


Ies Alta Axarquia, Periana, Malaga, Spain Year II· Number 2· May 2014

- Nelson MANDELA - Unemployment falls - RICOS y POBRES _________________________

- Charity Race. - Proyecto CUYUNI. -Creative Posts for equality _________________________

- Holidays in NEW YORK - Top 3 Must-visit in ASIA. - We love TRAVELLING! _________________________

-Pablo Alborán -The Hip Hop Culture _________________________

- Real Madrid Basket team - Michael Schumacher. - TAEKWONDO. _________________________

- GAMES OF THRONES. -Fast and Furious. _________________________

- Optical Illusions - Un Nuevo Planeta.. -Rubic’s Cube. _________________________

- Mediterranean Diet. - Teenage drug use.


In this second number, we keep on learning about the advantages of Bilingual Teaching. The students that are involved in the bilingual project of IES ALTA AXARQUÍA have created this magazine to improve the linguistic competence. Enjoy with our magazine!






- Holidays in New York.

- Top 3 Must-visit in ASIA.



- Nelson Mandela

- Unemployment falls in 2014

- Ricos y Pobres

- Los pitufos 2 en Júzcar.

-Hielo antártico, imprevisible.


- Charity Race

- Cuyuni Project.

-Creative Posts for equality.

-Ski Trip.


-Pablo Alborán

-The Hip Hop Culture.


- Real Madrid basketball team

- Michael Schumacher.

- Taekwondo.

- Contador and Purito.

-Nadal’s back problems.


- Games of thrones

- Fast and Furious


-Optical Illusions.

- A new Planet.

- Rubic’s cube.


- Mediterranean Diet.

- Teenage drug use.

- Transplants.


-Fear of Flying.

STAFF >> EDITOR: (Coordination) Rafael Alcolea Rodríguez >> EDITORIAL TEAM: Maribel Barranquero (English) Mariola Mantas (Social Sciences) Emma Díez (Science) Carmen Gloria Peláez (English) Antonio Clavero (English) Yolanda García-verdugo (P.E.) Valentin Fdez. Camacho (Social Sciences) Miguel Ángel Ranea. (Maths) >> Design: Grupo de trabajo: Bilingual Digital Magazine. (BDM) >> Contributions: Students Ies Alta Axarquia 1ESO 2ESO 3ESO 4ESO >> Thanks to: All the people who helped us with this project, CEP. AXARQUÍA, IES. ALTA AXARQUÍA, JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA, Plataforma Colabor@.

All rights reserved



WELCOME TO BILINGUAL DIGITAL MAGAZINE (BDM) This magazine has been developed by students at IES ALTA AXARQUIA, Periana, Mälaga, SPAIN and their teachers within a project to promote the use of the languages used in our school: ENGLISH AND SPANISH. The students have created, looked for information they have decided the contents of the magazine. On the other hand, the teachers who have participated in this magazine have supervised their works, have created the different sections and they have also contributed with their effort to make this project a reality. Thank you. This magazine has been created to be used by anybody: teachers, students of other high schools and countries all over the world; their families and anyone who wants to improve both English and Spanish. Bilingual Digital Magazine is also downloadable so teachers all over the world can print and use in class. We hope you enjoy it! Esta revista ha sido desarrollada por los estudiantes de ESO del Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria: IES ALTA AXARQUÍA, Periana, Málaga. SPAIN; y el profesorado participante en un grupo de trabajo para promocionar la competencia lingüística en ESPAÑOL e INGLÉS. Nuestros estudiantes han creado, buscado información y han decidido los contenidos de esta revista . El profesorado ha supervisado sus artículos, han creado las secciones y maquetado la revista, con su esfuerzo han hecho este proyecto una realidad. ¡GRACIAS! La finalidad de esta revista es que pueda ser utilizada por cualquiera con fines académicos: desde profesores, estudiantes de otros institutos de nuestro país o del mundo, así como sus familias. Bilingual Digital Magazine puede ser descargada por profesores de otros países y usarla en clase. ¡Esperamos que disfrutéis con ella! Rafael Alcolea Rodríguez, Coordinador .



Central Park

New York




NEW YORK New York is the most populated city the U.U.S.S of America. The city has many

neighborhoods and buildings recognized worldwide. New York is considered a global

city, given its global influences in media, in politics, in education, in entertainment

and fashion. You can’t go to New York and didn’t enjoy places like:

Times Square

With thousands of lights and huge

advertising posters, Times Square

has become the most famous

image of New York. It is the

heart of the city and the center

of the theater district. There are

a number of restaurants, shops,

street performers, and of course,

the theaters of Broadway.

Statue of Liberty "Liberty illuminating the world", known as the Statue of Liberty is one of the most

famous monuments in New York, the United States and from around the world. It

is a monument to more than 90 meters high, was inaugurated in 1886. It is located

on Liberty Island to the south of the island of Manhattan.

It was a gift from the French to the Americans, as a sign

of friendship between the two nations. The Statue of

Liberty became a symbol in the United States and

represents, on a more general level, freedom.



Central Park The Central Park is a public urban

park located in the metropolitan

district of Manhattan. The park has

large tracts of grass covered

areas, squares, a mini zoo, a skating

rink, a theater outdoors, trails for

running, biking, skating, horseback

riding, and numerous water sources

and sculptures.

Brooklyn Bridge Bridge is a favorite New York and was the first steel suspension bridge in the

world. You can walk across it in about 30 minutes. The view is amazing. It was built

between 1870 and 1883 and, at the time of its

opening, it was the world's largest suspension

bridge, measuring 1825 meters long.

Authors: Mª Carmen Bernal Pascual & Mª José Guerrero Sánchez. 4º A




NUEVA YORK Nueva York es la ciudad más poblada de los EEUU de

América. La ciudad tiene muchos barrios y edificios reconocidos por todo el mundo.

Nueva York está considerada como una ciudad global, dadas sus influencias a nivel

mundial en los medios de comunicación, en la política, en la educación, en el

entretenimiento y la moda. No se puede ir a Nueva York y no disfrutar de lugares


Times Square

Con sus miles de luces y enormes

carteles publicitarios, Times

Square se ha convertido en la

imagen más conocida de Nueva

York. Es el corazón de la ciudad y el

centro del distrito teatral.

Hay un gran número de

restaurantes, negocios, artistas

callejeros, y obviamente, los

teatros de Broadway.

Estatua de la Libertad «La libertad iluminando el mundo», conocida como la Estatua de la Libertad, es uno

de los monumentos más famosos de Nueva York, de los

Estados Unidos y de todo el mundo. Es un monumento con

más de 90 metros de altura, inaugurado en 1886. Se

encuentra en la isla de la Libertad al sur de la isla

de Manhattan. Fue un regalo de los franceses a

los estadounidenses, como un signo de amistad entre las

dos naciones. La Estatua de la Libertad se convirtió en un

símbolo en Estados Unidos y representa, en un plano más

general, la libertad.



Central Park El Central Park es un parque

urbano público situado en el distrito

metropolitano de Manhattan. El

parque tiene grandes extensiones de

zonas cubiertas por césped, plazas,

un mini zoológico, una pista de

patinaje sobre hielo, un teatro al aire

libre, senderos para correr, andar en

bicicleta, patinar, andar a caballo, y

numerosas fuentes de agua y


Puente de Brooklyn Es el puente favorito de Nueva York y fue primer

puente de suspensión de acero en el mundo. Puedes

cruzarlo caminando en unos 30 minutos. La vista es

increíble. Fue construido entre 1870 y 1883 y, en el

momento de su inauguración, era el puente

colgante más grande del mundo, mide 1825 metros

de largo.



India I thought I’d start with India, as it’s such an intriguing country. Everyone has there own

experiences and opinions about India but you can’t judge before you’ve been there, it’s

impossible, you need to have felt it, smelled it and seen the colours to be able to say

something about it.

I like to say India isn’t really a country. It’s a different

planet, every region has it’s own characteristics and

mysteries. I’d be lying if I’d say I know all of them, but

although it’s long ago I do remember some things, mostly

because this country gave me such a

shock, so much to think about, for

someone who was used to a western


Lot’s of people say this and there quite right -you either love India

or you hate it-. You have to be able to ajust to there customs, to

the way they stare at you on a train the whole day without once

looking away until you start staring back at them, the way they try

and sell you things all day, everyday, everywhere, the way the

traffic is caused by holy cows walking along, the way the indians

won’t stop smiling and waggling their heads while they make you

feel uncomfortable. You have to take this all with it, wether you like it or not. Once

you’ve adapted too all the madness you start too appreciate it (this does take a while).

This is the part where a lot of people get stuck because not everyone can see the logic in

a rat temple and cow shit all over the street. One thing you

do have to know is that Indians are one of the most friendly

people in the world, they’ll always try and help you, there

are exceptions everywhere but the only thing that got stolen

in a six months travel through madland were two pairs of

sandals (my dad’s), left outside a temple, but we got a fast

replacement, someone on the corner of the street was making

shoes out of old car tyres, we bought a pair there.

It’s difficult to tell you the best place to go in India because

it’s so huge and I haven’t even seen near half of it, but out of

the places I have been I would say Rajasthan and the north of India Ladakh in the


Rajasthan because I had amazing experiences there in the desert and at the Pushkar fair

which is the biggest camel/horse fair organized every year. I was lucky to be able to go

on a horse riding track through the Thar desert and to visit little places such as Bundi

where monkeys just broke into houses and would eat all the left overs.



We went to the North of India in the Himalayas because that was as close as we could

get to Tibet in that time, there was a war going on. We crossed the Himalayas from

Manali to Leh, a road that only is open for traffic during summer there, otherwise it’s

covered in several feet of snow, when they open the road the army takes care of

cleaning all the snow away so that the trucks can pass to deliver things to the otherwise

only accessible by plane, Leh. A precious little gem between India and Tibet, also

sometimes used as a residence for the Dalai Lama. For a tourists there are only a few

possibilities to get there, or by plane or by bus, and well... if you’re inventive or insane

with three people on a 30 year old Enfield. We had been on a Indian bus before and it

wasn’t such a jolly ride, the chauffeurs in India drive like maniacs, I don’t know wether

they like to be on time or if they just believe in a second and better life after death. We

didn’t want to have another ride from hell so we decided instead to cross the great

Himalayas with three on an old and almost broken Enfield, it did succeed, although we

replaced a some tyres on the way. The crossing took three days, in between we slept in

tentcamps were we could drink some chai tea and rest for the very cold night. One of

those days we saw wild horses galloping next to us, they looked like przewalski horses,

these are only a few of the treasures you can find in India and I hope that you can

discover some yourself one day!

Thailand Thailand is a welcoming country, that’s why most people go there

on holiday, because it’s an easy travelling destination for

families with kids. The people are very friendly and while

we were travelling through Asia we used Thailand as our

hub. We’d travelled through Thailand quite a bit all ready

and it’s nice to have some place to start that you know all

ready in a part of the world which is unknown to you.

Thailand is definitely the place to go for a long relaxing

holiday with children, you barely ever hear bad things about

Thailand, of course there is no need to go looking for

trouble among shabby neighborhoods in Bangkok.

A real nice city that has been imprinted in my mind is Chiang Mai in the North of

Thailand, this is were I as a nine year old ate baked worms for the first time (a

challenge!). They bake larvae and put them in big bags to sell on the local markets just

like crisps,you know, it might be better than the actual crisps we eat these days, god

knows what they put in them! Another thing that you can eat

(while were on the topic) is a lovely and salted rat on a stick,

that one I didn’t try! The best Bed and breakfast in Chiang Mai

is the CM Bluehouse, so if you ever go do make sure to stay


One of the most interesting tribes in Thailand are the

longnecks, also in the North, around Mae Salong, years ago

they fled from Burma or officially the Republic of Myanmar

and settled in the North of Thailand.

There are a lot of Myths that say that when they take their rings off their necks would

brake, which is a lie, one of the longneck women named Mali told us how the rings only

visually make the neck longer but really they push down the shoulders so that they

become smaller. All together the rings weigh 5 kilo, fortunately for the youth they aren’t

obliged to put them on.



On the border of Laos and Thailand we got dragged in to a party of Vespa dealers, the

really old vintage type. The parking that led up to the big barn where the party was held

was full of multicoloured, two toned and sweet little motorcycles all of the Italian make.

There I was inmediately shown around and danced with by Thai girls.

One of the activities you won’t regret doing is having a ride on an elephant, be sure that

they are well treated though. Another activity which you’ll find you can do in any of

these countries is go to a nature park or the Tiger Temple in Thailand situated in

Kanchanaburi, a real MUST! It’s amazing how these monks take care and live together

with the tigers, I was lucky enough to have two cubs trying to rip out my hair!

Bhutan Bhutan is a very small but nevertheless interesting country because of it’s way in

approaching tourism and industry. I must admit I need to do some research on Bhutan

because I’d like to explain the political situation and

as a nine year old I wasn’t really into that sort of


Rapid modernization has brought vast

improvements in the living standard of the

Bhutanese people. They also have grown a lot in

tourism, they are trying to subdue the negative

impacts on their culture and environment commonly

associated with mass tourism. By establishing a

policy of ―High Value, Low Impact‖ tourism,

Bhutan seeks to ensure that its attracts only the most

discerning visitors with a deep respect for cultural

values, traditions and the natural environment, they explain on their website.

As a result of the recent economic development, Bhutan has one of the highest per

capita incomes in South Asia. Efforts stringent retaliations have been enacted in order to

protect Bhutan’s natural environment.

What does this mean, well it means that Bhutan as for keeping mass tourism out of the

question also doesn’t let big companies such as Coca-Cola enter in their economic

system, they create it all themselves, their local McDonalds (probably without GMO),

their local Nike store. The Tiger’s nest is another must see if you go to Bhutan, The

Taktsang Monastry commonly known as the Tiger’s nest is situated on a dangerous

place as you can see on the photo.

I remember how difficult it was six years ago to try and get a visa for Bhutan because it

was so protected, the borders were heavily armed especially against the riots they were

holding in India. Apart from their successful way of industry and preserving their

cultural habits it’s a beautiful country rich in high mountains, the way you fly out of

Bhutan is remarkable, the ability of the pilots is stunning, because when you’ve just

taken of in these tiny little airplanes they need to make very quick and agile movements

with the plane so you don’t hit a mountain, it’s an extraordinary experience as well

when a pilot just tells you to look out of the window on your right side and witness the

Mount Everest.



India Pensé empezar con India poque es un país tan fascinante. Mucha gente tien sus propias

experiencias y opiniones a cerca de la India pero no se puede juzgar antes de haber

estado allí, es imposible, tienes que haber sentido, olido y visto para ser capaz de decir

algo sobre el tema. Me gusta decir que la India no es un país sino un planeta diferente,

cada región tiene sus características y misterios. Estaría mintiendo si te diría que sé todo

de él, pero a pesar de que fue hace mucho tiempo me acuerdo de algunas cosas, sobre

todo porque este país me dio un choque , especialmente para alguine que estaba

acostumbrado a una civilización occidental.

Mucha gente dicen esto, y llevan la razón -O te encanta la India o lo odias.- Tienes que

acostumbrarte a las tradiciones, a la manera de mirarte en el tren todo el día sin

descanso, ni mirar a algún otro lado hasta que tú empiezas a mirar hacia ellos, la manera

en el que quieren vender sus productos todo el día, en cualquier sitio, cualquier hora, la

manera en el que el tráfico está causado por una vaca sagrada que ande por ahí, la

manera en la que los indios no dejan de sonreír y ladeando la cabeza de un lado a otro

mientras te hacen sentir incómodo. Todo es parte de India, si te gusta o no. Después de

que te has adaptado a toda la locura, puedes empezar a apreciarlo. Esa es la parte donde



muchas personas se atascan porque no todo el mundo puede ver la lógica en un templo

dedicada a las ratas y el estiércol de vaca por las calles.

Una cosa que de verdad necesitais saber es que los indios son unas de las personas más

amables en el mundo, siempre van a intentar ayudarte, hay expeciones en todas partes,

pero la única cosa que nos robaron en los seis meses que viajamos en Localand, fueron

dos pares de chanclas, dejados enfrente de un templo, pero encontremos un reemplazo

rápido, en la esquina alguién estaba haciendo zapatos de neumáticos viejos, compremos

un para allí.

Es difícil decir cual es el mejor lugar de ir en la India, porque es tan enorme, y ni

siquiera he visto cerca de la mitad de ella, pero dentro de los lgares donde he ido yo te

diría Rajasthan y el norte de India, Ladakh en las Himalayas.

Rajasthan porque tuve experiencias increíbles en el desierto y en la feria de Pushkar, la

cual es la mayor feria de camello/caballo que se organiza cada año. Tuve la suerte de

poder ir en caballo a través del desierto de Thar y para visitar lugares preciosos como

Bundi, donde los monos entran en tu casa y roban los restos de comida.

Fuimos al Norte de India en las Himalayas porque esto era lo más cerca que pudimos

llegar a Tíbet en ese momento, había una guerra. Cruzamos la Himalaya de Manali a

Leh, por un camino que solo está abierto para público durante, sino está cubierta de

varios metros de nieve, cuando abren el camino el ejército se encarga de limpiar toda la

nieve para que los camiones puedan pasar para comerciar, la única otra vía es através de

avión. Leh es una pequeña joya preciosa entre India y Tíbet, también se utiliza a veces

como residencia para la Dalai Lama. Para un turista solo hay un par de posibilidades

para llegar ahí o en avión o en autobús...o bueno, si eres loco en un Enfield de 30 años.

Habíamos estado en un autobús indio antes y no fue un paseo alegre, los choferes indios

conducen como locos, no sé si le gusta llegar a tiempo o si simplemente creen en el más

allá. No queríamos tener otro viaje infernal, así que decidimos de cruzar una parte de la

Himalayas con trese en una vieja y casi rota Enfield. Tuvo éxito a pesar de que teníamos

que reemplazar algunos neumáticos en el camino. La travesía duró tres días y medio, en

el camino durmimos en campamentos donde pudimos tomar un té chai y descansar por

la noche. Uno de esos días vimos caballos salvajes galopando con nosotros, parecían a

caballos Przewalski. Estos son algunos de los tesoros que se pueden encontrar en la

India, espero que podeís descubrir muchas más!

Tailandia Tailandia es un país acogedor, por eso mucha gente va allí de vacaciones. Es un destino

lejos pero fácil para las familias con hijos. Las personas son muy amables y cuando mis

padres y yo viajemos por Asia hemos utilizado Tailandia siempre como punto de

partida, salida y referencia. Ya habíamos viajado por Tailandia y es bueno empezar en

algun país que conozcas ya un poco en un parte del mundo que desconoces totalmente.

Tailandia defenitivamente es una destinación para unas vacaciones largas y relajantes

con la familia, casi nunca se escucha cosas malas sobre Tailandia, claro, no tenemos que

ir buscando problemas por los barrios oscuros de Bangkok. Una ciudad bonita es

Chiang Mai en el Norte de Tailandia, esto es donde cuendo tenía nueve años comí

gusanos al horno. Los tailandeses freían las larvas, los ponían en paquetes para vender

en el mercado como patatas fritas, sabes, esto probablemente es mejor que los patatas

fritas que comemos hoy en día. Otra cosa que se puede comer ( mientras estámos en el

tema) es un pinchito de rata salada, este no lo probé! La mejor hostal en Chiang Mai es

CM Bluehouse, si alguna vez quieres ir, procura de dormir ahí.



Uno de los tribus más interesantes son los longnecks (cuello largo), también están en el

norte cerca de Mae Salong, hace años huyeron de Birmania, oficialmente la República

de Myanmar, y se establecieron en el norte de Tailandia. Hay muchos mitos que dicen

que si quitan sus anillos sus cuellos se rompen, es una mentira, una mujer longneck

llamada Mali nos contó como los anillos solo hacen visualmente el cuello más largo,

pero realmente se empuja hacia abajo los hombros, y los hace aparecer más pequeños.

Todos juntos los anillos pesan 5 kilos, afortunadamente las jóvenes no están obligadas a


En la frontera de Tailandia con Laos fuimos invitados a una fiesta de comerciantes de

Vespa, los de tipo vintage. El aparcamiento que llevó a la granja donde se celebró la

fiesta estaba lleno de motos de multicolores como lacasitos, todas de la marca italiana.

Ahí fue rodeada inmediatamente por un grupo de jóvenes tailandesas.

Una de las actividades que no vas a arrepentirte es hacer un paseo en elefante, sin

embargo, asegúrate de que están bien cuidados. Otra cosa que podrás hacer en

cualquiera de estos países es ir a un parque natural o el templo de tigres en Tailandia en

Kanchanaburi, eso es un verdadero encanto! Es increíble como los monjes cuidan y

conviven con los tigres. Tuve la suerte de tener dos cachorros arrancandome el pelo!



Bután Bután es un país muy pequeño pero muy interesante debido a la forma en el que se

encargan del turismo y su industria. Debo admitir que he tenido que buscar e investigar

sobre Bután porque quería explicar la situación política, y como un niño de nueve años,

yo no me interesaba en cosas así.

La rápida modernización ha traído grandes mejoras en el nivel de vida en Bután. Han

crecido mucho en turismo, están tratando de someter a los impactos negativos sobre la

cultura y el medioambiente, asociados con el turismo de masas. mediante el

establecimiento de una plítica de ‖alto valor y bajo impacto‖, Bután busca a los turistas

más exigentes, con un profundo respeto por los valores culturales, las tradiciones y el

entorno natural.

Como el resultado de su reciente revolución económica, Bután tiene uno de los ingresos

más altos per capita del sur de Asia. Esfuerzos estrictos se han promulgado de conservar

la naturaleza. ¿Qué significa esto? Significa que Bután al igual que no deja entrar masa

turismo, tampoco deja entrar compañías como Coca-cola en su sistema económico.

Ellos mismos crean sus Mc Donalds (probablemente sin OGM), su tienda local de Nike,

probablemente no importan nada de China o cualquier otro país.

El nido del tigre es otra visita que debereís de hacer cuando se va a Bután, el monasterio

Takstang comúnmente conocido como el nido del tigre se encuentra en un lugar

espectacular como se puede ver en la foto.

Recuerdo lo difícil que era hace seis años para obtener un visa para Bután ya que estaba

tán protegida, las fronteras estaban fuertemente armadas especialmente contra disturbios

en la India. Aparte de su éxito en la industria y en la protección de sus costumbres es un

país hermoso, rico en montañas gigantes. La forma en la que sales de Bután es notable

porque la habilidad de los pilotos es impresionante. Cuando estás en estos mini-

avioncitos tienen que mover de una manera tán rápida y ágil para no chocar contra un

avión, es una experiencia extraordinaria, especialmente cuando te dicen que mires por la

ventana para ver el Everest.

By Julia Groaters. 4º A.




Are you bored from ordinary cities? Are they always the same?

We are going to talk about some different cities all over the world. These cities

are from different continents and aren´t very famous.

We want that these cities become more famous, to get it we will talk about some

interesting things that can produce passion in the tourists.

And then, you can travel and visit new cities and not boring cities.

First, we travel to Oceania:

- Sidney:

Sidney is the capital of Australia. Sidney has warm summer and mild winters.

-Activities: Sport is an important part of Sidney´s culture, you can visit:

Australia Stadium, in this stadium took place the Olympics Games of the year

2000 and the Sydney Motorsport Park. Sidney Opera House is a famous building

become a UNESCO World Heritage Site on 28 June 2007. In this Opera House

there are a lot of plays.

-Wildlife: there are koalas, kangaroos and duck-billed platypus.

-Monuments: Sydney Opera House.

And now we are going to travel to Asia:




Singapore is the capital of Singapore. Singapore has a tropical rainforest


-Activities: Singapore has a national orchestra. Singapore has a lot of sport

activities like football, basketball, cricket, swimming, sailing, table tennis and

badminton. And it also has a National Stadium.

-Wildlife: there are crocodiles, elephants, snakes, tigers.

-Monuments: Clarke Quay and Boat Quay are beautiful zones for drink and go


Then we are going to travel to Europe:


is the capital of Czech Republic. Prague has an oceanic climate and humid

continental climate.

-Activities: the most important sport is football because there are a lot of clubs

of football. It has the second-largest stadium in the world (Strahov Stadium).

-Wildlife: it is similar to Spanish one because it has the same climate


-Monuments: Strahov Stadium, it has an ancient European culture and

architecture and some buildings show it.

Later we are going to travel to Africa:




is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kinshasa has a tropical

wet and dry climate.

-Activities: you can visit different buildings, the main sport is the football, this

country participates in the Olympic Games of summer since 1968.

-Wildlife: it has a lot of monkeys, elephants, zebras, giraffes, lions...

-Monuments: you can visit the national parks and the jungles, the palace of the

president, a lot of hotels of five stars.

Finally, we are going to travel to South-America:



is one of the main cities of Jamaica. It has a tropical climate.

-Activities: sport is one of the most important activities in Spanish Town, the

most popular local sport are cricket, horse racing, football and rugby.

-Wildlife: snakes like boas, Jamaican Hutia, bats, crocodile, anoles, iguanas and

beautiful and exotic birds.

-Monuments: Built on the West Bank of the Rio Cobre, the streets are called

with famous names and has one of the oldest Anglican churches.



¿Estás aburrido de las ciudades normales? ¿Son siempre las mismas?

Vamos a hablar de diferentes ciudades de todo el mundo. Estas ciudades son de

diferentes continentes y no son muy famosas.

Queremos que estas ciudades sean más famosas, para eso vamos a hablar de

cosas interesantes que pueden provocar pasión en los turistas.

Y luego podrás viajar y visitar nuevas y no aburridas ciudades.

Primero, viajamos a Oceanía:


es la capital de Australia. Sidney tiene veranos calurosos e inviernos suaves.

-Actividades: el deporte es una parte importante de la cultura de Sidney, puedes

visitar: el estadio de Australia, en este estadio se hicieron los juegos olímpicos

del año 2000 y ―the Sidney Motorsport Park‖. La ópera de Sidney es un edificio

que se convirtió en Patrimonio de la Humanidad el 28 de junio de 2007. En esta

ópera hay muchas obras.

-Fauna: hay koalas, canguros y ornitorrincos.

-Monumentos: la ópera de Sidney.

Y ahora vamos a viajar a Asia:




es la capital de Singapur. Singapur tiene un clima de selva tropical.

-Actividades: tiene una orquesta nacional. Singapur tiene muchas actividades

deportivas como fútbol, baloncesto, cricket, natación, navegación, pin pon y

bádminton. También tiene un estadio nacional.

-Fauna: hay cocodrilos, elefantes, serpientes, tigres…

-Monumentos: Clake Quay y Boat Quay son zonas bonitas para beber y salir.

Luego, vamos a viajar a Europa:




es la capital de la República Checa. Tiene un clima oceánico y húmedo


-Actividades: la más importante es el fútbol porque hay muchos clubs. Tiene el

segundo estadio más grande del mundo (Strahov Stadium)

-Fauna: es similar a la española porque tiene el mismo clima (continental)

-Monumentos: Strahov Stadium, tiene una cultura y una arquitectura europea

antigua y algunos edificios lo muestran.

Después vamos a viajar a África:


es la capital de la República Democrática del Congo. Kinshasa tiene un clima

tropical húmedo y seco.

-Actividades: puedes visitar diferentes edificios, el deporte principal es el fútbol,

este país participa en los juegos olímpicos de verano desde 1968.

-Fauna: tiene muchos monos, elefantes, jirafas, cebras, leones…

-Monumentos: podemos visitar los parques nacionales y las junglas, el palacio

del presidente y muchos hoteles de 5 estrellas.

Finalmente vamos a viajar a América del sur:



-Spanish Town:

es una de las ciudades principales de Jamaica. Su clima es tropical.

-Actividades: el deporte es la actividad más importante en Spanish Town, los

deportes más populares son cricket, carreras de caballo, fútbol y rugby.

-Fauna: serpientes como boas, hutías jamaicanas, murciélagos, cocodrilos,

lagartijas, iguanas y hermosos y exóticos pájaros.

-Monumentos: Built on the West Bank del Río Cobre, las calles son nombradas

con nombres famosos tanto de personajes como de acontecimientos y tiene una

de las iglesias anglicanas más antiguas.

Autores: Ismael Martín Oviedo.

Nerea Ferrer Gutiérrez. 4ºA.





Nelson Mandela was born in 1918, 18 of July (Mvezo). Belonged to clan of the xhosa


After finishing his studies of secundary, he began to study in the University of Fort

Hare for get the degree of Baccalaureate in Ar. He moved to Johannesburgo, where he

finish his studies of Baccalaureate of Witwatersrand in 1943.

After the foundation of Sudafrican National Pouty in 1948, with his segregation policy,

Mandela is more important in the African National Congress, especially in the

Campaign Challenge in 1952 and the congress of village of 1955, ―the letter from the

village‖ against the ―apartheid‖. In 1953 Mandela and Oliver Tambo opened his pffice

in Johannesburgo, the first led for black in the country.



He's arrested the 5th

of August of 1962 and sentenced to jail until your released in 1990.

In 1952 and 1959, came a new class of black activists, the African. In 1959 the African

National Congress lost his militant support while the african separate to create the

Bread-African Congress (PAC).

In 1960, after slaughter of Sharpeville of the activists of the (PAC) and the exclusion of

the SACP and the ANC, both united to the African Resistence of Movement and the

PAC, began the armed resistance. Mandela was involved in the activities of armedd

resistance and was considerated a terrorist. 5 of August of 1962, the police stopped to

Mandela and Cecil Williams, this was closed in Johannesburgo due to created strike and

left without permission. Mandela was punished to 27 years in different jails.

Madela was a symbol of the fight against the ―apartheid‖, and a legendary figure that

represented the freedom for all sudafrican black men. While he was in jail he get the

degree of right. In February of 1985 the president Botha gave the conditional free of

Mandela exchange to left the armed fight. Mandela didn't like.

In 1989 the president botha was changed for Frederik Willem of Klerk, this call the free

of Mandela in February of 1990. United to this won the Nobel award of the peace in

1993. The elections of 1994 was winner to Mandela for and became the first black

president of Sudafric. He finished his term of office in 1999 and left his politic and

public life. On 5th

of December of 2013 died in Johannesburgo.

By Claudia Millón 4ºA




Nelson Mandela nació el 18 de Julio de 1918 (Mvezo). Perteneció al clan Mandiba de la

etnia xhosa.

Después de finalizar la enseñanza secundaria, comenzó a estudiar en la Universidad de

Fort Hare para conseguir el grado de Bachillerato en Arte. Él se trasladó a

Johannesburgo, dónde el terminó sus estudios de Licenciatura de Witwatersrand en

1943. Después de la fundación del Partido Nacional Sudafricano en 1948, con su

política segregacionista, Mandela es el más importante en el Congreso Nacional

Africano, especialmente en la Campaña de desafío en 1952 y el Congreso del Pueblo de



1955, ― la carta del pueblo ― contra el apartheid. En 1953 Mandela y Oliver Tambo

abrieron su bufete en Johannesburgo, el primero dirigido por negros en todo el país.

Él es arrestado el 5 de Agosto de 1962 y sentenciado a cárcel hasta ser liberado en 1990.

En 1952 y 1959 surgió una nueva clase de activistas negros, los africanistas. En 1959 el

Congreso Nacional Africano perdió su soporte mientras los africanos se separan para

crear el Congreso Pan- Africano (PAC)

En 1960, después de la Masacre de Sharpeville de los activistas de la (PAC) y la

exclusión de la SCAP y la ANC, ambos unidos al Movimiento de Resistencia Africano y

la PAC, comenzaron la resitencia armada. Mandela estaba involucrado en las

actividades de resistencia armada y estaba considerado un terrorista. El 5 de Agosto de

1962, la policía detuvo a Mandela y Cecil Williams, estuvo encerrado en Johannesburgo

debido a que creó una huelga y dejó el país sin permiso. Mandela fue sancionado 27

años en diferentes cárceles.

Mandela fue un símbolo de la lucha contra el ― apartheid‖, y una figura legendaria que

representó la libertad del hombre negro sudafricano. Mientras él estuvo en la cárcel, él

consiguió el grado de Derecho. En Febrero de 1985 el presidente Botha le dio la

condicional libre de Mandela a cambio de dejar la lucha armada. Mandala rechazó esto.

En 1989 el presidente Botha fue sustituido por Frederik Willem de Klerk, éste anunció

la liberación de Mandela en Febrero de 1990. Unido a éste, ganaron el premio Nobel de

la Paz en 1993. Las elecciones de 1994 las ganó Mandela y se convirtió en el primer

presidente negro de Sudáfrica. Él termino su mandato en 1999 y dejó su vida pública y

política. El 5 de Diciembre de 2013 murió en Johannesburgo.



The battle between residents of Burgos and the police alter two days doesn’t

give in it continues with violent protests against the remodeling of the street.

The protesters decided to meet on Sunday to express their opposition to the


About 40 people were arrested after throwing stones at the police, burn

dumpsters and break glass booths, bus shelters and benches.

Gamonal’s neigbours prevented the resumption works in Victoria’street for two


About 300 people participated in a meeting convened at noon, residents continue

defending arise if that works don’t go ahead and that would have serious


Neighbours who live on that street are in favor of the demonstrations but against

the violent reactions that are tearing he street.

Associated federation opposes the project completely Boulevard due to cuts and

an economic failure, believe it would be better to spend Money an upgrades.

Finally, the mayor has decided to stop the work, but it doesn’t mean to abandon

the project.

By Carolina Martín Cazorla, 4th A.



La batalla campal entre los residentes de Burgos y los antidisturbios después de

dos días no cede, siguen con violentas protestas por la remodelación de la calle.

Los manifestantes decidieron reunirse el domingo para expresar su oposición al


Unas 40 personas fueron detenidas tras lanzar piedras a los antidisturbios,

quemar contenedores de basura y romper cristales de cabinas, paradas de

autobuses y bancos.

Los vecinos de Gamonal han impedido durante dos días que se reanuden las

obras en la calle Victoria.

Unas 300 personas han participado en una asamblea convocada al mediodía, los

vecinos se plantean si seguir defendiendo que las obras no sigan adelante ya que

traería graves consecuencias.

Los vecinos que viven en esa calle están a favor de las manifestaciones pero en

contra de las reacciones violentas que están destrozando esa calle.

La federación de asociados se opone por completo al proyecto del Boulevard

debido a los recortes y a una falta económica, creen que sería mejor invertir el

dinero en mejoras.

Finalmente, el alcalde ha decidido para las obras, aunque no quiere decir que

abandone el proyecto.



The 20 richest Spaniards are worth 77 billion euros, equivalent to the joint salaries of

the poorest 20 per cent.

Spain has the second highest level of inequality between its richest and poorest

citizens in Europe, only beaten the first place by Latvia.

Oxfam Intermón believes that dissatisfaction in Spain ―is patent and growing.

Disillusionment with politics has extended, which risks causing future socio-political


A professor of political sciences from Barcelona University, Joan Subirats, say. A

very few, the most powerful, have a big voice. Many others are never heard.‖

Carlos Cruzado, from the state tax authorities, claims that , ―90 per cent of the Spanish

population thinks that the tax system is unfair‖.

By Pablo Joel Núñez Campos, 3 ESO A



Los 20 españoles más ricos valen 77 mil millones equivalente a los salarios del 20 por

ciento de los más pobres.

España tiene el segundo nivel más alto de desigualdad entre sus ciudadanos más ricos

y los más pobres de Europa, solo superado en el primer lugar por Letonia.

Oxfam Intermón cree que la insatisfacción en España es ―patente y creciente‖. La

desilusión con la política se ha ampliado, lo que corre el riesgo de provocar un futuro

conflicto socio-político.

Un profesor de ciencias políticas de la Universidad de Barcelona, Joan Subirats, dice:

a muy pocos, los más poderosos, tienen una gran voz. Muchos otros nunca son


Carlos Cruzado, de las autoridades fiscales del Estado, afirma que ―el 90 por ciento de

la población española cree que el sistema fiscal es injusto‖.



For the next academic year, the Ministry of Education will no longer top up the

Erasmus European Exchange program grants provided by Brussels, but rather will offer

10000 students its own grants, which will have more stringent academic requirements.

To qualify, students will need and exceptional academic record – the exact level has not

yet been announced – and also be able to demonstrate upper intermediate level (B2)

knowledge of the language of the country in which they will be taking classes. Students

are supposed to have acquired an intermediate (B1) level by the end of high school,

meaning that the government is talking as given that they will have improved since


In Exchange for meeting these requirements, students will receive a 350€ monthly grant

– 100€ more than the average Brussels grant. Those unable to obtain a ministry grant –

the lower-achieving students – will automatically be able to opt an European grant of

either 200 or 300 (depending on the destination country)

By Inma Luque 3A



Para el próximo año académico, el Ministerio de Educación ya no repondrá el programa

de intercambio Erasmus Europa. Donaciones otorgadas por Bruselas, sino que ofrecerá

a 10000 estudiantes sus propias subvenciones, y tendrán requisitos académicos más


Para calificar, los estudiantes deberán tener un expediente académico excepcional – El

grado exacto aún no se ha anunciado – y también ser capaz de demostrar un nivel

intermedio alto de (B2), el conocimiento en el idioma en el país donde se va a tomar

clases. Se supone que los estudiantes han adquirido un nivel intermedio (B1) para el

final de la escuela secundaria; lo que significa que el gobierno está tomando como dato

que se han mejorado desde entonces.

A cambio de cumplir estos requisitos, los estudiantes recibirán una beca mensual de

350€ - 100€ más que la subvención media Bruselas. Los que no pueden obtener una

beca del ministro – los estudiantes con rendimientos más bajos – automáticamente serán

capaz de optar de 200 o 300€ (dependiendo del país de destino)



En la antártica, el hielo siempre se mueve, la rotura, la fusión, la

congelación, la corriente.

Los glaciales pueden cortar unos miles de metros de roca. El hielo actúa

recíprocamente con el viento y el agua al rededor del continente, quiere decir

que está en el corazón de todo lo que pasa aquí, algo que encontramos a nuestro

coste. Aurora Australis ha estado yendo en barco por el océano del sur desde

mediados de la semana pasada, y en algún punto durante el fin de semana

olvidamos el últimos del hielo. Esta a sido la parte del paisaje diario de nuestra

expedición durante más de un mes, después de que nos cruzamos en Círculo




In Antarctic, ice is always moving, breaking, melting, re-freezing,


Glaciers can cut thought thousands of metres of rock. The way ice interacts with

wind and water around the continent means that it is at the heart of everything

that happens here-something we found to our cost. Ocean since the middle of

last week and, at some point over the weekend, we left behind the last of the ice.

It has been part of the daily scenery of our expedition for more than a month,

ever since we crossed into the Antarctic Circle.

By Mari Carmen Núñez y Cristina Frías 4ºD.



European bat numbers are recovering after years of decline, according to a major new

study. Scientists surveyed 16 European bat species in nine countries and found that the

total number increased by more than 40% between 1993 and 2011. Conservation

measures including legislation and managing habitat have helped to reserve the decline,

but bats should ―still be considered vulnerable‖.

In the most comprehensive study of European bat population trends to date, surveyors

counted and catalogued bats hibernating at 6000 sites in Austria, Germany, Hungary,

Latvia, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

Most of the species studied appear to be increasing or stable in number. Eight bat

species increasing moderately. Three were stable, two species were uncertain and only

the grey long eared bat declined, although moderately.



De acuerdo al nuevo estudio, el número de murciélagos europeos se está recobrando

después de años de bajada. Los científicos encuestaron a 16 especies de murciélagos

europeos en nueve países y encontraron que el número total se incrementó en más de un

40% entre 1993 y 2011. Las medidas de conservación incluyendo la legislación y la

gestión de hábitat han contribuido en la bajada, pero los murciélagos deberían ―seguir

siendo considerados como vulnerables‖.

En el estudio más completo de las tendencias europeas de población hasta la fecha los

topógrafos cuentan los murciélagos que hibernan en 6000 sitios: en Austria, Alemania,

Hungría, Letonia, los Países Bajos, Portugal, Eslovenia, Eslovaquia y Reino Unido.

La mayoría de las especies estudiadas parecen estar aumentando moderadamente. Ocho

especies de murciélagos aumentaron moderadamente. Tres eran estables, dos especies

eran inciertas y el murciélago orejudo gris disminuyó, aunque moderadamente.

By Pablo Moreno Moreno and Manuel Molina Pareja 3ºA




Los pitufos trajeron de nuevo su revolución azul a Júzcar. Un martes, dos años después

de que se posara en este pueblo.

Sony Pictures regresa al Valle del Genal que ha sido pintado azul pitufo desde que la

primera película fue estrenada en 2011. Ahora los 250 habitantes, votan para que se

quede de azul. En este último año, han sido elegidos de nuevo para el mundo pitufo.

Esta semana se lanza `Los pitufos 2´ que trajeron buenas noticias además de dos caras

conocidas al pueblo. El internacional español y jugador del Barcelona Andrés Iniesta

que hizo una visita rápida a Júzcar, y la presentadora televisiva Eva González que

posaron en una foto junto a los personajes de la película.

El futbolista tomó parte en una simbólica plantación de árboles, que forma parte del

plan de reforestación de una hectárea de tierra en Los Riscos.

En Octubre, alrededor de 600 árboles, serán plantados, anuncia la WWF España, el

proyecto será llevado a cabo pos Sony Pictures España, Junta de Andalucía y el


El diario SUR también tenía un árbol en la ceremonia, plantado por el periodista y

crítico de cine, Francisco Griñan.

Source: Sur in English.



The smurfs brought their blue revolution back to Júzcar on Tuesday, two years after

they first adopted the place as their own.

Sony Pictures have returned to the Valle del Genal village that has been painted smurf

blue since the first film was promoted there in 2011. Now the 250 inhabitants, who

voted to stay blue at the end of that year, have been taken over again this time used to

being the World’s Fists Smurf Village.

This week’s launch of `The Smurfs 2´brought two well-known faces to the village.

Spain International and Barcelona footballer Andrés Iniesta made a flying visit to Júzcar

to join TV presenter Eva González for the photo calls alongside characters from the


The footballer took part in a symbolic tree-planting, the first step in a reforestation

project on a hectare of land in the area known as Los Riscos.

In October, around 600 trees of a number of native species will be planted, announced

WWF Spain, who will be carrying out the project along with Sony Pictures Spain, The

Junta de Andalucía and the Town hall. SUR also had a tree at the ceremony, planted by

journalist and film critic, Francisco Griñan.

by Jaime Fortes

Hijano and Salvador

Ortiz Bazaga. 3ºA.



Por primera vez en nueve años el número de parados en la provincia de Málaga

ha bajado un 3,87% registrando ahora un total de 202.712 desempleados. Los

analistas y los políticos se mostraron optimistas por estos resultados.

La imagen general está incompleta hasta que no se sepa el número de personas

registradas en la seguridad social, porque los que han salido del desempleo

puede ser que hayan encontrado trabajo o bien por otras razones. Por eso los

expertos piden cautela al hablar de la recuperación.

Según un experto de la UMA el crecimiento de contratos en último año es

positivo porque al menos no estamos peor. También apunta que hay menos

registrados en el SEPE por cansancio y no seguir buscando empleo.



For the first time in nine years, the number of unemployment people in the

province of Malaga has fallen 3'87%, registering a total of 202.712

unemployment people. Analyst and politic are optimist about this result.

The overall picture is incomplete, until we know the number of people registered

in the social security system, because people that has left the unemployment can

have found a work or for other reasons. So, experts ask for changing it or talk

about recovery.

According to an EMU expert, the contract's growth in the last year is positive

because at least, we are not worse. He also says that there is less registered

people in the SEPE because they are tired and they don't keep on looking for.

By José Manuel Toledo Betancor y Juan Manuel Jiménez Jiménez 4º D



After the success of the first edition, littlemusic and spring sound they organize

for second year consecutive the 'littlemusic day', that will be the next 6 April in

the creacio's factory in Barcelona.A festival created for family public.

Templeton, will interperted the sond band of the popular series of animation

'Hora de Aventuras', the Sant Andreu Jazz Band directed for Joan Chamarro and

The Pinker Tones with his show'Rolf and Flor' are the needs of the more little


In addiction of the concerts divided in two scenes, the ―littlemusic day‖ will be

full of activities for enjoy in family such as workshops, zones of game,

restoration and by care area. The tickets already are to the sale with the price of

12€ offering the possibility of time are family credit that give access to two

adults and two minors of 18 years for the price of 40€. The children from 0 to 3

years have free access. The minors should go with his parents or legal tutors.

By Noemí Rey Cabrera. 4ºD.



Tras el éxito de la primera Edición, minimúsica y primavera sound organizan

por segundo año consecutivo ―el día de la música‖, que tendrá lugar el próximo

6 de abril en la Fábrica de creació de Barcelona. Un festival creado

expresamente para público familiar, basándose en los preceptos musicales de

diversidad y modernidad y sumando toda la vertiente educativa marca de la casa


Templeton, interpretando la banda sonora de la popular serie de animación 'Hora

de aventuras', la Sant Andreu Jazz Band dirigida por Joan Chamorro

(acompañados por la actuación de Swing Maniacs) y The Pinker Tones con su

espectáculo 'Rolf y Flor' son los primeros confirmados de un festival adaptado a

las necesidades del público más mini.

Además de los conciertos repartidos en dos escenarios, ―el día minimúsica‖

estará plagado de actividades para disfrutar en familia como talleres, zonas de

juego y área babycare.

La entradas ya están a la venta con el pecio de 12 €, ofreciendo la posibilidad de

obtener un abono familiar que da acceso a dos adultos y dos menores de 18 años

al pecio de 40 €. Los niños de 0 a 3 años tienen acceso gratuito. Los menores

deben ir acompañados de sus padres o tutores legales.



According to a survey by MumsNet and the independent thinktank, the Resolution

Foundation, the survey of 2,000 mothers found that 67% of those in work and 64% of

those not in work say the high cost of childcare is a barrier to taking on more

employment. The findings underline the likelihood that politicians will make greater help

with childcare a big part of their manifesto pledges at the next election. There are

growing signs that Labour has decided to make a long-term commitment to universal free

childcare one of its two or three most important proposals. The commitment might take

more than two parliaments to meet.

By Silvia Sánchez Ortiz. Source:



Según una encuesta realizada por el centro de estudios y Mumsnet independiente la

Fundación Resolución. La encuesta realizada a 2.000 madres encontró que el 67% de los

ocupados y el 64% de los que no están en el trabajo dicen que el alto costo del cuidado de

los hijos es un obstáculo para asumir más empleo.

Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la probabilidad de que los políticos hagan un mayor

ayuda con el cuidado de niños una gran parte de sus promesas de manifiesto en la

siguiente elección. Hay cada vez más indicios de que Labour ha decidido hacer un

compromiso a largo plazo para el cuidado de niños gratuito y universal a uno de sus dos o

tres propuestas más importantes. El compromiso puede tardar más de dos parlamentos

para cumplir.





Project Cuyuni School began in 2007 at IES Alta Axarquía in Periana. It

helps everybody with special education needs of the community Santa Rosalía in

Caicara del Orinoco so they can receive a specific education. The project trains

teachers to do this activity.

The director of this project in Venezuela is the priest Juan de Jesús Báez

Torres, an old religion teacher in our school.

In this effort the entire educational community of IES Alta Axarquía in

order to raise funds to meet the annual needs of the school.

The activities they do include:

Peace day: There is a raffle of audiovisual material donated by AMPA. All

proceds go to school in Cuyuni.

Solidarity recycling workshop: Every day, in the solidarity workshops that

happen during recess, the students transform Nespresso capsules, custard



containers, paper rolls, soda cans, oil, etc. into soups and papers and jewelry


These products are sold in solidarity markets at the school and in cultural

celebrations of the region.

Solidarity Marathon: Coinciding with Cultural Week, all students participate

in a run. The only requisite is to have sponsors. The money raised by every

runner goes to support the project.

Made by:

- Aura Florina Florea 1º A

- Alyssa Natalie Pearson 1º A

- Estela Benítez Fernández 1ºA

- Elena Silva Luque 1º A



El Proyecto Escuela Cuyuni comenzó en el curso 2007-2008 en el IES Alta

Axarquía de Periana. Pretende ayudar al alumnado con necesidades educativas

especiales de la Comunidad Santa Rosalía en Caicara del Orinoco (Venezuela)

para que pudiera recibir una formación específica, así como formar a profesores

para realizar esa actividad.

El responsable de este proyecto en Venezuela es el sacerdote Juan de

Jesús Báez Torres, antiguo profesor de religión de nuestro centro.

En este proyecto, colabora toda la comunidad educativa del IES Alta Axarquía

con el fin de recaudar fondos para cubrir las necesidades anuales del colegio.

Las actividades que se realizan son:

Día de la Paz: se sortea material audiovisual donado por el AMPA. Toda la

recaudación se destina a la escuela Cuyuni.



Taller de reciclado solidario: Todos los días, en los talleres solidarios que se

realizan en la hora del recreo, se transforman cápsulas Nespresso, recipientes de

natillas, rollos de papel, latas de refresco, aceite, etc en jabones y objetos de

papelería y bisutería.

Estos objetos se venden en mercadillos solidarios en el centro y en fiestas de

interés cultural de la comarca.

Maratón solidario: Coincidiendo con la Semana Cultural, todo el alumnado

participa en una carrera popular. El único requisito es tener patrocinadores. El

dinero recaudado por cada corredor se entrega al proyecto.



El pasado trimestre se celebró en

nuestro centro la carrera solidaria a favor

de la aldea cuyuni. Esta aldea es un

poblado con el que colaboramos todos

los años a traves de actividades solidarias

como la venta de productos fabricados

con material reciclado y el maratón


El maraton es una actividad en la que

intervienen todos los miembros de la

comunidad educativa, unos organizando,

otros como jueces y otros corriendo la

carrera. Este año han participado muchos

alumnos que mediante el patrocionio de

sus familiares y conocidos han recaudado

una gran cantidad de dinero para

secundar el proyecto.

La actividad se vivió en medio de un ambiente festivo ya que era la semana

cultural de nuestro centro y depués de correr pudimos realizar un buen

avituallamiento con los dulces que nuestro compañeros de lenguas extranjeras

habían preparado para el concurso de postres.

¡¡¡Un gran día solidario y de convivencia!!!

Last term we celebrated the charity race at our center to support the village

Cuyuni. We cooperate each year with Cuyuni, through charitable activities such

as the sale of products made from recycled material and a solidarity marathon.

The marathon is an activity in which all members of the educational community

are involved, some organizing, others are the judges and others run the


This year a lot of students participated sponsored by their family and friends,

being able to raised a lot of money to finance the project.

The activity took place in the midst of a festive atmosphere as it was the cultural

week of our center. After the race we could taste the cakes and cookies baked for

the dessert contest that our fellow friends of the language department had


A great charitable and coexisting Day!

By Julia Grootaers 4ºA



El castillo de Zalia es una fortaleza situada en el municipio de Alcaucín, en la

provincia de Málaga. El castillo, hoy en ruinas, se levanta frente al casco urbano

de Alcaucín, al otro lado del río, sobre una colina.

Se trata de una fortifiación muy antigua. Se cree que pudiera haber sido

construido por los fenicios, y posteriormente fue reconstruido por los árabes.

Los árabes construyeron el actual castillo con su doble anillo de murallas,

alcanzando cierto apogeo gracias a la crianza de ganado y al cultivo del cereal.

Más tarde fue conquistado por los Reyes Católicos en septiembre de 1485,

sirviendo esta fortificación como "prisión. Esta conquista se logró por la traición

de un árabe de ascendencia cristiana residente en Zalia.

La leyenda de la conquista

Un día, Manuel se encaminó hacia Alhama de Granada con el propósito de ver a

Gutiérrez de Padilla, capitán de la villa. Éste junto con su hermano formaba

parte del personal del castillo, y como personas renegadas estaban dispuestos a

prestar ayuda al capitán de Alhama de Granada en su intento de tomar la

fortaleza. El capitán se fió de ellos y preparó lo más rápidamente a un grupo de

caballeros y peones que salieron de Alhama y llegaron al pie de la muralla ya

caída la noche. Una vez allí, el traidor dio la contraseña e hizo que los caballeros

pudieran entrar al castillo. Desafortunadamente éste fue maniatado y arrojado

desde una de las almenas, y los caballeros asaltaron el castillo.

La leyenda de la Reina Zalia

El castillo recibe el nombre de Zalia, ya que se decía que la reina Zalia bajaba

diariamente al río para bañarse. Una noche, un joven nazarí se acercó hacia la

alberca, contemplando el baño de aquella mítica mujer. Mientras la veía

sumergirse entre pétalos y nenúfares dentro del agua, fue sorprendido por un

guardia y posteriormente fue conducido a La Cerca, donde vivió el resto de sus

días recordando aquella mujer, con la piel luminosa, tersa y delicada. Según

viejas tradiciones orales, La Cerca sería un antiguo penal, dependiente del

castillo de Zalía, donde los musulmanes encerraban a sus enemigos.



The Castle of Zalia is a fortress located in the municipal area of Alcaucin, in the

province of Malaga. The Castle, which is now in ruins, is built in front of the

village of Alcaucin, on the other side of the river, on top of a hill.

It is a very ancient fortification. It is thought that it might have been built by the

Phoenicians, and later it was rebuilt by the Arabs. The Arabs built the present

castle and its double ring of walls. Then it reached its apogee thanks to the

farming of cattle and growing of cereals. Later, it was conquered by the Catholic

Monarchs in September 1485 and then it was used as a prison. This conquest

was possible due to the treason of a Muslim of Christian origins who lived in


The Legend of the conquest

One day, Manuel headed to Alhama de Granada to see Gutierrez de Padilla,

captain of the village. Manuel with his brother was part of the staff of the castle,

and as renegade Manuel was willing to help the captain of Alhama de Granada

in his attempt to take over the fortress . The captain trusted the brothers and

prepared as quickly as possible a group of knights and pawns. The army reached

the main wall of the castle at nightfall . Once there , the brothers gave the

knights and pawns the password and they were able to enter the fortress.

Unfortunately the brothers were handcuffed and thrown from one of the

battlements , and the Knights conquered the castle.

The legend of Queen Zalia

The castle is called Zalia because it was said that Queen Zalia went down to the

river to bathe daily . One night, a young Nazari went to the pool , and watched

the lady bathe. As he watched her dive between petals and lilies in the water ,he

was caught by a guard and later led to the prison, where he lived the rest of his

life remembering the woman with the lovely body, smooth and delicate skin.

According to oral traditions , the castle was used as a prison where Muslims kept

their enemies.

By Gemma Santiago and Aran Talboys 3º ESO B.



Los díaS 7, 10 y 11 de marzo se han celebrado en el IES Alta Axarquía de

Periana las II Jornadas de emprendedores y emprendedoras. Fomentando la

igualdad y el espíritu empresarial.

Las Jornadas que ha organizado el Departamento de Geografía e Historia junto

con el Departamento de Administrativo, ha contado así mismo, con la

inestimable ayuda del Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Empresarial (Cade), el

equipo Directivo y Claustro de profesores y profesoras del IES Alta Axarquía y

el Ayuntamiento de Periana.

El objetivo principal de estas jornadas es que sirvan como complemento a la

formación académica que se trata de transmitir diariamente al alumnado desde

todos los Departamentos para que los alumnos y alumnas, tengan la posibilidad

en un futuro de crear empresas en nuestra comarca, y quien sabe de nuestro país,

y ayudar con su esfuerzo y valía a crear puestos de trabajo tan necesarios en

estos días, sabiendo que no es una tarea fácil pero entendiendo que el resultado

es lo que importa y que todo proyecto conlleva un riesgo.



Como el año anterior, estas jornadas se han dividido en 3 días, y aunque los 3

estuvieron dedicados al mundo de la empresa, tratan temáticas distintas: jóvenes

empresarios antiguos alumnos y alumnas del Centro, empresas axárquicas de

proyección nacional e internacional y mujeres empresarias.

La primera sesión de estas jornadas, y coincidiendo con la celebración del día

internacional de la mujer trabajadora, estuvo dedicada a mujeres que dirigen

empresas o negocios en la Axarquía malagueña, hecho muy meritorio, ya que en

nuestra sociedad ha habido y en algunos casos sigue habiendo un componente

machista y discriminatorio hacia la mujer. Todas las invitadas nos explicaron

como con esfuerzo y persistencia, es posible sobrevivir en un mundo

empresarial de hombres.

El segundo día, estuvo dedicado a empresas de la Axarquía que trabajan fuera de

la provincia y en muchos casos de la provincia, e incluso se han consolidado a

nivel internacional.

Para finalizar, y como cierre a este evento, el martes 11 de marzo, lo dedicamos

a jóvenes empresarios y empresarias. Entendemos que su presencia es

imprescindible porque son el ejemplo más cercano de que si se quiere se puede.

Realizado por:

Paola Ortigosa Martín,

Mercedes Rodríguez Jiménez, Claudia Pareja Caro,

Carolina Arrebola Mostazo, Marina Pérez Moreno,

Saray Palma Molina 2º B



On the 7, 10 and 11 of March, in the IES Alta Axarquía of Periana, the Second

Congress of entrepreneurs was celebrated.

The Congress that the Department of Geography and History along with

Department of Administration organized, had the esteemed help of the CADE,

the directive team and teachers of IES Alta Axarquía of Periana and the town

hall of Periana.

The main objective of this conference was to serve as a complement to

the academic training that is given daily to students from all departments so that

students have the possibility in the future to create businesses in our region and

maybe in our country. It will motivate the students to create much needed jobs

specially necessary today, even given that it isn’t easy to start a company

because the result is what is important and each project carries a risk.

Like last year, the conference was divided into three days, and although

the three days were dedicated to the business word, they dealt with three distinct

themes: young entrepreneurs that are old students of the IES Alta Axarquía;

companies from the Axarquía with national and international relevance; and

female entrepenaurs.



The first session of this conference, coinciding with the International Day

of Female Workers, was dedicated to companies or businesses in Axarquía. This

is very commendable, because in our society there has existed chauvinism and in

some cases there is still a sexist component towards women.

All the guests explained to us how with effort and persistence it’s

possible to survive in a business word.

The second day was dedicated to companies from the Axarquía that work

outside of the province, and in many cases outside of the autonomous region,

and even internationally.

To wrap up, on Tuesday the 11 of March, we dedicated the day to young

entrepreneurs. We know that their presence is essential because they are an

example of the saying, ―where there is a will, there is a way‖.



IES Alta Axarquia and IES Maria Zambrano went to Sierra Nevada for three

days in January.

We stayed at a nice hotel, but the bad thing was that it was high up and we had

to go up a ski lift to get there and I'm scared of heights.

But all in all it was grate! We learnt how to ski, we saw lovely scenery a cute

little fox... The best bit was falling over and not hurting yourself! I found that bit


The ski monitors were really nice and helpful, especially as it was my first time.

To be honest I think our monitor was the nicest, he was always having a laugh

and pushing us over!


Los IES Alta Axarquí y Maria Zambrano fueron durante tres días en enero de

viaje de esquí.

Nos alojamos en un buen hotel aunque lo malo era que estaba en lo más alto de

la estación y teníamos que coger un telesilla para bajar y subir a las pistas y a mi

me dan miedo las alturas.

¡Pero en general todo fue genial! Aprendimos como esquiar y tuvimos la

oportunidad de ver un bonito y pequeño zorro... Lo que más me gustaba era

caerte y no hacerte daño, ¡era genial!

Los monitores nos ayudaban mucho y eran muy simpáticos, lo que me gustó

mucho porque era mi primera vez. En realidad creo que mi monitor era el mejor

siempre con una sonrisa y animándonos en la actividad.

By Sequoia Ford. 4A



In order to celebrate the day of the working woman, there was

programmed a toor of education at IES Alta Axarquía of Periana.

The activity was done on Wednesday 12 of March the first few hours of

the morning. The participants of the activity were 3º and 4º ESO and some of the

mothers that collaborate in the AMPA; with members from the association

―Pincels‖ and health staff.

For an hour approximately, the students went through seven creative post

some students do housework (facial hygiene, sewing and cooking), another ones

were more and first aid).

The objective from the different test is to achieve the student to get the

idea on how life is out of school, show interest and that you can all the tasks and

that you don’t think it matters what you sex you are to do the job. The day was

carried out in a happy atmosphere and the collaboration of all the students.

Description of the creative posts:

Creative post 1: Make up and facial care

Explanation on how to treat acne and facial care.



Creative post 2: Kitchen

Preparation of crepes with fruit and cream.

Creative post 3: Sew and crafts

Sew a button, do a sew and sew on an ornament.

Creative post 4: DIY (Do it yourself!)

Make up a shelf.

Creative post 5: Electric circuit

Make up a lamp, and make it work.

Creative post 6: Punchure repair

How to find a punchure and how to fix it on a bike wheel.

Creative post 7: First aid

Basics on first aid.

Made by:

Daniel Lee Barton 4ºC



Con motivo de la celebración del día de la mujer trabajadora, en el IES

Alta Axarquía de Periana, se programó un circuito coeducativo.

La actividad se realizó el miércoles 12 de marzo durante las primeras

horas de la mañana, teniendo como participantes a alumnado de 3º ESO y 4º

ESO, contó además, con la colaboración de algunas madres que forman parte del

AMPA; con miembros de la Asociación de mujeres ―Pinceles‖, y personal


Durante una hora aproximadamente, el alumnado fue recorriendo siete

talleres: unos en los que realizaban tareas puramente domésticas (higiene facial,

costura y cocina), otra, de carácter más profesional (mecánica, bricolaje y

electrónica y primeros auxilios).

El objetivo de las distintas pruebas es fomentar entre el alumnado la idea

del reparto de tareas, demostrarles que, con empeño e interés, todas se pueden

realizar y que no hay ninguna que tenga que estar identificada con un sexo u

otro. La jornada se desarrolló en un ambiente de complicidad y colaboración

entre todos los participantes.

Descripción de los talleres:

Taller 1: Maquillaje y cuidado facial

Explicación práctica de cómo se trata el acné y cuidado facial.

Taller 2: Cocina

Preparación de crepes con fruta y nata.



Taller 3: Costura y manualidades

Coser un botón, hacer un dobladillo o pegar un adorno.

Taller 4: Bricolaje

Montaje de un mueble con estanterías.

Taller 5: Circuito eléctrico

Montaje de una lámpara y encendido de la misma.

Taller 6: Reparación de ruedas.

Consejos prácticos para detectar y reparar el pinchazo de la rueda de una


Taller 7: Primeros auxilios

Nociones básicas sobre primeros auxilios.







Today we want to present you to Pablo Moreno de Alborán Ferrándiz a

songwriter from Malaga.

He was born on May 31, 1989 in Malaga. His father is Spanish, his name is

Salvador Moreno de Alborán Peralta and his mother is French, her name is

Elena Ferrándiz Martínez. He is great-grandson of Francisco Moreno Fernández,

first Marquis of Alborán and he has two brothers: Casilda and Salvador.

He began to make himself known through YouTube.



February 1, 2011 he released his first Album Pablo Alborán, November 15 of

the same year he published his second Album: En Acústico and November 6,

2013 his third album Tanto. Three albums in less than two years.

In 2011 he gave 60 concerts. The album Pablo Alborán spent 70 weeks at

number 1 on the charts of Spain and Portugal with 20 Platinum discs by adding

the two countries and the song ―Solamente Tú‖ the best selling of the year.

He has won awards such as Revelation 40 Principales Awards 2011, Award

for Best Artist and Best Song ―Te he echado de menos‖ in the Top 40 Awards

2012, nominated for three Latin Grammy Awards 2011 (Best New Artist, Best

Male Pop Vocal Album and Best Song), nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2012

with En Acústico (Best Contemporary Pop Vocal Album), Dial Chain Award

2011 and 2012, Record of the Year in RTVE, Spain iTunes Rewind 2011 best

New Artist, iTunes Rewind 2011 best New Mexico artist Pop, Cosmopolitan

2011 Award for Best Male artist of the Year...

His album Tanto debuted at number 1 on the list of

best seller in Spain, achieving three Platinum recors

in the first week. In early April 2013, Tanto had won

seven Platinum records in Spain and on Platinum

disc in Portugal.

Tanto was the best selling, album in Spain in 2012. In 2011 and 2012, Pablo

Alborán had made tours in clubs, theaters and auditoriums with stocks tickets in

all concert.

He was nominated for the MTV EMA 2013. He has song with Malú and Jessy

& Joy. He had sold over a million copies of their three albums with 32 Platinum

discs in total.



Hoy os presento a Pablo Moreno de Alborán Ferrándiz, un cantautor malagueño.

Nació el 31 de Mayo de 1989 en Málaga, de padre malagueño, Salvador

Moreno de Alborán Peralta y madre francesa, Elena Ferrándiz Martínez. Es

bisnieto de Francisco Moreno Fernández, primer Marqués de Alborán y tiene

dos hermanos: Casilda y Salvador.

Comenzó a darse a conocer a través de YouTube.



El 1 de febrero de 2011 publicó su primer álbum: Pablo Alborán, el 15 de

Noviembre del mismo año publicó su segundo álbum: En Acústico y el 6 de

Noviembre de 2012 su tercer disco Tanto. Tres discos en menos de dos años.

En 2011 dio más de 60 conciertos. El disco Pablo Alborán estuvo 70 semanas

en el número 1 de las listas de España y Portugal con 20 discos de Platino

sumando los dos países y la canción ―Solamente Tú‖ la más vendida del año.

Ha conseguido reconocimientos como el Premio Revelación 40 Principales

2011, Premio al Mejor Artista y a la Mejor Canción ―Te he echado de menos‖

en los Premios 40 Principales 2012, tres nominaciones a los Grammy Latinos

2011 (Mejor Artista Revelación, Mejor Álbum Pop Masculino y Mejor

Canción), una nominación a los Grammy Latinos 2012 con En Acústico (Mejor

Álbum Pop Vocal Contemporáneo), Premio Cadena Dial 2011 y 2012, Disco del

Año en RTVE, iTunes Rewind Spain 2011 como Mejor Nuevo Artista, iTunes

Rewind México 2011 Mejor Nuevo Artista de Pop Latino, Premio Cosmopolitan

2011 al Mejor Artista Masculino del Año...

Su álbum Tanto entró directamente al

número 1 en la lista de los más

vendidos en España, consiguiendo tres

Discos de Platino la primera semana.

A principios de abril de 2013, Tanto

había conseguido siete Discos de

Platino en España y un Disco de

Platino en Portugal.

Tanto ha sido el álbum más vendido

en España en 2012. En 2011 y 2012,

Pablo Alborán ha realizado giras en

clubes, teatros y grandes auditorios

con las entradas agotadas en todos los


Estuvo nominado para los MTV

EMA 2013. Ha cantado con Malú y

Jessy & Joy. Ha vendido más de un

millón de ejemplares de sus tres discos

con 32 discos de Platino en total.

By Gema y Thalía 4A.




Rapping refers to "spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics" Rapping is often

associated with a primary ingredient of hip hop music, but the origins of the

phenomenon can be said to predate hip hop culture by centuries. It can also be

found in alternative rock such as that of Cake and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Rapping is also used in Kwaito music, a genre that originated in Johannesburg,

South Africa and is composed of hip hop elements. Since the early 21st century,

it has been possible to hear rap in every major language of the world.

Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area between speech, prose, poetry, and

singing. The word (meaning originally "to hit") as used to describe quick speech

or repartee predates the musical form .The word had been used in British

English since the 16th century, and specifically meaning "to say" since the 18th.

It was part of the African American dialect of English in the 1960s meaning "to

converse", and very soon after that in its present usage as a term denoting the

musical style. Today, the terms "rap" and "rapping" are so closely associated

with hip hop music that many use the terms interchangeably.

The audio portion produces the term called MC and DJ, the MC, acronyms mean

MC comes from the religious entity, the parent is the Master of Ceremonies and

is "speaking" in the culture of Hip hop is in charge of rapping, he was often

called "black music" as it was in America where workers unhappy Color rapped

their problems and

try to overcome it.



BREAK DANCE: We continue with the Hip hop culture, all music has its dance movements in this

dance culture that accompanies Rap music is named Breakdance.

It is a dance that combines a series of aerobic and rhythmic movements,

influenced from aboriginal dances, martial arts, gymnastics, and funk. The list of

movements is enormous and requires dedication and discipline to be carried out.

The movements of B-boying can be classified into four branches: style or Top

Rock (dancing above), footwork (footwork), power moves (power moves) and

freeze (you freeze in a pose)

This type of acrobatic dance was developed by James Brown in 1969 at that

time the Breakdance was not the same today, there were many movements of

soil, but it seemed impossible speed that could acquire the legs of a breaker of

that era and complex movements that could be developed, it was called Rock





Hip hop culture is almost complete, music and dancing, but we need to talk

about art in this culture the term Graffiti.

This communication is used later as a protest against political or any other entity

with which the people do not fully agree embers, the phenomenon of protest

using the visual pathway and painted on the walls begins during the period of

1965-1970 . Just then, the graffiti in Philadelphia today know all nicknames and

names with different shapes and colors making a sad wall a work of art with

trying to draw attention being shown.

By Cristina Ramírez. 4A.





Rafael Nadal, the world number one, suffered a bone edema during the Australia’s

Open Final. He lost to Stanislas Wawrinka. That's the conclusion of medical tests that

had in Barcelona. Then he will decide whether to participate in the tour clay, which

should start on the 10th of February in Buenos Aires, to follow later in Rio de Janeiro.

Nadal is now treated with intensive physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory. The

recommendation of Dr. Cotorro, his doctor, is he should not train. He recommended

complete rest.

In the Crown Hotel, Rafael Nadal was woken up late the day after losing the final of the

Australia’s Open. During the morning, Rafael Maymó , his physical therapist , begins

working on his back taking advantage of the muscles. He already feels the effects of

ibuprofen and muscle relaxants taken from the day before. The number one speaks of a

―muscle spasm ―. He says that on his return to Spain, he will have tests to identify the

source of a problem that attacked him in Monte Carlo and Montreal 2013.

By Francisco Mostazo Gámez

Adrián Mostazo Godoy 3ºA



Rafael Nadal, número uno del mundo, sufrió un edema óseo durante la final del Abierto

de Australia, que perdió contra Stanislas Wawrinka. Esa es la conclusión de las pruebas

médicas que tuvo en Barcelona. Entonces se decidirá si participa en la gira de tierra

batida, que debería arrancar en el día 10 de febrero en Buenos Aires, para seguir luego

en Rio de Janeiro. Nadal se trata ahora con antiinflamatorios y fisioterapia intensiva.

Por recomendación del doctor Cotorro, su médico, no entrena. Se le ha recomendado

reposo total.

En el hotel Crown, Rafael Nadal se levanta tarde el día después de perder la final del

Abierto de Australia. Durante la mañana, Rafael Maymò, su fisioterapeuta, empieza a

trabajar sobre su espalda aprovechando que sobre la musculatura ya se sienten los

efectos del ibuprofeno y los relajantes musculares tomados desde la víspera. El número

uno habla de un ―espasmo muscular‖. Él dijo que a su vuelta a España tendrá pruebas

para identificar el origen de un problema que ya le atacó en Montecarlo y Montreal




Michael Schumacher is a German racing driver that is actually retired. He was

born on third January 1969.

Michael has won the formula One World Championship seven times in tis career

as driver. He is regarded as one of the greatest F1 drivers of all time and he

holds many driver records, including most championships, race victories and

other great records.

But not all his career is that nice, he had reveral accidents in his life. Indeed, he

recently had an accident while he vas skiing with his son Mike. Michael was

coign downhill when he tripped with a stone and fell on a rock with his head.

He´s been moved to a hospital where he is being treated.

Leaving this issue aside, Michael had a great career with lots of wins. His last

race was the Brazilian Grand Prix in 2012.

By Nicola Dillon. 4A.



Michael Schumacher es un piloto alemán de Fórmula 1 actualmente retirado.

Michael nació el 3 de Enero de 1969.

Michael ha ganado el Campeonato Mundial de F1 siete veces en su carrera como

piloto. Es reconocido como uno de los mejores pilotos de F1 de todos los

tiempos y posee varios títulos y récords como por ejemplo el mayor número de

campeonatos, de victorias y otros logros.

Pero no toda su carrera es así de agradable, ha tenido varios accidentes en su

vida. De hecho, recientemente tuvo un accidente mientras esquiaba con su hijo

Mike. Michael iba cuesta abajo cuando tropezó con una piedra y cayó de cabeza

sobre una roca. Fue transladado a un hospital donde está siendo tratado.

Dejando esto a un lado, Michael ha tenido una gran carrera con un montón de

victorias. Su última carrera fue el Grand Prix de Brazil en 2012.



Real Madrid: Un equipo de leyenda El Real Madrid se ha convertido en un grande del baloncesto mundial gracias,a

las victorias que ha encadenado, que le ha hecho batir el récord de Paco

Ferrándiz, que logró 23 victorias consecutivas.

Además el Real Madrid se ha proclamado campeón de la Copa del Rey, ya que

consiguió vencer al Barcelona en la final con un triple de Sergio Llull en el

último segundo.

En la liga ACB todavía en

lo lleva de temporada no ha

sido batido por ningún

equipo, en la Euroliga el

equipo marcha líder de su

grupo por delante de

grandes equipos como el

CSKA y el Partizán. En esta

competición es donde el

equipo ha perdido sus dos

únicos partidos en lo que

llevamos de temporada ante

el CSKA en Rusia y el

Bayern Munich en

Alemania. El Palacio de los Deportes se ha convertido en un auténtico fortín

puesto que lleva más de un año sin encajar ninguna derrota.

El Real Madrid acabó su racha de imbatibilidad frente al CSKA tras llevas un

total de 31 victorias seguidas, sin perder ni un solo partido, el resultado de este

partido acabó 85CSKA – 71RM.

El reto del equipo para este año es poder conseguir con las tres grandes títulos

(ACB, Euroliga y Copa del Rey) algo que nunca ha podido conseguir este


Pablo Laso técnico del Real Madrid y sus jugadores son muy ambiciosos

respecto el hecho de poder lograr el triplete



Real Madrid: A Legendary Team

Real Madrid has become big in the basketball world thanks to victories that it

chained together, breaking the record of Paco Ferrandiz (who had 23 wins). Real Madrid also won the championship of the Copa del Rey, as they managed

to beat Barcelona in the final thanks to a three-pointer by Sergio Llull at the last


In the ACB league, the team still

leads the season and has not been

beaten by any team in the

Euroleague. The team leads its

group, including over big teams

like CSKA and Partizan. It is

within this grouping that team has

lost its only two games. The

Sports Palace has become a

veritable fortress for Madrid as it

has been more than a year since

Madrid lost a homecourt game.

Real Madrid ended their winning

streak when they lost to CSKA,

after winning 31 games in a row.

The final score of the game was

85CSKA - 71RM.

The team’s challenge this year is to win the three major titles (ACB, Cup and

Euroleague) something that this team has never been able to achieve.

Coach Pablo Laso and his players are very ambitious in attempting to achieve

the triplet.

By Antonio Gómez y Diego Molina 4ºB



Un arte marcial convertido en deporte olímpico


El maestro reconocido como creador y difusor del Taekwondo fue el General

Choi Hong Hi, quien estudió karate estilo shotokan en Japón, además del arte

marcial coreano del taekkyon. Fue el 11 de abril de 1955 cuando se propuso el

nombre Taekwondo para designar al arte marcial que se había desarrollado.

El Taekwondo es un deporte de combate, que, inicialmente, fue desarrollado

como un arte marcial para el ejército coreano. Se caracteriza por su amplio uso

de las técnicas de pierna y patada, que son mucho más variadas y tienen mayor

protagonismo que en la mayoría de las artes marciales. Asimismo, estas técnicas

destacan por su gran rapidez y precisión.

Deporte olímpico

Originalmente un arte marcial, se ha convertido actualmente en deporte olímpico

de combate desde el año 1984, cuando fue introducido como deporte de

demostración en los juegos olímpicos realizados en la ciudad de Los Ángeles en

los Estados Unidos.

Un campeón español

Joel González Bonilla nació el 30 de Septiembre de 1989 en Figueras ,Gerona.

Es un deportista español de taekwondo, campeón olímpico, triple campeón

mundial, doble campeón de Europa y número uno del ranking, que compite en la

categoría de 58 kg.

Por Luis Ángel Atencia Moreno y Roberto Carlos Larrubia Trujillo 3º ESO B



A martial art that has become an Olympic sport


The teacher recognized as the creator and diffusor of Taekwondo was General

Choi Hong Hi , who studied shotokan-style karate in Japan, in addition to the

Korean martial art of taekkyon . It was on April 11th

, 1955 when the name

Taekwondo was proposed to describe the martial art that had developed .

Taekwondo is a combat sport , which was initially developed as a martial arts

for the Korean army. It is characterized by its extensive use of kicks and leg

techniques , which are much more varied and have greater prominence than in

most martial arts. Also, these techniques stand out for their great speed and


An olympic sport

Originally a martial art , it has now become an Olympic combat sport since 1984

, when it was introduced as a demonstration sport in the Olympic Games held in

the city of Los Angeles in the United States.

A Spanish champion

Joel Gonzalez Bonilla was born on September 30th

, 1989 in Figueras , Gerona .

It is a Spanish taekwondo athlete , Olympic champion , three-time world

champion, double European champion and number one ranking , who competes

in the 58 kg category .




Alberto Contador and Joaquin ―Purito‖ were not present at the presentation of

the Tour 2014 held in

Cadiz, but both riders gave their views on the course of the next edition from the

Canary Islands and Argentina respectively through a recorded video.

Contador, who announced his participation in the Spanish round, agreed with the

profile of the race which was won twice. ―Purito‖ Rodríguez on the verge of

starting the Tour of San Luis in Argentina, said he expects to be on the starting



Alberto Contador y Joaquin ―Purito‖ no estuvieron presentes en el acto de

presentación de la Vuelta 2014 que tuvo lugar en Cadiz, pero ambos corredores

dieron su opinión sobre el recorrido de la próxima edición desde Canarias y

Argentina respectivamente a través de un video grabado.

Contador, que ya anunció su participación en la ronda española, se mostró

conforme con el perfil de la carretera que ha ganado en dos ocasiones.

―Purito‖ Rodríguez, a punto de

tomar la salida en el Tour de

San Luis de Argentina, señaló

que espera estar en la línea de


By Christian Rios Mostazo








An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is characterized by visually

perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by

the eye is processed in the brain to give a perception that does not tally with a

physical measurement of the stimulus source.

There are three main types: literal optical illusions that create images that are

different from the objects that make them, physiological ones that are the effects

on the eyes and brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type (brightness,

colour, size, position, tilt, movement), and cognitive illusions, the result of

unconscious inferences.



Una ilusión óptica (también llamado una ilusión visual) se caracteriza por las

imágenes percibidas visualmente que difieren de la realidad objetiva. La

información recopilada por el ojo es procesada en el cerebro para dar una

percepción que no concuerda con una medida física de la fuente de estímulo.

Hay tres tipos principales: ilusiones ópticas literales que crean imágenes que son

diferentes de los objetos que las componen, las fisiológicas que son los efectos

sobre los ojos y el cerebro de la estimulación excesiva de un tipo específico

(brillo, color, tamaño, posición, inclinación , movimiento), y las ilusiones

cognitivas, el resultado de inferencias inconscientes.

Alba Cazorla Guerrero

Jonathan Cabrillana Villodres

Inma Luque Mostazo 3ºA



Muchos artistas han aprovechado las ilusiones ópticas para dar a sus obras un

aspecto mágico, de profundidad, de ambigüedad y contrastes.

Las ilusiones ópticas fisiológicamente ocurren durante la conexión del hemisferio

derecho y el izquierdo, gracias a esto tenemos la capacidad de percepción.

Many artists have taken advantage of optical illusions to give his works a

magical aspect, depth, ambiguity and contrasts.

Optical illusions occur physiologically during connection of the right

hemisphere and the left, thanks to this we have the ability of perception.



-¿Qué ocurre cuando vemos una ilusión óptica?

Según parece, el cerebro, programado para esperar ciertas cosas de la realidad,

compara todo lo que ve con ese conocimiento innato y luego saca sus

conclusiones. Además, continuamente van adquiriéndose otros conocimientos

que, junto con el innato, el cerebro utiliza para analizar lo que percibe y lograr

una lenta comprensión de la realidad.

En la mayoría de los casos, el cerebro procesa bien los datos visuales, pero a

veces se equivoca.

-¿Pueden ciertas formas provocar más confusión visual que otras?

Al cerebro parece costarle trabajo formarse una imagen exacta de ciertas figuras

geométricas: cuando ve un círculo, lo considera menor de lo que es, e incluso al

ver una forma aparentemente tan sencilla como la de un cuadrado, puede

parecerle más alta que ancha. Y si resulta que el cuadrado está de lado o no

puede verse de frente, su forma se vuelve todavía más difícil de reconocer.


Un espejismo es una ilusión óptica en la que los objetos lejanos aparecen

reflejados en una superficie lisa como si se estuviera contemplando una

superficie líquida que, en realidad, no existe.

El aire en contacto con el suelo tórrido se calienta y su densidad varía de tal

manera que, contrario a lo usual, el aire más frío se mantiene encima del más

caliente. Esto crea una densidad desigual en el aire que le otorga varios índices

de refracción.

- What happens when we see an optical illusion?

It appears that the brain is programmed to expect certain things from reality,

comparing it to everything you see with our innate knowledge and then it draws

conclusions. In addition, they are continually being acquired other knowledge,

along with the innate, the brain uses to analyze, what you perceive and achieve a

gradual understanding of reality .

In most cases, the brain processes visual data properly, but sometimes


- Can some illusions be moreconfusing than others?

The brain seems struggle to process an accurate picture of certain geometric

figures: when you see a circle, you consider it smaller than what it actually is,

and even if you see a simple shape like a square, may seem taller than wide. And

if it turns out that the square is on its side, its shape becomes even more difficult

to recognize.


A mirage is an optical illusion in which distant objects are reflected on a smooth

surface like if we were contemplating a liquid surface that actually does not


The air in contact with the hot soil is heated and its density varies in such a way

that, contrary to the usual, cooler air is maintained above warmer. This creates

an uneven density in the air that gives various refractive indices.

By Aran Talboys and Miguel Ruíz García.



A possible twin of the Earth has been an overdraft in orbit of a star similar to the

Sun to 600 years - lights of us, and the new planet can unite the characteristics to

be inhabitable, as he has said the FISHNET on Monday.

Discovered by the spatial mission Kepler, the new nicknamed planet Keppler -

22b, it is smaller than Neptune and is the inhabitable first one who has been in

this system.

Un posible gemelo de la Tierra ha sido descubierto en órbita de una estrella

similar al sol a 600 años-luz de nosotros, y el nuevo planeta puede aunar las

características para ser habitable, según ha dicho la NASA el lunes.

Descubierto por la misión espacial Kepler, el nuevo planeta apodado Keppler-

22b, es más pequeño que Neptuno y es el primero habitable que se ha

encontrado en ese sistema.



El planeta Kepler-186f es ligeramente mayor que la Tierra y está en lo que se

denomina zona de habitabilidad, es decir, a una distancia del astro a la que el

agua ni se evaporaría ni se congelaría.

Los científicos señalan que, teóricamente, allí podría haber agua en estado

líquido en la superficie.

The planet Kepler-186f is lightly bigger than the Earth and it is in what is named

a zone of habitability, that is to say, to a distance of the star to which it would

evaporate it would not even freeze.

The scientists indicate that, theoretically, there might be water in liquid

condition in the surface.

-Kepler-186f es un exoplaneta que orbita la estrella enana roja Kepler-186. Es el

primer planeta del tamaño de la Tierra que ha sido descubierto en la zona

habitable de una estrella.

-Es el planeta más pequeño encontrado dentro de la zona habitable de una

estrella y se cree que pueda albergar agua en forma líquida.

-Se encuentra a unos 492,3 años luz de la tierra y su radio es solo 11%

más grande que el de la Tierra.



-Kepler-186f orbits a star with about 4% of the Sun's luminosity with an orbital

period of 129.9 days.

-Its temperature is from - 46 ° C on average, assuming an atmosphere like the


-Being a planet similar in size to the Earth, be rocky and oceans, its gravity is

expected to be similar to the Earth.

By: Andrea Ortigosa y Desiré Jiménez, Elena y Cipri



El cubo de Rubik es un rompecabezas mecánico tridimensional inventado por el

escultor y profesor de arquitectura húngaro Ernő Rubik en 1974.

Ernő Rubik estaba interesado en la Geometría y el estudio de las formas

tridimensionales, ansioso de crear un objeto artístico pero fuertemente ligado a la

geometría descriptiva.

Hasta enero de 2009 se han vendido 350 millones de cubos en todo el mundo.

El cubo de rubik(3x3x3) consta de 26 piezas que a la vez se dividen en 3 grupos:

Centros: Hay 6 centros con un color cada uno, los centros no se mueven uno respecto a

los otros.

Vertices: Hay 8 vertices. Cada vértice tiene 3 colores y son las esquinas del cubo.

Aristas: Hay 12 aristas. Cada arista tiene 2 colores y están entre los vértices.

Métodos para resolver el cubo de rubik(3x3x3):

- Método de principiantes:

- Método Fridrich: Este método es para hacerlo mas rápido.

Hoy en día existen muchos tipos de cubos deferentes:

- 2x2x2 -Dodecaedro

- 3x3x3 -Forma piramidal

- 4x4x4 -Cubo mirror

- 5x5x5 -1x3x3

- 6x6x6 -Square

- 7x7x7 -Gygaminx

- 8x8x8 -Teraminx

- 9x9x9 -Petaminx

- 10x10x10

- 11x11x11

- 17x17x17

Realizado por: Alejandro Mechiné, Jose Enrique Jiménez, Marcos Palma. 4B



Rubik's cube

The Rubik's cube is a mechanical, three-dimensional puzzle that the Hungarian sculptor

and architecture teacher Erno Rubik invented in 1974. Erno Rubik was interested in the

Geometry and the study of three-dimentional shapes: He wanted to create an artistic

artistic strongly tied to descriptive geometry. Before January of 2009, 350 million

Rubik's cubes have been sold in the whole world. The Rubik's cube (3x3x3) consists of

26 pieces that simultaneously are divided in 3 groups:

Centers: There are 6 centers that each have their own color. The centers do not move

themselves with respect to the other pieces.

Vertex: There are 8 vertices. Every vertex has 3 colors and they are the corners of the


Edges: There are 12 edges. Every edge has 2 colors and they are between the vertexes.

Methods to solve the Rubik's cube (3x3x3):

- Beginners' Method:

- Method Fridrich: This method is used to solve the cube in the fastest way possible.

Http: // V=jXa9P6MZyqw

Nowadays there exist many types of different 3D puzzles.



Es una patraña del autoengaño, pero que al menos ni hacen daño a

nadie, ni las hemos de pagar todos con cargo a la Seguridad social.

Aseguran que la mayoría de sus usuarios experimentan en su vida

aumento de equilibrio, fuerza, flexibilidad, resistencia, coordinación o


Nada que no pueda conseguirse durmiendo lo necesario, bebiendo

menos alcohol o llevando una vida más ordenada. Pero que alguien

piense que poniéndose una pulsera pueden desaparecer casi todos los

males pasados, presentes y venideros, parecido al de quien lleva

encima una estampa de la Virgen del moco. Las copias piratas han

comenzado a brotar como hongos, aunque los importadores de las

pulseras originales dicen que no son lo mismo porque sus hologramas

"no han sido activados".

Nadie sabe como "se activan" los hologramas. Es un secreto mejor

guardado que la fórmula de la Coca Cola. Según las webs que venden

esta ―tecnología‖, la base de las pulseras consiste en un ―holograma

que funciona a través de frecuencias que se encuentran en nuestro

ambiente natural de las cuales ya conocemos de sus efectos positivos

en el campo de energía del cuerpo―.

Por Gema Zamora Campos y Elena Bazaga Campos 3ºA



Self-deception is a hoax, but at least nor hurt anyone, nor have paid all under

Social Security. Ensure that most users experience in their life increased

balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination or rhythm.

Nothing that can not be achieved the necessary sleeping, drinking less alcohol or

taking a more orderly life. But someone thinks that putting a bracelet can

disappear almost all past, present and future evils, like who takes up a picture of

the―Virgen del moco‖. Pirated copies have started to sprout like mushrooms,

although the original bracelets importers say they are not the same because their

holograms "have not been activated."

Nobody knows how holograms "activated". It is a best kept to the formula of

Coca Cola secret. According to the websites that sell this "technology", the basis

of bracelets is a "hologram that works across frequencies found in our natural

environment which we know of its positive effects on the body's energy field" .



Technology is used as much to satisfy our needs as to make our life's easier,

technological activity affects the social and economic progress of each country,

but its fully commercial character makes it focused more on satisfying the

desires of the wealthy , which leads to consumerism .

Technology can also be used to protect the environment and to prevent the

growing necessities from provoking a depletion or degradation , it makes it

easier to communicate with others who live in other parts of the world that we

don't have frequent contact with , technology keeps us informed at all times on

news and current affairs ... Technology has saved many lives , the medical

advances we have today are not those what we had 70 years ago, within a short

time the world has become a large social network that unites us all through

internet , television and video games, a world that revolves around technology

and consumerism.

New technologies which are made for leisure ( mobile phones, playstation .. ),

have a negative impact on our lives , young children only want to be playing

with video games and on computers and teenagers only want to stay at home and

be on their mobiles and social networks , they get into their virtual world and no

matter who they are, they will pay more attention to a WhatsApp that they just

got sent rather then their friends or parents... Another downside to technology is

the danger of internet , we don't wh is behind a facebook profile, not knowing

who you talk to , who visits your profile or who sees your photos, social

networking is one of the most common type of harassment, it has even caused

suicides and blackmail, exchanging is the most common reason .

By George South & Maria Jose Martin, 4B






Aida is a series of Spanish television, based on humor and produced by

Globomedia for the chain Telecinco. It has 10 seasons (237 chapters), and

is on Sunday nights at 22:00 and lasts for about one hour. The series

started on 16 January 2005 and will end on 1 June 2014. It originally

starred Carmen Machi as the role of Aída García.

Carmen Machi as Aída García García: Protagonist of the series. Ana Maria Polvorosa as "Lore": Aida’s daughter. Paco León as "Luisma": Aida’s brother. Mariano Peña as Mauricio Colmenero: The Reinols Bar owner. Pepe Viyuela as "Chema" shopkeeper: father of Fidel. Eduardo Casanova as Fidel: Chema’s son.


Velvet is a Spanish television program produced by Bambú for Antena 3.

Is is made by Ramón Campos y Gema R. Neira. It was first released on the

17 of February, 2014. This program is about

Alberto, heir to the velvet galleries, and Ana, the

dressmaker that works in the galleries. Both

knew each other when they were children and

they had a relationship. But, their social

differences make them grow apart.

However, they eveventually come to know each

other again. The main protagonists are Miguel

Ángel Silvestre, actor of “Sin tetas no hay

paraíso,” and Paula Echevarría, actress of “Gran

Reserva.” The first episode had 1 276 000

spectator. It is broadcasted on Mondays at





B&B, of mouth in mouth it is a comical series on Spanish television (created by Daniel

Écija and produced by Mediaset España Communication in collaboration with

Globomedia). It is broadcasted on Telecinco. This program is about a fashion

magazine and and the situations that develop. The main characters are Candela

(Belén Rueda), Juan (Dani Rovira), Caye (Sara Sálamo), Sonia (Macarena

García), Pablo (Gonzalo de Castro). This program has an audience of 2.861.000.


La que se avecina is a Spanish comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero

and Daniel Deorador. The TV series focuses on the inhabitants of Mirador de

Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its

storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended

when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The

main characters are Enrique Pastor, Antonio Recio, Berta, Judith, Maite,

Amador, etc. This program has an audience of 4 108 000, this program is

broadcast on Telecinco or FDF.


Supervivientes is a program about survival, where a group of competitors is abandoned

on an island. The "survivors" must survive the conditions on the program, taking

advantage of the food that nature can give them and devising methods of adaptation,

such as making a fire, a hut, kitchen utensils, etc. The competition is divided into two

tribes, each one of them in a campsite. Each week, they compete in one test for

immunity in which those who lose are subjected to nominations and public voting.

There are 10 competitors in a team, but they compete individually to get immunity,

prizes, above all to be the last one standing.

This year's competitors are: Anabel Pantoja, Antonio Tejado, Yong Li y Bibiana

Fernández, Aran Aznar, Rafael Lomana, Nacho Montes y Katia Aveiro and in the Isla

Bonita: Oriana, Santa, Suhaila, Pascual, Abraham, También están Diego Matamoros,

'La Pelopony' y Viviana Figueredo.



Laura’s Mysteries

Laura’s Mysteries it is a Spanish television program produced by Boonerang TV.

Initially, the program was named ―Mother and detectives.‖ It was released on Monday


of July 2009. It is based on the novels of Agatha Christie. Laura, a police detective,

tries to solve different murder cases that happen in each chapter. María Pujalte is Laura

Lebrel del Bosque, the protagonist. A total of 1.400.000 people watch this program.


The Prince is drama and suspense series of Spanish television created by Aitor

Gabilondo and César Benítez to Telecinco. The series, produced by Mediaset Spain in

collaboration with Plano to Plano, is for a fairly young age, and is characterized by the

a story of love arising between a Christian police agent and a young Muslim girl. This

girl has a brother who is a drug trafficker. Most of its plots are set in the troubled Ceutí

neighborhood of The Prince Alfonso, near the border Morocco.

The series debuted on February 4, 2014 in Spain with a multichannel broadcast. It had a

record audience for prime time shows. At its launch, it had 21.9% of all tv-watchers and

it continued to lead in viewership during the first season of episodes.


The Voice Kids is a Spanish talent contest produced by Boomerang TV in partnership

with Talpa Media and was broadcasted on Telecinco on 6 February 2014. The show

consists of choosing the best singers among a group of children who demonstrate their

vocal qualities without their image influencing the jury's decision. This TV show had

5.174.000 viewers.

BY: Marta Ortigosa Carnero,Noelia Oviedo Benítez, Vanesa Moreno Pérez, Rocío

Sánchez Sánchez. 4ºB.



Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones (GOT) is a saga written by George R. R. Martin about a place

in an strange world where the magic hasn’t disappeared yet. The story is placed

in a time similar to our Middle Age, when the knights and the ladies with power

fought for a place in the throne. In the beginning of

the story there are four noble families: The Starks,

lords of the north area of the place, winterfell. The

Targaryens, the lords of the south and the seven free

towns until the Baratheons and the Lannisters steal

the throne. The Baratheons and the Lannisters are

united with the marriage of the king Robert and the

queen Cersei.

The intrigue of the families made the Starks try to

avenge a fail assassination made by the Lannisters.

Daenerys Targaryen was the last Targaryen and

she’s married with a dothraki lord, and with her

dragon eggs she tries to recover her throne.

This amazing story, with adventure, danger and

intrigue is perfect for people with a dreamer spirit,

persons who believe in magic and in the ambition of

men. You can read the complete story with the book

: A Song Of Ice And Fire, or if you don’t like reading you could see the TV serie

called Game Of Thrones, it’s very famous in USA and in Europe is awaking


By Isabel Pascual Robledo 4th A




Juego de tronos (JDT) es una saga de libros escrita por George R. R. Martin

sobre un lugar en un extraño mundo donde la magia no ha desaparecido todavía.

La historia toma lugar en un tiempo similar a nuestra Edad Media, donde los

caballeros y las damas con poder luchaban por un lugar

en el trono. En el comienzo de la historia se presentan

cuatro familias nobles: los Starks, señores del área

norte llamada Invernalia. Los Trgaryen, señores del sur

y de las siete ciudades libres hasta que lo Baratheon y

los Lannister le robaran el trono. Los Baratheon y los

Lannister están unidos con el matrimonio del rey

Robert y la reina Cersei.

Las intrigas de las familias hacen que los Stark

intenten vengar un asesinato fallido hecho por los

Lannister. Daenerys Targaryen era la última Targaryen

y se casa con un señor dothraki, y con sus huevos de

dragón intenta recuperar su trono.

Esta increíble historia, llena de aventura, peligro e

intriga es perfecta para personas con un espíritu

soñador, personas que creen en la magia y en la

ambición del hombre. Puedes leer la historia completa

con el libro: Canción de Hielo y Fuego, o si no te

gusta leer podrías ver la serie de televisión Juego de Tronos, es muy famosa en

Estados Unidos y en Europa está despertando multitudes.



The saga of the fast and the furious, published by Universal Studios and directed

by Rob Cohen, is one of the series of movies of more incredible cars in the

history, based mainly on the world of the tunning.

These movies Tyrese Gibson has possessed actors like Vin Diesel, Paul Walker,

Michelle Rodríguez, Jordanian Brewster, Lucas Black, between others.

They started by being a group of pilots of street illegal careers very hated by the

police. The police on having discovered this raw material to hand on the steering

wheel and the pedals, they were infiltrating to these corridors in his most

difficult tasks to manage to stop and to destroy everything of the major dealers

of drug and men more rash and looked of the moment.

This saga could have possessed the participation of some of the best singers of

the world and of his moment as Tego Claderón, Don Omar, Ludacris, Ja Rule,

Bow Wow, between others.

They wanted to do an alone movie with which to leave fingerprint in the history,

they threw It to all the cinemas but seeing the granes benefits that they obtained

decided to continue the saga. They are different movies but them seeing all from

the first one to the last one you can discover the magnificent history that you

join they form.



The first delivery was " The fast and the furious " led by

Vin Diesel and Paul Walker and thrown to all the

cinemas in 2001.

The second delivery was " 2 fast 2 furious " led by Paul

Walker y Tyrese Gibson and saw the light in 2003.

The third delivery

changed protagonist and

The Fast was titled and

the furious: Tokyo

Drift; led by Lucas

Black and thrown to the

cinemas in 2006.

The fourth delivery was Fast and Furious 4, led by Vin

Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodríguez and Jordanian

Brewster and lance-thrust in 2009.

The fifth delivery is "Fast Five" led by Vin Diesel and

Paul Walker. Released in the cinemas in 2011.

The sixth delivery is Fast and Furious 6, led by Vin

Diesel and Paul Walker. In her all the actors of the saga

take part up to the moment. Released in cinemas in 2013.



It was becoming " Fast and Furious 7 " and there was foreseen that might be

thrown to the cinemas on July 11, 2014, but after the lamentable death of the

actor Paul Walker, it is thought to continue or not the filming of the movie. The

tragedy took place last November 30, 2013 in Saint Clarita, California, when it

was going as co-pilot with the pilot Roger Rhodes when they were from way to

an event of charity realized by Reach Out Worldwide for the victims of the

typhoon Haiyan in The Philippines. This one is the last photo that is heard of the

alive actor, 30 minutes before the accident, riding in the car that he lost his life:

There has become famous the phrase that he said some time ago:

“If one day speed kills me, do not cry because I was smiling”

by: Álvaro Antonio Torrubia Martín and Manuel Montosa Sánchez



La saga ―The Fast & The Furious‖, publicada por Universal Studios y dirigida

por Rob Cohen, es una de las series de coches más increíbles de la historia,

basada mayormente en el mundo del tunning.

Estas películas cuentan con actores como Tyrese Gibson, Vin Diesel, Paul

Walker, Michelle Rodríguez, Jordanian Brewster, Lucas Black, entre otros.

Comenzaron siendo un grupo de pilotos de carreras callejeras ilegales muy

odiados por la policía. La policía al descubrir esta materia prima al volante y los

pedales los fueron infiltrando para parar y destruir todo de los mayores

traficantes de droga y hombres más buscados del momento.

Esta saga ha contado con la participación de algunos de los mejores cantantes

del mundo y de su momento como Tego Claderón, Don Omar, Ludacris, Ja

Rule, Bow Wow, entre otros.

Querían hacer una única película con la que dejar huella para la historia, la

lanzaron a todos los cines pero viendo los grandes beneficios que obtuvieron

decidieron continuar la saga. Hay diferentes películas pero viéndolas todas desde

la primera a la última, puedes descubrir la gran historia que entre todas ellas


La primera entrega fue ―The fast and the furious‖

protagonizada por Vin Diesel y Paul Walker y lanzada a

todos los cines en 2001.

La segunda entrega fue ―2 fast 2 furious‖ protagonizada

por Paul Walker y Tyrese Gibson y vio la luz en 2003.



La tercera entrega cambió de

protagonista y se tituló The Fast

and the furious: Tokyo Drift;

protagonizada por Lucas Black

y lanzada a los cines en 2006.

La cuarta entrega fue Fast & Furious 4,

protagonizada por Vin Diesel, Paul Walker,

Michelle Rodríguez y Jordana Brewster y

lanzada en 2009.

La quinta entrega es ―Fast

Five‖, protagonizada por

Vin Diesel y Paul Walker.

Lanzada a los cines en


La sexta entrega es Fast and Furious 6, protagonizada por

Vin Diesel y Paul Walker. En ella aparecen todos los

actores que han pasado por la saga hasta el momento.

Lanzada a los cines en 2013.

Se estaba haciendo ―Fast & Furious 7‖ y se preveía que podría ser lanzada a los

cines el 11 de julio de 2014, pero tras la lamentable muerte del actor Paul

Walker, se está pensando continuar o no el rodaje de la película. La tragedia

tuvo lugar el pasado 30 de noviembre de 2013 en Santa Clarita, California,

cuando iba como copiloto con el piloto Roger Rodas cuando se encontraban de

camino a un evento de caridad

realizado por Reach Out

Worldwide para las víctimas

del tifón Haiyan en Filipinas.

Se ha hecho famosa la frase que el dijo hace tiempo:

“Si alguna vez la velocidad me mata, no lloréis porque estuve sonriendo”







La dieta mediterránea es un tipo de dieta

saludable, equilibrada y variada en la

cual predominan los alimentos obtenidos

de cultivos tradicionales de la zona


Los alimentos que constituyen esta dieta


- Pan y pasta (hidratos de carbono).

- Aceite de oliva (grasa).

- Vino en pequeñas cantidades durante

las comidas.

- Las hortalizas, las frutas, los frutos

secos y las legumbres aportan a esta

dieta fibra y antioxidantes.

- El pescado, las aves de corral, los productos lácteos y los huevos como

principal fuente de proteínas.

La dieta mediterránea como una dieta saludable se descubrió gracias a los

estudios realizados a partir de estudios nutricionales en Grecia donde se detectó

una incidencia de arteriosclerosis, enfermedades cardiovasculares y

enfermedades degenerativas inferior a la media, por lo que la esperanza de vida

era mayor.

Posteriormente, Ancel Keys realizó un extenso estudio para investigar los

hábitos dietéticos de siete países entre los que se encontraban cuatro países no

mediterráneos: Estados Unidos, Japón, Finlandia y Holanda, y tres países

mediterráneos: Yugoslavia, Italia y Grecia. Con este estudio se observó que los

países mediterráneos tenían una dieta con unas características comunes que

todos ellos poseían.

Debido a la necesidad de esquematizar y de conocer la proporción de cada

alimento dentro de una dieta equilibrada surgió la pirámide alimentaria, que nos

es muy útil a la hora de seguir esta dieta..

La conclusión que podemos obtener sobre la dieta mediterránea es que es una

dieta saludable y equilibrada, y que si la complementamos con paseos al aire

libre y actividad física puede ser muy beneficiosa para nuestro propio organismo

y también da lugar a unos hábitos de vida saludables.



The Mediterranean diet is a type of healthy, balanced and varied diet in which

predominate the food got from traditional crops in the mediterranean area.

The food that constitute this diet are:

- Bread and pasta (carbohydrates).

- Olive oil (fat).

- Wine in small amounts for the meals.

- Vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and

legumes provide to this diet fiber and


- Fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs as a

main source of protein.

The Mediterranean diet as a healthy diet

was discovered thank to the studies

realized from the nutritional studies in Greece where was detected a incidence

of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and degenerative diseases below the

average, so that life expectancy was higher. por debajo de la media.

Subsequently, Ancel Keys performed a extense study to investigate the dietetic

habits of seven countries including four countries not mediterraneans: United

States, Japan, Finland and Holland, and three mediterraneans: Yugoslavia, Italy

and Greece. With this study was observed that the Mediterranean countries had a

diet with common characteristics they all had.

Due to the need to outline and to know the proportion of each food within a

balanced diet was the food pyramid, which is very useful to follow a diet.

The conclusion we can obtain of the mediterranean diet is that it is an healthy

and balanced diet, and that if we complement it with walks in the open air and

physical activity can be very beneficial for our own body, and also leads to

healthy life habits.



DROGAS. La verdad sobre las drogas

Gracias a investigaciones clínicas y farmacológicas, existen miles de fármacos y drogas

que ayudan a las personas. Los antibióticos y las vacunas revolucionaron el tratamiento

de las infecciones. Los medicamentos permiten bajar la presión, tratar la diabetes y

reducir el rechazo de los órganos trasplantados por parte de nuestro organismo. Los

medicamentos pueden curar una enfermedad, hacerla más lenta o prevenirla, lo cual nos

ayuda a disfrutar de vidas más sanas y felices. Pero también existen muchas drogas

ilegales y nocivas que las personas consumen porque creen que las ayudan a sentirse

mejor o pasarla bien.

¿Cómo actúan las drogas? Las drogas son sustancias químicas que modifican el

funcionamiento de nuestro organismo. Cuando las introduces dentro del cuerpo (por

ingestión, inhalación o inyección), las drogas llegan al torrente sanguíneo y son

transportadas a distintas partes del cuerpo, como el cerebro. En el cerebro, las drogas

pueden intensificar o adormecer tus sentidos, alterar tu estado de alerta y, en algunos

casos, reducir el dolor físico.

Las drogas pueden ser útiles o nocivas. Los efectos de las drogas pueden variar según el

tipo de droga, la cantidad que se toma, la frecuencia con la que se la usa y la rapidez con

la que llega al cerebro; también varían según qué otras drogas, alimentos o sustancias se

tomen al mismo tiempo. Los efectos también pueden ser diferentes según la química, la

forma y el tamaño del organismo.

Si bien las drogas pueden hacerte sentir bien en un primer momento, a la larga pueden

provocar un gran daño al organismo y al cerebro. Beber alcohol, fumar tabaco,

consumir drogas ilegales e inhalar pegamento son actividades que pueden provocar

grave daño al cuerpo humano. Algunas drogas afectan seriamente la capacidad de una

persona para tomar decisiones acertadas. Los adolescentes que beben, por ejemplo,

tienen más probabilidades de involucrarse en situaciones peligrosas, como conducir

bajo los efectos del alcohol o tener relaciones sexuales sin protección.



El alcohol

Efectos y peligros:

El alcohol actúa primero como un estimulante y, después, hace que las personas se

sientan relajadas y un poco adormecidas.

Las dosis elevadas de alcohol afectan seriamente la cordura y la coordinación. Los

bebedores pueden arrastrar las palabras al hablar, presentar confusión, depresión,

pérdida de la memoria de corto plazo y tiempos de reacción más lentos.

Si se beben grandes cantidades de alcohol en un breve período de tiempo, se puede

producir una intoxicación etílica.

Medicamentos para la tos y el


Efectos y peligros:

Las dosis pequeñas ayudan a suprimir la tos, pero si las dosis son mayores,

pueden provocar fiebre, confusión, imposibilidad de razonamiento, visión

borrosa, mareos, paranoia, exceso de transpiración, dificultad para hablar,

náuseas, vómitos, dolor abdominal, frecuencia cardíaca irregular, presión arterial

elevada, cefaleas, letargia, adormecimiento de los dedos, enrojecimiento de la

cara, sequedad y picazón en la piel, pérdida del conocimiento, convulsiones,

daño cerebral e, incluso, la muerte.

A veces, los consumidores toman por error jarabes que, además de

dextrometorfano, contienen otros medicamentos. Las dosis elevadas de estos

otros medicamentos pueden provocar lesiones graves, como daño hepático,

daños u otros efectos negativos en el corazón e incluso la muerte.



DRUGS. The truth on drugs

Thanks to clinical and pharmacological investigations, there exist thousands of

medicaments and drugs that help the persons. The antibiotics and the vaccines

revolutionized the treatment of the infections. The medicines allow to lower the

pressure, to treat the diabetes and to reduce the rejection of the organs

transplanted on the part of our organism. The medicines can treat a disease,

make her slower or prepare her, which helps us to enjoy healthier and happy

lives. But also there exist many illegal and harmful drugs that the persons

consume because they believe that they help themselves feel them better or to

spend it well.

How do they operate the drugs? The drugs are chemical substances that modify

the functioning of our organism. When you introduce them inside the body (for

ingestion, inhalation or injection), the drugs come to the blood torrent and are

transported to different parts of the body, as the brain. In the brain, the drugs can

intensify or lull your senses, to alter your state of alert and, in some cases, to

reduce the physical pain.

The drugs can be useful or harmful. The effects of the drugs can change

according to the type of drug, the quantity that takes, the frequency with which

she is used and the rapidity with the one that comes to the brain; also they

change according to what other drugs, food or substances take at the same time.

The effects also can be different according to the chemistry, the form and the

size of the organism.

Though the drugs can make you feel well in the first moment, eventually they

can provoke a great hurt the organism and the brain. To drink alcohol, to smoke

tobacco, to consume illegal drugs and to inhale glue are activities that can

provoke serious hurt the human body. Some drugs affect seriously the capacity

of a person to take guessed right decisions. The teenagers who drink, for

example, have more probabilities of interfering in dangerous situations, as driving under the effects of the alcohol or having sexual relations without protection.



The alcohol Effects and dangers

·The alcohol acts first as a stimulant and, later, it does that the persons feel

relaxed and a bit sleepy.

·The high doses of alcohol affect seriously the sanity and the coordination.

The drinkers can drag the words on having spoken, having presented confusion,

depression, loss of the memory of short term and slower times of reaction.

·If big quantities of alcohol are drunk in a brief period of time, it is possible

to produce a poisoning etilica

Medicines for the cough and the cold Effects and dangers: ·The small doses help to suppress the cough, but if the doses are major, can


·Fever, confusion, impossibility of reasoning, blurry vision, motion

sicknesses, paranoia, excess of perspiration, difficulty to speak, nauseas, vomits,

abdominal pain, cardiac irregular frequency, arterial high pressure, migraines,

lethargy, drowsiness of the fingers, reddening of the face, dryness and itch in the

skin, loss of the knowledge, convulsions, cerebral and, enclosed hurt, the death.

·Sometimes, the consumers take as a mistake syrups that, besides

dextrometorfano, contain other medicines. The high doses of these other

medicines can provoke serious injuries, as hepatic hurt, hurts or other negative

effects in the heart and even the death.

By: Brenda Rios Plata and Lydia Muñoz Jiménez





Doctors say a potencial treatment for a peanut allergy has transformed the lives of

children taking part in a large clinical trial. The 85 children had to eat peanut protein

every day initially in small doses, but ramped up during the study. The findings,

published in the Lancet, suggest 84% of allergic children could eat the equivalent of

five peanuts a day after six months.

Experts have warned that the therapy is not yet ready for widespread use. Peanuts are

the most common cause of fatal allergic reactions to food.

There is no treatment so the only option for patients is to avoid them completely,

leading to a lifetime of checking every food label before a meal. The theory was that

patients started at the extremely low dose, well below the threshold for an allergic


By Estefanía 3A.





Los médicos dicen que es un tratamiento potencial para la alergia de cacahuetes que

transforma la vida de los niños que tienen que tomar parte en un experimento.

El 85 de los niños tienen que comer proteínas de cacahuete todos los días en pequeñas

dosis, pero es una rampa hacia arriba. Los hallazgos, publicados en Lancet, sugieren que

el 84% de niños con alergia comen el equivalente a cinco cacahuetes al día después de

seis meses. Los expertos advierten que la terapia no está extendida aún su uso. Los

cacahuetes son la causa más común de las reacciones alérgicas en las comidas. No hay

un tratamiento así que la opción sólo para los pacientes es evitarlo completamente. Lo

principal es revisar todas las etiquetas de las comidas antes de comerlas.

La teoría de este paciente empieza sumamente bajo dosis buenas debajo del umbral por

un alérgico en respuesta.



Nosotros los adolescentes tendemos a no tener ningún tipo de control sobre cualquier

tipo de sustancia, incluyendo el alcohol, tabaco, etc. como droga legal. Lo que en

consecuencia hace que su consumo sea irresponsable, abusivo y dañino. Las

restricciones legales con respecto al tabaco y al alcohol son positivas pero no evitan el

acceso de los adolescentes a estas y a otras drogas peores como cocaína, marihuana,

éxtasis, pastillas, etc. En drogas no legales existe un mayor consumo por parte de

adolescentes, ya que, al no existir unas normas legales a la hora de acceder a ellas, las

personas que las facilitan no tienen problema alguno en vender las cantidades que sea a

un menor de la edad que sea.

La marihuana, es una de las drogas que menos dependencia física genera, el consumo en

un adulto puede ser más fácilmente controlado por el usuario de esta droga, cosa que un

adolescente, tiende a no tenerla.

Resumiendo, el poco autocontrol, la poca personalidad, conciencia social y personal de

un adolescente con su mente aún por formar hace que sea el blanco perfecto para

cualquier tipo de droga y que no sepa frenar a tiempo, dejarla o salir de ese mundo.

Las drogas, también, cambian o destrozan las relaciones con quien te rodea, pero no

todo el mundo se puede enfrentar a esa clase de cosas sin caer en algo peor o sin saber

resolver sus problemas en la adolescencia.



We tend to not have any control over any substance, including alcohol, tobacco, etc. as

a legal drug. This consequently makes their consumption irresponsible, abusive and

harmful. The legal restrictions on alcohol and tobacco are positive but they do not

prevent teenagers from getting these and other drugs which are worse, such as cocaine,

marihuana, ecstasy, pills, etc. The illegal drugs have a higher consumption by

adolescents because of the absence of legal restraints so that the people who provide

them are able to sell whatever amount to underage youths without any trouble.

Marihuana is a drug that generates less physical dependence, consumption in an adult

can be controlled more easily by the user, however teenagers tend to lack this self-


So basically, the little self-control, the little personality, and the social and personal

awareness of teenagers with their immature mind make them the perfect target for any

drug and they are not able to stop in time or leave out of this world.

Drugs, too, change or destroy relationships that are around you, but not everyone can

cope with that sort of thing without being worse without knowing or solve their

problems in adolescence.

By Rano Arnold and Irene Ortiz 3º ESO B



-Effects on General Physical Health

Within a few minutes after inhaling marijuana smoke, an individual's heart rate speeds

up, the bronchial passages relax and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes

expand, making the eyes look red. The heart rate—normally 70 to 80 beats per

minute—may increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute, or may even double in some cases.

Taking other drugs with marijuana can amplify this effect.

Limited evidence suggests that a person's risk of heart attack during the first hour after

smoking marijuana is four times his or her usual risk.

In addition, marijuana has the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts

of the respiratory tract.

-Effects on the Brain As THC ( a component of the marijuana) enters the brain, it causes the user to

feel euphoric by acting on the brain's reward system.

Along with euphoria, relaxation is another frequently reported effect in human

studies. Other effects are heightened sensory perception (brighter colors),

laughter, altered perception of time, and increased appetite. After a while, the

euphoria subsides, and the user may feel sleepy or depressed. Occasionally,

marijuana use may produce anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic.

Marijuana use impairs a person's ability to form new memories and to shift

focus. THC also disrupts coordination and balanceparts of the brain that regulate

balance, posture, coordination, and reaction time. Therefore, learning, doing

complicated tasks, participating in athletics, and driving are also affected.



-Consequences of Marijuana Abuse

Acute (present during intoxication)

Impairs short-term memory

Impairs attention, judgment, and other cognitive functions

Impairs coordination and balance

Increases heart rate

Psychotic episodes

Persistent (lasting longer than intoxication, but may not be permanent)

Impairs memory and learning skills

Sleep impairment

Long-term (cumulative effects of chronic abuse)

Can lead to addiction

Increases risk of chronic cough, bronchitis

Increases risk of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals

May increase risk of anxiety, depression

BY: Pablo Núñez and Mario Román.



¿Qué es? En medicina, el trasplante es un tratamiento médico complejo que consiste en

trasladar órganos, tejidos o células de una persona a otra. El órgano trasplantado

reemplaza y asume la función del órgano dañado del receptor, salvándole la vida

o mejorando la calidad de vida. Una variedad de órganos macizos y tejidos

pueden ser trasplantados, incluyendo riñones, pulmones y corazones. Hay

algunos riesgos asociados con este procedimiento que dependen del tipo del

trasplante, que frecuentemente incluyen infección y rechazo del injerto.

El primer trasplante con éxito de nuestra época registrado fue de córnea en 1905,

llevado a cabo por Eduard Zirm. El primero de riñón fue en el Peter Buke

Brigham Hospital en 1951 y el primero de corazón se realizó el 3 de Diciembre

de 1967.

What is it?

In medicine, transplantation is a complex medical treatment that involves

moving organs, tissues or cells from one person to another. The transplanted

organ replaces and assumes the role of the receptor organ damage, saving his life

or improving the quality of life. A variety of solid organs and tissues can be

transplanted, including kidneys, lungs and hearts. There are some risks

associated with this procedure depending on the type of transplant, which often

include infection and graft rejection.

The first successful transplantation of our era was stratum registered in 1905,

conducted by Eduard Zirm. The first kidney was in the Peter Brigham Hospital

Buke in 1951 and the first heart was held on December 3, 1967.

by: Jaime Fortes, Adrian Mostazo, Mostazo Francisco Ortiz and










I was waiting resigned in the queue to enter the plane. I started to feel that

terrible familiar oppression that always appeared when I was about to embark on

a new trip.

I hated having to fly due to work; I always tortured myself thinking that I

would end my days crashing with a plane making money for others.

They sat in their comfortable leather armchairs, rubbing their hands together

each time I closed a new deal. It was no use travelling in first class, although the

parades of feasts and flattery had always come in handy to distract me; a pillow

over here, a blanket over there… But now, because of the cuts, nearly all flights

were economic class.

Anyway, I felt used.

I knew the flight wouldn’t last more than an hour and a half, but that didn’t

calm me down. I thought about the altitude, the wind, the state of the pilots, each

and every one of the thousands of factors that could cause a fatality. The affable

faces of the check-in staff didn’t calm me down at all. They would stay on the

ground and would go to have breakfast as soon as we had taken off.

―What jealousy!‖ I thought.

I looked at my ticket and discovered that my seat was 6F ―not bad‖ I thought.

From my seat I could keep an eye on how the flight went by; if the faces of the

stewardesses changed due to turbulence, if a strange passenger got up to go to

the WC, I would control the crying babies that wouldn’t let me sleep even under

the effects of sleeping pills; nothing would escape my supervision.

As soon as I sat down, I checked the safety belt, went over the emergency

measures; one had to be prepared, just in case. I switched off my mobile phone,

and checked that the air conditioning vent was working to perfection. I arranged

the load of magazines for later: Marie Claire, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, etc. I didn’t

really know why I kept buying them when I seldom read them; I only browsed

them; barely paying attention to them. Since I had my tablet, I rarely stopped the

hammering of my fingers looking for information, looking over balance sheets

or reading my favourite author.



All passengers went by slowly. I wished that all those people would finally

take their seats, and that we would leave the airport as soon as possible.

I was very restless. I remembered the short email that my boss had sent:

Tomorrow to New York, you have to seal a new deal with the Orientals. Only

you can do it, good luck precious. You know I’m counting on you.

My mean boss knew I hated flying, and on top of that, the weather forecast

showed some signs of a storm during the journey. That’s why he hadn’t even

called me by phone. He was already enjoying his ―well earned‖ Christmas

holidays; such a hypocritical man! He always repeated that we had to lift the

business between everyone, and that in hard times we all had to work harder.

But at this time of the year, with two days before New Year’s Eve, my boss was

on holiday in his house of the Reunion Island; according to him, it was always

summer over there.

It wasn’t funny at all; I would freeze to death in snowy New York, inflating

his wallet so that he could pay for his cravings. That’s how life was, although I

earned my salary well, I couldn’t compare myself with the owner of the


I felt passionate about my job and I nearly always I left with my way. It was

something that drove me crazy, especially when my victims were distracted

completely. Whenever they saw me coming, they thought I was the typical

stupid and plugged blonde that the big boss sent as a last option. After fifteen

minutes, they were sweating like pigs and didn’t know where to hide their fake

reports and secret accounts; in the end, they would confess, and I managed to get

hold of their company in less than two hours; having spare time to walk through

the Fifth Avenue and buy some whims. Although because of the weather, I

doubted I could do it this time.

But inside the plane everything was different. I didn’t feel confident. The

security that overflowed on all four sides in an office, evaporated until it

consumed me. Then, I was reduced to a tiny and worse version of me: nervous,

frantic, angry and scared. Some people called it aerophobia, I called it: a shitty


The flight was full to the brim. I had already asked a stewardess in check-in if

she could leave the seat next to me empty. She looked at me with a satisfied face

and informed that the flight was full. It was clear that this just wasn’t my day, I



was going to end the year the same way it had started: in a crowded flight to the

big apple.

Sat next to me was a couple that didn’t stop cuddling and caressing each

other, and although I wasn’t much older than them, I thought that so much

embracing was out of order; they were too old for that. I put my headphones on

and turned the volume up on my Ipad. I tried to think of something other than

the noise of the plane’s engines accelerating for taking off. Then, the

documentary about Tibetan bowls used to cure the spirit and the illnesses I had

seen on the Discovery Channel the night before while I tried to sleep came to my


There was no going back, I really felt like getting up from my seat and

shouting at the stewardesses, telling them to stop the machine immediately.

Eventually, I succumbed to the inevitable, and I thought about all the planes that

would be taking off around the world in those precise moments, and the rare

probabilities that it would be my turn…

I remained immobile in my

seat for over fifteen minutes.

The evening flight had left on

time at six o’clock in the

morning; so nearly everyone

slept in their seats. I lifted to

look at the hundreds of heads

that jostled slightly to the side to

which the plane veered. Nearly all of them were crouched their seats on the

shoulders of their companions.

I couldn’t see the moment in which the stewardesses passed giving out

breakfast, another excuse to distract my attention, and my panic of flying.

I got up from my seat between grunts and hypocritical smiles of the lovers; I

needed to go to the bathroom; nerves had stopped me from going to the toilet in

the airport, and now, somewhat more relaxed I started to notice a certain

pressure in my bladder.



When I reached the bathroom, the placard was showing occupied, so I had to

wait. After a while, the youngest stewardess pointed out that it was broken. The

door didn’t close properly, and I could get locked inside. She suggested me

going to the toilet at the tail of the plane. I looked at the never-ending hallway of

the Boeing, and I told the lady about my panic of flying. I begged her to let me

go in that one, even if I would have to leave the door ajar so it would not close.

She doubted for an instant, and before she could answer me, I was already there.

The woman put a little bag with some plastic cutlery in the door that now had

an ―out of order‖ sign, to avoid it closing and leaving me locked inside.

I heard the hustle of breakfast on the adjacent wall, if I was lucky I could get

out before the woman appeared with the breakfast tray. When I was about to

leave, I remembered that apart from the claustrophobia of the place, there was a

tiny sink in which to wash my hands. I was drying them when I heard the

laughter of the stewardesses finishing their coffee. Then, like a gust of wind I

heard them pass pushing the tray. Unfortunately for me, the narrowness of the

path made the food tray drag the fragile plastic cutlery that held the door with it.

I heard the light crunch, looked towards the door, and tried to extend my half

wet hand, even though I knew it was too late to hold it. The door closed.

Suddenly, a sensation of asphyxia seized me. I looked to one side and another

trying to find a window that could help me escape that sensation of burden. I

turned the door knob in all directions. I jostled it, I shook the door with violence,

I pushed it, I pulled it inwards and outwards, but there was no way.

Nobody heard me outside; the festive moment of breakfast was on board. I

noticed that I was missing air, and that bit by bit everything around me was

going fuzzy, —Was I going to faint?—. Finally, I fell sideways, the last thing I

thought of, was the stewardess and I hoped she would remember I was still


Thrown in a tiny washbasin at more than ten thousand metres of height,

without medical crew that could attend to me, silence surrounded me. Then,

everything went black.


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