Download - Ayurveda Yoga - DEIRDRE… · Ayurveda & Yoga Creating balance naturally September 18th, 3:30 - 5:30, $45 An

Page 1: Ayurveda Yoga - DEIRDRE… · Ayurveda & Yoga Creating balance naturally September 18th, 3:30 - 5:30, $45 An

Ayurveda & Yoga Creating balance naturally September 18th, 3:30 - 5:30, $45

An O2 Living Wellness Workshop

Ayurveda ….considered the

mother of all sciences, it describes the elements of

life. Its wisdom helps us live in harmony with

our-selves and our environment.

Yoga …is the sister science to Ayurveda. Yoga’s breath, movement and meditation

practices balance the elements of life in our body, mind and spirit.

Autumn …with each change of

season the elements of life shift within us and around

us. Being mindful and adjusting our choices and

behavior can strengthen our immunity and

resilience to stress.

Wisdom Preparing for the colder weather and fall of light.

Dr. Somesh Kaushik will discuss the elemental changes that occur during the autumn and how these shifts affect our body, mind and spirit depending on our individual constitution or dosha: kapha, pita, vata. He will also address the ailments common to this season and the natural remedies to strengthen our immune system.

Dr Kaushik is an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Physician. He has a new office in the O2 Living Wellness Center..

Practice Yoga’s breath, movement and meditation for balance.

Deirdre Breen will lead a yoga practice that enlivens the wisdom of Ayurveda and creates the stability, space and freedom from suffering which is one of the hallmarks of Yoga.

Deirdre Breen is an ISHTA Master Yoga Teacher and Health Coach on staff at the O2 Living Wellness Center.

02 Living Wellness Center, Yellow Monkey Village,792, Route 35, Cross River, NY

To Register: visit: