Download - Company Overview (condensed version)



First Technology is one of South Africa’s largest, independent national IT solutions providers. Our company offers managed solutions and services that maximise business productivity and minimise the total cost of IT ownership.


At least 50% of consumers will use 2 or more devices in their purchase process. Sites must be mobile-friendly.

85% of users say social networkshelp them decide what to purchase.

The fastest growing age bracket on Twitter is 55 – 64 years old.

73% of business apps use pre-buying features like product research, price comparisons, inventory checks and consumer reviews, as opposed to strictly purchasing.

Of the apps downloaded, 1 in 4 are abandoned after the initial use. People use apps that enhance their lives.

By 2018 more app revenue will come from tablets than smartphones.

2 new users join Facebook every second.

90% of mobile searches lead to action, 50% lead to a purchase.

By 2015, 1 of every $7 spent on packaged software, server and storage offerings will be through the public cloud model.

Within the next 2 years, over half of the capital allocated to IT budgets will be spent on cloud computing.

Worldwide IT cloud spending will approach $100 billion by 2016.

40% of marketers are planning to develop a mobile app in the next year.


93% of marketers are using social media for business.

Every week 140,000 hard drives crash in the United States.

68% of companies do not have a stated Business Intelligence/Analytics strategy.

IDC forecasts a 44-fold increase in data volumes between 2009 and 2020.








ContentsAbout Us - Our Team 1 - Our Partners 1 - Our Structure 1 Managed Solutions - Storage 2 - Virtualisation 2 - WAN Optimisation 3

Additional Solutions

- Microsoft Services 4 - Software Asset Management 4

• SAM Desk 4• SAM in a Box 4

- Mobile Device Management 5 - Infrastructure 5 - Technical Services 5

• Managed Services (SLA’s) 5• Remote Management Services 5

- Converged Communications and PBAX Systems 6 - Networking Services 6 - Cloud Services 6 - Managed Print Services 7

IT Rental Finance

- Benifits of Rental Finance 8 - Features 8

Managed Print Services - Benefits of MPS 9 - Why MPS? 10

Our Services and Partners - Key Focus Areas 11 - Vendor Accreditations 11


Benefits of Rental Finance


Many of our engineers have internationally recognised qualifications to ensure we exceed our service level agreements.

Our team is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that are focused on your needs and expectations whilst ensuring a good return on investment, allowing you to focus on your core business more effectively.

our PartnersOur internal resources are supplemented with strategically selected business partners and vendors. Our tailored solutions are backed up with business partners and vendors of the highest calibre.

our struCture

First Technology is structured to give all our customers access to a consistent range of managed technology solutions and services around the country.

aBout usFirst Technology has branches in every major business area in South Africa.

This allows us to provide our customers with the same comprehensive range and level of service excellence, regardless of where their business operations are located.

Our services range from supplying consumables and commodities to designing, implementing and maintaining your entire enterprise network. We are also well positioned to help you attain your e-business strategy in a manner that derives maximum business value, whilst still ensuring that you are equipped to manage changes in your business environment.

The company, established in 1983, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the First Technology Group (FTG).

our team

We maintain one of the largest teams of expert technical personnel in the country.


First teChnology



managed solutionsWe specialise in assisting customers to develop their IT strategy and ensure its aligned to that of the business.

Our way of doing business is to approach each client as unique. Working with you, we gain an understanding of your business, its support needs and priorities, which enables us to deliver custom-built support and services solutions. First Technology focuses on building business partnerships, which enable us to provide our customers with enhanced, yet cost-effective business solutions from dedicated specialists.


With the explosion of data in the information age there is a strong demand for better, faster and more efficient ways to store, process and serve data to the market.

As a data storage specialist First Technology provides a host of quality data storage products and full hosting services. These range from data storage devices such as hard disk drives, off-site data storage to backup systems.

In addition we offer a reliable fully managed backup and recovery service including data recovery, data migration forensics and data archival services. Our solutions also include disk arrays, tape libraries, data security appliances, storage area network (SAN) switches and high-performance computing servers.


Virtualisation - the decoupling of application software and operating systems from the underlying server hardware – is rapidly gaining a foothold in data centers. First Technology’s virtualisation solutions optimise your existing infrastructure to maximise the IT investments you have already made. We offer server, desktop and storage virtualisation.

The key benefits of our virtualisation offerings within a data center environment are cost avoidance, application mobility and ease of implementation.


Wan oPtimisation

Your wide-area network (WAN) is the foundation of your company, enabling collaboration, communication, business productivity and risk mitigation. The performance of your WAN is critical to everything you do. With First Technology’s WAN optimisation solutions, your business will run faster and more efficiently, deliver consistent service levels and your IT infrastructure costs will reduce dramatically.

Boosts Productivity and Improves Business Processes

Our WAN optimisation solution speeds up applications, raises productivity and eliminates the impact of distance between branch offices, mobile workers, data centre and business headquarters.

Accomplishes Key Business Initiatives

Our wide-area network centralises your IT infrastructure to lower costs, improves security and eases regulatory compliance. It allows for greater collaboration between your workers sharing documents and software as if they were all operating from the same location. It accelerates your data, public and private cloud implementations. It leverages the latest cost-cutting technology to deliver higher-performing applications.

It also improve business continuity and disaster recovery by cutting RPO by 90% and reducing RTO by optimising backup across the current WAN and VPN. This enables you to recover data on virtual machines up to 50 times faster thereby ensuring workers can continue to operate at full capacity in the event of major or minor disruptions.

The performance of the most commonly-used applications across the network is improved, typically by 5-50 times. It accelerates operations by reducing the time required to complete those that are repetitive.

It promotes real-time collaboration, streamlines communication and enables distributed collaboration and outsourcing.

saves money and achieves measurable roi

First Technology’s solution reduces the use of WAN bandwidth by 65-95% and relieves network congestion. Your server costs and routine IT maintenance is cut. It effectively consolidates servers into data centres and enables virtualisation, without impacting performance.

managed solutions


miCrosoFt serViCes

First Technology offers a range of professional Microsoft services to ensure that your IT systems are optimised, reliable and tailored to meet your business requirements. We operate specialist system integration teams with our technical knowledge and experience within the various Microsoft products sets. Our specialisations include:

• Active directory identity and access solutions, optimisation and troubleshooting

• Unified communications implementation, migrations, archiving, security and optimisation

• System Center Management solutions including Operation Manager and Configuration Manager

• Virtualisation management and consolidation solutions including Hyper-v and Virtual Machine Manager

soFtWare asset management

sam deskFirst Technology’s SAM Desk offers a broad range of services to ensure you maintain control of your software management solution and keep sight of costs. We assist with the complex issue of licensing and legal aspects of license compliance. Our experienced specialists deliver professional software procurement, administration and support.

sam in a BoxSAM in a Box enables you to keep tight control of your software management, ensuring both cost and software efficacy at all times.

additional solutions

This solution includes:

• Inventory Tool (MicroAUDIT)

• Licence Repository Tool

• Tool Installation and Training

• Policy Documentation Templates

• Best Practice Documentation

• SAM Training Workshop


additional solutionsWe specialise in assisting customers to develop their IT strategy and ensure its alignment to that of the business.

moBile deViCe management

Mobile devices are proliferating in the enterprise at an exponential rate. With First Technology’s Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution you will be able to gain visibility and control over the company and employee-owned devices connecting to your enterprise network and accessing corporate resources.

We provide an innovative and secure mobile device management (MDM) solution, making it easy for you to put mobile to work. Unlike most vendors that merely manage mobile devices, we make mobile apps “business-ready” and keep mobile content secure, while harmonising your company’s IT needs and the user experience.

MDM software functionality includes over-the-air distribution of applications, data and configuration settings for all types of company and employee-owned mobile devices. By controlling and protecting both data and configuration settings for all mobile devices in the network, MDM can reduce support costs and business risks.

Through MDM we can assist in optimising the functionality and security of your mobile communications network whilst minimising cost and downtime.


First Technology gives you the freedom of choice when selecting the most suitable IT products for your business. Our excellent vendor relationships - with both international and local brands - give you the finest options at the most competitive prices. Our wide selection of IT products includes desktops, mobiles, servers, storage devices, printers, scanners as well as computer consumables.

teChniCal serViCes MAnAged ServIceS (SLA’S) First Technology provides a full range of tailor-made, outsourced support options to suit your business requirements. Our wide reach and years of industry experience assure that we utilise best-practice support structures including ITIL and MOF.

We offer on-site fulltime resource services and flexible service level agreements. Utmost priority is placed on proactively managing your environment. An account manager will handle your IT needs to ensure personalised service and regular technical support in all areas. Our delivery is continually monitored, managed and controlled with escalation procedures.

Through our in-depth partnerships and technical certifications with most major hardware suppliers, we are able to keep your critical devices running smoothly using an extensive suite of hardware repair services that allow you to maximise equipment uptime, extend the usable life of your equipment and protect it against failure due to manufacturer defect. remote management serViCes

• Inventory Service: Provides an automated comprehensive inventory of all hardware and software within your environment.

• Patch Management Service: Complete control of software updates that deliver peace of mind and mitigate risks.

• Software Management Service: Streamlined and automated distribution of business critical software. These applications are deployed in the background with no user downtime.


communication tools (email and telephony) with collaboration technologies (IM, conferencing) to offer our clients a variety of communication tools that may be used from any location, using any device and accessing any application. netWorking serViCes

Network Integration: We offer a range of networking services so you can plan and develop your network infrastructure. Certified specialists conduct comprehensive on-site assessments of current environments. Consideration of project timing and budget constraints are taken into account to ensure proposed solutions are in line with business requirements. On-going evaluation through monthly steering committees and preventative maintenance structures ensure your IT resources are aligned with business objectives. Our networking services include evaluation, design and implementation. We support most major networking offerings.

Cloud serViCes

Built on enterprise hardware FirstNET Cloud Services provide a resilient platform for organisations moving to Cloud computing. Our FirstNET cloud services provide a cost-effective operating expenditure model that ensures service availability, security, reliability and corporate governance.

We offer a comprehensive Cloud service as well as connectivity and support services. We provide a wide range of connectivity options through partnering with major connectivity providers.


• FirstNET data centres are service provider agnostic

• We provide a wide range of connectivity options through partnering with major connectivity providers

• Management overhead is reduced through a reduction of upgrade and management costs

• Deployment and Migration Service: Reduce time and maintenance costs associated with imaging and cloning PCs by deploying standardised, corporate-approved, hardware-independent images.

• Application Metering Service: Detailed analysis and reporting of all software and application usage.

• Remote Control Service: Remote access and management of all computers in the network with a complete audit trail.

• Service Desk Service: Extensive and efficient operation of incident management and the IT life cycle.

• Asset Management Service: Comprehensive hardware and software tracking, reporting and control of all company assets.

• Server Management Service: Provides an effective solution for managing physical and virtual servers.

• Software Asset Management Service (SAM): Manage and remove all your software risks, while improving the maturity of your software environment.

ConVerged CommuniCations and PBax systems Today’s highly competitive marketplace requires business agility and flexibility, which is largely determined by the speed with which your company can transform data into information and accelerate communication, both internally and with clients and other stakeholders. First Technology integrates traditional

additional solutions



• Reduced server provisioning times

• Business productivity is enhanced

• We provide access to the latest technologies

• Reduced operating expenses with predictable monthly operational expenses

• Improved business continuity


• Simple monthly billing options

• Dedicated firewall and network security isolation

• Built on industry leading virtualisation technology

• Server management through a cloud portal

managed Print serViCes

Managed Print Services (MPS) focuses on all aspects of document production from output and input to its electronic storage and archiving. Our multi-brand, multi-technology approach ensures services are tailored to your environment.

We are the most accredited independent MPS provider in South Africa. Backed by our Service Specialist accreditations, these accreditations allow us to maintain all devices under original equipment manufacturer warranty.

Our MPS is complemented by our specialised document management systems that allows for proactive device management and maintenance. Our team guarantees an immediate cost reduction of up to 25% on your existing print costs.

additional solutions

Our services include:

• Document output audits

• Hardware and supplies solutions

• All-inclusive per page contracts

• Document management solutions

• Cost management and allocation solutions

• Maintenance contracts

• Document archiving and storage


stuck in a cycle of paying for rapidly depreciating IT assets? See the value in rental Finance

In today’s market, 65% of all IT equipment is rented in the USA with South Africa now seeing the value in rental finance plans.

You can finance your business computers, laptops, server and other computer accessories over three to five years without the initial capital outlay or investment. Office Automation, PABXs, audio visual equipment, photocopiers, printers, faxes and other assets are also included.

Financing your software acquisition and licenses enables you to:

• Preserve cash flow

• Rely on predetermined monthly budgets

• Escape hidden charges

This facility allows you to use an asset while paying for it over an agreed period. It is similar to a lease, except that VAT is not capitalised upfront but is paid with each rental.

Being an off-balance sheet operating expense, rental finance can be deducted from your operating income.

Features • No risk of ownership and disposal

• Structure payments according to your needs

• Flexible end-of-contract options

• Market-related rental interest rates (either fixed or linked to prime)

BeneFits oF rental FinanCe • No deposit required, reducing cash outlay

• Optimise your cash flow

• Rentals can be 100% tax deductible

• Rentals avoid capital expenditure approvals

• Option to upgrade the equipment during the contract

• Asset disposal no longer your responsibility

• Freedom of choice

• No residuals

We design & FaCilitate rental FinanCe solutions

it rental FinanCe

rental Cash

No capital outlay Capital outlay upfront reduces working capital

VAT payable monthly VAT payable upfront

Interest calculated on cash price before VAT Interest lost as cash upfront

Up to 100% tax deductible Deductible annually by depreciation

Operating expenses on income statement Appears in financials as an asset

No Capex approval required Capex approval required for equipment purchases

Not governed by budgets Governed by budgets

No deposit required Capital outlay upfront

Software installation included N/A

Upgrade option available N/A

PuT your cAPITAL To BeTTer uSe, focuS on growIng your core BuSIneSS.

we wILL ASSIST you wITh AdMInISTrATIve docuMenTATIon And ATTend SPeedILy To Any ISSueS.


managed Print serViCesWe manage your Printing enVironment, you groW your Business

did you know that printing and imaging cost the average company up to 8% of its annual revenue? Many of these costs are invisible and unnecessary.

We’ll take away the headaches of running your printing environment, cut costs by as much as 30% and free up 70% of your IT department’s time.

Our support team will take on the responsibility of your entire print infrastructure, including all print equipment, supplies, services, support, software and overall management of your fleet of desktop printers, multi-function printers and scanners.Once we’ve installed the right intelligent printers, we’ll remotely monitor each

device. We will be alerted to the error before you’re even aware of it so there’s no longer a need to outsource. This early warning system lets us solve the issue before your staff can be inconvenienced by equipment failure.

You’ll be left to focus on your core business knowing that the total cost of managing and optimising your printers, their outputs, and the people and processes that support these devices are transparent and under control.

this inCludes:

• Pages produced by office workers, mobile workers and production print operations

• Office desktop printers, multi-function printers, scanners and high-volume printers

• Servicing

• Software

• Toner

• Spare parts

BenefITS of MPS?

eFFiCient:• Minimises disruption meaning

maximum efficiency • Improves productivity

eConomiCal:• Measures, monitors and reduces

costs • Reduces energy consumption

STreSS-free:• Remote monitor alerts us to errors

before you know• Eliminates hassle of outsourcing

print specialists


gain true VisiBility and Control oF your Printing

We’ll optimise your printing environment to ensure that it is aligned with your business needs while delivering the lowest possible costs. We will bill you using a predictable price per page model that means there are no hidden costs.

By working closely with us you can uncover the true costs of your printing environment.

If you would like to know more about how we can help manage your printing environment, contact First Technology on 021 525 7000.

PreFerred suPPliers

why MPS?• Save paper (rules-based printing)

• Lower toner usage

• Lower help desk support

• Monitor printer’s power consumption

• Fleet optimisation

• Consolidate and centralise your print infrastructure

• Prevent waste and abuse of valuable print resources

• Unify, control and improve print and imaging-related devices

• Support environmental sustainability

• Improve document security.

reduce your carbon footprint by monitoring and controlling your print resources.

031 573 6200.


People search while on the move. half of all local searches are conducted via mobile.

60% of mobile users expect a website to load in less than 3 seconds.

100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Is your company contributing?

YouTube reaches more uS adults aged 18 – 34than any cable network.

linkedin is 277% more effective for lead generation than Facebook and Twitter.

As of 2013, there is over 1 exabyte of data in the cloud (that’s 1,073,741,824 gB).

90% of public sector respondents and 78% of private sector respondents admitted data security was their primary worry.

Facebook stores, accesses and analyses 30+ petabytes of user generated data.

2.5 billion gigabytes (2.5 exabytes) of data are created every day. That number doubles every month.

82 billion apps were downloaded worldwide in 2013.

62% of people are more likely to engage with brands that integrate social media content into their owned properties.

There has been a 40% projected growth in global data generated per year vs. 5% growth in global IT spending.

82% of companiessaved money when they moved to the cloud.

By 2017, 25% of enterprises will have an enterprise app store.

Apps generated $25 billion in revenue in 2013.

Big Data could save up to $450 billion in healthcare spending.


CaPe toWn T F

First Floor, Block D The Estuaries Century Avenue Century City P O Box 171 Cape Town 8000



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