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Back-end Configuration

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1) Basic Overview - Configuration

[ Web Panel ]

Table of Contents

Basic Overview Of Configuration Panel




Project Management

Add Remote Server

Developers List

Overview of Default Admin Panel

Overview of Default Modules

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Basic Overview Of Configuration Panel


Default Login Screen

After Logged in Screen

You can see 2 tabs in menu after logging in.

1. Home → Site Map

2. Projects

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Home → Site Map

You can see "Search bar" at right side of the page. Search by any keyword from all your projects.

Type any keyword and it checks from all projects. If you have 10 projects then it will find keyword from

all 10 projects.

1 → "Advanced search" (search projectwise)

It allows you to perform project specific search. Select single/multiple projects and find keyword from

selected projects not all projects.

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View your last login details & total number of projects below search bar.


When you click on Projects, you will be directed to the Project List page where you can view the list of

your projects.

1 → Project Name

It will show you Project name.

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2 → Management

● Database Management

It will redirect to your Database page where you can see project specific table listing.

● Web service Management

It will redirect to your Web service Listing page where you can see project specific web services.

3 → Download (CI)

You can download your project admin code directly.

4 → Status

Project is Active or Inactive.

Search By

Search for projects on the basis of Name & Status (Active/Inactive).

To remove search filtering , you can click "Show All" button.

How to add new project ?

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You can enter "Project name" & "Project Description".

It will automatically take "Folder name" , "Database name" & "Project URL" according to your project


Import Configuration File → It allows you to import configuration file in new project.

Note : Upload Zip Folder instead of a folder. The Zip Folder name must be the name of the folder.

Example : If folder name is 'sample'.Then the zip folder name must be 'sample'.

If database already exists then it will show validation message for “database already exists”.

If project already exist then it will show validation message for “project already exists”.

If you have SVN URL , Design URL, Wire Frame URL then you can record it for future reference.

You can mention your "SVN URL" , "Design URL" & "Wire Frame URL" in the corresponding text


Once you click on "Add" button, it will check validations for all required fields. If it is validated then new

project will be added.

After adding project, you can see more details on this page.

Now you can see another navigation menu.

1. Project Management

2. Developer List

3. Database Tables

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4. Web Service List

5. Admin Management

6. Menu Management

7. Dashboard Management

8. Notification List

9. System Email

10. Messages

11. Language Label

We will walk through all the sections in detail one by one.

Here, we go through Basic default features of HB Panel and Admin panel (Overview).

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Project Management

As you can see in above screen, it will show you all details of project like Project Name & description,

Project Path,Project URL, Admin URL,Database Information.

Admin URL

When you click on Admin URL, it will redirect to Admin Login page.

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Here, it provides Default username & password. You can see Default Username/Password

Username is Admin & Password pattern is "C" (3214789).

Remote Server Details : Configure IT allows you to add multiple Remote server details (FTP Server

details & MySQL details) and allows you to make one specific remote server details as default remote

server details.

See below screen of Remote Server Management (Remote Server List)

Add Remote Server

See below screen of “Add Server”

Just define your server name with FTP details and MySQL details.

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FTP details MySQL Details

FTP Host Address → set host address

FTP User Name → set ftp username

FTP Password → set ftp password

FTP Folder → set root folder path

FTP Port Number → set port number

DB Server Address → set database server details

DB User Name → set database username

DB Password → set database password

Database Name → set database name

Database Port Number → set database port


After adding server details , it will show you 2 buttons “Upload All” and “Upload Specific”. You can also

modify existing server details.

1. Upload All

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It will upload all code to specific remote server.

For FTP, it will upload all code.

For MySQL , it will upload all tables. (Note : database must be created at server)

2. Upload Specific

It will allows you to select specific section to upload to specific remote server.

For FTP, it will allow you to choose specific folder or files for upload.

For MySQL ,it will allow you to choose specific tables for upload. (Note : database must be

created at server).

If you make specific server as default then whenever you update any API section or module section and

click on upload , it will directly upload on default remote server. So there is no need to download it and

upload it.

See below screen after adding server details

“Upload On FTP” feature is also available at “Web Service List , Admin management , Notification List”

section. It will be uploaded on default server directly. So you have to mark specific server as default


Note :- If you have marked remote server as “Default” then only you will see upload option in above

section. Otherwise you will get “N/A”.

Configuration Setup : You can see 5 different buttons as per below.

1. Download DB

2. Export Config

3. Download Code

4. Update Engine

5. Update Generator

Download DB : You can download database on click of this button.

Export Config : You can export configuration file (zip folder) of your project.

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Download Code: You can download Code of your project here. You will get zip file. Just extract

it and execute it on server. You will get installation wizard while doing setup with database. Just

mention your FTP and MySQL server details. Please make sure database must be created in your

mysql server. It will automatically create tables that you have created in your project.

Please refer “Installation Guide” for more details.

Update Engine

It will update Backend Engine. We configure the Admin Panel using engine.

If some upgradation is available , new functionality are added , then you have to update

engine , so all changes will be reflected in our engine.

Update Generator

It will update generator. Generator means when we download code of Admin panel. It’s

generated code by Generator.

If some upgradation is available , new functionality are added , then you have to update

generator, so all changes will be reflected in our generator.

SVN URL : show you "SVN URL".

Design URL : show you "Design URL".

Wire Frame URL : show you "Wire Frame URL"

Save the URLs for information purpose and future reference.

Is Multi-Lingual

It supports Multi Languages too. If you want your project to support multiple languages, check checkbox

of Multi-Lingual. To view the reflection of this functionality, log out of the Admin Panel and then login


Whenever you mouse over on "Help icon" , You can see "Help Text" for particular functionality.

Location of Navigation Bar

Change the position of the Navigation Bar in the Admin Panel to LEFT or TOP. To view the reflection of

this functionality, log out of the Admin Panel and then login again.


You can update Project Details

Proceed to Web Service Mgmt

It will redirect you on Default Web Service Listing Page. We will discuss in detail later on.

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Proceed to Admin Mgmt

It will redirect you to Default Admin module listing page. It provides Predefined admin modules. We will

go through briefly later on.

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Back to project List

It will redirect you on Project listing page

Log Details

It provides "Log Details". There are 4 types of different logs.

1. Database Log

2. Web Service Log

3. Admin Module Log

4. Dashboard Log

If multiple developers are working on same project then it will allow you to keep track of who is working

on database tables , Admin modules , Web services or Dashboard. It will track records of all operations

(Added By , Altered By , Dropped By) with developer name, Date & Time.

Switch To

It allows to switch between different projects. No need to go Project listing page every time & select

another project. You can switch between projects from the same page.

It will synchronize your latest database of your particular project. Select project & click on this button.

Database will be synchronized.

It will allow you to set a project as active/inactive. Select project(s) & click on Active/Inactive button for

changing status of particular Project.

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It will show you the default list of all your projects.

Developers List

It shows the list of developers who are involved in a project. You can see Name, Email, Main columns

Name : Project developer's name

Email : Project developer's email

Main : Creator of project

Yes – Creator of project

No – another added developers

Search By

It allows you to search by Name,Email & Main(yes/no). To remove filtering , just click on "Show All"


Add New

Add developers in your project.


Remove developer from project. Select particular record & click on delete button.


It allows you to change status (main) of developer.

Show All

It shows all records without any filtering.

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Overview of Default Admin Panel As soon as a new project is added, a ready-to-use Admin Panel with pre-created modules and features

becomes available.

Login at Admin Panel

Here, Default Username/Password is already set

Username is Admin & Password pattern is "C" (3214789)

Make it secret → When you select it and draw password pattern, it will be invisible. Pattern is drawn but

you can’t see it.

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Forgot your password → If you forget password then it allows you to get it. After clicking on this , you

will see “username” field. Just specify your username and it will send you email.

Shown below is main screen

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How to change position of Navigation Bar ?

● It allows you to change position of Navigation bar (Left/Top)

● Set it from Project Management

● Location of Navigation Bar : Top/Left

● Update the Project Details

After Changing Position, Log out from Admin Panel & login again.

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1 → Show Navigation Log

You can see Navigation Log details of current logged in user. It means you can track navigational

records. You can see Menu name, navigation path , Action with Timestamp & it allows you to

flush your log details.

2 → Show DB Queries Log

You can see Database query log details with Execution time & IP address. If you have any issue

related to query failure , then you can check this log. The failed query will be highlighted in RED.

It allows you to flush your log details also. See following screen.

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3 → Show / Cancel Full Screen

The Admin Panel can go full screen by a simple click.

Overview of Default Modules

● Home

a) Sitemap : It redirects you on SiteMap Page

b) Edit Profile : It will allow you to Edit Admin's Profile details

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1 → Old Pattern

It will draw your exist password pattern.

2 → Select Next & click on update button

It will update admin details & display the immediate next record for update.

3 → Select List & click on update button

It will update admin details & redirect you to listing record page.

4 → Select Stay & click on update button

It will update admin details & stay on current page.

c) Change Password : It will allow you to change password.

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● Users

a) Admin

Here , you can see listing page where you can change column order by dragging the columns.

It allows you to set column width by dragging column. Pagination is shown here by default.

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It allows you to so multiple column sorting (Asc / Desc). It provides “Quick Advanced Search” for every

column field. For that , it shows you icon before search column field bow. (See below image).

It provides search box with every column where you can do columnwise search. By default it provides

feature for editing records inline.

1 → Add new record

2 → Delete selected record

3 → It will change status (Active) of selected records

4 → It will change status (Inactive) of selected records

5 → Search by condition options

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6 → Show All records

7 → Show / Hide columns in listing view

8 → Export Selected column wise records / All records to CSV/PDF

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b) Group

Here , you can assign a role to Admin / Subadmin

c) Log History

You can see Log history of Admin with IP Address.


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a) Country

It will show you default country list provided by Configure IT.

b) State

It will show you default state list provided by Configure IT.

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c) Static Pages

Here, you can see default list of static page. You can modify its contents too.

See below Edit Screen

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1 → You can see Next record for Edit Static Page

● Settings

a) Appearance

You can change common appearance settings from backend.

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1 → Is "Navigation Log Required" ?

Enable / Disable Navigation Log that we have discussed "Navigation Log" earlier.

2 → Active query cache

Caching will be active & it will speed up the execution

b) Email

You can modify your Email settings details like Admin email id , Support email address,

Notification Email id , SMTP server details (host, username , password , port) , mail setting in


c) Company

Here , you can edit company details like Company name , Address , City , State, Country , Fax,

Zip code & Toll free no.

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d) Prices

Here, if you want to set Discount or Vat, then you can do it from here.

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e) SMS

It provides SMS feature. You can set details like API details, Number , Username , Password for


● Resources

a) System Emails

Here , you can see default Email templates list.

It allows you to modify contents your own way. You can add your variables in template.You can

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add your new template , change status (Active-Inactive ) of template.

See below screen where you can update contents.

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b) Bulk Email

Here, you can send Bulk Email to Admin , Group , Team or other. You can define Email address ,

Subject , From Email & also choose Email templates.

● Utilities

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a) Backup

Here , you can create backup of your database & download it.

● Logout

a) Logout

Logout from Admin Panel.

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Table of Contents


Database Tables

Default Tables

Table Fields

Get Started After Table Creation

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Here ,Default table listing of your projects (Table Name,Table Code,Primary Field).

There are 16 Default tables which have "mod_" prefix & “sys_admin_cache_tables”.

Based on these tables, default modules are created at Admin Panel those we have seen in “Basic

overview of configure.IT” part.

If you want to add any extra field in default table then you can do it easily.

Default Tables

1. mod_admin

2. mod_admin_menu

3. mod_admin_navigation_log

4. mod_city

5. mod_country

6. mod_group_master

7. mod_group_rights

8. mod_language

9. mod_log_history

10. mod_page_settings

11. mod_setting

12. mod_setting_lang

13. mod_state

14. mod_system_email

15. mod_system_email_vars

16. sys_admin_cache_tables

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1 → Search By

It allows you to search by "Table Code" & "Primary Field". To removing filter, you can click on "Show

All" button

2 → Drop Table

It allows you to drop single/multiple tables. Select particular tables and click on this button.

3 → Show All

It shows all tables in list.

4 → Sync Tables

It allows you to sync all tables. If you modify existing tables then sync tables so it will be reflected at

module section if you have used that table.

5 → Copy Tables

● It allows you to copy tables from other projects. So if you have common tables which you want to

use in your project then just copy tables from other projects.

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● Click on copy tables, select project & select tables which you want to use in your project & click

on copy button.

6 → SQL Query Editor

It provides Query editor like phpmyadmin. No need to go backend for using query editor. It provides

ready to use query editor in which you can check your sql query for Select / Insert / Update only.

Note : Don’t use Delete and other DDL queries like DROP, SHOW TABLES.

7 → Export Tables

It allows you to export sql file of all existing tables. You are able to download sql file of tables here.

8 → Import Tables

It allows you to import tables from remote server. Select any remote server from the list. (shows you

added remote servers in dropdown) and tables are shown to you based on selected remote server.

It allows you to add new remote server details also. You can edit server and database details from here .

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See below screen

9 → View Table Data

It allows you to view table data. No need to go backend for checking table data. You can directly view

table data from here.

10 → Add New

It allows to add new table.

Just enter your Table Name,Table Code, Comments, Keywords.

Table name → allowed only lowercase , numeric value ,% , _

Table code → according your table name it will automatically take input.

It also checks validations for all required fields & also for duplication validations if table is already exist.

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1 → When your project is Multilingual, it asks for adding this table in multilingual or not.

After adding new table , you will see below screen with Auto Generated Primary Key.

If you add your table in Multilingual then your primary key field will be automatically set in Multilingual

(Lang Table) & you will see green icon at primary key which shows that your field is set in Multilingual .

Add to Lang Table

If you want to add more fields in Multilingual then you can do it with “Add to Lang Table”. Just select

fields , Click on this button & fields will be added in Lang table. You will see green icon for every field

which is added for Multilingual.

Drop from Lang Table

If you want to remove fields from Multilingual (Lang Table) then select fields & click on this button. It

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will be removed.

Table Fields

Table Fields

It provides default common fields.

If you want to use it then just select it. It will be added your in table.

1 → Primary Key

It automatically takes Primary Key. No need to add or define primary key in table.

You can add new field “At the end of the Table” or “After” particular field

Custom Fields

It provides some commonly used fields in built like Firstname , last name , username , password ,

company name etc. Just select it from dropdown of "custom field".

If you want to add your new custom field which is not in common listed fields, then you can also create it

easily. Just keep "None" over there & define your field name , Datatype , length & Null value.

While creating custom fields, it uses 'Intelligent Data type selection' based on 'field name'.

It automatically takes data type according fisrt letter of your field name for Basic Data types (Varchar ,

Int , Text , Date , Enum).

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So if you want to set data type as "Varchar" for your field then you have to take field name like "vName


Here from "vName" , it will consider "v" as "varchar".

Intelligent Data Types

● vName for "Varchar" datatype

● eGender for "Enum" datatype (While entering field value,Don’t use single quotes )

● tDescription for "Text" datatype

● dModifiedDate for "Date"datatype

● iQty for "Int" datatype

If you want to set another data type , then you can set it normally.

See below screen

2 → Add New

It allows you to create Add new one field in table

3 → Save and Add

It allows you to save entered fields and allow to add extra fields

4 → Save and Close

It allows you to save entered fields and close that popup

5 → Cancel

It will cancel to add data fields

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Get Started After Table Creation

After creating table , You can see created table's details.

Table Name , Table Code , Primary key , Total no of fields , Comments , Keywords

Table Name : Display Table name.

Table Code : Display Table Code.

Primary Key :Display Auto Generated Primary key according your Table name.

Total Fields : Total no of fields in Table.

Comments : Display Table comments

Keywords : Display Table comments

Add to Lang Table :

If you want to add more fields in Multilingual then you can do it with “Add to Lang Table”. Just select

fields , Click on this button & fields will be added in Lang table. You will see green icon for every field

which is added for Multilingual. (We have discussed it earlier).

Drop from Lang Table:

If you want to remove fields from Multilingual (Lang Table) then select fields & click on this button. It

will be removed.(We have discussed it earlier).

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1 → Modules using this table

When you create particular module using this table , you can see module name here.

We will see later how to create Admin module.

2 → Relation Views

Here , You can create Relations with other Tables. It will show in dropdown box. If you relate table with

another table from database then there is no need to relate it in admin module while creating module using

this table.

It will automatically take relations overthere. We will see it later. Now you can see drop down box for


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When you relate table to another table,you can set “ON DELETE” & “ON UPDATE” operations.

You can see 4 options for “ON DELETE” & “ON UPDATE”.


It will update/delete the parent table row, but set the mis-matching foreign key columns

in our child table to NULL (note that the table column must not be defined as NOT



The update/delete is rejected if there are one or more related foreign key values in a

referencing table


The update/delete is rejected if there are one or more related foreign key values in a

referencing table


IT will propagate the change when the parent changes. (If you delete/updated a row, rows

in constrained tables that reference that row will also be deleted/updated).

3 → Copy Fields

It will allow you to copy fields from another table.

When you click on "Copy Fields" button, it will show Popup. When you can select table from

Dropdown box and select particular field that you want to use in your table.

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4 → Add New Field

It will allow you to add new field in your existing table on the fly.

5 → Drop Fields

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It will allow you to drop multiple unnecessary field. Just select particular field & click on this.

6 → Add Index

It will allow you to add multiple indexes for table. Just select particular field & click on this.

7 → Drop Index

It will allow you to drop multiple indexes for table. Just select particular field & click on this.

8 → Save Order

Saves the current order in which all the fields have been arranged

9 → Sort Fields

The individual fields can be dragged and dropped to any position.

Remember to click on “Save Sequence” after changing the order, else the changes will

not be reflected.

10 → Edit Fields

Edit particular field

11 → Add Index

Add Index particular field.

12 → Drop Field

Drop particular field

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3) Admin Module Configuration

[ Web Panel ]

Table of Contents


Columnwise Description

Basic operations (buttons bar)

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ADMIN MODULE CONFIGURATION You can see default Admin module list here, that you have seen in Admin panel in Basic Overview.

Default modules are created based on default tables.

It allows you to add new module and provides listing & view interface. You just need to configure it.

Columnwise Description

1. Module Name : Shows module name.

2. Template : It allows you to add different types of template view. Default is standard. (Describe it


3. Settings:

a. Listing: It provides you listing interface. (Describe it later).

b. Form: It provides you view (Add/Update form)interface. (Describe it later).

c. Message: It allows you to add your own Failure/Success messages. (Describe it later).

4. Progress: It will show you process of configuration. It’s properly configured or not.

5. FTP : If you have added any remote server details and marked it as “default” server (from

project management → Remote Server List ) , then you will get option to upload code of specific

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module directly on default remote server.

If you don’t make any remote server as “default” server , then it will not show you this upload


6. Download : It will download specific module.

7. Update : It will update specific module.

8. Actions:

a. Edit : It allows you to edit existing module

b. Delete: It will delete specific module

Basic operations (buttons bar)

See below screen where you can see buttons for basic operations

1. Add New

2. Show All

3. Utilities

a. Copy Module

b. PHP Functions

c. Aggregate Functions (Price)

d. Languages

e. JS Files

f. CSS Files

4. Upload On FTP

5. Download Code

6. Update Code

7. Login

1 → Add Module

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It will create new module using databases we have created.

You can set your Module Heading , Module Name , Folder name

(Based on Module heading , it will take input of Module Name & Folder Name automatically).

It provides a feature for Physical Delete (Yes/No).

● Yes : It will delete record from database.

● No : It will not delete record from database

Template - It allows you to set template with different views.

Main Table - You can add Main table for module & you can define Alias of main table . You can relate

table with other tables using Add Relation.

MultiLingual - If you want to add this module in Multilingual then you can do it.

Add to Menu - When you create module, it will be added to Menu (By default, it is selected) at Admin.

Parent menu is “Home” by default. But you can change it from dropdown. You can also change Menu

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Display Name as you want.

Module Help - you can add your any information about module.

Dashboard Page - Associate module with dashboard by simply selecting a Dashboard Page from the

dropdown. (more detailed in Dashboard Management section).

Dashboard Position - Left/Right. After creating dashboard, we can set position. (more detailed in

Dashboard Management section).

1 → Module Template

It provides you 7 types of different view that you can set in your Add/Update form (we will see more

“Add/Update form” in details later).

View types is shown in below screen:

1. Standard

● It’s Default view

● 1 column view

2. Split View

● View is split into 2 parts

3. 3 - Blocks View

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● you can see 3 blocks

4. 4 - Blocks View

● you can see 4 blocks

5. Custom View

● It allows you to create Custom view of form

● You can add different blocks, you can add upto 3 columns in each block & also

add the Tabs.

6. 2 - Columns View

● It provides 2 column view.

7. 3 - Columns View

● It provides 3 column view.

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2 → Module Relation Tables

You can relate Main table with another multiple Tables.

Note : If you have defined relation in database then here you can see relation by default.

Just select other table from dropdown and after adding relation, you will see below screen.

You can see “Relation Table name & its Primary key” connected with Main table. You can define Alias

of relation table.

1 → Join Type

It allows you to use different types of joins. Select whatever you want.

1. Left

● It returns all rows from the left table (table1), with the matching rows in the right

table (table2). The result is NULL in the right side when there is no match.

2. Right

● It returns all rows from the right table (table2), with the matching rows in the left

table (table1). The result is NULL in the left side when there is no match.

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3. Normal (Inner Join)

● It selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the

columns in both tables.

2 → Relation type

You can also define “Relation type”.

1. One-One

● A row in first table can be related to only one row in a second table

● A row in second table can be related to only one row in a first table

2. One-Many

● A row in first table can be related to one or more row in a second table

● A row in second table can be related to only one row in a first table

3. Many-Many

● A row in first table can be related to one or more row in a second table

● A row in second table can be related to one or more row in a first table

4. Many-One

● A row in first table can be related to only one row in a second table

● A row in second table can be related to one or more row in a first table

3 → Add (Checkbox)

It is applicable only for One-One relation type. When you select it, you can use all fields of

relation table in your Add/Update form

4 → Extra Condition

It is used for extra condition with Joins. It is applicable for where condition

Shown below is syntax for giving condition:

Single Condition: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active'

Multiple Conditions: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active' AND table_alias.dRegDate >= '2012-10-


Request Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%REQUEST.status%}'

Server Parameter: table_alias.vIP = '{%SERVER.REMOTE_ADDR%}'


Session Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%SESSION.eStatus%}'

Example : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode, vGroupName,

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System Parameter: table_alias.vName = '{%SYSTEM.COMPANY_NAME%}'



After clicking on “Next” button, you will be redirected to LISTING CONFIGURATION PAGE that we

will see in “Admin Management Part-1 (Listing)” section.

Now , Continue with the Basic Operations in button bar from Admin Module List Page.

2 → Show All

It will show you all modules in listing

Utilities with its sub menu

3 → Copy Module

It will allow you to copy any module from same/different projects.

Just select project & after selecting project , you will see all modules in “Modules Block” dropdown.

When you select any module , you can see which tables are used in that specific module. You can see

“Main table” & “Relational Tables”. If it has only “main table” then it will show you “there is no relation

with other table”.

If tables are not exist in your database then it will copy module with its all related tables.

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4 → Aggregate Functions (Price)

It will show you additional price related listing. For example: Vat/Tax , Discount.

You can see Discount & VAT here with their values & type (Percent/Value).

Here , It allows you to add new price , Edit existing price details & delete specific record.

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➢ Name → Enter specific name.

➢ Type → It will allow you to select different types.

○ Value

○ Percentage

○ PHP Function

■ If you have done any calculation in php function & you want to use return value

then you can do it.

➢ Inc/Dec → Do you want to increase/decrease value? You can specify by selecting +/- sign.

➢ Value → Set your value here.

5 → Languages

If your project is multilingual , then only you can see this “Languages” button. It will show you different

Basic Overview Documentation | 60 of 277

languages of your multilingual project. It allows you to add new language too.

By default , English is “Primary” language and another 3 are “Secondary” languages. It allows you to set

another language as “primary” language. It allows you to change its status (Active / Inactive). You can

see language details in grid list.

6 → PHP Functions

It will allow you to create your own PHP functions.

You can Add/Update/Delete function. You can also change status of function (Active/Inactive).

It allows you to search function-wise. See default function list here.

Copy Function

It allows you to copy function from other projects if required.

Just select project & it will show you all function list of selected project. Then select specific functions

that you want to copy.

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Add New Function

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For Example :

If you want to generate random token using input device id , see below screen.

7 → JS Files

It will show you the list of JS files if you have used any with details (In which module it is used , JS file

Basic Overview Documentation | 63 of 277

name , By which submit function it is called , Files is exist or not , Preview of code).

It allows you to add new JS file and delete existing JS file.

See below screen of JS Code Preview screen

8 → CSS Files

It will show you the list of CSS files if you have used any with details (In which module it is used , CSS

file name , Files is exist or not , Preview of code).

It allows you to add new CSS file and delete existing CSS file.

See below screen of CSS Code Preview screen

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9 → Upload On FTP

If you have added any remote server details and marked it as “default” server (from project

management → Remote Server List ) , then you will get option to upload code of all modules

directly on default remote server.

If you don’t make any remote server as “default” server , then it will not show you this upload


10 → Download Code

It will download all modules with latest configuration in zip file.

11 → Update Code

It will update all modules with latest configuration & open admin panel by generated code in new


12 → Login

It will redirect to Admin Panel login page.

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3.1 Admin Configuration Part - 1

Table of Contents

Listing Configuration

Listing Fields

Default Listing Properties

Fields Display Types in“Display In”

Common Properties

Formatter Function

Table Field Section

How to manage Custom Fields?

Setting Field Specific Properties

Display Table Fields

Settings & Value Properties

Basic Overview Documentation | 66 of 277

Listing Configuration Listing Fields

Here , below screen is default screen for listing configuration. You can configure Listing page easily &

use many features in it.

There are so many different properties. Just Configure from here & you will see effect in Listing of this

module in Admin Panel. We will go through it one by one.

Default Listing Properties

Basic Overview Documentation | 67 of 277

Primary Key

It shows Primary key of your main table (here its ‘userdetails’).

Status Field

It will add status field for changing Status of selected records in Listing page at Admin.

By default , it will automatically take Enum type field of your Main table. If you don’t have any enum

field then it will show blank.

Here we have eGender. (Change status Male/Female) .

Extra Condition

It is used for extra condition if you want to do for listing page. It is applicable for where condition only.

Syntax for condition

Single Condition: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active'

Multiple Conditions: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active' AND table_alias.dRegDate >= '2012-10-10'

Request Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%REQUEST.status%}'

Server Parameter: table_alias.vIP = '{%SERVER.REMOTE_ADDR%}'


Session Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%SESSION.eStatus%}'

Example : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode, vGroupName, eStatus

System Parameter: table_alias.vName = '{%SYSTEM.COMPANY_NAME%}'



Note: don't specify the below values as request parameters.

"file","iModuleId","parModule","parData", "filters","fields","sidx","sord",


Group By Condition

The GROUP BY statement is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set by

one or more columns.

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Here , you can use “Group By” by selecting field multiple fields from drop down.

You can see all fields of your table.It is same like mysql function “Group By”.

Add Record in Popup

It allows you to add new record in Popup in listing at Admin panel .

Admin panel: When you click on “Add New” button, it will show you popup for adding new record.

Hide Add Button

It allows you to hide “add” button from top button bar in listing page.

Hide Delete Button

It allows you to hide “delete” button from top button bar in listing page.

Basic Overview Documentation | 69 of 277

Hide Status Button

If you don’t want to use Status button for changing status of selected records then you can set it from

here. We have discussed status button in “Status field”. We have used “Gender” as status.

Hide Export Button

It allows you to hide “Export” button from top button bar in listing page.

Hide Advance Button

It allows you to hide “Search” button from top button bar in listing page.

Hide Columns Button

It allows you to hide “Columns” button from top button bar in listing page.

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Hide Multi Select Checkbox

It allows you to hide “Multi Select Checkbox” in listing page.

Search Category

It provides 2 types of search.

1. Simple

2. Group


It will provide you simple search conditional-wise. If you want to search using specific condition, then it

will be useful. You can add multiple conditions.

It will show you all fields in dropdown & also provides different conditions that can be used.

For example : if you want to search for specific condition, like If “Field name” equals “this value” then


Basic Overview Documentation | 71 of 277

1 → All/Any

Just select it from dropdown as per your conditions

2 → (Plus sign)

It will add new conditions in your search criteria

3 → (Minus sign)

It will delete particular condition from your search criteria


It is same like simple but it allows you to add multiple inner sub conditions

Basic Overview Documentation | 72 of 277

Grid Width

1. Auto

● It will take width automatically according your fields based on your screen width in

listing page .(You can’t see horizontal scrollbar here).

2. Pixels

● It will allow you to define width in pixels of your fields in listing page.

● Using your specified width , if grid width is beyond the screen then correspondly it will

add horizontal scrollbar.

● By dragging column, you can change column width at listing page.

● we will see later where we have to define width.

Inline Add Records

It will allow you to add Inline multiple new record on the fly. You will see new 3 buttons next to button

bar at listing page. It will allow you to add,save,delete multiple new record.

Custom Add/Update

It will allow you to add custom code through function if you want some custom add/update form or

Basic Overview Documentation | 73 of 277

anything which is not supportable by Configure IT. Just define function name overthere.

How to create PHP Function ?

Go Admin Management -> PHP function (Discussed in Admin management part).

For Example :

By default, we use simple form but You can see “Group” Page at admin for assign role/permission which

has multiple checkboxes for assigning role. For that we have created function & used it.

Edit Record in Popup

It will allow you to edit record in Popup at listing page.

Hide Search Toolbar

It will allow you to hide search toolbar from listing page.

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Hide Paging

It will allow you to hide paging toolbar from listing page.

Hide Refresh

It will allow you to hide “Show All” (Refresh) button from button bar at listing page.

Disable Inline Edit

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By default , Configure IT provides “Inline Edit” records feature for every field on listing page. When you

check this property, it will be disabled.

Customize BG Color

It allows you to show data with background color or you want to do highlight some cell/row info for

specific condition then you can do it with this property (color setting).

You can create multiple conditions & also multiple blocks.

In condition block, you can use following variables using different types of operands

● Variables (Table fields)

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● Static value

● Request Parameters

● Session variable

● Function

● System defined variable

● Server defined variables

Example :


Session : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode, vGroupName, eStatus



Color Code

1. Variable

Here , if you have set color picker to particular variable then you can use it in this section.

How to set color picker to variable ?

Add/Update form -> field setting -> set type color picker (describe it in later)

2. Static

When you select this code , you can see color box from where you can set color that you


Apply Color

1. Row : Apply color for Row

2. Cell : Apply color for Cell

For example:

If you want to highlight Row if gender is Male/Female

Row-wise (Condition Configuration)

You need to just select variable (field name - Gender here) , Match with its value using Type & Operator

,Select static for giving color code & apply color in “Row”.

Basic Overview Documentation | 77 of 277

Admin panel effect

For example:

If you want to highlight Cell if gender is Male/Female

Cell-wise (Color Configuration)

Admin Panel effect

Show Left Panel Search

It will allow you to add “Left Panel Search” for multiple fields.

It will allow you to search gender-wise,status-wise,price-wise etc..

Basic Overview Documentation | 78 of 277

It will allow you to select multiple fields from dropdown. (Table fields). It will add block below which

contains Display name, Field Order, Data order , Data Set , Range

1 → Display Name

It will show you name of selected fields

2 → Field order

If you are using multiple fields for search then it will allow you to sort by field order.(Which type

of search you want to show on top in left search panel)

3 → Data Order

It will allow you to show result in ASC/DESC order

4 → Data Set

1. Existing

● It will be applicable only for that value which exists in records. According your records,

it will show in left search panel

● For example :

● If you have gender field with Male & Female value. If your records have only “Female”

value , then it will show only female with no of records in left panel.

● It will not show you “Male with 0 records”

2. Reference

● It will be applicable for all values of field

● For example :

● If you have gender field with Male & Female value. If your records have only “Female”

value , then it will show only female with no of records in left panel.

● It will show you “Male with 0 records”

Basic Overview Documentation | 79 of 277

5 → Range

It is applicable only for integer value in which we can set Minimum and Maximum range.

Just check the checkbox & you will see one block in which you can set ranges as per your wish.

Now shown below screen is how it looks in Admin

1 → You can Show/Hide left search panel

You can see search by Gender and Age with no of records. We have used Data Set = Reference , So here

, you can see “Female” with 0 records.

If you use Data Set = Existing , then you can’t see “Female”.

Filter Settings

It will allow you to filter data. If you want to show specific conditionally data in listing then you can set.

If you want to use PHP function then you can define it here also.

Note :

1) PHP Function will be considered as a high priority than Value.

2) If date format is selected you can pass single date if the Operator is equal, not equal, greater, greater

or equal, less, less or equal.

Example:- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Other than that for date format you can pass like below format

Example:- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

3) If you want to return values from the PHP function then it should be in below format.

Example:- array("India","Srilanka")

For example: if you want to see data of age = 12

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Printing Records

It allows you to print records.

It displays available table fields. You can also change printing layout if required.

It also provides different Editor theme . If you want to preview your code then you can preview the code


If you want to do some custom code, then they provide syntax helper for

1. Variable Help

2. If-Else Condition

3. Section & Foreach Loop

4. Calling general function

5. Key / Value Pair

For Example:

If you want to enter the fields then specify the field with it's alias name in between "<%" and "%>"

symbols with "$data" prefix.

Basic Overview Documentation | 81 of 277

Example : <%$data['admin_name']%>

If you want to display a label in different language then use Display label in specified field with following


Example : <%$this->lang->line('ADMIN_NAME')%>

Basic Overview Documentation | 82 of 277

Default Sorting

It allows you to add default sorting of your listing page. Select particular field from dropdown. You can

do multiple sorting. It allows you to do sorting Asc/Desc. You can change order by drag & drop particular

field also.

Admin panel :

Add to Bulk Email

It allows you to add this module in Bulk email list. If you add it to bulk email, then it will be added in

bulk email section at admin part. From where you can send bulk email using specific email templates

Admin → Resources → Bulk email → Module will be added in “Send to” dropdown.

For example

If You have “User” module and you want to send bulk email to all users of user module. Just select this

Basic Overview Documentation | 83 of 277

checkbox & you will see this module in “Admin → Resources → Bulk email → Module will be added in

‘Send to’ dropdown”.

Track Navigation

It allows you to track your module record(Enable/Disable). We have discussed earlier about “Navigation

log” at bottom left corner.

Grouping Records

It allows you to show your listing by group. When you select checkbox , it will show settings for

Grouping (header , total , separation tag). Here , select group field (it’s Gender here).

Grouping Header

Set Grouping header , {0} (will be your value) , separation tag between grouping header & total.

Grouping Title

Set Grouping total for title of no of records , {1} (will be your value) , end separation tag.

Show Summary

It will allow you to Hide/Show summary

Show Column

The field which we have used for Grouping, it will not see in Listing. If you want to see in listing then

just select it.

Group Order

It will allow you to show listing Asc/Desc order

See below screen,how it looks in listing at Admin panel

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Expand Grid Listing

It allows you to expand sub grid for a record for showing extra information. You can see multiple records

in expandable grid related to specific record.

You need to set relation over there .

For example :

We have Country module & we want to expand country with its Multiple State details

Configuration settings:

Select module that you want to relate with your current module. We have Country module, so we have

selected state module here. Then, just give foreign key relation.

Extra condition is applicable for “where” Condition. (Syntax we have defined earlier / Check help text).

Allow Editing

This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

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It will allow you to edit records.


This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

It will allow you to print records.

Admin preview

Here , you can expand your country grid listing by + sign. You will see state listing grid country-wise

with its own grid. You can add,delete, change status , search states with pagination.

You can also do inline editing of State details. If you are trying to change unique field of state details & if

it is already exist then it will not allow you to edit & show you validations for duplication. Here “State-

Code” is unique field. The configuration set for State module will be reflected in the sub grid.

Expand Detail View

It allows you to expand grid for showing detailed information for specific record. It is not for multiple

records showing in grid. It’s only for single detailed information.

You need to set relation over there .

For example :

We have State module & we want to show its country details as its detail view

Configuration settings:

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Select module that you want to relate with your current module. We have State module, so we want to

relate it to Country module here. Then, just give foreign key relation.

Extra condition is applicable for “where” Condition. (Syntax we have defined earlier / Check help text).

HTML Layout

It will allow you to change HTML layout. When you click on “Details” link, it will show you page where

you can change layout (we have seen it before in “Print” option).If you want to remove any field then you

can remove it from html. It will reflect on Admin side.

Allow Editing

This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

It will allow you to edit records.


This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

It will allow you to print records.

Admin preview

Here , you can expand your State grid listing. You will see state-wise country details.

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You can do inline editing of country details. If you are trying to change unique field of country details &

if it is already exist then it will not allow you to edit & show you validations for duplication. Here

“Country -Code” is unique field.

Deletion Settings

If you want to relate deletion settings with another module then you can do it easily using this property.

If parent is deleted then child will be automatically deleted.

For example:

if you delete any category, then products related to this category should be automatically deleted.

Configuration settings

You can relate multiple modules to current modules. Then, just give foreign key relation.

Extra condition is applicable for “Where “ Condition. (Syntax we have defined earlier / Check help text).

Now, when you delete category , it will delete all its products.

Here, we will move to next part of Listing page.

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Fields Display Types in“Display In”

1 → Display In

At top position , you can show different color code. You can assign any field to this color code status. Just

select field & click on that particular link for color code.

1. All

● If you want to show field in all section. (List , grid , print , query)

2. Grid Only

● If you want to show field in Grid section only.

3. View Only

● If you want to show field in View section only not in list, But if you want to view in

detail view only.

4. Print Only

● If you want to show field in print section only not in list or view.

5. Query Only

● If you want to use field in query parameters section only.

Same thing, you can do it in another way. From field setting (highlighted “setting” icon in First name

field in the following screenshot), “Settings → Display In → Select type” . We will see other properties


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Common Properties

2 → Common Properties

If you have more than one fields which have common settings, then you can save settings of those fields

at same time. There is no need to do one by one for every field. Just select fields & click on “Common

Properties” link

For example :

You have “first name” & “last name”. Both should have same settings, then you can use this option.

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Here , you can see “Right Panel” where you can save settings for both fields at a time. We will describe

all properties in right panel later on.

Formatter Function

3 → Formatter Function

If you want to format a field then follow below rules:-

1. Write formatter function's definition from Formatter Function link.

2. From Setting icon → Settings (right panel) → Check this ‘formatter required’ checkbox.

3. Provide function name of formatter into textbox.

Table Field Section

Now, we will move to table fields part of listing section

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Select Table Fields

1 → Main table , Alias , its fields

You can see Main Table & its table fields. It will show you Table Alias besides of Table name.

2 → Relational table , Alias , its fields

You can see Relational table & its table fields. It will show you Table Alias besides of Table name.

For example :

user_details (ud) // Alias is ud

login_details (ld) // Alias is ld

If you want to show field in listing page, then just click on “+” sign. It will be added in your listing page

at right side. If you want to remove it from listing then click on “-” sign.

At right side, you can see field listing , it will show in your listing at Admin.

How to manage Custom Fields?

3 → Custom Fields

If you want to add any static field or want to do any custom query then you can use this field

It will show you 2 field types

1. Text

2. Query

When you click on “Custom fields”, field will be added at right side. You can select field type over there.

Field Type → Text

For example : If you want to show link “View Products” in category listing & it will redirect to its

product module & show listing.

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Just select “Custom Field” & it will be added in listing field. Now select field type “Text”.

Now enter your Column title , Display in query (for this, it is static link label)

Click on setting icon of that field & it will show you right panel for extra settings.

Select “Edit Link” & it will show you 2 options

1. Same Module

If you don’t want to redirect to another module & want to use current module only, then you can

use this option. It will allow to edit that specific record only for same module.

2. Custom - Link Settings

If you want to redirect to another module, then you can use this option.

Click on “Link Setting” link & it will show you popup.

Basic Overview Documentation | 93 of 277

Module / Custom → Select type if its Module or Custom.

Module : If you want to another module then select it.

Custom : If you want to add any internal / external link then you can use it.

Custom Module Link → Enter the Custom Link here.

Syntax Help

For Example:

External Link : (OR)

Internal Link : you can also give internal link like dashboard link. You can enter url here.

IF "Settings" is Module Name, and want to send Some parameters then you may enter like this

Project Module Link : Settings|Type|Appearance

You can pass parameters like :

Example 1 : parameters (a=1&b=2&c=.... etc)

Example 2 :

Example 3 : Modulename|extra parameters (Brand|nokia|Type|touch...... etc)

Check the drop-down beside to "Add Block" button for field names and their alias names

Module Name → Select module name on which you want to redirect.

Module Page → On which page you want to redirect

1. Listing

2. Add

Basic Overview Documentation | 94 of 277

3. Update

Open Page → How do you want to open page ,

1. In New Page

2. In Same Page

3. In Popup

Request Variable → Select if it is Custom / Variable

● Variable

○ If you choose “Variable” then you will see all fields in next dropdown of current module

& also of another module. Just select whatever you want for relation

● Custom

Need to describe

Static / Variable → You need to select Variable type. It will show you different types of variables

Static, Variable, Session, Request, Server, System

According your selection , you need to set value in “Listing Field”

Apply Condition → If you want to add any condition then you can add condition here. You can add

multiple conditions here & define condition type too. (AND/OR)

It will allow you to set different types of operands

● variables (Table fields)

● Static value

● Request Parameters

● Session variable

● Function

● System defined variable

● Server defined variables

Basic Overview Documentation | 95 of 277

If "Operand Type " is equal to "Request" then

Example : status, project_name, category_name

If "Operand Type " is equal to "Session" then

Example : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode, vGroupName, eStatus

If "Operand Type " is equal to "Server" then


If "Operand Type " is equal to "System" then


If "Operand Type" is equal to "Function" then you should follow these instructions.

If your function is "General defined" function then it should be declared in following path




file as like below

function phpFunctionName($dataArr=array(), $id='') {

// do your code

// return your modified "$value"


Admin Side View of configuration of Product listing (Field Type = Text):

Basic Overview Documentation | 96 of 277

When you click on “View Products” , it will redirect to product listing page & it will show products of

specific category not all products. Shown below is product listing page

Field Type → Query

For example : If you want to show “Count Of Products” on Category listing page then we can do it using

query type.

Enter your query :

For example:

select count(*) from product where iCategoryid = c.iCategoryid

Admin side Listing view :

Basic Overview Documentation | 97 of 277

4 → Display Name

It will show you Column Title which you can see at Admin listing page. If you want to modify it then

you can do it.

5 → Display in Query

It will show you field name which will be used in all queries. If you want to modify it then you can do it.

6 → Alias Name

It will show you alias name . If you want to modify it then you can do it.

7 → Sorting

It will allow to use this specific field in sorting at Admin listing page. If you uncheck the checkbox, it

will remove sorting feature for this field.

8 → Searching

It will allow to use this specific field in searching at Admin listing page. If you uncheck the checkbox, it

will remove searching feature for this field.

9 → Width

It will allow to set width (in pixels) of specific field in Admin listing page. If you set width using

dragging feature from listing page then width value will be added in this field.

10 → Alignment

It will allow to set alignment of specific field in Admin listing page.

Left , Center , Right

● Sort Fields (Drag field & set order)

○ You can set order of fields by drag & drop feature

● Setting

Basic Overview Documentation | 98 of 277

○ It will show you panel at right side from where we can manage extra setting field wise

(See in more detail later)

● Delete

○ Delete specific field from listing

Setting Field Specific Properties


Basic Overview Documentation | 99 of 277

Display Table Fields

1 → Display Name

It will show Column Title which will be displayed at listing page.

2 → Display in Query

It will show field name which will be used in queries.

You can write "Mysql" pre-defined function as below.

Example :

1. CONCAT(tablename.vFirstName,tablename.vLastName)

2. UPPER(tablename.vFirstName)

3. LOWER(tablename.vFirstName)

3 → SQL Function

You can specify "SQL Function" as below.

For example,

1. DATE_FORMAT( %q% , '%Y-%m-%d')

NOTE : %q% will be replaced automatically by the value specified in Display In Query.

Basic Overview Documentation | 100 of 277

4 → Alias Name

It will show Alias name here.

5 → PHP Function

● It will show you “PHP Defined” & “General Defined” function list (Functions will be coming in


Syntax Help

If your function is "PHP defined" function then it will perform operation on fetched data.

If your function is "System defined" function then you can see that function code in "Utiltity" →

"Function List" Section

If your function is "General defined" function then it should be declared in following path




File as like below

function phpFunctionName($value='',$id='',$dataArr=array()){

// do your code

// return your modified "$value"


6 → Date Format

It allows you to use different types of Date Format. It is applicable only for Date field.

You can specify “PHP Date Formats”.

For example:

1. Y-m-d

2. Y-m-d H:i:s

3. F j, Y

4. F j, Y ( h:i:s )

Settings & Value Properties

1 → Default Sorting

It will allow you to set default sorting (ASC / DESC) for specific field.

Basic Overview Documentation | 101 of 277

2 → Sorting

It will allow you to sort (ASC / DESC) for specific field. You can Enable/Disable sorting at listing page.

By default it’s Enabled.

3 → Searching

It will allow you to search for specific field. You can Enable/Disable searching at listing page.

By default it’s Enabled.

4 → Width

It will allow you to set column width in pixels. If you set column width by dragging column at admin side

, that value will save here.

5 → Alignment

It will allow you to set alignment of column value here . It can be Left , Center , Right.

6 → Display In

It will allow you where you want to show specific field.

All , Grid Only , View Only , Print Only , Query Only (we have discussed earlier).

7 → Edit Link

It will allow you to add “edit link” in listing page.

● Same Module

○ It will add “edit link” in listing page for same module. If you click on that link, it will

allow you to edit records

● Custom module

○ It will add “Internal / External link” in listing page OR add link to redirect to another


○ We have discussed it earlier

8 → Hide Column

It will allow you to hide specific column field in listing page.

It will also allow you to show/hide column if condition apply. You can add condition here on-click on

Basic Overview Documentation | 102 of 277

“Hide Setting” link.

For example : if you want to show Price column only if admin is logged in not for users. So you can

check condition through session variable here.

9 → Allow In-Line Editing

It will allow you to edit records in-line. By default is enabled.

10 → Add to Left Panel search

It will be enabled only if 'show left panel search' at the top is checked.

You can add specific field to left panel search that we have discussed earlier.

11 → Add to Bulk Email

It will allow you to select specific field for bulk email.. (We have discussed it earlier)

For example : In user module , there are so many fields in module but do not want to use all fields. You

just need Email field then you can select specific field from here.

12 → Multilingual

It allows you to add specific field for MultiLingual. It’s not required to add all fields in for MultiLingual.

So here, we can choose specific field.

If your project is Multilingual & your field is added in “Lang Table” , then you can see this field property

in settings.

It will be enabled only if you have add your table fields in “Lang Table”. You can see button at the

bottom of fields “Add To Lang Table”. Then , it will be enabled in your field setting.

13 → Grand Summary

It allows you to show grand summary/total. When you check this , you will see configuration box over


Basic Overview Documentation | 103 of 277

1 → Grand Operations

It will show you different types of operations

1. Count

2. Sum

3. Average

4. Max

5. Min

2 → Grand Text

You can define Grand text label/ title with its format.

format : Label, Currency sign , {0} - means it will be your value ,

3 → Extra calc

It will allow you to select extra Tax/Vat/Discount settings which you can see from Admin side (Settings

→ Prices).

4 → Final Text

Now you can set final text title with its format.

format : Label, Currency sign , {0} - means it will be your value ,

For example :

If you have ‘products’ module & if you want to show total of price using vat then you can do it.

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Admin Side view :

14 → Group Summary

When you use “Grouping Records” property & display listing Group-wise. If you want to add “Group

summary” for grouping records then you can do it.

It allows you to show group summary. When you check this , you will see configuration box over there.

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1 → Group Operations

It will show you different types of operations

1. Count

2. Sum

3. Average

4. Max

5. Min

2 → Group Text

You can define Group text label/ title with its format.

format : Label, Separation , {0} - means it will be your value , end separation

For Example:

We have show user listing using Grouping By Gender (Male/Female).

Now each user has age record. Now you want to show “Average age of Male & Average age of Female“

(Based on Group).

Configuration for “Grouping Records”

Basic Overview Documentation | 106 of 277

Group Summary configuration of “Age Field”

Now, we will see listing at Admin . It will show you Grouping Gender - Wise and also you can see

average age for Male / Female.

15 → Image / File

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It will allow you to show image thumbnail in listing.

If are using any image/file & want to show image thumbnail then you have to check this property

otherwise it will show image name only.

Now, we want to show image thumbnail in listing. then select this field property.

you will see below screen

1 → Inline

It will allow you to show image thumb or “view” link.

If you don’t check it then it will show you link “view” , Onclick of this you will see image in popup

Basic Overview Documentation | 108 of 277

2 → File Server

It will allow you to select file server type . It has 3 options

1. Local : It uses its own server

2. Custom : If you want to use other server

3. Amazone : if you want to use amazon s3 bucket

3 → Folder Name

Here , you have to set folder name which is used for images. This folder name must be same in

“Add/update form” also that we will see later.

4 → Folder (ID Wise)

You need to select unique field (Primary key) for differentiate image per category

5 → Image Width

It will allow you to define image width

6 → Image Height

It will allow you to define image height

See below screen in which we have done configuration to view thumbnail in category listing

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Admin listing page :

16 → Expand Row

It allows you to expand row for showing detail information for Specific Column.

It is same as “Expand Grid View” & “Expand Detail View” feature that we have discussed earlier.

When you select this property , it will show you below screen

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17 → Format Required

If you want to format a field then follow below rules (We have discussed it earlier)

1. Write formatter function's definition from Formatter Function link.

2. From Setting icon → Settings (right panel) → Check this ‘formatter required’ checkbox.

3. Provide function name of formatter into textbox.

Now, all properties are done. Just Configure it & Click on “Update & Next “ button.

It will redirect you in “Add/Update Form” Section that we will see brief in “Admin Management

Part-2 (Add/Update Form)”.

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3.2 Admin Configuration Part – 2

Table Content

Add/Update Form Configuration


X - Editable Form

Unique Field

Switch To Field

Before Event

After Event

Delete Event

Detail View

Relation Modules

Custom JS File (How to add JS file?)

Custom CSS File (How to add CSS File ?)


Copy Settings

Common Settings

Show Details

Field Recognition By Color Code

How to add Static field ?

How to add Custom field ?





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Add/Update Form Configuration Here , It allows you to configure Add/Update form that you have seen in Admin Panel. It’s Default

Screen for Add/Update form.

Two Part

1. Module Level Settings

2. Field Level Settings


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Primary Key

1 → Primary Key

It shows you Primary Key of your Main table which you have used while creating module

X - Editable Form

2 → X - Editable Form

It shows you only view format of Update form. It doesn’t show any controls in update form (Like textbox

, dropdown etc..). You can edit records only onclick of records.

Below update form screen without selection X-Editable Form property

After selection X-Editable Form property, see below screen

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Unique Field

3 → Unique Field

It allows you to set multiple “Unique Field” for specific module with "AND" / "OR".

Unique field is used for preventing duplicate entries.

For example:

If you want to set unique field validation for more than one field.

Please check either "AND" or "OR" .

➢ "AND" is used for all unique fields data matching in the table.

○ Eg: vUsername = 'demo' AND vEmail = '[email protected]'

➢ "OR" is used for either of unique fields data matching in the table.

○ Eg: vUsername = 'demo' OR vEmail = '[email protected]'

Switch To Field

4 → Switch To Field

It allows you to switch to different records in update form. You don’t need to go listing page and select

another record to update. You can manage it in update form.

You need to just select any field by which you can switch to different records. It allows you to select

multiple fields also.

For Example :

For country module , there are lots of country records. If you want to update records, then see below

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In Update form , shown below screen

If you select Multiple field in switch field then ,

See at Admin update form , you will see “Country field with country code”

Before Event

5 → Before Event

It allows you to fire execute action event using function before particular event (Add / Update / Both).

Just need to define function name. Functions will be coming in autocomplete.

It gives 3 options for when you want to active this event.

1. Both → For both add/Update action.

2. Add → For Add action only.

3. Update → For Update action only.

For Example :

Send mail notification before adding category with category name.

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Create PHP Function for sending mail notification for category

Define this function name at before event property

Now when you add category, this action will be executed & notification will be sent before adding

category. You will get notification mail.

After Event

6 → After Event

It allows you to execute any action event using function After particular event(Add / Update / Both). Just

need to define function name. Functions will be coming in autocomplete.

Same like “Before Event”. Difference is only that it will be executed after event.

It gives 3 options for when you want to active this event.

4. Both → For both add/Update action.

5. Add → For Add action only.

6. Update → For Update action only.

For Example :

Send mail notification after adding category with category name.

Create PHP Function for sending mail notification for category

Basic Overview Documentation | 117 of 277

Define this function name at after event property

Now when you add category, this action will be executed & notification will be sent after category is

added. You will get notification mail.

Delete Event

7 → Delete Event

It allows you to execute any action event using function on particular DELETE event.

Just need to define function name. Functions will be coming in autocomplete.

For Example :

Send notification mail if category is deleted with category name.

Create PHP Function for sending mail notification On Delete of category

Basic Overview Documentation | 118 of 277

Define function name on delete event

Now when you delete category, this action will be executed & notification will be sent after category is

deleted. You will get notification mail.

Detail View

8 → Detail View

It allows you to add detailed view on top of the Add/Update Page. It is for showing single detailed view.

We have seen same feature for listing page. It’s same like that but only for Add/Update form.

For Example :

If you have “State” module & on its add/update form, you want to show its country details on top of the

page. Then you can show using this property.

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Select module that you want to relate with your current module.

Then, just give foreign key relation.

Extra condition is applicable for “where” Condition. (Syntax we have defined earlier / Check help text).

HTML Layout

It will allow you to change HTML layout. When you click on “Details” link, it will show you page where

you can change layout (we have seen it before in “Print” option). If you want to remove any field then

you can remove it from html. It will reflect on Admin side.

Allow Editing

This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

It will allow you to edit records.


This is applicable only for generated admin panel not for engine.

It will allow you to print records.

Admin side view

Relation Modules

9 → Relation Modules

It allows you to create relation between parent & child. It allows you to add multiple child module

relations and show it in different ways.

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➢ Select modules for relation.

➢ Define relation using Foreign key.

➢ Give Extra condition (Applicable for where condition only).

➢ Delete record → If parent is deleted then child is also deleted.

➢ Add more → Shows “Add more” button for adding records.

➢ Add Popup → Shows popup while adding record.

➢ Display Tab → Shows relation module in different Tab in Add/Update form. If it is selected then

layout options will be disabled.

➢ Layout → 2 types of view (Applicable when Tab is disabled)

■ Block view

■ Table View

➢ print → Allows you to print records (applicable for generated code).

For Example :

Category is parent module & you want to add child relation for product then you can do it easily with this.

Also you can Add/ Update / Delete records.

3 Different View

1. Tab View

2. Block View

3. Table View

Tab View

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Block View

Here , you can see block view & you can see related products with CRUD operations.

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Table View

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Add New Category & its Related New Products

Custom JS File (How to add JS file?)

10 → Custom JS File (Add JS File)

It allows you to add your own custom Js files.

How to add js in Add/Update form ? Let us see

For Example

If you want to call js onclick of any button/link in Add/Update form , then you can do it.

You can show any button/link calling by function. Just take any custom field & call php function from


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Create PHP Function

Now , Add custom field and define PHP function name that we have defined

Now , Add JS & define function there which is called onclick of button/link

Basic Overview Documentation | 125 of 277

Now , Go to add/update form

Custom CSS File (How to add CSS File ?)

11 → Custom CSS File (Add CSS File)

It allows you to add your own custom CSS files for Add/Update form.

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You can see 3 different settings

1. Copy Settings

2. Common Settings

3. Show Details

Copy Settings

1 → Copy Settings

It allows you to copy field settings from another specific field. You can copy settings from specific field

to multiple fields. Just select fields which you want to copy to.

It also allows you to select which settings you want to copy.

Common Settings

2 → Common Settings

If you want to set common settings of multiple fields then you can apply settings at same time.No need to

do one by one for each field.

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Show Details

3 → Show Details

It will show you Table name & field name.

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Field Recognition By Color Code

You can recognize field by color code if it is Hidden/Static/Relation/Custom/Module Field.

How to add Static field ?

Add New Static Field

It allows you to add static field in your Add/Update form.

If you want to show label in Add/Update form , then you can do it using this property.

For Example :

We want to show heading “CATEGORY DETAILS” on category Add/Update form.

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After adding static field, just click on Update button. then you can see “setting icon” for static field.It

allows you to change order sequence of static field.

● In setting panel of static field , you can see different properties.

● Show Input On → where you want to display this field on Add / Update form OR both.

● Unique Name → show you unique name of static field & also allow to modify it.

● HTML Content → enter your HTML content here.

After saving static field setting , you will see “Pink” color code that we have discussed earlier.

Admin Side View

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How to add Custom field ?

Add Custom Field (Button)

It allows you to add new custom field. After adding , update settings and then you can see settings icon

for custom field where you can apply your settings (we will discuss settings later).


In below screen , you can see Field Wise Settings, There are some General settings & middle portion is

changed BASED on selected TYPE.

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Now, we discuss “General Common Settings” first. The settings which are changed based on TYPE that

we will discuss later.


1 → DB Field

It will show you Table name with Field name.

2 → Unique Name

It will show you Unique Name of specific field. If you want to modify it then it allows to do.

3 → Display Name

It allows you to change display name of field which will be shown in Add/Update form.

4 → Type

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It provides different field types. You can select it based on your field. It will show different settings based

on selected type.

For example : Textbox , Textarea , Password , Radio buttons and more that we will discuss later in brief.

5 → Validations

It provides different types of validations based on selected type. There is no need to add separate

validations for field. Just select here & it will apply. It allows you to select multiple validations for each

field. If you want to set your own validation message then you can do it .

Different types of Validations:

Requires , Email , Number , Zip Code , IP Address , Min-Max Range , Min-Max Length , Date , Digits ,

URL , Alpha with space , Alpha Num with space , Alpha without space , Alpha Num without space , Date

greater than , Date less than , Date equal to , Date greater equal , Date less equal etc.

For Example :

If you want to validate field for “Email” then just need to select validations for Required & Email.

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6 → PHP Functions

It provides you to add default PHP Functions OR you can use your own custom functions here.

Functions will be coming in autocomplete.

It has 2 Function Return Type

1. Value Only

a. It will show value as input value of particular field.

b. For Example : for description field , you want to add static description using function.We

have created “add_default_desc” function and return value is “This is our new & latest

Basic Overview Documentation | 135 of 277


Admin side view:

2. Whole Input

a. It will take whole value as input not as input value. It will replace whole input with return


b. For Example : for description field , you want to add static description using function.We

have created “add_default_desc” function and return value is “This is our new & latest


Admin side view:

Basic Overview Documentation | 136 of 277

7 → Show Input On

It allows you to show input field on Add / Update / Both or as Hidden field. If you want to make field

Hidden then it allows you.

8 → View Only (In Update)

It allows to make field “View Only” in Update form only. (Yes /No)

If you don’t want to edit specific field in Update form then you can do it.

For Example

While editing category details , you don’t want to allow update category name, then select ‘Yes’ for view


9 → Default Value

It allows you define Default value for specific field based on Default Value Type you have selected.

For Example :

If you want to set current date for added-date field , then you can use “NOW()” as default value and type

will be MySQL.

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Admin side view :

It allows you to set Default Value using Different Default Value Type.

1. Text → considered as normal text

2. MySQL → considered as Mysql pre-defined function or Mysql query

3. Request → considered as Request variables

4. Server → considered as Server defined variables

5. Session → considered as session variable

6. System → considered as system defined variable

For Example :

Text : Active, No

Mysql : CURDATE(), NOW() or SELECT iAdminId FROM `admin` WHERE iAdminId =

"{%REQUEST.admin_id%}" LIMIT 1

Basic Overview Documentation | 138 of 277


Session : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode, vGroupName, eStatus



10 → Enable Conditional Coding

You can Show/Hide specific fields based on condition. It allows you to add multiple fields for condition

and also you can add multiple conditions.

Just check this property and add condition settings.

For example :

If you have enum field “Options” with image & video value, you want to show image field when image is

selected and show video url when video is selected.

Admin Side View

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11 → Merge Fields Here

It allows you to merge one field with other fields. You can merge maximum 4 fields. It allows you to

change size of fields and see preview how it looks.

For example :

If you want to merge firstname with lastname for User , then you can do it using this.

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Admin side preview

12 → MultiLingual Field

It allows you to add specific field in MultiLingual table for Add/Update form.

13 → Attributes & Value

It allows to add extra html attribute with type.

Attributes should be declared with respect to field property type

For example : readonly , class , Inline CSS , Onchange , Onclick , id , title , tabindex

Example-1 :

Attribute: style

Value : width:250px;margin:5px;

Example-2 :

Attribute: class

Value : input-small

For example :

If you don’t want to allow change price for other user and make it readonly,

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1. Standard Fields

2. Special Fields


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1 → Textbox

It will show you different settings based on “Textbox” type.

It allows you to set size, background color, Max Length , Encrypt Data. (See below screen).

Input Text Case → Uppercase , Lowercase , UCFirst , UCWord.

Apply Input Prefix/Suffix → It allows you to add Prefix/Suffix.

For Example :

Prefix can be Rs , $ etc.

Suffix can be Kg , .00 etc.

Text Placeholder → allow to add default Placeholder text in textbox.

Field Comments → allow to add Help Text (Tooltip).

2 → Textarea

It will show you different settings based on “Textarea” type.

It allows you to set size, background color, Max Length , Encrypt Data, Placeholder Text , Field

Comments , Input Case , Max Count.

Input Length

1. No limit

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2. Words

3. Characters

3 → Password

It will show you different settings based on “Password” type.

It allows you to set password pattern , Re-type password in form , Encrypt password, Placeholder Text ,

Field Comments.

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4 → Radio Buttons

It will show you different settings based on “Radio buttons” type.

It allows you to add field comments , set formatting type.

Formatting type → Horizontal/ Vertical / 2-columns / 3-columns / 4-columns

It provides Option List / Contents which allows you to select “Available Option List” , “Available

Table List” & “Custom PHP Function”.

● Available Option List

○ It shows you predefined option list with its default value.

○ For example

■ Gender (Male/Female)

■ Status (Active / Inactive)

■ Currency

■ Languages

■ Yes / No

■ Enum

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● Available Table List

○ It allows you to populate data from specific table based on its key

○ For Example

■ If you want to show “Category Name” as option list from category table,

Admin Side Preview:

Basic Overview Documentation | 146 of 277

Note : For “Parent - Child” property → See “Dropdown” type for more explanation.

● Custom PHP function

○ It allows you to populate data using Custom PHP function.

○ See “Dropdown” type for more explanation.

5 → Checkboxes

It will show you different settings based on “Checkboxes” type.

You will see same properties of “Radio button” that we have discussed.

It allows you to add field comments , set formatting type.

Formatting type → Horizontal/ Vertical / 2-columns / 3-columns / 4-columns

It provides Option List / Contents which allows you to select “Available Option List” , “Available

Table List” & “Custom PHP Function”. (Same as Radio buttons).

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Admin Side Preview

6 → Dropdown

It will show you different settings based on “Dropdown” type.

It allows you to add field comments , set formatting type.

Formatting type → Horizontal/ Vertical / 2-columns / 3-columns / 4-columns

It provides Option List / Contents which allows you to select “Available Option List” , “Available

Table List” & “Custom PHP Function”.

Available Option List

It shows you predefined option list with its default value.

For example → Gender (Male/Female) , Status (Active / Inactive) , Currency , Languages , Yes / No,


Custom PHP function

It allows you to populate data using Custom PHP function.

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Just need to define your function name overthere. Functions will be coming in autocomplete

t provides other properties: OPT Group , Parent source & extra properties that we will discuss in

“Available Table List “ section of dropdown.

Syntax for function

function dropdownFunctionName($value='',$mode='', $iId='',$dataArr=array()){

// do your code

// if your dropdown is normal then

// return your array like


array("Id" => "1", "Val" => "Option-1"),

array("Id" => "2", "Val" => "Option-2")


// if your dropdown is opt group type then

// return your array like


array("Id" => "1", "Val" => "Option-1","grpVal" => "Group-1"),

array("Id" => "2", "Val" => "Option-1","grpVal" => "Group-1"),

array("Id" => "3", "Val" => "Option-2","grpVal" => "Group-2"),

array("Id" => "4", "Val" => "Option-2","grpVal" => "Group-2"),



Basic Overview Documentation | 149 of 277

Available Table List

It allows you to populate data from specific table based on its key

For example:

You want to show “Category” dropdown in product form. It allows you to show category name (Using

extra condition ‘Applicable for where’ , Set Order By selected field , Set order ASC/DESC , Set

Placeholder text , Set Field Comments ).

If you have so many records in dropdown then it allows you to add “autocomplete search”.

We will discuss later below 3 properties

1. OPT Group

2. Parent - Child

3. Parent - Source

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Set Size → You can set size for dropdown.

Add New Record Functionality → If you want to add new product in category which doesn’t exist in

category module then there is no need to go category module & add category.

You can add new category in product module. So select category module and it will show you icon to add

new record of category.

Add New Record in Popup → It allows you to add new record in Popup / New tab.

Default Required → Yes (Show default message ‘Please select …..’) , No (Show first record as default


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Admin side preview

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Now we discuss remaining 3 properties

1. OPT Group

2. Parent - Child

3. Parent - Source

1. OPT Group

It allows you to show values in dropdown based on selected field in OPT - Group.

For Example :

You want to show categories on the basis of its status (Active / Inactive)

Admin Side preview

Configuration settings

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2. Parent - Child

It allows you to show Parent field with its child field in drop down.

It allows you to show N-Level children with Parent in dropdown.

For Example :

You want to manage category & its sub categories within one category master table and you want

to show categories and its subcategories in dropdown , then you can do it.

Configuration settings

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Admin side preview

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3. Parent - Source

It allows you to show values based on its parent.

For Example :

You have country dropdown and you want to show states based on Country that you have

selected. If you have selected India then you will see states of india only.

Admin Side Preview

Configuration settings

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7 → Multi-Select Dropdown

It will show you different settings based on “Multi-Select dropdown” type.

It allows you to add field comments , set formatting type.

Formatting type → Horizontal/ Vertical / 2-columns / 3-columns / 4-columns

It provides Option List / Contents which allows you to select “Available Option List” , “Available

Basic Overview Documentation | 157 of 277

Table List” & “Custom PHP Function”. (We have discussed all properties in Dropdown section).

For example

If you want to show languages in multi-select dropdown

Admin Side Preview

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8 → Date

It will show you different settings based on “Date” type.

It allows you to set different date format , Enable /Disable date dropdown , set size , add field comments ,

set placeholder text .

Minimum Date & Maximum Date → Specify "Date" Min / Max limits as below.

Default Value, +0::+0::+0 represents today.

For example,

1. +1::+1::+7 represents one year, one month and seven days from today.

2. -1::-1::-7 represents last one year, one month and seven days from today.

9 → Date and Time

It will show you different settings based on “Date and Time” type.

It allows you to set different date and time format , Enable /Disable date-time dropdown , set size , add

field comments , set placeholder text , Maximum/Minimum date limit (as we have discussed above).

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10 → Time

It will show you different settings based on “Time” type.

It allows you to set different time format , Enable /Disable time dropdown , set size , add field comments ,

set placeholder text.

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1 → File

It will show you different settings based on “File” type.

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It allows you to upload any file like image, video etc. You just need to define file type (extensions)

overthere. It allows you to select file server (Local , Amazone , Custom).

It provides the feature of capturing image (through webcam) instead of uploading image. You can capture

it and upload it.

You can specify maximum file size , Permitted file type (Extensions) , height , width.

Here , you have to specify folder name & it must be same with listing page that you have specified for the


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2 → Phone Number

It will show you different settings based on “Phone Number” type.

It allows you to set size, encrypt data and field comments.

Phone Number Format

Example 1 : (999) 999-9999

Example 2 : +40 999 999 999

Example 3 : a*-999-a999

Note :

a - Represents an alpha character (A-Z,a-z)

9 - Represents a numeric character (0-9)

* - Represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z,a-z,0-9)

3 → Autocomplete

It will show you different settings based on “Autocomplete” type.

You can select table from table contents using key and value field.

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For example :

if you enter country name & it will auto search it. You can set Hint text , Default text for searching ,

Result text , no of chars when auto search will start , allow to select multiple values.

Admin Side Preview

See configuration

Basic Overview Documentation | 164 of 277

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4 → Color Picker

It will show you different settings based on “Color Picker” type.

It allows you to add color using color picker. It allows you to set size , max length , allow color preview

or not.

It is very useful when you want to set color at admin.

For example

If you want to set different BG color for each category OR you want to use different color accordingly

color has been set in category.

Admin side preview

Note : we have used “Customized BG color - color settings” in listing form but we have skipped

“Color code = variable”. Now see below,

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In color settings , we can use variable “color” that we have defined here and based on this color variable ,

BG color will be reflected at admin side.

For example :

We have set “Color” field in category module. Now , when status is Active/ Inactive, use BG color which

is defined in each category.

Admin side preview

5 → Rating Master

It will show you different settings based on “Rating Master” type.

It allows you to set Ratings in your form. You can set numbers of stars , size of stars , types of start (Bulb

/ Star) , allow half star rating or not , option for clear rating.

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Admin side preview

6 → Code / Markup Field

It will show you different settings based on “Code / Markup Field” type.

It is just syntax highlighter. It allows you to add CSS / HTML / Javascript / XML code.


It will show you different settings based on “WYSIWYG” type.

It allows you to set size, height , add field comments , toolbar (Basic / Advanced) , resizing of toolbar.

For example :

You can use this type for description field etc.

Basic Overview Documentation | 168 of 277

Admin side preview

8 → Google Maps

It will show you different settings based on “Google Maps” type.

It allows you to add Google Map and set Map height and size. You just need to map fields for Latitude

and Longitude.

Basic Overview Documentation | 169 of 277

Admin Side Preview

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4) API Configuration

Table of Contents

API Configuration

Details of Button Bar

Listing Grid

How to add new API ?

Detail Page

Configuration Page

Examples for more understanding

Select WS without params

Select WS with params

Select WS with Start-End loop & Custom function

Select WS with Notification Email

WS with Push Notification




Basic Overview Documentation | 171 of 277

API Configuration When you go “Web service List” from Navigation, you will see below default screen.

It allows you to configure API / Web Services based on modules and database.

You can see default web service “admin_list” also there. First, we will take review of default screen and

then move on to “Details | Configuration” part of web service.

Details of Button Bar

Add New → allows you to add new web service. (See in detailed later)

Delete → allows you to delete web service.

Active → allows you to change status (Active) of selected web service.

Inactive → allows you to change status (Inactive) of selected web service.

Show All → shows you all web services in listing.

Copy WS → allows you to copy web service from same or other projects. When you select any web

service, it will show you details of flow which is used in specific web service.

If you copy from different project, the corresponding tables also get copied along with the WS.

Quick CRUD Add→ allows you to create 5 default CRUD WS automatically based on already

created module settings. (You will get idea for WS in “Add New WS & Configure It” section in

Basic Overview Documentation | 172 of 277

brief) .

It allows you to set Input and Output parameters. Based on these parameter settings , it will create WS.

So if you want to create CRUD WS then it will automatically generate WS in one click.

5 Default CRUD Web Services

1. CRUD_select_tablename


2. CRUD_sel_id_tablename


3. CRUD_insert_tablename

a. It will create INSERT WS.

4. CRUD_update_tablename

a. It will create UPDATE WS.

5. CRUD_delete_tablename

a. It will create DELETE WS.

Just select table and select module.

Basic Overview Documentation | 173 of 277

When you select module , its related tables defined in module will be reflected here with applied


For example :

We have created “Product” module using “category”table relation. So when you select “Product” module

, it will show you related “category” table overthere.

Whatever field we have used from “category” , it will be selected in params. If you have set any field as

default sorting then it will be reflected here.

If you have set any “Unique field” , “Group By condition” , “Validations” , settings for image file and

more in your “Product” module , then it will create WS based on this settings.

You can also modify this settings further.

See below screen of Admin module & Quick CRUD ADD after selecting “Product” module.

Basic Overview Documentation | 174 of 277

Basic Overview Documentation | 175 of 277

Now, “Generate” CRUD ws and see web service list. You will see 5 default WS generated by

CRUD. You can modify these WS further. (You will get idea for WS in “Add New WS &

Configure It” section).

See “crud_insert_product” ,

Detail screen

Configuration screen

Basic Overview Documentation | 176 of 277

See settings for “Unique Field” in Admin

Now , go Quick CRUD Add” list, It will show you numbers of WS with specific table.

For example : we have created 5 default WS for “Product” table. Then you can show “Table name with

numbers of WS generated” in table list on Quick CRUD add page.

Basic Overview Documentation | 177 of 277

If you want to generate WS for “Product” table again then you can do it.

Name of the WS will be appended with Version number like “crud_insert_product_v1”.

Now, See below screen where we have selected “crud_insert_product” WS for Overwriting. So it will be

overwritten by exist one.

We have disabled checkboxes for “Update & Delete”. So again , it will not create WS for update and


It will show you new generated WS for “Select and Sel_id” ws with version no and also existing one.

Now, click on “generate” button for generating new WS again.

Basic Overview Documentation | 178 of 277

See webservice list now,

Now , go to “Quick CRUD Add” page ,

you can see change in “Table name with numbers of WS generated” in table list on Quick CRUD add

Basic Overview Documentation | 179 of 277


Upload On FTP → If you have added any remote server details and marked it as “default” server (from

project management → Remote Server List ) , then you will get option to upload code of all web services

directly on default remote server.

If you don’t make any remote server as “default” server , then it will not show you this upload feature.

Download Code → download code of all web services with latest configuration in zip file.

Update Code → update all web service with latest configuration & open new window where you can see

all web services of your project. (One type of console).

Search By → allows you to search any web service.

Listing Grid

Web Service Name → shows you web service name.

WS Management → allows you to add details in WS and configure it. (Describe it later in Add New WS


FTP → If you have added any remote server details and marked it as “default” server (from project

management → Remote Server List ) , then you will get option to upload specific web service code

directly on default remote server.

Basic Overview Documentation | 180 of 277

If you don’t make any remote server as “default” server , then it will not show you this upload feature.

Download → allows you to download WS code.

Update → update web service with latest configuration.

Status → shows you WS status.

Now we will see how to add new WS & its configurations.

How to add new API ?

Add New API (WS) & Configure It

Detail Page

See below default screen for Add New WS (Detail Page)

Web service Name → allows you to specify WS name.

WS Function → automatically takes function name based on WS name.

WS Generate → allows you to add WS internal & external as well.

1. Engine : allows to use internal WS

2. External : allows to use predefined WS using external option. You just need to

define your WS url and add parameters as per your WS.

Main Operation → allows you to select main operation of your WS (Select / Insert / Update / Delete).

WS Method → allows you to select method (GET / POST / BOTH).

WS Generate → allows you to add multiple parameters and allow to set validations. You can modify

default validation message. If your project is multilingual then you can set validation message for

different languages as well.

Input Parameters → allows you to add multiple parameters in your web service

For Example :

Basic Overview Documentation | 181 of 277

You want to create Web service for getting category details.

Configuration Page

Next page → Configuration Page

● Now you will be redirected on configuration page of WS. You just need to configure WS using

flow chart structure.

● It will show your WS URL on configuration page. you can execute WS and also debug it.

● It provides different controllers to create flow chart of WS.

○ It allows you to start flow ,add Query , Push notification , Notification mail , multiple

conditions , allow to start loop , allow to end loop , allow to add custom PHP function

and end flow. Just click on this button and specific flow tag will be added in your WS

then , configure it and save settings. It will be done.

● It provides flow checker as bulb icon that gives you green signal when flow is correct.

It checks WS is ready to execute or not. If flow has any error then it will show you with the help

of ‘help text’ .

● You can add any web service (whole WS / its specific flow used in it) in another WS. So it

allows you to copy specific block.

● See below default configuration screen

Basic Overview Documentation | 182 of 277

Examples for more understanding

Select WS without params

Configuration for getting category details WS (Select WS without params)

Just prepare your steps (flow) to get category data. we will see the use of Start (set by default), Query ,

Add conditions & finish controller here

1. Start the flow. (Set by default)

2. Add query and configure it.

3. Check if data is null or exist.

4. Finish the flow

a. if data is null then no records.

b. if data is exist then success.

Start from 2nd step (Add query)

Basic Overview Documentation | 183 of 277

After configuring this block, you must have to save settings and go to next block “Select table fields”

where you can select fields that you want to send in response.

Save settings and go to next block “where condition tables” where you can specify extra condition which

is applicable for ‘where’.

For example : we want to get data for ‘Active’ category only.

Basic Overview Documentation | 184 of 277

Save settings and go to next block “Group By Fields” where you can select multiple fields as Group By


Save settings and go to next block “Having Condition Tables” where you can add having condition for

calculation (COUNT , SUM , AVG , MIN , MAX).

Basic Overview Documentation | 185 of 277

Save settings and go to next block “Order By Tables” where you can add order by field and set order


Save settings and go to next step “Add condition” for checking data is exist or null.

Start 3rd step (Add Condition)

So click on “Add condition” controller OR right click on query controller , you will find controller

options for insert before / after , shift before / after.

Now , Configure condition. It allows you to add multiple AND / OR conditions by Flow / Variable /

Static value.

If flow is selected then it will populate all flow labels that we have defined

If Variable is selected then it will populate all table fields that we have chosen.

Basic Overview Documentation | 186 of 277

Now you have to use finish controller for setting “Success / Failure” message and ending the flow as well

if condition is “true (1) / false (0)”.

Start 4th step (Finish flow , just double click for configuration)

Finish controller when data exists (On success).

Finish controller when data is null - No records (On failure)

Basic Overview Documentation | 187 of 277

Now ,Save settings. Your WS is ready to execute. You can check it by web service flow status (Blinking

bulb). Then execute your web service and it opens new window and shows you json formatted response.

Basic Overview Documentation | 188 of 277

Select WS with params

Configuration for getting country details by ID WS (Select WS with params)

Go to configuration page and add “Query” controller and configure it.

Basic Overview Documentation | 189 of 277

Basic Overview Documentation | 190 of 277

Now add “Finish” controller to finish the flow

Basic Overview Documentation | 191 of 277

Note : If you don’t enter ID and execute WS , then you will get all data of countries.

Select WS with Start-End loop & Custom function

Configuration for getting Country-wise States by multiple Country ID WS (Start Loop and End Loop ,

Custom function)

Create WS for getting country-wise states.

Configuration of WS

We are creating WS for passing multiple comma separated values in parameter. So we have created

function to convert comma separated values in array.

Basic Overview Documentation | 192 of 277

Now, we use this function in our WS. Add “Custom function” and configure it

How can we use “Custom Function”?

Custom Function has 2 types

1. Existing Web Service

a. for using existing WS

2. General Function

a. for using custom PHP function. It will show you syntax help text too.

We have used “General function” to use Custom PHP Function that we have created.

Basic Overview Documentation | 193 of 277

It allows you to set multiple OUTPUT parameters using “Existing WS / Custom PHP function”

accordingly which can be used in our WS.

After adding “Custom Function” , we will add “Start Loop” Controller

How can we use “Start Loop”?

It allows you to add label for start loop. Then you must specify "Flow Label" of any of the above flows

as Loop Name.

NOTE : Please do not specify the current or below flow label as Loop Name.

Here , we have above used “convert_in_array” labeled custom function controller. So we have selected it

to use its output parameters.

Now we will add “Query” controller to get data (Configure it)

Basic Overview Documentation | 194 of 277

Now , in “where” condition , we need to add condition for mapping “country id” with country id which

we have passed in Input Params and converted in array using function. In custom function , we have

specified it as “cid” . So here “cid” is selected.

Now save settings. Query controller is configured now.

Add “End Loop” and configure it

How can we use “End Loop”?

It allows you to end started loop. You just need to select started loop that you want to end.

Add “Finish” and configure it

Select params for success and specify your message.

Basic Overview Documentation | 195 of 277

Now , You can check WS Flow Status.It is ready to execute or not.

After that, you can pass input multiple comma separated values as input parameter “country ID” and

execute WS.

Basic Overview Documentation | 196 of 277

Select WS with Notification Email

Configuration for sending email notification for forgot password WS (Notification Email)

Basic Overview Documentation | 197 of 277

Create WS for sending email notification (login details) in forgot password

Configuration of WS

We get user data from email and send notification email with login details to user

Now we will add “Query” controller to get user data (Configure it)

Basic Overview Documentation | 198 of 277

Save settings and now add “Notification Email” controller.

Before using “Notification Email” controller , you need to define variables in your template.

We are going to use system email “Forgot Password” template.

(From Admin panel → Resources → System Emails → Select template ) OR

(Go to Navigation menu → System Emails → Select template )

Basic Overview Documentation | 199 of 277

Now we will add “Notification Email” controller and Configure it

It allows you to specify fields for TO , Add Cc , Add Bcc , From , Subject , allow to select Email template


It will show you variables which you have defined in Email Template. Just need to map with fields.

Basic Overview Documentation | 200 of 277

Add “Finish” and configure it

Select params for success and specify your message.

Now , You can check WS Flow Status.It is ready to execute or not.

Basic Overview Documentation | 201 of 277

You will get Notification Email with your login details

WS with Push Notification

Configuration for sending push notification (Push Notification)

Basic Overview Documentation | 202 of 277

Configuration for Push Notification

You just need to map field for device Id and specify content/message.

Response parameters should be preceded and followed by "#" symbol.

Example:- #variable_name#

So you have to get device ID and map with input params. If it matches then send push notification.


Configuration for Sign Up WS (INSERT)

Create WS for user signing up

Basic Overview Documentation | 203 of 277

Configuration of WS

Now we will add “Query” controller to insert user data (Configure it)

You can also check data for user before INSERT query. You can use “Add condition” controller for

checking user existence. If user doesn’t exist then “INSERT” otherwise show failure message.

Basic Overview Documentation | 204 of 277

Add “Finish” and configure it

Select params for success and specify your message.

Now , You can check WS Flow Status. It is ready to execute or not.

Basic Overview Documentation | 205 of 277


Configuration for Change Password WS (UPDATE)

Create WS for changing password

Basic Overview Documentation | 206 of 277

Configuration of WS

Now we will add “Query” controller to update change password (Configure it)

Add “Finish” and configure it

Select params for success and specify your message.

Basic Overview Documentation | 207 of 277

Now , you can check WS Flow Status.It is ready to execute or not.

Basic Overview Documentation | 208 of 277


Configuration for delete user WS (DELETE)

Create WS for deleting user

Basic Overview Documentation | 209 of 277

Configuration of WS

Now we will add “Query” controller to delete user (Configure it)

Add “Finish” and configure it

Select params for success and specify your message.

Basic Overview Documentation | 210 of 277

Now , you can check WS Flow Status.It is ready to execute or not.

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5) API Connector

Table Content

Web Service Configuration

Web Service List

Configure External API

Create New API

API Configuration

Basic Overview Documentation | 212 of 277

Web Service Configuration Configure IT provides External API Configuration. Go to Web Services List →Add New API.

Web Service List

Configure External API

Create New API

See the default screen for Add New WS (Detail Page).

For Example : we are creating a new API to get Instagram followers details.

API Configuration

Now you will be redirected to configuration page of WS. You just need to configure WS using a simple

flowchart structure.

See below API configuration page

Basic Overview Documentation | 213 of 277

See below screen of “External API” panel & configure it:

Basic Overview Documentation | 214 of 277

API Types

External :

It allows you to use external APIs directly such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc.

External API → Select any API from given APIs like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram etc.

Service → Select Service that is to be called from given services such as get user profile or get follows


Basic Overview Documentation | 215 of 277

Authentication → Authentication for a particular API.

API URL → It will be automatically filled with the API URL.

Add Headers → Headers can be added.

API Method → Select any API method from GET / POST / PUT / DELETE / JSONPOST / XMLPOST.

Input parameters → Based on selected API method , input params format gets changed and more Input

Params can also be included.

Custom :

It allows you to add a custom URl.

Set the URL params with temporary data.

Basic Overview Documentation | 216 of 277

Set the Output Format

Single Key → allows you to have response in nested structure

● set sequence of output params

● set param as parent node / subnode

● apply PHP function on specific output param

● modify output param name by edit

See the image for the single key

Basic Overview Documentation | 217 of 277

Multiple Key → allows you to have response in simple - multiple key structure

Show Response → shows you Request Headers , Response Headers and API Response in popup.

Basic Overview Documentation | 218 of 277

Just ‘Save’ settings. Now API is configured.

After configuring “External API” , it allows you to process it further using different options like loop ,

condition etc.

Add “Finish” controller

Now add “Finish” controller options to finish the flow. Select output params and set success message.

Basic Overview Documentation | 219 of 277

Now , “save settings” and execute it. It will show you data response in new window. It’s done now.

Basic Overview Documentation | 220 of 277

6) Dashboard Configuration

Table of Contents

Dashboard Configuration

How to create Dashboard ?

How to create blocks ?

Chart Types

Chart Settings for Grid List/Detail View

Chart Settings for Pivot View

How to associate dashboard page with module?

How to associate dashboard page in Menu navigation?

Basic Overview Documentation | 221 of 277

Dashboard Configuration Dashboards provide a high level view of the project. Quick reports can be generated using the dashboard

to get an overview of the progress or activities in a project. It gives you an idea of what is going on with

your system at that specific time..

See below created dashboard screen

How to create Dashboard ?

See below default screen of Dashboard management , where you can add blocks and dashboard pages.

It allows you to search by Block name , Chart Type and Module name.

It provides dashboard log also. (Dashboard name , logged date).

Basic Overview Documentation | 222 of 277

How to create blocks ?

Add New → allows you to create new block.

Basic Overview Documentation | 223 of 277

Chart Types

Chart Type property :

1. Pivot

a. Select Pivot if a comparative analysis or trending of data needs to be made.

b. Similar to Pivot Charts of MS Excel.

c. 5 types of pivot charts are there → Pivot Table , Bar Chart , Pie Chart , Horizontal Bar

Chart , Donut Chart.

d. Select a default pivot chart. The end user will be able to switch between the charts.

e. Simple Mathematical operations can be performed for pivot charts.

f. Test Case : Average coupons redeemed per coupon category.

2. Grid List

a. Select Grid List if data needs to be fetched in the form of a list.

b. Test Case : Last 5 logged in users , List of Active Users.

3. Detail View

a. Select Detail View if record specific details needs to be displayed.

b. You can design your own Detail View using the HTML layout option. Do your own

HTML coding!

c. Test Case : Latest health vitals of a patient , Current room details of a patient.

Every chart type has 3 different blocks. Table Fields , Chart Settings (Listing fields), Field specific

settings .

1. Table fields

a. Displays the list of fields of the main table and the relation tables (if any) of the

associated module.

b. The fields from here need to be dragged and dropped to “Listing Fields” for settings.

2. Chart Settings (Listing Fields)

a. Set Listing fields , apply Where condition , Grouping fields , Order by fields.

3. Specific field wise property settings

Now, We will see chart settings for all 3 types below

Basic Overview Documentation | 224 of 277

Chart Settings for Grid List/Detail View


Basic Overview Documentation | 225 of 277


Basic Overview Documentation | 226 of 277

For Grid List and Detail View, the chart settings will have the following sections :

1. Listing Fields → Drag and drop the fields to be displayed in the list

2. Where Condition → Apply any extra condition if required.

The format to be followed for where condition would be,

a. Single Condition: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active'

b. Multiple Conditions: table_alias.eStatus = 'Active' AND table_alias.dRegDate >= '2012-

Basic Overview Documentation | 227 of 277


c. Request Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%REQUEST.status%}'

d. Server Parameter: table_alias.vIP = '{%SERVER.REMOTE_ADDR%}'


e. Session Parameter: table_alias.eStatus = '{%SESSION.eStatus%}'

Example : iAdminId, vName, vUserName, vEmail, iGroupId, vGroupCode,

vGroupName, eStatus

f. System Parameter: table_alias.vName = '{%SYSTEM.COMPANY_NAME%}' Example



Note: don't specify the below values as request parameters

"file","iModuleId","parModule","parData", "filters","fields","sidx","sord",


3. Grouping Fields → Drag and drop the fields on the basis of which field, the list / view needs to

be grouped.

4. Order By Fields → Drag and drop the fields on the basis of which the list needs to be ordered

and select the order type ie, whether ascending or descending.

5. Hide Paging / Latest → Applicable for Grid List only and not for Detail View. If you wish to

display only a specific no of records in the list and not all the records, check the Hide Paging box.

Then, specify, the no of record you wish to display in the list. For example : Latest 5

Appointments, Latest 10 Coupons Redeemed

Chart Settings for Pivot View

Basic Overview Documentation | 228 of 277

For Pivot Charts, the chart settings will have the following sections :

1. Column Labels → Drag and drop the fields to be used as columns.

Basic Overview Documentation | 229 of 277

2. Row Labels → Drag and drop the fields to be used as rows.

3. Values → Drag and drop the field on which the mathematical operation needs to be performed.

The mathematical operations available are

(1) Sum

(2) Count

(3) Average

(4) Max

(5) Min.

Along with it, also specify the column and row headers.

4. Report Filter → Drag and drop the fields on the basis of which filtration can be done.

5. Where Condition → Specify any extra condition if required. The format to be followed has be

mentioned earlier.

Field wise Property Description for All Chart Types

1. Display Name → The name as it appears in the Dashboard page in the Admin Panel. By default

takes the name of the field, but can be changed

2. Display in Query → A default format is set but can be changed. Also, SQL Functions like

CONCAT, LOWER,UPPER can be can be specified

3. SQL Function → SQL functions can be specified. For ex : The allowed format is

DATE_FORMAT( %q% , '%Y-%m-%d') [%q% will be automatically replaced by the value

specified in Display in Query]

4. PHP Function → Extend the functionality by writing your own PHP functions. The property is

Autocomplete and default PHP functions are populated in the list

5. Width → Specify the width of the column

6. Sorting → Allows sorting of the list on the basis of this field

7. Edit Link → Quick links can be set so that user can be directly redirected to the corresponding

page. Quick links can be for the same module or any other module or even custom links can be


8. Hide → Set a field to hidden if the field is to be used internally only

9. Alignment → Set the alignment : left, right or center

10. Display In → Select the preferred option : Grid (implies the field will be displayed in Grid List)

or None (implies the field will be hidden)

11. Image / File → Image / File type fields can also be displayed in the dashboard blocks.

a. Inline -> Check the box if record to be displayed as an image and not as a path File

Server -> Local, Custom, Amazon

b. Folder Name -> Name of the folder in which the images to be stored. The name should be

the same as mentioned in the Admin module settings

c. Folder (ID Wise) -> Select the field on the basis of whose ID the images are to be stored

Image Width / Height → The size of the image to be displayed (By default 50x50)

Basic Overview Documentation | 230 of 277

After adding/ saving block , you will see below screen with created blocks.

We have created 3 differents blocks for 3 different types of charts.

Add Block → Create new blocks.

Dashboard Pages → View /Add Dashboard Pages.

Save Sequence → Saves the current order in which all the blocks have been arranged.

Update Code → Download the code for Dashboard Management.

Download Code → The individual blocks can be dragged and dropped to any position.

Note : Remember to click on “Save Sequence” after changing the order, else the changes will not be


Now, block is created , we will create “Dashboard Page” now. Click on “Dashboard Pages → Add

dashboard page”.

See below screen for adding dashboard page,

Basic Overview Documentation | 231 of 277

Screen after associating block with dashboard page,

Basic Overview Documentation | 232 of 277

Now, Dashboard page is ready to use. You can use this dashboard page in module OR you can add it in

navigation menu also.

How to associate dashboard page with module?

While adding new module / editing exist module, you will see below options to add dashboard page in


At admin side , in edit page of specific module section.

How to associate dashboard page in Menu navigation?

Just Go to Menu management and add menu.

Basic Overview Documentation | 233 of 277

Now, you can see “Dashboard” in navigation menu. Just click on that, you will see dashboard page that

we have created.

Basic Overview Documentation | 234 of 277

7) Menu Configuration

Table of Contents

Menu Configuration

Overview of Menu Configuration

Different types of Status menu

Different Menu Types

How to create new “PARENT Menu”?

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Module)

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Dashboard Page)

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Custom)

Basic Overview Documentation | 235 of 277

Menu Configuration When you go to “Menu Configuration” from Navigation, you will see below default screen.

It allows you to set order of your modules menu wise in Admin Panel.

See default screen

While adding new module , it will ask you,

● To add this module in menu or not (Add To Menu),

● Under which parent menu, you want to show this module (Parent Menu),

● Menu display name

See below screen for adding new module

Basic Overview Documentation | 236 of 277

Overview of Menu Configuration

Different types of Status menu

1. Active

a. It will show menu at Admin panel.

Basic Overview Documentation | 237 of 277

2. Inactive

a. It will neither show menu at Admin panel nor show in list of Group permission role.

3. Hidden

a. It will not show menu at Admin panel but show in list of Group permission role.

Collapse All

Save Sequence

whenever you set position of menu by dragging , you need to save sequences otherwise it will not be

reflected. So it’s necessary to save sequence after changing position.

Landing Page Settings

It allows you to set different landing page for individual admin group. All admin groups are reflected

here, you can set different landing page.

Here , we have 3 different admin groups. You can see it in Admin panel

Basic Overview Documentation | 238 of 277

Admin panel → Users → Group

See below “admin group” screen:

Different Menu Types

It allows you to add 3 different types of menu

1. Module

a. Add created “module” as menu.

2. Dashboard

a. Add created“dashboard page” as menu.

3. Custom

a. Add custom page as menu.

How to create new “PARENT Menu”?

If you want to create “Parent menu” , then you can do it. You need to configure menu settings. (If no

parent menu is selected then it becomes Parent menu)

It allows you to create parent menu of different types. (Module / Dashboard / Custom).

Here, we have created “Parent Menu” of “Module” type.

Don’t select any parent menu, it will automatically become parent menu.

Basic Overview Documentation | 239 of 277

Just add menu and you will see “My modules” at 1st position and it will redirect to user module as per we

have selected module.

(It doesn’t allow to set label for parent menu. It’s required to select any module)

Note → If parent has sub menu , then parent will take 1st sub menu module as redirection when click on

“parent” menu. So we have to set 1st sub menu module same as selected module as parent menu. Here,

it’s “User details”.

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Module)

How to add SUB MENU in “Parent Menu = My module”? (Type = Module)

See below screen, submenu is added.

It allows you to add submenu and set its order position as well. It will be reflected in “Menu Navigation

Bar” at Admin Panel.

Basic Overview Documentation | 240 of 277

We have seen how to add parent menu and submenu with the type of “Module”. If we want to add

“Dashboard page” as menu (Parent/Submenu) , then it allows you to do this.

Just need to select type “Dashboard”

Now, we add “dashboard page” in Parent menu “My module” that we have created.

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Dashboard Page)

How to add sub menu in “Parent Menu = My module”? (Type = Dashboard Page)

We have seen how to create dashboard page in “Dashboard Management” section.

All the created dashboard pages will be auto populated after selecting type “Dashboard”.

See below screen of Admin panel

Basic Overview Documentation | 241 of 277

How to add Sub Menu (Type = Custom)

How to add sub menu in “Parent Menu = My module”? (Type = Custom)

Just set type “Custom”. You need to define URL there.

For Example (URL syntax) :

tools/country/index → it refers application

> admin

> tools

> country (Controller)

> index (Function)

Basic Overview Documentation | 242 of 277

It will be added your menu at Admin panel.

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8) Notification List

Table of Contents

Notification List

How to add new Notification List?

Settings for SMS Notification Controller

Settings for Desktop Notification Controller

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Notification List When you go to “Notification List” , it will show you list of notifications.

Add New → allows you to add new event (We will see later in this section).

Delete → allows you to delete selected notifications.

Active → allows you to change status (Active) of selected notifications.

Inactive → allows you to change status (Inactive) of selected notifications.

Show All → allows you to show all notifications in listing.

Upload On FTP → If you have added any remote server details and marked it as “default” server (from

project management → Remote Server List ) , then you will get option to upload code of all notifications

directly on default remote server.

If you don’t make any remote server as “default” server , then it will not show you this upload feature.

Download Code → allows you to download code of all notifications in listing.

Update All NS → allows you to update all notifications.

It allows you to send notifications in your project.It allows 2 types of triggers.

1. Time based (CRON)

a. For example : if you want to send reminder to your patients for reminding today

appointment once in a Day then it’s time based.

2. Operation based

a. For example : if you insert/add any coupon code , then it will send to your all customers

by email / SMS , then it’s operation based.

How to add new Notification List?

Add New Screen (TIME based)

Detail page

For example : If you want to send specific SMS to your customer group twice in a day

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Configuration page

It provides same interface like Web Service. (Refer WS section for getting idea on this interface first).

It provides flowchart structure and allows you to send “SMS notification” and “Desktop Notification”.

(Its additional controllers comparatively WS).

1. SMS notification

2. Desktop Notification

SMS notification → It allows you to send SMS to specific selected group of customers.

Just select contact field and set message over there. It allows you to set variable in message.

Syntax : #variable#

Desktop Notification → It allows you to send “desktop notification” to specific selected group of

customers. You need to select entity , receiver email , subject , content message.

Just select contact field and set message over there. It allows you to set variable in message.

Syntax : #variable#.

Default configuration screen

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Settings for SMS Notification Controller

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Settings for Desktop Notification Controller

Add New Screen (OPERATION based)

It allows you to send “desktop notification” to specific selected group of customers. You need to select

entity , receiver email , subject , content message.

Just select contact field and set message over there. It allows you to set variable in message.

Syntax : #variable#.

It allows you to set redirection link from desktop notification.You can also apply condition if any.

It shows you variable like OLD_variablename (before update) and NEW_variablelname (After Update)

Detail Page

Configuration Page

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9) System Emails / Messages &


Table of Contents

System Emails


Language Labels

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System Emails When you go to “System emails” from navigation menu , it will show you default email templates list.

You can see same this at Admin panel also.

Admin panel → Resources → System Emails

Add New → allows you to add new template.

Delete → allows you to delete selected templates.

Show All → Shows you all templates in listing.

It allows you to search by Email title , From name , Email subject.

It allows you to modify existing default templates your own way. It allows you to add multiple variables

in template.You can add in your new template , change status (Active-Inactive ) of template.

See below screen where you can update contents

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See below add screen of new email template

Messages When you go to “Messages” , it will show you all system message list. All messages are defined from

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Add New → allows you to add new message.

Delete → allows you to delete selected messages in listing.

Show All → allows you to show all messages in listing.

It allows you to search by Message Code , Message , Language.

It allows you to modify exist message also.

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Language Labels When you go to “Language Label” , it will show you list of language labels. When we add table ,

modules , fields for multiple language. All labels are translated here.

Sync Labels → First, you need to “Sync Labels” , it will sync all default labels with multi languages. It

will be reflected at generated admin panel where you change different language.

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Add New → allows you to add new language label. If you have used any custom labels/title/messages/

placeholder text , then it allows you to add it in multilanguage.

Language label → specify language label.

Select Page → It is on Update / Listing / Dashboard / Messages / Menu / Javascript page.

Select module → Select if it’s Dashboard (used in dashboard)/ Module (used in module)/ Generic (used

in as general message) / Actions (used in as actions buttons).

Status → Specify status overthere. Active / Inactive.

When you define english label then on load, it will automatically translate english label in different


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Delete → allows you to delete selected language labels.

Show All → allows you to show all language labels.

It allows to search by Language Label , Title , Module Name , Page , Status.

It allows you to modify existing language labels.

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At generated admin panel , change language :

See main screen

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See Listing screen

See Add/Update screen

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10) Backend Deployment

Table of Contents

Remote Server Configuration

Remote Server List

Add Remote Server

Configure with Installation Wizard

Download Code

Installation Process

Step - 1 → System Requirements

Step - 2 → Checking Server Configuration

Step - 3 → Database Information

Step - 4 → Installation Success

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Remote Server Configuration Configure IT allows you to add multiple Remote server details (FTP Server details & MySQL details)

and allows you to make one specific remote server details as default remote server details.

Remote Server List

See below screen of project management where you will find “Remote Server List”.

Just click on “Remote Server List” and it will redirect you to “Remote Server Management” section

where you can add / delete specific server details.

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See below screen of Remote Server Management (Remote Server List)

Add Remote Server

See below screen of “Add Server”

Just define your server name with FTP details and MySQL details.

FTP details MySQL Details

FTP Host Address → set host address

FTP User Name → set ftp username

FTP Password → set ftp password

FTP Folder → set root folder path

FTP Port Number → set port number

DB Server Address → set database server details

DB User Name → set database username

DB Password → set database password

Database Name → set database name

Database Port Number → set database port


After adding server details , it will show you 2 buttons “Upload All” and “Upload Specific”. You can also

modify existing server details.

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1. Upload All

It will upload all code to specific remote server.

For FTP, it will upload all code.

For MySQL , it will upload all tables. (Note : database must be created at server)

2. Upload Specific

It will allows you to select specific section to upload to specific remote server.

For FTP, it will allow you to choose specific folder or files for upload.

For MySQL ,it will allow you to choose specific tables for upload. (Note : database must be

created at server).

If you make specific server as default then whenever you update any API section or module section and

click on upload , it will directly upload on default remote server. So there is no need to download it and

upload it.

See below screen after adding server details

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“Upload On FTP” feature is also available at “Web Service List , Admin management , Notification List”

section. It will be uploaded on default server directly. So you have to mark specific server as default


Note :- If you have marked remote server as “Default” then only you will see upload option in

above section. Otherwise you will get “N/A”.

Upload feature in Web Service Section

It allows you to upload specific web service to default server directly. Also allows you to upload selected

web service to FTP by clicking on “Upload On FTP” button.

Upload feature in Admin Management Section

It allows you to upload specific module to default server directly. Also allows you to upload selected

modules to FTP by clicking on “Upload On FTP” button.

Upload feature in Notification List Section

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It allows you to upload specific notification to default server directly. Also allows you to upload selected

notifications to FTP by clicking on “Upload On FTP” button.

Configure Project with Installation Wizard

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Configure IT provides easy to download and easy to setup feature with installation wizard.

Download Code

Just download code from project management section.

After downloading code zip file , just extract folder and execute it on your server / local system.

It will show you installation wizard where you can see whole installation process for project


Installation Process

Step - 1 → System Requirements

It will show you basic system requirements to setup it in server / local system

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Step - 2 → Checking Server Configuration

It will check system requirements with your server / local system.

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Step - 3 → Database Information

It checks database details. If it is blank then it will show you validation.

Just provide database details

Note :- database must exist in provided server otherwise it will not allow to move further.

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Step - 4 → Installation Success

This is the last process where you will see successful message of installation process. It

provides you admin URL with username and password. That’s it !

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11) Work Flow Configuration

Table Content

WorkFlow Configuration

WorkFlow List

Button Details

Add Workflow

Detail Page

Configuration Page

Admin Panel

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WorkFlow Configuration Configure IT provides a feature to set specific Work Flow. It allows you to set workflow without

navigating individual module. You can directly do specific action one by one. You need to

configure workflow for that.

WorkFlow List

Go to Workflow management, it will show you below workflow listing screen.

Button Details

Add New → allows you to add new workflow. (See in detailed later)

Delete → allows you to delete workflow.

Active → allows you to change status (Active) of selected workflow.

Inactive → allows you to change status (Inactive) of selected workflow.

Show All → shows you all workflows in listing.

Search By → allows you to search any workflow by workflow name / code / status.

Now we will see how to add workflow & its configurations.

Add Workflow

Click on “Add New” button and you will be redirected to workflow detail page.

For Example: Let’s create workflow for adding country and state without navigating individual

country and state module. No need to navigate to state module for adding state of added


Detail Page

See below default screen for Add New workflow (Detail Page)

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Workflow Name → allows you to specify workflow name.

Workflow Code → automatically takes function name based on workflow name.

Starting Module → allows you to select module from which work flow will be started. Select

Starting module of your work flow.

Flow Module → allows you to select module for further flow. You can set multiple modules for

further flow.

Global Variable → shows you global variables which are used in flow.

Variables which are used in “variable management” section in configuration page, will be treated

as global variables. You can use global variable throughout the flow.

Comments → allows you to set any comments for your future reference (information purpose


After adding details , just update and next , you will be redirected to workflow configuration


Configuration Page

It will show you default screen of workflow configuration page where you have to configure

whole work flow.

See below default screen for workflow configuration.

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Here , It will show you variable details. Just for your reference if you want to use it in flow.

Variables :: After Add / Update

When you click on it , it will show you variables details (Variable name and key code). The

variables which you can use after add/update. If you want to use any variables then you can

map it with key code of specific variables.

See below screen.

Variables :: Before Update

When you click on it , it will show you variables details (Variable name and key code).The

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variables which can be used before update. If you want to use any variables then you can map

it with key code of specific variables.

See below screen.

Link Block

Here , It allows you to select operation , module redirection on specific page with request

variables , apply condition.

Apply Condition → It allows you to add condition. When you select ‘apply condition’ , condition

block will be added in link block where you can set condition , add more condition by AND / OR.

See below screen of condition block

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Operations → It allows you to select operation (After which action , module will be invoked

which you will configure for flow).

There are 3 operations

1. After Add → after adding record from Add form.

2. After Update → after updating record from update form.

3. After Inline Edit → after editing record through inline editing.

After adding country , module will be redirect directly to “Add State” page. Country is starting

module. Now we have to configure flow module in ‘module block’.

See below screen where we have configured flow using state module.

Here, we have defined “state” module. Page will be redirected to add page of state module after

adding / inline editing of country module.

Module Block → It allows you to add module in workflow. It allows you to select created

module / custom module. Here, you can navigate module directly to specific module page

(Listing / Add / Update) using page redirect/reload.

See state module settings in module block.

Extra Parameters → It allows you to set multiple extra request parameters. You can set

different types of params here. Variable / Static / Function / System / Server / Session /

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Request. Just map with the listing value.

Same thing you can do for “variable management” block.

Just submit and you will be redirected to workflow listing page where you can see workflow

name , workflow code , status and navigational link of detail and configuration page.

Now go to Add / Update section of State module in admin management. You have to set

request parameter for country dropdown that we have defined “country_id” in workflow

configuration module block.

Field level settings of “Country” field , set request parameter and save settings.

Now just “update code” from admin management section and new window will be opened of

admin panel.

Admin Panel

Add records of country and you will be redirected directly to add state of added country (added

country will be selected in country dropdown). Navigate from “add country” to “add state”.

See below screen of adding country record

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After saving country record , it will show you add form of state module with selected “demo


See below screen