Download - Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

Page 1: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

January 2021



Page 2: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

The Rector’s Letter

2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still has challenges. The covid 19 virus is still infectious. Many lives are still being affected in this country and throughout the world. There is, however, light at the end of the tunnel. The second new vaccine is being sent out, and millions will receive it in the coming days and weeks. Many people have worked very hard over many weeks and months to bring us to this point. The NHS and others continue to work hard, fighting against the virus, despite the extra problems caused by the new strain of Covid.

As if the covid 19 virus wasn’t enough to keep us occupied, we have also, in this country, gone through the process of leaving the European Union. After many weeks and months,

a deal was agreed, at the last minute. There will be difficulties to deal with during the transition, but, we are told, that the deal will mean a new and productive relationship with our European friends in the future. Again there is light at the end of the tunnel.

We have just come to the end of the Christmas season, when we remember God sent his son to be the light of the world. For many, it has been a very different Christmas time to the one which we would normally have expected. Families have not been able to come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Businesses have struggled at a time of year when they would normally expect a significant boost to their income. During the pandemic, many people have felt isolated, many people have been worried about their health and their

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All Hallows: Your Parish Church

Sunday Services at All Hallows


financial security. Many people have been confused by the guidance that has come from various sources. Many people will have felt that they have no power to deal with the situation.

There is something we can all do. There is something that can unite us, as we take part in the battle against the virus. We can pray. We ask god for a clear message, that will help us through the dark days, towards the brighter days that lie ahead. The virus is infectious, prayer is also infectious, in a good way.

We only have to look at God’s written word in the Bible, as we look forward to better times. God has the same message for us, that has been given to many people in history, who have endured troubled times. God says ‘Come to me all who labour and are heavy laden…and I WILL REFRESH YOU.’

Get in touch:

Church Office 88a All Hallows Road

Bispham, Blackpool, FY2 0AY Church Office: 01253 274172

Email: [email protected]

Services Sunday

8am—Holy Communion 11am — Morning Prayer

10am — Alive at all hallows—online 6:30pm — Evening Prayer

Please keep an eye on our social media And website for services changing and

our Covid-19 guidelines.

“God is good – all the time!” “All the time – God is good.”

May the Lord bless you and keep you at this time.


Find us on Facebook: @bahchurch

Online Services

Thought for the Day Messy Church @ Home!

Rev Jim Crawford

Page 4: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

Messy Church Check out our

Facebook page for

‘Messy Church @ Home’

A New Year’s resolution-prayer – following in His footsteps

Dates for your diary

Almighty eternal, just and merciful God, grant us the desire to do only what pleases you, and the strength to do only what you com-

mand. Cleanse our souls, enlighten our minds, and inflame our hearts with your Holy Spirit, that we may follow in the footsteps of your beloved Son,

Jesus Christ.

St Francis of Assisi (1182 – 1226)

For details of weekly activities, please look towards the back of the Herald magazine.

For more information about any of these events, please telephone the Office: 01253 274 172

Herald If you would like to join the

‘Walking Club’

(delivering to orphan streets)

please contact Janet: 351319

Growing Disciples (study: prayer: worship)

*Back soon* 7:30pm in The Stable

Hall Availability We have two halls at Church that may be available for use such as birthday parties or other events. Just make contact with the Parish Office for more information on: 274172 or [email protected]

Jacaranda Café The Barn Thursdays


Mother and Toddler Group 0-5 year olds for parents,

guardians, child-minders, and grandparents’

Follow us on social media @bahchurch

*Back soon*

Little Lambs *Back soon*

10am - Church Stable Contact Jo: 07949 964809

Page 5: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

Epiphany for Today

Canon Paul Hardingham finds the wise men’s gifts to be of help to us now. This month we celebrate Epiphany, when we remember the Magi from the East who followed a star to find the baby Jesus: ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?’ (Matthew 2:1).

At the start of a New Year, amid the uncertainty of the pandemic, are we asking the same question? The gifts they offered show us how we can find Him in the uncertainty of the coming year: ‘they bowed down and worshipped Him…and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.’ (2:11).

The gift of gold reflects that the Magi saw in the baby a king, destined to rule over us all. In this coming year we need to remember that Jesus is on the throne, the seat of power and authority in the whole universe. Will we crown Him king of our lives and dedicate all that we are and do to Him?

The gift of frankincense reflects that the visitors saw not just an earthly king, but God in human flesh. Incense symbolises the prayers of God’s people and so this gift reminds us that God is worthy of our worship and prayer. Will we offer our praise and prayer, as we seek God to guide us through the uncertainties of this time?

The gift of myrrh reflects that these astrologers saw beyond the baby’s birth and life, to His death which would secure life for all. Jesus was offered myrrh on the cross and was a spice used in His tomb. As we face the sufferings of this New Year, we can be confident that Jesus knows and understands our experience. Are we ready to trust Him?

‘Glorious now behold Him arise, King and God and Sacrifice! Heav’n sings Hallelujah: Hallelujah the earth replies.’ (‘We Three Kings’).

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Bispham Bear

Page 7: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

How Many More Waves?

This article is based on a recent feature by Paul Valler, Chair of the LICC Board (London Institute for Contemporary Christianity.)

As the days are dark, and winter still stretches ahead, many of us find the prospect of more restrictions for months to come even harder than when we first went into lockdown.

After nine months of coronavirus, we are emotionally drained. We are financially drained. We are lonely, depressed, frightened, and facing deep uncertainty, from job losses to health problems to relationship breakdown. We are running out of steam, and the virus is still going strong.

There is a strong parallel in all this with the ancient book of Job and his experience of loss and pain. Like Job, we are discovering that we are not always entitled to health, wealth, and happiness; and like Job our suffering inexplicably goes on and on. Like the irritating moralising of Job’s comforters, the constant critique of the media only seems to make things worse. And, like Job, our minds are incapable of totally grasping the meaning of all this suffering. We need hope.

Job was deprived of everything, yet even in his despair he never lost his belief that God was there. Occasionally an indestructible hope burst forth like a ray of light in the darkness of his pain. “I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God.’ (Job 19:26).

But the truly transformative moment for Job came when, instead of seeing his situation in front of God, he finally saw God in front of his situation. Then, even in the intensity of his suffering, the greatness of the Almighty eclipsed the problem. T hat is the revelation we need.

In this sad and weary time, lament is therapeutic, and we can be completely real with our Father in Heaven. Yet in our lament, the path to rekindling true hope lies in the possibility of focusing on the character and immensity of God. Greater is He that is in us, than the pandemic that is in the world.

Join in with the ancient words of Psalm 42: ‘Why are you downcast O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.’

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Prayer Corner

Thursday We pray for all the families in our Parish, especially those for whom life has been so difficult during the last year. We ask for your comfort and blessing on them all and may they find both strength and solace in the knowledge of your love for them all.

Tuesday So many, both young and old, have suffered the trauma of disruption and restrictions on movement throughout most of last year, which has seen an upsurge of mental health problems. Lord we ask for your comfort and blessing on them all, may they find both strength and solace in you dear Lord, to overcome their illness and move forward in their lives.

Wednesday For all the challenges that lie ahead of us this year Lord, we pray that you will give us the strength to stand firm and meet each challenge head on, safe in the knowledge of your enduring love, which will never leave us. May each one of us find hope, peace and healing in you.

Monday We give thanks for all who have worked and continue to work throughout the pandemic in our emergency services, hospitals, nursing and care homes, often ignoring the danger to their own lives. We pray that life will be easier for them this year. Stay near to them Lord and give them all the reassurance they need.

Saturday Faced with violence, viruses, unrest and terrorism in so many countries throughout the world, causing so much hurt and suffering, we pray that politicians in Government and in Opposition along with military leaders may be wise in judgement, calm in spirit and work to promote peace, harmony and financial stability for all.

Friday We pray for all in our town who are facing the uncertainty of losing their employment or those who have already lost their jobs, facing the financial burden that brings to them and their families. Life will be difficult for many Lord so we pray you can encourage and strengthen them, allowing them to rest in the warmth of your love.

Sunday As the New Year commences, we pray that the trials and suffering brought to so many individ-uals and families by the Coronavirus during the last year will come to an end this year through the distribu-tion of a vaccine in our nation and the world, enabling our lives to return to some kind of normality.

“The Lord is at hand, do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and supplica-tion with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpass-

es all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” - Philippians 4.6-7

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Where Do We Go From Here?

Lester Amann considers the visit of the Wise Men.

Perhaps this was a question the Wise Men asked after seeing the infant Jesus. They had come from a distant land to Jerusalem. They had followed a star and expected to see a royal child. Now in Bethlehem, they saw things differently. No doubt, Mary and Joseph shared with these men their recent experiences and knew God was with them. Now the Magi had to have eyes of faith to recognise that this child was God in the flesh.

On 6th January, many churches will celebrate Epiphany. On this day we remember the Eastern Men bringing their gifts to Jesus. The word ‘epiphany’ describes their ‘revelation’ or ‘insight’ that this was no ordinary baby. Who could they tell? Not King Herod. They had a dream warning them to return home a different way.

Their return to familiar surroundings was going to be different. They couldn’t be silent about what they had experienced. Their lives were now changed. On returning home, they faced new circumstances and challenges.

Doesn’t this sound a bit familiar to us today? The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us in one way or another. Where do we go from here? We have celebrated our Lord’s birth, but now we are returning to our previous activities. The festive break is over, and we are returning to changed, very difficult circumstances.

We go into a New Year that is so different from this time last year. While we might be downcast with all the upsets around us, there is one thing that has not changed.

It is almighty God! He is our rock. We can look to Him in this world of confusion and uncertainty. Perhaps, from now on, we shall be worshipping and serving Him in different ways. So, with the challenges that lie ahead, let’s continually seek His guidance.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding….and He will make your paths straight.

(Proverbs 3:5-6)

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Mother and Toddler Group - 0-5 year olds for parents, guardians, child-

minders, and grandparents’ There is a cuppa and a friendly chat in the Barn. Lots of toys with action songs and nursery rhymes. Meets Thursdays (except school holidays) in the Barn 9.30 to 10.45 am . £1 per family.

Tuesday Afternoon Fellowship . Cost is £1 with refreshments. Speakers and

entertainment starts 2pm, doors open from 1.00 pm until 3.30. All ages welcome. Run by Sue & Jane. Come along for Fellowship and Friendship in the Stable.

Tuesday Evening Fellowship - Meets at 7.15pm in the Stable.

Meeting regularly each month. Emphasis on fun, food and fellowship. All adults are welcome. Tel Janet on 351319 for more information and dates.

Craft ‘n Chatter Meeting every other Friday. 2-4pm in the Stable (1st church hall

as you come up the drive). Open to everyone, men & ladies, all ages. Just bring something to do knit, crochet or other craft/activity. Friendly atmosphere cost £1 including brews. If you want to learn something new someone may be able to help you. Just turn up or contact the Parish Office for details: 274172 or [email protected]

All Stars - a fun filled and action packed club for children of primary school age.

Includes actions songs, games, juice & toast with Bible stories. Meets every Thursday during term time from 4.30pm to 5.30pm in the Stable. Tel: 274172 for more information.

Regular Church Activities: *Please note, all below activities are closed until further notice*

Do you own a local business?

Our Prices May Surprise You! We currently have spaces for advertisements from local businesses. Here at the Herald we offer an extremely affordable year-long advertising package. You can send us your existing artwork, or our graphic designer can even help you create your own advert. The Herald is an ideal option if you are looking to strengthen a client base in Bispham. We reach over 6000 homes in the local area. Contact Mary 357279 to discuss how to promote your local business in The

Herald. **Spaces now available**

Page 11: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still

Parish Registers for November 2020

Burial in Churchyard

12th David KENYON, age 83 (Service at All Hallows)

24th Mavis Elizabeth RUTTER, age 79 (Service at All Hallows)

Interment of Cremated Remains

In the Churchyard

18th Lillian BARNACLE, age 96 (died 2.8.2020)

25th Patricia Annette Helen STAINSBY, age 84 (died 16.6.2020)

Parish Registers


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Page 12: Bispham Herald · 2021. 1. 4. · Bispham . The Rector’s Letter 2020 is now in the past. It was a very difficult year. I am sure no-one is sorry to see it go. This new year still