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  • What is the definition of business analysis? The set of tasks and techniques used to work as a

    liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies and operations of an

    organization, and to recommend end solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals.

    What is the definition of a business analyst? Any person who performs business analysis activities no

    matter what their job title or organizational role may be.

    A business analyst performs business analysis in order to do what? Align the needs of the business

    units with the capabilities delivered by information technology.

    What is the definition of a solution? A set of changes to the current state of an organization that are

    made in order to enable that organization to meet a business need, solve a problem, or take advantage

    of an opportunity.

    What is the definition of a requirement? A condition or capability needed by a stakeholder to

    solve a problem or achieve an objective\nOR \n::A condition or capability that must be met or possessed

    by a solution or solution component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally

    imposed documents\n::OR\n::A documented representation of a condition or capability

    According to the BABOK 2.0, what type of analysis generates BUSINESS requirements? Enterprise


    What is a BUSINESS requirement, according to the BABOK 2.0? A high level statement of the goals or

    objectives or needs of the enterprise

    What is a STAKEHOLDER requirement, according to the BABOK 2.0? A statement of the needs of a

    particular stakeholder or class of stakeholders

    According to the BABOK 2.0, what type of analysis generates STAKEHOLDER requirements?

    Requirements Analysis

    What is a SOLUTION requirement, according to the BABOK 2.0? A characteristic of the solution that

    meets the business requirements and stakeholder requirements.

    SOLUTION Requirements are comprised of what two types of requirements? Functional and Non

    functional requirements

    According to the BABOK 2.0, when are SOLUTION requirements gathered? Requirements Analysis

    What is a TRANSITION requirement, according to the BABOK 2.0? A requirement that describes

    the capabilities the solution must have to facilitate the transition from current to future state of the

    enterprise, but will not be needed after the transition

    According to the BABOK 2.0, when are TRANSITION requirements gathered? Solution Assessment

    and Validation

  • What is the definition of a knowledge area? They define what a practitioner of business analysis

    needs to understand and the tasks that a practitioner must be able to perform

    How many Knowledge Areas are identified in the BABOK 2.0 and what are they? There are

    7:\n::Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring\n::Elicitation\n::Enterprise Analysis\n::Solution

    Assessment and Validation\n::Requirements Analysis\n::Requirements Management and

    Communication\n::Underlying Competencies

    What is the objective of the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area? To show how

    the BA determines which activities are necessary in order to complete a business analysis effort

    What is the objective of the Elicitation knowledge area? To show how the BA works with stakeholders to

    identify and understand their needs and concerns, and understand the environment in which they work

    What is the purpose of elicitation? To ensure that the stakeholders underlying needs are

    understood, rather than their stated or superficial desires

    What is the objective of the Requirements Management and Communication knowledge area? To

    define how a BA manages conflict, issues and changes in order to ensure the stakeholders and the

    project team remain in agreement on the solution scope

    What is the objective of the Enterprise Analysis knowledge area? To define how a BA identifies a

    business need, refines and clarifies the need and defines the solution scope that can be feasibly


    What is the objective of the Requirements Analysis knowledge area? To define how a BA prioritizes

    and progressively elaborates stakeholder and solution requirements in order to enable the project team

    to implement a solution

    What is the objective of the Solution Assessment and Validation knowledge area? To define how

    the BA assesses proposed solutions to determine which solution fits best the business need, indentifies

    gaps in solutions, determines necessary workarounds or changes to the solution

    What is the objective of the Underlying Competencies knowledge area? To describe the behaviors,

    knowledge and other characteristics that support the effective performance of business analysis

    What are the characteristics of a task? ::Accomplishes a result that creates value\n::Is complete\n::Is a

    necessary part of the purpose of the knowledge area

    True or False\n::The BA is a stakeholder in all business analysis activities? TRUE

    What is the definition of a Domain Subject Matter Expert (SME) Any individual with indepth knowledge

    of a topic relevant to the business need or solution scope

    What is the definition of a customer? A stakeholder outside the boundary of a given organization/unit

    who makes use of products/services delivered by the organization

  • What is the definition of an end user? A stakeholder who interacts directly with the solution

    What is an Implementation Subject Matter Expert (SME) Individuals responsible for designing and

    implementing potential solutions and of providing expertise in design and construction of the solution

    What do Organizational Change Professionals do, according to the BABOK 2.0? They are responsible

    for facilitating acceptance and adoption of new solutions and overcoming resistance to change

    What's a usability professional do? A usability professional is responsible for external interaction

    design of technological solutions and for making the design as simple to use as feasible

    An output is the necessary result of the work described in a WHAT? Task

    What is a technique? It provides additional information on different ways that a task may be

    performed or forms the output of the task may take

    How many underlying competencies are there and what are they? There are 6\n::Analytical

    Thinking and Problem Solving\n::Behavioral Characteristics\n::Business Knowledge\n::Communication

    Skills\n::Interaction Skills\n::Software Applications

    What are the tasks associated with the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area?

    There are 6\n::Conduct Stakeholder Analysis\n::Plan BA Approach\n::Plan BA Activities\n::Plan

    BA Communication\n::Plan Requirements Mgmt Process\n::Manage BA Performance

    What are the inputs to the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area tasks? There

    are 5\n::Analysis performance metrics\n::Business Needs\n::Enterprise Architecture\n::Expert

    Judgment\n::Organizational process assets

    What are the inputs to plan the Business Analysis Approach? ::Business Need\n::Organizational

    Process Assets\n::Expert Judgment

    The understanding of the business need in planning the Business Analysis approach helps to determine

    which approach to take. What are the two types of approaches? ::Plandriven\n::Changedriven

    What are the differences between plan and changedriven analysis approaches? ::Plandriven

    focuses on minimizing upfront uncertainty (risk reduction), fully defined requirements, fully detailed

    documentation and controlled change.\n::Changedriven focuses rapid delivery of functionality in

    iterations, higher risk, prioritized highlevel requirements that reside in a backlog, detailed

    documentation only as necessary and later in the process usually after implementation, enhanced


    What are some factors that impact project complexity? ::Number of stakeholders\n::Number of

    business areas affected\n::Amount and type of risk\n::Uniqueness of requirements\n::Number of tech

    resources required

  • What are the recommended techniques to assist in planning the business analysis approach? There

    are 3\n::Decision Analysis\n::Process Modeling\n::Structured Walkthrus

    What is the definition of the business analysis approach? A definition of the approach that will be

    taken for business analysis in a given initiative.

    A business analysis approach specifies what? Roles, deliverables, analysis techniques,

    timing/frequency of stakeholder interaction

    Stakeholder Analysis is part of what knowledge area? Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring

    What does enterprise architecture do? Describes the organizational units that exist and their

    interactions with other organizational units

    What are organizational process assets? Policies and procedures, suggested methodologies, templates

    and guidelines

    Can changedriven analysis approaches eliminate risk? Why? No, because late identification of

    stakeholders or needs can alter the previous outcomes

    What are the elements of stakeholder analysis? There are 4\n::Identification\n::Complexity\n::Attitude

    and Influence\n::Authority Levels for BA Work

    What are the complexity factors regarding stakeholder groups? ::Number and variety of stakeholder

    groups\n::Number of interfacing business processes and automated systems

    What are the factors of stakeholder attitude directed at? There are 5\n::Business goals

    approach\n::Business Analysis\n::Collaboration\n::Sponsor\n::Team members

    What are the factors of influence by stakeholders on a project? Influence on the project, organizational,

    project health and other stakeholders

    Stakeholder authority over business analysis takes what forms? ::Approval of

    deliverables\n::Inspection/Approval of requirements\n::Approval of requirements

    process\n::Traceability\n::Veto of proposed requirements or solutions

    What is a RACI matrix? It describes the roles of individuals involved in business analysis activities

    What do the initials RACI stand for? ::Responsible\n::Accountable\n::Consulted\n::Informed

    What is a stakeholder map? A visual diagram that depicts the relationships of stakeholders to


    What are the two forms of stakeholder maps? Matrix and Onion Diagram

    What does an onion diagram depict? The level of stakeholder involvement with the solution

  • What is the purpose of planning analysis activities? ::Determining activities to be

    performed\n::Estimation\n::Identify Management tools to measure progress

    What are the inputs to planning the business analysis activities? There are 4\n::Business Analysis

    Approach\n::Business Analysis Performance Assessment\n::Organizational process

    assets\n::Stakeholder List

    What does a Business Analysis Performance Assessment define? Prior analysis experience is used to

    determine effort for analysis activities

    What are the elements of planning business analysis activities? There are 3\n::Geographic Distribution

    of Stakeholders\n::Type of Project\n::Analysis Deliverables

    What are the two types of geographic distribution of stakeholders? ::Collocated\n::Dispersed

    Name 2 of the 7 project/initiative types ::Feasibility studies\n::Process improvement\n::Organizational

    change:\n::New software dev\n::Outsourced new software dev\n::Software Maintenance or

    enhancement\n::Software package selection

    What are the methods for identifying analysis deliverables? There are 3\n::Interviews/facilitated

    session with stakeholders\n::Review of project docs\n::Review of organizational assets

    What 3 tasks consume the Define Business Analysis Plan task? ::Planning the BA

    Communication\n::Planning Requirement Management Process\n::Manage BA Performance

    What 5 knowledge areas consume the Business Analysis Plan? ::Elicitation\n::Enterprise

    Analysis\n::Requirement Management and Communication\n::Requirement Analysis\n::Solution

    Assessment and Validation

    What is the definition of a milestone? A significant event that measures the progress of a project and

    compares actual progress to earlier estimates

    Decomposition of the project tasks often using a WBS is the definition of what? Functional


    What is the purpose of Planning Business Analysis Communication? To describe the proposed

    structure and schedule for Communications re: business analysis activities

    Appropriate audience, appropriate delivery method, approach and physical location are all

    considerations of what? Planning the BA Communication

    The BA Communication Plan is consumed by what 2 tasks? ::Prepare Requirements

    Package\n::Communicate Requirements

    What are the elements of planning the Business Analysis Communication Plan? ::Time\n::Task

    Completion\n::Contracts\n::Formal/Informal Authority

  • What are the factors that can increase or decrease the need for formal Communications on a project?

    ::Project Size\n::Domain Complexity\n::Inclusion of new technologies\n::Delivery to external

    vendors/suppliers\n::Regulatory Concerns\n::Stakeholder Request

    One of the most recommended on approaches to requirements Communication is what?

    Structured Walkthru

    What describes how, when and why the business analyst will work with stakeholders? The Business

    Analysis Communication Plan

    What is the purpose of planning the Requirements Management Process? To describe the

    approach that will be used to approve requirements for implementation and manage changes to the

    solution scope

    The Requirements Management Process includes what factors? ::Approving

    stakeholders\n::Requirements traceability\n::Change process\n::Requirement Attributes

    What are the inputs to planning the Requirements Management Process? There are 3\n::Business

    Analysis Approach\n::Business Analysis Plan\n::Organizational Process Assets

    What tasks consume the Requirements Management Plan? There are 5:\n::Manage BA

    Performance\n::Manage Requirements Traceability\n::Conduct Elicitation\n::Manage Solution Scope

    and Requirements\n::Prioritize Requirements

    A method of storing requirements that are approved, under development, and under review describes

    what term? Repository

    What provides information about requirements? An attribute

    What focuses on what requirements should be investigated first? Requirements Prioritization

    Requirements prioritization assesses priority based on what? Risk

    Is a component Communication on, cardinal, optional or an attribute? An Entity Relationship Diagram

    has four main components:\n::Entities: an entity represents a group of uniquely identifiable people,

    places, things or concepts about which a business area needs information. (e.g., Customers, Products,

    Employees, Invoices, etc.).\n::Attributes: an attribute is one of the individual pieces of information that

    describes an entity (e.g., Customer Name, Product Price, Employee Number, and Invoice Date). Unique

    Identifiers: a unique identifier is an attribute, or a combination of attributes, that will uniquely identify

    each separate occurrence of an entity (e.g., Customer Number, Invoice Number, and Social Insurance

    Number).\n::Relationships: a relationship is a significant business association between two entities. It

    reflects how data from one entity needs to be used in conjunction with data from another entity. It also

    reflects a business rule of the enterprise.\n::At each end of a relationship line, a notation indicates the

    minimum and maximum number of occurrences of one entity that may be associated with the other

    entity. This notation is known as the cardinality of the relationship. A variety of notations are in popular

  • use, all expressing the same general concept.\n::The possible permutations of minimum and maximum

    cardinality are:\n::Zero or one\n::Zero or more\n::One and only one\n::One or more

    Regarding quality assurance, should the BA find defects in the system or provide input into how to test

    the system? The Quality Assurance process includes development of a test plan/strategy for the

    solution, execution of the test plan, and incident (defect) tracking of problems. The Business Analyst will

    assist these activities by providing detailed business knowledge and helping to find the cause of any


    What is the Final task in requirements Communication?\n::A. answer questions from requirements final

    review,\n::B. make a requirements final review\n::C. present the requirements to senior

    management\n::D. obtain requirements signoff D. obtain requirements signoff

    What is the benefit of feature list decomposition? A feature is a service that the solution provides

    to fulfill one or more stakeholder needs. Features are highlevel abstractions of the solution that must

    later be expanded into fully described functional and supplemental requirements. They allow for early

    priority and scope management and for validating the stakeholders view of the solution.

    Functional decomposition identifies what? Functional decomposition identifies the highlevel

    functions of an organization or proposed solution and then breaks down those processes into sub

    processes and activities. This can be done as part of a systems development or business process analysis

    project. The goal is to break functions down into smaller pieces to allow for analysis of the detail

    processes and to ensure coverage of all significant processes

    In the Business Architecture planning endeavor the BA should determine what? Appropriate framework

    and approach

    Who are the primary consumers of requirements? The project team, who will use them in the

    design and development of the system

    Functional requirements can be expressed in what forms? Use cases and text

    The business domain can be described with what types of diagrams? Activity Diagrams, Data Flow

    Diagrams, Flowcharts, Sequences Diagrams, State Machine Diagrams

    The Component Business Model describes what? Component Business Model identifies a basic

    building block of the business, and includes the people, processes and technology needed by the

    component to deliver value to the customer.

    Enterprise architecture encompasses what 3 elements? People, processes, technology

    What do the letters of the CRUD Matrix stand for? Create read, update delete rights to users and

    groups. Good in software system development. Not applicable to business process analysis.

    When a conflict arises between stakeholders on one or more documented requirements, the first thing

    that needs to take place is what? record the conflict in the Requirements Issues Log.

  • What are the Components of an ERD? An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a visual representation

    of a data structure.\n::Because they describe things that are significant to the enterprise (e.g.,

    Customers, Products, Employees, Invoices, etc.), ERDs are useful in describing the structure of the

    business itself, and many of the rules by which it is governed.

    What is described in the Enterprise Architecture people processes? Each model identifies a basic

    building block of the business, and includes the people, processes and technology needed by the

    component to deliver value to the customer.

    What are the measures on a balanced scorecard? The balanced scorecard (Robert Kaplan and

    David Norton 1996) provides an effective technique to frame strategic goals. In this model, goals are

    partitioned into four dimensions: financial, customer, internal operations, and learning and innovation.

    What does the abbreviation PLC stand for? Project Life Cycle

    What is the minimum structural set of requirements of a presentation whether it is formal or informal?

    Introduction of parties attending presentation\n::Statement of presentation objectives\n::

    Project background\n::Presentation/review of deliverable\n::Agreement of actions/changes

    required\n::Review of deliverable status (e.g., signed off, not signed off, etc.)

    What is the ISO 924111 definition of usability? The extent to which a product can be used by specified

    users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of


    What does a logical model represent? Entities that are in the problem domain and the relationships

    between them

    When are logical models used by BAs? To represent requirements of a business area

    What is the difference between a view and a model decomposition? A view is not exclusive and its

    requirements may be referenced in all views that are relevant

    What is a view with regard to modeling? The capture of requirements from a specific perspective

    Modeling benefits are? ::Simplification of reality to allow focus\n::Comprehension of

    complexity\n::Explanation from varying perspectives\n::Ensures all aspects are considered\n::Translate

    easily into solution design

    Modeling is often used when? ::When the problem domain is well known\n::When the solution is easy

    to construct\n::When there is little collaboration needed\n::When there is little need for ongoing

    maintenance\n::When the scope is unlikely to grow

    What is the definition of a model? A template for expressing requirements that may combine

    textual elements, matrices, and diagrams

  • Authorization resources, process identification, impact assessment and correct wording are all aspects

    of what? Change Management

    What does a Change Control Board do? Considers requested changes and decides on the merits of the

    request prior to approving or declining it.

    What are the aspects to a change request that are important? ::Cost and time to

    implement\n::Benefits and Risk\n::Course of action and alternate solutions\n::Coordinated prioritization

    What major methodology utilizes a project/product backlog? Agile or Scrum

    Organizational culture, Stakeholder preference, complexity, organizational maturity and availability of

    resources are all factors used to do what? Perform tailoring exercises

    What are the techniques used in planning requirements management? There are 3\n::Decision

    analysis\n::Problem tracking\n::Risk analysis

    What is the output of planning requirements management activities? The Requirements

    Management Plan

    What does the Requirements Management Plan describe? ::Traceability approach\n::Definition of

    requirement attributes\n::Requirement prioritization process\n::Requirement change process

    Metrics are used to do what? Measure business analysis performance throughout the lifecycle.

    There are 4 inputs to the Manage BA Performance activity. What are they? ::Business Analysis

    Performance Metrics\n::Business Analysis Plan\n::Organizational Performance

    Standards\n::Requirements Management Plan

    The Manage BA Performance activity is part of what knowledge area? Business Analysis Planning and


    What are the 6 activities that occur within the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge

    area? ::Plan Business Analysis Approach\n::Conduct Stakeholder Analysis\n::Plan Business Analysis

    Communication\n::Plan Requirements Management Process\n::Manage Business Analysis Performance

    What are the 4 activities that occur within the Elicitation knowledge area? ::Prepare for

    Elicitation\n::Conduct Elicitation\n::Document Elicitation Results\n::Confirm Elicitation Results

    What are the activities that occur within the Requirements Management & Communication knowledge

    area? There are 5\n::Manage Solution Scope and Requirements\n::Manage Requirements

    Traceability\n::Maintain Requirements for Reuse\n::Prepare Requirements Package\n::Communication

    of Requirements

    What are the activities that are part of the Enterprise Analysis knowledge area? There are 5\n::Define

    the Business Need\n::Assess Capability Gaps\n::Determine Solution Approach\n::Define Solution

    Scope\n::Define Business Case

  • What are the activities contained within the Requirements Analysis knowledge area? There are

    6\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Organize Requirements\n::Specify and Model Requirements\n::Define

    Assumptions and Constraints\n::Verify Requirements\n::Validate Requirements

    What are the activities that are part of the Solutions Assessment and Validation knowledge area?

    There are 6\n::Assess Proposed Solution\n::Allocate Requirements\n::Assess Organizational

    Readiness\n::Define Transition Requirements\n::Validate Solution\n::Evaluate Solution Performance

    What are the Underlying Competencies described in the BABOK? There are 6\n::Analytical

    Thinking and Problem Solving\n::Behavioral Characteristics\n::Business Knowledge\n::Communication

    Skills\n::Interaction Skills\n::Software Applications

    How many different techniques does the BABOK 2.0 describe? 34

    The BA Performance Assessment is used by what downstream task as an input? Plan BA Activities

    The BA Process Assets are children of what? Organizational Process Assets

    What does the Plan BA Activities task consume as an input? BA Performance Assessment

    There are several elements of the Manage BA Performance activity. What are they? ::Performance

    Measures\n::Performance Reporting\n::Preventive and Correction Action

    What are performance measures used for? To set expectations regarding what constitutes effective

    business analysis work in the context of an organization or project

    What are some performance measures? ::Deliverable due date deliverables\n::Frequency of

    change\n::Number of review cycles

    The business analyst should assess the performance measures to determine what? Where

    problems in execution of business analysis activities are occurring or opportunities for improvement


    There are several techniques defined for use in the Manage Business Analysis Performance activity.

    What are they? There are 7\n::Interviews\n::Lessons Learned\n::Metrics and KPIs\n::Problem

    Tracking\n::Process Modeling\n::Root Cause Analysis\n::Survey/Questionnaire

    What is root cause analysis? An investigation into the underlying cause of a failure or problem

    What is Variance Analysis? A technique used to analyze discrepancies between planned and actual

    performance and to determine the magnitude of the differences

    What knowledge are is Variance Analysis used in and why? Business Analysis Planning and

    Monitoring. It is used as part of the Manage Business Analysis Performance activity to manage

    performance in an ongoing project

  • What is a KPI? Key Performance Indicator\n::These are metrics used to help an organization define and

    evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making progress towards its longterm organizational


    Define elicit. To draw forth, call forth or bring out

    What phases of the SDLC are requirements elicited in? Throughout the SDLC

    Name 3 of the 9 elicitation techniques. 3 of the following:\nBrainstorming\nDocument Analysis\nFocus

    Groups\nInterface analysis\nInterviews\nObservations\nPrototyping\nRequirements


    What are the tasks described in the Elicitation knowledge area? There are 4\n::Prepare for

    Elicitation\n::Conduct Elicitation Activity\n::Document Elicitation Results\n::Confirm Elicitation Results

    What are the inputs to Elicitation? ::Business Case\n::Business Need\n::Organizational process

    assets\n::Requirements Management Plan\n::Solution Scope\n::Stakeholder List

    What are the outputs of Elicitation? There are 4\n::Elicitation Results\n::Scheduled

    Resources\n::Stakeholder Concerns\n::Supporting Materials

    What is the purpose of preparing for elicitation? To ensure that all resources are organized and

    scheduled for conducting the elicitation exercise

    What are two things used to capture elicitation knowledge? Data Dictionary & Glossary

    What does a glossary typically contain? Key Domain terminology and business definitions

    What is metadata? Data about data

    What are the three elements of elicitation discussed in the BABOK? ::Tracing

    requirements\n::Capturing Requirements Attributes\n::Metrics

    What is the input to the Document Elicitation Results activity? The elicited requirements

    According to the BABOK 2.0, elicited requirements may undergo analysis directly with prototyping,

    without documentation. True or False True. Prototyping may be used to perform analysis on

    requirements without the need to document

    What tasks consume the documented elicited requirements? There are 5\n::Confirm Elicitation

    Results\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Define the Business Need\n::Specify and Model

    Requirements\n::Define Transition Requirements

    What else does elicitation produce? Stakeholder concerns

    What tasks consume stakeholder concerns? ::Confirm Elicitation Results\n::Define Business

    Case\n::Define Assumptions and Constraints\n::Assess Org Readiness

  • What are some examples of stakeholder concerns? Risk, assumptions, constraints, etc.

    What is the purpose of confirming elicitation results? To validate that the stated concerns that are

    expressed by the stakeholder match the stakeholders' understanding of the problem and needs

    What are the inputs to the Confirm Elicitation Results task? Requirements and Stakeholder

    Concerns, both unconfirmed

    What are two techniques that are used to confirm elicitation results? Interviews and Observation

    What are the outputs of the Confirm Elicitation Results task? Requirements and Stakeholder

    Concerns, both confirmed

    What tasks consume CONFIRMED requirements? There are 4\n::Define Business

    Need\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Specify and Model Requirements \n::Define Transition


    What tasks consume CONFIRMED stakeholder concerns? There are 3\n::Define Business

    Case\n::Define Assumptions and Constraints\n::Assess Organizational Readiness

    What does the Requirements Management and Communication knowledge area describe? The

    activities and considerations for managing and expressing requirements to a broad audience

    Communication of requirements does what for stakeholders? Brings them to a Communication on


    Performance of all Requirements Management and Communication activities is governed by what?

    Business Analysis plan

    What are the tasks/activities of the Requirements Management and Communication knowledge area?

    There are 5\n::Manage Solution Scope\n::Manage Requirements traceability\n::Manage

    Requirements for ReUse\n::Prepare Requirements Package\n::Communication Requirements

    What are the inputs into the Requirements Management and Communication knowledge area

    tasks/activities? There are 6\n::BA Communication Plan\n::Organizational process

    assets\n::Requirements\n::Requirements Management Plan\n::Solution Scope\n::Stakeholder


    What are the outputs from the tasks/activities in the Requirements Management and Communication

    knowledge area? There are 5\n::Approved Requirements\n::Traced

    Requirements\n::Communicated Requirements\n::Maintained and Reusable

    Requirements\n::Requirements Package

    What is the purpose of the Manage Solution Scope and Requirements task/activity? To obtain

    consensus among stakeholders on overall solutions scope

  • What occurs during the Manage Solution Scope and Requirements task/activity? ::Securing approval of

    requirements\n::Management of issues from elicitation

    What is base lining? In essence, the approval of a set of requirements (in this context) that allows no

    change to occur to the set without a way to control change

    What should the requirements do in order to be approved? Support the solution scope

    Why is the solution scope carried forward into the Requirement Management and Communication

    knowledge area? To ensure that the requirements conform to the approved solution scope

    How is the solution scope used to manage change in the Requirements Management and

    Communication knowledge area? All requested changes to requirements are assessed against the

    solution scope to ensure of alignment

    The Requirements Management Plan is an input to the Requirements Management and Communication

    knowledge area. Why? It is used to define the process to be followed in managing the solution scope

    and the requirements

    What are the elements of the Manage Solution Scope & Requirements task/activity? ::Solution

    Scope Management\n::Conflict and Issue Management\n::Presenting Requirements for


    What's the difference between a formal and informal requirements presentation to stakeholders?

    One is formal written specification with possible walkthru and the other is possibly verbal or

    email Communication

    What are the techniques used to Manage Solution Scope and requirements? Base lining and Signoff

    What is the purpose of managing requirements traceability? To create and maintain relationships

    between business objectives, requirements, other deliverables

    What does requirements traceability define? Lineage of requirements, including backwards and

    forwards traceability.

    What is derivation? Backwards traceability

    What is allocation? Forward traceability

    What is the value of traceability? It helps ensure conformation to the overall solution for each

    individual requirements and assists is scope and change Management

    What is used to potentially find missing functionality or identify unrequested functionality?

    Requirements traceability

    What is the overall goal of requirements traceability? To requirements, solution components are

    linked directly or indirectly back to the original business objectives

  • What are the inputs to the Manage Requirements Traceability task/activity? Requirements and the

    Requirements Management Plan

    What task/activity consumes traced requirements? Manage Solution Scope and Requirements

    Why are relationships an element of Manage Requirements Traceability? Knowing dependent

    relationships between requirements can help determine the sequence of when each will be addressed

    What are the 5 type of relationships between requirements?


    What is the Cover type of requirement relationship? When a requirement completely includes

    another requirement. It is a subset in which the toplevel requirement is the sum of the sub


    What is the Value type of requirement relationship? When including a requirement affects the

    desirability of a related requirement (increase or decrease)

    Why is traceability useful in performing impact analysis? Because when requirements change and they

    are linked to other requirements, the related items are identified as a result of the link, as well as

    potential changes in the relationship

    What is a Configuration Management System A specialized tools that is generally used to trace large

    volumes of requirements

    What is a coverage matrix? A table or spreadsheet used to manage tracing. Also called a trace

    matrix. Used when there are few requirements.

    What is the purpose of the Maintain requirements for ReUse task/activity? To manage the

    knowledge of requirements following their implementation

    What occurs in the Maintain Requirements for ReUse task/activity? To identify requirements that

    are good candidates for longterm usage

    What are the two inputs to Maintain Requirements for ReUse task/activity? Organizational process

    assets and Requirements

    Reusable requirements are consumable where? Enterprise Architecture and Future Initiatives

    How are reusable requirements used by Enterprise Architecture and Future Initiatives Enterprise

    Architecture would typically include term requirement types into a data dictionary. Other requirement

    types can be used across projects in future initiatives to replicate portions of functionality that is

    Communication on to multiple areas

    What are ongoing requirements? Those requirements that an organizational unit is required to be

    able to meet on a continuous basis

  • What is an example of an ongoing requirement? ::Contractual obligations (SLAs)\n::Quality

    standards\n::Business rules/standards

    What is the purpose of Prepare Requirements Package? To select and structure a set of requirements in

    an appropriate fashion to ensure that the requirements are effectively communicated to, understood

    by, and usable by a stakeholder group or groups

    What is the proper level of detail to present for requirements in a requirements package That which is

    needed for the team to understand the content, and no more

    What are some reasons for creating a requirements package? ::early assessment of quality and

    planning\n::evaluation of possible alternatives\n::formal reviews and approvals\n::inputs to solution

    design\n::conformance to contractual and regulatory obligations\n::maintenance for reuse

    The Prepare Requirements Package task is part of what knowledge area? Requirements

    Management & Communication

    Misunderstanding of requirements will adversely affect what? Solution Implementation

    What are the forms of requirements packages? There are 3:\n::Formal


    What are the inputs to the Prepare Requirements Package task? There are 4:\n::Business Analysis

    Communication Plan\n::Org Process Assets\n::Requirements\n::Requirements Structure

    What is the value of the Business Analysis Communication Plan as an input to Prepare Requirements

    Package? It will describe the stakeholder groups, their communication needs, and define whether

    a single requirements package or multiple requirements packages are required.

    What task consumes the requirements package? Communicate Requirements

    What are the elements of Prepare Requirements Package? There are 2:\n::Work Products and


    What is the definition of a work product? A document or collection of notes or diagrams used by

    the business analyst during the requirements development process

    What are examples of work products? ::Meeting agendas and minutes\n::Interview questions and

    notes\n::Facilitation session agendas and notes\n::Issues log\n::Work plan, status

    reports\n::Presentation slides used during the project\n::Traceability matrices

    What is the definition of a deliverable? A deliverable is a specific output of the business analysis

    process that the business analyst has agreed to produce

    What is the usage for a requirements deliverable? As a basis for solution design and


  • What must the analyst understand when deciding whether to use a deliverable or requirements

    deliverable? ::Needs of the audience\n::Level of detail that needs to be communicated\n::Which

    deliverables to include in each presentation package

    Format considerations in the requirements package are for what purpose? Delivery of a cohesive,

    effective message to one or more audiences who will participate in the requirements review process

    What are the techniques of the Prepare Requirements Package task? There are 2:\n::Requirements

    Documentation\n::Requirements for Vendor Selection

    What are some common forms of requirements documentation? ::BRD\n::Product

    Roadmap\n::SRS\n::Supplementary Requirements Spec\n::Vision Document

    What are the typical forms of documentation when presenting requirements to vendors? There

    are 2:\n::Request for Information (RFI)\n::Request for Quote (RFQ) / Request for Proposal (RFP).

    What is an RFI? Generally used when the issuing organization is open to a number of alternative

    solutions and is seeking information to evaluate possible options

    What is an RFQ/RFP? Used when the issuing organization understands the nature of the solution

    options available to it and is seeking vendors who can implement an option. An RFQ generally follows a

    less formal review and selection process than an RFP.

    Business analysts must develop what based on the business requirements before looking at available

    products? Evaluation Criteria

    What is the purpose of the Communicate Requirements task? Communicating requirements is

    essential for bringing stakeholders to a common un-derstanding of requirements.

    Does the analyst utilize soft, technical or both types of communication skills when communicating

    requirements? Both

    What are the inputs to the Communicate Requirements task? There are 3:\n::BA Communication

    Plan\n::Requirements\n::Requirements Package

    The Requirements Package is the output of what task? Prepare Requirements Package

    What is the output of the Communicate Requirements task? Requirements Communicated

    Which task or tasks consume communicated requirements? Manage Solution Scope and


    With regards to communicating the requirements, what does the BA Communication Plan provide?

    ::What requirements should be communicated\n::Which stakeholders should receive the

    communication\n::When communication should occur\n::What the form of the communication should


  • What are the elements of the Communicate Requirements task? There are 2:\n::General

    Communication \n::Presentations

    What knowledge area does the Communicate Requirements task reside in? Requirements Mgmt

    and Communication

    When does requirements communication typically occur? It occurs throughout the project on an

    iterative basis

    Must all project requirements communication be formal? No, informal communication is also

    valuable and may lead to the creation of additional requirements

    What are so common areas that lead to the creation of additional requirements as a result of

    communication? ::Enterprise analysis \n::Elicitation \n::Requirements Analysis\n::Solution

    Assessment and Validation

    The formality of presentations used to communicate requirements is driven by what factors?

    Stakeholder needs and objectives of the communication

    A presentation may be used: ::to ensure that internal project quality standards have been adhered to

    What are the techniques of the Communicate Requirements? There are 2:\n::Requirements

    Workshops\n:: Structured Walkthrough

    What is the difference between a structured walk through and a requirements workshop? A

    requirements workshop is a structured meeting in which a carefully selected group of stakeholders

    collaborate to define and or refine requirements under the guidance of a skilled neutral facilitator\n\nA

    structured walkthrough is an organized peer review of a deliverable with the objective of finding errors

    and omissions. It is considered a form of quality assurance

    Communicated Requirements mean what to stakeholders? That they understand them and the

    current state the requirements are in

    What does the Enterprise Analysis Knowledge Area describe? The business analysis activities

    necessary to identify a business need, problem, or opportunity, define the nature of a solution that

    meets that need, and justify the investment necessary to deliver that solution

    Enterprise Analysis outputs provide context to what? Requirements analysis and solution


    Is enterprise the starting point or a result of creating a new project? The starting point?

    What is the difference between a requirements defined during enterprise analysis and requirements

    analysis? The requirements that are outputs of enterprise analysis are higher level requirements

    that must be in place to achieve the business goals and objectives.

  • The Enterprise Analysis knowledge area describes what types of activities for organizations? ::To

    analyze the business situation in order to fully understand business problems and opportunities. \n::To

    assess the capabilities of the enterprise in order to understand the change needed to meet business

    needs and achieve strategic goals. \n::To determine the most feasible business solution approach.\n::To

    define the solution scope and develop the business case for a proposed solution.\n::To define and

    document business requirements (including the business need, required capabilities, solution scope, and

    business case).

    There are 7 inputs to the Enterprise Analysis Knowledge Area. What are they? ::Assumptions and

    Constraints\n::Business Goals and Objectives\n::Enterprise Architecture\n::Org Process

    Assets\n::Requirements [Stated]\n::Solution Performance Assessment\n::Stakeholder Concerns

    How many tasks are part of the Enterprise Analysis knowledge area? There are 5. They are:\n::Define

    Business Need\n::Assess Capability Gaps\n::Determine Solution Approach\n::Define Solution

    Scope\n::Define Business Case

    What are the outputs of the Enterprise Analysis knowledge area? There are 5:\n::Business

    Case\n::Business Need\n::Required Capabilities\n::Solution Approach\n::Solution Scope

    What is the purpose of the Define Business Need task? Identify and define why a change to

    organizational systems or capabilities is required

    Why is the definition of the business need so critical? It defines the problem that the business analyst

    is trying to find a solution for. \n\nThe way the business need is defined determines which alternative

    solutions will be considered, which stakeholders will be consulted, and which solution approaches will

    be evaluated

    What are the inputs needed to define the business need? ::Business Goals and

    Objectives\n::Requirements [Stated]

    The business need is consumed by what task or tasks? ::Plan Business Analysis Approach\n::Conduct

    Stakeholder Analysis\n::Prepare for Elicitation\n::Conduct Elicitation\n::Assess Capability

    Gaps\n::Determine Solution Approach\n::Define Solution Scope\n::Define Business Case\n::Prioritize

    Requirements\n::Verify Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt and Communication Knowledge Area

    What are the four ways to generate a business need during Enterprise Analysis? ::From Top

    Down\n::From Bottom Up\n::From Middle Mgmt\n::From External Drivers

    Business goals and objectives describe what? The ends that the organization is seeking to achieve.

    Goals and objectives can relate to changes that the organization wants to accomplish, or current

    conditions that it wants to maintain

    Goals are defined as what? Longerterm, ongoing, and qualitative statements of a state or

    condition that the organization is seeking to establish and maintain

  • Highlevel goals can be decomposed to break down what? General strategy into distinct focus

    areas that may lead to desired results, such as increased customer satisfaction, operational excellence

    and/or business growth

    A common test for assessing objectives is to ensure that they are SMART. What do the letters in this

    acronym stand for? ::Specific describing something that has an observable outcome

    \n::Measurable tracking and measuring the outcome\n::Achievable testing the feasibility of the

    effort\n::Relevant in alignment with the organizations key vision, mission, goals\n::Timebounded

    the objective has a defined timeframe that is consistent with the business need

    In order to define a business need, what must occur? An issue must be investigated to ensure that

    there is in fact an opportunity for improvement if the issue is resolved

    When investigating the business, the analyst should consider what? :: Adverse impacts the problem

    is causing\n:: Expected benefits from any potential solution\n:: How quickly the problem could

    potentially be resolved\n::The underlying source of the problem

    As a possible solution, what should always be considered? Doing nothing

    What is a desired outcome? It describes the business benefits that will result from meeting the

    business need and the end state desired by stakeholders.\n\nProposed solutions must be evaluated

    against desired outcomes to ensure that they can deliver those outcomes

    What are the techniques of the Define Business Need task? ::Benchmarking\n:: Brainstorming\n::

    Business Rules Analysis\n:: Focus Groups\n:: Functional Decomposition\n:: Root Cause Analysis

    What is Benchmarking? Understanding what competing organizations and peers are doing allows the

    organization to remain at a comparable level of service or identify opportunities to increase efficiency

    What is the purpose of the Assess Capability Gaps task? To identify new capabilities required by the

    enterprise to meet the business need

    Why should capability gaps be identified? They that prevent it from meeting business needs and

    achieving desired outcomes

    What are the inputs of the Assess Capability Gaps task? ::Business Needs\n::Enterprise

    Assessment\n::Solution Performance Assessment

    The Assess Capability Gaps task is part of what knowledge area? Enterprise Analysis

    What is the output of the Assess Capability Gaps task? Required Capabilities

    What are the tasks that consume Required Capabilities? ::Determine Solution Approach\n::Define

    Solution Scope\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Verify Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt and

    Communication knowledge area

  • What does a Solution Performance Assessment define? Shortcomings, problems or limitations of an

    existing solution

    What are the elements of the Assess Capability Gaps task? There are 3:\n::Current Capability

    Analysis\n::Assessment of New Capability Requirements\n::Assumptions

    What is the goal of the Current Capability analysis exercise? To understand the organizations

    business and how the business and technology architecture are supporting that business

    What must be done if current capability data is not available? The analyst must model and other

    descriptive information about the area of the enterprise that is under review.

    What must the current capabilities be assessed against in order to identify gaps? The desired objectives

    of the stakeholders

    If current capabilities are insufficient to meet the business need, the business analyst must identify

    what? The capabilities that the organization must add

    A comparison of the current and desired future states will identify what? Gaps in organizational

    capabilities that need to be filled to support the business vision, strategy, goals and objectives.

    Why is it important to identify assumptions during the Assess Capability Gaps task? So that

    appropriate decisions can be made if the assumption later proves invalid

    What are the techniques used in the Assess Capability Gaps task? ::Document Analysis\n::SWOT


    What is SWOT Analysis? Identify how current capabilities and limitations (Strengths and Weaknesses)

    match up against the influencing factors (Opportunities and Threats)

    What is the definition of Required Capabilities? An understanding of the current capabilities of the

    organization and the new capabilities (processes, staff, features in an application, etc.) that may be

    required to meet the business need

    What is the purpose of the Determine Solution Approach task in Enterprise Analysis? To determine

    the most viable solution approach to meet the business need in enough detail to allow for definition of

    solution scope and prepare the business case

    The solution approach describes what? The general approach that will be taken to create or acquire the

    new capabilities required to meet the business need

    What must occur for the solution approach to be defined? ::identify possible

    approaches\n::determine the means by which the solution may be delivered (including the

    methodology and lifecycle to be used) \n::assess whether the organization is capable of implementing

    and effectively using a solution of that nature

  • What are the inputs to the Define Solution Approach task? There are 3\n::Business\n::Organization

    Process Assets\n::Required Capabilities

    The Solution Approach is consumed by what task or tasks? Define Solution Scope

    What are the elements of the Define Solution Approach task? There are 3\n::Alternative

    Generation\n::Assumptions and Constraints\n::Ranking Selection of Approaches

    What is involved in the generation of alternatives? Identify as many potential options as possible to

    meet the business objectives and fill identified gaps in capabilities

    In relation to a solution, what is the impact of an assumption or constraint? Either might impact

    whether the solution is a viable option

    What are the techniques of the Define Solution Approach task? There are 2\n::General Techniques

    (includes benchmarking, brainstorming, decision analysis, estimation, SWOT analysis)\n::Feasibility


    What is a feasibility study? A preliminary analysis of solution alternatives or options to determine

    whether and how each option can provide an expected business benefit

    What is the definition of a solution approach? A description of the approach that will be taken to

    implement a new set of capabilities. Solution approaches describe the types of solution components

    that will be delivered (new processes, a new software application, etc.) and may also describe the

    methodology that will be used to deliver those components

    What is the purpose of the Define Solution Scope task? To define which new capabilities a project or

    iteration will deliver in order to conceptualize the recommended solution in enough detail to enable

    stakeholders to understand which new business capabilities an initiative will deliver

    What does the solution scope include? ::The scope of analysis (the organizational unit or process for

    which requirements are being developed) which provides the context in which the solution is

    implemented\n:: capabilities supported by solution components\n:: capabilities to be supported by

    individual releases or iterations\n:: enabling capabilities that are required in order for the organization

    to develop the capabilities required to meet the business need

    What are the inputs to the Define Solution Scope task? There are 4\n::Assumptions and

    Constraints\n::Business Needs\n::Required Capabilities\n::Solution Approach

    The Define Solution Scope task produces what output? Solution Scope

    The Solution Scope is consumed by what task or tasks? ::Prepare for Elicitation\n::Conduct

    Elicitation\n::Define Business Case\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Organize Requirements\n::Verify

    Requirements\n::Allocate Requirements\n::Assess Org Readiness\n::Requirements Mgmt and

    Communication knowledge area

  • What are the elements of the Define Solution Scope task? There are 3\n::Solution Scope

    Definition\n::Implementation Approach\n::Dependencies

    What is included in the Solution Scope Definition? ::Major features and functions that are to be

    included, and the interactions that the solution will have with people and systems outside of its

    scope\n::. Differentiation of the inscope and outofscope components of the solution

    What does the Implementation Approach define? How the chosen solution approach will deliver

    the solution scope. The implementation approach may break delivery down into specific releases or

    provide a roadmap that indicates the timeframe in which a capability can be expected

    What are the techniques for the Define Solution Scope task? There are 2\n::General Techniques

    (includes Functional Decomposition, Interface Analysis, Scope Modeling, User Stories)\n::Problem or

    Vision Statement

    The Solution Approach is defined in what knowledge area? Enterprise Analysis

    The Solution Scope defines what? What must be delivered in order to meet the business need,

    and the effect of the proposed change initiative on the business and technology operations and


    The business case describes what? The justification for the project in terms of the value to be

    added to the business as a result of the deployed solution, as compared to the cost to develop and

    operate the solution

    What are the inputs to the Define Business Case task? There are 4\n::Assumptions and

    Constraints\n::Business Needs\n::Solution Scope\n::Stakeholder Concerns

    The business case is consumed by what tasks? ::Prepare for Elicitation\n::Conduct

    Elicitation\n::Prioritize Requirements\n::Verify Requirements\n::Validate

    Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt and Communication knowledge area

    With regard to the business, typically what do the assumptions refer to that are identified?

    Assumptions about the revenue generated or retained by the solution or nonfinancial

    improvements it will deliver

    What are the elements of the Define Business Case task? There are 4\n::Benefits\n::Costs

    What are the two types of benefits collected in the Define Business Case task? Qualitative and


    Benefits collected in the Define Business Case task should relate back to what? Strategic objectives and

    goals of the organization

    In estimating the total net cost of a proposed solution, what is included in the calculation? ::capital

    expenditures for the new investment\n::costs of developing and implementing the

  • change\n::opportunity costs of not investing in other options, costs related to changing the work and

    practices of the organization\n::total cost of ownership to support the new solution and consequential

    costs borne by others

    The initial risk assessment focuses on what? Solution feasibility risks that the organization is willing

    to or able to bear

    Initial risk assessment includes what factors? ::technical risks (whether the chosen technology and

    suppliers can deliver the required functionality)\n::financial risks (whether costs may exceed levels that

    make the solution viable or potential benefits may disappear) \n::business change and organizational

    risks (whether the organization will make the changes necessary to benefit from the new solution).

    What types of results are articulated in the business case? Cost and Benefits to be realized and

    how each will be measured

    What are the techniques used in the Define Business Case task? There are 6\n::Decision

    Analysis\n::Estimation\n::Metrics and KPIs\n::Risk Analysis\n::SWOT Analysis\n::Vendor Assessment

    Why is vendor assessment a technique in the Define Business Case task? In the case in which a purchase

    or outsourcing to a third party is in consideration, the organization must know whether the vendor is

    capable of delivering the solution

    Who is the primary stakeholder in the Define Business Case task? The Sponsor

    The business case presents data in order to support what? A go/nogo decision on whether to

    fund the effort

    The Requirements Analysis knowledge area describes what? The tasks and techniques used by a

    business analyst to analyze stated requirements in order to define the required capabilities of a

    potential solution that will fulfill stakeholder needs.

    What are stakeholder requirements? They describe what a solution must be capable of doing to meet

    the needs of one or more stakeholder groups

    What are solution requirements? They describe the behavior of solution components in enough

    detail to allow them to be constructed

    The performance of all requirements analysis activities is governed by what? Business Analysis Plan

    What are the inputs to the Requirements Analysis knowledge area? There are 8\n::Business

    Case\n::Business Need\n::Requirements\n::Organizational Process Assets\n::Requirements Mgmt

    Plan\n::Stakeholder Concerns\n::Stakeholder List\n::Solution Scope

    What are the tasks of the Requirements Analysis knowledge area? There are 6\n::Prioritize

    Requirements\n::Organize Requirements\n::Specify and Model Requirements\n::Define Assumptions

    and Constraints\n::Verify Requirements\n::Validate Requirements

  • What are the outputs of the Requirements Analysis knowledge area? There are 6\n::Assumptions and

    Constraints\n::Requirements Structure\n::Requirements [prioritized]\n::Requirements [validated]\n::

    Requirements [verified]\n::Stakeholder Concerns

    What is the purpose of the Prioritize Requirements task? Prioritization of requirements ensures

    that analysis and implementation efforts focus on the most critical requirements.

    What is Requirement prioritization? It is a decision process used to determine the relative

    importance of requirements, based on value, risk, difficulty of implementation, or on other criteria

    Prioritization determines what? Which requirements should be targets for further analysis and to

    determine which requirements should be implemented first

    What are the inputs to the Prioritize Requirements task? There are 5\n::Business

    Case\n::Business Need\n::Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt Plan\n::Stakeholder List

    Prioritized requirements are consumed by what tasks? ::Assess Proposed Solution

    What does the business case, as an input, provide to the prioritization of requirements process? It

    provides key goals and measures of success for a project or organization, and priorities should be

    aligned with those goals and objectives.

    Why is a business need and business case needed? Its not. The business need serves as an

    alternative if the business case has not been provided

    What are the elements for the Prioritize Requirements task? There are 2\n::Basis of


    What are the factors considered as part as the basis for prioritization? ::Business Value\n::Business or

    Technical Risk\n::Implementation Difficulty\n::Likelihood of Success\n::Regulatory or Policy

    Compliance\n::Relationship to Other Requirements\n::Stakeholder Agreements

    How does business value impact prioritization of requirements? It prioritizes requirements based on

    costbenefit analysis of their relative value to the organization. The most valuable requirements will be

    targeted for development first.

    Why is the relationship to other requirements a factor for the basis of prioritization? A requirement

    may not be high value in and of itself, but may support other highpriority requirements and as such

    may be a candidate for early implementation.

    What are two types of challenges with regard to requirements prioritization? Nonnegotiable

    demands from stakeholders and Unrealistic tradeoffs

    What is considered an unrealistic tradeoff? The solution development team may intentionally or

    uninten-tionally try to influence the result of the prioritization process by overestimating the difficulty or

    complexity of implementing certain requirements

  • What are the techniques used in the Prioritize Requirements task? There are 4\n::General

    techniques (Risk and Decision analysis)\n::Moscow Analysis (Must, Should, Could, and


    What is Timeboxing/Budgeting? Prioritization of requirements for investigation and implementation

    based on allocation of a fixed resource.

    What must be determined in order to use Timeboxing/Budgeting? The solution approach

    Timeboxing prioritizes requirements based on what? The amount of work that the project team is

    capable of delivering in a set period of time

    Budgeting is used when? When the project team has been allocated a fixed amount of money.

    What are the three approaches to Timeboxing/budgeting? ::All In Begin with all the eligible

    requirements with assigned Duration or Cost. Remove the requirements in order to meet the calendar

    dates or budget limit.\n::All Out Begin with adding the requirement(s) with assigned duration or cost

    to the calendar or budget. Stop when the calendar dates are met or budget limit is reached.\n::Selective

    Begin by identifying high priority requirements added to the calendar or budget. Add or remove

    requirements in order to meet the calendar date or budget limit.

    What is voting in relation to requirement prioritization? Voting methods allocate a fixed amount of

    resources (votes, play money, or other tokens) to each participant for them to distribute among

    proposed features or requirements. The requirements that receive the most resources are the ones that

    will be investigated or developed first

    A prioritized requirement has an attribute that describes what? Its relative importance to stakeholders

    and the organization

    What is the purpose of the Organize Requirements task? To create a set of views of the

    requirements for the new business solution that are comprehensive, complete, consistent, and

    understood from all stakeholder perspectives

    What are the two key objectives when organizing requirements? ::Understand which models are

    appropriate for the business domain and solution scope\n:: Identify model interrelationships and


    What are the inputs to the Organize Requirements task? There are 3:\n::Organizational Process

    Assets\n::Requirements [Stated]\n::Solution Scope

    Why is it important to understand model interdependencies when organizing requirements?

    Because it is the relationships and interdependencies among requirements that adds the

    element of complexity

    What task or tasks consume the Requirements Structure? Prepare Requirements Package and

    Specify and Model Requirements

  • What are the elements of the Organize Requirements task? There are two\n::Levels of Abstraction

    According to the BABOK 2.0, which of the following describes LESSENING abstraction of requirements?

    ::business requirements, stakeholder requirements, and solution requirements

    What is the objective of creating a model of requirements? To simplify reality in a way that is useful

    Must modeling be performed in a specific order with a specific hierarchy? No. There is not

    hierarchy when using models

    What are the common concepts when using models? ::User Classes, profiles, Roles\n::Concepts and


    User Classes, Profiles, or Roles are categorizations that are often found in what models? ::organization

    models \n::process models\n::use cases

    Organization models, process models and use cases are generally created in what task Conduct

    Stakeholder Analysis

    What corresponds to something in the real world; a place, a person, a thing, an organization A


    What do concepts define? They define the objects, entities or facts that are relevant to the

    business domain and what relationships they have with other concepts

    The attributes of a concept are found in what type of model Data Model

    A request to a business system or organization to do something, such as a customer placing an order, or

    a manager requesting a report, can be described as what? An Event

    Events can serve as the basis for what type of model? Scope Model

    Events serve as the basis for scope models but can be described in what other types of models?

    ::Process Models\n::State Diagrams\n::Use Cases/Models

    A sequence of repeatable activities executed within an organization is known as a what? Process

    Processes describe what? Who and what has to be involved in fully responding to an event, or

    how people in the enterprise collaborate to achieve a goal

    Process information can be found in what types of models? ::Process Models\n::Org

    Models\n::State Diagrams\n::Use Cases/Models

    What are used by the enterprise to enforce goals and guide decisionmaking? Rules

    What do rules determine? When information associated with an entity may change, what values of

    information are valid, how decisions are made in a process, and what the organizations priorities are

  • What types of models might contain rule information? ::Process Models\n::State Diagrams\n::Use


    What are the techniques used in the Organize Requirements task? There are 9\n::Business Rules

    Analysis\n::Data Flow Diagrams\n::Data Modeling\n::Functional Decomposition\n::Organizational

    Modeling\n::Process Modeling\n::Scenarios and Use Cases\n::Scope Modeling\n::User Stories

    Who are the primary stakeholders in the Organize Requirements task? Domain SME, End User,

    Implementation SME, and Sponsor: They Affected by analysis techniques used to organize requirements

    since they need to verify and validate the requirements.

    What is the purpose of the Specify and Model Requirements task? To analyze expressed

    stakeholder desires and/or the current state of the organization using a combination of textual

    statements, matrices, diagrams and formal models

    Specifications and models are created to do what? Analyze the functioning of an organization and

    provide insight into opportunities for improvement

    Specifications and models also support what? Development and implementation of solutions,

    facilitating communication among stakeholders, supporting training activities and knowledge

    management, and ensuring compliance with contracts and regulations

    What are the inputs to the Specify and Model Requirements task? There are 2\n::Requirements

    [stated]\n::Requirements Structure

    What is the output of the Specify and Model Requirements task? Stakeholder or Solution


    What tasks consume the Stakeholder or Solution Requirements? There are 3\n::Prioritize

    Requirements\n::Verify Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt and Communication knowledge area

    What are the elements of the Specify and Model Requirements task? ::Text\n::Matrix

    Documentation\n::Models\n::Capture Requirements Attributes\n::Improvement Opportunities

    The Text element must describe what? Te capabilities of the solution, any conditions that must exist for

    the requirement to operate, and any constraints that may prevent the solution from fulfilling the


    A table or matrix is used to document requirements when? When business analyst is looking to

    convey a set of requirements that have a complex but uniform structure which can be broken down into

    elements that apply to every entry in the table

    What aspects of requirements are often expressed in tabular form? ::Attributes\n::Data

    Dictionaries\n::Traceability\n::Prioritization data

  • A WHAT is any simplified representation of a complex reality that is useful for understanding that reality

    and making decisions regarding it? A model

    What are two things that help determine which type of model to use? The people that make up the

    receiving audience and the type of information being communicated

    What is the difference between an informal model and a formal model? An informal model does not

    have a formal semantic definition and instead connects elements in ways that are meaningful for the

    analyst and the audience\n\nA formal model follows semantics and iconography that are defined in a

    standard to indicate the meaning of each model element

    What are some potential improvement opportunities that might be identified and captured during the

    Specify and Model Requirements task? :: Automate Or Simplify The Work People Perform\n:: Improve

    Access To Information\n:: Reduce Complexity Of Interfaces\n:: Increase Consistency Of Behavior\n::

    Eliminate Redundancy

    What are the techniques used in the Specify and Model Requirements task? There are several

    techniques that are part of the general techniques category:\nAcceptance and Evaluation Criteria

    Definition \nBusiness Rules Analysis \nData Dictionary and Glossary \nData Flow Diagrams \nData

    Modeling \nFunctional Decomposition \nInterface Analysis \nMetrics and Key Performance Indicators

    \nNonfunctional Requirements Analysis \nOrganization Modeling \nProcess Modeling \nPrototyping

    \nScenarios and Use Cases \nSequence Diagrams \nState Diagrams \nUser Stories

    What is the purpose of the Define Assumptions and Constraints task? Identify factors other than

    requirements that may affect which solutions are viable.

    Assumptions are defined as what? Assumptions are factors that are believed to be true, but have

    not been confirmed

    What is associated with assumptions that must be validated by the analyst? Risk

    Constraints are defined as what? Constraints are defined as restrictions or limitations on possible


    Solution constraints describe what? Aspects of the current state, or planned future state that may

    not be changed

    What are the inputs to the Define Assumptions and Constraints task? Stakeholder Concerns

    What are the elements used in the Define Assumptions and Constraints task? There are

    3\n::Assumptions\n::Business Constraints\n::Technical Constraints

    Business Constraints can reflect what type of information? ::budgetary restrictions\n::time

    restrictions\n::limits on the number of resources available\n::restrictions based on the skills of the

    project team and the stakeholders\n::a requirement that certain stakeholders not be affected by the

    implementation of the solution\n::or any other organizational restriction

  • Technical constraints include what? Any architecture decisions that are made that may impact the

    design of the solution

    Technical constraints may also describe restrictions such as what? :: resource

    utilization\n::message size\n::timing\n::software size\n::maximum number of and size of files\n::records

    and data elements

    What is the output of the Define Assumptions and Constraints task? Assumptions and Constraints

    What tasks consume Assumptions and Constraints? There are 4\n::Define Solution Scope\n::Define

    Business Case\n::Assess Proposed Solution\n::Requirements Mgmt and Communication knowledge area

    What is the purpose of the Verify Requirements task? Requirements verification ensures that

    requirements specifications and models meet the necessary standard of quality to allow them to be

    used effectively to guide further work

    Verifying requirements ensures what? The requirements have been defined correctly and are of

    acceptable quality

    Requirements verification constitutes a final check by the business analyst and key stakeholders to

    determine that the requirements are what? Ready for formal review and validation by the

    customers and users and provide all the information needed for further work based on the

    requirements to be performed

    What are the inputs to the Verify Requirements task? Requirements [Any Except Stated]

    The Verify Requirements task produces what output? Requirements [Verified]

    What tasks consume verified requirements? ::Validate Requirements\n::Requirements Mgmt and

    Communication knowledge area

    What are the elements used in the Verify Requirements task? There are 2:\n::Characteristics of

    Requirements Quality\n::Verification Activities

    A high quality requirement exhibits what characteristics?



    The feasibility of a requirement is concerned with what? That the requirement must be implementable

    within the existing infrastructure, with the existing budget, timeline and resources available to the team

    or the project must develop the capability to implement the requirement

    Are verification activities of requirements performed in a singular fashion or iteratively? Iteratively

    throughout the requirements analysis process

    Verification activities include what? ::Check for completeness within each requirements

    model\n::Compare each prepared requirements model (textual or graphical) against all other prepared

  • requirements models\n:: Variations to the documented processes have been identified and

    documented\n:: All triggers and outcomes have been accounted for in all variations\n:: Terminology

    used in expressing the requirement is understandable to stakeholders and consistent\n:: Examples are

    added where appropriate for clarification

    What are the techniques used in the Verify Requirements task? There are 2:\n::General techniques

    (includes Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Definition, Problem Tracking, Structured Walkthrough)\n::


    What is the purpose of a checklist? The purpose of a checklist is to ensure that items that the

    organization or project team has determined are important are included in the final requirements


    What is the purpose of the Validate Requirements task? To ensure that all requir+B16ements support

    the delivery of value to the business, fulfill its goals and objectives, and meet a stakeholder need.

    Does Requirements Validation once or throughout the life of the project? Throughout in an

    ongoing basis

    To be a valid requirement, it must do what? Contribute directly or indirectly to the business case

    What are the inputs to the Validate Requirements task? There are 2\n::Business Case\n::Stakeholder

    Solution or Transition Requirements [verified]

    Validated requirements are consumed by what tasks? ::Validate Solution\n::Requirements Mgmt and

    Communication knowledge area

    What are the elements of the Validate Requirements task? There are 5\n::identify

    Assumptions\n::Define Measurable Criteria\n::Determine Business Value\n::Determine Dependencies

    for Benefit Realization\n::Evaluate Alignment with Business Case and Opportunity Cost

    Assumptions must be identified to manage what? Risk

    Evaluation Criteria are used to do what during Validate Requirements? They are create and used to

    measure the solution following deployment against the forecasted benefits from the start of the project

    True or False: Besides the Business Case, it is possible to assess individual requirements or features to

    determine business value TRUE

    A requirement that does not deliver direct or indirect value to a stakeholder is a strong candidate for

    what? Elimination

    True or False: Business value can be delivered through requirements that support compliance with

    regulatory or other standards, alignment with internal standards or policies of the organization, or

    increased satisfaction for stakeholders, even if those things do not have a direct measurable financial

    benefit. TRUE

  • True or False: All requirements contribute directly to the end result desired by the organization and

    described in the business case FALSE

    Can a requirement hold value for a stakeholder yet not be part of a delivered solution. Yes, but if it is

    not aligned with the business case should be defined and approved in a separate business case, or

    considered for removal from the solution scope

    Each requirement must be traceable to what? The objectives in the business case

    At the project level, opportunity cost refers to what? The benefits that could have been achieved

    with an alternative investment rather than this one.

    The opportunity cost of any decision is equal to what? The value of the best alternative use of those


    What are the techniques in the Validate Requirements task? There are 5:\n:: Acceptance and

    Evaluation Criteria Definition\n:: Metrics and Key Performance Indicators\n:: Prototyping\n:: Risk

    Analysis\n:: Structured Walkthrough

    The Solution Assessment and Validation Knowledge Area describes what? The tasks that are

    performed in order to ensure that solutions meet the business need and to facilitate their successful


    What is the responsibility of the business analyst during Solution Assessment and Validation?

    Ensuring that stakeholders fully understand the solution requirements and that implementation

    decisions are aligned with the relevant requirements

    What are the tasks in the Solution Assessment and Validation knowledge area? There are 6\n::Assess

    Proposed Solution\n::Allocate Requirements\n::Assess Organizational Readiness\n::Define Transition

    Requirements\n::Validate Solution\n::Evaluate Solution Performance

    What is the purpose of the Assess Proposed Solution task? To assess proposed solutions in order to

    determine how closely they meet stakeholder and solution requirements

    Is Solution Assessment performed on a single or multiple solutions? Both. It may be used to

    compare multiple solutions or to assess a single solution

    What are the inputs to the Assess Proposed Solution task? There are 3\n::Assumptions and

    Constraints\n::Requirements [prioritized and approved]\n::Solution Option(s)

    What is the output of the Assess Proposed Solution task? Assessment of Proposed Solution

    What tasks consume the Assessment of Proposed Solution? Solution Selection or Design

    What are the elements of the Assess Proposed Solution task? ::Ranking of Solution

    Options\n::Identification of Additional Potential Capabilities

  • What are the techniques of the Assess Proposed Solution task? There are 3\n:: Acceptance and

    Evaluation Criteria Definition\n:: Decision Analysis\n:: Vendor Assessment

    Why is vendor assessment a technique as part of the Assess Proposed Solution task? To ensure that

    all parties will be able to develop and maintain a healthy working relationship

    What is a potential suggestion as part of the Solution Assessment if no solution delivers appropriate

    value? To terminate the initiative or do nothing.

    What is the purpose of the Allocate Requirements task? Allocate stakeholder and solution requirements

    among solution components and releases in order to maximize the possible business value given the

    options and alterna-tives generated by the design team.

    Requirements allocation is defined as what? Te process of assigning stakeholder and solution

    requirements to solution components and to releases

    Allocation is performed after assessing what? Assessment tradeoffs between alternatives in order to

    maximize benefits and minimize costs

    What are the inputs of the Allocate Requirements task? There are 3:\n::Requirements [prioritized and

    approved]\n::Solution [designed]\n::Solution Scope

    Allocated Requirements are consumed by what tasks? ::Requirements Mgt. and Communication

    \n::Solution Selection or Design

    Requirements may be allocated between or over what? ::Organizational units\n::between job

    functions\n::between people and software\n::software application components \n::releases of a


    To prevent scope revision, what must the allocation of requirements match? The associated

    stakeholder and solution requirements

    What are the elements of the Allocate Requirements task? There are 2\n::Solution

    Components\n::Release Planning

    What are some examples of solution components? ::Business policies and business

    rules\n::Business processes to be performed and managed\n::People who operate and maintain the

    solution, including their job functions and responsibilities\n::Software applications and application

    components used in the solution.\n::Structure of the organization, including interactions between the

    organization, its customers, and its suppliers

    The allocation of requirements to solution components will be a primary driver of what? The cost to

    implement the solution and the benefits delivered by it.

  • During solution design, why might it become necessary to revisit the initial allocation of functionality

    between components as defined in the solution scope? The cost to implement each component

    becomes better understood, and to determine which allocations have the best cost/benefit ratio.

    Analyst assessment of whether the allocation represents the most effective tradeoffs between delivery

    options involves what considerations? ::Available resources\n::Constraints on the

    Solution\n::Dependencies Between Requirements

    What types of factors are considerations of release planning? ::overall project budget\n::the need to

    implement a solution or parts of the solution by a certain date\n::resource constraints\n::training

    schedule \n::ability for the business to absorb changes within a defined timeframe.

    What are the techniques used in the Allocate Requirements task? There are 6\n:: Acceptance and

    Evaluation Criteria Definition\n:: Business Rules Analysis\n:: Decision Analysis\n:: Functional

    Decomposition\n:: Process Modeling\n:: Scenarios and Use Cases

    Why would process modeling be a part of allocation of requirements? Activities in the process model

    may be allocated to different roles, or outsourced to a supplier. A solution can be developed that

    incrementally supports some subprocesses or activities

    What is the involvement of the Implementation SME during the Allocate Requirements task? The

    role is responsible for the design and construction of some or all solution components and the

    estimation of the work required. It will also make recommendations regarding the allocation of


    Allocated requirements are associated with what? A solution component that will implement


    What is the purpose of the Assess Organizational Readiness task? Assess whether the

    organization is ready to make effective use of a new solution.

    An organizational readiness assessment describes what? The effect a new solution will have