Download - COMMUNITY BREAKFAST - Canton de Gore · A s ual, yoc n ed m r comments, suggestions or questions by e-mail at [email protected] or call me at 514 941-2224. I will be happy

Page 1: COMMUNITY BREAKFAST - Canton de Gore · A s ual, yoc n ed m r comments, suggestions or questions by e-mail at or call me at 514 941-2224. I will be happy

October 2017Vol. 07 – N° 09

9, Cambria road Gore (Québec)

J0V 1K0 Tel.: 450 562-2025

IMPORTANTStarting in October 2017, we will have a new company collecting garbage andrecyclable materials. The day of garbage collection will remain on Mondays,

and bulky items, on the first Monday of the month.

However, the collection day for recyclable materialswill change to Wednesdays, every two weeks,starting on Wednesday, October 4th 2017. Bychanging the day of this collection, the municipalitywill save a lot of money.

Please share this news with your neighbors and residentfriends of the municipality to avoid misunderstandings.

Thank you for your collaboration.

MUNICIPAL TAXESPlease be advised that the last instal lmentof municipal taxes is due on MondayOctober 2nd 2017. Thank you.


Come and enjoy delicious waffleswith us at our monthly communitybreakfast. This month’s theme is“Blues Day”. We will be offeringyou a waffle bar with severaltoppings, fruit, juice and coffee, allfor $5 per person. Please note thebreakfast is on a Saturday thismonth.

Date : Saturday October 7th 20179:00 am to 12:30 pm

Trinity Community Center, 2 Cambria Road

Come in large numbers, we are waiting for you!

Municipal News ....................................... 2Thanks ..................................................... 2Blues Festival .......................................... 3Community ........................................... 4-5Family in action ....................................... 5Our Seniors .............................................. 5Churches .................................................. 5Monthly Calendar ................................... 6Advertising .............................................. 6


WORD OF THE MAYORDear residents,A few residents areblocking the road workon Scott, Lac Chevreuiland Braemar roads.While everything isfinally in place tobegin the repairs ofthese three roads,a handful of resi -dents still refuse to sign the servitudesnecessary for the work; an authorizationalready obtained from the vast majorityof the affected population.

These people not only endanger thetiming of these projects, but their veryexecution. In the face of this incompre-hensible stubbornness, the municipalitywill have no choice but to proceedagainst them by way of expropriation tobegin the work, with all the delays, risksand costs that this involves.

In fact, these people were also askingfor the roads to be repaired. We invitethem to immediately sign the requestedservitudes. If they persist in their

stubbornness, we hope that theywill have the honesty to informtheir fellow residents - especiallythose who have to frequent theseroads daily - so that everyone isaware of the reasons for the

delay in launching thesethree projects.If the hard-earned grantsfor these projects (morethan 2 million dollars)were to be compro mi -sed by such a delay,

these few people would be fullyresponsible to the population.We hope that these protesters willunderstand common sense and, in theinterest of all, fulfill their duties ascitizens.As usual, you can send me yourcomments, suggestions or questions bye-mail at [email protected] call me at 514 941-2224. I will be happy to discuss these with you.Thank you.

Your MayorScott Pearce

The municipality of the Township of Gore offers its most sincere

condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Yvon Lacasse who left us

tragically. Know that we will always be there to provide our support and

solidarity in this difficult ordeal.

Page 2: COMMUNITY BREAKFAST - Canton de Gore · A s ual, yoc n ed m r comments, suggestions or questions by e-mail at or call me at 514 941-2224. I will be happy






IS YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPLIANT?The Municipality of the Township ofGore has been working for many years toupgrade septic systems in its territoryand, this year is no exception. The mainobjectives of this project are theprotection of natural environments,particularly lakes and streams, and thehealth of our residents. By protecting ourwater table as a source of drinking water,we improve our residents’ quality of life.

If you received a letter from themunicipality advising you that yourseptic system is non-compliant and doesnot meet municipal and provincialstandards, you have until October 31st,2017 to apply for one of the twofollowing measures, otherwise you willbe liable to a fine.

• Apply for the Ecoloan project bycompleting the form with all therequired documents and filing it withthe municipality.

• Apply for a permit for septicinstallation at the municipality.

The Ecoloan program allows you tospread the costs of the installation change.The municipality will pay a portion of itand charge it to your tax account over aperiod of 10 years.

Please contact the municipality for moreinformation .

ROAD WORKThe Municipality of Mille-Isles advisedus that Cambria road will be completelyclosed from Mille-Isles road to the limits of the Municipality of theTownship of Gore. This closure will befrom Monday September 25th untilFriday November 3rd 2017. You will notbe able to use Cambria road to get toSaint-Jérôme. You will need to either usethe 329 north to Mille-Isles road or usethe 329 south to the 158 towards Saint-Jérôme. Thank you.

REMINDERCar shelters for the winter may be put upas of October 15th 2017.

Thank youThe Municipality of the Township ofGore would like to thank the followingpeople for their help during the tomatocanning workshop on September 9th.

Derek Dammann of Restaurant MaisonPublique, 4720 Marquette Street inMontreal

Canadian Tire for their donation of allthe mason jars

The MRC d’Argenteuil communitygarden for their donation of tomatoes,basil, parsley, garlic and onions

As well as Alexandre Cruz, MikeManconi, and Adrian Grant for setting upand cleaning up.

Thanks to them and the participants, wejarred tomatoes and tomato sauce thatwill go in the Christmas baskets.It was an amazing day to do somethinggreat!

How to submit your articles to the Newsletter:«The Gore Express» is published monthly and is distributed at the beginning

of each month. The community is encouraged to submit information pertaining to events, localorganizations or community news before the 15th of the month preceding the publication. Just sendyour Word files and photos in separate files (JPG or BMP) by email to: [email protected]


THE MAYOR’S OFFICEYour Municipal Council

General Manager: Julie Boyer

Secretary-Treasurer:Diane Chales

Accounting:Louise Desjardins, Director of FinancesJennifer Thompson, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer

Administrative Coordinator:Sylvie Barsalo

Collection:Tammy Hall

Taxation and reception:Ève Auclair

Municipal Inspectors:Jason Morrison, Don Pressé, Geneviève Dubuc

Fire chief and site operations coordinatorfor the emergency preparedness plan: Luc GauthierBusiness Hours:From Monday to Thursday from9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.Friday from 9:00 a.m. to noon

Graphic Design & printing of Newsletter:Les Publications Municipales – 1 877 553-1955

Scott PearceMayor

Don ManconiCouncillor n°3

Clark ShawCouncillor n°2

Shirley RoyCouncillor n°4

Anik KorosecCouncillor n°5

Alain GirouxCouncillor n°1

Anselmo MarandolaCouncillor n°6

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Page 4: COMMUNITY BREAKFAST - Canton de Gore · A s ual, yoc n ed m r comments, suggestions or questions by e-mail at or call me at 514 941-2224. I will be happy


Edible plants and forest survivalskills activity On August 12th, more than a dozen peopleparticipated in this activity presented byGeneviève Dubuc, environmental inspectorfor the Township of Gore. She described tous the various edible plants to be foundalong our trails as well as showed us howto build a temporary shelter in order tosurvive one night in the bush.

“Walking through the past”day hikeOn Saturday September 9th, more thanthirty people participated in a historicallythemed hike on the ancestral lands ofThomas Westgate, in Gore’s sixth range.Local history buff Jean-François Hamiltonpresented us with a brief history of theScott family, walked us through abandonedfields cleared by Irish settlers anddescribed recent findings of Amerindianpresence in the Laurentians.

Trail maintenance daysJean Lacasse, on the left with members ofLes sentiers de Gore

We cannot improvise trail development.That is why we decided to invite Quebec’sforemost trail making expert, Jean Lacasse,

Director of Les sentiers de l’Estrie, topresent what the best practices are in trailmaking, maintenance and management toour staff and volunteers. On August 30th,he spent the morning hiking our trails,sharing with us his observations andsuggestions. During the afternoon, hepresented us many guidelines to followwhen planning sustainable trails in anatural setting. A dozen people participatedin this enriching presentation at the GoreTrinity Community Centre.

A beautiful gift from the municipalityThe Board of Directors inaugurating thenew bench at the entrance of the PionnersTrail on September 9th. From left to right:Christian Dumas, Jean-François Hamilton,Elisabeth Van Eyken, Janick Roy and PierBlais. Les Sentiers de Gore would like tothank the Mayor Scott Pearce and themunicipality for this magnificent benchsculpted by Tony Fortin. It is a beautifulway to embellish the entrance to the trails.

Activities to come and a new web siteUnveiling of a plaque in honor of Mr.DenomméLes Sentiers de Gore would like to paytribute to Mr. Marcel Denommé, a long-timeresident and former municipal councillor ofGore, for his land donation allowing thecreation of the new Denommé Park. On thisoccasion, Les Sentiers de Gore will unveil a plaque in his honor underlying hiscontribution to the project towards thecreation of a network of trails in Gore.

Gore residents are invited to participate inthis ceremony and meet Mr. Denommé onFriday October 6th at 5:00 pm. There willbe a festive aperitif in the parking lot of thefuture park! (Densa Road, on the left, afterthe lake)

Haunted GoreA special event is plannedfor Saturday October 28th.To celebrate the 48th anni -versary of the publi cation ofthe historical novel “LandPossessed”, Jean-FrançoisHamilton, member of Les Sentiers deGore, invites the public to retrace the stepsof the story written by local authorMargaret Cook. A bus will leave themunicipal park at 7:00 pm to transport you


LAKEFIELD-MILLE-ISLESWOMEN’S INSTITUTE BAZAARThe Lakefield-Mille-Isles Women’sInstitute will be holding their annualfundraising bazaar on SaturdayOctober 14th, 2017 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Trinity CommunityCenter, 2 Cambria road in Gore.

There will be craft tables, baked goodsand much more!

Muffins, coffee and a soup luncheonwill also be available.

A good opportunity to get some earlyoriginal hand-made Christmas gifts.

Everyone is welcome. Come out andsupport this worthy organization.

SENTIERS DE GORELes Sentiers de Gore hashad a very busy year.Here is a brief summaryof the activities we haveorganized this pastsummer.

Two trail maintenance daysJuly 17th: trail maintenance on the Pioneers TrailAt least ten people participated in the trailmaintenance day held in the trails behindthe Municipal Park, 45 Cambria.

August 19th: trail maintenanceat Denommé ParkThis was the first trail maintenance dayheld in this magnificent park located alongDensa Road and surrounded by lakes.More than ten people helped clear and layout the future trail.Many thanks to all the volunteers who havecontributed time and effort towards theimprovement of the quality and beauty ofthe trails of the Township of Gore!

Sentiers de Gore: founding meetingJuly 30th 2017 was an historic day: the official founding of our organization “ Les Sentiers de Gore”. We presented ourrules and by-laws as well as projects tocome. The elected members to the Boardof Directors are Jean-François Hamilton,Elisabeth Van Eyken, Janick Roy, PierBlais and Christian Dumas.

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October 1st 2017 St-Aidan’s Church86 Lake Louisa road, Wentworth• Morning Prayer – 11:00 am

October 8th 2017 St-Paul's Church1127 Dunany road, Gore• Holy Communion – 4:00 pm

October 8th 2017 Christ Church1258 Mille Isles road, Mille-Isles• Holy Communion – 11:00 am

October 15th 2017 St-Aidan’s Church86 Lake Louisa road, Wentworth• Holy Communion – 11:00 am

October 22nd 2017 Holy Trinity Church4 Cambria road, Gore • Holy Communion – 11:00 am• assical music – 4:00 pm

October 29th 2017 Christ Church1258 Mille Isles road, Mille-Isles• Holy Communion – 11:00 am


Eat & GreetDate: Monday October 30th 2017Time: 12:15 PMPlace: Trinity Community Center

2, Cambria Road, GoreThe menu: Soup, roll, salad, coffee anddessertCost: At your discretion (for the seniors’network fund)A beautiful opportunity not to be missed!Join us in discussing the programs andactivities to come for seniors. Your input isimportant to us in order to help us meetyour needs.Information: Sylvie 450 562-2025extension 3533.

MILITARY WHISTThere will be a Halloween military whist atthe Trinity Community Center, 2 Cambriaroad in Gore on Saturday, October 28th

2017 at 12:00 pm. The cost is $10 perperson, which includes a lunch. Severalprizes to be won, raffle, door prizes, etc.Make your teams. Registration is man -datory. The deadline to register will beThursday, October 26th 2017.If you would like to play but do not have ateam, we will do our best to find youteammates.Contact Sylvie at 450 562-2025 extension3533 to register or for additional infor -mation. Thank you.

Lunch conferences for seniorsThe next lunch conference for seniors willtake place on Wednesday, October 11th

2017 starting at 12 noon. The subject of theconference will be Alzheimer's.The lunch and conference are free. Join us at the Trinity Community Center, 2 Cambria Road.Registration is mandatory by October 9th,2017. Contact Sylvie Barsalo at 450-562-2025 extension 3533 or by email [email protected] are welcome! We look forward toseeing you.


FAMILY IN ACTIONActivity for 0 to 5 year oldsSunday October 29th 2017

Trinity Community Center, 2 Cambria road in Gorein the basement.

10:00 am to 11:30 am

Ani-mots offers stimulating languagedevelopment activities for preschool agedchildren, with their parents, experiencingsinging, dance, theater, visual arts, etc.Come have fun with us!

On the program:- Welcome and

socialization- Snack- Interactive story with

monsieur Polisson- Giant puzzle game- Porcupine craft- RelaxationFor more information, contact CarolyneTurcotte at 450 562-0503.

OPEN HOUSE THANKSGIVINGWEEKENDAmelya, stainedglass artist, invitesyou to her workshopon October 7-8-9,from 1:00 pm to5:00 pm, at 74 Tourdu Lac in Gore(Rainbow entrance from the 329).

On site demonstration of different steps ofcreating a piece of stained glass,explanation of the symbolism of colors, allin a friendly atmosphere.

Welcome to everyone! Amelya 450 562-3219

into the heart of a tragic love story seepedin tension between Anglicans andCatholics in 19th century Gore.We will explore certain locations thatinspired her story including two cemeterieslocated in the Township. Bring yourflashlights because this will be a nocturnaltour of haunted sites. Children arewelcome (some surprises are in store forthem along the way).Departure point: the Gore Municipal Park,45 Cambria at 7:00 pm. Return is expectedaround 10:00 pm.To contact us by email: [email protected]

Winter activitiesTwo popular snowshoe activities shall beheld this winter. The third edition of ourMoonlight snowshoe hike will be held onFebruary 2nd and the third edition of MarchSnow March will be held on March 10th.Keep an eye out for more information in theGore Express or on our new website.

A new Internet web siteThe organization Les Sentiers de Gore isnow active on the Web. Indeed, by in your browser youcan discover all that has been accomplishedas well as various developments of trails in the Township of Gore. You will also have the possibility of registering in order to receive the newsletter that will informyou of our planned activities so you canmark them in your calendar. A volunteerregistration form also appears on the site. Enjoy your visit! The site evolves everyday...

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Municipal Council meeting8:00 pmLast tax installmentis dueLarge garbage item pick-up

Municipal officeclosed forThanksgivingEcocenter openfrom 9:00 amto 5:00 pm

Waffle barcommunitybreakfast9:00 am to 12:30 pmBlues Day 12:00 pmMunicipal park45 Cambria road

Car shelters maybe put up

Lunch conferencefor seniors12:00 pm

Lakefield-Mille-IslesWomen’s InstituteBazaar 10:00 am

Military whist12:00 pm

Seniors’Eat & Greet12:15 pm

Family in action10:00 am

Churchservice11:00 amClassical music4:00 pm



• Cleaners, handymen,carpet/sofa cleaning, windows

• Excavation, french drains,septic systems, drainage fields

• Home renos, painting

• Seamstress, furniturerestoration

• Plumber, electrician,structural engineer

• Grass/tree cutting/transportand movers

• Property management

• Professional movers