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City Academy

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Every time I visit the school I am taken aback by the fantastic work beingproduced by young people at the Academy. I have enjoyed the stories ofacademic success - all the way up to Oxbridge entry - as well as the excellentart shows and sporting triumphs. I would also like to pay thanks to the Trusteesfor their support and the opportunities they provide for our students from workwith the English National Ballet to support for refugee families.

Sir Frank Lowe, Sponsor

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The principal’s drive andambition for students toachieve well, combinedwith the support andchallenge offered by theboard of trustees,underpin the academy’scontinued improvement.

Welcome from our Principal

In 2003 Capital opened as one of the first ever academies. We celebrate the 10 year

anniversary with pride and confidence for the future. This year we have a new Chair of

Trustees, Dame Theresa Sackler, who will continue the excellent work of our Sponsor, Sir

Frank Lowe. In this, our tenth year, we are proud to be sending over 60 students to

university including Oxford & Cambridge and to courses including Medicine and Law.

The move from primary to secondary school is one of the most significant in a young

person’s education. Capital City Academy provides a high quality education and our focus on

transition will facilitate a successful secondary school experience. In our most recent Ofsted

inspection in March 2012 the school was rated, ‘good’ highlighting many strengths and the

Trustees and staff are committed to improving the Academy even further.

We have the highest expectations of ourselves and expect a lot of the parents/carers and

students. Our aim is to enable each student to make the most of their ability and achieve

their full potential and this happens where we work in close partnership. We seek to develop

well rounded young adults ready for the next phase in their life and take care of their

academic, physical, cultural and spiritual needs. I am proud to lead our well qualified and

dedicated staff and I welcome you to look round our superb facilities and see the work we

are doing.

Alex Thomas


Ofsted, March 2012

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Our Vision

Capital City Academy provides an exceptional environment to promote a passion for learning

and discovery. We recognise everyone as an individual and our rich community is united in

its determination to enable all learners to succeed. At the heart of our achievements will be

educating the whole person developing an honest, informed and caring global citizen.

Our Values

- Determination

- Empathy

- Curiosity

- Integrity

Culture for learning:

A kind, purposeful school where everyone feels valued and known and is ready to learn.

Teaching for learning:

A school where students’ desire to learn is met by a passionate commitment from the staff to

ensure exceptional achievement and development of the whole person.

Resources for learning:

A business-like school characterised by fit for purpose and operational efficiency where

resources are allocated in an open and principled way.

Leading for learning:

A confident, self managing and improving school where everyone is an effective learner, able

to take responsibility for themselves and others.

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Students and staff respect each others’ viewpoints and beliefs,creating a cohesive community.

Ofsted, March 2012

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I am passionate about Geography and one of the most rewarding aspects of teaching at Capitalis developing lessons that challenge students to be curious about the world that we live in.

Mr Charman, CAL Humanities & Lead Teacher of Geography

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We recognise that each student is an individual. To meet the needs of each year group, we

have to meet the needs of every individual.

We approach this by:

- Personalising the curriculum for students with a specific talent

- Developing students and staff as leaders

- Engaging students as curriculum researchers and designers

- Working in partnership with the parent body and community

- Having a clear focus on the key skills of literacy and numeracy


We expect a great deal from our students and their families. Our code of conduct articulated

in the Academy Charters for staff, parents and students sets out clear standards for all. The

students must be ready to learn and try hard in every class and at home and display good

behaviour at all times. Capital students are expected to be ambassadors at all times.

As a diverse school, reflecting the local community we serve, all our students must show

tolerance and respect for each other and the varied languages, religions and cultures in the


Students are pushed tothink independently andare given the tools tomake up their own minds..teachers take the time to really know the kids they are teaching.

Year 10 Parent

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Working with Parents/Carers

For students to meet their full potential it is essential that parents/carers, staff and students

work together. We expect parents/carers to play a full role in supporting the learning of each

child. This means that students must arrive punctually every day in full school uniform with

the correct equipment for that day. We also expect parents/carers to support us in ensuring a

disciplined learning environment. Home learning is a key feature in ensuring progress and

parents/carers can help their child meet their potential by supporting them in completing

homework to the deadlines set.

We ensure that parents/carers are informed about their child’s progress as well as informing

them immediately of any concerns we may have. We welcome a strong home-school

partnership that is essential for the success of our students.

At Capital, we understand that one of the biggest challenges that students face during their

academic career is the transition from primary to secondary school. In order to make the

transition as smooth as possible, we have established close relationships with our feeder

primary schools which continue to strengthen. Many links have been made through different

subject areas, joint activities/events and projects.

Academy staff start work with students in primary school - as part of the local Sports

Partnership for example - and many students have already visited the Academy several times

before they leave Year 6. Primary school students in Years 5 & 6 are invited to watch school

productions, take part in the community clubs and classes and attend the one to one

interviews organised to assess their academic needs. New children also get a chance to

meet each other on taster days or a summer school organised for students.

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Like any other parent, I was concernedabout my child making the transition froma small primary to large secondary school.However, this has been very successfuland he has made good progress in allareas of learning and development.

Year 9 Parent

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Building on our excellent A-level results, it ispleasing to report a rise to 73% of students getting five or more good passes at GCSE.


In 2013, 73% of students were awarded five or more A*-C grades, 46% including English

and Mathematics. The Mathematics results were above the national average and progress in

English and Mathematics rose significantly. There were a large number of outstanding

individual achievers. Among those with some of the best results included Peter Batchelor

who received a clean sweep of A*s and As in 10 exams.

Another top performer, Vishal Gajipra, achieved an excellent 5A*s and 4As. He has recently

enrolled at Capital City Academy’s Sixth Form to study Biology, Chemistry, Psychology,

English Literature & English Language. He hopes to continue onto university to study


The majority of students from Year 11 join our successful Sixth Form, Capital 6.

A-Levels & Higher Education

In 2011 Capital City Academy sent its first student to Oxford

University. Suleyman Abdi is currently reading Engineering at St

Hugh’s College. In 2013, we are delighted to be sending three more

students to Oxbridge after achieving record results at A-level.

The 2013 results were the Academy’s best ever. Over half the

grades were A*, A or B. This enabled most students to get their university of choice. Value

added in the Sixth Form continues to be very good and the Capital Asset Group supports

students in getting into the most competitive courses and universities.

Alex Thomas, Principal

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Our Specialisms

Sports: Excellence, Leadership & Participation

All students at Capital have access to exceptional opportunities for sport. There are fantastic

facilities including a full sized 3rd generation astro-pitch, four outdoor tennis courts, outdoor

netball and outdoor basketball courts and an eight badminton court sports hall with bleacher

seating. There are also excellent links to Willesden Sports Centre for access to their outdoor

and indoor running tube, 25m metre swimming pool and fitness suites.

Our fun and innovative PE curriculum together with an extensive enrichment programme

encourages students to experience all aspects of sport. The Sports Leadership Programme

regularly places Capital at the top of the National Step into Sport Initiative. Former

premiership footballer and famous TV pundit Garth Crooks is an Academy Trustee and he

also works with our student leaders on a number of school facilitated events.

Several of our students represent Brent and Middlesex in athletics, football, tennis, table

tennis and basketball. In 2013 three students attended the English Schools’ Athletics

National Finals where James in Year 9 came 2nd in the High Jump and Kayomie in the Sixth

Form came 4th in the discus. Paul- Sanchez Lethem a Sixth Form student is the men’s

under 20 Épée Champion and Micah Salmon is the Under 19 London Table Tennis

champion. Our successful table tennis programme has produced a number of Brent, West

London and London Champions as well as several nationally ranked players. Students at

Capital also enjoyed Olympic and Paralympic visits including a five day residency in the

Olympic Village for five of our students.

Capital sports partnership is a familiar part of the Brent primary provision and many younger

pupils will have worked with our students and staff in coaching and competition


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The Arts: Participation, Enjoyment & Communication

Capital has a long tradition of excellence in the Arts. This was recognised in

June 2013 then the Academy gained the Arts Council’s prestigious Arts Mark

Gold Award for the second time. The Gold Award recognises the school’s

commitment to excellence in Arts education, its partnerships with arts

organisations and artists, enrichment opportunities and the quality of the Arts

provision. Our vision is to widen participation, develop and enhance

understanding and increase enjoyment of The Arts. Since the Academy opened

it has forged many excellent links with professional organisations and groups

such as: The Royal Ballet School; The Royal Academy of Arts; Tricycle Theatre;

and Chicken Shed Theatre. An Arts Festival is organised each July and every

member of the student and staff body participates.

The Arts enrich the quality of the student experience, providing rewarding

activities that inspire, inform, stimulate, challenge and entertain. Involvement in

the arts helps to foster a positive attitude among our students by developing a

wide range of qualities. We also emphasise that this is an inclusive involvement,

which helps students acquire an important sense of belonging as well as

building the self-confidence they need to do well and make their first steps

towards higher education and employment.

A true well-rounded appreciation of the Arts involves experiencing it first-hand.

The Arts faculty run visits to galleries and theatres in London as well as trips to

New York, Paris and Barcelona. The number of students going on to study an

Arts related subject at university is rising year on year. For example recent

learners have gone to study Architecture, Fine Art, Interior Design, Theatre

studies, Media production and Fashion at a range of top universities.

Extra-curricular activities are a very important part of the Arts education and

there is an extensive range of Arts clubs available that take place during

lunchtimes, afterschool and weekends.

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Learning at Capital

Our Curriculum is organised as follows: Year 7, Years 8 & 9, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.

The Year 7 curriculum builds on students' experience of primary school. Learning for Life -

develops the key skills which will be used throughout the school years and in later life. This

programme was recognised by the Royal Society for the Arts as a model of good practice

and the Academy being awarded Training School Status for the RSA Opening Minds

Programme. Projects cover the subject areas of Humanities, the Arts and Technology. Core

subjects of English, Maths and Science, along with Physical Education and Modern Foreign

Languages (French, German or Spanish) are taught by specialists. Classes are organised

according to the levels students have reached in primary school.

Years 8 and 9 are subject based, with specialist teaching across the whole of the national

curriculum. Where possible, students move onto GCSE level work in Year 9. In Years 8 and

9, students are organised by ability in English, Maths and Science.

In Key Stage 4, the curriculum consists of a core of English, Maths, Science, Physical

Education, Religious Education, Citizenship and a wide range of academic and vocational

options. This allows each student to follow a pathway suited to their needs, interests and

level of attainment. Great care is taken in helping students and parents to make their option

choices in Year 9. Where possible, classes are set within subject areas to ensure teaching is

at the level needed by students.

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In Key Stage 4, the curriculum consists of a core of English, Maths, Science, Physical Education, RE, Citizenship and a wide range of academic and

vocational options. This allows each student to follow a pathway suited to their needs, interests and level of attainment. Great care is taken in helping

students and parents to make their option choices in Year 9. Where possible, classes are set within subject areas to ensure teaching is at the level needed

by students.

Capital 6 provides a full range of A-level courses (AS in Year 12 and A2 in Year 13) and BTEC vocational courses. The range is extended through our

partnership with Queen’s Park Community School and Newman Catholic College,

allowing our students to take one or two subjects at a partner school. Further courses

are offered to those who need to improve their basic skills and GCSE level work

before embarking on advanced level work. The range provided means that students

can take a combination of subjects which suits both their level of attainment and

their career aim.

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The curriculum is good because it is well balanced and enriched through a wide range of extra-curricular activities, visits and visitors to the academy.

Ofsted, March 2012“

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Extra Curricular Offer

A full extra-curricular offer of clubs & classes is integral to Capital City Academy’s student

experience with over 150 different activities available. Academic, creative and sporting

classes run at lunch time, after school and on a Saturday or Sunday. Students are able to

choose new clubs and classes each term.

Several classes are designed to extend and develop academic progress. Maths, English,

Science, Humanities and Language classes aim to raise the attainment and achievement of

the students. Clubs are also offered to broaden horizons and create opportunities for

students to experience something they might not study within the curriculum. Chess, Latin,

sewing, I-Pad club and photography are just a few on offer. As an Academy that specialises

in sport we offer a wide variety of Sports Clubs such as athletics, football, rugby, basketball,

table tennis , badminton and trampolining.

Leadership Academy

Students at Capital City Academy play a significant leadership role in many aspects of

school life. Students volunteer within the school and local community and log their hours to

receive rewards such as clothing, further training/qualifications and possible part time

employment. Every student has the opportunity to take part in the programme which runs

across the school, including Sports, Language, Arts, Food Technology and ICT Leaders. This

work has been recognised and is frequently commented upon by visitors.

Older students takeleadership roles, includingas sports leaders, whichhelp support and organiseyounger students at thestart of day, duringlunchtimes & after school.

Ofsted, March 2012

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Ofsted Inspection

Ofsted visited Capital City on March 22nd and 23rd 2012 and found that the Academy's overall

effectiveness is ‘good' (grade 2). The opening line reads, ‘Capital City is a good academy that is

improving quickly.' Capital 6 and achievement in the sixth form were also found to be ‘good'.

The new Ofsted framework significantly raised the bar for all schools and therefore it is

encouraging to receive such a positive report. As you read the report I hope you will recognise

our school and its many strengths. Some of the comments they made include:

‘“Good teaching across the school is characterised by clear planning and effective questioning

that helps students develop independence in their learning, particularly in outstanding lessons...

The good teaching is enhanced with some outstanding teaching in the sixth form and Years 10

and 11”.

“Students who speak English as an additional language make good

progress....(and) students who join the school at other than the usual

transfer times are helped to settle well and make good progress.”

“Strong leadership from trustees and senior leaders... show

that the academy has good capacity for further improvement.”

“... students make progress at a faster rate than is found nationally and gaps in

performance of different groups are closing quickly.”

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I have been a student at Capital City Academy forthe past 4 years. I have had a wonderful time and it's a great place to learn. The teachers are sosupportive and my whole experience has been fantastic.

Year 11 student

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Capital City Academy

Doyle Gardens, London, NW10 3ST

Tel: 020 8838 8700 ~ Email: [email protected]


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