Download - Czechia, bohemia and moravia

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My English - my appology…

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Tere = Ahoj/Čau/Nazdar + Ahojky. Čauky. Ahojda. Čavec… etc.

Good morning/evening = Dobrý ráno/večer/den----------------

• „Jmenuji se Ivan (a) jsem Čech.“ My name is Ivan (and) I am Czech.

• „Hezký den. Jak se máte?“ Have a nice day. How are you doing?

• „Díky… Díky moc.“ Thanks… Many thanks.

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Czech language has its own peculiarities: a) 7 cases, b) less vocals, c) special sound „Ř, ř“

We use sound Ř for 500 years - we are proud of it,only Aymara Indians in Latin America have it too.

Some examples to try:

„Strč prst skrz krk.“ (= strchprstskrzkrk)„Tři sta třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček…“

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So I think that I will not speak Czech:Have a nice journey around Czech lands…(What you see behind me is a part of the Bohemian Paradise.)

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On the origins of the name „Čech“ – our favourite legend:

Great grandfather called „Čech“ (Chekh) came with his small group of Slavs to the mountain Říp near Prague.

He decided to stay because „country was rich in honey and milk…“

• Let´s watch his story in funny cartoons:


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What does „Czech“/“Čech“ in name of Czechia or the Czech Republic mean?

• Word „Čech“ (Czech) comes from: • Člověk ( = it´s close to „č(ch)elovek“ in Russian) + ch (kh) - it is used to say „our“ or „close“ man

It means that Čech means „our man“ or „friend“.

So „Czechia“ is a „country of friends“ and „Czech Republic“ is the „Republic of our friends“

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My homeland – Czech country – is called:

Česko = Czechia České země = Czech lands

and Čechy a Morava = Bohemia and Moravia

(Bohemia – celtic tribe Boii, Moravia– celtic tribe Markomanii)

Česká republika = the Czech Republic

Má vlast/My country – Bedřich Smetana

Full version:

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I am Czech from the Eastern Bohemiafrom Hradec Králové – Qeen´s Castle…

Czech Republic Hradec Králové - Region

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My country is quite old …- the fourth oldest crown jewels in Europe.

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The nation´s history is a thing which all the Czechs often like to speak about …

Czech history in 10 minutes

Silver coin that was called „The Czech Grosh“ – a hard currency in medieval Europe:

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This is our best king: Charles IV (1316-78)The king and emperor Karel IV. made Prague a seat and capital of a big multinational state - so called „Holy Roman Empire“ -

and Czech language was one of its 4 main languages in Europe (together with German, Italian and Latin).

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We have many old castles… This one is called after Karel IV – Karlštejn/Karel´s stone

The castle was built to keep Czech and imperial jewels there.

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We are proud of 1st Czech president T.G.Masaryk, university professor

A wise man who established our republic in Oct.1918

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Jan Hus - 14th century priest, religious thinker, philosopher, university professor…

Jan Hus simplified grammar of the Czech languageby creating signs ´ ˇ - eg. š-č-ř-ž-ý-í-á-é – Čech, Říp

So we have saved our hands as well as a lot of paper and ink because of him.

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Jan Hus started reform in 14th centuryHe was executed in Germany - burnt on stake…

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We like to remember „Husites“…who followed his teaching and were strong to defeat

crusaders´armies from the whole Europe – they invented short guns-pistols in 15th cent.

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Jan Amos Komenský - thinker and teacher in early 17th century – J.A.K. spent his life in exile

He wanted to make schools friendly. He wrote nice textbooks and made material

for teachers . Pupils in Europe have better classes thanks to him. Comenius

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We are also proud of our first poets… such as romantic and young Karel Hynek Mácha

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And for our best writers - novelists…such as 19t century writer Jan Neruda

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We are very proud of our theatres and drama… We built National Theatre in 1880´s

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We like to listen to our music and like our composers such as Bedřich Smetana

String Quartet No. 1 -

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Or music by Antonín Dvořák… who wrote „New World Symphony“ and „Humoresque“: http://www.

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20th century Czech painting is good

Václav Špála Emil Filla

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Czech painter František Kupka Shape of Blue

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Our painters often like blue colourWe do not have a sea, but we have lakes and mountains.

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Such as Karel H. Mácha´s Lake…

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We have many small towns…such as Jičín which I like a lot

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And other small towns…

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And some bigger towns…

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And even bigger towns…

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And even bigger ones…Brno – the capital city of Moravia

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And we have around 600 castles…

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And ruins of castles…

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And some more nice lakes and rocks…

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And some more rocks…

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And more lakes and castles…

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And mountains…

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And it´s the highest mountain - Sněžka

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Our highest mountains are called Krkonoše (the Giant Mountains)

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I like these mountains…

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As well as these nice lakes in woods…

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And it´s my town Hradec during the day…(Confluence of 2 rivers - Labe and Orlice)

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It´s my town during the night

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And it is Hradec Králové (Qeen´s Castle) from above…

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The centre of Hradec Králové

City parks Old houses

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The old squares of Hradec…

Holy Spirit Cathedral Great Square

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Its old streets and towers…

The White Tower Behind the Cathedral

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And Hradec in the night again…(Each New Year Eve we have a firework with music.)

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And this is our capital city Praha…Charles Bridge and the „Hradčany“ Castle

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It is a view of Hrad in the night…Prague Castle – the seat of Czech kings and presidents

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And among these presidents was a writer and playwright

Václav Havel

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And this is again a nice town of Jičín I like spending summer holidays near there…

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This small town is famous by fairy tales…There are festivals of fairy tales every year there.

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And the most famous of them is about very good, nice and honest robber and his family…

(Rumcajs, Manka and their son Cipísek)

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Jičín´s region called Bohemian (Czech) Paradise“ has castles, rocks and lakes…

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And other castles, rocks and lakes…

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And some more castles…

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And many more other castles…

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And many other castles and rocks…

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And many other castles and lakes…

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Our region has many small towns…

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And even smaller towns…

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And also a lot of villages…

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The Czech lands in Europe

seem to be


are very small….

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The Czechs…

are a bit crazy sometimes…

But also quite normal…


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We celebrate Christmas on Dec. 24th… We have a tree and gifts are given by Jezulátko –a child.

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We like Easter when girls are „beaten“ and they like giving eggs for that …

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On each April 30th we love to organize spring „witch fires“ all over the country

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And now: No more info, I will stop…Now comes… Czech quiz to check you:

What is the name of the capital of my country?

• Warszawa (Warszaw)• Budapest• Praha (Prague)• ………………….

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Czechia is a bit bigger than Estonia…

How many people live in the Czech lands?

• 10 mil• 20 mil.• 3 mil

• …………………

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We produce many sorts of goods…(You can pick up more than one.)

• Which items are not our typical products?• Car• Mobile• Beer• China• Glass• ………………………

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We produce cars for 130 years…

What´s our traditonal brand of cars we produce?

• Skoda• Nissan• Ford• Hyundai• ………..

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We all live in Europe

Who are our close neighbours?

• Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus• Germany, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine• Poland, Austria, Ukraine, Hungary• Austria, Poland, Germany, Slovakia

• ……………………………….

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We are Slavs such as…

• Portuguese• Basks• Albanians• Romanians• Slovaks• Lithuanians

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What sports or games do Czechs like?

• What do you think are our favourite sports?

• long distance run• ice-hockey• soccer• table tennis• shooting

• …………………….

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And now I have some answers…

• Our capital is called Praha (Prague) • It has around 1.3 million inhabitants• It has a history longer than 1000 years…


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About the Czech Republic …

• My country has about 10.4 mil inhabitants • It is a lowland surrounded by mountains• Our highest mountains are Krkonoše• Our highest mountain is Sněžka (Snowhill)• Sněžka has 1602 metres• We have around 600 castles• We produce cars, beer, glass, china…

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Our numerous neighbours in Europe…We think and feel that we live in the „heart of Europe“.

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And these are our closest neighbours… (Austria, Germany, Poland, Slovakia)

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We produce china…

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And crystal glass

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And beer… (not for students)…

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We over 120 years produce Škoda carsAnd they are also being sold only to adults.

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Listen to more songs by Tomáš Klus…

Songs in the concerts• Do nebe•

watch?v=fbMUHNn0tkk• Dopis•

watch?v=QhRg-r_FEXU• Malčik•


Songs with the lyrics• Nina•

watch?v=6yRqLoJ1w5k• Marie•

watch?v=bV8WtYrhFn8• Až•


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Men like songs by Nohavica and Kryl...

Jaromír Nohavica• Darmoděj •

watch?v=Oz02o74ZHMU• Kometa•

watch?v=dQrC0mSRNUk• Když mne brali za vojáka•


Karel Kryl• Karavana mraku•

watch?v=aPutMoW4ysQ• Král a klaun•

watch?v=WSBOmzzFfgQ• Děkuji•


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Our parents behave the same way as in any European country (eg. in Estonia)

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And this is one basic school in Hradec (One of many. There are more of them there.)

My daughter´s 1st day in school. And this was even in newspaper

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Our children have 2 months of summer holiday and start school in the age of 6

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And back again to Hradec Králové - it´s a very nice town: royal and historical:

Lion with crown is a symbol of royal power.

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And this is 20th century Hradec Králové…

Ulrich Square F. L. Rieger Square

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Some traces of the early 20th century…

The Elbe Embankment The Power station

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And this is a contemporary city…

My secondary school University library

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And this is Hradec Králové of today…

University Swimming pool

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Hradec is very beautiful at any time…

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What can I say about Hradec Králové?

• It has around 100 000 people…• It is old – mid 13th century royal dowry town• It is green – it has many large and nice parks • It has nice 2 rivers – Labe and Orlice…• It has university and it was also the centre of

our national revival in 19th century.…• Hradec is much like Tartu… That´s what I feel.•

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There are nice places close to Hradec…

Chlumec nad Cidlinou Doudleby nad Orlicí

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And other nice places are near to it…

Častolovice Hrádek u Nechanic

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And nice towns around Hradec….

Vysoké Mýto Litomyšl

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Hradec is in North Eastern Bohemia

• Its region has around 600 000 inhabitants• It is hilly and has highest mountains in my country• It produces Skoda cars, beer and glass• It is placed on the North East End of my country

• More information about Hradec Králové Region:•

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Hradec Králové has a nice area aroundKrkonoše, Orlické hory, Adršpach, Kuks, Český ráj…

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Orlické hory – the Eagle Mountains

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Kuks – the Castle Hospital

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Český ráj - the Bohemian Paradise

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Krkonoše - the Giant Mountains

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There are many mountains in my region…

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Hradec Králové -Region


Orlické hory

Český ráj


Hradec Králové

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And it´s a coat of arms of our region…

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Estonia - Czechia1,332,893 inhabitants

45, 226 square km10, 505, 445 inhabitants

78, 867 square km

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Czech nation´s tastes + hobbiesOur historyDo-it-yourselfGardeningFamily cottagesCycling and hikingTravellingBeer or KofolaTea and Coffee Dumplings and porkApples, cherries, plumsCarp for Christmas

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Czechs do many things, but they often do like tennis, ice hockey and soccer…

• Petra Kvitová – a tennis player•

• Jaromír Jágr – an ice-hockey player•

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Petra Kvitová

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And… Petra Kvitová again…She is very nice, optimistic and joyful person.

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Jaromír Jágr

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We like jogging more and more… Nonetheless we are not the best at it.

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We like climbing of mountains…

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We like week-ends at the cottage…

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We also like birthday parties…

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We like fun on the top of Zebín hill…

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And we like having fun every day…

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I like gardening in my free time…

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And I like living inTartu, in Estonia.

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Pěkný den. – Have a nice day…

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