Download - CSB GLOBAL FAIR 2014 Kelsey Strouse Chile. Location South America Southwest border to Pacific Ocean Connecting countries are Argentina and Bolivia.



Kelsey Strouse



South America Southwest border to

Pacific Ocean Connecting countries

are Argentina and Bolivia.

Five sections: Far North North Central Chile South Far South


Location causes different weather throughout country

Climate by sections: Far North

Atacama Desert 70 degrees in summer & 60 degrees in winter

North 65 degrees in summer & 50 degrees in winter

Central Chile 70 degrees in summer & 40 degrees in winter

South Top rainiest areas in the world (approx. 100 inches)

60 degrees in summer & 40 degrees in winter

Far South 50 degrees in the summer & 40 degrees in the winter


Imports Refined Petroleum

(9.8%) Crude Petroleum

(8.3%) Cars (5.2%) Delivery Trucks (3.6%) Petroleum Gas (3.0%)

Exports Refined Copper (32%) Copper Ore (17%) Raw Copper (3.7%) Sulfate Chemical Wood

pulp (3.5%) Grapes (2.2%)


GDP of Chile is $335,400,000,000 GDP of Venezuela (34)

is $407,400,000,000 GDP of Brazil (8) is

$2,422,000,000,000 GDP of Peru (40) is

$344,000,000,000 Ranked 43/229

“…one of South America’s most stable and prosperous



Business: Men-

Blue/gray/black suit White collared shirt Appropriate tie

Women- Blue/gray/black suit or appropriate skirt and blazer Dull colored shirt

Casual: conservative (no too revealing attire)

**Avoid: bright-colored clothing, fancy/large pieces of jewelry, stay more

conservative with clothing.**


Work from age 15-65 8:00am- 6:00pm Monday- Friday Jobs

health workers, teachers, government/domestic employees, trade/financial services, real estate, banking, insurance industries, transportation/communications, forestry, fishing, manufacturing, mining, etc.

Max of 45 hours a week 2 hours over time


2 major earthquakes have hit Chile Leave town and homes destroyed People left without their personal


Chilean Earthquake 2010

Chilean Earthquake 2014


Shake N’ QuakeMission Statement is to work with

volunteers to create first aid and immediate relief kits for the effected people in Chile and help rebuild the

life that once was present.

Relief Kits consist of…

Blankets Airplane pillows Packaged foods Water bottles Etc.

First-Aid Kits consist of… Band aids Pain relief (Aleve,

Advil, etc.) Antibacterial

wipes Gauze Feminine products Etc.

Partnerships with “Direct Relief” whose main goal is to help disadvantaged people in the community & evacuates people into evacuation shelters. The “Coca Cola

Foundation” will donate a portion of money once a month to profits whose full focus is on Chile. AT&T will donate a portion of their money directly to our non-profit to help

build kits.

Ways You Can Help…

Donate $0.25 a day (365 days = $91.25)

Donate any loose change Jars will be located in main grocery stores

(Albertsons, Rays, Food 4 Less, etc.)

Buy a “Chilean Relief” bracelet ($3)

Garage sales (sell your items and donate the money)

Car washes (all proceeds go directly to Shake N’ Quake)

Donate supplies for the kits Volunteer to collect money/run

fundraisers Visit Chile (help rebuild homes, etc.)


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you for your time.

-- “Shake N’ Quake”