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Int. Libr. Rev. (1974) 6,255

Children’s Literature Abstracts


Although abstract journals exist to report periodical writings on chil- dren’s librarianship, there has been no adequate means of identifying articles on children’s literature and allied topics. A few such items are reported in the School Librarian, the .Newsletter of the Frieno3 of the Osborne and Lillian Smith Collections and elsewhere in Great Britain, and in some journals in other countries, but, especially on an international scale, much material which could be of great value for study and research reaches only a limited audience; and, even if its existence is known, it can only be traced with much difficulty. To record and make known the wealth of writing in this field, one of increasing interest in all countries, the sub-section on Library Work with Children of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) has launched a new abstracting journal.

International in its scope, it appears four times a year; it commenced in May 1973. The abstracts are prepared with international co-operation, and the range of countries represented is continually growing.

Entries are arranged under subject headings within the fields of children’s fiction and non-fiction, psychological and educational criteria, illustration, book selection, awards and prizes, children’s book publication of various countries, and authors and illustrators. Each entry gives appropriate bibliographical references (with addresses of the journals abstracted) and a short descriptive annotation. The fourth issue of each year contains indexes.

The subscription rate (annual subscriptions for four issues only) is L2.25 per year inclusive of postage (overseas E2.50; U.S.A. $6.25). Orders, etc. should be addressed to C. H. Ray, 45 Stephenson Tower, Station Street, Birmingham B5 4DR, England. Remittances should be made payable to IFLA Children’s Section.