Download - Content Marketing Master Class - New York

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Welcome ToNew York

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Two Things:1.Quick Housekeeping 2.The State of Content Marketing 3.Beginning Your Mission !

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Only 42% believe theircontent marketing is effective

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Producing Enough Content

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Enabling Women to Have More Quality Time with Their


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Enabling Teen Girls to Be More Confident with

Their Bodies

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Helping Men Become Better Men

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Help Engineers Answer the Most Challenging

Industrial Solder Questions

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Think About Your Content Marketing Mission

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Welcome to, the place where entrepreneurs and business owners can find useful information, advice, insights, resources and inspiration for running and growing their businesses.

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Welcome to, the place where entrepreneurs and business owners can find useful information, advice, insights, resources and inspiration for running and growing their businesses.

1. Core Target Audience 2. What Will Be Delivered 3. The Outcome for the


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Welcome ToNew York

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The true challenge is the pressure of executing fast and chaotic change while simultaneously delivering increasingly profitable, data-driven results.

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marketing leadersfeel the pressure

“on the clock”

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CMO’s feelthey don’t

have the right people

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CMO’s feelunready for technology

... and yet...

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“Content Marketing will have huge effect. We have to figure out how to stay relevant and engaging.”

CMO Fortune 500 CPG Company

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They’re not unaware.



They’re just wrong.

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“You may hate gravity. But gravity does not care.” - Clayton Christensen

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30 Demo Requests - 6% Conversion Rate

10 Demonstrations - $300 / Demo

1 Customer - $3,000 Cost Per Customer

50,000 Impressions1% CTR - (500 Visitors)

$6.00 CPC

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75 Downloads - 30% Conversion Rate ($20 ea)

9 Demonstrations - $300 / Demo($166)

3 Customers - $500 Cost Per Customer

50,000 Impressions.5% CTR - (250 Visitors)

$6.00 CPC

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One Year Later: !

Organic Traffic - 30%Engagement +150% Inbound Links: +40%

Social Sharing +100% Sales +185%

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B2B Training Software Company !

8 Months Later - Customer Acquisition: !

1.2x the cost 1.5 x as long…. !


……..wait for it

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B2B Training Software Company !

8 Months Later - Customer Acquisition: !

Spent 2x as much Stayed 5X as long 2X more likely to share !


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Thought'Leadership' Storyteller'












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Thought'Leadership' Storyteller'












Financial Services Strategy Firm !

The Plan • Website: Daily - 3 “How To” Articles • Blog: “The World’s Largest FAQ” Post • Social: Daily posts on FB, Twitter Etc.. • LinkedIn: Company Page, Blog Posts


From Good to Better: !

• SEO Results: Top 10 across 20 keywords • Websites - 25% increase in traffic • Blog: 100% increase in traffic • Social: Thousands of likes, 5K followers



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Financial Services Strategy Firm !

The Plan • More traffic didn’t actually = better results • SEO results are great - but who cares? • Realized - Less content and more

“tentpole pieces” and re-use provided better quality traffic, helped sales more.


From Better to Great: !

• Research studies (6-8 weeks of production) • Aggregate client data (quarterly, yearly) • Industry/Influencer expertise



Thought'Leadership' Storyteller'












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Thought'Leadership' Storyteller'












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Financial Services Strategy Firm !

• Average Approx 100 Subscribers • Passionate Subscribers • Top 5 reason for renewal • 4 New engagements from new clients



• “You Are The Program” Conference • 150 Attendees (Limited) • Waiting list now • 25 new projects (hallway conversations)



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Thought'Leadership' Storyteller'












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The New Muscle !



Not Describing Our Becoming The

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Jason Miller Senior Mgr. Content MarketingLinked-In !

Amanda Maksymiw Content Marketing Manager Lattice Engines !

Sarah Skerik Vice President, Content Marketing PRNewsire !


Michael Gerard CMO Curata

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560 / Day !

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3,000 / Day !

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13,000 / Day !

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In 2014 it’s the relationship that matters. We have to not only GRAB attention from the audiences that matter. We have to hold it, so that WE matter to them. !

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1,800,000 Views 6 Years Human Time

185,000,000 Views 1,200 Years Human Time

16 Years Human Time How will we ever get that many....Every Hour...

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Avg. <7,000 Views

The Network Effect

New Audiences For Blog

Direct engagement with specific customers AT&T New York Times, Verizon

1st Cisco content aired on TV – For Free

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1,800,000 Views But Only 1 Counted

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Prod. Dev. R&D People Procurement

CUSTOMER: CEO’s Associations Food Magazine Editors Chefs / Bartenders Planners

A Different Story: Instead of creating content trying to influence the Product Development people. !Create content around being a “taste-maker” and influence Chefs and Bartenders about the newest flavors that are becoming Hip.


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Technology company..... !

The Windows Integrated Management Program (The WIMP) !

?? Audience Personas

Welcome To Wimpy Tech

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Meet Jeremy !

•  Mid  30’s  –  Coffee  lover    •  Works  at  a  bank    •  Responds  to  email;  phone  not  so  much.  •  Frustrated  because  his  company  is  growing  too  fast  to  keep  up  with  support

•  Young,  family  man

•  Sales  USP:  Enable  Jeremy  to  be  25%  more  effecQve!  

•  Personal  (Audience)  UVP:  Give  me  more  Qme  to  be  me!!

Let’s Get To The Personal UVP

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Meet Cheryl !

•  CFO  for  the  bank  -­‐  actually  signs  the  check  for  Wimply  Tech    •Sales  USP:    Save  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars  •  Personal  UVP:  Make  me  a  CFO  Rockstar  in  my  industry

Let’s Get To The Personal (Audience) UVP

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Who Else? !

•  Who  else  might  be  an  influencer  /  audience  persona?  •  While  you  think...  Maybe  some  other  examples...  


The Keys To Audience Personas

•  Detail  -­‐  make  them  real  people  •  Understand  their  moQvaQon  •  What  is  VALUE  for  them  •  What  EMOTIONAL  CONNECTION  can  we  make  with  them?

Let’s Get To The Personal UVP

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Put your reporter hat on... !

•  WHO  is  the  persona  ...  emoQonally  adached  •  WHAT  does  he/she  do?    What  does  her  day  look  like?  •  WHERE  is  the  gap  in  his  needs/wants?    Even  beyond  our  product  or  service?  •  WHEN  do  they  need  to  close  this  gap?  •  WHY  does  he  care  about  US  -­‐  Not  our  product!  


Go Get The Real Story

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•  Volunteer*to*go*on*the*Summer*“Get*To*Know*Ya”*Tour*•  Visited*30*Customers*in*10*ci?es*over*12*Weeks**•  NOT*About*Product*–*About*Connec?on*•  Discoveries*Galore…*Photos*Galore…*Stories*Galore…*•  They*didn’t*care*about*75%*the*stuff*we*were*talking*about.*•  Wanted*us*to*help*them*with*adop?on*programs….**More*FUN*

One innovative example…!

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“Today, TV is a bigger business than the old narrowly defined movie business ever was. !

Had Hollywood been customer-oriented (providing entertainment) rather than product oriented (making movies), would it have gone through the fiscal purgatory that it did?” !

- Theodore Levitt Marketing Myopia

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“People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.”

- Simon Sinek

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“The king walked through the misty forest, the prince walked through the misty forest and the queen walked through the misty forest.”

- Plot

as they danced... the trees transformed into giant dragons.....”

“The king walked through the misty forest, followed by the queen and prince who danced through the misty forest...

- Story

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Modular Data Centers !

Typical Services Methodology: Plan, Design, Build, Maintain !

Benefits/Features We’re Better, We’re Faster, We’re Cheaper

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Getting to why.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic/Idea: Modularized Data Centers: The Future



Blogs talking about how they work Show success stories about them... case studies Cool video of time lapse of building one... How our company does them faster... Types of infrastructures - detailed specifications...

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Using the 5 why’s.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic: Modularized / Containerized Data Centers: The Future !

Why is this topic importantto CIO’s

Because our MC Data centersare less expensive and more agile than traditional data centers

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Using the 5 why’s.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic: Modularized / Containerized Data Centers: The Future !

Why is it important for CIO’s to have less expensive and more agile data centers?

Because the needs of computing in the business are rising exponentially, and CIO’s need to have faster/less expensive ways to manage their costs

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Using the 5 why’s.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic: Modularized / Containerized Data Centers: The Future !

Why is it important for CIO’s to know about ways to manage costs and be faster?

Because if they stay current with these future trends, then they can expand their business more quickly and have a competitive advantage.

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Using the 5 why’s.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic: Modularized / Containerized Data Centers: The Future !

Why is it important for CIO’s to about how future trends can give their business a competitive advantage.

Because if they don’t stay ahead of the curve, their company may go out of business, or they may be out of a job.

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Using the 5 why’s.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic: Modularized / Containerized Data Centers: The Future !

Why is that important to CIO’s?

Because their livelihood depends on having this knowledge.

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And Now A Bit Of Magic... !!!We believe in the office of the CIO !

But things are changing fast - and in order for them to stay competitive on the job market, they must stay ahead of the curve or they (or their company) will be out of business. !

So, we help them stay current by delivering the most important future trends to help them expand their business and create competitive advantage. !

The needs of business computing are rising exponentially, and CIO’s must keep up with ways to do things faster, and less expensively. !

Modularized, Containerized Data centers - and the trends and best practices in deploying them are a powerful new way for the CIO to stay competitive.






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Getting to why.... !

Content Marketing Program: Directed at the IT (CIO) side of the business. !

Topic/Idea: The Lean And Mean CIO !




Why You aren’t ready for a mission critical business? CIO Profiles: The missing component from a mission critical career?

Is Big Data Portable - Smart CIO’s Are Making Big Data Smaller.... Are YOU ready for Global data management

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Take One Of Your Ideas From Before Decide on an audience persona for whom you will develop this. !

Find a partner, and go through the “5 Why’s”. Get to your deeper story. !


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Develop your pitch. !

1. What’s the story. 2. How does it work across channels

and across functional areas. 3. Bonus for mixing models across

groups and channels !


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Chief  Content  Officer

Managing  Editors

Content  Producers

Chief  Listening  Officers

Content  Creators


1. Build the collaboration first - then the structure.

2. Find the “pockets of excellence” and build on them.

3. One house. One streetone neighborhood.



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The editorial calendar within…

The editorial calendar within… !

The marketing calendar…. !


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Master Calendar

Channel Calendars

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A good EC is more than just slotting random content into a datebook. !

Maps to the story, our personas, the engagement cycle and our overall goals. !

It gives us the ability to plan, react and keep on track with measurement. !

Collaboration tool for other members of the team.

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Prioritized list of what/when/where you are publishing based on story map. !

Assigned Managing Editor / Content Creator. !

Dates - creation, due, finalize, legal, archive etc.. !

Metadata for insight and organization - could be personas, engagement cycle, legal etc.. !

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Goals Can Be Set By Content by Persona Etc.. !

An integrated editorial calendar Enables you to see where the content marketing is, or isn’t having effect.

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Month&1&&&& Month&2& Month&3& Month&4& Month&5& Month&6& Month&7&


















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Take your “pitch idea” and start your story map. What does it look like? !

Identify phases, rollout among channels and identify the metrics for success. !

It becomes your pitch to the CEO for taking your content marketing to the next level.

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“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.” !

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature.”

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70/20/10 Investment Model !

Jonathan Mildenhall, Worldwide VP of Creative

Coca Cola

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