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Country Profile: Chile

June 2010

It has never been more important for you to understand

what is occurring in the world beyond your country’s

borders. Whether you realize it or not, we are now all

fellow citizens…Global Citizens.

The Thomas White organization was founded in 1992

with the goal of bringing the benefits of globalization to

investors around the world. We believed that once

investors understood that globalization was a positive

force, they would also see the advantages of adding

international equities to their portfolios. It only makes

common sense that professional investors would begin

searching the globe for the most attractive opportunities.

Researching a wider universe of companies should

improve long-term performance. Moreover, broad

diversification typically lowers return volatility.

Multinational corporations have been using this global

strategy for years; why shouldn’t investors do the same?

Now 15 years later, our firm growth and strong

subsequent portfolio performance has confirmed our

investment premise. Currently, Thomas White

professionals are performing research and managing

over one billion dollars in close to 50 countries. We

believe one reason for our success is that the

nationalities of these analysts are as globally diverse as

our portfolios.

Chile: Like Fine Wine and Burnished Copper

hen Isabel Allende, Chile's most

famous literary export, writes

about her spindle-shaped country

as a “land of mystery and

magic,” it is easy to believe her.

Chile has the driest desert in the world along

with enormous glaciers, fjords, beaches,

volcanoes, as well as spouting geysers. It is

also one of the slimmest countries in the world

— 2650 miles long and just 221 miles wide at

its widest point. Indeed, this unique

geographical shape has inspired many a poet to

call it ‘the slender lady.’ Imposing natural

barriers mark the nation’s boundaries — the

Atacama Desert separates the country from

Peru in the north, the Andes Mountains create

a frontier with Bolivia and Argentina to the

east, and the chilly waters of the Drake Sea

point to Chile’s proximity with Antarctica in

the south. The expanse of the Pacific Ocean to

the west completes the country’s geographic


A land of spectacular beauty, Chile today is on

the threshold of a brave new emergence, having moved away from the excesses of the dark days

of dictatorship. Thanks to far-reaching social changes and economic expansion, as well as an

abundance of natural resources, the country is already considered an emerging leader in the

region and is looking to play a greater role on the world stage.

Early beginnings

Chile’s geographical peculiarities and remoteness are a matter of pride and identification for its

people. The very word ‘Chile’ is said to be derived from the native Aymará word ‘chilli’

meaning “the land where the earth ends,” and this sense of physical isolation is often glorified in

popular legends. A famous legend goes that in the beginning of time, God created the world and

when he was finished, he had some leftover pieces. He had some rivers, valleys, glaciers, deserts


The grand monolithic statues on Easter Island in

the Pacific Ocean are believed to have been

sculpted as a tribute to Chile’s earliest settlers.

Spanish invaders subjugated native inhabitants in

the 16th

Century and laid the foundation of

modern-day Chile. 4

and mountains. Instead of letting them all go to waste, God put them all together and cast them to

the most remote corner of the earth, and thus Chile was born!

Many Chileans today refer to their

country as ‘the end of the world’ but it

is a world where, if certain hard-to-

confirm evidences are to be believed,

human habitation dates as far back as

33,000 years. But officially, the oldest

inhabited site in the Americas is located

at the Monte Verde site in Chile, where

a 12,500-year-old child’s footprint left

behind in a marshy field was discovered

in 1998.

Chile’s most famous earliest culture is

that of the nomadic Chinchorros who

lived in Northern Chile between 5000

BC and 3000 BC and who left behind

the world’s oldest-known mummies.

Another important civilization was the

Atacameño culture, which flourished in

Northern Chile between 2000 BC and

1000 BC. This civilization too left

remarkably well-preserved mummies.

The Incas had a short period of rule in

Northern Chile but their invasions were

fiercely resisted by the southern

Picunches and Mapuches, tribal groups

that inhabited what are now the regions

in north and south-central Chile,

respectively. But it was the Spaniards who invaded Chile in the real sense of the word.

The march of the Spaniards

The Spanish invasion in the mid 16th century changed the course of history in Chile, and indeed

of many parts of South America. Though relatively few in number, the invaders from Western

Europe were ruthless and determined, and they subdued Chileans by a combination of

exploitation and the threat of warfare. Thus, the all-conquering Spaniards established Santiago,

the current capital of Chile, in 1541. However, barely six months after the city was founded, the

Mapuches, or Araucanians as the Spanish called them, struck and razed almost the entire

Chile and the World

Nominal GDP ($) 169.5 billion

GDP Rank 46/191

Per Capita GNI ($) 13,250

Per Capita GNI Rank 82/210

Population Rank 60/227

Geographical Area Rank 38/249

Global Competitiveness



Economic Freedom Index



Human Development

Index Rank


Major Industries

Copper mining, other

mining (gold, silver, iron

ore, molybdenum,

nitrates), wood and wood

products, fish and

fishmeal, fruits and wine 5

settlement. The Spaniards, though, clung on and by 1553, many more settlements had sprung up

and the foundation for a new society had been laid. Gradually, the Spaniards attained supreme

dominance in Central Chile and established a strict system of control in Northern Chile (then in


Eventually, children of mixed parentage began to outnumber the indigenous people, who reduced

in numbers rapidly because of large-scale epidemics and warfare. Gradually, there emerged a

Chilean creole class — the Mestizos or people of partly white ancestry — who sowed the first

seeds of the fight for independence from Spain. On September 18, 1810, at a town meeting in

Santiago, Chile took a tentative step towards independence when a group of locally elected

leaders replaced the governor appointed by the Spanish. Therefore, September 18 is celebrated as

the Chilean National Day.


The cry for independence from Spain grew louder

across South America by the 1820s. Jose de San

Martin, one of the great heroes of Argentina’s war of

independence from Spanish rule, marched into Chile

and occupied Santiago. A curious trivia is that,

Bernardo O’ Higgins, the illegitimate son of an

Irishman who had served the Spaniards as the Viceroy

of Peru, was appointed as the second-in-command of

Jose de San Martin’s forces and it was O’Higgins who

later became the supreme director of the new Republic

of Chile. A declaration of independence was officially

issued by Chile on February 12, 1818 and formally

recognized by Spain in 1844. Under O’Higgins, Chile

gradually began to achieve political and economic


A major fillip to Chile’s fortunes came from the spoils

of the War of the Pacific (1879-84) during which time

the country annexed vast copper- and nitrate-rich areas

from Peru and Bolivia. Soon after that war, a global

nitrate boom brought prosperity to the country, and an

efficient railroad system further fueled the economy.

This victory is still celebrated with great fervor by Chileans. Even today, copper is the

cornerstone of the Chilean economy.

The Santiago Stock Exchange, which

has been in business for over a

century now, perhaps best exemplifies

Chile’s resilience. 6

O’Higgins dominated Chilean politics in the years after independence but the landowning elite

who first supported him later objected to his rule due to higher taxes. He was replaced by a de

facto dictator Diego Portales whose Constitution, which centralized power in Santiago and

introduced indirect elections to the presidency, lasted until the early 20th Century.

In the early decades of the 20th century, Chile’s economy suffered a near-collapse as the demand

for mineral nitrates fell. What’s more, a dictatorial general called Carlos Ibáñez del Campo held

power for a few years, and during his rule, Chile’s economic woes increased. The Great

Depression worsened the situation and the country plunged into a period of widespread

opposition and riots until World War II came as a godsend. The war boosted the demand for

Chilean copper and the country’s economy quickly recovered. In the subsequent years, Chilean

politics grew increasingly polarized, complicated and confrontational.

In 1970, Chile saw one of its most fiercely fought elections, which resulted in socialist leader

Salvador Allende becoming the world's first democratically elected Marxist president. But the

country was far from being peaceful. In 1972, what began as a truckers’ strike led to

unimaginable consequences. Faced with the prospect of losing power, Allende invited the army

commander, General Carlos Prats, to join the Cabinet. But the crisis ballooned into an

unsuccessful military coup in 1973, ultimately leading to the resignation of General Prats and the

appointment of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, then an obscure General, as army commander.

Caravan of death

In September 1973, Pinochet unleashed a brutal coup d’état during which numerous Allende

sympathizers were rumored to have been herded into the Santiago National Stadium to be

beaten, tortured and executed. Hundreds went into exile. Pinochet appointed himself president in

1974, and thus began Chile's darkest days of widespread repression, torture, and murder. He is

believed to have organized a ‘caravan of death,’ a military group that travelled from town to

town, city to city, ruthlessly hunting down political opponents, even those who had surrendered.

Thousands ‘disappeared’ during this reign of terror. In 1980, Pinochet organized a controversial

plebiscite, which approved a new constitution and proclaimed him president for an eight-year


Return of democracy

In the early 80s, cracks appeared in Pinochet’s dictatorship and murmurs about democracy began

to get louder. Eventually, in 1988, a much-weakened Pinochet held a plebiscite seeking a second

eight-year term as President. He lost. In December next year, democracy returned to the battered

country when Patricio Aylwin, the coalition candidate of a group of opposition parties who

called themselves the Concertación para la Democracia, defeated Pinochet’s protégé Hernán

Büchi for the post of president. 7

Slowly, Aylwin consolidated the re-born democracy,

although there was a constant struggle between the ruling

government and the actual Constitution that still

accorded the military considerable powers.

Over the next two decades, the center-left Concertación

managed to win successive elections, holding power for

four consecutive terms. Two important political events

took place in these twenty years. In 2005, Chile carried

out constitutional reforms on 58 grounds, with one of the

key changes being the reduction of the presidential term

from six years to four years. Secondly, in 2006, Socialist

Party leader Michelle Bachelet, a Concertación nominee,

won the presidential elections to become Chile's first

woman President. Bachelet governed until early 2010

when the center-right Coalition for Change’s Sebestian

Pinera, a well-known businessman who owns a TV

station, a football team and a 25 per cent stake in the

Chilean national airlines LAN, was elected president.

One of the salutary effects of the Pinochet regime was its

pro-market agenda. The dictator started reforming the

economy and gradually pushed Chile toward a free

market system. Fortunately, the four democratically

elected presidents of the Concertación coalition who followed Pinochet did not completely

abandon the dictator’s legacy. Just as the Pinochet regime had sold many state-owned firms, the

subsequent democratic governments continued privatization, albeit at a slower pace. They also

consistently retained some of the sound economic policies that were implemented in the 80s.

With newfound economic and political stability, the Chile of today is very different from what it

was during Pinochet’s rule. The country is ranked among the forty most developed countries, its

economy is robust, healthcare has improved, life expectancy is up and poverty has been halved.

Socially as well, Chile is embracing modernity and casting off old biases. Despite its many

achievements, though, the country has a long way to go in terms of reducing economic inequality

and tackling tensions, which keep sparking between the State and the people of the indigenous

Mapuche community.

Incidentally, whites or people of pure European descent and the Mestizos or people of partly

white ancestry together make up 95% of Chile’s population of 17 million. The country’s

indigenous inhabitants, of whom 80% are Mapuches, account for the remaining 5% of the


Containers ready to be shipped at a

Chilean port. Chile boasts of a free

trade policy that gives its access to

numerous markets across the globe. 8

The joy of ‘18’

Having suffered and endured ruthless invaders and dictators throughout history, Chileans view

themselves as a brave and resilient society. The biggest day of riotous celebration in the Chilean

calendar is also linked with national identity. The ‘18’ as the Chileans call it, is celebrated on the

Chilean National Day — September 18 — with great joy and fervor. It is the day Chileans go out

on the street to make merry, sing and dance the Cueca, the national dance, and eat empanadas

(meat pastries) by the dozen. And of course, gulp down bottles and bottles of Chilean red wine.

On the ‘18,’ many dress up as the typical Chilean cowboy Huaso, a symbolic figure who wears a

wide flat-topped hat, multi-hued ponchos and shiny high-heeled boots with spurs. In fact, the

festivities begin a week earlier, with many fiestas patrias (patriotic parties) held during the week.

These celebrations include colorful cowboy parades, lots of folk music and dance, and not to

forget, traditional Chilean delicacies. A major part of the celebration takes place in public

gatherings in Ramadas, which are temporary shacks with roofs made from tree branches. These

Ramadas usually have a dance floor, rhythmic music and tables to eat. Typical Chilean fare such

as empanadas and anticuchos and drinks like chichas and piscos (fermented apple brew and

grape brandy) are served in these shacks.

‘Once’ upon a time in the afternoon…

Like in most ancient cultures, food is accorded special respect in Chile. Chilean cuisine too is a

mesh of its Indian and Spanish influences and speaks for the unique sense of cultural

homogeneity that Chileans are justifiably proud of. The national dish Porotos Granados is a

delicious mixture of locally produced corn, squash and beans with a dash of the Spanish in the

sprinkling of onion and garlic. Another popular national delicacy is the caldillo de congrio, a

soup made of conger eel, tomatoes,

potatoes and a melody of herbs and


Traditionally, Chileans eat four times a

day, with a unique meal called “once”

usually eaten between 4 p.m. and 7

p.m. Once is a light meal typically

consisting of sandwiches with cheese

and avocados accompanied by tea or

coffee. A cheeky tale recounts that

long ago, men wanted to drink their

liquor during the day and once was

created to give them the liberty to do

so. According to Chilean lore, it is

Young Chileans dancing the Cueca, their country’s

national dance. 9

pointed out that the word liquor in Spanish is aguardiente and the number of letters in

aguardiente is eleven, which translates to once in Spanish!

Interestingly, Chilean Spanish is slightly different from the Spanish spoken in other Latin

American countries and has a distinct ‘melody’ to it. And that melody is representative of

everything about Chile – a place where contrasting cultures, geography and peoples have all

fused harmoniously to create a sense of magic.

Exemplary economy

Chile is a textbook example of how nations can adopt the right mix of policies to create an

efficient economic structure. Thanks to its free-trade policy, the country is today one of the

world’s most open economies, successive budget surpluses have reduced the national debt to

zero, and fiscal responsibility is mandated by law. Further, the country boasts of a privatized

pensions system, guaranteed minimum income for the elderly, an effective anti-poverty

campaign, and a public health provision. Chile was also the first country in Latin America to

privatize state enterprises, reduce tariffs, and allow foreign capital.

No wonder the world marvels at the extraordinary economic and social progress Chile has made

over the past two decades. In 1990, about 40% of Chileans lived below the poverty line. Today,

that number has shrunk to 12% or 13%. The number of young people going to universities has

risen from 10% to 40% during these twenty years. When Pinochet’s dictatorship ended in 1989,

two-fifths of Chile’s expenses were incurred to pay off debt. Now the country has no debt to

service and social programs account for 70% of its expenses. It is for reasons such as these that

Chile is now widely considered one of the world’s most stable emerging market economies.

Chile’s economy revolves around commerce and mineral resources, besides agriculture. About

15% of the country’s population is employed in the agricultural sector. The Vale of Chile, the

heart of the country with the highest population density and the greatest agricultural and

industrial output, is the nation’s agricultural hub. The area’s vineyards are the primary suppliers

to Chile's flourishing wine industry. Besides grapes, apples, pears, peaches, beans, onions, garlic,

oats, wheat, corn, and asparagus are grown in the region. Some of the other important economic

activities in Chile include fishing, lumbering, beef and poultry production, and sheep rearing.

Commerce the mainstay

One of the main pillars of Chile’s economy is its free trade policy. The country has free trade

agreements with developed nations such as the U.S., Japan, Australia and Canada, as well as

emerging powers like China, Mexico, and South Korea. Chile also has an economic association

agreement with the European Union and other forms of trade associations with India, Cuba, and

various South American countries. 10

Further, the country recently joined the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development (OECD), the first South American country to do so. These networks provide Chile

access to billions of consumers worldwide. Exports account for nearly 40% of Chile’s GDP and

have been growing at the rate of 4% a year since 1999. Copper makes up 56% of Chile’s total

exports, while industrial goods contribute 26%, fish and fish-meal comprise 9%, and agricultural

products around 6%. Wine is another substantial export from the country.

A third of the world’s copper in its


Copper has been the main export of Chile

for close to two centuries now. This is

understandable, given the size of Chile’s

copper reserves. The country possesses

approximately 34% of the world’s copper.

Consequently, Chile is not only the world’s

largest producer of copper but also has the

globe’s largest open-pit copper mine,

Chuquicamata, and the largest copper

mining company, Codelco.

With approximately 200 years of copper

reserves, Codelco produces a fifth of the

world’s copper ore every year. The state-

owned company’s primary output is 99.99%

pure copper cathodes. Codelco is also the world’s largest producer of rhenium and second-largest

producer of molybdenum, both byproducts of copper mining.

A big fish in the fisheries industry

An extraordinary confluence of factors has gifted Chile a large and flourishing fisheries industry.

Owing to its low temperatures and the Antarctic current to its south, Chile has the purest and

most oxygenated marine waters in the world, an environment where 1,016 species of fish thrive,

including the renowned Chilean Sea Bass. As well, over the past fifty years, the country’s

fisheries exports have been growing largely due to the development of the fishmeal industry.

Frozen seafood products make up nearly 45% of Chile’s fisheries-related exports. The country is

also a large exporter of fishmeal, fresh refrigerated products, fish oil, canned products, and dried

algae. Chile sends its fish products to 93 countries, but only nine account for 81.8% of total fish

exports. Among these nine countries, Japan, the United States, and China are some of the biggest

importers. Chile accounts for around 4% of the world's total exports of fish products.

Possessing approximately 34% of the world’s copper,

Chile is not only the world’s largest producer of copper

but also has the globe’s largest open-pit copper mine,

Chuquicamata, Copper makes up 56% of Chile’s total

exports. 11

Bottled history

Wine aficionados tend to think it is only in the past 20 years or so that Chile has been competing

in the worldwide wine market but the truth is, the country has an astonishingly long and

fascinating wine history. Chile has been producing wine since the mid 16th Century when the

Spanish settlers first brought French vines with them. By a quirk of fate, Chilean wine makers of

the 19th Century became highly prosperous, not because of the wine, but because of a small


In the late 1800s, European vineyards were attacked by the aphid phylloxera, an insect which

devastated large swathes of thriving grapes. Curiously, Chilean vines remained completely

unaffected, possibly because of the country’s geographical isolation or because the settlers had

brought in unaffected French vines. Chile’s soil and climate too may have helped. From then

onwards, the Chilean wine industry continued to thrive until World War II put the cork on

exports to Europe. The poor economy at home didn’t help matters and production stagnated.

Democracy came as a blessing to the vineyards in the 1990s and the global liquor market again

raised a toast to Chilean wines. Today, Chile’s wine industry has clocked annual sales of about

$1.3 billion and the country is the fourth leading exporter of wine to the U.S. after Italy, France,

and Australia.


Chile has an acute energy shortage and, for decades now, one of its most crucial challenges has

been to generate and procure adequate energy for its power-intensive mines, industries and


The country seemingly found the solution to its energy problem in 1995 when neighbor

Argentina promised an assured supply of natural gas from its vast reserves. Chile promptly

constructed gas pipelines and its firms invested in infrastructure to retool their production

facilities to utilize natural gas. By 2003, more than half of the electric energy Chile consumed

was generated by electrical power plants fed by natural gas from Argentina. Chile had come to

depend heavily on its neighbor and this was asking for trouble.

In 2004, Argentina suddenly changed its energy policy, deciding to give priority to domestic

consumers rather than exports. Since then, Argentina’s natural gas supply to Chile has shrunk

drastically and Chile’s electrical power plants have been forced to rely on more expensive diesel.

The setback, though, has had a bright side. Chile’s government has been desperately trying to

find a more lasting solution to its energy woes. In order to diversify its energy sources, the

government opened a $1 billion LNG re-gasification plant in 2009. More importantly, the

country is finally making an effort to leverage its vast geothermal resources. 12

Geysers to power future growth

Chile has perhaps the world’s largest untapped

geothermal energy potential thanks to its numerous

geysers and steam fields in the north, close to the border

with Bolivia and Argentina. Therefore, experts estimate

that the country has the ability to generate as much as

16,000 megawatts of electricity using geothermal power.

Since Chile’s current power scarcity is about 7,000

megawatts, the geothermal capacity is sufficient to wipe

out the shortage and leave some power for exports. And

yet, Chile today produces less than 10 megawatts of

energy from geothermal sources.

Fortunately, having learned a painful lesson for failing to

harness its energy resources, the government is beginning

to act. As a first step, the Chilean Ministry of Mines has

been positioning the country as an attractive destination

for international geothermal investment.

Thanks to these efforts, the government successfully

completed the bidding process for geothermal exploration

concessions in early 2010. It has allocated seventeen

geothermal areas to nine companies, which are then

expected to invest $106 million over the next two years. Seven of those companies are foreign-


Recession: A speed bump

Not surprisingly, the prospects of Chile’s economy have always been closely linked to the global

demand for copper. For instance, in the period between 2003 and 2007, Chile recorded strong

annual GDP growth on the back of high copper prices across the globe. In contrast, when copper

prices halved at the peak of the global financial crisis in late 2008, Chile saw a dramatic fall in its


As economic activity continued to weaken through the first half of 2009, Chile’s government

responded quickly with a $4 billion stimulus program and monetary measures, which have since

been applauded widely. While the central bank slashed interest rates by a total of nearly 8

percentage points, the government drew from the reserves set aside during the period of high

metal prices and increased spending on public projects and infrastructure to keep domestic

demand propped up. A considerable recovery in copper prices also helped, and Chile managed to

Steam fields such as this one in

northern Chile, have the potential to

generate a total of 16,000

megawatts of power every year. 13

Located on the boundary of two converging tectonic

plates, Chile is prone to frequent earthquakes. The

1960 earthquake near the Chilean city of Valdivia was

the strongest ever measured anywhere in the world

while the February 2010 disaster was one of the most

powerful in a decade.

limit the damage to a GDP contraction of 1.9% in 2009. However, Chilean exports declined 20%

during 2009 compared to 2008, primarily due to the fall in the global demand for copper and

other metals.

Nevertheless, in the beginning of 2010, the outlook for Chile’s economy improved substantially.

On the back of aggressive inventory restocking by businesses around the world, the demand for

copper and other metals had grown consistently throughout the second half of 2009 and a major

part of the decline in copper prices had reversed. The world community saw Chile as one of

those countries that had recovered strongly from the recession. Chile’s GDP growth was pegged

at 4-5% for 2010. However, just as the Latin American powerhouse was bracing for a return to

its pre-recession momentum, the ground slipped beneath its feet.


The 8.8-magnitude quake that struck

Chile in late February 2010 not only

affected one-eighth of Chile’s

population but also dented the country’s

fragile recovery. Chile lies in the

‘Pacific Ring of Fire,’ one of the

world’s most seismically active zones,

and has suffered several massive

earthquakes in the past. But this was by

far one of the worst — the last quake of

similar force occurred in 1960.

According to government estimates, the

calamity destroyed property worth $30

billion, roughly a sixth of Chile’s GDP.

The new government has responded by

announcing an $8.4 billion

reconstruction plan. It intends to raise at

least $3 billion by increasing taxes and

the remaining $5.4 billion will be garnered from Chile’s $11 billion offshore sovereign fund —

created from windfall copper revenues — bond issues, and public expenditure cuts. Around $8

billion of insurance payments from abroad will also help the rebuilding effort. Further,

reconstruction activity is expected to create large-scale employment and aid GDP growth.

…but standing firm

Though the cost of reconstruction is massive and will hobble Chile’s growth for some time,

Chileans can take heart from the fact that, for a variety of reasons, the quake has done much less

damage than it had the potential to do. For instance, the earthquake that reduced Haiti to rubble

in January 2010 was hundreds of times much less powerful than the Chilean quake. Yet an

estimated 200,000 people perished in Haiti while Chile’s death toll was approximately 500.

Further, much fewer people were rendered homeless in Chile than was initially thought because

the country, being in a seismic zone, has strict building codes.

It was providence too that the epicenter of the quake lay to the south of densely populated

Santiago and much deeper down in the earth than in Haiti. This ensured that human and property

losses were much less severe. Moreover, Chile’s copper mines, which are located to the north

Santiago, were relatively unaffected, although the forestry and wine industries suffered some

damage. In fact, Codelco was able to resume operations only two days after the quake.

The future is now

Santiago, where the regional offices of

several multinational corporations are

located, is one of the leading financial

centers of South America. A skyscraper

under construction in the city’s financial

district, when completed, will be tallest

building on the continent.

damage than it had the potential to do. For instance, the earthquake that reduced Haiti to rubble

in January 2010 was hundreds of times much less powerful than the Chilean quake. Yet an

eople perished in Haiti while Chile’s death toll was approximately 500.

Further, much fewer people were rendered homeless in Chile than was initially thought because

the country, being in a seismic zone, has strict building codes.

at the epicenter of the quake lay to the south of densely populated

Santiago and much deeper down in the earth than in Haiti. This ensured that human and property

losses were much less severe. Moreover, Chile’s copper mines, which are located to the north

Santiago, were relatively unaffected, although the forestry and wine industries suffered some

damage. In fact, Codelco was able to resume operations only two days after the quake.

Clearly the quake has caused a few cracks in the

brickwork of Chile’s economy, but strength remains in

the foundation — the foundation the leaders and

citizens of Chile have been building assiduously

strong economic future. The recession notwithstanding,

the world is in the middle of a commodity super cycle.

Billions of people across the developing world are

taking the leap from the poverty line to

and from the middle class to the affluent class. That

translates to better, bigger and more houses, as well as

more automobiles, appliances, computers, lights,

televisions, telephones and everything else that uses

copper, a commodity Chile has plenty of.

Further, as its quick recovery from the recession and the

earthquake’s devastation demonstrate, Chile has an

economic structure resilient, potent and flexible enough

to withstand adversity. In addition, the nation has a

stable political system, fiscal strength, a qualified

workforce, social safety nets to boost consumption, as

well as globally competitive industries. The icing on

cake is that the energy situation seems to be improving.

Perhaps, the future Chile has been preparing for is

beginning now.

Santiago, where the regional offices of

several multinational corporations are

located, is one of the leading financial

centers of South America. A skyscraper


will be tallest


damage than it had the potential to do. For instance, the earthquake that reduced Haiti to rubble

in January 2010 was hundreds of times much less powerful than the Chilean quake. Yet an

eople perished in Haiti while Chile’s death toll was approximately 500.

Further, much fewer people were rendered homeless in Chile than was initially thought because

at the epicenter of the quake lay to the south of densely populated

Santiago and much deeper down in the earth than in Haiti. This ensured that human and property

losses were much less severe. Moreover, Chile’s copper mines, which are located to the north of

Santiago, were relatively unaffected, although the forestry and wine industries suffered some

damage. In fact, Codelco was able to resume operations only two days after the quake.

Clearly the quake has caused a few cracks in the

brickwork of Chile’s economy, but strength remains in

leaders and

have been building assiduously for a

ion notwithstanding,

the world is in the middle of a commodity super cycle.

Billions of people across the developing world are

the middle class

affluent class. That

translates to better, bigger and more houses, as well as

more automobiles, appliances, computers, lights,

televisions, telephones and everything else that uses

copper, a commodity Chile has plenty of.

rom the recession and the

earthquake’s devastation demonstrate, Chile has an

economic structure resilient, potent and flexible enough

to withstand adversity. In addition, the nation has a

stable political system, fiscal strength, a qualified

ial safety nets to boost consumption, as

well as globally competitive industries. The icing on

cake is that the energy situation seems to be improving.

Perhaps, the future Chile has been preparing for is 15

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