Download - believe or Not by Nirmohi Trivedi &Viral Sisodiya




WHAT IS A GHOST ?A BHOOT or GHOST is a supernatural

creature, usually the ghost of a deceased person, in the popular culture, literature and some ancient texts of the Indian subcontinent.

This could be a violent death, unsettled matters in their lives, or simply the failure of their survivors to perform proper funerals.

Branch of science which deals with the study of spiritual or ghostly phenomenan is called “ METAPHYSICS ”


A chill in the air. Low light conditions. Smokey smell. Weird noises e.g. – thumping and

whistling. Things getting chucked at you from

no-where. Paranormal visuals like shadows,

smoke etc.. Sensation of someone being

around. . . . . . . . . .


Usually ghosts are found where they die, such as HAUNTED HOUSES, ASYLUMS , PRISONS … . .

Sometimes people claim that they encountered ghost in FORESTS, FORTS, PLACES which are NOT being USED for a LONG TIME …




Bhangarh was built in 1573 by Raja Bhagwant Das as the residence for his second son Madhoo Singh.

The structure is said to have been abandoned in 1783 amidst a severe drought.

One story involves an arrogant king and an offended sadhu, while the other is a tale of obsession involving a tantrik and a beautiful princess. Whichever version visitors choose to believe, many agree that the ‘no entry after dark’ sign put up by the Archaeological Survey of India is justified by the unsettling presence of an otherworldly force, bizarre sounds and accompanying anxiety. Location: Bhangarh is 80 km northeast of Jaipur.


Agrasen ki baoli, Delhi

Stories suggest that this stepped well was once filled with black water that enticed people to jump into it and commit suicide. Even today, it is believed that the place casts an evil spell on visitors who stay there post sunset. Readers, beware!

Gujarat – Surat – Dumas

If you walk towards the ocean at night in Dumas then u will hear noises that will tell you go home don’t go forward and all scary things happen.

Dogs will even start chasing you sometimes but they say that the dogs run because they are trying to get away from that place as well.

This all happens because Hindus burn their bodies after they die over there and the ghosts in there body stay in the air.


Eastern State Penitentiary – Pennsylvania, United States

. Aokigahara, Japan

•Suicide Forest•An Unfortunate Suicide Hotspot

NOW RELATING SCIENCE People usually attribute their paranormal

experiences to their imagination. What is the law of thermodynamics? A careful study of it reveals the fact that

science has already proved that ghosts do exist. According to this law "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change form.“ Let us now analyze this law carefully. Energy never dies, according to this important law; instead, energy shifts from one form to the other. Accordingly, the energy that we are not destroyed by death; it just changes form.

Another one In late June 2010, such scientific

research was published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. Dr. Barrie Colvin, who does not believe in life after death, has been studying ghostly knocks and noises emanating from various cases of poltergeist-type haunting for five long years.

His findings are set to convince a few skeptics that some paranormal activity, specifically odd noises created by ghosts, is real.

Dr. Barrie Colvin

Lets Enjoy These facts About Ghosts……

The popular bug-eyed Aliens, modern ghosts are all stereotypical, with the same looks and characteristics.

Purportedly ghosts have the ‘magical’ capabilities to travel through walls, levitate etc. Powers they didn’t have when they were alive. They move objects all the time – but never get behind the wheels of a car and drive, type a letter on a computer or light-up a Bensons and Hedges. When it comes to interacting with humans all ghosts want to do is scare the shit out of the living in the dead of night or flash their tits at us in photos. Aimless activity, no-one has been able to detect with any surety.

Seeing that potentially we living-humans share the planet with 60 billion spirits, comprising all of humanities dead – where do these hordes of living-dead spend their time? I mean where do they live? Caves? The bottom of the ocean? The stratosphere? Six to a house?

Last but not least – there is not a shred of evidence . . . . .

The Final ConclusionThe story of ghost is that of an alien, those who

have experienced any encounter with them, they believe and those who haven’t, they don’t believe.

There are a lots of theory supporting there existence but none can satisfy every one. Every theory has some limitations where is fails to prove its worth.

We can’t even say they don’t exist because there are many events and evidences which can make you believe that they are wandering around you.




WHO ARE AGHORI?• The Aghoras is said to have been over

1000 years old. They inhibit the city of Varanasi (Banaras), alongside the banks of the river Ganga, where the most revered temple of Kasi Vishwanath stand proudly.

• Aghoris are devotees of Shiva manifested as Bhairava, who seek moksha from the cycle of reincarnation.


• Freedom is the self’s identification.• The Aghori are well known for their

extremely revolting appetite.• Rotten foods, foods from dump site,

animal faeces, animal urine and putrefying human corpses which are most often eaten in a cup made of human skull.

• They move about in the city with nothing more on their bodies except a skimpy jute loin cloth and at times, nude. Being nude, in their terms is complete renunciation from the material world and its attachments.

• Most often, they smear their bodies with ash from human cremated remains to cover their nakedness. Talking about accessories, Human skulls are worn as jewelry around their necks.

• Some Aghoras(or Aghori) are also reported to roam around with the femur (thigh bone) of cremated people as a Aghoran symbol. (May be as a walking stick).

• They never cut their hair, letting it to fall to their knees, making Agoras to be easily spotted anywhere amidst a hell of a crowd.

Mysterious medicines• The surprise and

awe of the scientists all over the world, The Aghoras claim they have medicines that can treat some of the most stubborn diseases such as Cancer and even AIDS.

• These medicines called ‘human oils’ come from burning the human body collected from the burning pyre.

• The babas claim that these medicines are very effective on curing the above mentioned diseases but are not used in modern medicine due to ethical considerations.

Tantric powers and Black magic

The healing powers of Aghori Sadhus are said to

come from their expertise in Black magic. What they say about these practices is that they never use their powers for harmful deeds. instead they absorb the diseases

that plague the victims who visit them into their bodies and eliminate the diseases

by burning them using Black magic.

• Certain Aghori who intensely practice Black magic say the more they please Lord Shiva and goddess Kali, the more they gain powers of control over the environment and the forces of nature.

• But they never do it, as they adore and respect Mother Nature.

Mantras, Tantras and Marijuana

• Aghora would ever abstain himself from smoking Marijuana because they believe it is marijuana that helps them concentrate on religious mantras and the strenuous yogic practices they perform by routine.

• In spite of being under the effect of marijuana all the time they appear very sober and calm. When asked by curious visitors that whether they consume weed for pleasure, they abruptly deny the assertion. The delusion and hallucinations provided by weeds are taken as religious ecstasies and heightened spiritual experiences.

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