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Can Educational Voucher Programs Pay for Themselves?



August 15, 2017

In the 1990s Colombia awarded private secondary school scholarships to socially disadvantaged students via

lotteries. Using administrative data up to twenty years after the scholarship lottery, we document that lottery

winners are less likely to repeat grades, more likely to graduate from secondary school on time or ever, and more

likely to start and complete tertiary education. Tertiary education impacts are strongest among students who

initially applied to attend vocational secondary schools. Scholarships reduce teen fertility although there is no

significant effect on overall fertility at age 30. Social security data suggests that twenty years after the scholarship

lottery, average annual formal earnings for lottery winners near age 33 are 8 percent greater than those for

losers. Formal-sector earnings effects are entirely driven by vocational school applicants, among whom lottery

winners earn 17 percent more than losers. Lottery winners, particularly those who applied to vocational schools

have greater access to formal consumer credit, better credit scores, and are more likely to have taken out car

loans, a sign of entry to the middle class. The expected net present value of increased net tax receipts due to the

program likely exceeds its fiscal cost, implying that the program was welfare improving unless net externalities

were large and negative.


* Bettinger: Stanford Graduate School of Education, 522 CERAS, 520 Galvez Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 (e-mail:

[email protected]); Kremer: Harvard University Department of Economics, Littauer Center, Cambridge

MA 02138 (email: [email protected]); Kugler: Impaq International, 10420 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite

300, Columbia, MD 21044 (email: [email protected]); Medina and Posso: Banco de la República de

Colombia, Calle 50 # 50-21, Medellín, Colombia (email: [email protected], [email protected]);

Saavedra: University of Southern California, Dornsife Center for Economic and Social Research 12015 Waterfront

Drive, Playa Vista CA 90094 (email: [email protected]). We are grateful to Colombia’s Ministry of Social

Protection, particularly Dolly E. Ovalle, Edgar Mariño, Esperanza Gutiérrez and Luz Emilse Rincón, the Ministry

of Education, the Department of National Planning, and the Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la

Educación Superior (ICFES) for generously providing access to data. We thank Luis Omar Herrera and Arlen

Guarín for excellent research assistance. We thank Rossa O’Keefe and seminar participants at BREAD, World

Bank, Harvard, MIT, Chicago Michigan, Aarhus, UCLA, LSE, Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, RAND

Corporation, UC Irvine, LACEA, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, University of Arkansas,

University of Texas, Austin, University of Michigan, NBER Economics of Education, the 3rd Economics PhD

Alumni Conference, the 11th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Banco de la República in Bogotá and

Cartagena, for helpful comments and suggestions. Saavedra acknowledges financial support from the National

Institutes of Health RCMAR Grant P30AG043073), Universidad de los Andes and the World Bank. The views

expressed in this document are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of Banco de la República

de Colombia or its Board of Directors.


1. Introduction

In many low-income countries access to primary education is becoming close to

universal. As more students transition into secondary schooling, there is increasing pressure to

expand capacity. Expanding public secondary schooling is expensive, however, and in many

countries there has been considerable private sector growth. Some question how much of the

new cohorts of primary school graduates from disadvantaged background are equipped for

secondary education, and there is renewed interest in the potential for vocational education.

In this paper we present evidence from Colombia’s experience in the 1990s to suggest

that at least in that context the private sector was used to expand access to secondary education

for disadvantaged populations at low or possibly negative fiscal cost to taxpayers. Participants

greatly increased their chance of transitioning to the middle class, as defined by increased

tertiary education, greater formal sector earnings, a higher fraction of formal earners above a

middle-class earnings threshold, and a higher likelihood of having taken out a car loan. Our

evidence indicates that access to private vocational education may have played a key role.

During the 1990s, Colombia’s PACES program provided more than 125,000

scholarships to allow disadvantaged students to attend private schools. The program’s goal was

to expand capacity to accommodate large numbers of public elementary-school students for

whom public secondary-school slots were limited.

In order to estimate the fiscal impact, we first need to assess the impact of the program

on beneficiaries and on taxpayers. To do so, we take advantage of a lottery used to allocate

scholarships, as well as a unique dataset compiled from five different sources of Colombian

administrative data, to document the impact of receiving these scholarships on educational,

family formation, and labor market outcomes up to 20 years after initial scholarship award,

when applicants were near age 33. We then use these data to estimate the fiscal impact of the

program. As in Bettinger, Kremer and Saavedra (2010), we pay close attention to impacts

among the subpopulation of vocational school applicants.

In terms of impacts on beneficiaries, we find that lottery winners are more likely to have

graduated from secondary school on schedule and more likely to have ever graduated from

secondary school. They are also more likely to have attended tertiary education at some point.

Scholarship impacts at the tertiary level are entirely driven by applicants who prior to the lottery

had applied to attend vocational secondary schools. In this “vocational lottery applicants”


subpopulation, lottery winners are also more likely to complete tertiary education. There is also

some heterogeneity by gender, as the secondary school increased women’s enrollment primarily

in five-year universities and men’s enrollment in two-year vocational institutions.

Winning the lottery did not increase the probability of working in the formal sector or

the number of formal-sector days worked per year, so there is no evidence that people moved

from the informal to the formal sector. However, point estimates of the scholarship’s impact on

total formal sector earnings at around age 33 suggest that lottery winners have 8 percent greater

formal sector earnings than scholarship lottery losers (p-value = 0.06). Impacts among

vocational applicants entirely drive scholarship effects on formal earnings: vocational lottery

winners have 17 percent greater formal sector earnings than vocational lottery losers. This is

not completely surprising given that prior work (Bettinger, Kremer, Saavedra 2010) finds that

short-run educational impacts were much larger among vocational lottery winners than the

impacts among non-vocational lottery winners. An accounting exercise suggests that about 40

percent of the scholarship’s impact on total formal sector earnings can be attributed to additional

completed schooling among scholarship winners, with the remaining roughly 60 percent due to

increased earnings conditional on years of completed schooling.

Effects seem concentrated in the upper quantiles of the earnings distribution, and we see

no effect on eligibility for welfare benefits. At the top of the earnings distribution, scholarship

winners are working in formal jobs XXXX. The probability of living in a neighborhood

classified in one of Colombia’s lower two strata falls, but the difference is not statistically

significant. Since data on informal income is only available through a census of residents of

these neighborhoods, we can only bound and not estimate differences in informal income, but

accounting for informal income seems unlikely to change the overall picture.

Winning a scholarship also increases access to formal consumer credit, better credit

ratings and a greater likelihood of obtaining a car loan, which is a good proxy for car ownership

in Colombia. Similar to results on formal earnings, impacts among vocational applicants

entirely drive scholarship effects on consumer credit.

We estimate tight bounds for the effect of winning a scholarship on teen fertility that

indicate that winning the lottery reduces the incidence of teen childbearing, particularly among

applicants to academic secondary schools. Bounds for the effect on total fertility are precisely

estimated and consistent with the scholarship having no effect on total fertility as of age 30.


This result is consistent with the notion that the teen fertility effect we observe is mostly an

“incarceration” or “delay” effect rather than an opportunity-cost effect.

After demonstrating the long-term impacts of the Colombian program, we turn our

attention to measuring its fiscal and welfare impact. Welfare can be decomposed into three

components: the impact on lottery winners, the impact on taxpayers, and any externality

impacts. Although winners may have spent more resources on schooling or increased effort, it

is possible to construct a lower bound on net benefits to lottery winners based on revealed

preference, in which we assume winners incurred psychic costs from going to private schools

and working harder that fully offset wage gains. Under this very conservative approach, we still

find that winners benefited from the program. The impact on taxpayers is low, and likely

negative, because the net present value of extra tax revenue generated by the program exceeds

the cost.1 This implies that taxpayers were made better off by the program since it more than

paid for itself by increasing future tax revenue. These effects are concentrated among applicants

to vocational schools. For the program to have been negative from a welfare point of view, net

externalities on non-participants would have to be negative and greater than the sum of the

fiscal benefits to taxpayers and the benefits to participants.2

We note that several design features might have contributed to reducing the program’s

fiscal cost. These included limiting scholarship value to about two-thirds of costs at the typical

private participating school, while allowing families to top up scholarships with private funds;

conditioning scholarship renewal on passing each grade (which holds down the costs of grade

repetition); and limiting eligibility to residents of poor neighborhoods who had attended public

primary schools (which avoids subsidizing students who would have paid for private secondary

school out of pocket in the absence of the program).

The concentration of long-term effects among vocational school applicants helps shed

light on potential channels although it is difficult to make definitive statements. In this

subpopulation winners attend schools with peers who are less desirable on observables, casting

doubt on the notion that peer quality is the only mechanism driving observed scholarship

1 The 90% confidence interval is bounded away from zero. 2 The program could potentially have created positive externalities from human capital and reduced teen fertility,

or negative externalities if gains for program winners reflect assignment to more favorable peers or signaling

benefits in the labor market. In earlier work, a subset of the authors of this paper argues against the view that

effects are entirely due to changes in peer assignment (Bettinger, Kremer and Saavedra 2010).


effects. One hypothesis is that improved labor market and credit outcomes of vocational

scholarship winners are the result of increased tertiary education completion, although the

implied return to a year of schooling in the sample is too large for this to be the only mechanism

at work. A related hypothesis is that private vocational education is more responsive to labor

market and advanced training opportunities than is public education such that returns stem from

a combination of additional education and improved labor market matching. We find some

empirical support for this hypothesis. Among vocational school applicants, effects are

particularly strong and precisely estimated for applicants to schools with a commercial focus,

even though we cannot reject equality of effects across applicants to different vocational


A complementary hypothesis relates to the fact that it was administratively difficult to

retain the scholarship if a student switched schools. For this reason, applicants who applied to

vocational private schools were more likely than losers to stay in vocational schools. This

“stickiness” in application rules might have locked-in students in private vocational schools

despite that fact that ex-ante parents might have preferred an academic path.

Our results should be interpreted as suggesting that, at least in the context of 1990s

Bogotá, a suitably designed system of offering students from poor neighborhoods partial

scholarships for private schools helped some students transition to the middle class at a low,

and likely negative net fiscal cost. Identifying the impact of the PACES scholarship program

“as implemented” is of considerable interest given the program’s scale, and that many of its

features are not uncommon among private school scholarship programs.

This paper contributes to several strands of the literature including research on the

impacts of private-school voucher programs, 3 the long-term consequences of educational

interventions, 4 the economic returns to interventions that target socially disadvantaged

3 For example, Helen Ladd 2002; Angrist, Bettinger and Kremer 2006; Hsieh and Urquiola 2006; Wolf, Gutmann,

Puma, Kisida, Rizzo, Eissa and Carr 2010; Barrow and Rouse, 2008; Muralidharan and Sundararaman 2013. 4 For example, Kemple 2004; Chetty, Friedman, Hilger, Saez, Schanzenbach and Yagan 2011; Deming, Hastings,

Kane and Staiger 2011; Dynarski, Hyman and Schanzenbach, 2011; Cowen, Fleming, Witte, Wolf and Kisida



children,5 the effects of education on fertility,6 and recent developments in public finance

employing reduced form causal estimates of labor-market behavioral responses to policy to

measure welfare changes.7

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a conceptual

framework for the welfare analysis and presents relevant background information on the

PACES program. Section 3 describes the sources of administrative data and the empirical

strategy for analyzing long-run outcomes. Sections 4 and 5 discuss long-run educational and

labor market outcomes. Section 6 discusses access to consumer credit. Section 7 discusses

fertility. Section 8 analyzes fiscal and welfare outcomes. Section 9 concludes.

2. Background

2.1 Welfare Analysis Framework

Before providing some background on Colombia and the PACES program, we start by

outlining a framework for understanding the fiscal and welfare impacts of the PACES program.

The welfare impact of the PACES program is the sum of impacts on students who received

scholarships (Bs), on taxpayers (Bt), and on others (Bo).

Total Welfare = Bs+ Bt + Bo

We separately estimate impacts on participants (Bs) and taxpayers (Bt), allowing us to

determine how large would negative externalities (Bo) need to be in order to change welfare


For participants, welfare impacts (Bs) can be measured in two different ways. First, we

can measure the net present value of extra school expenditures, foregone earnings and future

earnings for scholarship winners. Second, we can also use a revealed-preference methodology

to estimate lower bounds on the welfare impact. Specifically, although winners may have spent

5 Some argue that interventions that target socially disadvantaged children have highest returns early in the life

cycle, during key child-development windows (Cunha, Heckman, Lochner and Masterov 2006; Heckman and

Masterov 2007; Heckman 2008). A stronger claim is that interventions in the teen years are doomed to have small

impacts. Our findings demonstrate that secondary schooling interventions that target disadvantaged children have

the potential to increase earnings and promote social mobility. 6 In developing countries, in particular several, studies find a strong causal relationship between educational

subsidies and teen fertility (e.g. Breireova and Duflo 2004; Cortés, Gallego and Maldonado 2010; Duflo, Dupas

and Kremer 2012). In our setting, such effect is the result of people staying in school longer rather than an increase

in the opportunity cost of time as a result of additional human capital. 7 See, for example, Hendren 2013 and Baird, Hicks, Kremer and Miguel 2013.


more resources on schooling or increased effort, it is possible to construct a lower bound on net

benefits to participants since payments to infra-marginal applicants who would have gone to

private school in the absence of the program constitute a pure transfer.

For taxpayers, the welfare impact (Bt) is the net present value of future tax revenues that

the program generates minus the fiscal cost of the program and of any additional expenditure it

induced for example on tertiary education. The key outcome to estimate the program’s impact

on taxpayers is the additional contribution of participants to government revenue through

increased payroll taxes, which are only levied on formal sector employment, and which we

observe for the universe of applicants through administrative social security records.

Besides the impacts on participants and taxpayers, there may be other externalities (Bo),

which may influence welfare calculations. We do not attempt to quantify these externalities

directly. Instead, we calculate how large the negative externalities would have to be to offset

the positive impacts we find elsewhere.

To provide context as we outline these costs and benefits, we start by describing the

educational context in Colombia at the time of the inception of PACES.

2.2 Colombia’s educational context

The Colombian education system comprises three levels: elementary school (grades 1-

5), secondary (grades 6-11) and tertiary education. Children typically begin elementary school

at age 6 or 7 and transition into secondary at around age 12 or 13. Students are legally required

to attend school through grade 9 even though the entire secondary school cycle includes two

additional grades. Students who complete secondary school on time typically do so by age 18.

Students who wish to continue on to tertiary education can enroll in either vocational

colleges or universities. In 2012, the gross tertiary enrollment rate for Colombia was 45 percent

(World Development Indicators 2014). Vocational programs typically last two or three years

depending on whether they have a technical or technological focus. University programs —

more prestigious, expensive and selective— last typically four or five years. Seventy-five

percent of tertiary education students in Colombia attend a university and 25 percent attend a

vocational college. Public universities are more prestigious and selective. With the exception

of a few elite private universities, private tertiary education institutions serve those who do not

obtain admission into public universities.


Although we study a large-scale national private secondary school scholarship program,

we use data from Bogotá —Colombia’s capital city. Colombian municipalities including

Bogotá are responsible for the administration of public education, funded by transfers from the

national government levied through income and value-added taxes (Barrera-Osorio et al. 2011).

Nationally, 37 percent of the student population attended a private school when the PACES

scholarship program was in place; in Bogotá, however, 58 percent of students did so (Angrist

et al. 2002).

Curricula of vocational and academic secondary schools are the same for lower

secondary grades (grades 6 through 9). For grades 10 and 11, the last two grades of secondary

school, students either enroll in a vocational or academic program. Academic schools focus

instruction in the fields of science, humanities or the arts and traditionally prepare students for

university education. Vocational schools share core subjects with academic schools. However,

in the last two grades of secondary school they have a stronger focus on preparing students for

admission into vocational colleges or for participation in the labor market, through specialized

curricula such in commercial, industrial, agrarian or pedagogical domains.

Within the category of vocational schools, public schools are more likely to teach

industrial as opposed to commercial subjects. Among public vocational schools, 25 percent

have an industrial curriculum and 62 percent have a commercial curriculum, whereas among

private vocational schools only 4 percent have an industrial curriculum and 92 percent have a

commercial focus (Bettinger, Kremer and Saavedra 2010). At the time, the mix of subjects

taught by private vocational schools was better suited than that of public vocational schools to

labor market requirements (Saavedra and Medina 2014).

Students attending grade 11 take the ICFES exam, and ICFES scores are the primary

admission criteria in Colombia’s tertiary education institutions. While it is not a binding

graduation requirement, most schools enforce test taking and, in practice, over 95 percent of

students take the test (ICFES 2013). Thus, we interpret taking the ICFES exam as a proxy for

secondary school completion.

In order to facilitate targeted subsidies in public services, Colombia divides its

population into six strata based on residential location. The poorest two strata —the target

population of the PACES scholarship program— represent roughly 55 percent of Colombia’s


population (49 percent in Bogotá). About 12 percent of students in strata 1 and 2 neighborhoods

attend private schools in Bogotá (Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida 2010).8

2.2 The PACES scholarship program

The PACES scholarship program was introduced in 1992 as a way of improving

secondary school enrollment rates among disadvantaged students. Available slots in public

secondary schools were limited when the program began in 1992. The program aimed at

tapping the excess capacity in private schools by providing scholarships for private secondary

schooling among strata 1 and 2 applicants from public elementary schools (King, Laura

Rawlings, Gutierrez, Pardo, and Torres 1997).

Participating private schools served lower-income students and charged lower tuition

fees than other private schools that chose not to participate. Teacher-pupil ratios were

comparable between all public and participating private schools (King et al. 1997). While

initially the scholarship covered most tuition fees, the government did not increase its monetary

value to keep pace with inflation, and by 1998 the scholarship only covered about 56 percent

of the tuition of the average participating school. Families made up for the difference (Angrist

et al. 2002).

In order to receive an award, students needed to have applied and been accepted to a

participating private school. Local governments awarded scholarships by lottery if demand

exceeded scholarship availability. Students were between 12 and 13 years of age at the time of

application. Renewal of the award through the end of students’ secondary schooling was

supposed to be contingent upon passing grades, but the extent to which this conditionality was

enforced is unclear (Calderón 1996; Ribero and Tenjo 1997).

The design of the PACES program and the Colombian context included several features

that likely reduce its fiscal cost. First, scholarships cost less than per pupil expenditure in public


Second, scholarships could be augmented with household funds. To the extent that the

program "crowded in" household funds for education, increasing winners' human capital and

future taxable earnings, the government budget constraint improves. Allowing “top-ups” also

8 About 90 percent of public schools in Bogotá are secular and 10 percent have a religious affiliation. Of the 10

percent of religiously affiliated public schools, 73 percent are Catholic. Among private schools, 46 percent are

secular and 54 percent have a religious affiliation. Of those private schools with a religious affiliation, 54 percent

are Catholic.


avoids creating incentives for some families to trade down from higher cost private schools to

private schools with fees at or below the value of the scholarship, which may have reduced

human capital accumulation and future taxable income.

Third, as is fairly standard in many scholarship programs, program rules made retention

in the program conditional on satisfactory grade completion. Indeed, we find that on-time

secondary graduation increased and grade retention fell as a result of the scholarship offers. To

the extent that reduced repetition led to fewer years of schooling taking place in public schools,

public expenditure in education fell.

Fourth, scholarships were targeted to the poor, reducing the extent to which the simply

subsidized students who would have gone to private school anyway. (This poverty targeting

will also of course make a distributional-weighted public finance calculation more favorable.)

Students could apply to either academic or vocational private schools. Vocational

private schools were overrepresented among participating private schools.

Applicants to vocational schools tend to differ systematically from other applicants;

they tend to come from families where the parents are less educated, they are also more likely

to be living in the poorest of Colombian neighborhoods, and they typically applied to schools

whose students attained lower than average scores on college entrance examinations (Bettinger,

Kremer and Saavedra 2010).

After gaining acceptance to a participating school, students then submitted scholarship

applications. Because it was administratively difficult to retain the scholarship if one switched

schools, there was considerable stickiness in schools attended by scholarship winners. Less than

20 percent of students that transferred after the first year were able to retain their scholarship.

Thus, among applicants who applied to vocational private schools, scholarship lottery winners

were more likely to stay in vocational schools whereas applicants who did not win a scholarship

were more likely to attend academic schools (for details, see Table 3 of Bettinger, Kremer,

Saavedra 2010). This “stickiness” in program application rules might have locked-in students

in private vocational schools despite that fact that ex-ante parents might have preferred an

academic path.

Among applicants to vocational schools, relative to losers, scholarship winners attended

schools where students were 33 percent more likely to drop out before completing secondary

school and were 25 percent less likely to attend college. Despite not having observably more


desirable peers, among those who applied to vocational schools, scholarship lottery winners

had significantly better educational outcomes than losers, including a 25 percent increase in the

likelihood of graduating from high school and a one-third of a standard deviation increase in

college entrance examination scores (Bettinger, Kremer, Saavedra 2010). The authors argue

that the findings of better outcomes despite worse observable peers, casts doubt on the idea that

scholarships improved outcomes for winners solely by matching them to better peers. Instead,

they argue that effects are likely driven by private sector vocational schools’ better ability to

match labor market needs.

3. Data and Empirical Strategy

In this section, we describe the various sources of administrative data we employ for

our analyses (section 3.1) and the empirical strategy (section 3.2).

3.1 Data

We limit our analysis to individuals who applied in 1994 to enter, by lottery, a private

school in sixth grade in Bogotá in 1995. This lottery and its records are the most complete and

accurate of any of the annual voucher lotteries conducted in Colombia between 1992 and 1997

(Angrist, Bettinger, Kremer 2006). We refer the reader to the reference for additional details.

Covariates available from the PACES application are age, gender, whether the applicant

had a phone at the time of application and the school applied to. Bettinger, Kremer and Saavedra

(2010) matched 93 percent of applicant school names in the Bogota 1995 lottery to school types

(vocational or academic) using data from the ICFES secondary graduation database, which we

describe below. We are able to match 93 percent of applicants from the 1995 scholarship lottery

to information on the school type to which they applied (academic or vocational). In the 1995

scholarship lottery, 43 percent of students applied to a private vocational secondary school,

with no difference by lottery status (Panel A, Table 1).9

Application covariates are balanced across lottery winners and losers in the full sample

and separately by type of school applied to, with the exception of age (Panel A, Table 1). At

application, lottery winners in the full sample are 0.086 years younger than losers, for whom

average age is 12.74 years. The age difference between winners and losers is more pronounced

9 In 1995, only 16 percent of secondary school graduates attended vocational schools, which underscores the

overrepresentation of vocational schools among private schools participating in the program.


among vocational school applicants, where winners are 0.14 years younger than losers (column

6, Table 1).10 All results we present control for age, gender and having a phone. As we

document later, results are robust to alternative age specifications as well as to excluding

application controls.

Among academic school applicants, 50 percent of students are male. Among vocational

school applicants 45 percent of students are male. There are no differences in gender by lottery

status either in the full sample or in the lotteries that are conditional on the type of school to

which students applied.

We use the Bogotá 1995 lottery data and five additional administrative data sources.

We used students’ names, dates of birth and adult identification numbers from the national

registrar to complete the matches with the five administrative datasets. In the scholarship

applicant list, all applicants reported their full names (typically two first names, two last names)

and 97.2 percent of them reported a valid youth identification number which contains their date

of birth embedded in the first six digits. The remaining four digits in the youth identification

number include an algorithm for determining the validity of a youth identification number, and

there is no difference by lottery status in the probability of having a valid youth identifier in the

full sample or separately by type of school applied to (Panel B, Table 1).

Tracking long-run outcomes in some datasets —particularly social security records—

relies on having students’ adult identification numbers which citizens obtain when they turn 18

years old. We obtained valid adult identification numbers for 97.1 percent of applicants, with

no difference in the likelihood of having an adult identification number by win-loss status

among all applicants or separately by gender (Panel B, Table 1).11

Colombia has comprehensive individual-level administrative data on secondary and

tertiary education, female fertility, labor market, and credit market outcomes. The breadth and

depth of the national data provide a unique opportunity to track PACES applicants across a

variety of long-run outcomes with little to no attrition in the data. In particular, we use:

1. The ICFES secondary school graduation/tertiary education entry exam database.

We update and improve the prior match conducted by Angrist et al. (2006) in two ways: i) by

10 Angrist, Bettinger, Bloom, King, and Kremer (2002) discuss this imbalance in applicant age in greater detail. 11 Youth and adult identification numbers were linked using administrative data from Colombia’s national

registrar’s office and the Department of National Planning.


matching on students’ youth identification numbers, adult identification numbers, and names,

(Angrist et al. 2006 did not have students’ adult identification numbers), and ii) by matching

students to the population of test takers through 2007 —7 years after students would have

graduated with no grade repetition —whereas Angrist et al. (2006) was only able to match

students through 2001.

2. The tertiary education database. We use data from Colombia’s Education Ministry’s

Sistema de Prevención y Análisis de la Deserción en Instituciones de Educación Superior

(SPADIES) to track scholarship applicants through collegiate pathways, including enrollment

and completion. The tertiary education database is an individual-level panel dataset that tracks

close to 95 percent of tertiary education students from their first year to their degree receipt

beginning in 1998. We obtained data until the first semester of 2012. The tertiary education

database is similar to the National Student Clearinghouse in the U.S. It includes information

on the timing and institution of students’ tertiary attendance. We also observe characteristics

of the institution including whether it is a university or a vocational college and whether the

institution was public or private. We construct outcomes characterizing students’ trajectories

throughout college (enrollment periods, continuation status and graduation).

3. Colombia’s Social Protection Ministry’s Sistema Integral de Información de la

Protección Social (SISPRO) provides information on formal sector earnings and tax

payments.12 SISPRO is an individual-level panel dataset that is updated monthly, and that

contains information on contributions to government social programs for health, employment,

and retirement. For the purposes of this study we focus on the work module, which contains

information on whether individuals have worked in the formal sector, the number of days of

formal sector employment, monthly earnings, and social security contributions. We focus on

outcomes from 2008 to 2014 —between eight and 14 years after on-time secondary school

completion of scholarship applicants in the Bogotá 1995 sample—since SISPRO only began to

cover the universe of formal sector workers in 2008. On average, scholarship applicants would

have been around 33 years old at the end of this period.

12 The SISPRO database only includes people who worked for employers that register their workers or self-

employed workers who register themselves. In Colombia and in Bogotá, respectively 50 percent and 55 percent of

employment is formally registered (Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Bogotá 2012).


4. Colombia’s financial comptroller’s (Superintendencia Financiera) is a formal credit

census. We focus on outcomes from 2004 to 2014, ten to 20 years after the lottery and four to

14 years after on-time secondary school completion of scholarship applicants in the Bogotá

1995 sample. These quarterly data contain formal credit information for more than 250 million

consumer credit transactions, including credit cards and car loans. We focus on two extensive

margin outcomes: access to credit card and to car loans, which we define as appearing in the

credit data for these loan types. We also analyze credit risk, as measured by interest rates

charged on loans.

5. The SISBEN Census. We use data from the SISBEN household census of 2010.

Unlike the other administrative datasets we use that have national coverage, the SISBEN census

only has partial coverage in that the government only surveys residents from households

classified in the two lowest socioeconomic strata. For this reason, SISBEN 2010 covers only

57 percent of households in all of Colombia and 39 percent of households in Bogotá. The

government uses a proxy means score based on the SISBEN questionnaire to determine

eligibility for all government subsidy programs.13 Since being surveyed and scored by the

SISBEN formula is a requirement for government subsidy eligibility, the outcome of eligibility

for various government programs is well defined for the entire population of scholarship

applicants because those who do not appear in the census are not eligible. However, we are

interested in two additional outcomes from the SISBEN survey, namely, teen fertility and self-

reported earnings. Since these outcomes are not defined for the full scholarship applicant

sample, we analyze them using a bounding approach described in the next section.

We estimate scholarship impacts on the probability of receiving Familias en Acción

conditional cash transfers and on the probability of being eligible to receive benefits from the

13 Receipt of several government subsidies is determined by whether households have SISBEN scores below

predetermined cutoff points that vary by subsidy. These subsidies include: early childhood care (primera infancia),

health care (régimen subsidiado en salud), tertiary education loan subsidies (crédito access), conditional cash

transfers (familias en acción) and elderly care (protección social al adulto mayor) subsidies. For the healthcare

subsidy the only eligibility criterion is SISBEN scores. Eligibility for the remaining subsidies requires additional

demographic conditions such as having age-appropriate children (early childhood care and conditional cash

transfers), being admitted or attending tertiary education (tertiary education loan subsidies) or living with an

elderly relative (elderly care). We observe eligibility for these subsidies but not actual subsidy receipt. We define

Familias en Acción receipt as whether applicants’ SISBEN score is at or below the eligibility cutoff and whether

they have children between 0 and 17 years of age. Take up of subsidized health care is nearly one hundred percent

among eligible families so for subsidized health care eligibility and receipt is almost identical.


other three largest government subsidy programs available for urban households: the two tiers

of subsidized health care and early childhood care.14

On the whole, we are able to match close to 95 percent of applicants to at least one of

the five administrative datasets we use to track long-run outcomes.

3.2 Empirical strategy

Our main empirical strategy is based on an intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis that compares

outcomes between scholarship lottery winners and losers, as follows:

𝑌𝑖 = 𝛼 + 𝛾𝑍𝑖 + 𝛽𝑋𝑖 + 𝜀𝑖

where 𝑌𝑖 is an outcome variable for scholarship applicant i, 𝑍𝑖 is an indicator variable for

whether applicant i was awarded a private school scholarship through the lottery, 𝑋𝑖 is a vector

of baseline controls from the scholarship application form that includes age, gender and whether

the applicant had a phone number at the time of application, and 𝜀𝑖 is an error term.

Because students applied to private schools prior to the lottery, we also estimate the

main regression equation separately by the type of school to which they applied. The lottery

could be viewed as two separate lotteries – a lottery for students who had applied to vocational

schools and a lottery for students who applied to other schools.


Credit risk, as measured by the interest rate charged on outstanding loans reported in

the credit census are only observed for applicants that have a loan. Since interest rates are

conditional on having a credit card or car loan, we can only estimate bounds on interest rates

because winning a scholarship may affect the likelihood of having a credit card or car loan.

Assuming that those without formal credit are the highest credit risk, the OLS winner-loser

contrast conditional on having a loan provides a lower bound estimate of the impact of winning

a scholarship on credit risk. We can estimate an upper bound through an OLS regression after

trimming from the sample the additional fraction of scholarship winners with the highest credit

risk among those that report having a loan (Angrist, Bettinger and Kremer 2006).

Similarly, for outcomes conditional on appearing in the SISBEN survey, namely self-

reported earnings and fertility, we construct bounds on treatment effect estimates to the extent

that lottery winners are less likely to appear in the SISBEN data in the long-run because they

14 In terms of budget and beneficiary population, subsidized health care is the largest government benefit program,

followed by Familias en Acción and early childhood care.


moved to better neighborhoods, the SISBEN data will contain a higher fraction of applicant

lottery losers than of lottery winners. Assuming that the additional proportion of winners who

moved out of the low-income SISBEN neighborhoods due to receiving the scholarship had

better outcomes (i.e. higher earnings, lower likelihood of bearing children as teenagers) than

those who remained in neighborhoods covered by SISBEN the raw difference between SISBEN

outcomes among winners and losers will be a lower bound on the voucher effect. We can

estimate an upper bound by trimming the corresponding proportion among losers (Angrist,

Bettinger, Kremer 2006).

4. Scholarship Impacts on Long Run Educational Outcomes

4.1 Secondary education completion outcomes

In this subsection, we examine secondary school outcomes and in the next we examine

tertiary education outcomes. We concentrate on on-time secondary school completion and the

likelihood of ever completing secondary school.15 Scholarship lottery winners are 17 percent

(7.6 percentage points) more likely to complete secondary school on time relative to losers’ on-

schedule completion rate of 45.2 percent (Panel A of Table 2).16 Point estimates of scholarship

effects are slightly larger (both in percent and percentage point terms) among applicants to

vocational schools, but differences are not statistically significant.

Scholarship lottery winners are 10 percent (5.4 percentage points) more likely to

complete secondary school within six years after on-schedule completion relative to a base rate

of 56.5 percent. During the six years following on-schedule completion, the difference between

the proportion of scholarship lottery winners and losers who have completed secondary school

declines with each year.17

15 We define on-schedule secondary school completion as having taken the tertiary education entry test no later

than six years after applying for the scholarship, that is to say by 2001. 16 With our updated matching strategy including adult identification numbers, we obtain substantially higher match

rates than Angrist et al. (2006). Impact estimates in percentage points are similar. 17

Three years after the lottery, scholarship lottery winners were less likely than lottery losers to repeat grades in

secondary (Angrist et al. 2002). To analyze secondary school graduation, Angrist et al (2006) completed the match

focusing on students’ probable date of on-time graduation. With the benefit of more data, we observe that many

lottery losers eventually complete secondary school, but it is taking them up to six years longer to do so.


4.2 Tertiary education outcomes

Table 2 reports scholarship impacts on tertiary education outcomes. Effects on tertiary

education outcomes are particularly strong among students who applied to vocational schools.

In this population, the base rate of ever enrollment in tertiary education is 19 percent and this

increases by 7 percentage points (37 percent) among scholarship lottery winners. The

scholarship impact difference across academic and vocational applicants in the probability of

ever enrolling in tertiary education is statistically significant (Column 7, Table 2).18 This ever-

enrollment effect takes place both in vocational colleges and in universities. Within this

group, the effects are particularly driven by males for whom there is a 10 percentage point

gain in ever enrollment in tertiary education on the base of approximately 16 percent (Table


Among vocational school applicants there is also evidence of gains in tertiary graduation

rates and in total years of tertiary education. 19 Vocational scholarship winners are 2.4

percentage points more likely to graduate from tertiary education from a base rate of 4.9 percent

among vocational scholarship losers. In this population, winners complete 0.19 additional years

of tertiary education, which corresponds to a 45 percent increase relative to the base rate of 0.42

years among losers.20 For tertiary graduation and additional years of tertiary education, the

scholarship impact difference across academic and vocational applicants is statistically

significant (Column 7, Table 2).

Among applicants to academic secondary schools, there is no evidence of an increase

in ever enrolling. There is evidence, however, that among academic school applicants,

scholarship winners were more likely to be enrolled as of 2012—our last year of tertiary

education data—by approximately 3 percentage points on a base of 3 percent. However, this

is also true to a lesser extent among vocational applicants and we cannot reject equality across

academic and vocational samples (Column 7, Panel B, Table 2).

18 Within this group the effects are particularly driven by males for whom there is a 10 percentage-point gain in

ever enrollment in tertiary education on the base of approximately 16 percent (see Table A1). 19 We define tertiary graduation and tertiary years of schooling to be zero for those who never enroll. This way,

these outcomes are well defined for the entire sample. 20 Many vocational schools have agreements with universities and vocational institutes so that students can take

college credits in their last year of secondary school, potentially easing the transition into tertiary for low-income



5. Scholarship Impacts on Labor Market Outcomes

In this section, we first show that winning the lottery did not affect the intensive or

extensive margin of formal sector labor participation (subsection 5.1), but that it nonetheless

increased formal labor market earnings, and payroll taxes, with this effect concentrated among

those applying to vocational schools. The effects on formal earnings and payroll taxes are

concentrated at the top 40 percent of the distribution (subsection 5.2). We find no effects at the

bottom of the distribution on eligibility for government subsidies (subsection 5.3). We then

decompose formal earnings impacts into the portion accounted for by increased schooling and

the portion accounted for by additional earnings conditional on schooling (subsection 5.4).

Since data on informal income is only available through a census of residents of these

neighborhoods, we can only bound and not estimate differences in informal income, but

accounting for informal income does not change the overall picture (subsection 5.5).

5.1 Formal-sector participation and intensity

SISPRO data contains monthly earnings for all formal sector workers (i.e. those who

pay payroll taxes) between 2008 and 2014.

One limitation of this analysis is the fact that, in the full sample, lottery winners are

about two percentage points more likely to be enrolled in tertiary education in 2012—our last

year of tertiary education data, which overlaps with the period of formal sector earnings data.

This may limit their current earnings while increasing their future earnings. Thus current

differences in formal sector earnings between winners and losers may understate future earnings

differences. We explore this implication below in subsection 5.2.

There is no evidence that winning the lottery makes people more likely to work in the

formal sector or to work more hours in the formal sector. Among scholarship lottery losers, we

match 80 percent to the SISPRO government records of those paying payroll taxes, implying

that 80 percent of losers ever show up in formal sector employment between 2008 and 2014.

Point estimates suggest that lottery winners are 1 percent (0.8 percentage points) more likely to

ever appear in formal employment records during this period. However, this difference is not

statistically significant (Top Row, Table 3). Match rate correlates do not systematically differ

between winners and losers in the full applicant sample or separately by vocational/academic

school application status (Table A2).


We define formal sector intensity as the average number of months spent annually in

formal sector employment. Both scholarship winners and losers spend about 5.5 months per

year in formal sector employment. There are no statistically significant differences in formal

sector employment intensity in the full sample, separately by vocational/academic school status

or by gender (Table 3).

5.2 Formal-sector earnings

Formal sector earnings are the main source of government revenue in our welfare

calculations because only formal sector workers pay payroll taxes, which are a fixed proportion

of formal earnings. Current annual formal earnings for scholarship lottery losers are, on

average, $2,470 (including zeros).21 Scholarship lottery winners earn an additional $196 in

formal annual earnings, an 8 percent increase (Panel A of Table 3). The p-value on this

difference is 0.06.

Current annual formal earnings for scholarship lottery losers who applied to vocational

schools are, on average, $ 2,568 (including zeros). Scholarship lottery winners from applicants

to vocational schools earn an additional $427 in formal annual earnings, a 17 percent increase

(column 6, Table 3). The scholarship impact difference across academic and vocational

applicants for annual formal earnings has a p-value of 0.08 (Panel A, Column 7, Table 3). The

effects among vocational school applicants are particularly strong for men. Male lottery losers

earn $2,743 while winners earn $535.3 more per year, a 20 percent increase. For males, the

scholarship impact difference across academic and vocational applicants for annual formal

earnings has a p-value of 0.07 (Panel C, Column 7, Table 3). These results are robust to

alternative age specifications as well as to excluding application controls (Table A3).

Another way of capturing the long-term labor market effect of winning scholarship is

by measuring the proportion of scholarship applicants with formal earnings above the middle-

class threshold, which in Colombia is PPP$10/day (PPP$3,600/year, Angulo et al. 2013). Near

age 33, 44 percent of scholarship lottery losers have annual formal earnings at or above the

21 We compute annual formal sector earnings by adding inflation-adjusted monthly formal sector earnings during

the period covered by our formal employment data (July 2008 to December 2014 or 78 months) including zeroes

for months without reported formal sector earnings and dividing by the 6.5 years of coverage to get an annual

average (Table 6). Since 19 percent of applicants never appear on formal employment records during this

period, total formal earnings for them are zero. We report results based on formal earnings reported in health

payroll accounts. Results are very similar if we use instead earnings from the pension payroll account.


middle-class threshold. Scholarship lottery winners are 3.7 percentage points (8.4 percent) more

likely than losers to have earnings at or above the middle-class threshold. (Panel A of Table 3).

There are no differences in the scholarship impact across academic and vocational applicants

(Panel A, Column 7, Table 3).

One plausible hypothesis for the concentration of tertiary education and formal earnings

results among vocational applicants is that private vocational education is more responsive to

labor market and advanced training opportunities than is public education. We find some

empirical support for this hypothesis. Among vocational school applicants, effects are

particularly strong and precisely estimated for applicants to schools with a commercial focus,

even though we do not sufficient power to identify differences across different vocational

curricula (Table A4). Since formal-sector days are fairly similar between lottery winners and

losers, the higher earnings seem to reflect greater earnings per formal-sector day, rather than

more hours, contrary to a model in which education is used as a signaling device to ration formal

sector jobs, but consistent with a human capital model.22

Power is limited to look at effects by quantile, but quantile regression results suggest

that the effects of the scholarship on total formal sector earnings at age 33 are strongest at the

top of the distribution for vocational school applicants. We see no gains at the top for applicants

to academic schools, possibly because they are more likely to currently be enrolled in university

(Figure 1).

In terms of formal job characteristics, while there are no differences between winners

and losers in firm size, scholarship winners, are more likely to work in growing firms (as

measured by new jobs) and firms that pay higher wages (Table A5).

We documented earlier that lottery winners are two to three percentage points more

likely to be enrolled in tertiary education during the formal earnings period we analyze. This

may limit winners’ current earnings while increasing their future earnings. To bound what the

future earnings difference is likely to be between winners and losers once the former complete

tertiary education, we can assume that in the absence of a scholarship, earnings of applicants

who attend and complete tertiary education are at the top of the earnings distribution. Under

this assumption, we can bound the estimate for the effect of winning a scholarship on future

22 This result differs from recent evidence from Ghana in which authors find that scholarships for vocational

secondary schooling increased labor force participation of lottery winners (Duflo, Dupas and Kremer 2017).


earnings by trimming the top two to three percent of formal earners in the scholarship loser

group. Table A6 shows results for this bounding approach.

An upper bound estimate on scholarship lottery winners’ future earnings is $490, a 23

percent increase (Column 2, Panel A, Table A6). Among academic applicants the bound on

the scholarship effect on future winner earnings is $396, a 19 percent increase (Column 4, Panel

A, Table A6). Among vocational applicants the bound on the scholarship effect on future

winner earnings is $702, a 31 percent increase (Column 6, Panel A, Table A6).

Under different assumptions we can estimate a more conservative upper bound to lottery

winners’ if future earnings of lottery winners still enrolled in tertiary education would be equal

to the current average earnings of lottery losers who ever attended but are no longer attending

tertiary education. In this alternative bounding approach, an upper bound estimate of winners’

future earnings is $206, an 8 percent increase statistically significant at the 5 percent level

(Column 2, Panel A, Table A7). Among vocational applicants the bound on the scholarship

effect on future winner earnings is $442.4, a 17 percent increase (Column 6, Panel A, Table

A7). Alternatively, among vocational applicants the upper bound under this bounding approach

could be as low as $368, a 14 percent increase, and still be statistically significant

To summarize, we find scholarship lottery winners have formal earnings twenty years

after initial scholarship award that are 8 percent greater than those of losers, with the difference

significant at the 6 percent level. Among applicants to vocational schools, winners’ formal

earnings twenty years later are 17 percent greater than those of losers, a difference that is

statistically significant at the 5 percent level. After accounting for the additional proportion of

lottery winners currently in tertiary education, we estimate that winning a scholarship may

increase future earnings and payroll taxes by up to 23 percent in the full sample and by up to

30 percent among vocational applicants. Given that there are no effects on the extensive or

intensive margin of formal sector employment, these earnings impacts suggest that—through

their effects on various educational outcomes—scholarships may have raised productivity.

Since we observe no change in formal sector hours, there is no particular reason to believe that

increased formal sector earnings are due to a substitution of time away from the informal sector.

Unfortunately, we do not have data on informal earnings in the full sample, and the data we

have is on an endogenously selected subsample allowing us to create only bounds and not point

estimates for the impact on earnings within a subpopulation.


5.3 Decomposition of formal earnings impacts

Scholarship winners accumulate more schooling and have greater earnings than

scholarship losers. In this subsection we decompose the effect on formal earnings into an

earnings differential attributed solely to additional years of schooling among scholarship

winners and an earnings differential due to other factors conditional on years of schooling. To

do so, we combine three estimates: i) The scholarship impact on completed years of schooling;

ii) the scholarship impact on average annual formal sector earnings; and iii) the Mincerian

return to an additional year of schooling among scholarship losers, controlling for

characteristics from the application form.23

Scholarship winners complete 0.13 additional years of schooling and have annual

formal earnings that are $196 greater than those of losers (Column 2, Table 4). We estimate

the Mincerian return to a year of schooling in the sample of scholarship losers by running an

OLS regression in which the dependent variable is average annual formal earnings and the

independent regressors are years of schooling, age, gender and having a phone at the time of

application. We estimate this OLS regression equation among all lottery losers and separately

for academic and vocational lottery losers. From this regression we obtain that, among all

scholarship losers, an additional year of schooling is associated with $642.8 greater earnings.

The earnings differential attributed solely to additional years of schooling among scholarship

winners is thus 0.13*$642.8=$83.6. The portion of the earnings increase due to winning a

scholarship that is solely accounted for by additional schooling among scholarship winners is

thus ($83.6/$196)*100=42.6%. The remaining 57.4% is due to other factors conditional on



In the sample of academic school applicants, 77 percent of the scholarship impact on

total earnings is attributed to increased schooling and 23 percent is due to other factors

conditional on years of schooling (Column 4, Table 4). Among vocational school applicants,

47 percent of the scholarship impact on total earnings is attributed to increased schooling and

53 percent is attributed to other factors conditional on years of schooling (Column 6, Table 4).

5.4 Eligibility for government subsidies

23 Using lottery status as an instrument for years of schooling is inappropriate because winning the lottery might

have also enabled winners to trade-up to better schools, invalidating the exclusion restriction.


In the full sample of applicants, by type of school, or by gender, winning the scholarship

does not affect government welfare receipt of Familias en Acción, subsidized health care

programs or eligibility for early childhood care (Table A8). Since winning a scholarship did

not affect the probability of receiving government transfers, there are no additional welfare

costs to the government from increased welfare receipt.

5.5 Self-reported earnings in SISBEN data

The SISBEN survey covers low-SES neighborhoods and includes about 52 percent of

the scholarship applicant population fifteen years after initial scholarship award (Table 5)

SISBEN 2010 earnings are a cross-section of self-reported earnings for 2010.

Lottery winners are 5 percent (2.8 percentage points) less likely to ever appear in

SISBEN data, indicating that they are less likely to reside in poor neighborhoods fifteen years

after initial scholarship receipt. This difference is statistically significant at the 10% level

(column 1, Table 5). To the extent that the approximately 5 percent of winners who moved out

of the low-income SISBEN neighborhoods due to receiving the scholarship had better outcomes

than those who remained in neighborhoods covered by SISBEN the win-loss contrast will be a

lower bound on the scholarship effect. As explained in the methods section, we can estimate an

upper bound by trimming the top 5 percent of earners among losers.

Table 6 reports bounds on the scholarship effect on self-reported total annual earnings

from the SISBEN census of the poor. Over two thirds of SISBEN respondents report not paying

payroll taxes, which implies that for them these total earnings are likely informal earnings. The

upper bound is $366 on a base of $ 2,000, and statistically significant. The lower bound impact

on annual self-reported total earnings is statistically insignificant. Together with the fact that

we see no formal labor supply response as a result of winning a scholarship suggests that

increased formal earnings are not merely the result of substitution from informal into formal

employment among scholarship winners.

6. Scholarship Impacts on Formal Consumer Credit Access

In this section, we show that winning the lottery affects long-term access to formal credit

through credit cards and car loans. Scholarship winners also have lower credit risk as measured

by interest rates on loans. It also reduces both the risk and the cost of these types of credits.

In the full sample, fifty-six percent of scholarship losers have had a credit card at any

point between 10 and 20 years after the lottery, which is the timespan covered by the credit


census data (Panel A, Column 1, Table 7). Scholarship winners are 3.8 percentage points more

likely to have a credit card, a seven percent increase (Panel A, Column 2, Table 7).

This effect is driven by vocational applicants, among whom winning a scholarship

increases credit card access by 5.4 percent, or close to 10 percent from a base of 56 percent

(Panel A, Columns 5 and 6, Table 7). Within vocational applicants, scholarship impacts on

credit card access are strongest among males (Panel C, Column 6, Table 7).

Winning a scholarship does not increase car loan access in the full sample (Panel A,

Column 2, Table 7). However, among vocational applicants, winning a scholarship increases

car loan access by 2.1 percentage points, a 55-percent difference from a base of 3.8 percent that

is significant at the 10 percent level (Panel A, Column 6, Table 7). Within vocational applicants,

male lottery winners are 5.1 percentage point more likely to have access to a car loan, a 142-

percent increase from a base of 3.6 percent (Panel C, Column 6, Table 7). The pattern of results

on formal credit access mimics that on formal sector earnings, with the strongest scholarship

impacts among vocational school applicants, and within the vocational subpopulation, among

males. Since the majority of people in Colombia use loans to buy a car (Fasecolda 2014),

greater access to car loans suggests greater car ownership. This may enhance productive

opportunities, for instance, enabling winners to access a greater number of jobs in the city or

serving as an input in production.

[[Increased access to credit is likely not a direct effect of the scholarship but rather a

consequence of improved educational and labor market opportunities that result from winning

a scholarship. In a regression (not shown) of having a credit card or car loan line on secondary

school graduation, tertiary enrollment, access to formal employment, formal earnings,

appearance in the SISBEN dataset, age, gender, having a phone at baseline and an indicator for

winning a scholarship, the coefficient on winning a scholarship is not statistically significant.

What does the worst?]

Scholarship winners also have lower credit risk, according to bound estimates on the

interest rate paid on loans. Estimates of these bounds are negative in the full sample and in the

sample of vocational applicants, particularly male applicants, suggesting that in these

subpopulations, scholarship winners have lower credit risk (Table A9). A lower credit risk may


propitiate a virtuous cycle by improving employment opportunities in the future (e.g.

Herkenhoff et al., 2016).

7. Scholarship Impacts on Teen Fertility

Fertility outcomes are only observed for applicants who show up in the SISBEN 2010

data. Scholarship lottery winners have a lower likelihood of appearing in SISBEN 2010 data.

As explained in the methods section, estimated effects on teen fertility conditional on SISBEN

appearance will be a lower bound on the true effect on teen fertility as long as lottery winners

who moved out of low-SES neighborhoods covered by SISBEN as a consequence of winning

the scholarship have a lower chance of being teenage parents than scholarship lottery winners

who remained in neighborhoods covered by SISBEN. Under this assumption, we can compute

upper bound estimates on fertility by trimming the top 5 percent of earners among losers. We

report these bounds in Table 8.

Bounds on fertility effects of winning a scholarship are tight. Scholarship winners are

between 18 and 19 percent (between 4.3 and 4.7 percentage points) less likely to have a child

during their teenage years relative to the lottery losers’ (untrimmed) mean of 23.4 percent.

Among females, winning a scholarship reduces teen motherhood by between 17 and 19 percent

(between 6.5 and 7.4 percentage points) relative to a base of 37.7 percent. The incidence of

teen fatherhood is low in Colombia in part because women typically have partners that are

older. Hence, for males we examine whether they have children with teen partners. Male lottery

winners are between 32 and 34 percent (between 5.1 and 5.6 percentage points) less likely to

have a spouse or partner who had a child as a teenager relative to a base rate of 16.1 percent

(Panel A, Table 8.)

These effects are concentrated among applicants to academic schools. Column 4 of

Table 8 shows the results for academic applicants while column 6 shows the results for

vocational schools.

The reduction in teen fertility could be the result of an “incarceration” or “delay” effect

by which winners stay in school longer and do not want to risk losing the scholarship, or it

could be an opportunity cost effect by which additional human capital increases wages, making

time valuable. If “delay” is the driving mechanism, we might not observe scholarship impacts

on total fertility because there may be catch up fertility once schooling is completed. In


contrast, if the driving mechanism is opportunity cost, we should observe an effect on total


We find no evidence that winning a scholarship changed total fertility since both lower

and upper bound estimates on the effect of winning a scholarship on total fertility include zero

at the time of SISBEN 2010, in which applicants are about twenty-eight years old, the average

scholarship lottery loser has one child. Lower and upper bound estimates on winning a

scholarship on total fertility are close to each other and insignificant, although fairly precisely

estimated. This pattern of results is consistent with the “delay” hypothesis by which winning a

scholarship keeps a student in school longer without necessarily affecting her opportunity cost

of time. One caveat is that impacts on total fertility may show up later in the potential

childbearing years, so fertility gaps may appear later.

8. Welfare Impacts

In this section we quantify the program’s welfare impacts. Welfare impacts are the sum

of: i) impacts on scholarship recipients (subsection 8.1) ii) impacts on taxpayers (subsection

8.2), and iii) externality impacts on others. We are not able to identify externality impacts on

others; in subsection 8.3, however, we estimate how large net negative externalities would need

to be to imply that the program is not welfare improving to society.24 We quantify welfare

impacts in the full sample of applicants and separately by applicants to academic and vocational

schools and compute bootstrap confidence intervals for costs and benefits.

8.1 Benefits to scholarship recipients

As explained in Section 2.1, welfare impacts on scholarship recipients can be measured

in two different ways. First, we can measure the net present value of extra school expenditures,

foregone earnings and future earnings for scholarship winners. Second, we can also use a

revealed-preference methodology to estimate lower bounds on the welfare impact. Specifically,

although winners may have spent more resources on schooling or increased effort, it is possible

24 The discount rate we use is 3.6 percent, which is average interest rate on new external government debt

commitments for Colombia between 2002 and 2012 (World Development Indicators database). In all calculations

that follow we estimate amounts per scholarship winner, separately for males and females, which assumes that the

counterfactual situation is no scholarship program. Throughout the analysis, for each source of cost and revenue,

we compute the NPVs converting into United States dollars (if not already) using the year-specific exchange rate

(Dec. 31 of that year) between US dollars and Colombian pesos from the Colombian Central Bank, deflating

nominal costs back to real value in base year (1995) using the US-CPI change between base year and incurrence

of costs (or revenue), taking the present value of the cost and revenue stream. We express the NPV in US dollars

for the year of analysis (2013) using US-CPI change between the analysis and the base year.


to construct a lower bound on net benefits to participants since payments to infra-marginal

applicants who would have gone to private school in the absence of the program constitute a

pure transfer. Here we focus solely on the more conservative revealed-preference approach.

Recipients benefited as public school costs exceeded scholarship costs and over 85 percent of

recipients would have attended private school anyway (89.7 percent of females and 85.7 percent

of males). This implies that gains to infra-marginal recipients were about $249 per scholarship

winner.25 Hence, even if there were no increase in tax revenue to the government, the program

would transfer to beneficiaries about 70 percent of what it cost taxpayers, even if one counted

only benefits to infra-marginal recipients, thus implicitly treating any benefits of educational

and economic gains to beneficiaries as fully offset by effort costs and financial costs to


8.2 Costs and benefits to taxpayers

We calculate five cost sources for the government: scholarship costs net of savings from

reduced expenditure on public education, cost-savings from reduced secondary school grade

repetition, increased tertiary education costs, benefit costs, and foregone tax revenues due to

reduced work time among scholarship winners to the extent that they spend more time in

school.26 27

25 The gain for infra-marginal recipients = (fraction of infra-marginal recipients)*(impact on scholarship

amount)*(sum of year-by-year utilization rate). The fraction of lottery losers who attend private school in 6th grade

is 0.897 among females and 0.857 among males. The impact on scholarship amount is $93.2 (from Angrist et al.

2002 Table 8, column 3 updated to 2013 dollars). We observe the fraction of winners in private school using the

scholarship for grades 6th and 8th only. The 7th grade fraction is the linear combination of the 6th and 8th grade rates.

For females the fraction of winners in private school using the scholarship is 0.953 (6th), 0.736 (7th) and 0.519 (8th).

For males it is 0.933 (6th), 0.698 (7th) and 0.463 (8th). After 8th grade, we have no data on scholarship usage. We

know that 32 percent of the overall lottery loser sample finished 11th grade in private school. We assume a constant

deterioration from 8th grade to 11th grade in the fraction of losers attending private school. This implies a 40

percent reduction in the fraction attending private school, and we assume that deterioration in scholarship usage

among winners follows a similar 40 percent decline from the 8th grade level. Under these assumptions, scholarship

usage rates for females are 0.415 (9th), 0.310 (10th) and 0.206 (11th). For males the scholarship usage rates are

0.374 (9th), 0.284 (10th) and 0.195 (11th). 26 Based on US evidence, an additional and sizeable source of cost savings to the government is reduced teen

fertility (Saul Hoffman 2006). Estimates for Colombia on the monetary costs of teen fertility are only available for

society as a whole and already include foregone earnings as a cost (Arturo José Parada-Baños 2005). It is not clear

what fraction of these costs accrues to the government. We do not, therefore, account for cost-savings from

reduced teen fertility and as such, these fiscal impact estimates err on the side of being conservative. 27 After the passing of Law 100 of 1993, the pension system created two regimes: average premium (Regimen de

Prima Media) and individual savings with solidarity (Regimen de Ahorro Individual con Solidaridad). In the

average premium regime, employee and employer-side contributions go to a common pool of resources and

pension benefits are obtained as a function of age, formal sector earnings and time in formal sector employment.

There is no minimum pension amount in this regime. The individual savings regime is akin to individual retirement


8.2.a. Costs associated with secondary school of attendance

To estimate the first cost source to the government, namely, costs associated with

secondary school attendance, we note that there are two competing impacts of the scholarship

on public expenditures. First, for students who would have attended private school in the

absence of the program, the scholarship increases public expenditure. For example, a

substantial proportion (87.7 percent) of lottery losers attended private school in sixth grade.

While the government did not have to pay for the fees of the lottery losers, it did have to pay

for the scholarship value for students who won the lottery. Among these students, the average

annual expenditure increase was $214 ($214 = scholarship value * percentage of lottery losers

attending private school = $244 * .877). Note that the proportion of applicants who attended

private school among lottery losers quickly deteriorated (53.9 percent by 8th grade).

We make two other adjustments to these estimates. Among lottery winners, not all

private school attendees continued to use the scholarship. Even in the first year, 6 percent of

private school attendees who had been offered the scholarship had discontinued using it. By

8th grade, 33 percent of lottery winners who were attending private school were not using the

scholarship. 28 The second adjustment involves our assumptions about scholarship usage

between 8th and 11th grade. After 8th grade, we have no data on scholarship usage. From prior

data, we know that 54 percent of lottery losers were attending private school in 8th grade

(Angrist et al. 2002 Table 3) and that 32 percent of them finished 11th grade in private school

(Is this from Angrist et al. 2006 Table 2, other source?). We assume a constant (linear)

deterioration from 8th grade to 11th grade in the fraction of losers attending private school. This

implies a 40 percent relative reduction in the fraction attending private school, and we assume

that deterioration in scholarship usage among winners follows a similar 40 percent decline from

the 8th grade level.

We can compute the six-year increase in expenditure by taking the annual value of the

PACES scholarships ($244) and multiplying it by the proportion of students who would have

used the scholarship in grades 6 to 11 in the absence of the program (with these proportions

computed in the aforementioned way). When we integrate over the usage patterns, we estimate

accounts in the US in which accounts belong to the individual and pension benefits do not depend on age or other

parameters; they only depend on the principal and interest earned. In neither case, therefore, are there government

subsidies to retirees. 28 These students may have repeated grades, transferred schools, or voluntary given up the scholarship.


that public expenditure increased by $473 among all applicants ($472 for academic school

applicants and $474 for vocational school applicants) as a result of the awarding of private

school scholarships to students who intended to attend private schools regardless of the

scholarship program (Row 3 of Table 9).

The scholarship, however, induced some public school attendees to attend private

school. The scholarship’s value ($244) was considerably lower than the annual cost of public

school ($449). We assume that the marginal cost of public education equals the average cost

(since this was a period of expanding school enrollment), and thus, for each student who moved

from public to private school, the government saved $205 per year.29 To figure out the net

impact on overall costs, we multiply this cost savings by the proportion of students who

attended private schools as a result of the scholarship.30 When aggregated across the six years

after the scholarship, we compute that the scholarships reduced public expenditure by $175

among all applicants as a result of the shift of students from public to private schools (Row 4).

8.2.b. Other government costs

We compute four other costs to the government. These include reduced expenditure as

a result of fewer grade repetitions, increased tertiary education costs as a result of increased

attendance, changes in welfare program expenditures, and foregone tax revenue for students

who remain longer in school.

We defer a detailed explanation of the cost savings from reduced grade repetition among

scholarship winners to Appendix B. In short, we assume that i) only public school repetitions

cost the government money, ii) among applicants who finish on-schedule, there is no repetition;

iii) among applicants who finish with delays, the delays are all a consequence of grade repetition

and iv) among those who never finish secondary school, all dropouts happened in the transition

from grade 8 to grade 9, so that total repetitions for this group are as reported Angrist et al.

(2002) who measure applicants’ academic trajectories until grade 8. Under these assumptions,

29 Angrist et al. (2002, p. 1537) reports the annual cost of public school to be $350 and the average scholarship

value to be $190, both in 1998 dollars. We calculate that in 2013 prices, these figures correspond to $449 and 244,

respectively. 30 We obtain these impacts on private school attendance for grades 6th through 8th from Table 4, column 2 (for

males) and column 4 (for females). After 8th grade, we assume a constant change from the observed 8th grade

effect to the eventual effect at graduation.


the cost savings from reduced grade repetition are $4 (Row 5).31 The other three costs that we

estimate take place after secondary school. Hence, we can combine the cost savings associated

with repetition to our prior estimates to get the total secondary education costs. This total

expenditure over the six-years of remaining school includes the costs for students who would

have attended private schools in the absence of the program (Row 3), the net of savings from

reduced expenditure on public education for students induced to transfer from public to private

schools (Row 4), and cost savings from reduced grade repetition (Row 5). The overall total

increase in secondary school costs per lottery winner is thus $293 (Row 6).

There are two sources of tertiary education costs to the government: additional public

tertiary education costs and tertiary education loan subsidies.32 Additional public tertiary

education costs are estimated as annual per-pupil expenditures in public tertiary education

multiplied by both the scholarship impact on years of tertiary education and the fraction of

lottery winners attending a public tertiary institution (Row 7). Additional tertiary education

loan subsidies are estimated as annual per-pupil tertiary education loan subsidy amounts

multiplied by the scholarship impact on number of years of tertiary education (Row 8). Tertiary

education costs (public education plus loan subsidies) are thus $15 (-$12 for academic school

applicants and $55 for vocational school applicants, Row 9).

The program did not affect the probability of receiving government transfers, as

explained in Section 5. Therefore, additional welfare costs to the government are close to zero

($0.1 for academic school applicants, -$2.33 for vocational school applicants, Row 10). To the

extent that winners spent more time in school, the government may have foregone certain tax

revenue while they were in school. Based on Table 7, we assume that there is no difference in

informal sector earnings between scholarship winners and losers. Foregone VAT tax revenue,

therefore, equals formal annual formal sector earnings of scholarship lottery losers’ times the

31 We derive cost-savings estimates from data on public school costs, which we obtain for 1998 from Angrist et

al. (2002, see footnote 29). We discount these to base year by using the US-CPI change between base year and

incurrence of costs year (which we assume is 1998 in this case as we do not observe public school costs for any

other year). We then express these costs in US dollars for the year of analysis (2013) using US-CPI change between

the analysis and the base year. 32 Annual tertiary education subsidy data is based on the ACCES loan program and come from ICETEX (2014).

For low-income students (based on SISBEN and strata) who applied for a loan prior to 2011, the government

subsidizes 25 percent of the loan amount which, on average, amounts to $708/year at the exchange rate used for

year of analysis (see notes to Table 9 for details).


scholarship impact on years of education times the average VAT rate of 13.3 percent,33 which

equals $28 (Row 11).34

Foregone payroll taxes are annual payroll taxes for scholarship lottery losers’ times the

scholarship impact on additional years of education. Not all foregone payroll taxes, however,

represent a net government transfer because a large fraction of these goes back to the worker,

for instance, through the pension benefits formula. We estimate that at the margin forty percent

of payroll taxes represents a net transfer to the government. 35 Foregone net government

transfers from payroll taxes are $24 (Row 12). Total foregone revenue is the sum of foregone

VAT taxes and the net transfer from foregone payroll taxes, which totals $52 ($51 for academic

school applicants and $54 for vocational school applicants, Row 13).

Total expected scholarship costs are the sum of secondary education costs (6), additional

tertiary costs (9), welfare costs (10) and foregone revenue (Row 13). Total expected scholarship

costs are $360 ($333 for academic school applicants and $401 for vocational school applicants,

Row 14). As a robustness check to these calculations, if instead of using the base discount rate

of 3 percent we use a higher discount rate of 6 percent, scholarship costs to the government are

$319 ($300 for academic school applicants and $348 for vocational school applicants, Row 14).

33Jaramillo and Tovar (2008) Table 3 reports average VAT rates for five consumption groups: Transportation and

Communications (15.19%), Food (8.01%), Culture and Entertainment (13.97%), Housing (14.66%) and Other

(15.94%) We use data from Colombia’s Encuesta de Ingresos y Gastos from 2006/2007 to estimate the distribution

of consumption across these groups in the two lowest deciles of the consumption distribution, which are 7.4% for

Transportation and Communication, 25.6% for Food, 1.5% for Culture and Entertainment, 39.5% for Housing and

25.9% for Other. The average VAT tax rate of 13.3% is a weighted average of the VAT rates across the different

consumption groups, with the weights given by the share of consumption among the two lowest deciles in each

category. 34The current difference in formal sector earnings and payroll taxes between scholarship winners and losers already

accounts for foregone earnings due to any additional time in school between 2008 and 2012, which is the period

that our formal sector earnings data covers. Evidence from Table 2 indicates that scholarship winners, however,

already spent additional time in school prior to 2008, particularly finishing secondary school. Since we do not

observe earnings that far back, the assumption that foregone earnings then are similar to those now is fairly

conservative. 35 Ten percent of payroll taxes are earmarked to finance Colombia’s national job training agency (SENA) and the

national institute for family welfare (ICBF) and therefore represent a net transfer to the government. Thirty percent

of total payroll taxes are for health care services and also constitute a net government transfer because the

mandatory health plan, known as POS, provides services that do not depend on the amount paid in the system so

additional health payroll taxes among winners relax the government budget constraint. We conservatively assume

that the pension scheme involves no redistribution.


8.2.c Government revenue

There are two sources of future additional government revenue: additional revenue from

VAT taxes and additional government revenue from payroll taxes. This assumes that all formal

sector earnings are spent on goods with VAT levied and that no informal sector earnings are.

We use annual formal sector earnings (from Table 4). We project earnings for losers and

winners over a 35-year work horizon allowing for a 3.02 annual growth rate.36 The NPV of

additional earnings is the difference between the NPV of earnings for winners and the NPV of

earnings for losers. Multiplying the difference by the 13.3 percent VAT tax rate we get

additional VAT tax revenue, which is $1,098 ($151 for academic school applicants and $2,417

for vocational school applicants, Row 16).

Government revenue from payroll taxes is proportional to formal earnings. Relative to

losers, scholarship lottery winners pay $55.1, which at the losers’ mean of $696/year on payroll

taxes represents an increase of 8 percent (p-value 0.07, Panel A, Column 3, Table A3).

Among applicants to vocational schools, scholarship winners pay, on average, $125

more per year, which at the losers’ mean of $724 represents an increase of 17 percent. Among

applicants to academic schools, winners pay, on average, $3.9 more per year, a difference that

is not statistically significant relative to the academic losers’ mean of $694. The scholarship

impact difference across academic and vocational applicants for annual payroll taxes paid has

a p-value of 0.07 (Panel B, Column 3, Table A3).

We project annual payroll taxes for losers and winners over a 35-year work horizon

allowing for a 3.02 annual growth rate. The NPV of additional payroll taxes is the difference

between the NPV of payroll taxes for winners and the NPV of payroll taxes for losers. Expected

additional government revenue from payroll taxes is this difference multiplied by 40 percent

tax rate, since, as noted, at the margin forty percent of payroll taxes represents a net transfer to

the government. This comes to $929 ($45 for academic school applicants and $2,135 for

vocational school applicants, Row 17). Total expected additional government revenue is

$2,027 ($196 for academic school applicants and $4,551 for vocational school applicants, Row

18). The scholarship impacts on formal sector earnings among the vocational school applicant

sub-population entirely drive the positive expected additional government revenue, which we

36 The rate of 3.02 percent is the average annual growth in GDP per capita in Colombia between 2002 and 2012

(World Development Indicators database).


can reject to be zero in the full sample and among vocational school applicants with 95 percent


As noted earlier, effects on formal self-reported earnings are consistent with estimates

from administrative data. Effects on informal self-reported earnings are likely zero or positive,

but even if they were negative, they would not have a major effect on these calculations, since

payroll taxes are not collected on informal earnings.

The point estimate of the net fiscal cost to taxpayers is -$1,667 ($136 for academic

school applicants and -$4,151 for vocational school applicants, Row 21). The upper bound of

the 95 percent confidence interval on the net fiscal cost per scholarship recipient is $304 ($2,913

for academic school applicants and -$372 for vocational school applicants) indicating that

expected net fiscal costs to taxpayers are likely to be negative in the full sample, with a small

probability that they are small and positive. Among vocational school applicants, the cost to

taxpayers is strongly negative.37

Note that net fiscal costs are negative even if one assumes that any increase in formal

sector earnings is offset by reduced informal earnings, so there are no gains in VAT revenue.

Expected net costs for taxpayers are negative and equal to -$569 due solely to increased payroll

tax receipt ($287 for academic school applicants, -$1,734 for vocational school applicants, Row

14 minus Row 20).38 These gains are solely based on the tax revenue and ignore additional cost

savings associated with teen-age pregnancy.

8.3 Externality impacts on others

While we can measure impacts on taxpayers and scholarship recipients, we are not able

to identify potential externality impacts on others, and to the extent that such effects exist, they

should be part of any welfare calculation. The calculation above implies that as long as any

externalities are either positive, or negative but less than $1,916 per lottery winner (Row 23,

Table 10), we can say with a high degree of confidence that the program is welfare improving

since the lower bound of 95 percent confidence interval is -$54.9 (the 90 percent confidence

37 The conclusion that the expected cost to taxpayers is negative seems reasonably robust to changes in the

assumptions. Expected net fiscal costs to taxpayers are also negative using a higher discount rate of 6 percent and

equal to -$1,223.73 (Row 15 minus Row 19). 38 Net fiscal costs are also negative for both females and males if we assume a discount rate of 6 percent instead

of the 3.66 percent rate assumed in the text. Net fiscal costs using the 6 percent discount rate are -$235.38 for

females and -$335.35 for males.


interval—not shown—is bounded away from zero). For vocational school applicants, we can

say with 95 percent confidence that the program is welfare enhancing as long as externalities

are either positive or negative but less than $4,400 per recipient. Although the mean estimate

net benefit for academic school applicants is positive, it is small and has wide confidence bands

(Row 23, Table 10).

The program is, thus, welfare-increasing unless it generates large negative externalities.

This seems unlikely since reduced teen fertility and the opening up of an avenue for social

mobility may generate positive externalities. There is little evidence for potential negative

externalities, for example, through labor market signaling or job rationing. Bettinger et al (2010)

suggests effects are not driven by improved peer quality for scholarship winners, which could

have been interpreted as generating a reduction in peer quality for non-participants. The net

negative externalities would have to be fairly large relative to program costs and to winners’

earnings gains—particularly among applicants to vocational schools—to change the


9. Conclusion

We present evidence on the long run educational, labor market, welfare, access to credit,

family and fiscal impacts of Colombia’s PACES scholarship program, one of the largest private

school scholarship programs in the world. As such, it is the first paper that explores the impact

of private school scholarships on long-run labor market outcomes and, ultimately, the

government’s budget constraint. We are able to take advantage of a setting in which: a) there

is exogenous variation in private school access due to random assignment of PACES

scholarships when demand exceeded availability; b) administrative data provides credible

evidence of impacts; c) we are examining an “as is” implementation of a large-scale government

program; and d) program rules enable us to examine program effects in a subpopulation of

scholarship applicants to vocational schools, amongst whom effects are unlikely to be primarily

the result of student re-sorting.

Winning a scholarship for private secondary schooling increases on-time secondary

school completion by 17 percent and ever completion by 10 percent (base rates are 45 percent

and 56.5 percent respectively). It increases tertiary education access by 13 percent and current

enrollment or graduation rates by 64 and 12 percent respectively (base rates are 19, 4 and 5

percent respectively). As a result, scholarship lottery winners accumulate 0.006 additional years


of tertiary education. Tertiary education effects are overwhelmingly concentrated in the

population of vocational school applicants.

Winning a scholarship increases the estimated amount that applicants pay in future

payroll taxes and earnings by 8 percent. Among vocational school applicants, winning a

scholarship increases earnings by 17 percent and payroll taxes by 16 percent. Higher earnings

likely reflect more than just a quantity of schooling effect, as the hypothesis that the effect was

due solely to increases in the quantity of schooling would imply implausibly large rates of return

to an additional year of education, particularly among vocational applicants.

A scholarship also increases access to formal consumer credit, in particular to card and

vehicle credit, both in the intensive and extensive margins, and it also leads to better credit

records and low credit costs. Effects on formal credit are mostly explained by winner applicants

to vocational schools, and in particular, to male applicants to vocational schools. This result

reinforces that on formal earnings on this same population.

Winning a scholarship reduces females’ teen fertility by at least 17 percent or 6.5

percentage points (base rate is 38 percent) while not affecting overall fertility.

With a single experiment, it is impossible to fully disentangle the channels of program

impact. However, gains at the tertiary education level and the labor market, particularly among

the sub-population of vocational school applicants, suggest that the impact of the program on

secondary completion was not simply due to schools gaming of the system by lowering the

standards for grade progression. Instead, our results suggest that private vocational education

may improve long-term outcomes by helping students to more effectively transition from

secondary school into advanced training and the labor force.

The scholarship program combined elements of a private school scholarship program

with elements of a merit scholarship program insofar as renewal of the scholarship was

conditional on grade progression. However, as noted, it is not clear how strongly the later

requirement was enforced in practice. If the effects of the program were solely due to its merit

scholarship component, then one would expect the strongest impacts to occur among those who

are near the boundary of failing grades. In fact, it seems that many of the strongest impacts are

at the top of the distribution, such as on tertiary enrolment—which only 19 percent of lottery

losers ever accomplish—and on tertiary graduation—which only 5 percent of losers

accomplish. Effects on formal sector earnings are also relevant at the top of the distribution.


Moreover, we do not observe any effects on the fraction of applicants who are eligible to receive

government subsidies. The main place we see an effect that might be at the bottom of the

distribution is on teen fertility.

Our results paint a more favorable picture of private school scholarships relative to

many of the results coming out of the US school choice literature. One possible explanation is

program design, as PACES allowed households to augment scholarship amounts, potentially

helping some students who would have attended private schools to trade up to better private

schools. Another explanation is contextual differences. Since the program only partially

covered costs, it attracted students whose families were willing to pay something for private

school and the treatment effect of moving from public to private education in the subpopulation

of those willing to pay for private education may be greater than in the population at large.

Our fiscal calculations suggest that the net fiscal cost of the program is negative due to

the indirect effect of scholarship receipt on government expenditure and revenue. Some

features of the program design minimized the fiscal cost of the program. First, scholarships

covered only part of the cost of private school and applicants had to cover the rest of the costs.

Indeed, the scholarships crowded-in educational expenses as households invested more total

resources in education (Angrist et al 2002). The conditioning of scholarship renewal created

incentives that reduced grade repetition (Angrist et al 2002). The scholarship program was

targeted to the poor and the poor typically don’t obtain admission to public universities. The

increased tertiary education induced by the scholarship was mainly at the expense of households

themselves rather than the Colombian treasury. Additional financial (as opposed to time)

investments by households in education generate positive fiscal externalities if the additional

human capital of scholarship lottery winners increases long-run earnings. Moreover, there is

no offsetting reduction on short-run labor supply (and hence short-run tax collection).39 The

fiscal estimates do not consider the potential welfare improving expenditures and investment

that could arise from the better access to formal credit markets generated by winning the


39 By contrast, other educational subsidy programs such as state merit aid programs in the US that pay for additional

years of school and keep students in school longer (see for example Dynarski 2000; Kane 2003) will have offsetting

effects. They reduce short-run tax revenue by delaying labor market entry and increase long-run revenue by

boosting later earnings, with the overall impact on the NPV of tax revenue unclear.


The Colombian government has a number of transfer programs designed to support

people at the bottom of the income distribution, such as Familias en Acción. One natural

question is whether it costs more or less to redistribute to strata 1 and 2 households through the

PACES private school scholarship program than through alternative means. It seems reasonable

to assume that the social cost of transferring one dollar per household through conditional cash

transfers is more than one dollar because such programs may distort labor supply or the

economic activity among those taxed to pay for the program and among beneficiaries who may

seek to remain eligible. The evidence presented here suggests that it likely costs substantially

less than a dollar to transfer one dollar in net present value to children born in strata one and

two households through private scholarships.

The results on vocational school applicants suggest that, at least in the Colombian

context, private vocational schools are a potentially promising and cost-effective educational

alternative to improve educational attainment, employability and school-to-work transitions.

Colombian private vocational schools, if anything, complement tertiary education investments

and the needs of the formal labor market (see also Kugler, Kugler, Saavedra and Herrera 2015,

and Attanasio, Guarín, Medina and Meghir 2017). (Of course one cannot draw the policy

conclusion that a program limited to vocational schools would have effects similar to that we

estimate for the effect of PACES on applicants to vocational schools since such a program

might well have induced very different types of students to apply to vocational schools). Bear

in mind though, that results found for vocational applicant are not necessarily transferable to

academic applicants since the lottery took place after the choice of the type of school had been


The external validity of our results to other Colombian cities, or other cities in other

countries of the region, would heavily rely on the variation of the quality of public and private

education. Guarín, Medina and Posso (2017) show there are large variations in the quality of

public and private education across Colombian cities, based on which one could expect that

besides Bogotá, our results are likely to hold in cities like Medellín and Cartagena, but less

likely to hold in others like Bucaramanga, Tunja or Pasto, which have much higher quality

public schools.



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Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the Bogotá 1995 PACES scholarship applicant cohort 1

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants







Valid School

Type Info









(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8)

A. Data from PACES


Has Phone 0.882 0.009 0.009 0.869 0.013 0.899 0.003

(0.011) (0.011) (0.015) (0.016)

Age at time of application 12.74 -0.086 -0.086 12.78 -0.033 12.63 -0.144

(1.327) (0.045)* (0.046)* (1.333) (0.062) (1.287) (0.068)**

Male 0.49 0.011 0.018 0.504 0.008 0.457 0.033

(0.017) (0.017) (0.023) (0.026)

Applied to Vocational School 0.433 0.017 0.017

(0.017) (0.017)

B. National Identification Data

Valid youth identification

number 0.967 0.001 0.002 0.959 0.013 0.976 -0.011

(0.006) (0.006) (0.009) (0.009)

Valid adult identification

number 0.978 -0.003 -0.004 0.979 -0.008 0.979 0.001

(0.005) (0.005) (0.007) (0.007)

N 1519 3661 3413 803 1901 613 1512

Notes: Table reports OLS scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship. Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations in 2 columns of means and standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Results in Panel A are the same as those in Angrist et al. (2006) for having a 3 phone, age at the time of application and gender, and as those in Bettinger et al. (2010) for having applied to a vocational school.4


Table 2. Scholarship impacts on long run educational outcomes 5

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants

















(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. Secondary school completion (ICFES secondary graduation exam database)

Graduated on schedule 0.452 0.076 0.455 0.071 0.473 0.083 0.012

(0.498) (0.016)*** (0.498) (0.021)*** (0.5) (0.025)*** (0.715)

Graduated with up to a two-year delay 0.527 0.063 0.519 0.061 0.566 0.066 0.005

(0.499) (0.015)*** (0.5) (0.021)*** (0.496) (0.024)*** (0.867)

Graduated with up to a four-year delay 0.552 0.055 0.544 0.051 0.587 0.065 0.014

(0.497) (0.015)*** (0.498) (0.021)** (0.493) (0.024)*** (0.655)

Graduated with up to a six-year delay 0.565 0.054 0.552 0.055 0.605 0.060 0.006

(0.496) (0.015)*** (0.498) (0.021)*** (0.489) (0.024)** (0.858)

B. Tertiary enrollment and persistence (Tertiary education database)

Ever enrolled in tertiary education 0.189 0.024 0.194 0.000 0.188 0.070 0.069

(0.392) (0.013)* (0.396) (0.018) (0.391) (0.021)*** (0.012)**

Ever enrolled in a vocational college 0.066 0.014 0.071 0.006 0.064 0.028 0.021

(0.248) (0.009)* (0.257) (0.012) (0.244) (0.014)** (0.238)

Ever enrolled in a university 0.131 0.014 0.130 -0.002 0.135 0.046 0.048

(0.338) (0.011) (0.336) (0.015) (0.342) (0.019)** (0.044)**

Enrolled in tertiary as of 2012 0.036 0.023 0.030 0.031 0.039 0.021 -0.010

(0.185) (0.007)*** (0.17) (0.009)*** (0.194) (0.011)* (0.502)

Graduated from tertiary as of 2012 0.050 0.006 0.054 -0.008 0.049 0.024 0.032

(0.218) (0.007) (0.225) (0.01) (0.216) (0.012)** (0.042)**

Years of tertiary education 0.420 0.064 0.428 -0.019 0.423 0.191 0.210

(1.19) (0.04) (1.202) (0.054) (1.2) (0.067)*** (0.014)**

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship with application controls. Controls include age, male and 6 whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Estimates in columns 2,4 and 6 are from linear probability models. Numbers in 7 parentheses are robust standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Graduated on schedule is if the applicant took the college entry test in 2001 or 8 before; graduated with up to a two-, four- or six-year delay is if the applicant took the college entry test on or before 2003, 2005 and 2007, respectively. * 9 significant 10%, ** significant 5%, *** significant 1%. 10 11


Table 3. Scholarship impacts on formal sector employment intensity, earnings and payroll taxes 2008-2014 12

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants























(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. All applicants

Matched to formal sector earnings data 0.801 0.008 0.797 0.009 0.811 0.012 -0.169

(0.013) (0.018) (0.020) (0.55)

Average annual formal sector tenure (months) 5.52 0.23 5.57 0.22 5.59 0.28 0.07

(4.40) (0.15) (4.40) (0.20) (4.42) (0.23) (0.83)

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,470.5 196.0 2,462.5 31.4 2,568.3 427.0 395.6

(3,019.9) (104.7)* (2,986.2) (132.7) (3,147.3) (184)** (0.08)*

Average Annual Earnings at or Above Middle-Class

Threshold 0.443 0.037 0.455 0.033 0.445 0.041 0.01

(0.497) (0.017)** (0.498) (0.023) (0.497) (0.026) (0.83)

B. Females

Average annual formal sector tenure (months) 5.17 0.26 5.22 0.29 5.32 0.12 -0.17

(4.410) (0.200) (4.380) (0.280) (4.490) (0.320) (0.69)

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,264.1 240.6 2,238.0 121.6 2,422.4 328.8 207.2

(2,826.9) (143.4)* (2,810.2) (182.3) (2,941.1) (248.4) (0.5)

Average Annual Earnings at or Above Middle-Class

Threshold 0.4 0.042 0.413 0.035 0.41 0.035 0.00

(0.490) (0.023)* (0.493) (0.032) (0.493) (0.035) (1.00)

C. Males

Average annual formal sector tenure (months) 5.9 0.19 5.91 0.11 5.91 0.46 0.35

(4.350) (0.210) (4.390) (0.290) (4.320) (0.330) (0.43)

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,687.7 146.9 2,685.8 -64.7 2,743.0 535.3 600.0

(3,198.1) (152.7) (3,139.2) (191.9) (3,375.0) (272.7)** (0.07)*

Average Annual Earnings at or Above Middle-Class

Threshold 0.489 0.031 0.497 0.029 0.487 0.048 0.02

(0.500) (0.024) (0.501) (0.033) (0.501) (0.039) (0.72)


Notes: Annual average earnings are for the period July 2008 to December 2014. Monetary values are expressed in 2013 USD. Numbers in parentheses are 13 standard deviations in columns of means and standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant 14 had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Formal sector earnings estimates use the health payroll account. Middle-class earnings threshold is 15 PPP $3,600/year (Angulo et al. 2013). Formal sector earnings data begins in July 2008 and end in December 2014 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult 16 identification number that have complete application controls. In Panel A the sample of all applicant has 3574 observations, the sample of academic school 17 applicants has 1852 observations and the sample of vocational school applicants has 1481 observations. In Panel B, the full female sample has 1807 18 observations; the sample of academic school female applicants has 912 observations and the sample of vocational school female applicants has 779 observations. 19 In Panel C, the full male sample has 1767 observations; the sample of academic school male applicants has 940 observations and the sample of vocational school 20 male applicants has 702 observations.* significant 10%, ** significant 5% *** significant 1%. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Table 4. Decomposition of formal earnings impacts 30

All Vocational Applicants Academic Applicants



















(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Scholarship impact on completed years of

schooling (A) 10.42 0.13 10.43 0.04 10.49 0.27

(1.61) (0.05)** (1.64) (0.07) (1.61) (0.08)***

2. Scholarship impact on Average Annual

Formal Sector Earnings 2008-2014 (B) 2,470.5 196.0 2,462.5 31.4 2,568.3 427.0

(3019.9) (104.7)* (2986.2) (132.7) (3147.3) (184)**

3. Mincerian return to a year of schooling in

sample of scholarship losers (C) 642.8 608.4 740.8 (80.3)*** (108.6)*** (128.1)*** 4. Earnings differential attributed solely to

additional years of schooling among scholarship

winners (A*C) $83.6 $24.3 $200.0

5. Percent of annual formal sector earnings

scholarship impact due to increased years of

schooling among winners (A*C)/B 42.6% 77.4% 46.8%

6. Percent of annual formal sector earnings

scholarship impact due to other factors

conditional on years of schooling (1- [A*C]/B) 57.4% 22.6% 53.2%

Notes: Table reports a decomposition of earnings impacts into portion due to additional completed years of schooling among scholarship winners and a portion 31 due to other factors conditional on years of schooling. Sample is all Bogotá 1995 lottery applicants with complete application covariate data (see Table 1). The 32 first row reports the effect on completed years of schooling. The second row reproduces the result on average annual formal earnings from Table 4. The third row 33 reports a coefficient of completed years of schooling from an OLS regression in the sample of lottery losers in which the dependent variable is average annual 34 formal earnings in 2008-2014 controlling for PACES application covariates. * significant 10%, ** significant 5%. *** significant 1%. 35 36 37


Table 5. Match rates to SISBEN data 38

All Applicants Academic School


Vocational School


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Won a scholarship -0.028 0.051 -0.029 -0.008 -0.032 0.300

(0.017)* (0.169) (0.023) (0.235) (0.026) (0.264)

Age * won a scholarship -0.001 0.007 -0.029

(0.013) (0.017) (0.020)

Phone * won a scholarship -0.078 -0.127 0.026

(0.053) (0.07)* (0.087)

Male * won a scholarship 0.009 0.000 0.020

(0.034) (0.046) (0.053)

Loser's mean 0.515 0.504 0.524

p-value on F-stat of joint test of

interactions 0.525 0.327 0.508

N 3661 3661 1901 1901 1512 1512

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on the probability of being matched SISBEN 2010 data 39 using linear probability models. Additional controls, not shown in the table include, age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of 40 scholarship application. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


Table 6. Bounds on total self-reported annual earnings’ scholarship impacts 53 All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants













(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A. All applicants

Lower bound 2,517.9 -139.6 2,699.6 -311.6 2,359.6 14.2

(218.4) (399.1) (165.5)

Upper bound 2,000.2 365.8 2,041.0 331.8 2,064.9 315.8

(80.1)*** (113.5)*** (125.4)**

B. Females

Lower bound 1,944.1 0.5 1,894.0 31.6 2,082.1 -71.9

(138.6) (166.6) (251.6)

Upper bound 1,696.3 247.7 1,702.9 223.5 1,736.6 283.6

(112.7)** (158.9) (175.2)

C. Males

Lower bound 3,198.5 -311.7 3,567.6 -765.8 2,749.0 154.4

(446.3) (845.0) (183.1)

Upper bound 2,439.6 440.5 2,461.0 366.7 2,581.7 324.5

(111.8)*** (158.1)** (175.8)*

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and bounds of the effects of winning a scholarship on total self-reported annual earnings expressed in 2013 54 USD. Lower bound earnings are obtained from an OLS regression of SISBEN self-reported earnings, with missing values for those not in the SISBEN census. 55 Upper bound earnings from an OLS regression in which SISBEN earnings from the top 5 percent of scholarship winners are trimmed from the sample. Controls 56 include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Robust standard errors in parentheses. * significant 10%, 57 ** significant 5%. 58 59 60


Table 7. Scholarship impacts on formal credit access 61

All Academic Applicants Vocational























(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. All applicants

Has Credit Card 0.564 0.038 0.568 0.034 0.560 0.054 0.020

(0.016)** (0.023) (0.025)** (0.034)

Has Car Loan 0.041 0.006 0.042 -0.003 0.038 0.021 0.024

(0.007) (0.009) (0.011)* (0.014)*

B. Females

Has Credit Card 0.542 0.030 0.543 0.042 0.550 0.023 -0.018

(0.023) (0.032) (0.035) (0.048)

Has Car Loan 0.037 -0.001 0.035 0.005 0.039 -0.006 -0.011

(0.009) (0.013) (0.014) (0.019)

C. Males

Has Credit Card 0.586 0.045 0.593 0.026 0.571 0.087 0.062

(0.023)* (0.032) (0.037)** (0.048)

Has Car Loan 0.044 0.013 0.049 -0.010 0.036 0.051 0.061

(0.010) (0.013) (0.018)*** (0.022)***

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on access to formal consumer credit (credit cards and car 62 loans). Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations in columns of means and standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Controls include 63 age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Credit data is collected quarterly and it begins in the first quarter 64 of 2004 and end in the last quarter of 2014 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult identification number that have complete application controls. In Panel 65 A the sample of all applicant has 3661 observations, the sample of academic school applicants has 1901 observations and the sample of vocational school 66 applicants has 1512 observations. In Panel B, the full female sample has 1845 observations; the sample of academic school female applicants has 933 67 observations and the sample of vocational school female applicants has 792 observations. In Panel C, the full male sample has 1816 observations; the sample of 68 academic school male applicants has 968 observations and the sample of vocational school male applicants has 720 observations.* significant 10%, ** significant 69 5%, *** significant 1%. 70 71


Table 8. Bounds on scholarship effects on fertility 72

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants























(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. All applicants

Had any child as a teen

LB 0.234 -0.043 0.240 -0.064 0.224 -0.023 0.041

(0.424) (0.018)** (0.427) (0.025)** (0.418) (0.029) (0.286)

UB 0.242 -0.047 0.249 -0.070 0.228 -0.025 0.045

(0.429) (0.019)** (0.433) (0.026)*** (0.421) (0.030) (0.252)

Spouse/partner had a child as a teen

LB 0.106 -0.030 0.111 -0.034 0.087 -0.019 0.015

(0.308) (0.014)** (0.315) (0.020)* (0.283) (0.020) (0.589)

UB 0.108 -0.032 0.113 -0.036 0.093 -0.025 0.011

(0.310) (0.014)** (0.317) (0.020)* (0.291) (0.021) (0.697)

Total number of children

LB 1.061 -0.040 1.047 -0.016 1.006 0.013 0.029

(1.034) (0.045) (1.022) (0.063) (0.981) (0.067) (0.751)

UB 1.082 -0.049 1.064 -0.022 1.033 -0.003 0.019

(1.045) (0.046) (1.026) (0.064) (0.991) (0.069) (0.842)

B. Females

Had any child as a teen

LB 0.377 -0.065 0.402 -0.105 0.337 -0.035 0.071

(0.485) (0.031)** (0.492) (0.045)** (0.474) (0.047) (0.273)

UB 0.387 -0.074 0.418 -0.121 0.337 -0.034 0.087

(0.488) (0.032)** (0.495) (0.046)*** (0.474) (0.047) (0.183)

Spouse/partner had a child as a teen

LB 0.056 -0.011 0.055 -0.007 0.043 -0.010 -0.003

(0.231) (0.015) (0.229) (0.021) (0.204) (0.020) (0.923)

UB 0.059 -0.014 0.058 -0.010 0.046 -0.012 -0.002

(0.236) (0.015) (0.235) (0.022) (0.209) (0.020) (0.940)


Total number of children

LB 1.355 -0.023 1.367 0.019 1.250 0.021 0.002

(1.031) (0.065) (1.021) (0.092) (0.993) (0.095) (0.990)

UB 1.399 -0.061 1.413 -0.024 1.280 0.001 0.025

(1.026) (0.065) (1.015) (0.093) (0.992) (0.097) (0.851)

C. Males

Had any child as a teen

LB 0.078 -0.020 0.083 -0.022 0.073 -0.007 0.015

(0.268) (0.018) (0.276) (0.024) (0.261) (0.028) (0.682)

UB 0.081 -0.024 0.087 -0.026 0.075 -0.008 0.017

(0.274) (0.018) (0.282) (0.025) (0.264) (0.028) (0.643)

Spouse/partner had a child as a teen

LB 0.161 -0.051 0.165 -0.058 0.146 -0.031 0.028

(0.368) (0.024)** (0.372) (0.033)* (0.354) (0.038) (0.581)

UB 0.166 -0.056 0.173 -0.066 0.149 -0.034 0.032

(0.372) (0.024)** (0.380) (0.034)** (0.358) (0.039) (0.531)

Total number of children

LB 0.740 -0.061 0.738 -0.033 0.679 0.003 0.037

(0.939) (0.062) (0.926) (0.086) (0.865) (0.092) (0.770)

UB 0.742 -0.060 0.750 -0.041 0.687 -0.002 0.040

(0.947) (0.063) (0.941) (0.088) (0.871) (0.093) (0.756)

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated bounds on the effects of winning a scholarship fertility outcomes based on SISBEN 2010 73 data. Lower bound (LB) earnings are obtained from an OLS regression of SISBEN self-reported earnings, with missing values for those not in the SISBEN 74 census. Upper bound (UB) earnings from an OLS regression in which SISBEN earnings from the top 5 percent of scholarship losers are trimmed from the 75 sample. Numbers in parentheses are robust standard errors with the exception of total number of children in columns 1, 3 and 5, which are standard deviations of 76 the loser’s mean. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. * significant 10%, ** 77 significant 5%. 78 79


Table 9. Fiscal and welfare impacts of scholarships 80

All Applicants Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants Notes

Estimate 95% C.I. Estimate 95% C.I. Estimate 95% C.I.

Row # A. Government Costs

Secondary Education Costs

1 Annual per-pupil cost of public

school $ 449.1 $ 449.1 $ 449.1

From Angrist et al. (2002),

converted to 2013 dollars

2 Annual value of PACES scholarship $ 243.8 $ 243.8 $ 243.8 From Angrist et al. (2002),

converted to 2013 dollars


Expenditure from scholarship costs

for students who would have enrolled

in private school, aggregated over 6


$ 473.0 $ 472.4 $ 473.9

Row (2)*Proportion of

lottery winners attending

private school*proportion of

winners continuing to use

scholarships; computed

annually and summed over

the six years


Expenditure resulting from transfers

from public to private schools,

aggregated over 6 years

-$ 175.3 -$ 175.2 -$ 175.4

(Row (2) – Row

(1))*Scholarship Effect on

Private School Attendance;

computed annually and

summed over the six years

5 Cost savings from reduced grade

repetition -$ 4.3 ($-4.9 - $-3.5) -$ 4.2 ($-4.9 - $-3.1) -$ 4.0 ($-5.2 - $-2.5) See Appendix B

6 Total secondary education costs to

the government $ 293.5 ($292.9 - $294.3) $ 293.1 ($292.3 - $294.1) $ 294.6 ($293.3 - $296.0)

Row (3) + Row (4) + Row


Tertiary Education Costs

7 Additional public tertiary education

costs $ 10.9 ($-4.1 - $26.1) -$ 5.9 ($-26.6 - $14.2) $ 36.8 ($8.0 - $75.1)

Annual per-pupil expenditure

in public tertiary education *

Scholarship impact on years

of tertiary education (Panel

B, Table 2, cols. 4 & 6)*

Fraction of lottery winners

attending a public institution


(Panel B, Table 2, col. 1 +

col. 3)

8 Additional tertiary education loan

subsidies $ 4.3 ($-7.1 - $15.4) -$ 5.8 ($-19.7 - $7.6) $ 17.9 ($-2.9 - $37.7)

Annual per-pupil tertiary

education subsidy *

Scholarship impact on

number of years of subsidy

receipt (Panel B of Table 2,

cols. 4 & 6)

9 Additional tertiary education costs

(public education + loan subsidies) $ 15.2 ($-6.7 - $36.6) -$ 11.7 ($-38.1 - $15.3) $ 54.7 ($14.4 - $98.3) Row (7) + Row (8)

Welfare Receipt Costs

10 Additional CCT receipt costs -$ 0.4 ($-4.4 - $3.5) $ 0.1 ($-4.8 - $5.0) -$ 2.3 ($-8.1 - $3.3)

Annual CCT subsidy amount

(see notes below) *

Scholarship impact on CCT

receipt (Table 6, cols. 4 & 6)

Foregone Revenue

11 Foregone tax revenue from VAT tax $ 27.9 ($26.2 - $29.6) $ 27.8 ($25.6 - $30.2) $ 29.1 ($26.3 - $31.9)

Formal annual earnings of

losers* Scholarship impact

on years of education *VAT

tax of 13.3%

12 Foregone net government transfers

through payroll taxes $ 23.7 ($22.1 - $25.1) $ 23.6 ($21.6 - $25.8) $ 24.6 ($22.3 - $27.1)

Annual payroll taxes of

losers* Scholarship impact

on years of education *0.4

13 Total foregone revenue $ 51.6 ($48.3 - $54.7) $ 51.4 ($47.2 - $56.0) $ 53.7 ($48.6 - $58.9) Row (11) + Row (12)

14 Expected scholarship costs to

government $ 359.8 ($338.3 - $381.8) $ 332.9 ($308.1 - $359.1) $ 400.6 ($361.4 - $445.2)

Row (6) + Row (9) + Row

(10) + Row (13)

15 Expected scholarship costs to

government, 6% discount rate $ 319.4 ($304.4 - $334.6) $ 300.5 ($282.9 - $318.7) $ 348.1 ($320.9 - $379.9)

Same calculations as above

using 6% discount rate

B. Government Revenue

16 Additional VAT tax revenue $ 1,098.0 ($41.2 - $2,254.2) $ 151.5 ($-1,310.5 - $1,576.8) $ 2,416.8 ($432.0 - $4,498.2)

Additional earnings of

scholarship winners (see

notes below) * VAT tax of



17 Additional government transfers

through payroll taxes $ 928.7 ($-11.2 - $1,962.7) $ 45.0 ($-1,275.0 - $1,305.1) $ 2,134.5 ($324.3 - $3,931.7)

Additional payroll taxes of

scholarship winners (see

notes below) * 0.4

18 Additional government revenue $ 2,026.8 ($62.5 - $4,213.6) $ 196.5 ($-2,588.0 - $2,898.8) $ 4,551.3 ($764.4 - $8,415.3) Row (16) + Row (17)

19 Additional government revenue, 6%

discount rate $ 1,543.1 ($47.6 - $3,208.1) $ 149.6 ($-1,970.5 - $2,207.1) $ 3,465.2 ($582.0 - $6,407.2)

Same calculations as above

using 6% discount rate

20 Additional government revenue, no

VAT revenue $ 928.7 ($-11.2 - $1,962.7) $ 45.0 ($-1,275.0 - $1,305.1) $ 2,134.5 ($324.3 - $3,931.7)

Assume VAT

revenue is zero

21 Expected net fiscal cost to

taxpayers -$ 1,666.9 ($-3,857.5 - $303.9) $ 136.5 ($-2,559.2 - $2,913.0) -$ 4,150.7 ($-7,997.0 - $-372.2) Row (14) - Row (18)

C. Gains to Recipients

22 Net gains to scholarship recipients $ 249.0

$ 248.7

$ 249.6

Fraction of infra-marginal

recipients*impact on

scholarship amount*sum of

year-by-year utilization rate.

See notes below

23 Net Benefits to society $ 1,916.0 ($-54.9 - $4,106.5) $ 112.2 ($-2,664.4 - $2,807.9) $ 4,400.3 ($621.8 - $8,246.6)

Additional revenue to

government (Row 18)+ Net

gains to scholarship

recipients (Row 21) -

Scholarship costs to

government (Row 14)

Notes: We express all figures in 2013 dollars per scholarship winner. For annual per-pupil costs of public school and scholarship impact on scholarship value 81 three years after the lottery: Angrist et al. (2002) report the cost of public schooling in 1998 to be $350 and the scholarship cost to be $190. We follow order of 82 operations described in text to obtain values in analysis year. For Expenditure from scholarship costs for students who would have enrolled in private school, 83 aggregated over 6 years: The fraction of females that attend private school is 0.897 (6th), 0.699 (7th) and 0.535 (8th). For males it is 0.857 (6th), 0.646 (7th) and 84 0.543 (8th). We do not observe private school attendance for grades 9th or 10th. We observe private school graduation, which is 0.322 for males and 0.314 for 85 males. We interpolate linearly between the 8th grade rate and the graduation rate to obtain the private school attendance rates for grades 9th and 10th, which we 86 estimate to be 0.464 (9th) and 0.393 (10th) for females and 0.469 (9th) and 0.396 (10th) for males. We observe the fraction of winners in private school using the 87 scholarship for grades 6th and 8th only. The 7th grade fraction is the linear combination of the 6th and 8th grade rates. For females the fraction of winners in private 88 school using the scholarship is 0.953 (6th), 0.736 (7th) and 0.519 (8th). For males it is 0.933 (6th), 0.698 (7th) and 0.463 (8th). After 8th grade, we have no data on 89 scholarship usage. We know that 32 percent of the overall lottery loser sample finished 11th grade in private school. We assume a constant deterioration from 8th 90 grade to 11th grade in the fraction of losers attending private school. This implies a 40 percent reduction in the fraction attending private school, and we assume 91


that deterioration in scholarship usage among winners follows a similar 40 percent decline from the 8 th grade level. Under these assumptions, scholarship usage 92 rates for females are 0.415 (9th), 0.310 (10th) and 0.206 (11th). For males the scholarship usage rates are 0.374 (9th), 0.284 (10th) and 0.195 (11th). For cost-93 savings from reduced grade repetition: See Appendix B. For tertiary costs: Average per-pupil government expenditure in tertiary education is COP 3,280,000 in 94 2010 (Ministry of Education 2010). We use the exchange rate of COP 1913.98/USD (Dec 31, 2010) to convert to nominal USD and follow order of operations 95 described in text to obtain NPV in USD of analysis year. Tertiary education subsidies are COP 682.432 per semester in COP of 2013 (ICETEX 2014). We use 96 the exchange rate of COP 1926.83/USD (Dec 31, 2013) to convert to nominal USD and follow order of operations described in text to obtain NPV in USD of 97 analysis year. Costs of welfare receipt: To obtain annual cost we assume one child, which is the mean number of children of scholarship applicants at age 28 (see 98 Table 7). We assume child is between zero and seven years of age in 2013, so can receive health transfer but no education transfer. We assume applicant resides 99 in Bogotá so monthly health subsidy amount is that for Group 1 municipalities, COP 61,200/month (see: 100, retrieved October 28, 2014). We obtain annual CCT transfer amount by multiplying by 12. We 101 follow order of operations above to obtain NPV in USD of analysis year. We only assume one year of costs since there is no difference by scholarship status in 102 total fertility, indicating simply a difference in the probability of having age-appropriate children. Therefore, CCT cost is annual cost * impact on receipt. 103 Foregone earnings: We estimate annual foregone revenue from average annual formal sector earnings of scholarship losers in Panel A of Table 5, columns 3 and 104 5. We follow order of operations above to obtain NPV in USD of analysis year. Earnings: Annual earnings are projected annual earnings from Panel A, Table 5.. 105 We project earnings for losers and winners over a 35-year horizon allowing for a 3.02% annual growth in earnings per annum, which is the average annual 106 growth in GDP per capita in Colombia between 2002 and 2012, obtained from the World Development Indicators database). US-CPI for years after 2013 is that 107 for 2013. We then follow remaining order of operation to obtain NPV of earnings for winners and losers. Payroll taxes: Annual payroll taxes are from Panel A, 108 Table 5. We follow the same procedure as for earnings to obtain the NPV of payroll taxes in analysis year. Benefits to recipients: The fraction of infra-marginal 109 recipients is the fraction of lottery losers who attend private school in 6th grade, 0.897 among females and 0.857 among males. The impact on scholarship amount 110 is $93.2 (from Angrist et al. 2002 Table 8, column 3 updated to 2013 dollars). For utilization rates see notes above for expenditure from scholarship costs for 111 students who would have enrolled in private school, aggregated over 6 years. We obtain 95% confidence intervals for each calculation using the bootstrap. 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122

123 124 125 126 127


128 129 Figure 1. Quantile regression estimates of scholarship impacts on formal sector earnings 130

131 Notes: Figure reports estimated scholarship effects for various percentiles of the annual total formal sector earnings distribution. Monetary values are expressed 132 in 2013 USD. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Formal sector earnings estimates 133 use the health payroll account. Formal sector earnings data begins in July 2008 and end in December 2014 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult 134


identification number that have complete application controls. The sample of all applicants has 3574 observations, the sample of academic school applicants has 135 1852 observations and the sample of vocational school applicants has 1481 observations. 136


Appendix A. Additional results 137 Table A1. Scholarship impacts on long run tertiary education outcomes by gender 138

All Applicants Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants

Outcome Loser's



Scholarship Loser's








(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Ever enrolled in tertiary education 0.203 0.023 0.204 0.007 0.213 0.043

(0.019) (0.026) (0.029)

Ever enrolled in a vocational college 0.074 -0.002 0.083 -0.004 0.069 -0.002

(0.012) (0.018) (0.018)

Ever enrolled in a university 0.139 0.025 0.128 0.015 0.159 0.038

(0.016) (0.022) (0.027)

Enrolled in tertiary as of 2012 0.039 0.027 0.033 0.033 0.048 0.022

(0.01)*** (0.014)** (0.017)

Graduated from tertiary as of 2012 0.057 0.012 0.053 0.004 0.066 0.017

(0.011) (0.015) (0.019)

Years of tertiary education 0.463 0.093 0.455 0.035 0.489 0.165

(1.25) (0.06) (1.228) (0.08) (1.293) (0.098)*

N 775 1845 398 933 333 792

B. Males

Ever enrolled in tertiary education 0.175 0.025 0.185 -0.007 0.157 0.098

(0.018) (0.024) (0.03)***

Ever enrolled in a vocational college 0.058 0.031 0.059 0.016 0.057 0.061

(0.012)** (0.016) (0.021)***

Ever enrolled in a university 0.122 0.003 0.131 -0.019 0.107 0.054

(0.016) (0.021) (0.026)**

Enrolled in tertiary education as of 2012 0.032 0.019 0.027 0.029 0.029 0.02

(0.009)** (0.012)** (0.014)

Graduated from tertiary education as of 2012 0.043 0.000 0.054 -0.02 0.029 0.032

(0.01) (0.014) (0.015)**

Years of tertiary education 0.375 0.033 0.402 -0.074 0.343 0.217

(1.124) (0.054) (1.177) (0.071) (1.076) (0.091)**

N 744 1816 405 968 280 720

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship with application controls. Controls include age, male and 139 whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Estimates in columns 2,4 and 6 are from linear probability models. Numbers in 140 parentheses are robust standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. * significant 10%, ** significant 5%, *** significant 1%. 141


Table A2. Match rates to SISPRO formal earnings data 142

All applicants Academic




Vocational -




(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8)

Won a scholarship 0.008 -0.086 0.009 -0.052 0.012 -0.221 -0.169

(0.013) (0.137) (0.018) (0.197) (0.020) (0.206) (0.552)

Age * won a scholarship 0.005 0.003 0.017 0.015

(0.010) (0.015) (0.016) (0.505)

Phone * won a scholarship 0.041 0.053 0.015 -0.038

(0.041) (0.054) (0.065) (0.656)

Male * won a scholarship -0.022 -0.041 0.002 0.043

(0.026) (0.037) (0.040) (0.425)

Loser's mean 0.801 0.797 0.811

p-value on F-stat of joint test

of interactions 0.609 0.545 0.733

N 3661 3661 1901 1901 1512 1512

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on the probability of being matched to SISPRO data using 143 linear probability models. Additional controls, not shown in the table include, age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship 144 application. SISPRO sample is from July 2008 to 2014. 145 146 147 148



Table A3. Scholarship impacts on formal sector earnings and payroll taxes, 2008-2014, various age specifications 150

Coefficient on winning a scholarship, various specifications

Outcome Loser's

Mean No controls


controls, linear



controls, age




(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A. All applicants

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,470.5 250.4 196.0 200.2 197.8

(107.163)** (104.719)* (104.403)* (106.572)*

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 695.9 71.0 55.1 56.3 55.6

(31.168)** (30.445)* (30.367)* (31.023)*

B. Vocational Applicants

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,568.3 516.0 427.0 425.2 419.4

(185.022)*** (183.980)** (183.060)** (189.095)**

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 723.5 152.3 125.3 124.3 123.9

(53.816)*** (53.313)** (53.025)** (54.984)**

C. Academic Applicants

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,462.5 58.8 31.4 39.0 37.9

(137.2) (132.7) (132.7) (133.5)

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 694.2 11.9 3.9 6.1 5.5

(39.9) (38.7) (38.7) (39.0)

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on total formal sector earnings and annual payroll taxes 151 under various age specifications. Annual averages are for the period July 2008 to December 2014. Monetary values are expressed in 2013 USD. Total payroll 152 taxes include employer and employee contributions. Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations in columns of means and standard errors in columns of 153 estimated scholarship effects. Application controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. 154 Formal sector earnings estimates use the health payroll account. Formal sector earnings data begins in July 2008 and end in December 2014 and is restricted to 155 applicants with valid adult identification number that have complete application controls. The sample of all applicants with application controls has 3574 156 observations, for academic school applicants it has 1852 observations and for vocational school applicants it has 1481 observations. Entropy weights uses the 157 Hainmueller (2012) re-weighting approach to impose equal first and second moments of the covariate distribution across scholarship winners and losers. * 158 significant 10%, ** significant 5% *** significant 1%. 159



Table A4. Scholarship impacts on formal annual earnings for applicants to vocational schools of various curricula 161

Vocational Applicants Applicants to Commercial


Applicants to Other




















(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A. All applicants

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,568.3 427.0 2,252.5 554.2 2,789.2 341.7

(3147.3) (184)** (2686.7) (254.2)** (3419.4) (260.2)

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 723.5 125.3 640.1 158.2 781.8 103.0

(908.4) (53.3)** (775.3) (73.8)** (987.9) (75.5)

N 600 1481 247 637 353 844

B. Females

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,422.4 328.8 2,501.7 136.0 2,365.3 491.2

(2941.1) (248.4) (3034.7) (360.6) (2878.3) (346.9)

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 665.1 93.3 701.2 26.3 639.1 148.3

(833.4) (70.7) (874.3) (102.5) (803.9) (99.1)

N 327 779 137 354 190 425

C. Males

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,743.0 535.3 1,942.2 1,119.1 3,283.5 151.0

(3375) (272.7)** (2150.6) (348)*** (3909.4) (384.4)

Average Annual Payroll Taxes 793.3 160.8 563.9 333.9 948.2 47.1

(987.9) (80.5)** (626.3) (103.8)*** (1146.6) (113.3)

N 273 702 110 283 163 419

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on formal sector earnings and payroll taxes in USD of 2013 162 among applicants to vocational schools of various curricula. Columns 1 and 2 replicate results for vocational applicants from Table 4 in the main text. Columns 163 3 and 4 show results for applicants to vocational schools with a commercial curriculum. Columns 5 and 6 show results for applicants to schools with other 164 curricula, which includes industrial, agricultural, pedagogical and those without curriculum information. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant 165 had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Formal sector earnings estimates use the health payroll account. Formal sector earnings sample is 166 restricted to begin in July 2008 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult identification number (3926) that have complete application controls (3903).* 167 significant 10%, ** significant 5%. 168


Table A5. Scholarship impacts on formal employment characteristics 169

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants

Vocational -





















Difference (6) -

(4) (p-value)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

All applicants

Firm size (mean number of workers) 2,001.6 77.6 2078.5 -39.4 1943.8 261.3 300.8

(138.4) (193.0) (221.0) (0.30)

Firm's mean number of new jobs 69.0 22.0 70.7 20.1 67.8 28.6 8.5

(9.8)** (12.3) (18.3) (0.70)

Firm's mean number of job terminations 31.9 2.6 31.5 3.6 32.1 2.8 -0.8

(3.4) (4.7) (5.3) (0.91)

Firm productivity (mean monthly earnings) 512.9 9.4 528.6 -28.5 507.8 53.5 82.1

(18.4) (30.7) (20.9) (0.03)**

Percent of firm's employees earning less than

1.05 times minimum wage 42.2 -1.9 42.3 -1.0 41.1 -3.1 -2.1

(1.2) (1.6) (1.8)* (0.38)

Percent of firm's employees earning between

1.05 and 3 times minimum wage 45.8 0.8 45.6 1.2 46.3 0.7 -0.5

(1.0) (1.4) (1.5) (0.81)

Percent of firm's employees earning 3 and 5

times minimum wage 5.9 0.6 6.0 0.1 6.1 1.2 1.1

(0.28)** (0.4) (0.5)*** (0.06)*

Percent of firm's employees earning 5 and 10

times minimum wage 3.7 0.5 3.7 0.1 3.9 0.9 0.8

(0.25)* (0.3) (0.4)** (0.13)

Percent of firm's employees earning more than

10 times minimum wage 1.2 0.3 1.2 0.2 1.3 0.5 0.4

(0.13)*** (0.2) (0.2)** (0.20)

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on formal firm characteristics. Averages are for the period 170 July 2008 to December 2014. Monetary values are expressed in 2013 USD. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time 171 of scholarship application. Formal sector earnings data begins in July 2008 and end in December 2014 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult 172 identification number that have complete application controls. The sample of all applicants has 3574 observations, the sample of academic school applicants has 173 1852 observations and the sample of vocational school applicants has 1481 observations. * significant 10%, ** significant 5% *** significant 1%. 174


Table A6. Upper bound estimates (trimming) of the scholarship impact on future formal earnings 175

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants























(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. All applicants

Percent of top-earning scholarship losers trimmed from

sample 2.4 % 3.3% 2.2%

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,172.7 490.2 2,086.6 395.9 2,297.5 701.5 305.7

(2239) (91.2)*** (2082.4) (110.9)*** (2423.7) (164.4)*** (0.12)

B. Females

Percent of top-earning scholarship losers trimmed from

sample 2.8% 3.3% 2.2%

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,009.6 490.1 1,877.1 475.4 2,198.2 552.1 76.6

(2191.3) (128.8)*** (1921.6) (151.6)*** (2428.6) (231.7)** (0.78)

C. Males

Percent of top-earning scholarship losers trimmed from

sample 2.0% 3.3% 2.1%

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,383.4 449.7 2,314.3 291.4 2,418.4 864.2 572.8

(2346.1) (130.2)*** (2241.5) (161.7)* (2422.7) (231.7)*** (0.04)**

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on average annual, annual total formal sector earnings and 176 annual payroll taxes after trimming the stated percent of top-earnings scholarship losers from each sample. Annual averages are for the period July 2008 to 177 December 2014. Monetary values are expressed in 2013 USD. Total payroll taxes include employer and employee contributions. Numbers in parentheses are 178 standard deviations in columns of means and standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant 179 had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Formal sector earnings estimates use the health payroll account. Formal sector earnings data begins in 180 July 2008 and end in December 2014 and is restricted to applicants with valid adult identification number that have complete application controls.* significant 181 10%, ** significant 5% *** significant 1%. 182 183 184


Table A7. Upper bound estimates (imputation) of the scholarship impact on future formal earnings 185

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants







Won a






Won a






Won a




(6) - (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. All applicants

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,470.5 206.4 2,462.5 38.4 2,568.3 443.4 404.959

(3019.9) (104.7)** (2986.2) (132.6) (3147.3) (183.8)** (0.07)*

B. Females

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,264.1 244.4 2,238.0 121.6 2,422.4 337.5 215.900

(2826.9) (143.4)* (2810.2) (182.3) (2941.1) (248.3) (0.48)

C. Males

Average Annual Formal Sector Earnings 2,687.7 161.7 2,685.8 -53.3 2,743.0 558.2 611.519

(3198.1) (152.5) (3139.2) (191.8) (3375) (272.3)** (0.07)*

Notes. Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship on annual formal sector earnings in USD of 2013 imputing 186 the average of losers' earnings with incomplete tertiary education to winners who are enrolled in higher education as of 2012 and have no earnings in the formal 187 sector. Total payroll taxes include employer and employee contributions. Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations in columns of means and standard 188 errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship 189 application. Formal sector earnings estimates use the health payroll account. Formal sector earnings sample is restricted to begin in July 2008 and is restricted to 190 applicants with valid adult identification number (3926) that have complete application controls (3903).* significant 10%, ** significant 5% 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200


Table A8. Scholarship impacts on government subsidy receipt 201 All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants
















(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Familias En Acción CCT program 0.074 -0.003 0.072 0.001 0.073 -0.008

(0.009) (0.012) (0.013)

Subsidized Health Care Level 1 0.196 -0.012 0.196 -0.024 0.188 -0.003

(0.013) (0.018) (0.02)

Subsidized Health Care Level 2 0.243 0.000 0.24 -0.008 0.228 0.014

(0.014) (0.02) (0.022)

Early childhood care (ICBF) 0.27 -0.004 0.265 -0.006 0.258 0.004

(0.015) (0.02) (0.023)

Notes: Table reports scholarship lottery loser’s means and estimated effects of winning a scholarship with application controls. Controls include age, male and 202 whether the applicant had a phone number at the time of scholarship application. Estimates in columns 2,4 and 6 are from linear probability models. Numbers in 203 parentheses are robust standard errors in columns of estimated scholarship effects. Receipt of Familias en Acción CCT program is based on having SISBEN 2010 204 scores below the eligibility cutoff and children under the age of 18. Receipt of subsidized health care levels 1 and 2, and early childhood care is based on having 205 SISBEN 2010 scores below the eligibility cutoff. Applicants who are not in SISBEN 2010 cannot receive these subsidies so for them receipt is zero. 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219


Table A9. Bounds on interest rates paid on loans 220

All Academic Applicants Vocational Applicants



















(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A. All applicants

Percent of top-interest rate scholarship winners

trimmed from sample 4.9% 3.3% 8.8%

Quarterly average of the weighted interest rate

UB 24.62 -0.52 24.30 0.13 24.86 -1.45

(4.87) (0.22)** (5.35) (0.31) (4.31) (0.32)***

LB 24.62 -0.20 24.30 0.35 24.86 -0.85

(4.87) (0.22) (5.35) (0.31) (4.31) (0.32)***

B. Females

Percent of top-interest rate scholarship winners

trimmed from sample 4.6% 7.2% 3.5%

Quarterly average of the weighted interest rate

UB 24.53 -0.65 24.42 -0.38 24.57 -1.07

(4.93) (0.33)** (5.18) (0.47) (4.65) (0.48)**

LB 24.53 -0.35 24.42 0.07 24.57 -0.83

(4.93) (0.32) (5.18) (0.47) (4.65) (0.48)*

C. Males

Percent of top-interest rate scholarship winners

trimmed from sample 4.9% 0.0% 13.1%

Quarterly average of the weighted interest rate

UB 24.70 -0.38 24.20 0.58 25.19 -1.75

(4.82) (0.29) (5.50) (0.42) (3.88) (0.41)***

LB 24.70 -0.06 24.20 0.58 25.19 -0.86

(4.82) (0.29) (5.50) (0.42) (3.88) (0.41)**

Notes: Table reports bounds on interest rates paid on formal consumer loans. Controls include age, male and whether the applicant had a phone number at the 221 time of scholarship application. Credit data is collected quarterly and it begins in the first quarter of 2004 and end in the last quarter of 2014 and is restricted to 222 applicants with valid adult identification number that have complete application controls.* significant 10%, ** significant 5%, *** significant 1%.223


Appendix B. Calculation of cost-savings to the government from reduced grade repetition 224


This appendix explains how we calculate cost savings to the government from reduced 226

grade repetition. We observe public school attendance and repetitions through grade 8 from 227

Table 4 in Angrist et al. (2002) and whether the applicant finished secondary school on time, 228

with delays or did not finish (Table 2 in main text). 229

To calculate the cost-savings from reduced grade repetition, we assume that: i) only 230

public school repetitions cost the government money, ii) among applicants who finish on-231

schedule, there is no repetition; ii) among applicants who finish with delays, the delays are all 232

a consequence of grade repetition and iii) among those who never finish secondary school, all 233

dropouts occurred in 9th grade, so that total repetitions for this group are the ones reported in 234

Table 4 columns 2 and 4 of Angrist et al. 2002. This last assumption understates the cost 235

savings given that we ignore additional costs the government would have incurred if dropout 236

had occurred later. 237

There are three types of students: those who finish on time; those who finish with delays; 238

and those who never finish. For those who finish on time, the government receives no cost 239

savings. For those who pass with delays, the government saves from reduced grade repetition 240

in the public sector. We multiply public school costs by the fraction in public schools and by 241

the overall reduction in grade repetitions to estimate these cost benefits. For those who never 242

graduate, we only record the savings from grade repetition after three years. As before, we 243

multiply public school costs by the fraction in public by the effect of the scholarship on 244

repetitions after three years. We use data from Angrist et al (2002) to compute these effects 245

and the fractions in public. Again, we underestimate the likely savings given that we know that 246

more attrition from private schools happened after 8th grade and hence might have increased 247

the probability that post-8th grade retention occurred in public rather than private schools. 248

Based on estimates from Table 2, Table B1 shows the distribution of secondary school 249

completion outcomes for scholarship winners and losers, separately by gender: 250

For those who complete secondary school with delays, since we assume that the delay 251

is all a consequence of grade repetition, the reduction in grade repetition as a consequence of 252

winning the scholarship is 0.093 – 0.102 = -0.01 for females and 0.090 – 0.123 = -0.033 for 253

males. Annual cost-savings from reduced grade repetition in this group is annual per-pupil 254


public school costs (from Table 10), times the fraction of lottery losers who attend public 255

school, times reduction in the probability of grade repetition. For females this is: $449.08 * 256

0.284 * (-0.01) = - $1.28 and for males it is $449.08 * 0.300 * (-0.03) = - $4.44. Note that the 257

figures are reported as negative numbers indicating negative costs (i.e. cost savings). 258


Table B1. Distribution of secondary school completion outcomes 260

Losers Winners

Female Male Female Male

Completed secondary

school on time 0.486 0.415 0.558 0.495

Completed secondary

school with delays 0.105 0.123 0.095 0.090

Never completed 0.409 0.462 0.347 0.415

Notes: Completed with delays is completed with up to a six-year delay. We assume that the fraction of applicants 261 who never complete secondary school is 1 – (fraction who complete on time + fraction who complete with 262 delays). 263 264

We need to multiply these annual amounts by the number of extra years that it takes for 265

winners to graduate from secondary school among those that graduate with delays. Table B2 266

shows the distribution of delayed graduation, which we obtain from Table 2 in the main text. 267

Using the distribution of delayed graduation in Table B2 and the annual cost-savings from 268

reduced grade repetition, we get the cost savings from grade repetition among scholarship 269

winners who complete secondary school with delays. For females this is: - [$1.28*2 years*0.67 270

(conditional on delay, the fraction who completes with a two-year delay) + $1.28*4 years*0.16 271

(fraction who completes with 4-year delay) + $1.28*6 years*0.17 (fraction who completes with 272

a 6-year delay)] = - $3.84. For males it is: - [$4.44*2 years*0.69 + $4.44*4 years*0.21 + 273

$4.44*6 years*0.10] = - $12.52. 274

For scholarship winners who never complete secondary school, we assume that they 275

dropped out in 9th grade so the reduction in the total number of repetitions is the one reported 276

by Angrist et al (2002) in Table 4 for the Bogotá sample with controls, which is -0.031 for 277

females and -0.101 for males. Therefore, cost-savings for those who never complete is 278

$449.08*0.284*(-0.031) = -$3.95 for females and $449.08*0.300*(-0.101) = -$13.61 for males. 279


Total cost-savings from reduced grade repetition among scholarship winners is the 280

weighted sum of the cost-savings among those who complete secondary school with delays and 281

those who never complete. The weights are given by the fraction of scholarship winners who 282

complete secondary school with delays and who never complete, from Table B1. For females, 283

we have that total cost-savings are [-$3.84* 0.095 - $3.95*0.347] = -$1.76. For males, total 284

cost-savings from reduced grade repetition are [-$12.52*0.090 -$13.61*0.415] = -$6.78. 285


Table B2. Distribution of delayed secondary school completion for scholarship winners 287

Females Males


points Percent


points Percent

Fraction of winners who

complete secondary

school with delays 0.095 100% 0.090 100%

Fraction who complete

with up to a two-year



0.558 = 0.064 67%


0.495 =

0.062 69%

Fraction who complete

with a 2- to 4-year delay


0.622 = 0.015 16%


0.557 =

0.019 21%

Fraction who complete

with a 4- to 6-year delay


0.015) =

0.016 17%


0.017) =

0.009 10%

Notes: The first row is from Table B1. The remaining rows are from Table 2 in the main text. 288