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  • 8/10/2019 Astrophysics and Women


    Notes & CommentsDecember 2014

    .'Fem inism & astrophysics

    G er tru d e Stein once remarked that it is im-

    portan t to know how far to go in going too

    far. It is curious that certain radical femi-

    niststhat is, th e relentlessly vindictive so-

    rority w hich, since the 1960s, has made such

    a nuisance o f itself on college campuses and

    other protected purlieus o f affluent Western

    societieshave always had difficulty follow-

    ing Steins advice. W ha t makes it curious,o f course, is tha t Stein is such an iconic fig-

    ure for their coven. Tender Buttons(get it?).

    Alice B. Toklas. A rose is a rose is a rose.

    Cant you hear the pulpit tones wa fting up

    from those phrases? And yet when Stein got

    around to dispensing a practical, reallife ad-

    mo nition, they completely ignore her. They

    neverknow how far to go in going to o far.

    W h a t prompts these uncharitable thoughts

    is the saga, much in the news as we write, o f

    Dr. Matt Taylor. Taylor is the fortysomething

    Britishborn astrophysicist who is projec t sci-

    entist for the European Space Agencys Rosetta

    Mission. Earlier this year, there were hosan-

    nas when Taylor and his colleagues success-

    fully brought die Rosetta spacecraft, which

    had been tootling around the solar system

    for a decade, ou t o f hibernation. Th at suc-

    cess prompted the exuberant rocket scientist

    to have a tattoo of Rosetta and Philae, its

    landing probe, inscribed upon his leg. Last

    month , the Rosetta team engineered an even

    greater triumph. After guiding Rosetta on a

    journey o f some four billionmiles, they were

    in (virtual) sight o f their holy grail, comet

    67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko. The cometat

    2.8 miles long, a veritable flyspeck in the real

    estate o f outer spacewas hurtling thro ugh

    space at some 41,000 miles per hour. It was 311

    million miles from Earth. Nevertheless, Taylor

    and his team managed to detach Philae from

    its mother ship, remotely guide it towards

    Mr. 67P/CG, and land the probe on the speeding comet.This was the first time in history,

    as the British politician Boris Johnson put it,

    that a representative of humanity had paid a

    visit to the surface o f a comet. Slick work, eh?

    A few days after this stupendous feat o f engi-

    neering and scientific bravado, Dr. Taylor went

    on television to say a few words about the mis-

    sion. He was clearly overcome by emotion. Butit soon became evident that he was stirred no t

    by feelings o f relief and triumph but of morti-

    fication. Choking back tears, he leaned forward

    towards the microphone andapologized.

    Apologized. Why? Because The Atlantics

    tech writer Rose Eveleth and an angry horde

    o f feminists didnt like wha t he was wearing

    when he first broke the news o f the landing.

    Yes, thats right: they didnt like his shirt,

    so they mounted a social media attack on

    the hapless scientist. Quoth Eveleth: No

    no women are toooootally welcome in our

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    Notes & Comments

    community, just ask the dude in this shirt.

    Oth er hysterics on the distaff side followed

    suit, as did New Yorker blogger James Di-

    Gioia who sniffed: Technology advances

    while society remains decidedly retrograde.

    T h e com mentator Glenn Reynolds got to the

    nub of the matter when, writing in USA Today,

    he no ted that some feminists took one of the

    great achievements o f human history . . . and

    made it all abo ut the clothes. It was, Reyn

    olds continued, one small shirt for a man,

    one giant leap backward for womankind.

    S o what abou t that shirt? What was so of

    fensive? You can easily find pictures of Dr.

    Taylor in his shirt on the internet. Its a

    brightly colored Hawaiian-style number fes

    tooned w ith cartoon-like drawings o f scantily

    clad, gun-toting women, made for him by a

    close female friend (whose business, we are

    happy to report, has boomed). It is straight

    out of a 1950s Sci-Fi adventure story: Out of

    This World, Space Detective, and lets no t forgetAttack o f the so-ft Woman. Do you find

    such things offensive? We dont. Theyre not

    lewd. Merely, well, nerdy. Such vivid gar

    ments may or may not be to your tastethey

    are not to oursbut then tattoos of space

    ships may or m ay not be to you r taste either.

    A s k yourself this: Was this shirt as insult

    ing as heaping pseudo-moral obloquy upon agreat scientist in his ho ur o f triumph because

    you happen to disapprove, or at least you

    pre tend to disapprove , o f images of girls on

    his shirt? We agree with Mr. Johnson, who

    had this to say in his column for the Daily

    Telegraph-. I think his critics should go to

    the Na tional Gallery and look at theRokeby

    Venusby Velazquez. O r look at the stu ff by

    Rubens. Are we saying that these glorious im

    ages should be torn from the walls? Or to rn

    just from the chests o f brilliant scientists who

    indulge in a bit o f whimsy when it comes to

    the ir haberdashery? W ha t are we all, John

    son asked, a bunch o f Islamist maniacs who

    think any representation o f the hum an form

    is an offence against God? This is the 21st cen

    tury, for goodness sake. And if you ask your

    self why so few have come to the defence o f

    the scientist, the answer is tha t no one dares.

    T h e w hole thing is so silly that one m ight be

    tempted to dismiss it as a freakish exception

    and move on. But, as many victims of political

    correctness of ou r college campuses know to

    their sorrow, it is anything but innocent. Dr.

    Taylors humiliation , as Mr. Johnson noted,

    was like something from the show trials of Stalin,

    or from the sobbing testimony of the enemies of

    Kim Il-sung, before they were taken away and

    shot. It was like a scene from Maos cultural revo

    lution when weeping intellectuals were forced to

    confess their crimes against the people.

    Why was he forced into this humiliation?

    Because he was subjected to an unrelent

    ing tweetstorm of abuse. He was bombarded

    across the internet with a hurtling dust-

    cloud of hate, orchestrated by lobby groups

    and politically correct media organisations.

    T he whole episode stinks of rancid politically

    correct animus. C ritics who have described

    the event as political correctness gone mad

    are not wrong. But it is worth noting that

    the case of Dr. Taylor is by no means the only

    such outrage. O n the contrary, the com mis

    sars of political correctness have been em

    bo ldened over the last couple of decades asthey have succeeded in one case after anothe r

    in using race or sex to bully their opponents

    into subm ission. Cast you r mind back to the

    episode o f Larry Summers. In 2005, Sum

    mers, then the President of Harvard Uni

    versity, fresh from locking horns with one

    of academias most prominent charlatans

    and race-baiters, Cornel West, found himself

    speaking at a conference atm i t on Diversify

    ing the Science & Engineering Workforce.

    Summers speculated on why there are not

    mo re wo men scientists at elite universities.

    He touched on several possibilities: maybe

    patterns o f discrimination had something

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    to do w ith it. Maybe most women preferred

    to p u t their families before their careers. O r

    maybe, as Summers asserted in an attempt

    to be provocative and to ignite a more

    open discussion about underrepresenta-tion, it had something to do with differ-

    ent availability of aptitude at the h igh end.

    W h a t a storm tha t last comment sparked! I

    felt I was going to be sick, wailed Nancy Hop-

    kins, a professor of biology at the Massachu-

    setts Institute of Technology, who then walked

    ou t on Summers. My heart was pounding and

    my breath was shallow, Hopkins trembled.

    I was extremely upset. Whatever happened

    to strong women? What would Margaret

    Thatcher have done?

    That bo ut o f hysteria did for Larry Sum -

    mers, who was shortly thereafter ignomini

    ously forced from the presidency o f Harvard

    because he had inadvertendy trespassed upon

    the delicate feelings o f some touchy feminists.

    W h y is it acceptable for celebrities or o thercertified feminist icons to prance around in

    pornographic splendor when men are expected

    to behave with Mrs. Grundyesque rectitude?

    And why is the former empow ering while

    any deviation from die latter is sexist? Why

    is it that these selfappointed moral guardians

    and professional feminists are always looking

    for a whipping post? Why dont they just get

    on with their work: dosomething to command

    admiration rather than screaming murder atevery unsanctioned statement? Look just

    beyond Americas horizonsthere one can

    surely find women who deserve the defense

    of an angry horde. Ho w about the women

    in Egypt, for example, where more than

    90 percent over age fifteen are subjected to

    the barbaric practice of genital mutilation?

    T h e case of Dr. Taylors shirt may seem like

    little more than a bad joke. In fact, it is some-

    thing more sinister. It is a vivid example ofwhat

    happens when a selfenfranchised politically

    correct cadre sets about quashing freedom and

    eccentricity in tire name o f an alwaysevolving

    sensitivity. The goal, as one wag put it, is a

    testosteronefree society in which everything

    tha t is no t mandatory is prohibited. W hich iswhy the Rose Eveleths and Nancy Hopkinses

    o f the wo rld are victimizers, not victims, and

    their b rand o f feminism is an atavistic, tribal

    ideology as harmful to wom en as it is to men.

    The New Criterion on art

    F o r m ore than a decade, we have devoted a

    large portion of our December issue to the visu-

    al arts. We do so again this year, with a number

    o f reviews and essays assembled by our Execu-

    tive Ed itor James Panero on a wide variety of

    subjects, from the cutouts o f Henri Matisse to

    the new New Brutalism in architecture to how

    the Brooklyn Museum has failed Brooklyn art.

    Marco Grassi accompanies Philippe de Monte-

    bello, the former director o f the Metropolitan

    Museum of Art, around some o f the worlds

    great museums, and Victoria Coates meditates

    on the way democracies throughout the ages

    have enlisted art in their pursuit o f the ideal of

    responsible selfgovernance. Readers alarmed

    by the skyrocketing cost of visiting many m u-

    seums today will be interested in the cold eye

    Daniel Grant casts upon that unedifying phe-

    nom enon, while anyone concerned about the

    fate o f our public spaces will want to turn to

    the astringent essay by Bruce Cole, the former

    Director o f the National Endowm ent for the

    Humanities, who anatomizes Frank Gehrysproposed travesty for a monumen t honoring

    Dwight D. Eisenhower in Washington, D.C.

    We are pleased once again to be able to bring

    such a cornucopia of incisive reflections on art

    to our readers. In years gone by, this special

    section was made possible by support from

    some o f our coconspirators, including the late

    Helen Frankenthaler, a dear friend o fThe New

    Criterion.This year, we are deeply grateful for

    the generous interventions o f Bobbie Foshay,Alex and Mary Ross, and the J. M. Foundation,

    which made our special section on art possible.

    Thank you one and all.

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