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Documentary Idea 1The Challenge: Who is better at using technology older or younger people?

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Content The working title of my documentary would ‘Techno challenge against the generations’. The content of my documentary would be to challenge a older female and a younger female to do small challenges with technology to see who is better. Also this documentary would be about how woman are going to be able to take over a man role in the ICT industryand how technology has effected young people as well as how parents are aware of the technology but are not quite aware how to use it. I was inspired to do my documentary when reading article in the stylist magazine about a 11 year old girl and a 30 year old woman doing different challenge to see who won overall. This gave me the idea to do a challenge of the generations, by setting up a variety of task that has to be done by different age ranges and see how is actually better.

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Below is the article that inspired my idea

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Target AudienceMy primary audience would be young people this would be aged 16-25 because they would want to know the outcome of the investigation. The style of my documentary would appeal to them because it wouldn’t be formal so they should stay interested, the music I would use would be modernand recognisable. I would primarily want to appeal to girls/women because they are becoming more aware of the technology and are trying to challenge men in the ICT industry. I did this target audience because most of the people that I asked was in this age range.

My secondary audience would be the older generation because they would want to see who won also and they don't know much able technology so they can learn how to do certain things.

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Mode & Mode of address


The mode of my documentary is investigatory because I will be investigating who is better at technology. I chose this mode because it will present a challenge as well as a investigation about how technology could be taken over by the new generation. In my primary research, I did a voxpop and she said that investigatory would be best because it would be the best way to get people attracted whereas if I did a fly on thewall it would be a bit boring.The mode of address of this documentary would be informal because I would want it to appeal to my target audience if I have it formal my primary target audience might get bored and not want to watch it.

To create awareness about how technology has has changed and how it influences people and if you don’t know how to use the latest technology then you are out of touch with society. I think it fills a gap in the market because I have done some research and I haven't found any documentaries like this one. The unique thing about this documentary is that challenges the generations.

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Conventions used • Music – I think the best kind of music for this documentary would be like a Rnb

instrumental so it appeals to a young audience, I would do an instrumental because people might get distracted by the actual music than the documentary.

• Expert opinion- I think I would interviews different ICT specialist that know alot about technology.

• Handheld camera- I would use a handheld when filming the people on the technology to make the audience feel like they are there, so it seems real.

• Interviews- I would also interview Pupils because then it will appeals to more people.

• Cutaways- The cutaways would be of iPhones, Blackberries, Ipads and tablets. I would also put footage of social networking sites. There would be other cutaways about other things that the interviewees are talking about.

• Voxpops- This will be of the public, I would ask them to predict the outcome of the challenge.

• Voice over- I would use a voice over because in my primary research 100% of the people that answered my questionnaire said that they think a voice over will be more affective.

• Editing- The way I would edit it, it would be graphical with a split screen to show both tasks. I would do it in like a youth club because it appeals to the target audience.

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DistributionI would pitch this documentary to BBC3 because this is what channel most people watch

and because similar documentaries are shown on this channel for example ‘Can we trust the police’. According to my research 50% of the people that filled out my survey said that they would like that my documentary would be best on BBC3. Also they said that the would like to see it in Channel 4.

I would promote my documentary by doing film festivals to show people what I have done and hopefully get it too BBC3.

I would also promote my documentary by doing an advert on Radio 1Xtra because my target audience listen to it and they would be able to get information about what channel and timing.

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Evidence that similar documentaries are on that channel.

Evidence that the channel has the same target audience.


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Documentary Idea 2How does the media represent carnival?

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Content The working title for my documentary would be ‘How does the media represent carnival?’ This documentary would be about how carnival is seen, by the masqueraders, public and the police, and how the riots has impacted the festival and tradition of carnival also it would be about how the media represent carnival, and the way they have it over shadowing the celebration of carnival. For example, carnival cant go on too late about they are scared that the riots that happened at Notting Hill Carnival in 2008 will happen again. I was inspired by reading an article in the voice new paper about how people are now fear going carnival because of the riots so this challenged me to do a documentary about different peoples views and if it has and the same affect on them. Also in my experience of carnival, for me it is a celebration of culture and a annual street party that has a good impact one me. I love the fact that I have another family with all the masqueraders in the band. But then when I get home all I see is the stabbing that happened, it don’t really show the positive side to carnival. According to my target audience 50% of them said that it hasn’t changed their perception on carnival so them why does the media make it seem like that.

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Below is the article that inspired my idea

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Target Audience My primary audience would be young people because they are the ones that more go for the enjoyment they would be from 14-34 but because of the riots has it change their perception on it, or is it the same. It is young people because they are the ones that have more interest in carnivals. It will appeal to them because of the type of music. In my primary research they said they said that they think Soca would be best for the documentary.. This is unique because I haven’t seen a documentary like this that looks at people’s different perceptions on carnival.

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The mode of this documentary is an informal, informative, because it will appeal to my target audience. A similar documentary to mine would be ‘Kicked out Kids’ its appeals to kids because Plan B is quite informal and the kids are just themselves. I want my documentary to be relaxed and not so formal.

The purpose of this documentary would be to make people aware of the culture also that the riots shouldn’t have an impact on why people go to carnival. It would appeal to a niche audience as not everyone would watch it. Only a selective amount of people would watch it and also to raise awareness of the diversity of carnival.

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Conventions used • Music – I would use Soca music throughout because it’s what carnival is all about,

therefore appealing to my target audience. Also my primary research showed my target audience thought Soca would be best music genre for my documentary. This would be Destra- Attitude

• Expert opinion- Allyson Williams, interim chair of London Notting Hill Carnival Ltd and the secretary of genesis mas band Symone Williams.

• Handheld camera- To make it seem more real • Interviews- I would interview the local police and get their view about carnival and

how they feel the riots has impacted carnival. As well as with the public and the masqueraders their views on carnival.

• Archive Footage – this would be of carnival and the riots to show people the considerable different between the two, giving evidence as what I am talking about.

• Editing- The way I would edit it, it would be graphical with a split screen to show both tasks. I would do it in like a youth club because it appeals to the target audience.

• Presenters- In this documentary I think it would be best for the presenters to make them know how I feel about carnival also 100% of my audience said that they think it would be more effective using a presenter

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DistributionI would pitch this documentary to Channel 4 because this is what channel most people watch and because similar

documentaries are shown on this channel for example ‘ The girl who became three boys’ also channel also do 5 minute

documentaries so this would be a good channel.

I would promote my documentary by doing film festivals to show people what I have done and hopefully get it to Channel 4

My documentary would only last for about 5 minutes, I am going to distribute it on places like Cinemas, before the viewings of films, I would also put it on places like YouTube as my documentary will only be 5 minutes long so we couldn’t really put it on TV. I will also get this out

by sending people it via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. The majority of people I asked said that I should distribute my documentary on YouTube, social networking sites and at the cinemas before the viewing of films.

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Evidence that similar documentaries are on that channel.

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Documentary Idea 3Have standards slipped across comprehensive schools over the last 10 years: Do you have to pay for a good education?

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Target Audience

This documentary would be about how standards has dropped over the last few yearsfor comprehensive schools, also it will challenge the effect it would have on students because they want to cut GCSEs. I was inspired to do this documentary when on BBC news website seeing the different articles about how they wasgoing to drop GCSEs.

For this documentary I think it would appeals to more adults and parents than young people because parents would want the best for their children. I would just use a instrumental because they done really mind because they would be more interested in the documentary.

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This documentary would be investigate because it is a serious issues. I chose this mode because it will be investigating a current issue on the news. The mode of address of this documentary would be formal because it is appealing to a older audience if it was informal they wont really understand and it wont really appeal to my audience.

The purpose is to create awareness about the issue of schooling and how students might not have the right resources like GCSEs to help them know where they are and what they need to work on. I think it would fill a gap in the market because I haven’t seen a documentary that shares the same issues. It appeals to a niche audience because this will appeal to mostly parents and tecahers, I don’t think it would really do

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Conventions used • Music – I think the best kind of music for this documentary would be like a

slow instrumental because it is a serious issues they wont really be interested in the content of the documentary.

• Expert opinion- I think I would try and interviews the MP of Wandsworth Shadiq khan.

• Handheld camera- I would use a handheld when filming the people on the technology to make the audience feel like they are there, so it seems real.

• Interviews- I would try and interview pupils and teacher to see how they feel about the matter.

• Cutaways- The cutaways would be of articles about the issues, screen shots of a video what the people is talking about. Also I get cutaways of peoples GSCEs results . There would be other cutaways about other things that the interviewees are talking about.

• Voxpops- This would be of what the public think about the issue.• Presenter- I would use a presenter because it is a more formal matter and

according to my research they would prefer a presenter I think this is because it would be more effective.

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DistributionMy documentary would only last for about 5 minutes, I am going to distribute it on places like Cinemas, before the viewings of films, I would also put it on places like YouTube as my documentary will only be 5 minutes long so we couldn’t really put it on TV. I will also get this out by sending people it via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. The majority of people I asked said that I should distribute my documentary on YouTube, social networking sites and at the cinemas before the viewing of films.