Download - Daily Writing #2

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Jaime Mothershead

Prof. Lynn Raymond

UWRT 1102-013

21 January 2016

Daily Writing #2

I feel that I don’t have that strong of a connection to the topic that I picked to do my work

on, but I can manage to make it work or I might just pick a different topic to work on. I’ve

considered doing work on a park or the white water rafting center as well. The process that I

used last week to get a better understanding of my topic was the listing activity and the

clustering. I found the listing activity to be helpful because we could organize our thoughts and it

even helped us to make a longer list because we had to think of more and more topics to cover so

we could make our list a decent size.

After finishing the semester long project with Steven I feel like I really connected with

our semester long project. I knew initially that I would have to put in a good amount of work but

I didn’t expect to come up with the idea of interviewing people or a local running store to add to

the project. After collecting all our sources together, we had a lot more information that what we

could have included on our final product in just 25 slides. A lot of it was related to what we

already covered but it was just a more in depth look. Things like the design and the wildlife were

heavily expanded on in two PDF files that we found. When I went out on the greenways to take

pictures I felt an even stronger connection too because I really noticed how beautiful and

peaceful it was. That’s also why I connected to it even more. I wanted to show the audience how

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beautiful it all looks and talk about why greenways are important. The abundant wildlife just

adds to the experience.