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By: Jake Bruestle

Mrs. Love Pd: 2

The Love Of Football

I've often found it quite baffling

People’s immense love for a sport

That’s nothing more than ball handling

And a thunderous crowd of rare support.

Male and female, old and young

The spirit takes over their hearts and souls

Holding them captive, and quite overhung

Until the scoring of the goals.

Have you noticed the deserted streets

On a day a match is to be played?

Have you observed the loud drumbeats

That accompanies a team-win parade?

I ask myself, is this love or is this obsession?

Is this fan sell-out without discretion?

That a ball-engage in a ninety minute session

Would elicit from so many, such weighty expression.

Football binds the country, they're quick to say

Football is an antidote for dismay

Whether to watch or whether to play

Football reigns every day.

At this point, there’s nothing more that I can say

Other than pass the ball, and let us play

Football it is any day

Football it is all the way.

Viola Akhigbe

I chose this poem because

it describes a true love for

the sport of football. It

shows true passion for

football and how important

it is to this man. He tries to

convince the reader that

football is the best sport

known to man and no other

sport can compare.

This poem uses end rhyme

by every other line in the

poem rhyming.


Football, glorious football.

Don't care what it looks like -.

Burned! Underdone! Crude!

Don't care what those crooks like.

Just thinking of growing fat.-

Our senses go reeling.

One moment of knowing that

Full-up feeling from sitting on

the couch!

Football, glorious football!

What wouldn't we give for

That extra bit more,

that's all that we should live for.

Why should we be fated

to do nothing but brood

on football,

magical football,

wonderful football,

marvelous football,

fabulous football,

beautiful football,

glorious football!

Fred Babbin

This poem shows how

amazing football is.

From laces on the ball to

the laces on your cleats

the game is magic. The

feeling you get while

plying overwhelming to

one person. True

happiness in peoples


This poem shows rhyme

by the word football

repeating at the end of

the poem.

Another Football Season

Another Football Season has just commenced having said so

just the same

A lot of hype and excitement about a field game

For many from their life problems a relief of sorts

Suppose that's why the establishments created sports.

Some things do seem to change little from year to year

Of football fans discussing football one often does hear

They talk of their Club as if the Club they did own

'Tis from people like them that Football Clubs are grown.

They talk of team ratings and player stats and of last weekend's

best on ground

And of who their team are due to play in the next round

And the forward with a goal for the taking who kicked a behind

Next week with the seconds a place he may not find.

Another Football Season commencing the barracker's wife

She does feel neglected but then such is life

He knows about Football and the words of the Club song

And his heart to the Club it does surely belong.

Francis Duggan

This poem is about the start of

a new season. New faces and

players and old players leaving.

Showing who will dominate the

next season. Showing that this

year is their year.

This poem shows end rhyme

since every two lines rhyme

with each other.

Football Is Round

A shooting ball is swooshing;

People in globe are watching.

On a sudden

Hails of cheers, vales of tears.

At losers' silence, winners're proud

Football is round.

In the humming of vuvuzel

Behind yellow and red card

All pass in the eyes of eagle

Nothing is impossible.

Football is round

For entertaining goal.

Louisa Dai

This poem describes a

football. It also shows the

emotion of the people. The

sounds of everyone involved

in the game. The poem is

about the true entertainment

of football.

This poem has imagery since

you can visualize the sounds

and the football which is



Football is the sport of mentality,

Though many people think it is like a fatality,

Lessons learned can overcome,

Anything negative that may come.

The field is like a classroom outside

That is why the sport is known far and wide,

As everything you learn,

Can be applied.

“Football is like a war, ” some people say,

But the sport affects players in a different way,

Violence isn’t the only thing,

You can win without it,

Just like Martin Luther King,

You don’t have to be affected by how much you weigh,

How tall, how fast, how strong,

For just like an art,

Football is judged based on how much heart.

Jack McGivern

This poem is all about the metal

stages of football. It says how it

should not matter the size of the

person but the size of their heart.

Johnny Manziel once said “You

can measure but you cant

measure heart”. That quote truly

shows size does not matter.

This poem uses simile “The field is

like a classroom outside”.

Life is more than you expect...

I leap over the high walls,

to see the world out there,

I run about 100 km,

just to get myself up loaded,

I swim round the vast of the blue oceans,

because I feel free,

I punch 100 thick layers of bricks,

to get ready for challenge,

I swing myself into space just to visit the moon,

and safely land on the ground,



what do you think,

life is more than what you see,

so make most of your goals

like football that runs in the jungle,

to your goal.

Lee Sharon

This poem is about accomplishing

goals. No matter how much it takes

to never give up on yourself. This

shows that work pays off.

This is an example on blank verse

since none of it really rhymes.

Bad at football

I’m not too good at football

although I try real hard

when they put me in

we never gain a yard

I slower then the rest

but I run with all my might

I mess up all the plays

it seems I’m never right

why should I keep trying

when ill lose still in the end

its like the pain of losing

will never ever end.

Aaron Fullbright

This poem is about the loss of a

game. How sad one can be after

a game. It’s the disappointment

of a losing season.

This is an internal rhyme with

never and ever

Omaha Calling

'Omaha' - a quarterback yell,

An audible to change the play.

Rest of the team is s'posed to gel,

And do the down another way.

The Native American tribe,

Omaha, was source of the name.

But football call? - hard to ascribe,

Omaha did not play the game.

Native Americans should not

Be offended at such a call,

Not a negative slurring blot,

But a positive in football.

Ima Ryma

This poem is about a call called

omaha. A call the connects the

team to know what to do. A call that

creates a bond between


This poem has onomatopoeia.

Peyton Manning, the man to the

left, is known for the calling


The Football Field

I am like the lion in the jungle

The most feared and dangerous animal

You cannot run from me and you cannot hide

Because when I'm in the jungle theirs nowhere to go

I am like your daily hit-man whenever I see you with

That football I have to take you out

Every game or practice I have nervousness running


My body when this happen

I feel as if I am like a glass cup easy to break

So I have to clear my mind of everything I'm thinking


Close my eyes and take a deep breath and take it all

out because

I'm doing it as if it was my last play for my football


Or maybe my last on earth because every play can be

your last

I love this sport with all my heart but I'm just not going


Lose my life or have a permanent injury from it

Brandon Miller

This is about a non stop battle. A man

that wont ever give up on his team. A

constant fight against opposing

teams. True love of the sport.

This poem has simile, “ I am like a

lion in the jungle”.

Throwin around that old football.

It doesn't matter how big or small.

Just a game of catch to start the day.

Without any rules to obey.

Throwin around that old football.

And watching it soar.

Oh who could think it a boar.

As it flys through the air.

We continue to stare.

Until it touches our hands

And there it lands.

Throwin around that old football.

Just playing a little catch with my friend.

I wish today would never end.

We toss the ball a few times more.

My mom yells from our door

I know we're done

We've had our fun.

Ashlie Olsen

This poem is about the love

of the sport. No matter what it

takes to play that they will

play it. In the hardest time

through thick and thin they

will battle through the fight.

This poem has stanza in it. It

has 3 of them.

There was once a man from Haiti

The earthquake killed his lady

He cried and battled

Ate all his cattle

And now he drives a Mercedes




Great team, exciting

Amazing, enjoying, winning

Orange, brown, black, gold

Sucking, losing, crying gross, dirty


HAIKUPickerington North

What a miserable school

Please let me go home


It is a chilled day

The gust of wind cooling me

I cant feel my face

I don’t have enough clothes on

Please let me go home, wait no



Depressing, sad

Moving, Hitting, Running

Always have losing season
