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Page 2: Canine Care Guide Demodectic Mange Preview Edition

Copyright © 2012 Simon Tong

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work, in whole or in part, in any form.

LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the

date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right

to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The book is for informational purposes

only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither

the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.

Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning medical or other

professional matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This

book is not intended for use as a source of medical advice. Any reference to any person or business

whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

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Foreword 1

Introduction 2

How to Treat Demodectic Mange

Chapter One: Preparation 6

Chapter Two: Cleanliness and Hygiene 9

Chapter Three: Parasite Repellents 12

Chapter Four: Diet 16

Chapter Five: Health Supplements 21

Chapter Six: Stress 26

The Big Picture 30

A Word on Defective Breeds 31

Recommendations 32

Photo Credits 34

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Demodectic mange is an irritating condition, as I’m sure you’re aware. It never seems to go away,

and it’s been affecting your dog for quite a while. Luckily for you, you’re about to learn just how to

solve this tiresome problem, and make your dog look healthy again.

This book is the product of many hours of research, and it contains a list of remedies that have been

confirmed to work by many people around the world. This means that you’re not going to use a

nonsensical treatment method somebody thought of once (have you heard the one about motor

oil?). You have had enough of the useless solutions, so let’s get you on the right path.

I sincerely hope that you’ll find the information useful for your purposes.

Simon Tong

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This book covers the topic of demodectic mange in dogs, and how it can be

treated with remedies that are both safe and effective. It is designed to be

followed in a linear sequence for new readers, because every step of the

treatment plan should be taken in a particular order. However, if you have

already understood the basics of what to do, feel free to flip to the relevant

page for the information you need.

Before We Begin: What You Need To Know

Before we do anything about curing your dog’s demodectic mange, it is very important that learn a

few basic things about the skin problem before we start tackling it. Therefore, we’ll first start with

learning about the important facts of demodectic mange that we need to focus on, including the

root problem that we need to solve so that the mange does not reappear. Only after we’ve gone

though that can we begin the treatment proper. It’s not a very long read though, so don’t worry

about spending too much time on it.

How Demodectic Mange Happens

Demodectic mange is a skin problem caused by the demodex mite. There are many different types

of them as well, including one that has adapted to solely living off human skin. They’re invisible to

the naked eye, but put them under a microscope and you’ll see some cigar-shaped organisms with

six little legs crawling about.

The dog version of the demodex mite prefers to make its home in the hair

follicles, feeding itself with oil and dirt on the dog’s body. Their main aim in

life is to reproduce and increase their numbers before they die.

Usually, the mite population is kept in check by the dog’s immune system. A

small population of demodex mites will always be present as it’s considered

part and parcel of a normal dog’s skin, but once they get too many the

immune system starts killing off the excess population in order to prevent

them from becoming a real danger.

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Therefore, it’s logical to assume that when the immune system gets weak, bad things start to

happen. It will no longer be able to keep up with the multiplying mites. The bugs will reproduce at an

accelerated rate and will exceed the numbers that the dog’s body can tolerate.

The mite overpopulation starts affecting the immune system directly due to their constant activities

on the skin. Given enough time, the immune system will shut down entirely, granting the mites

complete freedom to cause skin damage to the dog, as well as the ability to spread to other parts of

the body.

The skin condition we call ‘demodectic mange’ therefore describes a range of symptoms caused by

the mite overpopulation. Because of their preference for living in the hair follicles, the mites will

irritate the area within, causing the loss of hair, some itchiness and skin inflammation. The condition

will continue to worsen until something is done to remove the excess mites.

Localized and Generalized: What does it mean?

There are two levels of demodectic mange recognised in dogs: Localized and Generalized. Both

terms are used to describe the severity of the skin problem. As a general rule of thumb, a localized

case will show very mild symptoms, whereas a generalized case denotes a more severe one.

Here’s a better description of the differences between each state:

Localized: Your dog has no more than five spots of damaged skin. These usually appear as ‘balding’

spots, commonly appearing on the head. In some cases, the spots may appear on the leg as well.

Generalized: If you’re seeing large patches of bald

skin, reddish and inflamed or just has a damaged look

in general, it most probably means that your dog has

generalized mange. In some of the worst cases, entire

parts of the body may seem like a sore red wound. At

that point, something must be done immediately, or

secondary infections will occur and cause more health


In some cases, localized mange can actually disappear

without any help. This happens most often in puppies

with demodectic mange, because their immune

systems aren’t mature enough to handle the mites yet.

However, there is also a chance that it might develop into a generalized case. If your dog’s skin

condition reaches that state, it is necessary to take an active role in its treatment.

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The Problem with Treatment

Demodectic mange is an irritating problem to solve because for many people, it just never seems to

go away no matter what they do. They hear about medicines like Ivermectin, Mitaban or Interceptor

all the time and they try them out without any success. Sometimes they work, but the problem

comes back after a month or so. Sometimes they even end up worsening your dog’s health.

Eventually some people start trying out the more ‘iffy’ suggestions

that have no scientific proof, backed up only with hope. Some

eventually declare that it’s an untreatable condition and abandon

their dogs. A few may even consider putting them to sleep, which is

a terrible mistake!

However, the truth is that demodectic mange can be treated

successfully. The reason why people fail in doing so is that they’re

focusing on the wrong thing: Treating the symptom while ignoring

the problem.

If you’ve read the part about how demodectic mange happens, you

already know where the problem is (if you haven’t, I suggest going

to the previous section to read it again): None of the treatments

improve the immune system in any way. What’s the point of removing the mites and healing the

wounds when nothing is done to prevent them from repeating the process?

This is the reason why the treatment method used in this book is so fundamentally different from

the rest: It tackles the symptoms and the root problem all at once.

Treatment Plan Outline

Our method of treatment comes in six stages:

1.) Preparation

2.) Hygiene

3.) Repellent

4.) Diet

5.) Supplement

6.) Stress-reduction

These stages are meant to be done in chronological order, because we want to make sure a solid

foundation is built before we move on to tackle other parts of the problem. As you will come to

discover later, there is no point to doing stage six first when stage two has yet to be completed.

Following this plan will provide three things:

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1.) The removal of the mites causing the mange

2.) Healing the skin and fur

3.) A healthier dog with no side-effects

Each part of this treatment method is designed to ensure that you will never unwittingly expose

your dog to any health risks by using it, while still being an effective means to getting rid of

demodectic mange for good.

When you’re ready to start helping your dog with his problem, flip the page and read on.

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How to Treat Demodectic


Chapter One: Preparation

Before we start the treatment process, we first have to make sure that your dog is not currently

under another form of treatment, especially with chemical-based drugs.

It is quite possible that you have seen a vet about your dog’s mange at some point, and he will most

likely have given you some medicine for it. Most vets usually choose from a range of three products:

Ivermectin (Ivomec), Amitraz (Mitaban) or (Milbemycin Oxime) Interceptor. Each drug has its own

method of usage, but what they all have in common is their purpose; they are designed to kill any

parasites infecting your dog.

The reason why I would recommend stopping any treatment using these drugs before our own

version begins is because they might interfere with what we’re doing. In addition to that, these

drugs do have some side effects attached to them, and in my opinion, are serious enough to

influence my personal choice to never use them on my dog.

The following section explains the potential effects these drugs have on your dog, should you use it.

Chemical-based drugs

The first thing you should know about these three

substances is that they are all chemically based;

they’re completely artificial and have no natural

ingredients in them whatsoever. You may think

that it’s not a huge deal, because everyone has

taken an aspirin before and they absolutely work.

However, the point that I’m making is not that

they’re useless, but they may not be the healthiest

choice for your dog.


Ivermectin is sold as a ‘topical treatment’, which is applied to the surface of a skin, or given as a

consumable medicine to dogs. Once it’s been administered, it disables the mites’ nervous systems

and paralyses them, then grants the white blood cells in the dog’s body the opportunity to kill them

while they’re vulnerable.

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However, there are a few problems with this approach. Firstly, it only works on adult mites with a

developed nervous system; this means that any unhatched mites still in their eggs will not be

affected, and will mature without any problems.

The second and far more serious issue is that the dog’s body may come to rely solely on Ivermectin

for controlling the mites, because it has already proven itself by taking over the ‘defence systems’,

so to speak.

Let’s assume that after a long period of not having any mange problems, you finally take your dog

off the drug. What happens then?

Yes, the mange will be back, and they will get much worse, much faster this time around. This is

because the Ivermectin has been acting as a crutch all this time, protecting your dog from the mites

while the immune system remains weak. Once it disappears, there is nothing else to prevent the

mites from swarming back.

Ivermectin is largely considered safe by vets, but some dog owners have reported several negative

side effects from its usage.


Amitraz is more commonly known as the product Mitaban. Their purpose is pretty much the same as

Ivermectin; it’s just the delivery methods that are different.

Mitaban is produced in liquid form, and is poured over the affected dog, ‘coating’ the body with it.

Mitaban is a pure pesticide; it disables and then kills the mites by poisoning them.

Some people swear by the Mitaban dip, but others would stay away from it if they had a choice. This

is because Amitraz is incredibly toxic.

It’s no secret that apart from the demodex mites, even dogs can be susceptible to the chemical. A

large dose of it can cause some negative side effects like lethargy and loss of appetite; in severe

cases, it may also prove to be fatal. That’s not even mentioning the fact that several dog breeds,

including Border Collies, are particularly allergic to Mitaban; a normal dose for another breed may

literally be enough to kill them.

Milbemycin Oxime

This is more commonly known as the product called Interceptor. It’s normally used for getting rid of

heartworm and other deworming practices, but somewhere along the way it was discovered that

they work against mites as well.

The method they use to kill the mites is also similar to Ivermectin and Amitraz. The good news is that

so far, there are no reports of negative side effects due to the use of the drug. However, Interceptor

is extremely expensive, and is therefore simply not worth depending on in the long run. Given that it

takes quite a while to ensure the demodectic mange is gone for good, anyone using Interceptor as

their primary tool will need to be prepared for unnecessarily high expenses.

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But the worst thing about Interceptor is this: even though it’s a pricey alternative, it still doesn’t

ensure that the mange will return.

Chapter Summary

Chemically based drugs are used solely to kill the existing mites responsible for the mange, but it’s

important to note that they don’t do a thing in regards to the prevention of the mites. That, in

addition to the possible negative side effects that may arise, is the reason why their use should be


Here’s what you have to do for this chapter:

1.) Stop all current doses of chemical-

based medicines. Using them could

interfere with what we’re going to do

in the subsequent chapters. This guide

is designed to give a complete

treatment plan that addresses every

side of the issue, so they won’t be


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This sample ebook grants you

a helpful understanding of

demodectic mange, and the

basics of how to cure it

properly. However, it's just a

sneak preview of what's

available in the retail version.

When you purchase the ebook, you will learn how to:

- Cure demodectic mange easily with a few simple techinques,

- Remove the cause of the mange,

- Treat the damaged skin and fur, and

- Prevent another outbreak from happening.

The information contained within this ebook is so helpful that it can very easily be sold for a

much higher price, but I'm a dog owner myself and I know the heartache that comes from

seeing your dog with severely damaged skin. For this reason, I'm pricing this at an

affordable $9.99. That's about the price of a meal or two, a worthwhile investment for your

dog's health.

It’s time to stop worrying and start curing that mange, once and for all.