Download - Business - Sharing Value? A fishy partnership

Page 1: Business - Sharing Value? A fishy partnership

Anton ImminkUniversity of Stirling

Presented at Business - Sharing Value?, 20th September 2011, Edinburgh

A NIDOS event

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Outline• What is a university?• Institute of Aquaculture• The opportunity

• Partnership• Farm• Community• Market• Finance

• Lessons

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What is ‘A University’Research, teaching, trainingKnowledge transfer (exchange!)A not for profit businessRegistered charity

International development (groups)Research into use

Conflicting views from business and NGOs

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Institute of AquacultureWorld leading research and training centreLinked to Scottish salmon/trout/shellfish

sectorsTrained many world leadersManaged DFID programmesApplied, near businessOperate businesses already that provide

income and facilities for research and teaching

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The opportunityProvide technical input into development of

largest fish farm in AfricaBuilds on experience, interest and expertiseCommunity development / novel approach

Provides new research opportunitiesProvides new training opportunitiesMay provide income in the future

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SCAPA Fish Farm, Uganda

Other farms

Local community

Fresh Fish (processing and marketing company)

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SCAPA SiteUganda50km north of Jinja

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SpeciesMajority of production(up to 6,000 tonnes)African Catfish Clarias gariepinus

Secondary production(up to 1,500 tonnes)Nile Tilapia Oreochromis nilioticus

Some livestock (cows and goats)

Crops on additional land (rice, oil palm)

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CommunityDispersed local communitySome small-scale fish farmersAssociation formedEngagement as out-growers (supported)Shareholders in fish processing business

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MarketDetailed market assessmentLocally appealingLimited competitionLooking to grow marketDevelop retail / distribution networkInternational opportunitiesProducts (smoking)

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FinanceLoan from EADBEquity (regional investment fund with

development focus, originating in the UK)Grants (Dutch govt, maybe DFID)Own capital (time and money)

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LessonsBenefits to Stirling

capitalise on other Africa work, research/training opportunities, future income, business experience

How well the partnership workedpush from commercial partner, university

management support (and finance), operational business

What to do differently (lessons)negotiate hard on share for uni (intellectual

property) Do it again?

risk averse management will need proof of success

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DetailsAnton ImminkSenior Consultant @ Stirling AquacultureInstitute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling. FK9 4LA.

[email protected]

Tel: +44 1786 466577Fax: +44 1786 451462

Page 15: Business - Sharing Value? A fishy partnership

Presented at Business - Sharing Value? 20th September 2011, Edinburgh

A NIDOS event