Download - Double page spread analysis


The colour scheme of this double page spread is black, white, grey and red, this gives a sophisticated and classy look which also reflects on the image. There is only one main image on this double page spread and it is taking up the left and side and carrying on to the right side, this makes it clear that this article is on Florence Welch, which is also written in blue in a mini introduction, the blue text makes it stand out compared to the black text. The image is pretty simple, not many props are used she is sitting on a box covered with a sheet of red and white which relates to the word USA in the background to give it an American look. The artists is wearing black in contrast to the background which is white, this makes the artist stand out and also gives an edgy and eccentric which also reflects her outfit which is quite different and edgy. The headline reads Got the love, which anyone who knows Florence and the Machine will know that is one of her most popular songs.