error messages.

Ref: Oracle Learning Library - Defending Against SQL Injection Attacks

Page 23: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

• Second Order AttackSecond Order Attack

o The attacker injects into persistent storage (such as a table row) which is deemed as a trusted source. An attack is subsequently executed by another activity.

o The attacker creates functions for later use.o The attacker creates functions that will execute when

a timer goes off.

Ref: Oracle Learning Library - Defending Against SQL Injection Attacks

Page 24: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

• SQLMapSQLMapo Open source penetration testing tool, detecting and

exploiting SQL injection flaws. • SQLBruteSQLBrute

o Brute forcing data out of databases using blind SQL injection vulnerabilities. Time based and error based exploit, written in Python.

• SQLNinjaSQLNinjao Specifically targeted to Microsoft SQL Server.

• BSQL HackerBSQL Hackero Automatic deep blind time-based SQL injector.

• Mini Mysqlat0rMini Mysqlat0ro Written in Java.

Page 25: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SQL String EscapingSQL String Escaping

Many attacks can be thwarted by simply using

the SQL string escaping mechanism

‘ becomes \’ and “ becomes \”

mysql_real_escape_string() is a function that

does that for you.

Page 26: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Input ValidationInput Validation Many classes of input have fixed formats.

Email addresses, dates, part numbers, etc. Verify that the input is a valid string in the language

Sometime languages allow problematic characters (e.g., ‘*’ in email addresses); may decide to not allow these

Exclude quotes and semicolons. Not always possible: consider the name Shaq O’Neal Want to allow the use of single quotes in names

Use of Prepared statements Use of Prepared statements (Parametrized Queries)(Parametrized Queries) A function to tell the DBMS which part is fixed and

which part is an user input. That way commands from the input are ignore.

Page 27: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

READ ONLY READ ONLY database access.

Configure different users in the DBMS.

Always enforce the strongest constraint at:


Never trust any input from clients

Always Remember:


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Page 29: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Oracle Learning Library:

SecuriTeam - SQL Injection Walkthrough :

Friedl, S. (2009, 10 26). SQL Injection Attacks by Example.

OWASP - SQL Injection: (

Page 30: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

SQL Manipulation Modify the original SQL query by including

additional queries Inclusion of conditional statement in where

clause “Select * from Table where Username=’ ‘ and

password=’ ‘” “Select * from Table where Username=’ ‘or ‘c’=’c’

-- and password=’ ‘”

Use UNION, INTERSECT Select * from projects where projecttype=’ ‘ Select * from project where projecttype=’ ‘ UNION

Select * from school

Page 31: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Code Injection Insert new SQL commands into the original

SQL query Select * from users where username=’ ‘can be

modified to Select * from users where username =’ ‘; drop

table faculty

Page 32: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Incorrect Queries By inserting logical errors into the query,

attackers get hold of the error information The error information often reveal names of

the tables and columns that caused the error

”Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E07) Error converting nvarchar value ’CreditCards’ to a column of data type int.”

Page 33: EC500 Lecture Made By: Jiaxi Jin, Rashmi Shah, Ludovico Fontana Boston University.

Function Call Injection An attacker can inject different database and

operating system functions in a SQL statement “Select * from Table where Username=’ ‘ and

password=’ ‘” can be modified to “Select * from Table where Username=’

‘shutdown with nowait; -- and password=’ ‘”

SHUTDOWN WITH NO WAIT causes SQL server to shut down, stopping Windows Service