Download - Data visualization with R



Data VisualizationUsing

‘R ‘


A picture is worth a thousand words –

especially when you are trying

to understand and gain insights from data.

Data visualization is the presentation and representation of data

that exploits our visual perception abilities in order to amplify cognition

Why is data visualization important?

The human brain processes information, using charts or graphs to

visualize large amounts of complex data is easier than poring over

spreadsheets or reports. 

What’s Missing ?

The skills required for most effectively displaying information are not intuitive and rely largely on principles that must be learned

Stephen Few- ‘Show me the Numbers’

Doing data visualisation well is less a technology problem ,

more a people problem

Paraphrasing Aron Pilhofer, New York Times

Purpose of Data Visualization

To find relationships among hundreds, or even thousands, of

variables to determine their relative importance

To simplify data values, promote the understanding of them, and communicate important concepts and ideas

It enables decision makers to see analytics presented visually, so they can grasp difficult concepts or identify new patterns.

Key Challenges….

To fully take advantage of visual analytics, organizations need to address several challenges :

1. Meeting the need for speed

2. Understanding the data

3. Addressing data quality

4. Displaying meaningful results

Data Visualization - Variety

Basic Concepts to generate best Visual Analytics

Understand the data we are trying to visualize, including its size and cardinality

Determine what we are trying to visualize and what kind of information we want to communicate

Know your audience and understand how it processes visual information

Use a visual that conveys the information in the best and simplest form for your audience

6 Thinking Hats – Data Visualisation

By Edward De Bono, 1985 Six metaphorical hats and each defines a certain type of thinking Put on or take off one of these hats to indicate the type of

thinking you are using This putting on and taking off is essential, because it allows

you to switch from one type of thinking to another When done in a group, everybody should wear the same hat at

the same time

Principle – 6 Thinking Hats

Parallel thinking which ensures that all the people in a meeting are focused on and thinking about the same subject at the same time.

Another Story.....

A cartoon- Mr Benn (famous ,probably only UK people will recognise)

1/8 Hats - Initiator

The ‘Leader’ – seeks a solution The person with problem/curosity/opportunity ,appetite to

explore, find answers Researchers mindset Creates Analytical direction Sets tone of the project Indentifies and sets parameters

2/8 Hats –Data ScientistThe Data Scientist is characterised as the data miner, wearing the miner's hat.

Responsible for sourcing, acquiring, handling and preparing the data

Hold the key statistical knowledge to understand the most appropriate techniques and mathematical methods.

Apply this to undertake the initial descriptive analysis of the data, to commence the familiarisation process of this raw material.

They will also begin to undertake exploratory visual analysis to learn about the patterns, relationships and physical properties of the data.

3/8 Hats - JournalistThe Journalist is the storyteller, the person who establishes the narrative approach to the visualisation's problem context

They work on formulating the data questions that help keep the project's focus on its intended editorial path

Building on the Initiator's initial steer the Journalist will develop a deeper researcher mindset to really explore the analytical opportunities

4/8 Hats –Computer Scientist

The Computer Scientist is the executor, this is the person who brings the project alive

They are the ones who will construct the key solutions at the design stage

Also bolster the Data Scientist with technical know-how to most effectively and efficiently handle the data gathering, manipulation and pre-production visualisation activities

5/8 Hats –Designer

The designer is the creative, the one who, in harmony with the Computer Scientist, will deliver the solution.

They manage the five key layers of any visualisation's anatomy: data representation, colour and background, layout and arrangement, animation or interaction options and the annotation layer

They have the eye for visual detail, a flair for innovation and style and are fully appreciative of the potential possibilities that exist.

6/8 Hats –Cognitive ScientistThe Cognitive Scientist is the thinker in terms of appreciating the science behind the effectiveness of the technical and designed solutions

They have the visual perception understanding to inform how the eye and the brain work most effectively and efficiently

They also can inform the design process in relation to the complexities of how the mind works in terms of memory, attention, decision-making and behavioural change

7/8 Hats –NegotiatorThe Communicator is the negotiator

They act as the client-customer-designer gateway informing all parties of the respective needs, feedback loops and progress updates

They need to be able to articulate and explain matters to different types of people, technical and non-technical, and be capable of managing expectations and relationships

Ultimately launch, publicise and showcase the final work

8/8 Hats –Project Manager

 Manager does much to pick up many of the unpopular duties to bring the whole project together

They manage the process and look after the project's progress, ensuring it is cohesive, on time and on message

Summary - Data Visualisation Design View of how the relevance of these mindsets and duties surfaces at

different points of a typical visualisation design process.

How to Install R Studio

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. It includes a console, syntax-highlighting editor that supports direct code execution, as well as tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management.                                                 

In order to run R and R-studio on your system, you need to follow the following three steps in the same order.

Install R Install R-Studio Install R-Packages (If needed) 

Prerequisites for RStudio

These software packages can be downloaded from and respectively and are available on the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X platforms.

It must be noted that the R-Scripts can run without the installation of the IDE, using R-Console, and students are free to use any other IDE for R if they wish to do so.

Any version of R (2.11.1 or higher)

Installation Steps

Step 1: Download the latest version of RStudio

IDE for your Windows platform


Step 2 :Start the installation and follow the

steps required by the Setup Wizard

Installation RStudio for Linux

For complete R System installation in Linux, follow the instructions on the following link (Link )

For Ubuntu with Apt-get installed, execute 

sudo apt-get install r-base  in terminal.

Install Package in R Studio

In RStudio

Go to Tools Install Packages Enter the Package name


In RStudio console type

> install. packages(“Package name")

Types of plots in R - Histogram

A histogram consists of parallel vertical bars that graphically shows the frequency distribution of a quantitative variable. The area of each bar is equal to the frequency of items found in each class.

ExampleConsider the R built-in data set  faithful, the histogram of

the eruptions variable is a collection of parallel vertical bars showing the number of eruptions classified according to their durations.

ProblemFind the histogram of the eruption durations in faithful.

SolutionWe apply the hist function to produce the histogram of

the eruptions variable.

Types of plots in R – Bar plot

A bar graph of a qualitative data sample consists of vertical parallel bars that shows the frequency distribution graphically.

ExampleConsider the R built-in data set  painter from MASS package, the

bar graph of the School variable is a collection of vertical bars showing the number of painters in each school.

ProblemFind the bar graph of the painter schools in the data set painters.


We first apply the table function to compute the frequency distribution of the School variable

Types of plots in R – Pie Chart

A pie chart of a qualitative data sample consists of pizza wedges that shows the frequency distribution graphically.

ExampleConsider the R built-in data set  painters, the pie chart of

the School variable is a collection of pizza wedges showing the proportion of painters in each school.

ProblemFind the pie chart of the painter schools in the data set painters.

Solution. We first apply the table function to produce the frequency

distribution of School.

Types of plots in R – Scatter plot

A scatter plot pairs up values of two quantitative variables in a data set and display them as geometric points inside a Cartesian diagram.

ExampleConsider the R built in data set faithful, we pair up

the eruptions and waiting values in the same observation as(x,y) coordinates. Then we plot the points in the Cartesian plane.

ProblemFind the scatter plot of the eruption durations and waiting intervals

in faithful. Does it reveal any relationship between the variables?

Solution We apply the plot function to compute the scatter plot

of eruptions and waiting

Types of plots in R – Box plot Box plot is a graphical representation based on its quartiles, as well as its

smallest and largest values. It attempts to provide a visual shape of the data distribution. Minimum, maximum, median, first & third quartiles

In descriptive statistics, the quartiles of a ranked set of data values are the three points that divide the data set into four equal groups, each group comprising a quarter of the data.


Types of plots in R – Box plot

Extension from one to many variables for comparison purposes


Wider range

Skewed Dist(Not


Plots for basic descriptive statistics

Plotting probability distributions : Frequency and HistogramEfficiency of data frequency to understand structure of dataset

Frequency ~ number of times a value in dataset

Histogram ~ frequency distribution of unique value in dataset

More visual than a table

Value Frequency  


56 11/153   = 0.60%

57 31/153   = 1.9%

58 21/153   = 1.30%

59 21/153   = 1.30%

61 31/153   = 1.9%

hist (airquality$Temp)

Plots for basic descriptive statistics

Probability distributions : cumulative, P-P plot, Q-Q plot“Accumulation” of the probabilities between 0 and 1

« Accumulation » of probability « bars »

from probability histogram

Plots for basic descriptive statistics

Q-Q plot to check conformance with theoretical distribution

qqplot(airquality$Temp, rnorm(n = length(airquality$Temp), mean = mean(airquality$Temp) , sd = sd(airquality$Temp)))


Plots for basic descriptive statistics

Scatterplot ~ plot one variable against another (one per axis)



Plot all variable against every other variable