Download - CURRICULUM VITAE - Kenyatta · African Women in Agriculture Research (AWARD) at Arusha, Tanzania. 2011: January 31st

Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE - Kenyatta · African Women in Agriculture Research (AWARD) at Arusha, Tanzania. 2011: January 31st




NAME : Dr. Sophie Atieno Ochola


TELEPHONE : + 254 20651755

CELL PHONE : + 254 721449803

EMAIL ADDRESS : [email protected]

[email protected]/[email protected]


GENDER : Female



Page 2: CURRICULUM VITAE - Kenyatta · African Women in Agriculture Research (AWARD) at Arusha, Tanzania. 2011: January 31st



a) Academic Qualifications

2008: PhD in Nutritional Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town,

December 2008

Title of thesis: Evaluation of two counseling strategies improving exclusive breastfeeding rates among HIV-

negative mothers in Kibera slum of Nairobi, Kenya: a Randomized controlled trial:

1992: Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition, University of Nairobi

Title of thesis: The Use of Oral Rehydration Therapy in the Management of Diarrhoeal Diseases in the Peri-

Urban Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. University of Nairobi, 1992

1978: Bachelor of Education in Home Economics; First Class Honors.

University of Nairobi, 1978

b) Professional Qualifications

Regional Training on E-Learning at Kenyatta University organized by E-Learning Network in Food and

Nutrition Security with Partner Universities in Eastern Africa and Europe (eLEFANS) on 2nd December


Regional Training on E-Learning at Makerere University organized by E-Learning Network in Food

and Nutrition Security with Partner Universities in Eastern Africa and Europe (eLEFANS) from 8th -

12th September, 2015

Training on the Preparation of Detailed Implementation Plans for Large Country Lot Assurance

Sampling, jointly organized by the Micronutrient Initiative and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

from 14th to 17th October 2014 at Micronutrient Initiative Office, Kenya.

Regional Training on E-Learning at Kenyatta University organized by E-Learning Network in Food

and Nutrition Security with Partner Universities in Eastern Africa and Europe (eLEFANS) from 8th -

12th September, 2014

Training in Pedagogy (Teaching methods) organized by the Directorate of Quality Assurance,

Kenyatta University, 12th to 16th May, 2014.

2011: February 21st to 27th attended training on Science Writing and Communication organized by

African Women in Agriculture Research (AWARD) at Arusha, Tanzania.

2011: January 31st to 4th February participated in training on Kinanthropometry by the “International

Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry” (ISAK), collaboration between University of

Stellenbosch Cape Town and Kenyatta University, Nairobi. Obtained ISAK Level 1 Anthropometrist.

2010: August, participated in E–Moddle Writing Training, conducted by Kenyatta University under

the Partnership of Kenyatta for Higher Education in Africa’s Educations Technology Initiative (PHEA-

ETI) to develop an online University Common Course in Research Methodology for all Postgraduate

Students in Kenyatta University. I was contracted by the University to develop e-content for two topics;

Population and Sampling and Ethical Issues in Research.

2009: 18th to 20th February participated in a training on Development of Poster Presentations at the

1st Uganda Food and Nutrition Congress Pre-congress training, Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort Hotel,

Kampala, Uganda.

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c) Other Courses attended

2002: Participated in a Regional Training on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS at a

USAID sponsored workshop at Mombasa, Kenya.

2000: Participated in a Regional Training of Trainers of Trainers (ToTs)

Workshop on Nutrition of Older Population organized by Help Age International at the

Kenya Commercial Bank Training Centre, Karen, Nairobi

2000: Participated in a training on the Development of Logical Framework by

UNICEF at Naivasha Hotel, Kenya


2013 to date: Senior Lecturer and Chairman, Department of Food, Nutrition and

Dietetics, Kenyatta, University

2009 to 2011: Lecturer, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta


1998 to 2008: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics,

Kenyatta University

1994 to 1997: Head of Test Development Department, Kenya National

Examinations Council, Nairobi.

1989 to 1993: Head of Science and Mathematics Section, Department of Test


1981 to 1988: Senior Examinations Officer, Kenya National Examinations

Council, Nairobi

1978 to 1980: Home Science teacher at Alliance Girls High School, Kikuyu


1975 to 1977: Home Science teacher at Loreto Girls High School, Limuru Kenya


4.1 At Kenyatta University

August 2013 to date: Appointed Chairman, Department of Food, Nutrition and


2013 to date: Appointed Member of the Inter-School of Applied Human

Sciences’ Research Committee

2011 to date: Appointed Chairman, School of Applied Human Sciences’

Research Committee

2011 to date: Appointed Chairman, School of Applied Human Sciences’

post graduate student’s board

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April- May 2011: Appointed Acting Chairman, Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics

January 2010 to date: Chairman, Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics’

post graduate student’s board

19th to 24th July 2010: Appointed Acting Chairman, Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics

28th to 30th Oct 2010: Appointed Acting Chairman, Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics

2009 to date: Appointed Associate Editor, Journal of School of Applied

Human Science

2009 to date: Class advisor, Post Graduate Students

25th April 2001: Appointed Departmental Examinations Coordinator

October 1999 : Appointed Chairman of Post Graduate Students Committee

Member of the following Ad hoc Committees:

2013: Appointed Secretary to a committee on Pre-Registration of Randomized

Clinical Trials

2012: Graduate School Committee to develop criteria for payment of thesis

supervision and examination rates

2012: Graduate School Committee to Harmonize Proposal and Thesis

Writing Guidelines

2008: Member of the School of Applied Human Sciences Strategic Planning


4.2 At Other Institutions

1994 to 1997: Head of Test Development Department, Kenya National

Examinations Council, Nairobi.

1989 to 1993: Head of Science and Mathematics Section, Department of Test


1981 to 1988: Senior Examinations Officer, Kenya National Examinations

Council, Nairobi

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5.1 PhD Supervision

5.1.1 Completed


Juliana Kioo, “Bioequivalence of micronutrient powders to conventional fortification on zinc sus of

children aged 6-36 months in Thika informal settlements, Kenya. Department of Foods, Nutrition

& Dietetics Kenyatta University. Research grant from National Council of Science, Technology

and Innovation (NACOSTI) and CODESRIA. Department of Food, Nutrition & Dietetics,

Kenyatta University. Completed December 2016

Dorothy Othoo, “Impact of Spirulina Powder on Protein Energy Malnourished and Iron Deficient

Children aged 6-23 Months in Ndhiwa District Kenya. Department of Foods, Nutrition &

Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Completed December 2016.


Judith Munga “Chromium supplementation in management of Type 2 diabetes among patients

attending Thika level 5 hospital, Kenya: a randomized placebo controlled study”. Department of

Food, Nutrition & Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Completed October 2015

M’liria Joseph Kobia “Effectiveness of Mother-to-Mother-Support Groups in promoting Exclusive

Breastfeeding in Meru County, Kenya: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Department of Food,

Nutrition & Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Completed April 2015

Andrew Kiri Amegovu, “Efficacy of sorghum peanut blend and corn soy blend in the treatment of

moderate acute malnutrition in children aged 6-59 months in Karamoja, Uganda”. Department of

Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Completed June 2015.


Irene Awuor Ogada, “Effectiveness of couple counselling versus maternal counselling in promoting

exclusive breast feeding: a randomized controlled trial in Nyando district, Kenya. Department of

Food, Nutrition & Dietetics, Kenyatta University”. Research grant from National Council of

Science and Technology (NACOSTI). Completed December 2014

Judith Kanensi Okoth, “Development and utilization of amaranth grain to enhance nutritional status of

children underfive years of age, in Thika District, Kenya: A randomized trial”. Department of Food,

Nutrition & Dietetics Kenyatta University. Completed June 2014.

Lucy Joy Wachira, H87/20079/2010, “Assessment of physical activity, dietary intake, sedentary screen

time and adiposity of 10 year old school children in Nairobi County”. Department of Physical and

Health Education, Kenyatta University. Completed June 2014.

Florence Kaibi, “The role of agricultural biodiversity, dietary diversity, and household food security

in households with and without stunted children in rural Kenya”. Division of Human Sciences,

Stellenbosch University, Cape Town. Completed January 2014

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5.1.2 Ongoing

Francis M. Kidake, “The potential of local dishes in bridging vitamin a, iron and protein gaps in

complementary diets of children 6-23 months of age among banana-dependent communities of Kiboga

district Uganda. Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL

Janet Malla, “Utilization of moringa oleifera leaf powder to enhance the nutritional status of children

with special needs (cerebral palsy) aged 5 to 12 years in Nairobi, Kenya”. SUCCESSFULLY

DEVELOPED PROPOSAL – seeking ethical clearance

Dean Ominde Koros, “Effectiveness of Nutrition Education in Promoting Body Weight Reduction

among Overweight Primary School Children: A Randomised Controlled Trial in Nakuru County,

Kenya. Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL

Philimo Omondi Majwa, Assessment of the management of moderate acute malnutrition among

drought affected children aged 6-59 months in Turkana Central sub-County, Kenya. Department of

Community Health, Kenyatta University. Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL

5.2 Masters Supervision

5.2.1 Completed


Edward Kutondo, “The prevalence of undernutrition and associated factors among children aged 6-59

months in Mumias informal urban settlement, Kakamega County, Kneya”. MPH, Moi University,

Kenya. Completed October 2016.

Mahat Jimale Mohamed, “Comparison of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Exclusive

Breastfeeding Between Primiparous and Multiparous Mothers attending Wajir District Hospital, Wajir

County, Kenya”. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.


Solomon Mosomi Ogachi, “Dietary diversity of the school feeding program and factors influencing the

school feeding program in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya: A perspective of school principals/teacher in

charge. Master of Nutrition at the University of Stellenbosch. Completed March 2016


Jane Ilusa Nyabuti, “Factors associated with the continuation of growth monitoring among children

10 to 59 months old in Nyamira County, Kenya”. Department of Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics,

Kenyatta University. Completed December 2015

Dorcas PA Amunga, Complementary feeding practices and the anthropometric status of children aged

six to 23 months among the pastoralist communities of Isiolo County, Kenya. Stellenbosch

University, Cape Town. Completed March 2015


Kimwele Angelica Mueni, “Maternal Knowledge on Complementary Feeding Practices and Nutritional

Status of Children 6-23 Months old, attending Kahawa West Public Health Centre, Nairobi County”.

Department of Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Completed July 2014

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Jacob Kipruto Korir H60/20256/2010, “Complementary Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of

Children Aged 6-23 Months in Korogocho Slum, Nairobi County, Kenya”, Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Kenyatta


Maureen Awuor Okoth, H60/12702/2009, “Overweight and Obesity in Relation to Dietary Patterns

and Physical Activity among Adolescents attending Day Secondary Schools in Kisumu District, Kenya”.

Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Kenyatta University.

Makau Mary Ndanu, H60/10783/2008, “Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Children Aged 0-

59 Months accompanying incarcerated mothers in selected Women’s Prisons in Kenya”. Department

of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics Kenyatta University.


Grace Kihagi H60/10643/2007; “Childcare Practices, Nutrition Status and Morbidity Prevalence of

Children (6-59 Months Old) Among Internally Displaced Persons in Kieni Forest, Gatundu District,

Kenya”. Completion November 2012 and graduated December 2012. Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.

Leah Mututho H60/10302/2008; “Maternal Factors Associated with Exclusive Breastfeeding among

infants 0-6 months in Kasarani informal settlement, Molo district, Kenya”. Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University Completion July 2012 and graduated December 2012

Velma Nyapera H60/10301/2008; “Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of children from

Isinya and Nkoile primary schools in Kajiado district, Kenya. Department of Foods, Nutrition and

Dietetics Kenyatta University. Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University

Completed in June 2012 and graduated in July 2012.


Jane Ndung’u, “Assessment of Nutrition and Health Status and Child Care Practices of children

less than 5 years of age living in Children’s Homes in Nairobi”. Master of Public Health, Kenyatta

University. Graduated in 2004


Janet Otin, H60/12707/09, “Overweight and obesity in relation to feeding practices and physical

activity among pre-school children in Kibera slum, Nairobi. Department of Foods, Nutrition &

Dietetics, Kenyatta University. SUBMITTED THESIS FOR EXAMINATION

Beatrice Kemunto, H60/21071/2010, “Overweight, obesity and feeding practices of children aged

0-23 months attending Mbagathi and Riruta well baby clinics in Nairobi County, Kenya”.

Department of Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

Valerie Wambani, H60/10306/2008, “Oral Rehydration Solution, Zinc Supplementation and Feeding

Practices in the Management of Diarrhoea among Children aged 0-59 Months at Kakamega Hospital”.

Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

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Moreen Nandwa, H60/10316/2008, Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Weight Management

among Type 2 Diabetic Adults Visiting Mbagathi Hospital Nairobi County, Kenya. Department of

Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

Nancy Akomba Ingoshe, “Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Children aged 0-23 Months

born to Teenage Mothers in Korogocho Slum, Nairobi”. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and

Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

Naomi Mwikali, “Assessment of Mother-to- Mother Support Groups in the promotion of: A Case of

Mariakani District Hospital”. Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.


Stella Maloso Koini, “Complementary feeding practices and nutritional status of children 6-23 months

of age among Maasai community in Narok South sub-County, Kenya”. Department of Foods,

Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

Debora Achieng Ochanda, “Factors influencing the nutritional status of children aged 24-59 months

in fishing communities of beaches in Usigu division Bondo district, Kenya”. Department of Foods,

Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING THESIS

Mutuku Joyce Nzilani, “Complementary feeding and nutritional status among children aged 6-23

months in Marsabit County, Kenya”. Department of Community Health, Kenyatta University.


Linda Kaptuya Komen, H60/20310/2010, “The Role of Community Health Workers in the Promotion

and Support of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Thika District Hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya”.

Department of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. DATA COLLECTION

Seroney Jerotich Emmy, “Determinants and nutritional management of diarrhoea among children aged

0-59 months in Kaptembwa slum, Nakuru County, Kenya”. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and

Dietetics, Kenyatta University. DATA COLLECTION

Jennifer Wanjiru, “Determinants of nutritional status among oesophageal cancer patients attending

the outpatient clinic at Kenyatta national hospital, Nairobi Kenya”. Department of Foods, Nutrition,

and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. DATA COLLECTION

Mwaura Joel Kiarie, “Complementary Feeding Practices and Nutrition Status among Infants 6-23

Months Old in Babadogo Informal Settlement, Nairobi County, Kenya”. Department of Foods,

Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL

Bilhah Nandi, “Kitchen gardening, dietary diversity and nutrition status of children 6-23 months of

age in Lurambi division, Kakamega County, Kenya. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics,

Kenyatta University. DATA COLLECTION

Colleta Aoko Odera, “Complementary feeding knowledge, attitude and practices among care-givers

of children aged 6-23months, admitted to Kamukunji sub-county’s out-patient therapeutic programs,

Nairobi County, Kenya”. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.


Triza Njoki Macharia, “The association between household food security and infant feeding practices

in urban informal settlements in Nairobi County, Kenya” Department of Foods, Nutrition, and

Dietetics, Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL

Beatrice Atieno Opiyo, “Dietary and physical activity practices among Type II diabetic adults

attending Rift Valley level 4 hospital, Nakuru County, Kenya”. WRITING PROPOSAL

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Esther Anono, “Role of gender on dietary consumption patterns and nutritional status of the elderly in

Kathonzweni sub-County, Makueni County”. Department of Foods, Nutrition, and Dietetics,

Kenyatta University. WRITING PROPOSAL


6.1 Participation in workshops/conferences

Participated in an African Nutritional Sciences Research Consortium of researchers and academia whose

goal is to build a PhD training programme in basic laboratory research in nutritional science in Africa

on 1st December 2016 at the Hemmingways House Karen, Nairobi Kenya

Participated in a National Food and Nutrition Symposium organized by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)

movement (Academia Chapter) from 23rd to 24th November 2016 at the Kenya School of Government,


Participated in a panel discussion on Looking Forward to Better Nutrition for Africa at the 2016 Regional

Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) Annual Conference at the Labadi Beach

Hotel in Accra, Ghana, from October 18-20, 2016.

Participated in a Regional Consultative Workshop on the Development of the regional In-service

nutrition training package and the regional Pre-service model curricula for the front line workers in

Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania from 27th – 30th September 2016, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Participated in to a Seminar on Agrobiodiversity for Child Nutrition conducted by Bioversity

International on 16th and 17th July 2015 in Entebbe, Uganda

Participated in the Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) conference, Arusha 25th to

29th May, 2015

Participated in a Workshop on the Progress of Postgraduate Students’ Research: Challenges and how

to minimize them at Stellenbosch University Cape Town as a guest speaker from 23rd to 27th July 2014.

Nutrition and Health in Children Workshop at the Department of Paediatrics, School of Health Sciences,

Kenyatta University, 25th June 2014

Scientific Workshop on Nutrition and Health Challenges in Children 16-16 years of age, held in Gurgao,

New Delhi, India, 20th to 26th March 2014

Africa’s Nutrition Conference at North Coast Beach Hotel Mombasa, Kenya, 10-14th March, 2014

IUNS Nutrition Congress in Granada Spain, 15th -20th September 2013

Attended the 4th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference in Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi form 4-8th

October 2010.

Attended the International Conference of Nutrition (ICN) in Bangkok from 4-9th October, 2009.

Uganda Nutrition Congress, 19th -20th February 2009.

Attended the FANUS Conference in Morocco held from 7th to 9th May 2007.

Attended the AHILA Congress in Mombasa 23rd-27th October 2006

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Attended the CENER meeting in Nairobi, July 2006.

Attended UN Subcommittee Nutrition Meeting in Chennai, India, March 2003.

Attended an International Workshop to Review of the Sphere Project on the Human Charter and

Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, Holiday Inn Hotel, October 2002

Attended Regional Workshop on HIV/Aids and Nutrition, (sponsored by USAID) at Jadini Hotel,

Mombasa Kenya, and 19th to 23rd August 2002.

Attended Regional Conference on the Use of Information Technology for the Advancement of Nutrition

in Africa (ITANA), in Nairobi July 2002.

Attended an International Stakeholders Planning Meeting Workshop on Harnessing Agricultural

Technology to Improve the Health of the Poor: Biofortified Crops to Combat Micronutrient

Malnutrition, at Washington DC, 28th to 30th May 2002.

Attended Regional Symposium on Nutrition and Ageing organized by HelpAge International at KCCT

Mbagathi, Nairobi, 23rd to 25th march, 2002.

Attended Regional Training Workshop on Nutrition of the Elderly Persons by HelpAge International at

the KCCT Mbagathi, Nairobi, January 2001

Attended Regional Conference on Reorientation of Home Economics Curriculum at Kampala, April


Attended Regional Conference on Reorientation of Home Economics at Nairobi, 1987.

6.2 Presentation of papers at academic and professional conferences/workshops

Sophie Ochola, Elijah Mbiti, Esther Kariuki, Lucy Murage, Festus Kiplamai, Jacqueline Kung’u

Monitoring coverage of micronutrient programs in Kenya: Lessons learned from using Large Country

Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LC-LQAS) surveys. Paper presented at the National Food and Nutrition

Symposium organized by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement (Academia Chapter) from 23rd to

24th November 2016 at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.

Sophie Ochola, The predictors of exclusive breastfeeding in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya:

a prospective study. Paper presented at the Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS)

conference, Arusha 25th to 29th May, 2015

Irene Ogada, Sophie Ochola and Zandile Mchiza, Opportunities and barriers in promoting exclusive

breastfeeding among fathers: Experience of couple-counseling in Nyando District, Kenya. Paper

presented at the Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) conference, Arusha 25th to 29th

May, 2015

Juliana Kioo, Sophie Ochola, Elizabeth Kuria and Ruth Nduati. Dietary intake, iron and zinc status of

moderately malnourished children aged 6-36 months in Thika Urban Slums, Kenya. Paper presented at

the Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) conference, Arusha 25th to 29th May, 2015

Irene Ogada, Sophie Ochola, Zandile Mchiza, Rosebella Onyango and Florence Okeyo. Influence of

Couple-counselling and Maternal-counselling on Early Breastfeeding Practices in Nyando District,

Kenya. Nutrition Congress 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sophie Ochola. Challenges of doing research in Africa: How do we overcome them? Paper presented

at the Postgraduate Research Workshop in Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, 23rd to 27th July 2014.

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Sophie Ochola. Infant and Young Child Feeding in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities: Paper

presented at the Nutrition and Health Workshop by the Department of Paediatrics, School of Health

Sciences, Kenyatta University on 25th June 2014

Sophie Ochola. Current and Future Health and Nutrition Challenges among Children 6-16 years of age

in Kenya. Paper presented at a Scientific Workshop in Gurgaon, New Delhi India, 20th -26th March, 2014

Sophie Ochola. Are households with and without children with stunted growth significantly different in

dietary diversity and household food security in rural Kenya? Africa Nutrition Conference, North Coast

Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Sophie Ochola. Efficacy of amaranth- sorghum grains complementary food in treating moderately

undernourished children in an urban low-resource setting, Thika district, Kenya: a randomized trial.

Africa Nutrition Conference, North Coast Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Mututho Leah, Sophie Ochola and Elizabeth Kuria. Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding among infants

less than six months in a rural informal settlement, Molo district, Kenya. Africa Nutrition Conference,

North Coast Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Grace Kihagi, Sophie Ochola and Dorcus Mbithe, Childcare practices, nutrition status and morbidity

prevalence of underfives among internally displaced persons in Kieni forest, Gatundu district, Kenya.

Africa Nutrition Conference, North Coast Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Mary Makau Ndanu, Sophie Ochola and Dorcus Mbithe, Feeding practices and nutritional status of

children aged 0-59 months accompanying incarcerated mothers in selected. Africa Nutrition

Conference, North Coast Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Jack Kipruto, Sophie Ochola and Winfred Nyamota. Determinants of complementary feeding practices

and nutritional status of children 6-23 months old in Korogocho slum, Nairobi County, Kenya. Africa

Nutrition Conference, North Coast Hotel, Mombasa. 10th to 14th March 2014.

Sophie Ochola. Potentials and barriers to exclusive breastfeeding among women in an urban low-

resource setting in Nairobi, Kenya: a qualitative study. Paper presented at IUNS Nutrition Congress in

Granada Spain, 15th -20th September 2013

Sophie Ochola. Influence of agricultural biodiversity on household food security and stunted growth in

children aged 24-59 months in rural Kenya. Paper presented at IUNS Nutrition Congress in Granada

Spain, 15th -20th September 2013

Sophie Ochola. Soliciting Research Grants, a paper presented at the School of Applied Human Sciences

Postgraduate Workshop held on 22nd September, 2011

Sophie Ochola. Presented two papers at the 4th Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference in Safari

Park Hotel, Nairobi form 4-8th October 2010. The titles of the papers were:

o “Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in a low-resource urban setting in Kenya”.

o “Evaluation of two counseling strategies promoting exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-

negative mothers in Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya: a randomized controlled trial”.

Sophie Ochola. Presented two papers at the International Conference of Nutrition (ICN) in Bangkok

from 4-9th October, 2009. The titles of the papers are:

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o “Evaluation of Facility-based and Home-based counseling promoting Exclusive breastfeeding

among HIV-negative mothers in Kibera Slum, Nairobi Kenya” DISTINGUISHED POSTER


o “Predictors of Exclusive breastfeeding in a low-resource setting in Nairobi, Kenya”.


Sophie Ochola. Presented a paper “Evaluation of two counseling strategies promoting exclusive

breastfeeding among HIV-negative mothers in Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya: A randomized controlled

trial”, at the Uganda Nutrition Congress, 19th -20th February 2009.

Sophie Ochola. Presented a paper “Complementary Feeding Practices and related factors in Kibera

Slum of Nairobi, Kenya”, at the FANUS Conference in Morocco held from 7th to 9th may 2007.

Sophie Ochola. Presented a paper, “Mothers’ perceptions on health facility and community-based

counseling strategies in promoting exclusive breastfeeding practices in Kenya: A case for re-packaging

of information”, at the AHILA Congress in Mombasa 23rd-27th October 2006.

Sophie Ochola. Presented a paper, “Breastfeeding a priority in addressing infant growth and nutrition”,

at the CENER meeting in Nairobi, July 2006.

6.3 Convening and coordinating conferences

10-14th March 2014 Convened Africa’s Nutrition Conference at the North Coast Conference

Hotel Mombasa. The conference was organized by the department of

Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, Nairobi.

7-8th September 2011: Convened E-Resources Training Workshop, a collaboration of Kenyatta

University, Mann Library-Cornell University and ITOCA (TEEAL) for

Postgraduate students in the Department of Foods, Nutrition and

Dietetics, Kenyatta University Conference Centre.

22nd September 2011: Coordinated a one-day Capacity Building Workshop for Postgraduate

students in the School of Applied Human Sciences at the Student’s

Business Centre, Kenyatta University

May 3rd-6th 2011: Convened Nutrition in Emergencies training workshop for the academic

staff and postgraduate students conducted by the Food Security and

Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) at the Kenyatta University Conference


2010: Member of the Local Organization and Scientific Committees for the 4th

Annual Nutrition Epidemiological Conference (ANEC) 3rd to 8th October

2010, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.

2010: Member of the ANEC Scientific Committee to review abstracts for

intended presentations at the ANEC Conference

10th May 2010: Convened a one-day training seminar for academic staff and

postgraduate students of the department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

on Research Methods and Guidelines for Postgraduate Students on

research work at the Students’ Business Centre, Kenyatta University

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6.4 Professional Trainings /workshops conducted

2004: Trainer in a two-week FAO funded Nutrition in Emergencies Course. A joint

programme of the nutrition departments of Kenyatta University and the

University of Nairobi

2004: Trainer in a one-week UNICEF sponsored training workshop for the Ministry

of Health (Kenya) nutritionists on “Nutrition in Emergencies”.

2002: Training of health workers on Rapid Health and Nutritional

Assessment in Famine Situation and Health and Nutritional Rehabilitation

during Famine for the Diploma in Community Health Disaster Management


2001 and 2010: Training of supervisors and enumerators on how to conduct Knowledge,

Practice and Coverage (KPC) Surveys for CRS Sudan and Kenya Programme


2001: Training of HelpAge Kenya project implementers on how to take anthropometry

for the older persons, analyze and interpret the data


7.1 Articles in refereed Journals

1. Florence K. M’Kaibi, Nelia P. Steyn, Sophie A. Ochola & Lissane Du Plessis. The relationship between

agricultural biodiversity, dietary diversity, household food security, and stunting of children in rural

Kenya. Food Science and Nutrition. doi:10.1002/fsn.387 2016.

2. Judith Kanensi Okoth, Sophie Atieno Ochola, Nicholas K. Gikonyo, Anselimo Makokha. Development

of a nutrient-dense complementary food using amaranth-sorghum grains. Food Science and Nutrition.

Article first published online: 22 APR 2016 DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.367

3. Okoth MA, Ochola S, Onywera V, Steyn NP. Determinants of overweight and obesity in Kenyan

adolescents in public and private schools. AJPHERD 2015; 21 (1:2):261-272.

4. M’Kaibi K. Florence, Steyn P. Nelia, Sophie Ochola and du Plessis Lissane. Effects of agricultural

biodiversity and seasonal rain on dietary adequacy and household food security in rural areas of Kenya.

BMC Public Health. 04/2015; 15(1):422. OI: 10.1186/s12889-015-1755-9.

5. Sophie Ochola and Penina Kinya Masibo. Dietary Intake of School Children and Adolescents in

Developing Countries. Ann Nutr Metab 2014; 64 (suppl 2): 24-40. DOI: 1159/000365235

6. Andrew Kiri Amegovu, Sophie Ochola, Patrick Ogwok, Peter Yiga, Juliet Hatoho Musalima & Juliana

Mandha. Efficacy of sorghum peanut blend and corn soy blend in the treatment of moderate acute

malnutrition in children aged 0-59 months in Karamoja, Uganda: a cluster randomized trial. Nutrition

and Dietary Supplements 2014; 6 75-84

7. Andrew Kiri Amegovu, Patrick Ogwok, Sophie Ochola, Peter Yiga, Juliet Hatoho Musalima & Juliana

Mandha. Sensory Acceptability of Sorghum Peanut Blend (SPB) and Corn SoyBlend Plus (CSB+) by

young children with moderate acute malnutrition in Karamoja, Uganda. Journal of Food Science Vol 3,

No 2. 2014. 17-26.

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8. Andrew K. Amegovu, Patrick Ogwok, Sophie Ochola, Peter Yiga, Juliet H. Musalima, Emma Mutenyo.

Formulation of sorghum-peanut blend using linear programming for treatment of moderate acute

malnutrition in Uganda. J. Food Chem. Nutr. 01 (02) 2013. 67-77.

9. Okoth Judith Kanensi; Sophie Ochola; Nicholas. K. Gikonyo; Anselimo Makokha. Effect of Steeping

and Germination on the Diastatic Activity and Sugar Content in Amaranth Grains and Viscosity of

Porridge. J. Agric. Food. Tech., 3(1) 1-7, 2013.

10. Ochola SA, Labadarios D, Nduati RW (2012). Impact of counselling on exclusive breast-feeding

practices in a poor urban setting in Kenya: a randomized controlled trial. Public Health Nutr. 2012 Oct

8:1-9. doi:10.1017/S1368980012004405

11. Regina W Mbochi, Elizabeth Kuria, Judith Kimiywe, Sophie Ochola and Nelia P Steyn. BMC Public

Health 2012, 12:823. Predictors of overweight and obesity in adult women in Nairobi Province, Kenya

12. Okoth Judith Kanensi; Sophie Ochola; Nicholas. K. Gikonyo; Anselimo Makokha (2011). Optimization

of the Period of Steeping and Germination for Amaranth. J. Agric. Food. Tech., 1(6) 101-105.

7.2 Books

1995: Sophie Ochola, Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Home Science Revision. Published

by the Kenya Literature Bureau

Co-authored Forms 1, 11 and 111 Home Science textbooks and Form 111 Teachers’ Guide for the

Kenya Institute of Education, 1986

Co-authored Teachers’ Guide for Primary Schools Home Science for the Kenya Institute of

Education, 1986

7.3 Chapters in Books

Brent Swallow and Sophie Ochola, Agroforestry, Nutrition and Health. In Understanding the Links

between Agriculture and Health edited by Corinna Hawkes and Marie T. Rue, International Food

Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment, Focus

13. 2005

Sophie Ochola, The Role of Home Economics in the promotion of Health. In The Role of Home

Economics in Kenya. Strategies for Change. Discussion Papers edited by Olive M. Mugenda,

Ngatho Polishers, Nairobi 1995, ISBN 9966 9887 6 9

7.4 Research and Consultancy Assignments

2016 Part of an external team contracted by Universalia Firm-

Canada to conduct an evaluation of the WFP Corporate

Strategic Partnership

2016 Principal Investigator for a research titled, The Impact of

Psycho-Social Counselling on Exclusive Breastfeeding rates

in Kangundo Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya: A

Randomized Controlled Trial. Kenyatta University Vice-

Chancellor’s Competitive Research Grant. ONGOING

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2016 Principal Investigator for MedAir to conduct a Knowledge,

Practice and Coverage survey for the Health and Nutrition

programme in South Central Somalia

2016 Principal Investigator for Micronutrient Initiative to

conduct a second national Large Country Lot Quality

Assurance Survey and Analysis (LC-LQAS) survey for Zinc,

Vitamin A and Iron/Folic Supplementation Programs in Kenya

2015 Consultant/Principal Investigator to Micronutrient

Initiative conduct an End Term Evaluation for the

Community-Based Maternal and Newborn Health and

Nutrition project in Kakamega County, Kenya.

2015 Consultant/Principal Investigator for a consortium of

agencies (International Rescue Committee-K; World

Vision Kenya, Islamic Relief Kenya, Save the Children) to

conduct an Impact assessment on Impact Evaluation of

Mother to Mother Support Groups in Turkana, Mandera and

Wajir Counties

2015 Consultant/Principal Investigator for MEDAIR to conduct

Knowledge, Practice and Coverage survey for the Health and

Nutrition programme in South Central Somalia

2015 Consultant/Principal Investigator for Micronutrient

Initiative to conduct a second national Large Country Lot

Quality Assurance Survey and Analysis (LC-LQAS) survey

for Zinc, Vitamin A and Iron/Folic Supplementation Programs

in Kenya

2014 Consultant/Principal Investigator for Micronutrient

Initiative to conduct a national Large Country Lot Quality

Assurance Survey and Analysis (LC-LQAS) survey for Zinc,

Vitamin A and Iron/Folic Supplementation Programs in Kenya

2014 The nutrition consultant in an external team of consultants

for WFP Rome to Evaluate the Kenya WFP Food Assistance

to Refugees Program (2011-2013)

2013 Consultant for World Vision Southern Region (SAR) to

conduct a desk review of the contributions of WV’ s previous

Agriculture Projects to Child Health & Nutrition in Lesotho,

Botswana, Mozambique and Swaziland.

2013 Consultant for World Vision Southern Region (SAR) to

conduct a review of the contributions of WV Malawi’s

previous Agriculture Projects to Child Health & Nutrition, and

the development of a design for operation research and

possible integrated model(s) for future programming

2013 Consultant for Action Against Hunger (ACF) to conduct

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Assessment on

Infant and Young Child (IYCF) practices in West Pokot

district, Kenya

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2012 Consultant for World Vision Canada in collaboration with

WV Eastern Africa Region (WV-EAR) to conduct a review

of the contribution of WV’s previous agriculture projects to

child health & nutrition (in Ethiopia), develop a design for

operation research and develop integrated model(s)linking

agriculture and nutrition for future programming

2012 Part of the external team of consultants for WFP to

conduct an evaluation of the Kenya Country Programme

2012 Part of the team of consultants for USAID to conduct

Performance Evaluation of the USAID/KENYA Nutrition and

HIV programme and to develop a design of follow-on project

2012 Consultant for Save the Children to conduct a Knowledge,

Practices and Coverage (KPC) Survey (Baseline) for the

Health and Nutrition programme in Mandera and Wajir

districts Kenya, using the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

(LQAS) Methodology

2011 Consultant for World Vision to conduct two nutrition

surveys; one in Baringo Central and Baringo North and

another in Marigat and East Pokot, Kenya

2011 Consultant for Save the Children-UK to conduct a

Knowledge, Practices and Coverage (KPC) Survey (an end

term evaluation) for the Health and Nutrition programme in

Mandera and Wajir districts Kenya, using the Lot Quality

Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Methodology

2011 Consultant for IRC, Merlin and World Vision to conduct

four Nutrition Surveys in Turkana Central, Turkana South,

Turkana North East and Turkana North West, Kenya using

SMART methodology.

2010 Nutrition Consultant for WFP (Kenya Country Office) to

conduct a National Urban Vulnerability and Food and

Nutrition Security Baseline Survey

(IYCF was included in this survey as an indicator of nutrition


2010 Consultant for IRC to conduct a nutrition survey in Kakuma

Refugee Camp using SMART methodology

2010 Consultant for IRC, MSF and GTZ to conduct a nutrition

survey in Dadaab Refugee Camp using SMART methodology

2010 Consultant for OXFAM GB, World Vision, IRC, Merlin

and Samitan’s Purse to conduct 4 nutrition surveys in

Turkana Central, Turkana South, Turkana East and Turkana

West districts using SMART methodology.

2010 Consultant for IRC to conduct a nutrition survey in Kakuma

Refugee Camp using the SMART methodology

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2010 Consultant for SCUK to conduct a Knowledge, Practices and

Coverage (KPC) Survey for the Health and Nutrition

programme in Mandera and Wajir districts Kenya, using the

Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Methodology (LQAS).

2009 The nutrition consultant in an external team of consultants

for WFP Rome, to conduct an “Evaluation of the Impact of

School Feeding Programme on Educational and Nutritional

Outcomes, in Kenya”.

2009 Consultant for IRC, and GTZ to conduct a nutrition survey

in Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya using SMART Methodology

2009 Consultant for World Vision and partners to conduct Causal

Analysis of Malnutrition in Turkana, Kenya.

2009 Consultant for World Vision and partners (IRC, OXFAM

GB, MERLIN, SAMARITAN’S PURSE) to conduct four

nutrition surveys in Turkana using LQAS methodology

2008 Consultant for GTZ Dadaab refugee camp to

conduct a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices study

(KAP) on Infant and Young Child Feeding


2008 Consultant for IRC to conduct nutrition survey in

Kakuma Refugee Camp.

2008 Consultant for GTZ in Dadaab refugee camp to

conduct nutrition surveys in each of the three

camps; Ifo, Dagahaley and Hagadera.

2007 Consultant for UNICEF (Kenya Country Office)

to undertake a Qualitative Assessment on Infant and

Young Child Feeding Practices in the ten ASAL

districts in Kenya.

2007 Consultant for Save the Children Fund UK

(Somalia Country Programme) to undertake an End

Term Evaluation for the Food, Nutrition and livelihood

security programme in Hiran region of southern Central


2007 Consultant for IRC to conduct nutrition survey in

Kakuma Refugee Camp.

2007 Consultant for GTZ in Dadaab refugee camp to

conduct nutrition surveys in each of the three

Camps; Ifo, Dagahaley and Hagadera.

2006 Consultant for World Vision Kenya to carry out

an in-depth assessment of Infant and Young Child

Feeding Practices in Turkana district, Kenya.

2006 Consultant for IRC (Kenya Programme) to carry

out a baseline survey on Infant Feeding Practices in

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Kakuma Refugee camp, Kenya

2006 Consultant for IRC (Kenya Programme) to carry

out a nutrition survey in Kakuma Refugee camp,


2006 Consultant for GTZ to carry out a nutrition survey in Dadaab

Refugee camp, Kenya

2005 Consultant for IRC (Kenya Programme) to carry out a

nutrition survey in Dadaab Refugee camp, Kenya

2005 Consultant for UNICEF (Kenya Country Office) to carry out

an “Evaluation of the impact of the CARE Practices training

conducted in Turkana, Garissa, Marsabit, Isiolo, Kwale, and

Nairobi Districts”.

2005 Consultant for GTZ to carry out a nutrition survey in Dadaab

Refugee camp, Kenya

2005 Consultant for ICRAF on “Mainstreaming Health and

Nutrition into Agroforestry”.

2004 Consultant for UNICEF (Kenya Country Office) to carry

out a study on the “Usefulness of Facility level Growth

Monitoring data’.

2004 Consultant for AMREF Kenya to carry an End Term

Evaluation of the Project, “Mitigating the Impact of HIV/Aids

on Household Economic base, Food and Nutrition Security and

Health” Makueni District, Kenya.

2004 A trainer in the FAO funded training of nutritionists (both

post-graduate students and those in employment) in a two-

week course in Nutrition in Emergencies as a joint program

of the nutrition departments of Kenyatta University and

University of Nairobi.

2004 Consultant for UNICEF (Kenya Country Office) to train

nutritionists from the Ministry of Health in Nutrition in

Emergencies at a Training Workshop in Ndalas Hotel,

Machakos district.

2004 Consultant for WFP and UNHCR to conduct a Food

Consumption and other nutrition-related activities Assessment

in KAKUMA and DADAAB Refugee Camps, Kenya.

2003 Consultant for UNICEF (Emergency section, Kenya country

Office to carry out an “Evaluation of the Health and Nutrition

Emergency Programme in Northern Kenya”.

2003 Consultant for AMREF to pilot test the FAO Tool on

“Improving Nutrition Programmes “at the Makueni Applied

Nutrition Project.

2003 Lead Researcher in a Team involved in a National Food

Consumption Survey for UNICEF (Kenya Country Office)

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2003 Consultant: CRS (Sudan Programme) Nutrition Assessment

survey in Lobone, Eastern Equitoria. The task involved

coordination, training of supervisors and enumerators, data

analysis and report writing.

2003 Consultant: CRS (Sudan Programme) Nutrition Assessment

survey in Nimule, Eastern Equitoria

2003 Consultant for Tearfund (Sudan Programme). Evaluation

of Mobile Response Team Emergency Nutrition Programme.

Participatory Methodologies were used to collect the data.

2002 Consultant: CRS (Sudan Programme) Nutrition Assessment

surveys in Nimule, Eastern Equitoria.

The task involved coordination, training of supervisors, data

analysis and report

2002. Consultant: CRS (Sudan Programme) Nutrition Assessment

surveys in Lobone, Eastern Equitoria.

2002 Lead Researcher in a four-year project to enhance female

participation and performance in mathematics & Sciences in

Primary schools. The project is funded by Rockefeller.

2002 Lead Researcher in a three-year project to enhance female

participation and performance in Mathematics, Sciences &

Information Technology in public universities. The project is

funded by Ford Foundation.

2002 Consultant: Acacia Consultants Ltd, Kenya. Project

evaluation of Community Mobilization NGO, (Food Security,

Health & Nutrition Project) Western Kenya

Oct. 2001 to Feb 2002. Researcher in a UNESCO funded survey on documentation of

Kenyan female Scientists and Technologists.

June-July 2001 Consultant for Catholic Relief Services (Sudan) to train

supervisors and enumerators and to carry out Knowledge,

Practices and Coverage (KPC) Survey of the Community-

based Health Education Programme, in Sudan.

May 2001 Facilitation of a Workshop on Incorporating and

Strengthening Nutritional Component in HelpAge Kenya-

Supported Projects at the Limuru Conference Centre.

July-August 2001 Consultant for Christian Children’s Fund (CCF) Kenya, to

develop a Proposal to be submitted to Banard Van Leer

Foundation for the Extension and Expansion of the Early Child

Development Programme in Samburu District.

March-April 2001 Consultant for CCF (Kenya) to carry out Field Appraisal of the

Early Child Development Programme in Samburu District

March 2001 Consultant for CCF (Kenya) to develop a concept paper for

Community-based HIV/Aids Project

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September 2000 Part of a six-member team involved in the mid-term review of

the HelpAge International Nutrition Programme.

July-August 2000 Consultant for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Kenya, to train

supervisors and enumerators and to carry out an Endline

Knowledge, Practice and Coverage (KPC) Survey for their

Child Survival Project in the Archdiocese of Nyeri.

May-October 2000 Consultant for HelpAge International to conduct a survey on

Nutritional Status and Socio-economic Contributions of the

Elderly persons in Nairobi and Machakos districts, Kenya.

May-June 1999 Consultant for UNICEF (OLS) to conduct a nutrition

assessment survey in Bahr Ghazel South Sudan.

May-June 1998 Participated in a UNICEF/GoK research project on the 'Status

of Girls Education by the Collaborative Centre for Gender and


April 1998 Participated in a national research project conducted by the

Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR) on Schooling

and Labour Market requirements.

1996-1997 Participated in a national (Kenya) research project organized by

the Home Economics Association for Africa and funded by

IDRC on “The Needs Assessment – Implications for


1992 Participated in the national Evaluation of the 8.4.4 system of


1990 Conducted a cross-sectional survey to determine

mothers’ Knowledge of, Attitudes towards and Practices in the

use of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) in 400 households in

peri-urban slum of Nairobi (Kibera), Kenya.


2011 to 2013: Conducted a study on “The role of agricultural biodiversity, dietary diversity, and

household food security in households with and without stunted children in rural Kenya”- Kenya/South

Africa Collaborative Research grant. Joint research collaboration

2011 to date: Member of the African Taskforce of Overweight and obesity (AFRITOR). The vision of

AFRITOR is to reduce and prevent obesity in Africa and its mission to gather, generate and disseminate

evidence to inform policy action through strategic collaborations to reduce and prevent obesity in Africa

2011 to date: Member of the Kenya Taskforce on Overweight and Obesity. The main task is to

disseminate evidence to inform policy and also to Develop guidelines for implementation of programmes

2009 to date: Member of the Inter-University Nutrition Task Force. The main task is to keep the

nutrition practitioners updated in knowledge, skills and practices by identifying short courses that can

be conducted as inter-universities effort.

2009 to 2012: A mentor with the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)

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2009-2010: Member of the Local Organization Committee for the 4th Annual Nutrition

Epidemiological Conference (ANEC), 4th to 8th October, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya

2009-2010: Member of the ANEC Scientific Committee

2009 to date: Member of the Kenya Nutritionists and Dialecticians’ Institute

2003 to date: Part of the Taskforce involved in developing the National Nutrition Policy

2002: Part of the Kenyan team involved in the revision of the SPHERE Standards for Humanitarian

Standards 2004


January 2016: Won the Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor’s Research Grant (US$ 20,000)

May 2011: Won Research Grant under the Kenya South Africa joint call from the National Council

for Science and Technology (US$ 15,000)


Received Certificate of grant of a utility model from Kenya Industrial Institute (KIPI) for an invention titled,

“Complementary Food for Moderately Malnourished Children” 2015


11.1 External Examiner for other universities

2012 to date: External Examiner for School of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and

Dietetics, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

11.2 External Examination of theses


2015 PhD: Effect of maternal HIV status on breast milk intake and growth of HIV-

uninfected Kenyan infants at 6 weeks post-partum and 6 months of age

Shadrack Okoth Oyie. University of Nairobi, Kenya.

2014 PhD: Effect of improved complementary foods on growth and iron status of

Kenyan children. Silvanus Ochieng Konyole. University of Nairobi, Kenya.

MSc and MPH:

2016 MSc; Severe and acute malnutrition: The effect of caregiver’s knowledge in

default rates at Dadaab refugee camps, Kenya. Alexander M. Mbogo. Division

of Human Nutrition, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town.

MPH: Promotion of breastfeeding by health workers in maternity units of

selected hospitals in Nairobi County. Lilian Kagure Mbau-Simba. Moi

University, Eldoret.

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MPH: Employer sponsored lactation program and the practice of breastfeeding:

A cross-sectional study among the mothers working in a Kenyan corporate

company. Kirima Karimi Flora. Moi University, Eldoret.

MPH: Factors associated with undernutrition in HIV positive children aged 6-

24 months at the Lea Toto program, Nairobi. Anne Kainyu Gitari. Moi

University, Eldoret

2013 MPH: ‘Exclusive breastfeeding and Nutritional Status of infants aged 0-

6 months in Riruta Health Centre, Nairobi”. Pamela Mohamed.

Moi University, Kenya

2012: MSc in Human Nutrition, Department of Human Nutrition, Egerton

University, “Influence of Infant Feeding Counselling on Knowledge Attitudes

and Practices of Mothers of Known HIV Status in Nakuru Municipality”.

Kipkorir Anne Cherobon.

2011: Master in Public Health (MPH), “Determinants of nutritional status of children

aged 1-59 months accompanying their mothers in prisons in Kenya”. University

of Nairobi Dr. Sammy Omukhweso

11.3 Internal examination of theses:


2016: PhD; Determinants of the Utilization of growth monitoring clinic services

among children aged 12-25 months in Kiambu and Machakos Counties, Kenya.

Kithinji Lucy Mwari. Department of Population and Reproductive Health,

School of Public Health, Kenyatta University, Kenya.

2015: PhD; Food Safety and hygiene practices: A comparative study of selection of

TVET and University hospitality training schools in Kenya. Monica A.

Wandolo. School of Tourism. Kenyatta University

PhD; The use of mobile phone short text message service to enhance cervical

cancer screening at Thika hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya. Anthony Wanyoro

Karanja. School of Public Health, Kenyatta University.

PhD; Predictors of Community Health Workers Retention in Makueni County,

Kenya. Peter Munyao Kithuka Department of Health Management and

Informatics, Kenyatta University.

2014: PhD; Assessment of overweight, obesity and their risk factors among school

children aged 8-13 years in Tanzania: the case of Dar-es-Salaam. Ismail N.

Pangani Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science,

Kenyatta University.

PhD; “Effects of security on hotel performance competitiveness: a comparative

study of 3-5 star hotels in Nairobi and Mombasa counties, Kenya”. Vincent

Nyamari Maranga, Department of Hospitality Management, Kenyatta


2013: PhD; ‘Determinants of HIV self-disclosure to sexual partners: a case of

seropositive adults in HIV support groups in Nairobi County, Kenya”. Phoebe

Ndayala Didi. Department of Community Resource Development and

Management, Kenyatta University

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2012: PhD Thesis: “Retention and bio-accessibility of pro-vitamin carotenoids in musa

fruit and post-harvest products consumed in eastern democratic republic of

Congo”. Beatrice Ekesa, Department of Food, Science and Dietetics Kenyatta


PhD Thesis; “Community based tourism programmes’ entrepreneurial

performance and their capabilities at close proximity to protected areas in Arusha,

Tanzania.” Daud Ngi’da Mollel, Department of Hospitality and Tourism

Management Kenyatta University

2010: PhD Thesis. “Effect of Regular physical activity on functional independence and

health of the elderly at Bakateyamba Home in Kampala”. Sandra Kasoma,

Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science, Kenyatta


2010: PhD Thesis, “Nutrient composition of A.Hypochondriacus grain and efficacy on

Nutrition Status of HIV/AIDS infected children attending Thika District Hospital

Clinic, Kenya”. Winnie Nyamota, Department of Foods, Science and Dietetics

Kenyatta University

MSc and MPH

2016: MSc; Dietary practices, morbidity status and nutritional status of lactating

mothers amongst pastoralist communities in Isiolo County, Kenya. Kahuro Eva.

Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.

MSc; Feeding practices and nutritional status of HIV-exposed infants 0-5 months

of age attending Tenwek hospital in Bomet County, Kenya. Chepkorir Lang’at

Purity. Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University,


MSc; Sources, content, maternal knowledge and practices on exclusive

breastfeeding among mothers with infants (0-6 months) in Kibera informal

settlement Nairobi, Kenya. Mucheru Patrick Kamau. Department of Food,

Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University.

MSc; Dietary diversity, morbidity status and nutritional status of children aged

(6-23 months) in Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi County, Kenya. Miriti

Sussyann Makena. Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta

University, Kenya.

MSc; Dietary diversity, nutrient intake and nutritional status among pregnant

women in Laikipia County, Kenya Kiboi Willy Kahanya. Department of

Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, Kenya

MA; Dynamics of cooked food vendors in Kayole location, Nairobi County,

Kenya. Rita Akinyi Maroko. Department of Geography, Kenyatta University,


2014: MPH, “Knowledge, perceptions and practice of nurses towards surveillance of

adverse events following childhood immunization in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Calistus Masika Wanjala, department of Community Health, Kenyatta


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2014: MPH, Male partner involvement in choice of delivery site among women

delivering at provincial government hospital coast, Mombasa County, Kenya.

James Maina Onchong’a, department of Community Health, Kenyatta


2014: Master of Science Thesis, “Effects of Food by Prescription and nutrition

counseling on nutritional status and body composition of HIV positive patients in

Maragua Comprehensive Clinic: comparative study”. Richard Mutisya M.

Arun. Department of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics, Kenyatta University

2014: MPH, “Assessing long-acting/permanent family planning methods uptake among

women of reproductive age in Kilifi District, Kilifi County”. Mambo Susan

Njoki, Department of Public Health, Kenyatta University

2013: Master of Science Thesis, “Dietary practices and nutritional status of malaria-

infected and non-infected children aged 6-36 months in Bondo District Hospital,

Kenya”. Mildred Ojuro, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

Kenyatta University

2013: Master of Science Thesis, “Comparison between magnesium supplement and

brufen as treatments of primary dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls in

Machakos, Kenya: a Randomized Trial. Julie Gogi, Department of Foods,

Science and Dietetics, Kenyatta University

2013: Master of Science Thesis, “Dietary Diversity and Nutritional Status of

Pregnant Women aged 15-49 Years attending Kapenguria District Hospital, in

West Pokot County, Kenya”. Marita Lillian Kemunto, Department of Foods,

Science and Dietetics, Kenyatta University

2012: Master of Science Thesis, “Risk factors associated with rickets in children aged

6-59 months attending Kiambu district Hospital, Kenya.” Elizabeth Muthoni

Kariuki, Department of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics

2012: Master of Science Thesis, “A Comparative Study of Nutritional Status of

Orphans participating and not participating in School Feeding Programmes in

Kariobangi, Kenya”. Arimi Kinanu Caroline, Department of Foods, Nutrition

& Dietetics Kenyatta University

2012: Master of Science Thesis, “Effects of Food by Prescription and nutrition

counseling on nutritional status and body composition of HIV positive patients in

Maragua Comprehensive Clinic: comparative study”. Richard Mutisya M.

Arun. Department of Foods, Nutrition & Dietetics Kenyatta University,

2011: Master of Science Thesis, “Overweight and obesity prevalence and associated

socioeconomic factors, physical activity and dietary intake among women in

Kibera division, Nairobi”. Regina Mbochi, Department of Foods, Science and

Dietetics, Kenyatta University,

2011: Master of Science Thesis, “Energy Intake, Physical Activity and Gestational

weight gain among women at Rongo Sub-district Hospital”. Florence Yeho

Odiwuor, Department of Foods, Science and Dietetics Kenyatta University

11.2 Review of professional periodicals

2016 to date Reviewer for DOVE Medical Press

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2015 to date Reviewer, International Research Journal of Public and Environment

Health (IRJPEH)

2015 to date Reviewer, European Journal Clinical Nutrition (EJCN)

2015 to date Reviewer, BMC Journal of Paediatrics

2014 to date Reviewer, South African Journal of Child Health (SAJCH)

2014 to date Reviewer, South African Journal of Education

2014 Reviewer, Journal of Global Health

2014 Reviewer, Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

2013 to date Reviewer, Ecology of Food and Nutrition

2012 to date Reviewer, BMC Public Health Journal

2012 to date Reviewer, Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition

2012 to date Reviewer, The African Journal for Physical, Health Education,

Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD)

2011 to date Reviewer, Public Health Nutrition Journal (PHN)

2011 to date Reviewer, South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SAJCN)

2006 to date African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development


11.3 Being invited to a conference as a Guest Speaker

2014 Invited to present a paper on the Challenges of doing research in Africa:

How can we overcome them? Presented at a Postgraduate Research

Workshop at Stellenboch University, Cape Town; 23rd to 27th July 2014.

2009 Invited to present a paper on the Role of Research in Nutrition

Programming at the Pre-conference training on “Research writing and

publication & Developing Tools for Nutrition Education” Workshop at

Makerere University on 18th February 2009.

11.4 Appointment to Boards

2013 Appointed Chairperson of the Kenya Red Cross National

Programme Committee

2012 to date Appointed by Kenya Red Cross to the Health, Water and

Sanitation Committee

2009 to 2012 Appointed mentor with the African Women in Agricultural

Research and Development (AWARD)


2016: Invitation to participate in a panel discussion on Looking Forward to Better Nutrition for Africa’ at

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the Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) Annual Conference

held in Accra, Ghana 18th-20th October, 2016

2016: Invitation to contribute a chapter to the 2015 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) on


2016: Awarded the Vice-Chancellor’ Research Grant for developing an winning research proposal-

Principal Investigator (PI) in the research project

2014: Awarded a Certificate for Exemplary Performance by the Vice-Chancellor, Kenyatta University

2012: Cash Award for best lecturer in Kenyatta University, Second Semester, Academic Year 2011/2012

2011: Awarded the Kenya/South Africa Collaborative Research Grant, 2010/2011 by the National

Council for Science and Technology. The award was worth US$ 18,750

2009: Presented TWO DISTINGUISHED Poster Presentations at the International Conference of

Nutrition (ICN) in Bangkok from 4th to 9th October.

2003: UNICEF (Kenya Country Office), part of the team from the department of Food, Nutrition and

Dietetics that worn a research bid National Food Consumption to identify potential food vehicles

for Vitamin A fortification

2002: Research grant from FORD Foundation, for the project Enhancement of Female Participation and

Performance in Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science in at the University

2002: Research grant from Rockefeller Foundation, for the project Enhancement of Female Participation

and Performance in Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science in Primary Schools

2001: Research grant from UNESCO, to document women scientists in Kenya


Chairman of the Kenya Red Cross Programme Committee from December 2013 to date

Member of the Kenya Red Cross Health and Nutrition Committee 2011 to 2013

Member of the Family Encouragement Committee at the Christ is the Answer Church (CITAM) Karen

Member of the team that conducts Pre-marital counseling twice yearly (a two-hour training over 10

weeks) twice a year for those couples intending to get married. The training takes place at the Christ is

the Answer Church (CITAM) Karen

Member of the choir at the Christ is the Answer Church (CITAM) Karen choir

Conducts Nutrition Status Assessment and provide Nutrition Counseling during the Church’s Medical

Outreaches together with volunteer Kenyatta University postgraduate students.

Provides motivational talks on Nutrition Career to the Youth in Christ is the Answer Church (CITAM)

Karen branch during Career Days organized for youth on a yearly basis

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14.1 Development of teaching/academic programmes in the department /school/ university

Developed BSc and Diploma Food, Nutrition and Dietetics course programmes in compliance with the

Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians’ Institute (KNDI) for the department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics,

Kenyatta University (2013-2014).

August 2010 to December 2010:

Developed course content on two topics; Sampling and Ethical Issues in Research as part of the e-research

content course for Kenyatta University Postgraduate Students

Continuously involved in the development and revision of programmes in the department of Food, Nutrition

and Dietetics

14.2 Developing Programmes External to Kenyatta University

2016-2017: Part of the team developing Regional In-Service and Regional Pre-Service Nutrition Package

Model Curriculum for Frontline Health workers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

December 2016: Participated in an African Nutritional Sciences Research Consortium of researchers and

academia whose goal is to build a PhD training programme in basic laboratory research in nutritional science

in Africa on 1st December 2016 at the Hemmingways House Karen, Nairobi Kenya

February 2015: Reviewed BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics curriculum for the University Bindura, Zimbabwe

intending to start the course in 2015

July 2009: Part of the team involved in developing BSc Community Nutrition for Kenya Medical Training

College (KMTC)

Principal Investigator for a research project; Adequacy of Complementary Feeding Practices among the

Urban Poor, Nairobi, Kenya Completed

September 2011:

Principal Investigator for a research project funded under the Kenya/South Africa collaborative research;

“The Role of Agricultural Biodiversity, Dietary Diversity & Household Food Security in Households with &

without Stunted Children in Rural Kenya” Completed


15.1 Appointments

2013-2016 Appointed chairman of the Kenya Red Cross National Programme

June 2012 to date Appointed by Kenya Red Cross to the Health, Water and Sanitation


2009 to 2012 A mentor with the African Women in Agricultural Research and

Development (AWARD)

15.2 Contribution to University Advancements

January 2013 Initiated the process of establishment of Kenyatta University link

for the registration of Randomized Clinical Trials involving human


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Sept 7th -8th 2011 Initiated and organized E-Resources training for academic staff

and postgraduate students of the department of Food,

Nutrition and Dietetics. The contributing organizations were

Kenyatta University, TEEAL- MANN Library – Cornell

University Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa


May 3rd -6th 2011 Initiated and organized Nutrition in Emergencies training by Food

Security and Nutrition Assessment Unit (FSNAU) for the

academic staff and postgraduate students of students of the

department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics.

Sept to Dec 2010 Developed e-content (Population and Sampling and Ethical

Issues) on Research methodology for Kenyatta University

Postgraduate students

2nd July 2009 Appointed member of a committee to develop the Needs

Assessment of Kenyatta University for the Strategic Plan

for the proposed establishment of African-United States Educators


January 2009 Part of a team that developed a proposal on Food Security for the

Cornell University and Kenyatta University Collaborative

Research and Training Programme

15.3 Membership to Professional bodies

2015 to date: Member of the Nutrition Society - UK

2011 to date: Member of the African Taskforce of Overweight and

Obesity (AFRITOR). The vision of AFRITOR is to reduce and

prevent obesity in Africa and its mission to gather, generate

and disseminate evidence to inform policy action through strategic

collaborations to reduce and prevent obesity in Africa

2011 to date: Member of the Kenya Taskforce on Overweight and Obesity. The

main task is to disseminated evidence to inform policy and also to

develop guidelines for implementation of programmes

2009 to date: Member of the Inter-University Nutrition Task Force. The main

task is to keep the nutrition practitioners updated in knowledge,

skills and practices by identifying short courses that can be

conducted as an inter-universities effort.

2009 to date: Member of the Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians’ Institute.