Download - Autonomy - Issue 4

  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4


    Issue #4 Spring 2014

    AUTONOMYAUTONOMYAUTONOMYA Scott i sh freesheet for social change from below

    Anti-workfare campaigners

    swooped on four Salvation

    Army shops in Edinburgh on

    3rd March, blockading them all

    and turning away customers

    and a delivery lorry. SalvationArmy managers were visibly

    rattled as a giant banner

    proclaiming IF YOU EXPLOIT


    DOWN blocked the entrance to

    their shops.

    The blockade of the Forrest

    Road Starvation Army shop was

    particularly successful, only two

    people entering the shop in a

    street teeming with lunch-time

    passers-by. At the large Earl

    Grey Street charity shop a

    Salvation Army worker pushed

    one of the protestors from

    Edinburgh Coalition Against

    Poverty (ECAP) in a vain

    attempt at intimidation. Here

    as at the other shops panic-

    stricken management phoned

    desperately for assistance

    which never came. The police

    were one step behind the

    protestors all day, and were

    totally unable to prevent any of

    the four blockades.

    The Salvation Army are a

    notorious user of

    government slave labour

    schemes both locally and

    UK-wide. In Edinburgh

    Mandatory Work Activityprovider learndirect have

    hinted they are their

    main user and ECAP

    demonstrated at the

    Salvation Army's Leith

    Walk shop in December

    in solidarity with a

    claimant ordered to

    undertake four weeks

    unpaid labour there.

    An ECAP spokesperson

    said: With the new Communi-

    ty Work Placement scheme

    starting in April we are step-

    ping up our direct action

    against workfare exploiters

    with a UK-wide week of action

    from 29 March6 April. We

    urge all charities and employ-

    ers to boycott this exploiting

    scheme and all work-for-your-

    benefits programmes. We ap-

    peal to all workers, especially

    in the voluntary sector, to pres-

    sure their employer to boycott

    workfare. And we appeal to

    the unemployed and allclaimants to join us to

    make the workfare

    schemes unworkable.



    change &


    Sex workers

    rights in


    Events and

    groups around

    the country

    30 years on: the 1984-5 Miners Strike

    Bedroom Tax

    latest news

    March sees the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the

    national Miners' Strike of 1984. Here, the miners of the

    Polmaise Colliery near Stirling are shown during a sit-

    in protest. Already out on strike from 21st February after

    threats of closure, they began action before anyone else

    and stayed out for the full 57 weeks of national action.

    Its also claimed that they were the only colliery that

    didnt need a picket line because support was so strong.

    The miners strike was a clash between the most militant

    section of the labour movement and a state that used all

    the powers in its possession to finish off working class

    power. Though the state closed the pits, the example of

    solidarity in struggle shown by the miners and womens

    support groups should never be forgotten.

    Anti-workfare pickets shut down Salvation Army

    Edinburgh Coalition

    Against Poverty |

    [email protected]

    Faced with workfare

    know your rights and con-

    tact ECAP for support.

    Info on upcoming week of



    Womens Day

  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4


    Back in February, the Scottish Government an-

    nounced it would provide funding to mitigate the

    Bedroom Tax in Scotland. An extra 15 million

    was allocated for tenants in social housing with

    a spare bedroom. This has rightly been called a

    significant victory for the campaign against thetax which put real pressure on the parties to

    bring this about.

    It doesnt mean, of course, that the Bedroom Tax

    has been scrapped in Scotland. The funding will

    be used for Discretionary Housing Payment

    (DHP) and social housing tenants still need to

    apply for this.

    The Scottish Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation have

    made the following demands in light of the miti-


    1. That all tenants get a full refund for the

    years 2013/14 for money paid on the bed-

    room tax and to cancel all arrears.

    2. That tenants are automatically granted

    DHP by their councils; If tenants are in

    receipt of housing benefit, they automati-

    cally get DHP. No further means testing.

    3. That all councils and housing associations

    stop the legal proceedings against their

    tenants which have run up arrears due to

    the Bedroom Tax.

    4. Councils take action now to remunerate

    those who should have been exempt from

    the Bedroom Tax from the pre-1996 DWP


    5. The Scottish Anti-Bedroom Tax Federation

    is calling on all councils and social land-

    lords to launch a campaign of awareness

    as to how tenants can claim the mitiga-

    tion, in order to remove the confusion that exists aroundthe Scottish Governments recent [February] announce-


    However, at the time of writing (14th March), the Scottish

    Government is still waiting on Westminster to remove a cap

    on housing payments. Five weeks have gone by without a

    response, meaning that the money isnt available for tenants

    who could be threatened with eviction. Although the Scottish

    Government will apparently try to find other ways to make

    the money available to tenants the situation is still unclear.

    In the meantime, 2 billion is being cut from welfare in Scot-

    land this year, according to the Scottish Government. Thisshould put things in perspective and re-emphasise the need

    for grassroots organizing against the cuts. Check out the

    week of action against workfare 29 March6 April in events.

    The end of the Bedroom Tax in Scotland?


    International Womens Day in Edinburgh These hysterical women, a feminist collective based inEdinburgh and largely made up of Spanish economic exilesorganised a demonstration against the new abortion law

    passed by the conservative party Partido Popular (PP).

    Around 150 people joined at The Mound in Edinburgh to

    claim legal, free and universal abortion. The new law makes

    illegal for women to choose. Abortion will be allowed only in

    case of rape or danger to the mental health of the woman.

    In the first case an accusation has to be done before a judge;

    in the second case damage to her mental health has to be

    diagnosed by two accredited psychiatrists. In the case of

    foetal abnormalities incompatible with life, she will have to

    carry the baby to term.

    They read a statement claiming that Nobody else canchoose for us. And we don't need legislations to regulate our

    bodies. It is my body, it is my choice. As simple as that.


    These Hysterical Women can be contacted on facebook.

    As always, if you are directly affected by the Bedroom Tax seek

    advice about appealing or applying for DHP from groups like

    Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty who run regular Tuesday

    solidarity sessions (12-3pm at ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place

    EH7 5HA ).

  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4



    16/3There Will be Blood (2007)

    23/3Daisies (Vera Chytilova,


    6/4Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe

    Tornatore, 1988)

    30/3Autonomia film night.* Porto Maghera: the

    last firebrands (2004) & Investigation into a

    citizen above suspicion (1969). *18.00 start.

    13/4Old Boy (Park Chan-wook, 2003)

    Free Entry | Screenings begin at 18.30 at the

    Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, 17 W.

    Montgomery Pl, EH7 5HA.

    Another victory for Glasgow Solidarity Network:

    direct action wins illegal letting agency fees back

    In January, Glasgow Solidarity

    Network celebrated the

    successful conclusion of its first

    campaign in 2014. This is what


    Back in 2010 a couple were charged

    187 by a letting agency as an (illegal!)

    administration fee in order to secure a

    new home. When they moved out in

    2013 they wrote a letter to the agency

    quoting the relevant passages from

    Scottish Housing Law and demandingthe return of their money. There was

    no response to this letter so they made

    a couple of phone calls to the agency

    which brought assurances that it would

    be looked at. However, these

    assurances were only followed by

    weeks of silence.

    Three paths opened up to them: letting

    the agency rip them off; a lengthy

    and costlysmall claims court

    procedure; or attempting a more direct

    form of action. They opted for the latter

    and looked to the Glasgow SolidarityNetwork to show solidarity and

    provide aid in getting the money back.

    A call-out went out and those who

    could attend sat down with the pair

    and agreed that this was a winnable


    The first action took place mid

    December 2013 with thirty people

    walking into the letting agencys

    premises on a very rainy and stormy

    morning to support the pair in the

    handing-over a demand letter asking

    for the fees back and giving them

    until the new year to pass them backbefore further action was taken. The

    delivery went very well, in good

    spirit, and attracted people who

    never had participated in anything

    like this. It was also fantastic to

    experience the coming-together of

    people who had never met the couple

    an injury to one is an injury to

    all. Everyone was pleased with the

    actioneveryone apart from the

    letting agency staff! The manager

    was so unhappy about the visitors

    that he decided to hide in a little

    room off the main office and let

    his colleague deal with the situation

    by herself.

    However, the agency did not return the

    money within the deadline set in the

    letter. The Network, together with the

    two affected people, then planned the

    next step in the escalation process. It

    was decided that the bad news from the

    agency should be met with bad reviews

    online, and so a week of action was

    organised via this blog, Facebook, and

    personal contacts.

    Success was almost immediate.

    The Bad News Gets Bad Reviews

    action started on Monday. OnWednesday morning the letting agency

    manager contacted their ex-tenants

    and offered the immediate return of

    their money. The manager stated that

    the agency had lost business contracts

    worth over 2000 because of

    the reviews. GSN called for an end of

    the campaign as the managers

    assurance was deemed trustworthy.

    Indeed, the cheques arrived in the post

    two days later. Victory!

    If you have had a deposit or admin fee

    wrongfully taken, a boss stealing moneyfrom your final pay packet, or have a

    boss/landlord issue that cant be solved

    through the usual channels, then get in

    touch and get involved in the Network.

    This most recent case demonstrates that

    direct action gets the goods and that

    solidarity works.

    If youve had admin fees taken by a

    letting agency, or have a similar

    problem with a landlord or boss,

    contact Glasgow SolNet:[email protected] |

    07842 935713

    Does the left need an

    electoral party?

    An Edinburgh AFed member argues

    against the case for left-wing


    Where parties are involved in

    extra-parliamentary activity its

    usually to their detriment, by co-opting things or exploiting them.

    How then should we organise? Join

    the discussion at:

  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4


    Here, we reprint the statement

    made by SCOT-PEP, a charity

    which promotes sex workers


    SCOT-PEP is disappointed in Edin-

    burgh City Council's decision to

    remove licenses from the saunas. This

    will mean that women are working in

    constant fear of traumatising and coun-

    ter-productive raids on their workplaces.

    This will further erode the already shak-

    en trust that women working in these

    premises have in the police and in the

    justice system; making women far less

    likely to feel able to report crimes

    against them. Violent people will knowto target these women precisely because

    they will know that the women feel una-

    ble to rely on police help.

    Violence against sex workers increases

    when our workplaces are criminalised. In

    2007, when Edinburgh brought in kerb-

    crawling legislation that targeted street-

    based sex workers and clients, reported

    attacks on sex workers went up by 95%

    within six months.

    Premises will be driven under ground,

    away from service providers such as

    health workers. With Police Scotland

    persisting in its policy of using condoms

    as evidence of sex work - against the ex-

    plicit recommendations of the World

    Health Organization - workers will fear

    to keep large quantities of condoms on

    their premises, as this could be used to

    criminalise women. This policy has obvi-

    ous negative implications for the ability

    of women to protect their health, as well

    as wider public health implications in

    Scotland. Police Scotland and Edinburgh

    City Council would do well to recall that

    the saunas were put in place to tackle the

    HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s. Complacen-

    cy on this issue is ill-founded. HIV was

    successfully tackled in Edinburgh

    through policies that centred harm reduc-

    tion; if we remove those policies, we may

    well see a corresponding rise in HIVtransmission.

    Raids on saunas are a waste of police re-

    sources, especially at a time when organi-

    sations like National Ugly Mugs, who

    seek to prevent violence against sex work-

    ers, are facing catastrophic loss of fund-

    ing. SCOT-PEP pioneered the first UK

    'ugly mugs' scheme, to enable sex workers

    to share with each other information

    about violent people posing as clients. Sex

    worker-led organisations are the experts in

    what sex workers need to be safer; the ex-

    perts in what sex workers need to accessservices more effectively. The further crimi-

    nalisation of sex workers, those associated

    with sex workers, and our workplaces, has

    been shown again and again to endanger

    those working, whether they are there

    through choice, circumstance, or coercion.

    Sex workers need health services and a

    justice system that prioritises our safety -

    which has to include our safety if we con-

    tinue working, as well as if we choose to

    'exit'. The removal of the sauna licenses

    puts sex workers at risk.

    SCOT-PEP calls on Edinburgh City

    Council to listen to the voices of current

    sex workers, who are calling for full

    decriminalisation, including of our col-

    leagues, managers, workplaces, and

    clients. Sex workers are also calling forbetter services based around what each

    individual states they need, rather than

    upon imposing a rigid ideological frame-

    work onto sex workers. Sex workers

    need full decriminalisation now, and

    better services.


    Edinburgh City Council withdraws sauna licenses:

    what does it mean for sex workers?


    In February, Edinburgh AFed

    hosted a talk by the excellent Sex

    Workers Open University, aproject created by and for sex

    workers. Notes from the talk

    should be online soon. For more on

    what they do, go

    Introducing...the Scottish Radical LibraryThe Scottish Radical Library (SRL) houses hundreds of books,

    journals, posters and archives at the Autonomous Centre of

    Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7

    5PU. It is a unique resource in Scotland and has a

    substantial collection of materials of social, cultural and

    economic interest, comprising thousands of items donated by

    users, supporters, members and publishers. The SRL exists

    to preserve, promote and celebrate cultures of resistance and

    to serve as a self-managed public space to learn and to share -

    a real 'people's library'.We hope that the literature we

    stock empowers and inspires people to make positive

    changes to the world - from challenging unequal power

    structures to breaking down prejudiced attitudes to

    others and ourselves.

    Be a part of the SRL at this exciting time as we digitize our

    records to get a fully searchable catalogue online and expand

    our collection. We are looking for volunteers to help with our

    new tech project, to add new books to our records, and to help

    organise and promote the library. You can now contact us

    at [email protected]. Get in touch!




  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4



    For more like this, check out:

    But with climate change, this logic is

    reversed. Now, it is inaction which

    assures mutual destruction. The

    inertia inherent to the states-system

    has thus far scuppered all attempts

    at a binding international emissions

    reduction framework. The already

    weak Kyoto Protocol expired without

    replacement, and the professed goal

    to agree a new protocol by 2015 looks

    a lot like kicking the can down the

    road. This time wasted is time we

    don't have.

    The latest report from the

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

    Change makes use of 'Representative

    Concentration Pathways'. These

    represent four outcomes for

    atmospheric greenhouse gas

    concentrations, and their associated

    'radiative forcings' in 2100. In the

    most aggressive of the pathways

    atmospheric greenhouse gas

    emissions peak in 2020 and decline

    thereafter (atmospheric

    concentrations lag behind emissions,so the peaks come later).

    But this is not going to happen,

    barring immediate, drastic cuts to

    fossil fuel use. At least 1,199 new

    coal-fired power plants are currently

    planned worldwide, which in itself

    makes a 2020 peak of greenhouse gas

    emissions impossible. The window for

    gradual, reformist climate change

    mitigation may already have closed.

    The window for revolutionary climate

    change mitigation is rapidly closing.

    III : Disaster communism

    To speak of disaster communism is

    not to express a preference for a post-

    apocalyptic style. It is a sober

    realisation of the irreversible climate

    change which is being locked-in by

    present day development. We don't

    claim devastation as a sufficient, or

    even desirable, basis for a communist

    revolution. That's the case even if it

    does draw class lines, and brings

    looters into conflict with the state (as

    with Hurricane Katrina), or provides

    space for self-organised disaster relief

    (as with Hurricane Sandy).

    Rather, to speak of disaster

    communism is to recognise the Earthwe inherit is one where the ice caps are

    melting, the glaciers are retreating, the

    sea levels are rising, the oceans are

    acidifying, food webs are collapsing, the

    rate of extinctions is growing, storms

    are getting stronger, flooding is

    becoming commonplace, and where

    agriculture will struggle to adapt to

    changing climate. It's true that there's

    no such thing as a natural disaster.

    Capitalism's pursuit of endless growth

    is driving climate change. But even if it

    is overthrown, even if that happens

    soon, we'll be living with theconsequences for centuries, or even


    As capitalism accelerates climate

    change, possible reforms become

    utopian and impossible revolution

    becomes realistic. We live in strange

    times. Capitalism is blasting and

    ruining not just its world, but the Earth

    systems which sustain human

    civilisation. We are going to inherit

    ruins and abandoned cities, there is

    only the slightest doubt about that. But

    we still also know how to build, and to

    build better.

    Whos afraid of ruins? Capitalism &climate change

    Capitalism is locking-in climate

    change for centuries, but in the

    process, making radical social

    change more realistic than

    tinkering around the edges.

    I : Ruins

    There is an oft-quoted passage from the

    Spanish anarchist militant

    Buenaventura Durruti. Many readers

    will know it by heart. It reads:

    It is we who built these palaces and

    cities, here in Spain and in America and

    everywhere. We, the workers. We can

    build others to take their place. And

    better ones! We are not in the least

    afraid of ruins. We are going to inheritthe earth. There is not the slightest

    doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might

    blast and ruin its own world before it

    leaves the stage of history. We carry a

    new world here, in our hearts. [...] That

    world is growing in this minute.

    Durruti's quote brims with the optimism

    of a social revolution in full-flow. The

    insurgent proletariat and peasantry had

    met an attempted military coup in the

    streets, and in response launched a

    profound social revolution. Land and

    workplaces were seized and reorganisedalong collectivised lines, moving as fast

    as possible towards libertarian


    Three months later, Durruti was dead.

    The revolution was not far behind. And

    with the revolution dead and nothing

    left to fight for, Franco's forces swept the

    remnants into prisons and mass graves.

    Durruti's optimism gave way to fascism,

    and the unparalleled destruction of the

    Second World War.

    Eight years after Durruti's death, theruins got a lot scarier. The Trinity test,

    the world's first atomic bomb, exploded

    with a yield of 20 kilotons in the desert

    of New Mexico. Soon after, the Japanese

    cities of Hiroshima, then Nagasaki, were

    reduced to ruins in an instant. The mass

    destruction of World War II could now be

    visited on cities in a single warhead. The

    spectre of mutually assured destruction

    would dominate the remainder of the

    twentieth century.

    II : Climate change

    Today, we are facing an arguably graver

    threat. Mutual destruction was assured

    in the case of any state launching a

    nuclear strike. Survival required, in

    effect, that states did nothing.

  • 8/12/2019 Autonomy - Issue 4


    Autonomyis produced byAnarchist Federation (AFed) Scot-

    land. It aims to promote and link

    together campaigns that empower

    working class people and that

    challenge capitalism and irrational

    systems of power. We want to re-

    port on positive, inspirational ex-

    amples of struggle but also storieswhich motivate us to act. We will

    focus on things happening in Scot-

    land and also report on events in

    Britain, and around the world.

    Upcoming Events

    The Anarchist Federation organises for social

    change through solidarity, direct democracy

    and direct action. We have groups and

    members across Scotland including Dundee,

    Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness.

    Tear Down the Walls is the rallying cry of prison abolitionists around the world. When

    we begin to understand the harm caused by prisons, the concept of dismantling the prison

    -industrial complex seems like the most logical conclusion.

    But the common narrative surrounding prisons is that they are a necessary part of justice.

    As prison abolitionists we reject this and claim that prisons are the symptom of a broken

    system. This March members of the Empty Cages Collective will be touring the north of

    the UK to discuss the ideas of prison abolition and alternatives to incarceration.

    22nd March: Fly Kites Not Drones, 14pm TheMeadows, Edinburgh (next to the Pavilion Caf).Organised Peace and Justice Centre.

    25th March: (Edinburgh) Tear Down the Walls:Prison Abolition talk/discussion. Organised byEdinburgh AFed. 7pm, Room G5, St. Margaret'sHouse, 151 London Road, Meadowbank.

    26th March: (Glasgow) Tear Down the Walls:Prison Abolition talk/discussion. Organised byGlasgow AFed. 6.45pm, Fred Paton Centre, 19Carringdon Street, Glasgow, G4 9AJ.

    28th March: Anti-ATOS picket in Glasgow (lastFriday of every month). Coruna House, 29 CadoganStreet, at 12.30.

    29th March6th April: Week of action againstworkfare. Details of Edinburgh events will be on

    ECAPs website soon.

    30th March: IWWs Scottish Education WorkersNetwork (SEWN) Edinburgh meeting. Details tbc,check

    2nd April: ACE monthly meeting, 7.30pm in theAutonoumous Centre of Edinburgh. All welcome.


    Glasgow Solidarity

    Edinburgh Private Tenants Action


    Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

    Scottish Education Workers Network


    Call Centre Workers Network


    Edinburgh Coalition against

    Contribute your article or

    let us know about a

    grassroots initiative!

    Get involvedWest Glasgow against Poverty (WestGAP)

    Unity Centre


    Glasgow Feminist CollectiveSearch on facebook!

    Hollaback! Edimburgh

    Social Centres

    Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh

    Disability rights

    Black Triangle


    Anti-cuts & Bedroom Tax

    Edinburgh Anti-Cuts


    Greater Leith against the Cuts

    On facebook

    For regular updates on Glasgow events,

    subscribe to:

    [email protected]

    facebook com afed scotlandScot Fed

    afed org uk scotland

    1st May: International Workers Day! Keep an eye out for things

    happening on the day itself as well as events on the May weekend.