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Do you Smoke – Then you are probably one more step closer to hearing loss

Researchers have known the dangers of smoking tobacco for decades. Of course we know smoking cigarettes contributes to lung cancer, throat cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, allergies and other breathing disorders. Yet, with the entire solid, statistical data in place, one out of ten Indians still puff away daily.

Although the link between cigarette smoking and peripheral hearing loss was established over 40 years ago, information on the effects of smoking at the cochlear and auditory central nervous system levels has become available only recently. Work on otoacoustic emissions and several tests designed to tap into structural and functional aspects of the auditory central nervous system indicate that not only are the outer hair cells of the cochlea susceptible to damage, but that smoking may affect many aspects of central auditory processing. Furthermore, adolescents and children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy are particularly vulnerable to the effects of cigarette smoking. This review describes the effects of smoking on the peripheral and central auditory nervous system and presents tentative hypotheses regarding mechanisms of damage.

Cognitive Effects on Hearing

Unfortunately the negative effects of smoking do not stop within the inner ear but actually continue on into the brain.

Once sound is transmitted via the auditory nerves, the next process of “hearing” a sound requires our brain to first identify the source of the sound, interpret the sound and call on your brain’s memory to understand the sound being heard. Findings from various studies “suggest that chronic nicotine use impairs cognitive auditory processing”. In other words smoking can negatively impair the brain’s ability to “hear” and interpret sounds.

Smoking, age and noise

Like anything in life, smoking can act “synergistically” with other hearing loss risk factors. For example, according to a 2005 study “showed that smoking, age, and noise exposure together pose a greater risk for hearing loss than each factor alone. They showed that non-exposed non-smokers in the 20-40 years age category were least likely to experience hearing loss, whereas smokers over 40 years with a history of noise exposure were most likely to show a hearing loss. They suggested that these synergistic effects were most consistent with biological interactions.”

In plain English, when you factor in smoking with hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noise and the age factor, well, you have a potent combination that may well lead to serious and irreversible hearing loss.

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The damage

For all of you science and biology lovers you may be wondering – how exactly does the smoking cause hearing loss? What mechanism is it actually damaging? Well that is a good question.There is no direct evidence for the mechanisms of damage to the auditory system associated with cigarette smoke exposure”. However research does suggest there may be three different mechanisms that play a role in the development of hearing loss due to smoke exposure:

The first mechanism may be related to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) - nicotine and carbon monoxide may actually deplete oxygen levels to the cochlea which is bathed in fluids and blood supply. Like any part of the body, if oxygen is depleted tissue damage can occur.

The second mechanism is related to the interaction between nicotine and neurotransmitters in the auditory (hearing) nerve. Neurotransmitters essentially function as chemical messengers and if impaired they would no longer be able to properly tell the brain what is occurring along the hearing nerve.

Lastly the third suspected mechanism is related to adolescent smoking. Studies have shown mechanisms within the hearing nerve are not fully developed until late adolescents; thus the hearing nerve pathways are particularly susceptible to damage, if environmental toxins like nicotine are introduced during the early adolescent years.

Quit Smoking

Congratulations. You now have another reason to kick the habit, regardless of your age or how long you’ve been smoking. However, the American Lung Association and the entire professional medical community are pretty much in agreement that the best way to avoid health problems associated with tobacco use is to never start.

If you do smoke, quit and consider having your hearing tested to see if you have caused any damage to your hearing.

And if you’re an ex-smoker you deserve a pat on the back. You’ve done something very difficult for your own good health and for the health of those who live with you. However you may also want to consider having your hearing tested as damage may have already occurred.

If you don’t smoke don’t start.

Cheers to smoke free environments, healthy living and healthy hearing!

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