Download - Current Legislative Issues Update Jonathan D. Shenkin, DDS, MPH 1 st Vice President, American Dental Association Clinical Associate Professor of Health.


Current Legislative Issues Update

Jonathan D. Shenkin, DDS, MPH

1st Vice President, American Dental Association

Clinical Associate Professor of Health Policy, Health Services Research and Pediatric Dentistry

Boston University

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The following opinions are my own and do not represent those of the American Dental Association.

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ADA Legislative staff State Issues

State Public Affairs (SPA) program Mid levels Maine Other issues

Federal Issues ADPAC Regulatory-EPA separator mandate Legislative

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American Dental Association

DC and Chicago staff devoted to state and federal issues

DC staff includes 8 lobbyists Chicago office heads state government affairs with 5

active staff members assisting states.

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State Issues

State Public Affairs program (SPA) Mid-level legislation Dental Benefits (Minimum Loss Ratio) Group Practice Regulations

Expanding Dental Board oversight of Corporate practice

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State Public Affairs program

$2.8 million allocated for 2014 Dispersed by an ADA committee of volunteers and

staff Program assists states in need of public affairs

financing and staffing on a broad array of topics. So far this year 23 states have received funds.

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Arizona – Native American program, CDHC; California – Minimum Loss Ratio legislation; Colorado – Workforce, Medicaid, Community Water Fluoridation, ER Referral, RAC

Audits; Connecticut – Workforce and RAC Audits; Florida – Workforce and Action For Dental Health (ADH) implementation; Idaho – Workforce, Medicaid; DC – Workforce; Kansas – Workforce and ADH Implementation; Maine – Workforce and RAC Audits; Michigan – one lump grant for a Community Water Fluoridation project; Missouri – Medicaid, ADH Implementation; Montana – Denturism, Dental Board Structure; RAC Audits; New Hampshire – Workforce and ADH Implementation; New Mexico – Native American, workforce, ADH Implementation including a new

CDHC education program

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North Dakota – Native American and workforce; Pennsylvania – Community Water Fluoridation, amalgam, non-covered

services; Puerto Rico – Mandatory dental exams for school enrollment legislation; Rhode Island – Modifying the Dental Practice Act to provide due process and

guidelines pursuant to Dept. of Health dental office inspections; South Dakota – Native American and CDHC implementation; Vermont – Workforce, Medicaid, Single-payer issues in the state, ADH

Implementation; Virginia – Long-term care pilot implementation/ADH Implementation; Washington – Native American and Workforce; Wisconsin – ADH Implementation, Community Water Fluoridation, Loan


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Mid-Level Legislation

Maine In the hands of BODEX

Expected states with legislation this year VT, CT, ND, NM, WA, KS, and CO.

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What happened in Maine?

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Aroostook County

Aroostook County 6,829 sq miles71,870 population 10.7/sq miConnecticut 5,543 sq miles3.6 million 739/ sq mi

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Maine’s Oral Health Stats

NOHSS-2012 3rd graders

Untreated decay-14.6% 2nd lowest in nation

Caries experience 32.7% Lowest overall in nation

Sealants 68.5% Highest in the nation

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Access to preventive services for kids with Medicaid is low in Maine.

But decay levels are among lowest in the nation, and access to appropriate treatment appears to be among the best in the nation for children.

Answer should be that we improve availability of basic prevention for children, not more treatment.

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What did Pew do to win?

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AHRQ, 2006

AHRQ 2009

ER use in the US, 2006-09

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ER spending for Dental in Maine

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Number of actively practice dentists in Maine, 1997-2009

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Entities that paid registered lobbyists the most in Maine, 2013

Source: Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices

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California A.B. 1962Medical Loss Ratio Legislation

Some dental plans spend as little as 38% of dental premiums for reimbursement of care

Goal is for 80% of premiums to be used for reimbursement of services

This legislation requires reporting back to the legislature actual percentage spent on dental services, which will enable the legislature to develop a medical loss ratio requirement for dental plans.

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Group Practice Regulation

Washington State v Pacific Dental Complaint filed that PD was practicing dentistry

without a license Also filed a complaint against an owner dentist, stating

that aiding and abetting practice of dentistry without a license

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Small Smiles

Multiple lawsuits filed against dentists Small Smiles bankrupt and had no insurance Insured employed dentists, who are now targets Lawsuit in NY found Small Smiles dentists guilty of

malpractice, but with no financial judgment.

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Federal Issues

ADPAC RAC audits Federal Regulatory Issues Students loans Affordable Care Act Action for Dental Health campaign GME funding

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In 2012 cycle, $3.6 million collected 2nd largest Healthcare PAC after Anesthesiologists. Successfully have kept 2 dentists in Congress and

likely to elect a 3rd in November. Donate now as a student.

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June 22, 2012

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RAC Audits

Mandated under ACA States given great latitude on how they implement

audits Louisiana and CT have passed legislation will limit and

control audit processes Nebraska recently had an ADA member testify before

Congress about RAC audits.

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Federal Regulatory Issues

4 full time lobbyists Full spectrum of federal agencies Rulemaking that impacts infection control to Medicaid

policies Outside of the realm of Congress

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EPA Amalgam Separator Rule

Hearing on November 10th

Will mandate amalgam separators in dental offices Follows ADA best management guidelines Currently only 12 states mandate separators

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Student Loans

Federal Student Loan Refinancing Act S 1066 Enable students to consolidate or refinance Direct Unsubsidized

Stafford Loans at 4%

Student Loan Interest Deduction Act of 2013 HR 1527 Would allow interest deductions and allow them regardless of income

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Affordable Care Act

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Increase in Medicaid since ACA

CMS 2014

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ADH campaign consists of many initiatives such as:

- ER Referral- Community Dental Health Coordinator- Fluoridation- MoMs programs and GKAS- Long-term Care- Medicaid Reforms

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GME funding

Critical in funding of post graduate residencies in dentistry

HRSA is planning on eliminating the funding for Children’s Hospital

Appears DOA

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Title VII

Funds GPR and Pediatric Dental Residencies Senate just included expanded funding for Title VII

funding $9 million will go to each program.

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A constant flow of new and evolving legislation Most issues arise and are solved in the states Being active early in your career is critical Be a part of ADPAC now, and tell a friend Start local

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