Download - b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Page 1: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

© 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC



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Page 2: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Butter, Animal Fats & Fish Oil

Eating FAT does NOT result in Belly Fat Eating excess Carbohydrates directly cause Belly Fat

Carbohydrates = Sugar = Belly FAT

Did you know that two slices of “Healthy Whole Grain” bread contains 6 teaspoons of sugar and one medium baked potato has 10 teaspoons of sugar when fully digested? Any food that comes from a plant IS a carbohydrate. All carbohydrates when fully digested become sugar. Therefore, one must control the amount of carbohydrates eaten at each meal and in any 24 hour period so as not to increase blood sugar into an unhealthy range resulting in the creation of Belly Fat. Example: Two slices of “Healthy Whole Grain” bread will raise your blood sugar level HIGHER than a Snickers Bar!!!

There are NO essential carbohydrates. There are however, essential fatty acids that are the building blocks of healthy fats. Simply, this means you will die without eating proper, healthy fats. You, believe it or not… can live a perfectly healthy life without ever consuming another carbohydrate. Not to suggest you do this, but it dramatically points out HEALTHY FATS are required for life, carbohydrates are not.

Your brain is 70% cholesterol (fat). Saturated fat makes up the balance of your brain construction. Yes… you ARE a Fathead! Have you been starving your brain?

In 2014 Harvard University called for the end of the “LOW FAT DIET” publically stating that cholesterol and saturated fats do not cause heart disease. Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and overall system.

Where to get The BIG 5

Olive Oil ~ Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil

Coconut Oil ~ Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. The

virtues of coconut oil are numerous. MCT Oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) an element of coconut oil, is essential for brain health.

Butter ~ Organic Butter, Whole Cream Cheese, Whole Sour

Cream, Heavy Whipping Cream.

Animal Fats ~ Lard...YES, LARD! The benefits of porcine

lard have been shown to be possibly more protective than coconut oil! Organic, grass fed or pastured beef, pork & chicken (WITH the skin) are preferable. Look for minimally processed meats with no added hormones or antibiotics.

Fish Oil ~ Good quality purified, deep sea Omega-3 Fish

Oil, DHA, EPA. Wild caught fish. Stay away from farmed fish.



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© 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC

Page 3: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

The Evils of WHEAT

Where it lurks & why

‘Wheat Belly’ by William Davis, MD. If this has not been stressed enough...READ IT!

From the early 1970’s we were taken down a flowery path encouraging us to eat “Healthy Whole Grains”, so... we traded our Bimbo White Glue Bread for brown “Bread.” We ate our Wheaties and other cereals! We soon craved anything that had wheat as an ingredient. We were erroneously told that their wheat products were good for us.

This is a new world, the world is not flat, bananas don’t cause polio and wheat products ARE harmful! Don’t doom yourself to ill health. Arm yourself with knowledge, the truth. Look at us now. A nation (& world) of obese, diabetic, sick, inflamed beings. Because of the addictive nature of wheat proteins and gliadin’s appetite stimulating effects, we are forever searching out our next “hit” of a wheat product and these are readily available at every turn. Remove wheat from your diet. You will be amazed at the new, slimmer, healthier, more energetic you. Still skeptical? You cannot argue with improved blood chemistries, lost weight and reduced sign & symptoms of many different diseases.

“Truth is truth. If a thousand people believe something foolish, it is still foolish! If they believe something true is foolish, it is still true!


I have found that it is better to be alone and acting upon the truth in my heart than to follow a gaggle of geese doomed to mediocrity.”

~ Christopher Columbus



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© 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC

Page 4: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

JUST SAY NO TO GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS! These products may not contain gluten, however they may

Still be made with wheat & LOADED with carbohydrates that will send your blood sugar levels through the roof!



1) Grains raise blood sugar much more than even candy bars and table sugar. So, saying gluten free is healthy is

tantamount to saying lots of table sugar and candy bars are healthy for us. Two slices of "healthy whole grain bread" is equal to 6 TEASPOONS of TABLE SUGAR, a Snickers Bar has less!

2) When a manufacturer removes gluten from bread the volume loss must be replaced. It is replaced with a very finely ground starch such as tapioca, potato, corn & rice. These types of starches SKYROCKET your blood sugar HIGHER

than any other food known to man. So, if you think about it, a gluten free product is many times more dangerous to

our health than the original whole grain product. Solid science has proven, these so called “healthy” products are the prime cause of metabolic disease in our society today.

3) If your are fighting metabolic diseases such as being overweight or obese, insulin resistance, diabetes, coronary heart disease and perhaps any of more than 300 other diseases, you MUST avoid insulin hormone spikes. To do this

you MUST avoid high blood sugars gluten free products can cause.

4) After gluten is removed from wheat there still remains .....

Gliadin Protein, that is a powerful stimulant of appetite and likely behind the spike in autism and ADHD in children.

Amylopectin A, that is the sugar in grains the effects of which we discussed above in connection to blood sugar spikes.

Lectin compounds, that trigger autoimmune reactions such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease.

The conclusion... avoid grains if you are serious about preventing and reversing metabolic disease. Do not fall for the

"Gluten Free" trickery that seems to be everywhere today. Do not let an uninformed friend, colleague, doctor, nutritionist, grocer or internet misinformation dissuade you from the science of good health.

It is shameful today, in the light of sound research and clinical outcomes to suggest health can be achieved by the

majority of people today by consuming gluten free products.

Avoid ALL gluten free grain products whether in the form of cookies, breads, cakes, baking mixes, crackers, pasta, etc, etc, etc. If you see the statement "gluten free" on any product containing any grains or starches do not purchase or consume it .


The term "gluten free" was originally intended to allow celiac disease patients who are extremely intolerant of

gluten protein to be able to consume wheat products that have had the gluten removed. This process DOES NOT however, make the rest of the grain product safe or healthy for them or us. Gluten Free is currently a very popular

marketing ploy that is trying to convince people that grains are healthy if Gluten Free. This could not be further from scientific truth.



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© 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC

Page 5: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Stocking Your New Pantry

After sorting through the wheat, grain and sugar containing muck, you will want to have on hand the ingredients to try new recipes! This list will get you started. Some products listed contain small amounts of “carby” ingredients, consider how much you would actually consume in a given recipe. NONE of the items listed here contain wheat. If you are unsure about your own ability to use a product, test your blood sugar level one hour after consuming. I have tried to find the best prices, quality of products and where to purchase them. Some items are in bulk and you may want to buddy-up with another health seeking friend and split them. Do your own research as well. If you find a better source, please pass on your findings so we may all share.

Almond Butter ~ Readily available at most grocery stores. Some “health food” stores have grinding machines to grind your own. Check the label… again the ONLY ingredient should be ALMONDS. Many of the brands you will find on the shelves contain sugar. I prefer MaraNatha brand. Stir to incorporate the natural oil before using. Refrigerate after opening.

Almond Flour ~ Sometimes referred to as ‘ground’ or ‘meal’. The ONLY ingredient should be ALMONDS. I use BLANCHED Almond Flour. This simply means the papery covering has been removed. This makes the flour fluffier and less grainy. There are several brands available. I prefer Honeyville Farms Blanched Almond Flour. Order from in a 5 lb. Bag. You can grind your own, however, the process is labor intensive, difficult to maintain consistency and may quickly turn to almond butter! Refrigerate or freeze after opening. Allow to come to room temperature before measuring. When measuring, do not pack, keep it loose.

Choosing Your Battles

If you are opposed to the propellants in olive oil sprays...don’t use them. You can easily grease your pans with coconut oil, olive oil, butter or lard.

Many feel that the nitrates & nitrites found in most bacon is unacceptable. More expensive, nitrate-free bacon is available now in most grocery stores. The sugar used in curing can be an issue depending on how much bacon you eat. Still, it is a good idea to avoid ham & bacon with “Maple” or “Brown Sugar” emblazoned on the front wrapper.

Sugar is a problem, as are some sugar substitutes. Listed here are products containing sugar in very small amounts. If a recipe calls for a bit to enhance the flavors and you choose not to use it, leave it out. As always, if you question whether you can handle the small amount and decide to try it...test your blood an hour after eating with a glucometer & see if your blood sugar is higher. GLUTEN FREE products may not list “sugar” as an ingredient but are usually LOADED with carbohydrates! AVOID! Example products containing minimal amounts of sugar are:

Worcestershire Sauce “Better Than Bouillon” flavor bases Bouillon & stock cubes & granules Roasted Chickens at markets

Any product containing WHEAT should be avoided. You will continually be surprised about products that have unnecessarily added wheat, even shampoos & lotions!

READ THE LABELS! By all means, if you are allergic to any listed ingredients… AVOID THEM!

If you are opposed to using a microwave, use traditional methods to melt, steam, boil, etc. in your recipes.



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Page 6: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Almond Milk ~ Unsweetened Plain, Vanilla & Chocolate. We like the Blue Diamond brand in the box. If you like a glass of cold milk from time to time, try mixing Almond Milk with Heavy Whipping Cream. Refrigerate after opening.

Baking Powder ~ Readily available. I prefer Calumet or Clabber Girl. Some have concerns over aluminum in

most baking powders, Rumford brand is aluminum–free. Both types contain a bit of cornstarch. Since such a small amount is used in a recipe, for me, I can live with it. Mentioned brands are “double-acting”, this means once liquid is added, it is activated. Double acting will give another oomph while baking. Once opened it begins to lose strength & if old baking powder is used in a recipe that should rise ~ it won’t. Broths & Stock ~ Choices #1 Homemade #2 Organic boxed Broth #3 Better Than Bullion

Chia Seed ~ Readily available. High in fiber and a source of Omega-3 fatty acid. Add to baked goods.

Make a pudding! Google it!

Chocolate ~ Readily available. Varieties can also be ordered online at and others. If you use

a lot of chocolate, you may get better pricing in bulk. Make sure your chocolate products are unsweetened, add Stevia to sweeten as directed in recipes. Chocolate contains natural antioxidants!

Good for you! Baking Chocolate ~ Most common brands are Baker’s & Ghirardelli Powdered Cocoa ~ Most common brands are Hershey’s & Ghirardelli. Cocoa Nibs ~ Natural cocoa beans are used to add crunch to cookies, power bars, yogurt, etc.

Source of antioxidants, iron & magnesium. Navitas Naturals brand is organic, raw & vegan

Coconut Flakes ~ I prefer Honeyville Farms Macaroon Coconut

Flakes. Order from in a 4.5 lb. Bag. Be sure you use ONLY unsweetened coconut. Flakes are finely ground, rather like fluffy snow. You can make your own by giving shredded unsweetened coconut a whirl in a food processor. Not necessary to refrigerate, but I have room to store it in the freezer, so I do. Coconut Flour ~ Readily available at most grocery stores in

the baking section. A very dense flour, a little goes a long way. Refrigerate or freeze after opening. Cured Meats ~ Bacon, sausage, hot dogs, dried beef disc’s, salami, ham, etc. Read the labels. Uncured bacon is showing up more often in grocery stores. Stay away from the obvious sugars, such as maple, brown sugar & honey cured meats. If nitrates &

nitrites overly concern you, stay away. Consider how often you want to enjoy these meats and the possible impact on your health. Most also contain some sugar in the curing. Many healthy food stores may have suitable brands or consider making your own!

Deli Meats ~ Boar’s Head brand has the tastes we prefer. Be warned… some contain sugar, ask to see the label. Some of the other brands contain no only sugar but oodles of preservatives! Great for on the go meals! Stop in, get meats & cheeses & check out the olive bar! Egg White Powder ~ Egg white powder will thicken & add body to certain recipes as well as add protein. I order from there are other brands, research online, just be sure “egg whites” are the only ingredient.



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Page 7: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Extracts ~ Readily available at most grocery stores in the baking section. Extracts add flavor. Most contain

a minimal amount of preservative alcohol. The most commonly used is vanilla which can be found without added sugar or alcohol. You may want to keep a few on hand, such as lemon, orange, almond, maple, coconut & strawberry. Capella makes concentrated flavor drops such as blueberry & piña colada. Feeling adventurous? Find them online. Flaxseed ~ Ground Golden Flaxseed has the mildest flavor. It can be added to most recipes that include nut flours, used alone causes a crumbly texture. Store in an airtight container in the freezer or refrigerator to avoid rancidity.

Flaxseed Meal ~ Readily available at most grocery stores in the baking section. A healthy addition. Most

find the Golden Flaxseed Meal tastes the best. High in fiber and a source of Omega-3 fatty acid. Many recipes will work well by replacing some or all of the almond flour. Since there are 0 net carbs, flaxseed meal is very Boot Camp friendly! There are many recipes using flax meal online, just be wary of all the ingredients in the recipe. Refrigerate or freeze after opening. FlaxEggs ~ A substitute for eggs for most recipes. For one egg: Mix 1 tablespoon Flaxseed Meal with

3 tablespoons water in a small bowl. Allow to sit for two minutes. Add to the recipe as you would an egg.

Guar Gum ~ (gwar) Readily available at most grocery stores with the Bob’s Redmill products. Also can be ordered online at, & others. I use the Frontier brand. Empty the foil packet into a wide mouth jar and label for easy access. Guar Gum is a natural food thickener, emulsifier & stabilizer; ground from the endosperm of the guar bean. A very small amount is used to replace cornstarch in recipes. Guar Gum has eight times the thickening power as cornstarch. When adding to baked goods, blend thoroughly with the dry ingredients. When thickening a gravy or sauce, start with adding a ½ to 1 teaspoon of Guar Gum to one or two tablespoons of and oil such as melted butter, coconut or olive oil stirring until dissolved. Add mixture to liquid to be thickened slowly while stirring.

Mayonnaise ~ Choices #1 Homemade with fresh eggs & olive oil #2 Spectrum brand (check for

sugar) #3 Best Foods with Olive Oil has a few undesirable ingredients but does not contain sugar.

Nut & Seed Butters ~ Almond & Sunflower seed Butters are a good choices. Make sure there are no

other ingredients other than salt on the label. You may also wish to grind your own. Keep in mind Peanuts are a legume & higher in carbohydrates, which means higher blood sugar!

OILS ~ Really??? Eat more “healthy” FAT ??? Scary thought? We have been told for over 50

years now that we are FAT because we EAT FAT. NOT SO! For reasons discussed earlier, we NEED healthy fats in our diet to maintain healthy bodies. So, get after it!

Enjoy the essential fats needed to thrive and survive! Butter ~ We slather butter on almost EVERYTHING! Choose organic butter from grass fed cows

when possible. Kerry Gold is healthy AND very tasty; what REAL butter is supposed to taste like. Feeling energetic? Churn your own!

Coconut Oil ~ Readily available at most grocery stores. We use the Nutiva brand which can be

purchased online at or or at Costco. Spectrum brand & others are also good choices. Research has shown coconut oil to play a major role in brain health with healing properties affecting all organs. MCT oil (medium chain triglyceride) is the active ingredient in coconut oil that crosses the blood brain barrier enhancing brain activity. Not necessary to Refrigerate.



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Fish Oil ~ Readily available at most health food & grocery stores. Now, common knowledge, fish oil

is known to help maintain pliable arteries & overall heart health. We order online from Quality is the key here. Preparation & packaging is of the utmost importance. Through extensive research, we have found Nordic Naturals to be superior & best tasting. Must be refrigerated after opening.

Lard - Animal Fats ~ Foods fried in lard over medium heat (below 400°) are tasty & crispy. Keep

in mind, oils should NEVER smoke. You can ask the butcher for it and render it yourself! Refrigerate or freeze after opening. Still worried about LARD?

Olive Oil ~ Readily available at grocery stores. Choose Extra

Virgin Olive Oil. There are many to brands & flavors, experiment to discover which ones you prefer for dressings and for cooking. Store in a cool dark area. If your oil becomes rancid, it will ruin the flavor of any dish. Smell your oil, if it smells like is rancid. Taste it… old nut flavor? It is rancid. There will be no question if your oil is rancid, toss it!

Pork Rinds ~ Chicharrones! Or Chick-a-ronies as Mom likes to call ‘em! Fried pork skins are a quick, crunchy, salty snack with zero carbs! Use them in dips & salsa or crush for a crispy add to fried foods. Again, watch for unwanted ingredients if they have added flavors.

This is what Mary Dan Eades, MD has to say about it... “Real lard is a naturally-hydrogenated, solid fat that requires no

tampering in the factory to add anything to it. Lard is rendered pork fat. Most of its carbon bonding sites are happily filled with a full

complement of hydrogen’s in their natural and normal position just

as it comes from the hog.”

Psyllium Husk Powder ~ Found next to the laxatives in stores or online. Normally used as a dietary fiber supplement adding bulk. Check for unwanted ingredients such as sugar. Psyllium Seed Husks should be the only ingredient.

SALT ~ Sea, Celtic, Grey, Pink Himalayan, Kosher… all salt and required for health

Sauces ~ Readily available at most grocery stores in the baking section. Check label for added ingredients

especially in prepared sauces. Sriracha Sauce, Hunan Chili Sauce, Tabasco Sauce, Soy Sauce/Tamari, Sesame oil, Mustard, Dijon Mustard, Ketchup (Sweetened with Stevia or Sucralose) Horseradish (raw is best)

Shirataki Noodles ~ Found in the refrigerated section or online. These noodles are a good substitute for noodles or pasta (don’t forget Spaghetti Squash!). Made from the konjac root with little carbohydrate challenge. Best in Asian recipes. Follow rinse & brief boiling instructions on the label.

Spices ~ fresh & dried ~ Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace, Orange Peel, Ginger, Pumpkin Pie Spice, Dry

Mustard, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Garlic Salt, Celery Salt, Chili Powder, Red Pepper Flakes, Cumin, Oregano, Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Chervil, Parsley, Peppercorns, Lemon Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Cilantro, White Pepper, Sesame Seeds, Poppy Seeds, Herbes de Provence, Marjoram, Bay Leaf



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Page 9: b © 2014 Cardiac Health Now, LLC m · Stop eating Low Fat, No Fat, Half Fat foods. We, as humans need HEALTHY FATS to sustain life and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and

Stevia ~ Stevia Rebaudiana is an herb in the Chrysanthemum family which grows wild as a small shrub in parts of Paraguay and Brazil. Readily available powdered or liquid sweetener at health food stores, usually with the supplements. There are many online sources. NOW Brand, Sweetleaf, VitaCost & NuNaturals Pure Liquid Clear Stevia brands do not seem to have the “cooling” or aftertaste that many are opposed to. Be sure the Stevia product you does not include other ingredients like maltodextrin that will raise blood sugar. Organic Stevia Extract (leaf) should be the only ingredient in powdered form, liquids usually contain vegetable glycerine, water and sometimes alcohol. NOW Better Stevia Glycerite is great for baking. You’ll also find flavors such as vanilla, mint, orange, etc.

Sucralose ~ Liquid Sucralose is Splenda, not to be confused with the powdered variety in the big yellow

bag in the baking aisle! Liquid Sucralose generally will not raise blood sugar. You will find it used in some recipes to provide flavor & sweetness. Sugar-Free DaVinci & Torani are the most available brands. Walden Farms makes Syrups using sucralose. I have found them online, at Sam’s Club, Old World Market & some markets. Sucralose is a chemical process, if you are opposed to this, try substituting Stevia in liquid or powdered form & replacing the liquid amount with water, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, cold coffee, etc. Some also experience some gastrointestinal disturbances with liquid splenda. Choose your battles! Vinegars ~ Keep on hand a good supply of vinegars. Cider, Rice Wine, Red Wine & Infused. Be aware of the high sugar content in Balsamic Vinegar!

Whey Protein Isolate ~ A good source of protein when added to smoothies. Included in some recipes to add body and nutrition. A brand we like is Bluebonnet, from grass-fed cows, no antibiotics, sugars or sweeteners. Health food stores carry it & also can be found online at . There are many other brands, just be sure to check all ingredients.

Xanthan Gum ~ (ZAN thun) Readily available at most grocery stores with the Bob’s Redmill products.

Also can be ordered online at, & others. Xanthan Gum is a corn-based, fermented product. Can be used instead of Guar Gum in most recipes. Using too much can give a heavy, gummy or even slimy texture. Use in very small amounts. When adding to baked goods, blend thoroughly with the dry ingredients. When thickening a gravy or sauce, start with adding a teaspoon of Xanthan Gum to one or two tablespoons of and oil such as melted butter, coconut or olive oil stirring until dissolved. Add mixture to liquid to be thickened slowly while stirring.

Keep your refrigerator stocked with organic eggs, whole cream, veggies, meats, nuts, pickles, hard cheeses, sugar-free deli meats, olives, whole sour cream, full fat cream cheese & salad goods. Condiments, such as hot sauces, mustards (NOT Honey Mustard!) mayo & even ketchup! Heinz has a “Reduced Sugar” variety that is sweetened with Sucralose (the sugar content comes from the natural sugar in the tomatoes). Canned salmon, tuna, sardines, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce & paste, coconut milk… all of course with NO added sugars. Boxed unsweetened almond & coconut milk, organic beef, chicken, vegetable & mushroom stocks & broths. You will be ready for a snack or party!

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