Download - Dorion Cairns (Auth.) Guide for Translating Husserl 1973

  • Guide lor Translating Husserl





    Guide [or Translating Husserl

    Comite de redaction de la collection: President: H. L. Van Breda (Lou vain) ;

    Membres: M. Farber (Buffalo), E. Fink (Fribourg en Brisgan), A. Gnrwitsch, (New York), J. Hyppolitet (Paris), L. Landgrebe (Cologne),

    W. Marx (Fribourg en Brisgau), M. Merleau-Pontyt (Paris), P. Ricoenr (Paris), E. Stroker (Cologne),

    K. H. Volkmann-Schluck (Cologne), J. Wahl (Paris); Secretaire: J. Taminiaux (Louvain).


    Guide [or Translating Husserl


  • I973 by Martinus Nijhott, The Hague, Netherlands All rights reserved, including the right to translate or to

    reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form

    ISBN-13: 978-90-247-1452-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-010-2398-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-010-2398-6


    This multilingual glossary is a guide for translating writings by Edmund RusserI into English. It has been compiled and improved in the course of about thirty years for my own guidance. Its initial pur-pose and the tests it has undergone in use have determined its contents. The translations I have made are far from being limited to those I have published or intend to publish. As I read and translate more, occasions will doubtless arise to include more expressions in the glossary and to improve the lists of English renderings I shall thenceforth use. The glossary is given the present title and submitted now for publication because numerous experts have said it would be useful not only to other translators of HusserI but also to his readers generally.

    For a translation of such writings as RusserI's the guidance offered by ordinary bilingual dictionaries is inadequate in opposite respects. On the one hand, there are easily translatable expressions for which numerous such dictionaries offer too many equivalent renderings. On the other hand, there are difficultly translatable expressions that any such dictionary either fails to translate at all or else translates by expressions none of which fit the sense. In following such dictionaries a translator must therefore practise consistency on the one hand and ingenuity on the other. Hence the need for a written glossary such as this one.

    So far as possible someone who translates such writings as HusserI's into another language should always render the same German ex-pression by the same expression in the other language, and different German expressions by different expressions in the other language. In many cases he must choose among a number of obvious legitimate renderings and, to insure consistency, record his choice. Accordingly this glossary includes German expressions concerning which the only important problem has been that of ascertaining and sticking to the best uniform rendering. For this reason not all the renderings rejected in this glossary are, in my opinion, "wrong."

    When collating my English translations with French translations of some of HusserI's writings, I have recorded in this glossary many French renderings of German expressions. Because, as stated at the outset, the glossary is a guide for translating writings by Edmund Hus-


    sed into English, I have however recorded no preference in cases where the same German expression is rendered by two or more French ones.

    There follow three separate remarks on this glossary and an explan-ation of abbreviations used in it.

    1. Catchwords in parentheses I have not yet found in Hussed's writings. They are included because they may nevertheless occur there.

    2. English words in square brackets or in parentheses are either translations not to be used ordinarily or else parts that may be omitted from a translation.

    3. English translations separated by commas (not by semicolons) are usually listed iu order of preference.

    Urbana (Illinois), october 1972 Dorion Cairns

    With deep regret we announce the death of Dorion Cairns, the author of this Guide, before printing had been completed. He passed away suddenly in New York on 4th. January I973.

    H. L. van Breda, President, "Phaenomenologica" Editorial Committee. Leuven (Louvain), March I973

  • adj. adv. ant. Arith




    Boring 1942

    Boring 1950

    Br eM



    f. F Fr. Idee d. Phan.


    adjective. adverb. antonym. Husserl, Edmund: Philosophie der Arithmetik. Psychologische und logische Unters'uchungen. Er-ster Band, Halle-Saale, 1891. Husserl, Edmund: Logique lormelle et logique transcendentale. Traduit par Suzanne Bachelard, Paris, 1957. Husserl, Edmund: Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. Translated by W. R. Boyce Gibson, London and New York, 1931. Baldwin, S. Mark, editor: The Dictionary 01 Phi-losophy and Psychology. Vol. I, 1901; vol. II, 1902. Boring, Edwin G.: Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology, New York,1942. Boring, Edwin G.: A History ot Experimental Psychology. Second Edition, New York, 1950. Brentano, Franz. Husserl, Edmund: Cartesianische llIeditationen und Pariser V ortriige. Herausgegeben und einge-leitet von Prof. Dr. S. Strasser (Husserliana, Band I), Haag, 1950. de Muralt, Andre: L'idee de la phenomenologie. L' exemplarisme husserlien, Paris, 1958. Husserl, Edmund: Erfahrung und Urteil. Unter-suchungen zur Genealogie der Logik. Redigiert und herausgegeben von Ludwig Landgrebe, zweite unveranderte Auflage, Hamburg, 1954. feminine. Farber, Marvin. French. Husserl, Edmund: Die I dee der Phiinomenologie.

  • VIII

    Ideen I

    K Krisis

    1. L Lat. Logik

    LV II/I, Ein1. and


    Funf V orlesungen. Herausgegeben und eingelei-tet von Walter Biemel (Husserliana, Band II), Haag, 1958. HusserI, Edmund: Ideen zu einer reinen Phiino-menologie und phiinomenologischen Philosophie. Erstes Buch: Allgemeine Einfuhrung in die reine Phiinomenologie. Herausgegeben von \Valter Bie-mel (Husserliana, Band III), Haag, 1950. Kant, Immanuel. Husserl, Edmund: Die Krisis der europiiischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phiinome-nologie. Eine Einleitung in die phiinomenologische Philosophie. Herausgegeben von Walter Biemel (Husserliana, Band VI), Haag, 1954. line. Lauer, Quentin. Latin. HusserI, Edmund: Formale und transzendentale Logik. Versuch einer Kritik der logischen Ver-nunft, Halle, 1929.

    LV, 1. ... V. Vnters. Husserl, Edmund: Logische Untersuchungen.

    LV, VI. Vnters.

    m. or masc. MEV


    MS 1,2 ... n. neut. obs. OED

    Zweiter Band: Untersuchungen zur Phiinomenolo-gie der Erkenntnis. I. Teil, fUnfte Auflage, Tiibin-gen, 1968. HusserI, Edmund: Logische Untersuchungen. Zweiter Band: Elemente einer phiinomenologi-schen Aufkliirung der Erkenntnis. II. Teil, vierte Auflage, Tiibingen, 1968. masculine. Fowler, H. W.: A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, Oxford and London, 1927. M uret-Sanders enzyklopiidisches englisch-deut-sches und deutsch-englisches Worterbuch, Hand-und Schulausgabe. Teil I, Berlin-SchCineberg, 1909; Teil II, ebenda, 1910. first, second ... sense listed in MS. note. neuter. obsolete sense or word. Onions, C. T., editor: The Shorter English Dic-tionary on Historical Principles. 2 vols., Oxford, 1933.

  • Pf

    pI. PL

    q.v. R


    Sch sing. trln WH

    WH 1,2 ... Zeitv.



    Pfander, Alexander: Logik. Jahrbuch hir Philo-sophie und phanomenologische Forschung, IV. Bd., Halle a.d.S., 1921, pp. 139-494. plural. Husserl, Edmond: Meditations Cartesiennes. Tra-duit par Gabrielle Pfeiffer et Emmanuel Levinas, Paris, 1931. quod vide, which see. Husserl, Edmund: Idees directrices pottr une phe-nomenologie et une philosophie phenomenologique pures. Tome premier. Traduit par Paul Ricoeur, Paris, 1950. Farell, R. B.: Dictionary of German Synonyms. Cambridge, 1961. Schutz, Alfred. singular. translation Wildhagen, Karl, and Heraucourt, Will: English-German, German-English Dictionary. Vol. II, Wiesbaden and London, 1958. first, second ... sense listed in WHo Husserl, Edmund: Vorlesungen zur Phiinomeno-Logie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins. Herausgegeben von Martin Heidegger. J ahrbuch hir Philosophie und phanomenologische Forschung, IX. Ed., Halle a.d.S., 1928, pp. 367-498. Ziehen, Th.: Lehrbuch der Logik ... mit Beruck-sichtigung der Geschichte der Logik. Bonn, 1920.

  • Abllnderung, (great:) alteration (WH 1, MS 1), (slight:) modification (Bn, WH, MS). Cf. Abwandlung, Veranderung, WechseI.

    Abbau, unbuilding, (removal (WH 2. Cf. Aufbau, Bau.

    Abbild, depiction, (depictive) image, (copie (R. So far as possible, save "copy" (WH 1, MS 2> for "Nach-bild". Cf. Abbildung, Bild.

    abbilden, to depicture, to depict, (de-peindre (R, (copier (R. So far as possible save "to copy" (MS 1, WH, BG> for "nachbilden".

    abbildlich, depictive. Abbildung, depiction, depicturing, (co-

    pie (R, (math:) representation (Bn, WH 1 >. Cf. Abbild, Vorstel-lung 5.

    Abbildungsbewusstsein, consciousnesS of a depicturing, (conscience de copie , (made) outstanding,

    (made) prominent, (made) salient, (mis en relief (B, (made) con-spicuous; differentiated. Cf. ab-heben.

    abgehoben (adv.>, outstandingly, (en se detachant , separate; complete (MS). Cf. geschlossen, voUstan-dig. I ---e Evidenz, complete evid-ence, (evidence se sUffisant a elle-meme (B. I in sich -, self-contain-ed (WH), (clos

  • Abhebung


  • absichtlich

    (Baumgarten)), intent. So far as possible save "intention" for "In-tention." Cf. Absehen, Vorhaben, Ziel, Zweck. I die - haben, to purpose, to aim, (to intend

  • Adjektivitiit (adequation (a)
  • Aktuntergrund

    5. (without distinction :) (d'une maniere actuelle

  • Analogie

    ly. Not "per se". Cf. fUr sieh, in sich. I - sich seiend, existing in itself, (existant en soi (B, self-existent. Cf. An-sich-sein, seiend. I - und fUr sich, in and of itself, (pris en soi (-me'me)

  • anheben

    anheben, to commence (or from), (partir de (R, B. Cf. beziehen.

    ankniipfend, related, (qui s'y ratta-chent (B); connective.

    Ankniipfung, annexation, connexion , (disposition

  • Anschauung

    3. (noematic or objective:) intuit-ability; intuitedness. Cf. Unanschaulichkeit. I in -, with intuitiveness, (avec intuitivite

  • Anzeigen

    Anzeigen, indicating. Cf. Anzeige, Hindeutung.

    anzeigend, indicative (of). Anzeiger, indicator ,

    pointer, (index). Cf. Anzeichen, Weiser, Zeiger.

    anzuzeigend, to be indicated. apodiktisch, apodictic

  • Assoziation

    Assoziation, I Intentionalitat der -, associative intentionality, (in-tentionalite de I' association (B).

    Assoziationsverflechtung, associational combination. Cf. Verflechtung.

    assoziativ, associative, (associatif

  • Aufhebung

    nullify, to rescind, to abrogate

  • aus

    aus , (as) coming (or arising, or springing, or deriving, or starting, or issuing) from, (a partir de (E, {precedant de (E), (constitue dans (E), that comes (or arises, or springs, etc.) from, (qui a sa source dans (E, by virtue of, because of, thanks to, in consequence of, (du fait de (E), on the basis of, prompted by. I -Quellen der, by virtue of sources belonging to, (aux sources de , ex-pressing.

    ausdriicklich (adj. >, express (MS 1, WH>. expressed, (expressif (R; explicit (WH, EG>, (explicitus . expressly (WH 1, MS 1, EG>, lexpressement (B.

    Ausdrucksbewegung, expressive move-ment .

    Ausdruck-sein, expressionhood. Ausdruckserscheinung, expression-ap-

    pearance, appearance (or appearing) of an expression. Cf. Erscheinung. I physische -, appearance of the physical expression.

    12 ausgezeichnet

    Ausdrucksfunktion, expressional function, (fonction expressive (E . Cf. Funktion.

    auseinanderlegen, to spread out . execution , (execution (B>). working out, (developpement (R. E>), (etude detaillee (E; (in words:) explanation (WH>, (ex-plication (R, (analyse (R). ex-position (WH), statement (WH>. argument (WH. L>. Not "develop-ment" ; filling (WH I), (remplissement (R>), (remplissage (R, E. Cf. Erfiillung, Fiillung.

    Ausgangsakt, act that is the starting point. Not "point of departure" (L).

    ausgepriigt, (sometimes:) expressed. Cf. Auspriigung.

    Ausgeschlossensein, excludedness, (etre-exclu (B. Cf. ausschliessen, Beschlossensein.

    ausgestalten, to shape (MS 1), (donner une forme a (B), to fashion. (organi-ser (E; to develop (MS 2). Cf. bil-den, herausarbeiten, gestalten.

    Ausgestaltung, (further) forming, (or-ganisation (E). particular forma-tion, development (MS), (elabo-ration (B. Cf. Bildung, Formung, Gestalt, Gestaltung.

    ausgezeichnet, signal. (insigne (E, conspicuous. (remarquable (R, pre-eminent. distinctive . (dis-tinctif (R>), distinguishing. distin-

  • auslegen

    guished (WH, MS). Not "select" (F). Cf. unterscheidend. I das A-e, distinguishing characteristic, (Ie ca-ractere insigne (B .

    auslegen, to explicate, (expliciter (B). to layout (WH I, MS 2), (exposer

  • (Aussensein)

    (Aussensein), outness .

    Aussenwelt, outside world, (external world

  • auszeichnen 15 Bedeutung

    kommen, developed, (arrive manifester

  • bedeutungerflillend

    3. (noetic:) signification, mental signifying. Cf. noetischer Bedeu-tungsbegriff (sub Bedeutungsbegriff), Signifikation, Wortbedeutung 2. 4. (ohne Unterscheidung?:) (signi-fication

  • befangen


  • Begriindungszusammenhang

    -, grounded on an absolute foun-dation, (a fondements absolus

  • belie big


  • Beschlossensein

    Cf. mitbeschlossen in. I deduktiv -, deducibly included in, (implique deductivement dans (B. Cf. deduk-tiv.

    Beschlossensein, includedness, being included, (inclusion (R, de M, impliedness, (etre-implique (B, decidedness, concludedness. Not "self-containedness" (BG>. Cf. Aus-geschlossensein. I irreelles -, being non-really included, (inclusion in-tentionelle (de M. Cf. irreel.

    beschrlinken, to restrict (WH>. So far as possible save "to limit" (MS 1, WH> for "begrenzen". Cf. begrenzt, einschrlinken, binden.

    beseelen, to animate (WH 1>, (animer (R, B.

    beseelt, animated, (figurative, some-times:) quickened. Cf. animalisch.

    Beseelung, animation .

    besinnen, I sich ,to investigate sense, to carryon sense-investi-gation, (to meditate (on the sense of)), (to reflect (WH, (to bethink oneself (WH, MS, (to bethink), (prendre conscience , (sense-clarification), clarification; (loose sense:) deliberation; (prise de conscience (B, de M, (prendre conscience , (Particularite (B, (particu-larisation (B, peculiarity . Cf. Eigenheit, Eigentiimlich-keit.

    Besonderung, particularity

  • bestiindig

    (-e Bewegung), perpetual motion

  • Betrachtung

    considering, (en considerant

  • bewusst


  • bewusstseinsmiissig

    bewusstseinsmiissig, in the manner peculiar to consciousness, according to consciousness, conscious (ly) , relative to consciousness, (en rap-port avec la conscience (R), in consciousness, (dans la conscience (R, B), for consciousness, (pour la conscience (R), in conscious fashion, (de fayon consciente

  • beziehend

    rejerer a quelque chose

  • beziiglich

    (B, with relation to, relative to, (se rapportant a

  • Billigung

    Billigung, approbation (Bn, WH I, MS 2), (approbation (R, approval

  • Boden-Form

    que (R. 1 sich auf ihren - stelIen, to take them as one's basis, (se placer sur Ie terrain (R. 1 von einem - des Gemeinsamen, from a ground consisting in that which is common. Cf. Gemeinsames.

    Boden-Form, basis-form. Bodenkorper, basis-body. bodenstiindig, (ant., zusammenge-

    Charakter, characteristic (WH 2), character (WH 1, MS 1, BG), (ca-ractere (R, B, de M. Cf. Ablaufs-charakter, Aktcharakter, Beschaf-fenheit, Bewusstseinscharakter, Evidenzcharakter, Geltungscharak-ter, Glaubenscharakter, Merkmal, Seinscharakter, Setzungscharakter, Typus, Vernunftcharakter, Wert-charakter. 1- an etwas, character stamped on something, (caractere sur (R. 1 praktischer -, practical

    Dabei-sein, being-with, (etre-en-presen-ce-de (B. Cf. Bei-ihm-selbst-sein.

    dahinfliessend, smoothy flowing. dahingestellt bleiben, to remain un-

    decided (MS>. Dahinleben, living along, (life). Not

    "urge of life" (BG>. Cf. Leben. dahinterliegend, lying further back

    than something else lies. Daraufhinsetzen, positing-thereupon.

    Cf. Hinsetzung, Setzen. Daraufsetzung, positing-thereupon.

    Cf. Setzung. darstellen, (usually:) to present (Bn,

    MS 1, WH>, (presenter (B, to set forth (WH>, (exposer (B, to exhibit (WH, MS>; to exemplify; to be; to represent (WH 1, MS>, (representer (B, (figurer (R; to state. Cf. ausstelIen, herausstellen, vergegenwiirtigen, vorstellen, ver-weisen. 1 sich -, to present itself (L>, (se presenter (B. Cf. auftreten,





    brochen:) standing on (or having) a solid basis, (fundamentally) sound.

    Bodenstiindigkeit, footing on a solid basis.

    Bodenstiitte, basis-place, footing-place. Biirgschaft, guarantee (WH>, (garan-

    tie , setting forth, exhibition ; de-scription (WH>; (analyse (R. Cf. Ausfiihrung, Aussage, Gegenwiirti-gung, Herausstellung, Selbstdarstel-lung, Vergegenwiirtigung, Vorstel-lung.

    Darstellungsfunktion, presentive function, (fonction figurative (R. Cf. Funktion.

    Darstellungsmodus, mode of presen-tation.

  • daseiend

    daseiend, 1. factually existing, factu-ally existent, (existant, (R, B. Save "existing" and "existent" for "seiend". 2. that is there, (qui est 10, (B>). being there. Cf. aktuell (adj. > 2, faktisch, vorhanden, wirklich. 1 (ein) D ~es, 1. something factually ex-isting, a factual existent. Save "something that exists" and "an existent" for "ein Seiendes" (q.v. sub "seiend"). Not "an empirical being" (L>. 2. something that is there. Ileibhaf-tig -, being there in person, (ex-istant corporellement (R. Not "cor-porally existent" .

    Dasein, A. (status:) I. factual ex-istence, (existence (Bn, WH, MS, BG, (existence (R, B, factual being. So far as possible save "ex-istence" for "Existenz" and "Sein" (q.v.>, and "being" (L> for "Sein" and "Wesen" (q.v.>. 2. being there, (etre-present (B, thereness. B. (concretum:) factual being, factual existent, (existant de la nature (R). Save "existent" (n.) (BG) for "Seiend". Cf. Bestehen, Mitdasein,Sein,Vorhandensein.1 ~setzung, positing of (the) factual ex-istence, (Position d'existence (R. Cf. Seinssetzung, Setzung. 1 ~sthesis, po-siting of factual existence, (Position d'existence (R. Not "reference to concrete existence" (BG). Cf. Thesis.

    Datum, Datum (capitalized). Cf. Auf-fassungsdatum, Erlebnisdatum, Gegebenheit, Sinnendaten.

    Dauer, duration (WH 1, MS I), (lastingness

  • Denken

    fassen, gedacht, Gedachtes, meinen, vermeinen, vorstellen 3. I sich -, to think of, to phantasy, (s'imaginer

  • Differenz

    Differenz, differentia (Br); (different) species. different sort. difference . (difference

  • Durehforsehung

    (apparition (B. I zum - kommen, to emerge, (faire son apparition (B). Cf. sieh herausheben (sub herausheben).

    Durehforsehung, exploration (WH 1). Save "investigation" (WH, L> for "Forsehung" (q.v.) and "Unter-suchung". Cf. Erforsehung.

    durchgangig, pervasive, ubiquitous, complete, (universel (B, (omnimo-do (K. Cf. abgesehlossen, voll-standig.

    durehgehend (adj.>, running through-

    eeht, genuine (MS 1, WH), (veritable (PL, (vrai (B, (authentique (R); (rarely:) legitimate (MS). Save "authentic"

  • Eigengehalt

    (MS), what is peculiar to me, owness Cf. Mir-Eigenes, Nichteigenes, Selbsteigenes. I das Eigene, (what is) my (or its) own, the property (WH), (Ie caractere propre (R), (Ia caracteristique (B); (the intrinsic nature (?) (BG). Cf. Eigenschaft. I das mir Eigene, what is my own, what is peculiar to me. I diese Eige-ne, this ownness, this "my own". I ihm -, something peculiarly his own. I mein -, my own. I mein primordial -, what (or that which) is primordially my own, (ee qui m'est propre en premier

  • Eigenstandigkeit

    independently, (d'une maniere auto-nome

  • Einfall

    (R, unequivocalness (WH 2), unambiguousness (WH 1). Cf. Viel-deutigkeit.

    Einfall, something coming (or that comes) to mind, (idee qui vient (ou survient) a l' esprit ). (something occurring to one), conceit, (idee (R, B; having something come to mind. Cf. Erinnerungseinfall. I ap-perzeptiver -, something coming (or that comes) to mind apper-ceptionally, (idee en tant que surgis-sement aperceptif (B. Cf. apper-zeptiv (adj.).

    Einfall-Modifikation, modification, as something coming to mind, (modifi-cation qui est une idee qui vient a l'esprit

  • Einheitssinn

    Einheitssinn, sense of (something's) unity; (sens d'unite (B.

    Einheitszusammenhang, connexion of unity, (connexion (B). Cf. Zu-sammenhang.

    einige, some (Bn, WH, MS). Einigkeit, oneness. Cf. Einheit. Einigung, union (WH 2>. I Synthese

    der -, uniting synthesis. einklammem, to parenthesize (WH,

    MS), (mettre entre parentheses (R). Einklammerung, parenthesizing, (mise

    entre parentheses

  • einsichtig

    terms is undesirable. Save "intu-ition" for "Anschauung" (q.v.). Cf. Struktureinsicht, Wesenseinsicht. 1 subjektive Reflexion auf -, re-flection on subjective insight, (re-flexion subjective sur l' evidence ra-tionnelle

  • Einstellungsanderung

    on the noematic aspect, (dans une attitude noematique

  • einzeln

    "besondere" (q.v.> and "individu-al" for "individuell". 2. (contra-dictory of "kommunikativ" (q.v.>:) solitary

  • endlos


  • Erdraum

    Locke, quoted in LU II. Unters.; WH I). Cf. Einbildung, Fiktion.

    Erdraum, terrestrial space. erfahren ,


  • Erfahrungsobjekt experience, derived from experience, experientially given, experienced, (par experience (R.

    Erfahrungsobjekt, Object of experi-ence, (objet d'experience for "fassen" (q.v.>. Cf. auffassen, befassen, be-greifen, greifen, herausfassen, inne sein (od. werden). selbst-erfasst.

    erfassen ans, to gather from. (saisir a partir de for "Auf-fassung" . Cf. Griff, Selbst-erfassung, Wesenserfassung.

    erfolgend, (logically) consequent, (de-

    42 ErfOOungsleistung

    duit (B. Cf. folgend 1, konsequent. erforschen, to explore (WH 1, MS 1>,

    (explorer (R. B. (rechercher for "nachgehen" (q.v.> and "untersuchen" (q.v.>; save "to study" (BG> for "studieren". 1-nach, to seek out, (examiner , (remplir (B. (satis-faire

  • Erfilllungsrichtung

    filment, (action de remplissement (R, B).

    Erfiillungsrichtung, direction in which (the) fulfilment lies. Cf. Richtung.

    Erfiillungssynthese, synthesis of ful-filment, (synthese de remplissement

    ~B). ergeben, to yield

  • erkennend-pradizierend

    gestellt, set to cognize (or know) and (to) verify, (oriente vers l'activite de connaissance et de verification

  • Erkenn tnisinteresse

    Intention auf Erkenntnis (sub Er-kenntnis).

    Erkenntnisinteresse, cognitional inter-est. (interet de connaissance

  • ErIeben

    (mentally), (lpl'ouver

  • Erorterung

    -, undergone as a motive. 1 einheit-lich -, lived unitedly. Cf. einheit-lich . 1- sein, to be lived, to occur in mental life. 1 subjektiv -, really immanent in subjective life.

    Erorterung, discussion , (discussion

  • Erwagung


  • Etwas ( -) iiberhaupt

    Etwas( -)iiberhaupt, anything(-)what-ever, (que/que chose en general

  • Fachwissenschaft

    Fachwissenschaft, special science. Cf. Sonderwissenschaft.

    Fiihigkeit, 1. (in an agent:) ability

  • fassend

    its purity), (saisir avec purete (B), (saisir en toute purete (B), to purify. I unter Begriffe -, to com-prehend under (;oncepts.

    fassend, I eidetisch zu -, eidetically apprehensible, (qui doit eire saisi eidetiquement (B). I rein zu -, that can be apprehended purely.

    fassIich, apprehensible; comprehensi-ble

  • Folgekomplex

    quentness, consequent

  • formal-ontologisch

    matics, formal mathematical, (ma-thematique formel

  • Fortbildung

    Fortbildung, further(-)forming, Ijayon-nement progressif (B. Cf. Bildung.

    fortdauern, (perdurer (R. Cf. Dauer. Fortgang, continuation (WH), (fur-

    ther) course, (cours , (d'autrui (R. B, on the part of another, that belongs to otbers, (of others

  • Fundamentalbetrachtung 55

    (fundamentum (Arith. trln of Mill)). (fondement and "grtinden" .

    Fundierung, founding, relationships of founding. foundation . (aete de fondation , (fonetion

  • Gattung

    Gattung, genus

  • Gedachtes

    denken. I ~er Gegenstand, object thought of.

    Gedachtes, what is thought. (chose pensee (B); something thought of. Cf. denken.

    Gedachtsein, being thought of. Gedanke, thought (MS 1. WH 2). (pen-

    see (R. (pensee effectuee (B). (pen-see produite (B. Cf. Denken. Satz-gedanke, Vorstellung 7.

    gedankenlos (adj. >. (at least some-times:) unthinking (WH 2. MS. BG>.

    gedankenlos . (at least some-times:) without thinking. (machina-lement . intellectually. gefallen, to please. (prendre plaisir

  • Gegensatzlichkeit

    catively formed) affair-complex, (" etat-de-choses" -consequence (B . Cf. Sachverhalt.

    Gegensatzlichkeit, mutual opposition. Gegenstand, object (WH 1, MS 1, BG>,

    (objet (R, B, (that which stands over against the subject (BG. Cf. Erfahrungsgegenstand, Thema, Ur-teilsgegenstand, Wahrnehmungs-gegenstand. 1- iiberhaupt, anyob-ject whatever, object as a universal, object as such, (objet en general (B, de M, (vis-Ii-vis du sujet en general (R. Cf. Etwas(-)iiberhaupt, Ge-genstandlichkeit iiberhaupt (sub Gegenstandlichkeit), Gegenstand-iiberhaupt, iiberhaupt.

    gegenstandlich (adj.>, objective (MS I, WH, BG>, (objecti! (R, of an (or the) object, of (the) objects, objecti-val, object-; (having an existent or valid object). Cf. objektiv, sachlich, vorstellig. 1 das G~e, objective something, the objective affair, (l'ob-jet (B. Not "the objective content" (BG), not "the objective factor" . Cf. das Objektive (sub objek-tiv (adj.. 1 ~e Auffassung, ob-jectival construing. Cf. Auffassung. 1

    ~e Beziehung, I. (Beziehung, welche eine Gegenstandlichkeit ist:) objec-tive relation. 2. (Beziehung eines Ausdrucks bzw. eines Satzes auf Gegenstandliches:) relation to something objective, object-relation, (relation aux objets (B, (reterence Ii l'objet ). (caractere d'objet (B, some-thing (or anything) objective. 2. having an existent or valid object (or existent or valid objects). Cf. Denkgegenstandlichkeit, Erfah-rungsgegenstandlichkeit, Erkennt-nisgegenstandlichkei t, Gegenstands-losigkeit, Objektivitat, Sachlichkeit, Urgegenstandlichkeit, Urteilsgegen-standlichkeit. 1 - iiberhaupt, See Gegenstandlichkeit-iiberhaupt.

    Gegenstandlichkeit-iiberhaupt, any objectivity whatever, (objectivite en general ), (objectite en general (B>), anything objective whatever. Cf. Etwas( - )iiberhaupt, Gegen-stand ( -) iiberhaupt, iiberhaupt.

    Gegenstandsbewusstsein,consciou s ness of objects, (conscience d'obfet

  • Gegenstandslehre


  • Geisteswelt

    Geisteswelt, cultural world, (world of spirit), (intellectual world (?> (WH 1). Cf. geistige Welt (sub geistig).

    Geisteswerk, work of the mind. Geisteswissenschaften, socio-cultural

    sciences, cultural sciences, moral sciences, (mental and moral sciences (?) (Bn). Not "mental sciences" (BG). (Dilthey, Einl. i.d. Geistes-wissenschatten, indicates that he regards the terms "Geisteswissen-schaften" and "moral sciences" (Mill) as synonyms). Cf. Kultur-wissenschaft.

    geistig, mental (WH, MS, BG), (men-tal , spiritual

  • Geltung

    force, (juger qui est encore valable (B). Cf. in fester Geltung verbleiben (sub Geltung). I sich - machen, to become apparent, (apparaitre (B).

    Geltung, acceptance, acceptedness, something accepted, acceptance or status, status (F), (role (?) (F), position, (positio (see Logik, I43)), positedness, what is posited, being in force, being in operation, oper-ativeness, obtaining, validity (WH, L), (validite (R, B), legitimacy (?), application; (value (WH, MS). (valeur (B), importance (MS 3, WH). Cf. Anerkennung, Eigengel-tung, Erinnerungsgeltung, Fortgel-tung, Gilltigkeit, Mitgeltung, Noch-geltung, Satzgeltung, Seinsgeltung, Umgeltung, Wert, Wirklichkeits-geltung, Zusammengeltung. I als et-was-haben, to be accepted as some-thing. Cf. als etwas gelten (sub gel-ten), in Geltung sein also I ausser -bleiben, to remain unaccepted (or inoperative), (etre mis en suspens (PL). I ausser - setzen, to deprive of acceptance. (to render inoper-ative). Cf. Aussergeltungsetzung. I - haben, to be valid (WH), (avoir une validite (B). Cf. gelten. I in bleibender - haben, to accept abid-ingly, to involve abiding acceptan-ce of. Cf. in Geltung haben. I in fester - verbleiben, to remain firmly in force, (persister avec une validite stable (B). Cf. in Geltung bleiben, noch geltendes Urteilen (sub gel-tend). I in - behalten, to maintain acceptance (of something). I in -belassen, to go on accepting. (conti-nuer d'admettre comme valable (B. I in - bleiben, to remain accepted. to hold good (WH 1> still, (rester vala-ble (B. Cf. in fester Geltung ver-bleiben, in Seinsgeltung bleiben (sub Seinsgeltung). I in bringen, Equivalentto' 'zur Geltung bringen " , q.v. I in - haben, to accept. (ad-mettre comme valable (PL), to belie-ve in, to have in force. Cf. anerken-nen, annehmen, hinnehmen, in blei-bender Geltung haben, in Erinne-

    61 Geltungsmodifikation

    rungsgeltung haben (sub Erinne-rungsgeltung), In-Geltung-haben, in Seinsgeltung haben (sub Seinsgel-tung). I in - halten, to accept. Cf. the terms referred to sub in Geltung haben. I in - lassen, to go on ac-cepting. I in - sein, to be accepted, (etre valable

  • Geltungsmodus

    modification, positional modifi-cation 0>.

    Geltungsmodus. mode of acceptance. Geltungsphiinomen, acceptance-

    phenomenon, acceptedness-phe-nomenon; validity-phenomenon.

    Geltungssphiire. positional sphere, (plan ou une validite est en jeu . precise (MS 3. WH 5>; (exact . (pri-Gisement

  • Generalthesis


  • Gesamtvorstellung

    Gesamtvorstellung, aggregate idea. Cf. Vorstellung 4 & 7.

    Geschehen, happening, (process), (event).

    Geschichte, story, history (WH), (his-toire (R>), science of history. Cf. historisch.


  • gestaltend

    ten). I sich in, to fashion itself into.

    gestaltend, shaping, fashioning, forma-tive (WH), (formant (B). Cf. bil-dend, zugestaltend.

    Gestaltqualitat, form-quality (Boring 1950), (shape-quality).

    Gestaltung, shaping (MS 2, WH 4), (mise en forme (B), fashioning

  • Glaubensmodalitat

    Not "believing certitude" (BG). Cf. Gewissheit.

    Glaubensmodalimt, doxic modality, (modalite de la croyance (R, B.

    Glaubensmodifikation, modification of believing, (modification de croyance

  • Grenzbegriff

    (WH). Cf. begreifen, erfassen, er-griffen, herausgreifen, umgreifen, vergreifen, zuriickgreifen auf, Zu-sammengreifen.

    Grenzbegriff, limit-concept, (concept-limite (B), limiting concept. Not "limiting notion" (Bn>.

    Grenze, limit (Bn, MS 1, WH>, (limite , (au fond

  • Grundgesetzlichkeit

    Grundgesetzlichkeit, (set of (homo-geneous)) fundamental laws, funda-mental law, fundamental) princi-ples), (l!!galite fondamentale

  • haftend an


  • hervortreten

    , to come out (WH), (ressortir (B), (apparaitre

  • hinweisen auf

  • ideell

    (science de l'ideal (R, (science ideale (B . Cf. Realwissenschaft.

    ideell (adj.>, ideal (WH I, MS 1>, (ideel (R>). Cf. ideal.

    ideell , ideally , idealiter. ideierend, ideative. Identiftzierbarkeit. 1 urspriingliche -,

    possibility of original identification, (capacite origineUe d'identification .

    immanent-psychologisch, 1 in echtem Sinn -, pertaining to a genuinely immanental psychology, (psycholo-gique immanent au sens authentique , of (or in) immanent time, (dont la temporalite est immanente , as in im-manent time.

    Immanenz, 1. (condition or quality:) immanence . 2. (something immanent:) imma-nency. 3. (without distinction:) (immanen-ce , not "mar-ginal actuality" (BG>, not "dor-mant actuality" (BG>. Cf. Aktuali-tat 3.

  • Inaktualitatsmodifikation

    2. (inactuality). Cf. Aktualitat 2, Unwirklichkeit. I Modus der -, non-actionality mode, (mode de l'inactua-lite

  • inhaltlich

    tungsinhalt, Dauerinhalt, Empfin-dungsinhalt, Gehalt, Phantasie-inhalt, Urteilsinhalt, Wahrneh-mungsinhalt. I intendierender -, intentive content.

    inhaltlich (adj.), content-, of con-tent(s), contentuaL I ~er Hestand, stock of contents, (contenu

  • intentional

    intentional , intentional, (inten-tionne1

  • kategorial

    kategorial, categorial, (categorial (R. B). Not "categorical" (BG).

    kategorisch, categorical (WH 1, MS 1), (categorique (B).

    kennen, to know (WH 1, MS 1) (by acquaintance (Bn), to be acquaint-ed with, (connaitre

  • komplex

    komplex (adj.>, (at least sometimes:) combined, (complexe (B. Cf. ver-bunden.

    Komplexion, complex, (assemblage complexe (B, combination; com-plication. Cf. Empfindungskom-plexion, Erlebniskomplexion, Ge-samtkomplexion, Kombination, Lautkomplexion, Relation, Urteils-komplexion, Verbindung, Verflech-tung, Verhalt, Verwebung, Zusam-menhang.

    Komplikation, complication (WH 1 >, complexity, (complexite (B.

    kompliziert, complicated; intimately combined.

    Konkret-eigenwesentliches, concrete own-essentially, (caractere concret, essentiellement propre , (consequence , (suite

  • konstruktiv

    structing. Cf. Aufbau, Bau, Bildung. konstruktiv

  • kundtun

    kundtun, to give cognizance of, (to make known). Cf. bekunden, kennt-lich machen, kundgeben.

    Kunst, art

  • leidend

    leidend, undergoing, (passive

  • Lobatschewski

    thing, to lie in something, (reposer dans quelque-chose (R, (resider dans quelque-chose (R, to be im-plicit in something. Cf. einwohnen, innewohnend.

    Lobatschewski, Lobachevski (Web-ster), (Lobatchevski

  • mathematisierend

    mathematisierend, mathematizing (not in OED>.

    matter-of-fact-Erkenntnis, cognition of matters of fact. Cf. Erkenntnis, Tatsachenerkenntnis.

    mehrere, a plurality of, several

  • Merkmalmoment

    charakteristische Beschaffenheit (sub Beschaffenheit). I konstituierendes -, constituent mark, (caractere con-stituant

  • mitCassen

    mitCassen, to apprehend along with, (grouper ensemble

  • Nachbild

    Nachbild, copy

  • natural

    experience purely of Nature, (expe-rience purement naturelle (B.

    natural (adv.>, in Nature. Naturbezug, relation to Nature. Naturding, physical thing belonging to

    Nature. Not "thing of nature" (L>. Cf. Ding der Natur (sub Ding), Natur-sache.

    Naturerfahrung, Nature-experience, (experience de la nature (B. Cf. Er-fahrung.

    Naturforscher, scientific investigator of Nature, (savant dans les sciences de la nature (R. Not "student of nature" (BG>, not "scientific worker" . Cf. Forscher.

    naturhaft (adj.>, natural. Naturkausalitat, causality in Nature. Naturkunde, cognizance of Nature.

    Not "nature study" (L>. Cf. Kunde. natiirlich, natural (WH I, MS 1 >, (na-

    ture! (R, B, (naturalis (K, (ant. philosophisch:) of the natural sort. Cf. naheliegend, natural, naturhaft, urwiichsig. I Menschen des --en Lebens, human beings who are living naturally. Cf. Mensch. I ~e Wissen-schaft, science of the natural sort. Cf. Naturwissenschaft.

    natur-Iogisch (adv.>, 1- leitend, guiding in the manner proper to a logic of Nature.

    Naturobjekt, Object belonging to Na-ture, (objet de la nature (R. Cf. Objekt.

    Natur-Objektivitat, Nature-Objectiv-ity. Cf. Objektivitat.

    Natursache, mere thing belonging to Nature, (chose naturelle (R. Cf. Naturding, Sache.

    Natursphare, sphere of Nature (BG>, (sphere de la nature (R.

    Naturwissenschaft, natural science (WH I, MS 1>, science of Nature. Cf. natiirliche Wissenschaft (sub natiirlich) .

    Nebenglied, collateral member, (mem-bre adjoint (B. Cf. Hauptglied.


    Negat, negatum, (negatum (R, (ce qui est nie (B; negative, (negation (B. Not "what is negated" .


    negierbar, I nicht-, incapable of being negated.

    negieren, to negate , (nier , (aboutir a supprimer , (nul-

    lite , (noeme

  • Noesis

    Noesis , noesis

  • objektiv-ideal vation (R). Save "objectification" (BG) for "Vergegenstandlichung". Cf. vorstellig machen (sub vorstellig), Vorstellung.

    objektiv-ideal (adj.), Cf. ideal-objek-tiv. I ~e Einstellung, focusing on what is Objective and ideal, (tournee vers l' objectivite ideale (B). Cf. Ein-stellung.


  • Originari tat

    nal (object) itself. Save "primordial-ly"

  • physikalisch exakt

    physikalisch exakt . as having the exactness ascribed in physics. Not "physically exact"

  • prinzipiell

    mension, fundamental dimension. I -e Eigentiimlichkeit, radical pe-culiarity, (caracteres essentiels

  • Problemstellung

    sphere of uncomfortable problems, (ensemble de probtemes genants

  • Realwissenschaft

    Realwissenschaft, science of realities, (science du reel (R. Cf. Idealwissen-schaft.

    Rechenkonvention, computational convention. (convention de calcul (B.

    rechnen, to compute (WH. MS). (com-puter (B). to calculate (WH. MS). (calculer (B.

    Rechnen, reckoning (WH 1). Cf. Ver-rechnen.

    rechnerisch, computational ("rare"-OED), (dans Ie calcul (B. Cf. kal-kulatorisch.

    Rechnung, reckoning (WH 1), compu-tation

  • reden

    spoken locution. I die jeweilige -, the locution used on the particular occasion. I die -, dass, the state-ment that (BG>. I die - von, (Ie terme de (R>l. (use of) the word(s) (or the phrase), (usage du mot (R>), (Ie mot(R, speaking of, to speak of, (verbal) reference to, (1' expression (de (B)

  • Reiz

    sphere of (or in accordance with) the grammar of pure logic, (relevant de (ou conformement ti) la grammaire pure logique

  • Riite

    Riite, redness (WH 1, MS 1), (rougeur (B).

    Riickbesinnung, (retrospection 0. Cf. Besinnung.

    Riickbeziehung, backward relation, backward relating, reflex (ive) re-lation, relation to something ante-cedent, backward reference, (refer-ence backward), (retro-rejerence (R), (caractere rejerentiel (B. Cf. Beziehung. I - auf, relation back to (L>.

    Riickbezogenheit, backward related-ness, reflexiveness, relation. Cf. Beziehung, Bezogenheit, Verhaltnis.

    Riickerinnerung, (retro-souvenir (R. Cf. Erinnerung, Vorerinnerung, Wiedererinnerung.

    Riickfrage, inquiry back, regressive inquiry, asking back, retrospective inquiry. Cf. Frage, zuriickfragen.

    Sachbeschaffenheit, merely material determination, (propriete materielle (R). Cf. Beschaffenheit.

    Sachbewusstsein, consciousness of a mere thing, (conscience de chose (R. Not "consciousness of a subject-matter" , undertaking, (situation (B. Cf. Ding, Dinglichkeit, Einzelsache, Materie, Natursache, Sachbewusst-sein, Sachvorstellen, Stoff, Tatsache,




    Riickfiihrung, tracing back, carrying back. Save "reduction" for "Re-duktion".

    Riickgang, going back, (retour (PL, B), resort, recourse, regress (WH 2), regression, retrogression (WH 1, MS), recurrence (to); resorting.

    Riickkehr, reversion (WH), (regression (B).

    (Riickschlag), reversion (Bn). Riickschluss, inference. Cf. Schluss 3. Riickseite, back (WH 1, MS 1), rear

    (aspect). Cf. Seite, Vorderseite. Riickverwandlung, reconversion, (re-

    tour (B). Cf. Verwandlung. Riickweis auf, pointing back to. riickweisen auf, to point back to (or at) .

    Cf. weisen auf, zuriickweisen auf. Riickweisung, pointing back, (renvois

    (B). Cf. Weisung. I Hin- und -, pointing back and forth.

    Verhaltnis. I blosse -, mere thing, (chose brute (R), (simple chose (R, B). Not "mere fact" (BG), not "mere material" (BG). I die ~n selbst, the things themselves.

    Sachenwelt, world of mere things, (monde des choses (R). Not "world of facts and affairs" .

    sachfern, remote from things. Cf. fern. Sachgebiet, material province, (domai-

    ne concret (B. Cf. Gebiet, Sach-sphare.

    Sachgehalt, material content(s), (con-tenu materiel

  • sachhaltig

    sachhaltig (adv.>, materially, (materiel-lement

  • Satzgebilde

    Satzgebilde, propositional formation, (formation propositionelle (B). Cf. Gebilde.

    Satzgedanke, propositional thought, (pensee qui s' exprime par la phrase (B).

    Satzgeltung, acceptance of a propo-sition, (validite d'une proposition

  • schliessen

    Not "plainly" . Cf. scWechthin. I - anschauend, in a pure and simple intuition.

    schliessen, 1. to conclude . (conclure . (to reason . (fermer . inference (WH. MS>. con-clusion . Cf. Folge 1, Folgerung, Schlusskette, Schluss-weise.

    Schlussfolgerung, Equivalent to Schlussfolge .

    Schlussform, argument-form. form of inference. (forme de deduction (B). form of conclusion. syllogistic form. Cf. Beweisform.

    schluss(ge) recht, (formally) valid (in the logical sense). logical . (consistent

  • Seele 100 Seinsglaube

    Seele, psyche, (mind (Bn, MS, (soul

  • Seinsglauben

    Seinsglauben , believing (in ex-istence or in being). Cf. Glauben

  • Selbsteigenes 102 setzen

    time (R. Cf. eigen. I mir -, (pe-culiarly) my own. Cf. Mir-Eigenes.

    Selbsteigenes, what is peculiarly my (or his) own, what is peculiar to my own self. Cf. Eigenes.

    Selbsteigenheit, (peculiar) ownness. Cf. Eigenheit.

    Selbsterfahrung, self-experience; ex-perience of something itself. I die transzendentale -, my experiencing of my transcendental self.

    selbsterfasst, itself (-) grasped; itself seized upon, (saisi "lui-meme" (B.

    Selbsterfassung, grasping (of) some-thing itself; seizing upon something itself, (saisie de la chose "elle-meme" (B. Cf. Erfassung. I absolute -, seizing upon my absolute self.

    Selbsterscheinung, self-appearance. Cf. Erscheinung.

    Selbst-Erscheinung eines Etwas, ap-pearance of a Something itself, (ap-parition pMnomenale d'un quelque chose "lui-meme" (B.

    selbstgebend , that gives (us) something(-)itself (or the object itself or it itself or them themselves). (qui donne quelque chose "elle-meme" (ou les choses elles-memes ou les choses memes (B, (qui la donne "elle-meme" (B. Cf. selbst gebend (sub gebend).

    selbstgebend (pred. adj.), a giving of something(-)itself. Cf. gebend.

    Selbstgebung, 1. (noetic:) giving of something-itself (or of it-itself, or of the thing itself, or of the object it-self). 2. (noematic:) something that is it-self given, something's giving of itself, something giving itself. 3. (noetic or noematic:) (donation de la chose "elle-meme" (ou des chases elles-memes ou des choses memes ou des objectites memes) (B. Cf. ge-bend, Selbstdarstellung, Sich-selbst-geben.

    selbst(-)gegeben, itself(-)given, (donne lui-meme ). (venir a etre donne en personne (B.

    Selbstgegenwart, one's own (or the ego's) present; own presence.

    selbstgegenwartig, itself present, (Pre-sent "lui-meme" , unquestioned. without question, (unquestionable); (apparently) truistic, understand-able of itself, self-understandable, self-understood , a matter of course (MS 3, WH 4>. matter-of-course, obvious. Cf. fraglos.

    selbstverstandlich (adv.>, without question, self-understandably, of course (WH 1. MS 1> undoubtedly, (bien evidemment

  • Setzen 103

    meinen. I ausser Geltung -, to de-prive of acceptance, (to render inoperative). Cf. Geltung. I ausser Spiel -, to put out of action, (mettre hors ieu

  • signitiv

    nitiv" (LU, VI. Unters.,33n.):)sig-nificative, significational. Cf. bedeu-tend, bedeutungsmassig. I -er Akt, significative act. Cf. signitiver Akt (sub signitiv (adj.).


    signitiv (adj.), (Equivalent to "signi-fikativ" and opposed to "intuitiv" (LU, VI. Unters., 33n.):) significa-tive, (signifiant (B), significatio-nal, (signitive , significatively, signifi-cationally; as represented by signs, (au moyen des signes (B), in terms of signs. Not "in symbols" (L), for the reason given sub signitiv (adj.).

    singular, single; (U rteil :) singular, (singulier (R, B). Save "certain" (BG> for "gewiss". So far as possible save "individual" (BG) for "indi-viduell". Cf. einzeln. I das S ,.....,e, the single example, (the single indi-vidual).

    Singularitat, singularity, singleness, singular; single example. Cf. Be-sonderung, Einzelheit, Vereinzelung, Wahrnehmungssingularitat.

    Sinn, sense (WH 1, MS I), (sens (R, B, de M); (rarely:) scope. Save "mean-ing" (Ueberweg trIn of Berkeley, quotedinLU, II. Unters.; WH; MS; F; BG) for "Meinen" (q.v.), "Mei-nung" (q.v.), and "Vermeinen" < q. V. ). Cf. Bereich, Erinnerungssinn, Erkenntnissinn, Einheitssinn, Seins-sinn, Tragweite, Umfang, Unsinn, Wahrheitssinn, Wahrnehmungssinn, Wertungssinn, Widersinn, Zweck-sinn. I etwas im -e haben, to intend (WH 1) something. I Ganzes des ,.....,es, whole that is a sense, (totali-te du sens (B). I im erfassenden -, in the sense of a seizing-upon. Cf.


    erfassend. I im physischen -e, phy-sically. I im realen --e, really; in the sense of realities. I im -e der Formenlehre, according to the theory of forms, (au sens de la moY-phologie (B). lim -e der Deut-lichkeitsevidenz, in the sense proper to distinct evidence. I im -e der Gegebenheiten, like the data, (au sens des donnees (B . Cf. Gegeben-heit. I im -e der Logik, in the sense proper to logic, (au sens de la logique (B); in logic's sense of the word; as logic intends it. I im ,.....,e des Positi-vismus, in accordance with posi-tivism. lim -e der Psychologie, in the psychological sense, (au sens de la psychologie (R, B, as meant in psychology; for psychology. lim ,.....,e der Tradition, according to the tra-dition, (au sens de la tradition (B). I im ,.....,e der traditionel1en Auffassung, as traditionally conceived. I im ,.....,e der Uber- und Unterordnungen, in conformity with the superordina-tions and subordinations, (au sens des ordinations et sous-ordinations (B). lim ,.....,e des Apriori, in con-formity with the Apriori, (au sens de l'apriori

  • Sinnenschein

    senses, (sensible thing), (chose sensi-ble (R). Not "sensory thing" (BG), not "thing of sense" (BG). Cf. Ding, Sehding, Tastding. I sonstige -e, things pertaining to the other senses.

    Sinnenschein, illusion of the senses. Cf. Schein.

    sinnerfiillt, sense-filled, (rempli par un (ou Ie) sens (B). Cf. erfiillt.

    Sinnesaufstufung, superaddition of sense. Cf. Aufstufung.

    Sinnesauslegung, explication of sense, (explication du sens (B). Cf. besinn-liche Auslegung (sub Auslegung). I noematische -, explication of the noematic sense, (explicitation noema-tique du sens (R.

    Sinnesbestand, sense-composition, (fonds de sens (R. Cf. Hestand.

    Sinnesboden, basis of sense. Cf. Boden. Sinneseinheit, unity of sense, (unite de

    sens (B . Cf. Einheit. Sinnesempfindung, sensation (Gom-

    perz trln of Mill, quoted in LU, II. Unters.), (sensuous feeling 0. Cf. Empfindung.

    Sinnesform, sense-form, (forme du sens (B).

    Sinnesgenesis, genesis of (its) sense, (genese de sens (B. Cf. Genesis.

    Sinneshorizont, sense-horizon, (horizon du sens (B). Cf. Horizont.

    sinnesidentisch, as having its identical sense, (dont Ie sens reste identique

  • sinnverleihend

  • Spiel 107

    Spiel, 1 aus dem - lassen, to leave out of account. 1 ausser - setzen, to put out of action, (mettre hors de jeu

  • stiften 108 Stufensystem

    (B), (constamment (B). Cf. bestan-dig (adv.).

    stiften, to institute (WH, MS), to set up, (to originate for "fundieren".

    Stiftung, institution (WH, MS), insti-tuting, something instituted, origi-nation, (fondation (B). Save "foun-dation" for "Fundament", "Grund" "Grundlage", "Grundlegung" (qq. vv.). Cf. Urstiftung.

    Stilform, stylistic form, style, (struc-ture (PL.

    stimmen mit, to accord with (WH 1). Cf. einstimmig, Ubereinstimmung.

    (Stimmung), mood (Bn, WH, MS). Stoff, stuff (WH, MS), material

  • Subjektglied 109 synthetisch Subjektglied, subject-member, (mem-

    bre-sujet (B. subjektiv (adj.>, I das S-e, the subjec-

    tive, the subjective moment. I in -er Hinsicht, in its subjective aspect, with respect to the subjec-tive (or to subjectivity), (dans la perspective subjective (B. Cf. Hin-sicht. I -e Einstellung, focusing on what is subjective, subjective focus,

    (attitj~de subjective (B. Cf. Einstel-lung. I -e Forschung, investigation of the subjective. Cf. Forschung. I -e Reflexion auf Einsicht, reflection on subjective insight, (reflexion sub-jective sur l'evidence rationelle (B. Cf. Einsicht, Reflexion, I -e Wen-dung, turning toward the subjec-tive, (conversion sUbjective (B; subjective locution, (tournure sub-jective (B. Cf. Wendung. I -es Ge-bilde, subjectively produced for-mation, (formation subjective (B. Cf. Gebilde.

    subjektiv (adv.), subjective (L>, on the subjective side, (dans la perspec-tive sUbjective (B . I - erIebt, really immanent in subjective life. Cf. er-lebt. I - gerichtet, directed to the subjective, (dirige vers Ie subjectij (ou vers la sUbjectivite ou du cote sUbjectij ou du cote de la subjectivite) .

    Subjektivierung, subjectivizing, (sub-jectivisation for "Untergrund", "Unterlage", and "Unterschicht" (qq. vv.). Save "basis" (WH 1, MS 2, BG) for "Boden" and "Untedage" (qq. vv.>. Save "foundation" (WH 2> for "Fundament", "Grundlage" etc. Cf. Bestimmungssubstrat, Ursub-strat.

    Substratglied, substrate-member, (membre-substrat (B.

    substruieren, (to substruct

  • Tastding 110 Thematik

    Tastding, touch thing, thing that is an object of touch, tactual thing. Cf. Ding, Sehding, Sinnending.

    Tat, deed

  • thematisch

    psychological thematizing. I Rich-tung einer -, direction of a thema-tizing activity. Cf. Richtung. I sub-jektiv gerichtete -, thematizing activity directed to the subjective, (thematique dirigee vers la subjectivite

  • Ton 112 Typus

    -r6~ -rl, T61k Tt, this-here. Cf. Dies-da. Ton, tone

  • Uberdeckung

    Uberdeckung, overlaying. Cf. Deckung, iibergreifen, Uberkreuzung, Uber-schiebung.

    iibereinanderbauen, to build one over another. Cf. bauen.

    Ubereinstimmung, accord

  • Uberhaupt 114 umgreifen

    1 - nicht, not at all

  • umgrenzen 115 Unaufmerksamkeit

    fassen, greifen, mitbegreifen, Unver-stiindnis.

    umgrenzen, to ascertain the limits (or the boundaries) of, to delimit, to set the limits for, to bound

  • unbedenklieh

    unbedenklieh, Cf. bedenklieh. I nieht -, not unquestionably correct.

    unbegrenzt, (math:) without limit, un-limited

  • unselbstandig

    BG) for "abhangig". Cf. selbstandig. unselbstandig (adv.), non-selfsuffi-

    ciently, (d'une maniere non-indepen-dante (B); interdependently.

    Unsinn, nonsense (WH I, MS I), (non-sens (B, de M), absence of sense. Save "absurdity" (WH 2, MS 3) for "Absurditat" and "Widersinn" (q.v.).


    Unstimmigkeit, discordancy, (discor-dance (B), inconsistency (WH I). Cf. Inkonsequenz, Konsequenzlosig-keit, Selbstimmigkeit, zusammen-stimmend.

    (Unter':Jegriff), minor term (Bn), (ter-minus minor (K). Cf. Oberbegriff.

    Untergrund, substratum (WH I), (tre-fonds (B), underlying basis, basis (BG), (subsoil (MS 1, WH 2), (ar-riere-fond (B). Cf. Aktuntergrund, Boden, Grund, Hintergrund, Substrat, Unterlage, Unterschicht.l- der Unabgehobenheit, inconspicuous substratum, (trefonds ou se trouve ce qui n'est pas detache (B). Cf. Unab-gehobenheit.

    Unterlage, foundation

  • unverstandlich 118 Urspriinglichkeit

    "Unvertraglichkeit" and "incon-sistency"

  • ursprungsecht

    arincss, originalness, (originel (E). Cf. Originalitiit, Originaritiit.

    ursprungsecht, authentic, (originel (E). Cf. echt.

    Ursprungsechtheit, originary genuine-ness, authenticity, (authenticite ori-gineUe (E). Cf. Echtheit.

    Ursprungsforschung, (scientific) in-quiry into origins, (recherche sur l'originel

  • U rteils boden

    Bildung, Urteilsgebilde, Urteilsge-stalt.

    Urteilsboden, basis for judgment(s). Cf. Boden.

    Urteilseinheit, judgment-unity of (the) judgment, (unite de (ou du) juge-ment (B. Cf. Einheit.

    Urteilseinstellung, judicative attitude, (orientation du jugement (B). Cf. Einstellung.

    Urteilsenthaltung, abstention from judgment, (suspension de jugement (R. Cf. Enthaltung.

    Urteilsentscheidung, judicial decision. Cf. Willensentscheidung.

    Urteilsergebnis, judgment-result, re-sultant judgment, (jugement resul-tant (B, (resultant de la sphere du jugement (B.

    Urteilserlebnis, mental judgment-pro-cess, mental process of judgment, (vecu du jugement (B. Cf. Erlebnis, Urteilsprozess, Vorstellungserlebnis.

    Urteilsevidenz, judicative evidence, (evidence de jugement

  • Urteilsmeinung

    Urteilsmeinung, judicial meaning, ju-dicial opinion, (jugement-opinion

  • Veranderlichkeit

    neralisierung". Cf. allgemein

  • vereinen

    vereinen, I sich miteinander -, to unite.

    (Vereinigung der Krafte), composition of forces

  • verhalten 124 Vermeintheit

    Wesensverhalt, halt.


    verhalten, I sich so und so -, to com-port oneself (WH) thus and so, (se comporter de telle et telle favon (R, B); to stand (WH, MS) thus and so, to be the case (WH, MS). Cf. Sichverhalten. I sich zu etwas -, to bear a relationship to something.

    Verhalten, behaviour (WH), (com-portement (B); (conduite (B); procedure (WH, MS). Cf. Gebaren, Gehaben, Sichverhalten, Verhaltung.

    VerhaItnis, 1. relationship (MS 2, WH), relation (MS 1, WH), (relatio , (per-sister (B), (demeurer (B.

    verhiillt, veiled from sight, (cacM

  • vermeintlich

    (or meant) categorial objectivity, (entitt! categoriale (intentionnee) (B), categorial supposition.

    vermeintlich (adj.), supposed (WH 1, MS), suppositive, (presume (B).

    vermeintlich (adv.), supposedly, sup-positively; as meant 0).

    Vermeinung, supposition, (presomp-tion (B). Cf. Vermutung, Voraus-setzung.

    vermengen, to confound (WH), (con-fondre (R), (to confuse (WH, MS, BG).

    vermengt, confounded. So far as possi-ble, save "confused" for "verwor-ren" .

    vermischen, to confound. vermischt, confounded; (hybridus

    (K). vermitte1n, I die beiden -, to inter-

    mediate the two, (to mediate be-tween the two (BG), (mediatiser les deux

  • (Vernunftschluss )

    (Vernunftschluss), (ratiocinatio (K). Cf. Schluss.

    Vernunftvorzug, I einen - haben ge-geniiber, to be rationally superior to. Cf. Vorzug.

    Vernunftwert, rational value. Verrechnen, misreckoning. Cf. Rech-

    nen. Verrichtung, I eine - vollziehen, to

    perform an operation . Cf. Vollziehen.

    Versachlichung, materializing. Cf. sachlich, verdinglichen.

    Verschiebbarkeit, lability, (Possibilite de subir des deplacements ), dislocation (WH), (trans-lation (de M). Cf. Ubergang, Wen-dung.

    verschieden, different (WH 1, MS 1, BG), (ditterent (R, B), (differing (WH 2, MS 2, BG), diverse (MS>, divers

  • Verwandlung 127 vollziehbar

    into something

  • Vollziehbarkeit

    Vollziehbarkeit, effectibility, possible effectuation, (possibilite d' effectuation

  • Vollzugsform

    doubt. \- eines Satzes, making of a proposition.

    Vollzugsform, form pertaining to the performing, (forme d' effectuation (B). \ --en der Deutlichkeit, forms of distinct judgings, (formes de l'ef-fectuation de la "distinction"

  • Vorhaben 130 vorstellen

    Vorhaben, intent

  • Vorstellen

    4. (loosely:) to be an idea of. Save "to sense" (BG) for "empfinden". 1 mit -, to intend also to, (mettre en avant (B). 1 sich -, (governing dative:) to phantasy.

    Vorstellen, I. (broadest sense:) (men-tal) objectivating, (representation (R). 2. (narrower senses, sometimes:) recalling or phantasying (in an ob-jectivating manner), (objectivating recollectively or in phantasy); phan-tasying (in an objectivating man-ner), objectivating in phantasy. Cf. Sachvorstellen. 1 allgemeines -, (mental) objectivating of the uni-versal (or of universals). Cf. allge-mein (adj.). 1 spezifisches -, (men-tal) objectivating of species.

    vorstellend, 1. objectivating. 2. phan-tasying (in an objectivating man-ner), objectivating in phantasy, (formant des representations (R), (loosely:) imagining (BG).

    vorstellig, I. objective (cf. LU, V. Unters., 4IO: "gegenstandlich bzw. vorstellig") .


    2. recalled or phantasied (objecti-vatingly), objective recollectively or in phantasy, (represente (R); phan-tasied (objectivatingly), objective in phantasy. 3. presented, (representl (R). Cf. gegenstandlich, leer vorstellig, ob-jektiv, sachlich, vorgestellt. 1 unan-schaulich - haben, to have as non-intuitionally objective, (se represen-ter d'une maniere non-intuitive (R). 1 - haben, to have as objective. 1 -in der Phantasie, objective in phan-tasy, (represente dans l'imagination (B). Cf. Phantasievorstellung.l-machen, to make objective. Cf. ver-gegenstandlichen, vorstellen 1.

    Vorstellung, 1. (broadest Husserlian sense:) (mental) objectivation, (mental) objectivating, objectiva-ting intention, (presentation (B), (representation (R). Cf. Intention, Objektivation, Objektivierung, Ver-gegenstandlichung. 2. (narrower Husseriian senses:) a.


    (objectivatingorobjective) phantasy; objectivation in memory or in phan-tasy; (representation

  • Vorstellungserlebnis 132 Wahrheitsprinzip

    a1. Ilogische -, idea with which logic is concerned. I nominale -, naming objectivation; (mental) ob-jectivation of something as named. Cf. nominal, Wortvorstellung. I zur - kommen, to become (mentally) objectivated.

    Vorstellungserlebnis, (mental) objecti-vation-process, (mental) objectiva-tional process. Cf. Erlebnis, Urteils-erlebnis.

    Vorstellungsgestalt, I in ursprtinglicher -, conformably to the original idea of it.

    Vorstellungsgrundlage, objectivational foundation. Cf. Grundlage.

    Vorstellungsintention, objectivational intention, objectivating intention < ?). Cf. Intention.

    Vorstellungsobjekt, Object of a (or the) mental objectivation. Not "object of presentation"

  • Wahrheitssinn

    (principe qui concerne la verite (E). Wahrheitssinn, truth-sense, (sens de

    verite (E). Cf. Seinssinn. wahrnehmbar, perceivable (MS 1),

    (perceptible (R). wahrnehmen, to perceive (WH 1, MS

    I, EG), (percevoir (R), (percipere

  • wandeln

    tionswandel, Verwandlung, Wand-lung, Wechsel, Wendung.

    wandeln, to change, to alter, (transfor-mer

  • weltlich

    the world. So far as possible save "mundane"

  • Wertsachverhalt

    Not "objectified value". Cf. Objek-tivitat.

    Wertsachverhalt, (etat de valeur

  • Wesenserkenntnis

    erkenntnis, Wesensforschung, We-sensstudium.

    Wesenserkenntnis, eidetic cognition, cognition of essences, (connaissance de l'essence

  • Wesenssachverhalt

    Wesenssachverhalt, (etat (de chose) eidetique (R). Cf. Sachverhalt, We-sensverhalt.

    Wesensschau, seeing (of) an essence (or essences), (vision des essences (B). Cf. Schau, Wesensanschauung, We-senserschauung, Wesensschauung.

    Wesensschauen, seeing (of) essences. Not "essential intuition" (L>. Cf. Schauen.

    Wesensschauung, seeing (of) an essen-ce (or essences), (vision de l'essence (R), eidetic seeing. Not "intuiting essences" (L), not "essential intui-tion" (L). Cf. Schauung, Wesensan-schauung, Wesenserschauung, We-sensschau, Wesensschauen.

    Wesenssein, eidetic being, essential being, (being as essence (L).

    Wesenssphare, sphere of essences, (sphere essentielle (B). I hyletisch-sachhaltige -, sphere of hyletic materially determinate essences.

    \\iesensstruktur, essential structure, (structure essentielle (B) ; eidetic structure.

    Wesensstudium, study of something in respect of its essence. Not "essential study" .

    WiderfoIge, anti-consequence, (contre-consequence (B). Cf. Foige 1, In-konsequenz, Widerspruch.

    Widersinn, countersense, (contre-sens (B, de M)}, (absurdity (WH 2, MS 3, L, BG)}, (absurdite (R)), (contrar-iety of sense). Save "nonsense" (WH 1, MS 2) for "Unsinn" (q.v.). So far as possible, save "absurdity" for "Absurditiit" and "Verkehrt-heit" (q.v.).

    widersinnig (adj.), countersensical (not in OED but justified by analogy with "nonsensical"), countersense-ful, (absurd (WH 2, MS, L, BG)}, (ab-surde (R, B)}. Save "nonsensical" (WH 1, MS 1) for" unsinnig". I -er Kreis, vicious circle (L).

    widersinnig (adv.), in contravention of their sense, in a manner that contra-venes their sense.

  • Widersinnigkeit 139 wirklich

    Widersinnigkeit, countersensefulness, (contre-sens

  • Wirklichkeit 140 Wortgebilde


  • Wortlaut 141

    Wortlaut, sound of words, (son du lan-gage (B), verbal sound, (mot pro-nonce (B.

    Wortmeinung, verbal opinion, (inten-tion verbale (R. Cf. Meinung.

    Wortverlauf, word-sequence, (deroule-ment des mots (B). Cf. Verlauf.

    Wortvorstellung, word-objectivation. Cf. nominale Vorstellung (sub Vor-steIlung).

    Wortzeichen, verbal sign, (pi:) (signes des mots (B). Cf. Zeichen.

    Zahl-, numerical (Bn). Zahlenbildung, numerical formation,

    (assemblage de nombres (B. Cf. Bildung.

    Zahlengebilde, numerical formation, (formation de nombres (B, (numeri-cal structure), (construction numeri-que (R. Not "construction of a numerical kind" ). (mark (Gomperz trln of Mill, quoted in LU, 1. Unters.; WH; MS; (algebraic, sometimes:) symbol; ((etymological sense:) token (MS 1, WH. Cf. Anzeichen, Be-schaffenheit, Bezeichnen, Bezeich-nung, Erinnerungszeichen, Kenn-zeichen, Merkmal, Merkzeichen, Schriftzeichen, Vorzeichen, Wort-zeichen.

    Zeichensein, being a sign, signhood. Cf. Anzeichensein.

    Zeichenvorstellung, sign-objectivation. Not "sign-furnishing presentation" (BG). Cf. Bildvorstellung, Vorstel-lung 1.

    zeichnen, to mark (WH, MS>, (to brand (WH, MS>). (to sign (WH, MS), to mark out, to draw (WH 1>, (tracer (B). Cf. anzeichnen, be-zeichnen, kennzeichnen, vorzeich-nen.

    zeigen, to indicate (WH 2, MS 3), to



    Wunschausdruck, wish-expression, (expression du souhait (B). Cf. Ur-teilsausdruck.

    Wunschaussage, wish-statement, (enonce de souhait (B>). optative statement. Cf. Aussage.

    Wunschmeinung, wish-meaning or wish-sense, (opinion qui se sPecifie en souhait (B. Cf. Meinung, Ur-teilsmeinung, Willensmeinung.

    Wunschrede, optative locution. Cf. Rede 2.

    show (WH 1, MS 1>, (montrer (B), to point out (WH, MS 2>. Save "to demonstrate" (Ueberweg trln of Berkeley, quoted in LU, II. Unters.; WH> for "beweisen", "ausweisen", "nachweisen" (qq.vv. >. Cf. andeuten, anzeigen, bedeuten, hindeuten, hin-weisen auf, hinzeigen, vorweisen, weisen.1 sich -, to show itself (WH 1, MS 1 >, (se manifester (B, to become apparent (WH), (appara1tre (R, B. Cf. auftreten, erscheinen, sich anzeigen (sub anzeigen), sich heraus-stellen (sub heraussteIlen), zur Er-scheinung kommen (sub Erschei-nung).

    Zeiger, indicator (WH 3, MS>, pointer (WH 1>, (index (B). Cf. Anzeichen, Anzeiger, Weiser.

    Zeitanschauung, intuition of time; (natural-scientific:) view of time. Cf. Anschauung.

    Zeitbewusstsein, consciousness of time, (conscience de temps ). (conscience du temps (B, time-consciousness. I inneres -, consciousness of internal time. Not "internal (nor inner) consciousness of time"; not "inter-nal (nor inner) time-consciousness". Cf. inner. I primares -, primary consciousness of time. I subjektives -, subjective consciousness of time. Not "consciousness of subjective time".

    Zeitbeziehung, time-relation. Cf. Be-ziehung.

  • Zeitbezogenheit 142 zugehorig

    Zeitbezogenheit, relatedness to time, (rejCrence au temps

  • Zugehtirigkeit 143 Zusammengehtirigkeit

    notwendig Z -es, a necessary apper-tinent. 1 ein Z -es, an appertinent. Cf. ein Gehtiriges (sub gehtirig).

    Zugehtirigkeit, (appartenance (R, B. Cf. Ichzugehtirigkeit, Zusammenge-htirigkeit. 1 - haben, to be apperti-nent.

    zugeordnet, (sometimes:) attaching (or attached) to.

    zugestaltend, Cf. gestaltend. 1 etwas Form -, imposing form on some-thing, conferring form upon some-thing.

    Zugewendetsein, advertedness, state of) being turned towards (B, (fait d'etre tourne vers (R). Cf. Zuwen-dung.

    zugrunde, Cf. Grund, Grundlage, Grundlegung. 1 - legen, to take as one's basis, (prendre pour base (B. 1 - liegen, to be at the basis of (F), (etre a la base de (B), to underlie. 1 - liegend, at the basis of (F), (qui est a la base (B, (de base

  • Zusammengeltung


  • zusprechen







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