Download - Ch 6 PPT Duel for North America 1608-1763. French Canada - New France French: Latecomers to New World due to foreign wars and religious strife 1500s:


Ch 6 PPT Duel for North America


French Canada - New France

French: Latecomers to New World due to foreign wars and religious strife

1500s: Catholics vs. Protestant (French) Huguenots 1572 – over 10,000 Huguenots murdered. 1598: Edict of Nantes issued by French King– granted

limited toleration/rights to the French Protestants (Huguenots)

Louis XIV reigned for 72 years (1643-1715) and was interested in overseas colonies.

Ch. 6 TMWK

1. Map Pg 107: Which European country controlled the most land in N. America?

2. Who controlled the land around the Great Lakes?

3. What areas did the Spanish control?

4. Map Pg 108: What areas were the French trading posts located?

French Arrive Samuel de Champlain “Father of New

France.” French settled Quebec in 1608 Friendly with the Huron Native American

Tribes. French fought against the Iroquois tribes

of upper NY which made them enemies of the Iroquois.

Autocratic government, controlled by the king

Small population growth (60,000 in 1750)

New France Expands By 1700: Controlled Large

parts of Canada and great interior basin of “Louisiana”

Effective traders with Amerindians – had over 50 French trading posts in N. America

British wished to exterminate Spanish wished to subdue

the French to Control Gulf of Mexico

French Gold: “The Beaver” Heavy demand for beaver pelts in

Europe to make hats (warmth). Fur trappers: Coureurs de bois

and voyageurs. Indians recruited into fur business,

but died of European diseases. Social and religious (went against

their beliefs) ramifications of beaver trading on Amerindians.

Decimated beaver population.

French and British Trading Posts 1750

Other French Settlers French Catholic missionaries = Jesuits wanted to

save Indians from fur trappers and for Christ. (played vital role as explorers & geographers).

Antoine Cadillac -attempted to keep English out of Ohio Valley – Founded city of Detroit.

Robert de la Salle - Named great interior basin “Louisiana.”

Block Spain from the Mississippi River by planting fortified posts - most important was New Orleans. (wanted for French traders.)

Clash of Empires King William’s War 1689-1697: British colonists vs.

coureurs de bois - both sides recruited Indians as allies.

British rewarded with Acadia (Nova Scotia), Newfoundland and Hudson Bay area.

1754-1763 French and Indian War: (Seven Year’s War) Was a dispute over Ohio River area.

French and Indian War

5. Why did Benjamin Franklin create this political cartoon?

Cartoon Printed a month before the Albany Congress

Which colonies? – VA, MD, NY, Mass, CT, NH, RI, Penn, NJ, SC, NC.

Albany Congress 1754 – Intercolonial Congress in NY: To make the Iroquois tribe loyal to the British (better relations) and to achieve great colonial unity in order to be a stronger defense against France.

French and Indian War 1754 -1763: Conflict over control of Ohio Valley

between French and British (for economic security) War fought in America, Europe, West Indies, India,

and Africa. (Aka Seven Years’ War) Lieutenant Colonel George Washington defeated at

Fort Necesity (allowed to retreat) French spent a lot of energy fighting in Europe – so

not enough forces in America.

French and Indian War Cont.Delegates adopted Albany plan, but colonies

didn’t.1756: British invaded CanadaLeader, Englishman William Pitt: concentrated

efforts in Quebec Montreal area. French lost. (they spent more energy in war in Europe.)

Spain eliminated from Florida Battle of Quebec, 1759: British fought French

just outside Quebec City. French lost.

Colonial Tension Growing colonial confidence Parliament will tax colonists for

debts incurred from war - tensions increase.

London Govt issues Proclamation of 1763: Prohibited settlement west of and beyond the Appalachian Mts.

Colonists defied the proclamation and steadily pushed west.

TMWK Ch 66. Pg. 119 What land areas did Britain control

before the French and Indian War?

7. What new areas were ceded to Britain after the French and Indian War?

8. What are the connections between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution?

Britain’s Victory and Gain from War