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China in the Shang and Zhou Eras

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Shang Era

•Culture develops–Divination, Shamans use bones, shells–Silk worms, silk fabrics–Ancestor worship–Pictograms

3000 characters

–Paper used by 100 C.E.

•Religion–Fertility central–Human sacrifice

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Zhou Era

• Zhou – 1100 BCE–Feudal

Oaths of allegiance, fiefs for military service

• 2 Things weaken feudal order–Mandate of Heaven–Professional bureaucracy (government


•Movement along Huanghe, Huai, Yangzi•Non-Chinese displaced

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Cultural Change in the Early Zhou Period

• Patriarchy reinforced•Correct behavior, ritual important•Decline by 8th

• Xian city abandoned

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The Era of Nomadic Incursionsand Warring States

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Kung Fuzi (Confucius)

• Late 500s B.C.E.•Wandering scholars• Analects, collected sayings•Correct behavior• Filial piety•Duty, order, obedience• Stability, peace• Education is important

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Daoist Alternatives

• Laozi–Philosopher and founder

•Retreat from society–State cannot solve all problems

•Nature–Dao, cosmic force

•Meditation• Education not important

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Qin andImperial Unity

•Qin Dynasty–Originally nomadic, marginal–Shi Huangdi

c. 200 B.C.E.

•Reforms• Improved technology• Peasants freed• Bureaucracy

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China from the Later Zhou to the Han Era

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The Transformation of a “Barbarian” Land

•Military transformed– Influence of nomads–Cavalry–Crossbow

• Legalism–All to serve the state–People are bad and need harsh laws and


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Shi Huangdi, Emperor of China

•Unification by 221 B.C.E.

•Unification–Common writing–Coinage, –Weights and measures

•Great Wall begun• Killed by son• Shortest dynasty–ends 207 B.C.E.

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The Han Dynasty

• Liu Bang (Gaozu)–Peasant–202 B.C.E., becomes first Han ruler

• Strong centralized state• Expansion to Korea and Vietnam

–Assimilation Education common

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Scholar Gentry

• Legalists replaced by scholar gentry (educated bureaucrats)•Dominance of Confucianism• Education

–Examination system Based on Confucianism

–Meritocracy – earn your job

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Class and Gender

• Peasants–Production increased

Horse collar, wheelbarrow

•Mean people• Below peasants – no land, no training

•Women–Upper classes

Arranged marriages Education common

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Towns and Traders

• Xian, capital–Walls, towers–Grid pattern–approx. 100,000 citizens

approx. 100,000 in hinterland

–"Forbidden city“

• Trade as far as India, Rome on the Silk Road

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Arts and Sciences

• Invention–Paper–Compasses–Watermills–Rudders

• Art–Calligraphy

• Science–Calendar: 365.5–Medicine: acupuncture