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Creating Ultimate Wealth

Designing the “9 Environments of You” for Financial Wealth

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Creating Ultimate Wealth

Designing the “9 Environments of You” for Financial Wealth

Welcome and….

Congratulations your decision to download our Special Report “Designing ‘The 9 Environments of You’

for Financial Wealth”.

The concepts shared in this report are unique and may challenge conventional thinking about how to

create wealth so read it several times, digest it, and then give yourself permission to “test” the

strategies. These concepts have supported many of our clients, family and friends in creating their

“Ultimate Lifestyles” by creating “Ultimate Wealth” and that’s what we wish for you.

Most people will tell you that in order to create wealth you have to have the proper Skill-sets and Mind-

set needed to be successful. That’s true.

The skill-set is also known as the “how-to”. There are tons of resources such as books, tapes & seminars

available on “how-to create wealth” and many of them provide solid instructions and road maps.

Knowing “how to” do something will save you time and energy in achieving your goal but it’s only 10%

of the equation.

40% of creating wealth is what we call the “Mindset”. The Mindset is also known as the “inner game” or

“the mental and emotional” aspect of creating wealth. This part of your wealth creation is extremely

important. If you know “how to” do something but can’t get yourself or others to do what you know

you need to do, consistently, then you may never reach your goal of ultimate wealth. How do you know

if your inner game is solid? Look at your results. Do you get yourself to do the things you need to do

consistently to create an abundance of wealth or does your mental programming derail you and cause

you to overspend, or make you feel like there isn’t enough or cause you to give up on the dream of

creating wealth?

In the last few decades, many authors, speakers & gurus have been talking about the “skillsets and

mindsets” or the “beliefs” side of creating wealth. But what they don’t tell you, or aren’t aware of, is

that these are only 50% of the equation.

So what’s the missing 50%?

What is it that is programming our mental and emotional game?

I’d like to suggest that there are 9 Environments that are controlling how we think, feel, or act and most

of us are unaware of how these 9 Environments are controlling our lives.

Most millionaires and billionaires design these environments to guarantee their consistent success and

now we’re going to share them with you.

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This 3-in1 report has been designed to assist you in understanding a unique concept to wealth creation

and to assist in designing your environments to set you up to create “Ultimate Wealth”.

• Section 1- Introduction to the Concept of “The 9 Environments of You”. The purpose of this

section is to name and describe each of the 9 Environments of You and help you understand

how the 9 Environments have conditioned and formed you as the person you are.

• Section 2- Designing the 9 Environments of You for Financial Wealth. We will delve into how

your environments can be designed to support you in creating Ultimate Wealth.

• Section 3- A self-assessment of the “cost” of your current environments and how you will

upgrade this aspect of your environments so you begin building wealth.

Please enjoy this report on Creating Ultimate Wealth: Designing the “9 Environments of You” for

Financial Wealth and feel free to share this report, in its entirety, with anyone who may benefit.

Until we connect again, Create Your Ultimate Life™!!!

Jim Bunch

The Ultimate Life Entrepreneur

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Section 1: Introduction to the Concept of “The 9

Environments of You”

When looking to create “Ultimate Wealth”, it will be critical for you to take into account everything that

is around you. As humans, we have a direct relationship with our environments, including our physical

space, the people we spend time with, the books we read and the thoughts we think. In order to make

long-term changes, it is important to consider the world around you and how to enhance and evolve

everything in your environments (both internal and external environments). If your environment is not

growing and evolving as you grow and evolve, you will be living in a state of drag (low energy,

resistance, slow movement) rather than in a state of inspiration. By designing your environments so

that they are a constant source of inspiration, you will find your daily habits, actions and goals are much

easier to attain, and you will no longer have to rely on “will power” to get the job done.


At the conclusion of this section of the report, you will be able to:

• Name and describe the 9 Environments of You

• Understand how the 9 Environments have conditioned you and formed you to become the

person you are

• Gain insight into how your environment is a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and inner game

• Understand how to begin redesigning the 9 Environments of You so that you win your ultimate



Attribution: CoachVille, LLC

CoachVille, LLC, is a coach training organization and its founder, Thomas Leonard was a pioneer when

it comes to using the environment as a tool to grow and evolve as a person. While many people feel

that the environment only includes your physical/tangible surroundings, Leonard believed that

everything both inside and outside of human beings is considered an environment, and that there are

actually nine basic environments that we come in contact with each day.

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A Snapshot of the 9 Environments of You

The following is a description of the environments:


The core of you that is unchanging


Beliefs, Ideas, Knowledge, Cultural Norms, Frameworks


Physical body, Health, Energy


Personality, Gifts, Talents, Strengths, Emotions


Connection a Higher Source, Love and Self


Family, Friends, Close colleagues, Support personnel


Community, Strategic Partners, Customers


Money, Investments, Budgeting, Insurance


Home, Office, Furnishings, Equipment / Technology


Outdoors, Beauty, Seasons, Cycle of life



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• You will achieve your goals effortlessly, efficiently and effectively

• You will no longer have to rely on will power to get the job done

• You will stop relying on yourself to complete your goals. If well designed, your environments

will become your partners in your goal achievement


• You will be living by default, rather than by design, which causes emotional, mental and

physical reactions which can increase stress

• You will find that you are constantly in struggle and friction with your environment. Life just

does not flow freely without well designed environments

• You will find that you are lacking the inspiration required to get the job done (you will be relying

more on will power than flow to move forward)



• An “I don’t have time” attitude

• Lack of resources

• Procrastination

• Fear of changing (the change itself is much less painful than the thought of the change)

• Lack of creativity (everyone has a right brain…it’s important to learn how to tap your creativity

to design the life you want)

KEY POINTS • Designing your environments to create Ultimate Wealth is not going to be about decluttering

or reading a new book. Because you are playing a very big game, we want to begin looking

closely at how your environments can pull you like a vacuum in the direction of your big goals of

Ultimate Wealth. Because you are playing a much bigger game that most people, your

environments will need to be designed in a much more sophisticated way.

• With our environments, we can design, change, influence our environments, or we can remove

ourselves from them. To say that you are a victim of your environment will not support you in

winning your ultimate game. Each choice you have made in your life has led you to your

current environment, and if it is no longer serving you, it is up to you to take the responsibility

to make a change (often a drastic change such as moving to a new location or ending a key life


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• The top athletic coaches in the world will tell you that winning is a bi-product of well designed

environments, including having the best in class equipment, having access to the best training,

team chemistry, diet and nutrition, weather conditions (each outdoor sport will tell you that

there are certain weather conditions that are perfect for each sport), the inner game (beliefs,

thoughts, emotions), ample financial resources to be able to afford the best coaches, and

boosters to help continue funding a great athletic program. If any of these components is

missing from the puzzle, performance will be compromised.

• Everything in life is energy, so each aspect of your environment is connected to the next. If one

environment is not designed to support you in creating Ultimate Wealth, it will affect all

environments. As an example: A great golfer can have all of the talent in the world, be

masterful at the game and be the most skilled in the world, and he or she normally plays in

sunny conditions with calm winds. This golfer is not accustomed to playing in cold and wind. A

tournament comes up in Colorado, the temperature drops and the wind starts blowing.

Suddenly, this golfer’s entire game falls apart because of this new environment…from the skill,

to the mental attitude to his or her posture to the emotions he or she is feeling. Even though

this seems like a small change in the environment, it is actually huge for this golfer…it affects

everything (including the way the gallery is responding…they move on to watch a golfer who is

winning, because most people want to follow the winners).

• You are a product of your environment. In order to win, it will become important for you to live

in an environment that will gradually pull you in the direction of your ultimate goals. This

includes everything from your physical space to the people you invest time with to the clothes

you wear to the books you read.

• Your environments are a reflection of who you are on the inside…your thoughts, beliefs, tastes,

values and customs. Your environments can give you clues into what is really going on inside of

you. As you look at your environment, ask yourself these questions: “Why is this in my

environment? What prompted my choice about inviting this into my environment? Is this

serving me in creating wealth?”

• Tolerations in the environment can provide you with insight into the “stuck points” in your life.

If you have a piece of broken equipment that has not been fixed for months, ask yourself the

question “What type of thinking is stopping me from getting this piece of equipment fixed?” If

you have a negative person in your life who continues to drain you of your energy and

inspiration, ask yourself “What beliefs do I hold that are keeping me in this negative


• The best way to change your life and to create wealth is to immerse yourself in the new

environment/life that you want to become. Example: The best way to learn a new language is

to live in a country where the language you want to learn is the first language. The same is true

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with wealth…to live your ultimate life; you have to be willing to design your life and your

environments so that they call you to grow into this way of living. As with stretch goals, putting

yourself in the new environment will feel uncomfortable at first. You may notice big gaps

between what other people are doing and achieving as compared to where you are in life. The

key here is to not judge yourself or compare yourself to other people or to the environment, but

to allow the environment to do the work for you, pulling you in the direction of your goals (it

will do its job, it you just let it).

• With well designed environments, you should be feeling a sense of “flow”…that life is

happening effortlessly and with ease and joy. By living in flow, you will find that you are much

more able to save time, energy and valuable resources which can be applied in the direction of

your life’s vision.

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Section 2: Designing the 9 Environments of You for

Financial Wealth

Millionaires and billionaires know that success is directly proportional to the “who, what, and how” of

designing each aspect of their environment. They know that wealth is a bi-product of winning and

winning is a bi-product of how they design both their inner and outer worlds. They understand on a

very deep level that in order to change their results, they can’t just do a little of this and a little of

that…they know that they have to get down to their roots and that each little thing in the environment

can make or break their success.

Let’s look at professional athletes as an example. There are some fundamental design elements

common to the most successful athletes of our times, and they are:

• Successful athletes create their destiny…they don’t let life just roll over them.

• Successful athletes design their life to win!...Not to “not lose”.

• Successful athletes think in big terms (a successful swimmer like Michael Phelps thinks in terms

of not just making the Olympics but having a goal of 8 gold medals hanging around his neck at

the end of the event).

• Successful athletes focus on getting what they want…not on the obstacles (no matter who

Phelps is swimming against, what the media is saying, or how close his races are, he focuses on

winning…not the obstacles)

• Successful athletes design their surroundings for success (Why do you think so many golfers

have full time residences in Florida? Why do the best beach volleyball players in the world live

in southern California? Because they can play every day of the year!)

• Successful athletes surround themselves with the BEST players, the BEST coaches and the

BEST team possible…because they know they have to if they want to win!

To create Ultimate Wealth, you need to design your environments with the same level of precision that

a professional athlete designs their environments.


In this section of the report, we will be delving into your environments and how they can be designed to

support you in creating Ultimate Wealth.

• Understand the impact the 9 Environments are having on your financial wealth and the cost

associated with that

• Learn how to upgrade they key environments

• Begin creating and recruiting your Ultimate Wealth Team

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• Whether or not you realize it, the nine environments around you are either supporting your

ability to create Ultimate Wealth, or they are draining your life of important financial resources.

• Through upgrading your entire life, you can position yourself to achieve wealth quicker and


• In the book Broken Windows Broken Business, author Michael Levine describes in detail the

psychology of perception…that constant attention to detail not only shows that you are

competent but shows that you care about your business and your customers. If your home,

office or car are broken (torn carpet, chipping paint, broken relationship, broken trust, ripped

furniture, broken tail lights, a dirty car), you are sending the message to others that you just

don’t care…and guess what! People don’t want to do business with people who don’t care

about their lives enough to fix what’s broken/not working. We not only want you to fix what’s

broken…we want you to go over the top to design your entire life so that it attracts happy,

healthy, wealthy people and opportunities.

• In order to be truly wealthy, it is important to become aware of what is really going on in all life

areas (all nine environments) so that you can discover your biggest Achilles heel…the

environment that is creating the biggest challenge in your ability to attract ultimate wealth.


Once you have considered each of the nine environments, it will be crucial for you to go ahead and act

swiftly, making the following changes in each of the nine environments:


• Develop an abundance mindset…begin to see yourself as happy, healthy, wealthy and as someone

who is open to multiple opportunities to make and grow money. Use daily affirmations to reinforce

this abundance mindset.

• Shift your negative beliefs around money to a positive belief system (work with a coach on this).

• Reduce the amount of information coming into your environments (e-mails, magazines, television,

the news, negative conversations, junk mail).

• If you have a shopping or gambling addiction or any other type of dependency, get help


• Work with a strategic coach to move your ideas into strategy and action by minimizing your risk

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• Get your body in shape, and get healthy. You will save tremendous amounts of money, and your

health insurance rates will go down if you are healthy and in shape

• Stop smoking, and limit alcohol (consider how much money you spend annually on cigarettes and

alcohol and the medical bills associated with these habits)

• Do everything you can to get off medication (weight loss, exercise, natural supplements, and get a

second opinion from another health care professional)

• Fill your home with healthy, delicious tasting foods

• Limit the number of times you dine out (unless you are eating in a whole foods, healthy restaurant,

the calories, sodium, fat and sugar you take in are almost three times what you prepare at home,

and constantly eating out is costly)

• Cut back on your food portions

• Work on your total conditioning to increase your energy levels (the more energy you have, the

more you can generate income)

• Get plenty of sleep (6-8 hours a night of shut eye can exponentially strengthen your immune

system and can help you lose weight, which can allow you to work at peak potential)


• Work with an image consultant and coach to improve your self-image and self confidence (people

want to do business with people who are confident and who have a positive self image)

• Update your wardrobe, and present yourself as sharp, polished and professional

• Use your strengths each day, and outsource your shortcomings (you will save time in your day by

using your strengths, and time is money!)

• Improve your time management skills, and design your day so that you are dedicated to working on

high level activities that you know are going to bring income into your life

• Reduce overwhelm by scheduling downtime between activities

• Enhance your communication skills (listen more, use laser like communication, work on


• Shift any negative talk to positive talk (people are not attracted to people who are negative)


• Get connected to a higher power…when you become aware that we are all connected and that

there is a greater source at play, your mind will become open to abundance

• Develop abundance in all life areas (abundance of love, positive thoughts, compassion, trust,

integrity, physical energy, financial wealth, health, happiness). Abundance means that you are

spilling over with great things in life, and you have so much to give to others as a bi-product (people

are attracted to people who are open and giving).

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• Eliminate friction in your relationships (friction causes delay and drag, which can affect your ability

to make and grow your money).

• Sit down with your spouse, partner or business partner and come to an agreement about you are

going to budget and invest your money.

• Upgrade your relationships to surround yourself with people who are wealthy and who are winning

the ultimate wealth game


• Design your network so that it is filled with people who are millionaires and billionaires

• Fill your network with people who are giving

• Update your website and marketing collateral so that it attracts people who are wealthy

• Build a solid wealth team (people who are credible, competent, trusting, etc.)

• Design a “raving fan” customer service program, and deliver this customer service in spades (it is

VERY expensive to get a new client or customer…take exceptional care of the ones you have!)


• Look at the total scope of your financial playing field…get real and honest about what you are

earning and what you are investing

• Invest time in planning a realistic budget for each year. Monitor this budget monthly to make sure

you are on track

• Update all insurance (health, home, auto)

• Pay yourself at least 10% of your income in the first of each month, and build up your savings over


• Invest your money so that it grows your income

• Develop a source of passive income (either from investments or passively selling a product)

• Work with your wealth team to ensure that your money is as protected and sheltered as it possibly

can be and that your investments offer you a balance of risky and conservative investments

• Eliminate all debt (pay off all credit cards, and stop using credit cards if need be)


• Invest time in upgrading your home to reflect the ultimate game you want to win (if you want to

become a millionaire, how can you creatively redesign your spaces so that it reflects the life you

want to live?)

• Replace/upgrade insulation

• Fix or replace all broken equipment

• Replace all weather stripping

• Paint the inside and outside of your home (a fresh coat of paint can be inspiring)

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• If need be, add windows or a skylight to allow more natural light to stream into your home or office

• Contact your heating and air specialist to perform a full check up on your heating and air system

• If you own a gas guzzling car, trade it in for a fuel efficient car

• Replace all air filters

• Clean your windows both inside and out. Replace any windows that are not tight fitting

• Set your thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter and 72 degrees in the summer

• Replace all light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs

• Limit washer and dryer activity as much as possible (avoid running small loads)

• Shut down your computer and equipment each evening

• Take your car in for a full service. Repair any exterior damages to your car

• Design your home and office so that they are clutter free and inspiring


• Increase the amount of natural light you are exposed to each day (will shift your mood and energy)

• Upgrade your lawn (make it beautiful and easy to take care of…make sure that you use indigenous

plants and that your lawn and plants have plenty of water, proper nutrients and sunlight)

• Replace your soil if need be (or ask a lawn specialist to treat your soil)


Over the next few weeks, we would like for you to invest a half day looking closely at the nine

environments of you and how you plan on redesigning your life so that you begin to attract the people

and opportunities that can help you in creating your Ultimate Wealth.

Take the assessment following this report, and make a list of every “upgrade” you will be making so

that you are in perfect playing position to win your ultimate game of wealth.

This report is provided by Jim Bunch and The Ultimate Wealth Workshop. If you are committed to not only

learning more about these 9 Environments – but also in creating ultimate wealth –check out the upcoming

Ultimate Wealth Workshop (September 26-28, 2008 in San Diego, CA).

Jim is partnering with Jack Canfield, author of “The Success Principles,” to help people master the skillset,

mindset and environments needed to become millionaires … and beyond. During the event (which is very much a

WORKshop full of lots of interactive exercises), you’ll also craft a personalized game plan to create, maintain and

grow your wealth in ANY economy.

It’s no secret that many are in for a rocky spell, economically speaking. If you’re serious about achieving the next

level financially despite all of the bad news, I highly recommend that you get the details about this event. Jim and

Jack are two of the top wealth-creation experts around. And during this event, they’ll help you actually do the

work and develop the game plan you need to thrive in a bad economy.

To learn more about this workshop and how to develop a game plan to create, manage, protect and grow your

wealth – in ANY economy, visit

If you reserve a seat by August 31, you can attend for less than half price!

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Section 3: A Self-Assessment of the “Cost” of Your

Current Environments

Take this self-assessment of the “cost” of your current environments and develop an action plan of how

you will upgrade this aspect of your environments so that you begin building wealth.

Memetic Environment

How much money is this

costing you?

How will you upgrade this

aspect of your environment so

that you begin building


Fear of risk Ex: $120k/year. I didn’t act on

a business opportunity that

could have generated


I will work with my team on

taking small risks to start with

Scarcity mindset Ex: $150k/year. My goal is to

earn $250k/year but I’ve been

stuck at $100k/year and I tell

myself I can’t afford to attend

the wealth workshop.

I will sell something in my

garage to cover the expense or

eliminate cable TV and

magazine subscriptions for the next year which will pay for the


Fear of risk

Scarcity mindset

Negative view of money

Overwhelming information

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Old belief systems

Stuck in a cultural paradigm

around money

Body Environment

Lack of exercise

Junk foods

Dining out

Poor health

Prescription medications

Medical bills

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Addictions (Alcohol, drugs,



Low energy levels

Self Environment

Lack of confidence

Outdated look (outdated hair

cut, wardrobe, eyewear)

Not using strengths/focusing on




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Poor communication skills

Negative thinking/negative talk

Relationship Environment



Friends and family who are

financially broke

Dependent adult children

Dependent parents

Dependent siblings

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Dependent friends

Network Environment

Network is struggling financially

Website and marketing

collateral are


Lack of a wealth team/support


Financial Environment

Credit card debt

Living hand-to-mouth

Losing investments

Lack of passive income

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Insurance (home, health, auto)


Physical Environment

Home and office are out-dated

Broken equipment

High energy bills

Poor insulation and weather


Lack of natural sunlight

Old air filters

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Outdated light bulbs

Gas guzzling car

Car is in disrepair

Nature Environment

Poor water and sewer system

Lack of natural sunlight

Lawn is a wreck and difficult to

care for

Pets are destructive to natural


Long commute to and from

work and shopping areas

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Spiritual Environment

Feeling spiritually depleted

Lack of inspiration

Feeling of anxiousness…lack of

peace in life

Feeling disconnected

Congratulations…you now have the first steps necessary to improve each of your environments

and move you closer to creating Ultimate Wealth!

To learn how to identify – and prioritize – the most critical next steps as you craft 30- and 90-day

implementation plans to create your ultimate wealth, attend our Ultimate Wealth Workshop

September 26-28, 2008.

Visit for more information and to listen to a recorded

call with Jim Bunch and Jack Canfield, as they discuss the strategies necessary to create Ultimate
