Download - CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION A. … · and spelling exercise. ... Kelas/Absen : LATIHAN SOAL MID SEMESTER BAHASA ... 7.




A. Conclusion

Based on the last chapter, I draw some conclusion as follows:

1. The Activity of Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary using pictures to the

third grade students of SD Negeri Gumpang 01 Sukoharjo, I used five steps. The

steps were opening, reviewing, main activity, assessment, closing.

2. I find the problem during the teaching. They are mispronounced words, misbehavior,

and remembering letters of the words.

3. From those problems, the solutions are as follows: correcting the students’

pronunciation, giving a punishment to the noisy students, and giving more written

and spelling exercise.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, I want to give suggestions:

1. To the SD Negeri Gumpang 01 Sukoharjo.

The school should give the facility of the projector for each class. This purpose is to

improve the teaching in learning process.

2. To the English teacher of SD Negeri Gumpang 01 Sukoharjo.

The teacher should use English language more often, so the students will become

more familiarized with the English language.

3. To the next researcher.

It is expected that other researchers can develop this project based their own view

and their different objects.


A. Books

Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.

New York: Longman.

Fauziati, Endang. (2010). Teaching English As a Foreign Language.

Surakarta: Era Pustaka Utama.

Haycraft, John. (1978). An Introduction to English Language Teaching.

London: Longman.

Hornby, A.S. (1995). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.

Oxford: University Press.

McCarthy, M.J. (1990). Vocabulary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Philips, Sarah. (1993). Young Learner. New York: Oxford University Press.

Scott, A Wendy and Lisbeth H Yterbeg. (1990). Teaching English to Children.

NewYork: Longman

Suyanto, K.E. Kasihani. (2007). English for Young Learners: Melejitkan Potensi

Anak Melalui English Class Yang Fun, Asyik dan Menarik.

Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Vale, David and Anne Feunteun. (1995). Teaching Children English.

Cambridge: Cambridge University.

Wright, Tony. (1987). Roles of Teachers and Learners. Oxford: Oxford University


B. Website accessed on 30 June 2016 at 19:20.


Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa inggris

Tema : Part of Body

Kelas : III B

Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 13-10-2015

I. Standar Kompetensi

Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana

dengan lancar dalam suasana bermain.

II. Kompetensi Dasar


Kemampuan memahami frase dan kalimat sederhana


Kemampuan menghafal dialog sederhana


Kemampuan memahami makna secara tertulis yang berbentuk dialog



Kemampuan mengeja, menyalin dan menulis kalimat sederhana.

III. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa dapat berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tulisan dengan menggunakan bahasa

sederhana yang berhubungan dengan “Part of Body”

IV. Indikator

Menyebutkan nama-nama bagian tubuh manusia dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian tubuh manusia

V. Dampak Pembelajaran

Setelah pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa dapat mengunakan bahasa yang sederhana

yang berhubungan dengan tema secara lisan dan tertulis.

VI. Materi, Metode , Media dan SumberBelajar

Materi :

Menyebutkan nama – nama Bagian Tubuh Manusia

Menuliskan nama – nama Bagian Tubuh Manusia

Metode :


Tanya jawab


Media :

Gambar – Gambar

Sumber Bahan :

Buku penunjang yang berhubungan dengan tema

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Persiapan (5 menit)


Menyiapkan Alat Pelajaran

2. Kegiatan awal (10 menit)


3. Kegiatan inti (30 menit)

Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang tema yaitu “Part of


Guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa yang

berhubungan dengan tema.


Listen and repeat after your teacher


1. What is this a/an ...

a. elbow

b. nose

c. tongue

d. hand

2. What is this a/an ...

a. neck

b. tongue

c. chin

d. eye

3. We have ten ...

a. ears

b. fingers

c. toes

d. eyes

4. A: What is that?

B: That is a/an ...

a. ears

b. eyes

c. mouth

d. stomach

5. I have one ...

a. legs

b. hands

c. mouth

d. toes

6. A: What's the man holding?

B: That is a/an ...

a. hands

b. finger

c. hair

d. stomach

Nama :

Kelas/Absen :



7. What is this a/an ...

a. palm

b. toes

c. fingers

d. foot

8. What is this a/an ...

a. pillows

b. bolsters

c. floor

d. sofa

9. The man sweep the ...

a. curtain

b. pool

c. garage

d. floor

10. We always find this thing in the ...

a. living room

b. garage

c. yard

d. bathroom

11. There is a/an ... hanging on the wall.

a. photo

b. clock

c. paintings

d. lamp

12. I have this thing in the living room,

what is this thing ...

a. aquarium

b. carpet

c. chair

d. sofa

13. There is a/an ... hanging on the wall.

a. lamp

b. vase

c. clock

d. photo

14. It is hot, please turn on the ...

a. air conditioner

b. fan

c. TV

d. lamp

15. What is this?

a. bed

b. bolster

c. pillow

d. blanket


16. Rabbits have a long ...

17. We have ... fingers.

18. A: Is your mouth can taste something?

B: That's not mouth, I taste something

with my ...

19. We use our ... for writing.

20. We use our ... for running and walking.

21. Everyday I brush my ... with pepsodent.

22. I usually watch cartoon on ...

23. My mother always sweep the ... with the


24. We sleep every day in ...

25. We keep our clothes in ...


Data Siswa Kelas 3B SDN Gumpang 01

Tahun Pelajaran 2015/26

Wali Kelas : Eni Suryati S.Pd

No NIS Nama Murid Jenis Kelamin

1 3360 Rasyid Dicky Firmansyah L

2 3370 Aisyah Nur Inayah P

3 3372 Aurel Arya Arwinsyah L

4 3374 Dwi Putri Rahmawati P

5 3377 Fauzan Arya Maulan L

6 3382 Jalu Prasetyo L

7 3383 Jupiter Ilham Adi Wicaksono L

8 3388 Maghfirotun Ngafiyah P

9 3397 Vania Risky Utama P

10 3395 Tania Ananda Denisha Wardani P

11 3399 Adritiya Bimo Syakuroh L

12 3400 Alega Rindra Noo Raya P

13 3401 Allecya Zahra Fitria Purnama P

14 3402 Amelia Bunga Wijaya Putri P

15 3403 Chelsy Dwi Praba P

16 3404 Daniar Cahya Anisa P

17 3406 Farel Roy Keane L

18 3408 Fernanda Rara Oka Silfana P

19 3411 Hafidz Hibatullah Prabowo L

20 3412 Hananta Hakim L

21 3416 Miftahul Jannah L

22 3418 Najwa Attasia Redieta P

23 3420 Nayaya Galuh Ajeng Pramesti P

24 3421 Noval Hanif Setiawan L

25 3422 Nurul Aulia Nugrahani P

26 3423 Qorina Izza Ismi Royyani P

27 3424 Rangga Rakhesa Saputra L

28 3425 Rayhan Reo Saputra L

29 3426 Reva Andhara Putra Hardana L


30 3427 Raras CIntya Dewi P

31 3428 Ridho Rangga Fernando L

32 3430 Wahyu Nur Aziziah P

33 3436 Sekar Dwi Gusrinda P

34 3439 Jeremy Anaya L

35 3487 Muhammad Rifqi Ardhiantoko L

Jumlah : L = 17, P = 18