Download - Claudia oses, ángela elizalde y paula de la rica

Page 1: Claudia oses, ángela elizalde y paula de la rica


Page 2: Claudia oses, ángela elizalde y paula de la rica

In this presentation we are going to talk about one of the worst problems that affects humankind today. Unfortunately this is also a major problem in Spain. The problem we are referring to is TERRORYSM. We are going to concentrate on the dramatic attack to the twin towers.

The 11th of September 2001 will always be in our minds as a synonym of a tragedy. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw the pictures of the skyscrapers being attacked. The most powerful nation on earth was attacked unexpectedly changing the landscape of NY forever.

As a consequence of the attack American citizens became very concerned about security, safety measures and passport controls.

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Twin towers

were in

Mint condition

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Until one day a terrorist plane

hit against the twin towers

and destroyed them

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Later only remains

and ashes stayed

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Some of the changes are all too obvious. This is now a very security

conscious nation. The feeling of safety provided by two mighty

oceans now gone, Americans no longer get on planes as if they

were buses or go to baseball games without a brush from a metal

or explosives detector. But as Dr. Matthew Spalding of the Heritage

Foundation points out, alongside fear there

is also pride, patriotism and a new sense of


Dr Matthew Spalding: “I th


Americans have changed

considerably. September 11th of

last year, f

lags went up

everywhere; a sense of


abounded. A year

later it's a sense of a mellowed


, a thoughtful


. Americans aren't

afraid to be patriotic and want to

think about it.

Secondly, I would say Americans are more

thoughtful about foreign policy and domestic policy

and, thirdly, I would say Americans are looking

inward to things that are important to them; their

families, their churches, service in their community

-- things that in the long run will be good for them,

their families and their lives.”

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a security conscious nationThe people in the USA now believe that security ( having their bags checked at airports and sports stadiums ) is important


kinder, less extreme

a metal / explosives detector

a machine which is used to find

metal or explosives, for example in


mighty large, powerful and strong

patriotismlove for your countrydomestic political activities which happen inside one particular country, here the USA

sense of purpose

the feeling of having a definite aim and being determined to achieve it

aboundedif a feeling abounds, then very many people have that feeling

in the long runover a long period of time in the future

points outsays something which gives an important new piece of information


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