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Page 1: Building Text Dependent Students!

Building Text Dependent Students!

Each passage has five activities! Full Answer Key!

©  24/7  Teacher  LLC      

©  24/7  Teacher  LLC  

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Page 2: Building Text Dependent Students!

This unit was designed for students to develop the skills such as Close Reading and answering text based questions with evidence.

1.  Graphic Organizer to help focus on the text.2.  Graphic Organizer to develop text evidence questioning skills.

3.  Key Ideas and Details: Question page for RL1, RL.2, RL.34.  Craft and Structure: Question page for RL.4.5.  Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Opinion/Extension/Personal Connection Writing.6.  Text Coding Poster is provided on page 4.

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Click the title to go to the passage set. Full Unit

The Magic Goose 5-11

The Magic Fish 12-18

The Frog Prince 19-25

Friendly Little Red 26-32

Cinderella 33-39

The Lion and the Monkey 40-46

Table of Contents (Click to Go to Page!)

© 24/7 Teacher

Graphic Organizers for Common Core Standards RL.2, RL.3, RL.5, RL.6, RL.7, RL.97. 

This Unit is part of a 4 Star Top Rated

"24 Fiction/Literature" BUNDLE which includes Leveled Passages to

accommodate ALL READERS!Click to See or Visit: https://


Answer Key11






Dear Teachers,

The complimenting pages are grouped by Common Core categories:

Page 3: Building Text Dependent Students!





Day O


Key I

deas a

nd D



Use the graphic organizer and/or key ideas and detail sheets.

RL.1 Ask and answer questions.

RL.2 Examine the lessons, morals, and/or central


RL3 Examine the characters' traits, motivations, and feelings.

Second R



Day T



ft a

nd S



Use the Craft and Structure sheet and/or Code the Text.

RL.4 Examine the vocabulary.





Day T


e Writing Responses so they can integrate their knowledge and ideas!

Allow your students to make personal connections and/or extend the text.

This will help them truly own it!

Three Day BreakdownThe Common Core Standards naturally lend to close reading. The goal is to have students read closely without adult scaffolding. This goal can only be achieved

through practice and application. In small or whole group, you will want to begin a lesson with an anticipatory set or ‘hook”. Limit excessive front-loading.

In addition, you will also want to go over any extremely difficult vocabulary.

Don’t forget! You can also use this unit as week-long homework!

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 4: Building Text Dependent Students!

Code the Text


© 24/7 Teacher

Page 5: Building Text Dependent Students!

The Magic Goose

Name _________________________    

Word Count 311

Ages ago, a farmer and his wife

wanted to purchase a chicken. The

chicken would provide them with eggs for their morning meal. But

there was a problem, chickens cost a lot of money and the couple did not have

much to spend. Instead, the farmer and his wife decided on a cheaper

animal. They carefully chose a plump goose. The two were delighted with

their purchase. They built a clean and neat pen for it.

The farmer and his wife turned in for the night. At dawn, they went to

collect the eggs the goose laid. They were surprised to find a golden egg in the

nest! The farmer and his wife happily used the golden egg to buy food. They

fed the goose, but forgot to clean the pen.

The next day with excitement, they found another golden egg. The farmer

and his wife quickly left to buy new clothes, but before leaving, they threw the

goose a few table scraps. The goose remained hungry the rest of the day.

When the couple came home with new clothes, they went straight to bed

without tending to the goose. The two talked about buying a horse with the

next golden egg. In the morning, the couple was ecstatic. They found another

golden egg! In haste, they trekked to the village to buy a horse. Once again,

they did not clean the pen. This time they also did not feed the goose.

Later, when the two got home, they neglected the goose and paid no

attention to her! The farmer and his wife expected the goose to lay another

golden egg. The next morning, the couple checked for the golden egg, but

there was nothing there! The goose went missing and they had no food to

eat. They looked at the dirty pen and empty food bowl with disappointment

in themselves. © 24/7 Teacher

Page 6: Building Text Dependent Students!

What is the first paragraph about?

Key Ideas and Details Directions: Complete each section.

Name _____________________

What is the second paragraph about?

What is the third paragraph about?

The Magic Goose

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 7: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________


The Magic Goose




Directions: Write a question that must be answered using evidence from the text. Then, provide your answer or have a friend answer your question.

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 8: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove your answer.

Directions: Cite evidence from the text and answer in complete sentences.  

The Magic Goose Key Ideas and Details

Name _____________________

3. According to the text, how did the farmer and his wife change?RL.3

2. What did the farmer and his wife learn?RL.2

1. Why did the farmer and his wife build the goose a pen with a roof?RL.1

4. Why did the goose leave?RL.3

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 9: Building Text Dependent Students!

Directions: Answer in complete sentences. Think about how the author helps you understand

each of the words. Think about the context clues and other words in the text with a similar meaning.  

1. How does the author help you understand the meaning of theword pen?


Name _____________________

The Magic Goose Craft and Structure

4. Find the word expected in the text.What is the meaning of this word?


•  Restate the question or prompt.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove your answer.


3. Find the word disappointment.What is the meaning of this word as used in the text?


2. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word ecstatic.

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 10: Building Text Dependent Students!


Continue the story! Where do you think the goose went?

What are the farmer and his wife doing now?

The Magic Goose

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 11: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss

RL.1 1. Why did the farmer and his wife build the goose a pen with a roof?

The farmer and his wife built the goose a pen with a roof because they were happy with their purchase.

RL.2 2. What did the farmer and his wife learn?

The farmer and his wife learned to appreciate and take care of the things they have.

RL.3 3. According to the text, how did the farmer and his wife change?

The farmer and his wife became greedy.

RL.3 4. Why did the goose leave?

The goose left because the farmer and his wife did not take care of him.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree


1. How does the author help you understand the meaning of the word pen?The word pen means a little home. The author shows this in the sentences before by explicitly using thewords “little home” and how the couple built the place for the goose.


2. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word ecstatic.The word ecstatic means delighted or excited. The author shows this by using these words in the sameway as ecstatic.

RL.4 3. Find the word disappointment. What is the meaning of this word as used in the text?

The bold word disappointment means sad or to regret ones actions in the way the couple was disappointedto see an empty bowl and food for the goose at the end of the story.


4. Find the word expected in the text. What is the meaning of this word?The word expected means to believe something is there. The author shows this by stating how they alwayswent to get the egg and it was there and then it was not there yet they “expected” it to be. ©24/7 Teacher

The Magic Goose Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

Page 12: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________________    

Word Count 304

There once was a mother and son living in

a shed. Their main source of food was fish. Everyday,

the son would venture down to the nearby ocean, cast his line into the water,

and wait for a bite.

On one of his journeys to the sea, he felt three hard tugs on his pole. The

son reeled in his line. On the end was a beautiful fish! The fish spoke and

explained to the boy how he was a magical fish. The magic fish told the son

that if he put him back into the water, he would grant him a wish. Then, he

released the magical fish. The son was so hungry, he asked for food on his

table when he got home. When the young man walked into his shed home,

there were all sorts of food on the table!

He ate with his mother and told her all about the magical fish. His mother

became greedy. She demanded the son go back and ask for a new house. The

son listened to his mother’s orders and went back to the ocean. The magical

fish granted his wish and when the son returned, there stood a new house.

Even with food and a new house, the greedy mother became melancholy. The

unhappy mother told her son how she wanted to become a queen with land as

far as the eye could see.

The son told his mom she was being greedy. She pushed him out the door

and told him to ask for this last wish. The son went back to the ocean. He

asked the magical fish for the last wish. The fish told him that his mother would

get what she deserves. When the boy got home, the mother was standing in

front of their old shed with barely any food left to eat.

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 13: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _________________________________

What is the first paragraph about? What is the second paragraph about?

What is the third paragraph about? What is the fourth paragraph about? © 24/7 Teacher

Page 14: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________

Directions: Write three questions that must be answered using evidence from the text.

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 15: Building Text Dependent Students!


•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. Why did the son go to the ocean in the beginning of the story?

2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

3. Describe the personality of the mother.

4. How does the mother’s personality contribute to the events in the story?




Name: __________________________Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answer

each question.  

Magic Fish Key Ideas and Details © 24/7 Teacher

Page 16: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. Find the word demanded. What is one other words with the same orsimilar meaning?

3. Find the word greedy. How does the author help you understand thisword?

2. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word released.

3. Find the word melancholy. What is the meaning of this word asused in the text? How do you know?

Name: __________________________

Magic Fish Craft and Structure

Cite evidence from the text to answer each question.





© 24/7 Teacher

Page 17: Building Text Dependent Students!

If you found a magic fish, what would you wish for?

Name ________________________© 24/7 Teacher

Page 18: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss


1. Why did the son go to the ocean in the beginning of the story?The son went to the ocean at the beginning of the story to fish. He went fishing because it was their mainsource of food.

RL.2 2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

The moral or lesson of the story is to not be greedy and be happy with what you have.

RL.3 3. Describe the personality of the mother.

The personality of the mother is greedy. The author directly states this in the text.


4. How does the mother’s personality contribute to the events in the story?The mother’s personality contributed to the events in the story because her greed made her send her sonback to ask for more.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree

RL.4 1. Find the word demanded. What is one other words with the same or similar meaning?

The word demanded has a similar meaning to the word ordered, command, or told to do something.


2. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word released.The word released means to let go.The author shows this throughout the text where the son lets the fish go back into the ocean.

RL.4 3. Find the word melancholy. What is the meaning of this word as used in the text? How do you know?

RL.4 4. Find the word greedy. How does the author help you understand this word?

The word greedy is shown to the reader as a series of wanting more in the way the mother wanted moreand more from the magical fish and demanded her son to order the fish for more things. ©24/7 Teacher

The Magic Fish Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

The word melancholy means sad or unhappy. The author shows this by explicitly using theword unhappy to describe how the mother felt after getting a house full of food.

Page 19: Building Text Dependent Students!

Once, a king had a young daughter that was full of

life. The young princess would go outside to run and play.

One day, she was playing with her favorite ball and it rolled into a creek.

The princess was devastated. She sat weeping on the bank of

the creek and then heard a voice. The princess looked in the direction

to see a frog sitting on a lily pad. The frog said he can get the ball if

she promised to let him eat from her plate, drink from her cup, and

sleep in her bedroom. The princess eagerly agreed, so the frog swam

to fetch her favorite ball.

The princess picked up the ball and ran away. The frog called

out to her, but she ran to the castle. He hopped like a kangaroo to the

castle and knocked on the door. The princess’ father, the king, let him

in. The king was informed about what had happened and demanded

that the princess keep her promise. So the frog ate from her plate,

drank from her cup, and slept in her room. Over night, the frog slept

like a baby. In the morning, he had turned into a prince!

At breakfast, the frog prince told them of a witch that had

cast a spell on him. The only way to break the spell was to eat

from the plate, drink from the cup, and sleep in the same room

of a princess. The king allowed the new frog prince to live in

the castle. Soon, the frog prince married the young princess.

Word Count 265

Name: ________________________________  

The Frog Prince © 24/7 Teacher

Page 20: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name: _____________________________________  

What is the first paragraph about?

Directions: Complete each section.  

What is the second paragraph about?

What is the third paragraph about?

The Frog Prince

What is the fourth paragraph about?

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 21: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name: _____________________________________

The Frog Prince



Directions: Write a question that must be answered using evidence from the text. Then, provide your answer or have a friend answer your question.



© 24/7 Teacher

Page 22: Building Text Dependent Students!


•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. Why was the princess by the creek?

2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

3. Describe the personality of the princess.

4. How does the personality of the princess contribute to the events in thestory?




Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

The Frog Prince Key Ideas and Details

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 23: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. How does the author help you understand the word informed?

2. What does the word devastated mean?

3. What does the word bank mean?

4. What does the phrase full of life mean?

Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

The Frog Prince Craft and Structure





© 24/7 Teacher

Page 24: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________Write about the frog before he met the princess.

Why was he at the river? What was he doing? Where was he going? How did he get there?

Write about it on the lines below!

The Frog Prince

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 25: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss

RL.1 1. Why was the princess by the creek?

The princess was by the creek because she was outside playing with her ball.

RL.2 2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

The moral or lesson of the story is that you should always keep your promises.

RL.3 3. Describe the personality of the princess.

The personality of the princess is childlike, playful, and carefree.


4. How does the personality of the princess contribute to the events in the story?The personality of the princess contributes to the events in the story because of how she behaved. First,she lost her ball in the creek because she was not careful. Then, the frog had to chase after her becauseshe was full of energy and ran away.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree


1. How does the author help you understand the word informed?

The word informed means to become aware or know in the way the king learned about the deal between

the princess' and the frog so the king demanded that she keep her promise.


2. What does the underlined word devastated mean?

RL.4 3. What does the word bank mean?

The word bank means edge or side of the river.The author shows this when describing where the princess was crying.

RL.4 4. What does the phrase full of life mean?

The phrase full of life is shown to the reader where the author described the personality of theprincess, fun loving and carefree when she was playing outside. ©24/7 Teacher

The Frog Prince Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

The meaning of the word devastated is very sad. The author shows this by describing whatthe princess was sitting on the bank crying after she lost her ball in the creek.

Page 26: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name ___________________________________    

Word Count 289

Friendly LittleThere was a young girl called Little Red Riding Hood

because she wore a red cloak everyday. One day, she had to

take a basket of goodies to her grandmother’s cottage. Her

father told her to ignore strangers. She affirmed him that

she would follow his directions.

She took the basket of goodies and headed down the© 24/7 Teacher

path. A wood-cutter saw her and said hello. She ignored

him and walked past. As she continued down the path, a wolf followed her and

made polite comments about her red cloak. The girl was flattered. She started

tweeting with the wolf like a happy little red bird. Once the wolf found out

where she was going, he left. The wolf was unkind and wanted to scare Little

Red Riding Hood. He raced ahead to her grandmother’s house and he found it

empty. The wolf dressed into grandmother’s clothes. He laid in her bed and

pulled up the covers so his head stuck out like a turtle.

Soon, the granddaughter arrived and knocked on the door. The wolf

called out for her to enter. Little Red Riding Hood walked in and smiled at the

wolf. She joyfully said, “I have a basket of goodies for the best grandma in

whole the world.” Just as the wolf was about to scare her, he was interrupted.

The wood-cutter entered through another door and surprised the wolf. The

wolf was so scared he jumped out of grandmother’s clothes and ran away!

Earlier, the wood-cutter saw the wolf talking to Little Red Riding Hood.

Fearing that the wolf was going to do harm, he followed him. Now, the wolf will

not menace anyone ever again and Little Red Riding Hood will not talk to

strangers anymore.

Page 27: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________  

What is the first paragraph about?

What is the second paragraph about?

What is the third paragraph about?

What is the fourth paragraph about?

Friendly LittleDirections: Write about each paragraph.

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 28: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________

Friendly LittleDirections: Write four questions about the text.  

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 29: Building Text Dependent Students!


•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. Why did Little Red Riding Hood go to her grandmother’s house?

2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

3. Describe the personality of the wood-cutter.

4. How does the personality of the wood-cutter contribute to theevents in the story?




Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

Friendly Little Red Key Ideas and Details

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 30: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. How does the author help you understand the word affirmed?

2. How does the author help you understand the word flattered?

3. What does the word interrupted mean?

4. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word menace.

Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

Friendly Little Red Craft and Structure





© 24/7 Teacher

Page 31: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________

Write about what happens next. Will the grandmother come home?

Will her parents find out about what happened?

Friendly Little

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 32: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss


1. Why did Little Red Riding Hood go to her grandmother’s house?Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother’s house to take goodies and because her parents told her togo there.

RL.2 2. What is the moral or lesson of the story?

The moral of the story is to always follow instructions.


3. Describe the personality of the wood-cutter.The personality of the wood-cutter is kind and/or caring. This is shown to the reader by how the wood-

cutter stopped what he was to follow them to make sure that the wolf did not hurt her. The kindness of the wood-cutter is also shown when he said hello to her in the second paragraph.


4. How does the personality of the wood-cutter contribute to the events in the story?The personality of the wood cutter contributed to the story by him interrupting the wolf right before thewolf was going to scare little red.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree


1. How does the author help you understand the word affirmed?


2. How does the author help you understand the word flattered?

The author helps the reader understand the word flattered as Little Red Riding Hood was charmed orpraised to trust the wolf after made a polite comment about her cloak. She tweeted with him like a littlebird until he found out where she was going.


3. What does the word interrupted mean?The word interrupted means to stop something which is currently happening. The author shows thisby describing how the wolf was just about to scare Little Red when the wood-cutter entered andsurprised the wolf from scaring her.


4. Cite evidence to explain the meaning of the word menace.The word menace is defined as to scare or be mean in the way the wolf planned to scare the friendly girl.

He figured out where she was going and made a plan to scare or menace her at her grandmother's house. ©24/7 Teacher

Friendly Little Red Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

The author helps the reader understand the word affirmed as meaning to agree or follow in the waythe girl followed her father's directions to ignore strangers.

Page 33: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _________________________    

Years ago, a cheerful young lady had the burden of living with a cruel stepmother.

This stepmother had two stepdaughters that were equally mean. They were mean and

forced her to clean up after them. At home, they called her Cinderella because they

made her clean the filthy cinders from the chimney.

One day, a messenger came to their cottage with an invitation to a ball. A lonely

prince set up the dance invitations. His purpose was to choose a bride to become his

princess. The two stepsisters were overjoyed. They ordered Cinderella to comb their

hair, clean their shoes, and paint their nails.

Cinderella begged and pleaded with her stepmother to go to the ball. The evil

stepmother squinted her eyes, but said ok. Cinderella hustled to get her stepsisters

ready. When she finished, she desperately tried to get ready, but it was too late. The

cruel stepmother and sisters left without her! Cinderella fell to the floor and wept.

Her crying drew mystical birds into the house. The magical birds dressed her in a

beautiful dress, delicate glass slippers, and gently flew her to the ball.

When Cinderella entered the ball, everyone took one look at her and gasped.

The evil stepmother and sisters did not recognize Cinderella. The prince took her by

the hand and they danced all night. When it was over, Cinderella bolted out the door.

She had to get home before anyone else. She was in such a hurry, she lost one of her

glass slippers and forgot to tell the prince her name.

The next day, the prince road off with the glass slipper and a list of all the girls in

the kingdom. When he arrived at their house, the stepsisters cried. The glass slipper

could not fit their goofy feet. The prince read the list and claimed there was another

young lady in the cottage. The unfair stepmother claimed Cinderella did not go to the

ball. The prince insisted that she try on the glass slipper. Cinderella gently put on the

slipper and the stepmother and sisters were shocked. The

prince swept Cinderella off her feet. He brought her back

to the castle where she never had to clean again.

Cinderella Word Count 369

© 24/7

Page 34: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name ____________________

What is the first paragraph about?

What is the third paragraph about?

What is the second paragraph about? @24/7 Teacher


What is the fourth paragraph about?

What is the fifth paragraph about?

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 35: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________

Write four questions about the passage.


© 24/7 Teacher

Page 36: Building Text Dependent Students!


•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. Why did the prince go to Cinderella’s cottage?

2. What is the moral of the story?

3. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Cinderella.

4. Cite evidence to describe the personality of the step-mother.




Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

Cinderella Key Ideas and Details

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 37: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. What is the meaning of the word cruel?

2. How does the author help you understand the word cinders?

4. How does the author help you understand the word insisted?

Name: __________________________   Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

Cinderella Craft and Structure




3. What does the word bolted mean, as used in the text?


© 24/7 Teacher

Page 38: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _____________________

Write about what will happen next. What happens to the step-mother and step-sisters?

Be creative!


© 24/7 Teacher

Page 39: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss

RL.1 1. Why did the prince go to Cinderella’s cottage?

The prince went to Cinderella’s cottage to find the owner of the slipper.


2. What is the moral of the story?

The moral of the story is to never give up hope or it can also be do not be cruel to others because theyjust might become a princess or someone else important.


3. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Cinderella.The author shows the personality of Cinderella by stating how she was cheerful and hopeful despite havingto clean all the time. The author also showed this to the reader by stating how she was obedient as shealways followed the instructions of the other characters.

RL.3 4 Cite evidence to describe the personality of the step-mother. The author shows the personality of the step-mother by describing her as cruel, mean, harsh, and how she always told Cinderella what to do.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree

RL.4 1. What is the meaning of the word cruel?

The meaning of the word cruel is mean or harsh. The author shows this throughout the text byexplicitly stating it and showing it through how the step-mother treated Cinderella.

RL.4 2. How does the author help you understand the word cinders?

The author helps the reader understand the word cinders by describing how Cinderella had to clean thechimney. The cleaning of the cinders imply ashes or dirt from the chimney.

RL.4 3. What does the word bolted mean, as used in the text?

RL.4 4. How does the author help you understand the word insisted?

The author helps the reader understand the word insisted by meaning to declare, demand, or ask in the waythe prince insisted Cinderella try on the glass slipper. ©24/7 Teacher

Cinderella Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

The word bolted is a descriptive word which means to leave fast in the way Cinderella left the ball in such ahurry to get home before everyone else that she lost a glass slipper and forgot to tell the prince her name.

Page 40: Building Text Dependent Students!

Name _________________________________    

One cloudy summer day, a monkey looked into the stormy sky.

The monkey could tell it was going to be a harsh winter. He wanted

to be prepared so he went right to work.

The monkey pulled a heavy wagon full of food. He saw a

strong lion and asked him to help pull the wagon. The lazy lion did

not want to help, but would rather sit and watch the ants. The

monkey told the lion to get prepared for a harsh winter. The lion

told the monkey he would do something when the winter comes.

The next day, the monkey went to collect food and he saw the

lion chasing butterflies. The lion enticed the monkey to play in the

field and chase butterflies. The monkey played for a short time.

Then, he continued to pull the wagon like a strong ox. Once again,

the lion did not help.

When winter came, the monkey had plenty to eat because he

had worked hard all summer long. The monkey relaxed in his cozy

home with the sweet smell of success. The winter became one of the

coldest in history. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was

the lion shivering and thinner than a rail. He told the monkey that he

could not find a thing to eat because the land was frozen over. The

lion said he was wrong and apologized for not helping

prepare. The monkey forgave the lion and let him in to

eat and warm up.

Word Count 253

The Lion and the Monkey © 24/7 Teacher

Page 41: Building Text Dependent Students!

Directions: Tell what each paragraph is about.  Key Ideas and Details

Name _____________________

Paragraph One

Paragraph Three Paragraph Two

The Lion and the Monkey

© 24/7 Teacher

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Key Ideas and Details

Name _____________________


Question Answer

The Lion and the Monkey

Write a question that must be answered using evidence from the text.

Then, provide your answer or have a friend answer your question.

Answer Question

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 43: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. What is the lesson of the story?

2. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Monkey.

3. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Lion.

4. Why did the lion go to the monkey at the end of the story?

Name: __________________________  Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

The Lion and the Monkey Key Ideas and Details





© 24/7 Teacher

Page 44: Building Text Dependent Students!

•  Restate the question or prompt where appropriate.•  Answer in a complete sentence.•  Cite evidence to prove the answer.

1. What is the meaning of the word prepared?

2. How does the author help you understand the word harsh?

3. What does the word enticed mean?

4. How does the author help you understand the word forgave?

Name: __________________________  Directions: Cite evidence from the text to answereach question.

The Lion and the Monkey Craft and Structure





© 24/7 Teacher

Page 45: Building Text Dependent Students!

Write about what happens next. Be creative!

Name __________________________

The Lion and the Monkey

© 24/7 Teacher

Page 46: Building Text Dependent Students!

KKeeyy IIddeeaass aanndd DDeettaaiillss

RL.1 1. What is the lesson of the story?

The lesson of the story is to work hard! The author shows this as the monkey remembered the things hismother said about harsh winters and when it is time to work.

RL.3 2. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Monkey.

The monkey is a hard-worker. The author shows this by how the monkey prepared all summer by himself.The monkey continued to work even though it was difficult.

RL.3 3. Cite evidence to describe the personality of Lion.

The personality of the lion is lazy and a little unkind. The lion is not serious as he continually does not help themonkey and even laughs at the monkey and can see how the monkey is struggling yet does not offer to help.

RL.3 4 Why did the lion go to the monkey at the end of the story? The lion goes to the monkey because he was hungry and cold because he did not prepare for the winter during summer.

CCrraafftt aanndd SSttrruuccttuurree

RL.4 1. What is the meaning of the word prepared?

The word prepared means to get ready. The author shows this by describing how the monkeyprepared or got ready all summer even though it was hard for him.


2. How does the author help you understand the word harsh?The author helps the reader understand the word harsh by describing how the monkey looked into thecloudy and storming summer sky and knew it was going to be a difficult winter. It became the coldestwinter in history.


3. What does the word enticed mean?The word enticed means to invite or attract in the way the lion lured the monkey into chasing butterflieswith him in the field for a short period of time. The monkey was hard at work when he saw the lionhaving fun and this tempted the monkey to stop working.

RL.4 4. How does the author help you understand the word forgave?

The author helps the reader understand the word forgave by showing how the monkey had pity or felt forthe lion. Even though the lion did not help the monkey, the monkey let him in the house to eat and warm up. ©24/7 Teacher

The Lion and the Monkey Questions Grouped by Common Core Category

Use the list for discussion during small or whole group lessons. The questions are designed to elicit text evidence from students. These are also included on the student worksheets so that they

can become proficient with integrating writing through the domains. Answer key is included below.

Page 47: Building Text Dependent Students!

Common  Core  Aligned    Graphic  Organizers  

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On  the  following  pages,  you  will  find  graphics  organizers  for  standards  not  addressed  through  the  text  based  

ques?ons.                These  are  included  because  you  will  find  that  we  need  to  dig  deeper  into  a  standard.    I  hope  you  find  these  useful  tools  to  use  in  your  day  to  day  

teaching.      Each  text  easily  addresses  the  

following  Common  Core  Standards.      

Page 48: Building Text Dependent Students!

Title: _______________________________________

Name: _______________________


Directions: Write the title of the text on the line below. Write a question that must be answered using evidence from the text.


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Page 49: Building Text Dependent Students!

Sum it Up Name:  ___________________________________  

Directions: Write the title and summary.

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Title: ________________________________________________  


Main Idea: ______________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________  Detail 1: ____________________________________________  Detail 2: ____________________________________________  Detail 3: ____________________________________________  


Page 50: Building Text Dependent Students!

PPooiinntt of View NNaammee: _______________________

Directions: Write the point of view the author had about a topic in the text. Then, cite at least two pieces of evidence to tell the point of view about a topic in the text.

RL.3.6 RL.4.6

TTiittllee: _______________________________

PPooiinntt ooff VViieeww

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Page 51: Building Text Dependent Students!

Point of VViieeww Name: _______________________

DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: WWrriittee yyoouurr ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww aabboouutt tthhee ttooppiicc.. TThheenn,, wwrriittee tthhee aauutthhoorr’’ss ppooiinntt ooff vviieeww aabboouutt tthhee ttooppiicc..

RL.3.6 RL.4.6

TTiittllee: _______________________________

My Point of View

wwwwww..224477tteeaacchheerr..uuss ©©2244//77 TTeeaacchheerr

Author’s Point of View

Page 52: Building Text Dependent Students!

Draw a picture from the text.

Text andTitle: ________________________________________

Name: _______________________ RL.7

WWhhaatt ddiidd tthhee ppiiccttuurree hheellpp yyoouu uunnddeerrssttaanndd??

WWrriittee 11--33 sseenntteenncceess aabboouutt tthhee tteexxtt tthhaatt ccoonnnneecctt ttoo tthhee ppiiccttuurree..

How did the text and picture work together to help you understand

the story?

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Page 53: Building Text Dependent Students!

TTooppiicc CCoommppaarree andContrastName: _______________________

Directions: Compare and contrast two versions of the same story.


Title Two:

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Page 54: Building Text Dependent Students!

CCoommppaarree and ContrastName: _______________________

Directions: Compare and contrast two versions of the same story.

Title Two:

Title One:

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Page 55: Building Text Dependent Students!

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