Download - arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2

Page 1: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2

Decoherence of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond

Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2 Junghyun Lee,3, 4 Connor A. Hart,1 Jennifer M. Schloss,3, 5 Matthew J. Turner,1, 5

John F. Barry,6 Linh Pham,6 Nir Bar-Gill,7 Susanne F. Yelin,1, 8 and Ronald L. Walsworth1, 5, 9, ∗

1Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716, USA

3Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA4Center for Quantum Information, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea

5Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA6Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Massachusetts 02420, United States

7The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel8Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269, USA

9Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA(Dated: April 19, 2019)

We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of solid-state spin decoherence in anelectronic spin bath, focusing specifically on ensembles of nitrogen vacancy (NV) color centers indiamond and the associated substitutional nitrogen spin bath. We perform measurements of NVspin free induction decay times T ∗

2 and spin-echo coherence times T2 in 25 diamond samples withnitrogen concentrations [N] ranging from 0.01 to 300 ppm. We introduce a microscopic model andperform numerical simulations to quantitatively explain the degradation of both T ∗

2 and T2 overfour orders of magnitude in [N]. Our results resolve a long-standing discrepancy observed in NVT2 experiments, enabling us to describe NV ensemble spin coherence decay shapes as emergingconsistently from the contribution of many individual NV.

Solid-state electronic spins have garnered increasing rele-vance as building blocks in a wide range of quantum sci-ence experiments [1–3]. Recently, high-sensitivity quan-tum sensing experiments have been enabled by the NVspin ensemble system in diamond [4–6]. Such work ex-ploits NV centers’ millisecond-long spin lifetimes underambient conditions [7] and hinges on both the coherentmicrowave control and the optical initialization and read-out of their spin states. In addition to enabling tech-nological advances, these favorable properties make NVcenters, and specifically NV ensembles, a leading plat-form for the study of novel quantum many-body physicsand non-equilibrium spin dynamics [8–10].NV ensembles in diamond, like many solid-state spin sys-tems, necessarily suffer from decay of electronic spin co-herence (with characteristic times T ∗2 and T2) and spinstate population (with time T1). Dipolar interactionswithin a complex spin bath environment may limit theserelaxation times, bounding the achievable sensitivity ofNV-ensemble-based quantum sensing devices and reveal-ing rich many-body dynamics of dipolar-coupled spin sys-tems (see Fig. 1a) [11].Solid-state spin-based sensing devices utilize host mate-rial widely ranging in concentrations of both electronicand nuclear spin species [4, 10, 12, 13], which motivatesinvestigation of dipolar-induced decoherence across vary-ing concentrations of both like and unlike spin species.For example, in NV-rich samples, paramagnetic substitu-tional nitrogen impurities (P1 centers, S = 1/2) [14–16]typically persist at concentrations similar to or exceed-ing the NV concentration, setting the NV spin relaxation

[email protected]

time scales. In other dense spin-ensemble systems, spinrelaxation has been observed to be dominated by like-spin interactions [8, 17, 18]. Understanding the degreeand character of decoherence informs engineering of ma-terial and design of spin interrogation schemes for high-performance quantum devices.

In this Letter, we experimentally and theoretically inves-tigate the NV ensemble electronic spin dephasing timeT ∗2 and spin echo coherence time T2 in diamond sampleswith nitrogen density spanning more than four ordersof magnitude. We purposefully choose diamond sampleswith grown-in spin concentrations [NV] [N] to limitthe study to NV decoherence resulting from paramag-netic nitrogen bath spins. In this regime, we identifycharacteristic inverse-linear scalings for both NV T ∗2 andT2 with nitrogen density [N]. We also find NV ensem-ble spin coherence decay shapes that can be consistentlydescribed as the result of ensemble averaging. Our workextends the comprehensive knowledge acquired for sin-gle NVs [13, 19–21] to NV ensembles, and thus is criticalfor the development of ensemble-based quantum applica-tions.

Experimental Results – Our study comprises of 20 nat-ural abundance diamond samples ([13C] = 1.1 %, “13C-samples”) and 5 isotopically enriched samples ([13C] .0.05 %, “12C-samples”) with total nitrogen concentra-tions in the range [N] = 10 ppb - 300 ppm. Free inductiondecay (FID) NV T ∗2 and spin echo T2 measurements areperformed (see Fig. 1c) using confocal or wide field mi-croscopy. In both experimental setups, 532 nm laser lightis applied to optically initialize and readout the NV spinpolarization. In addition, we apply a static magneticfield B0 along one of the [111] crystal directions (mis-alignment angle ≤ 3), which singles out one of the four













Page 2: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2







0 100 200 300Bias Field (G)





T 2,e



[N] = 0.2 ppm


6 ppm

50 ppm



1.0 [N] = 80 ppm




















0 50 100( s)



1.0 [N] = 6 ppm

/2 /2FID

/2/2 /2

/2Spin Echo


Figure 1. a) Schematic of bath interaction in NV dia-mond showing NV- as central spin, substitutional nitrogenN0

S (P1 center, S = 1/2) and 13C nuclear (I = 1/2) bathspins. Central-spin-bath coupling strength ∆ and intra-bathcoupling strength 1/τc are shown (see text for more infor-mation). b) NV crystallographic defect and electronic spin-triplet ground-state level structure. c) Free induction decay(Ramsey) and spin echo pulse sequence are used to measureT ∗2 and T2, respectively. d) Representative spin echo decay

fringes (blue) and envelope (red) for [N] = 80 and 6 ppm di-amond samples. The modulation of the echo signal visible in13C samples is caused by Larmor precession of the 13C nu-clear spins (see main text and Suppl. S2). e) Magnetic fielddependence of T2 for select set of samples.

possible NV orientations and lifts the | ± 1〉 degeneracyof the NV spin-1 ground state (see Fig. 1b). Pulsed mi-crowaves resonant with the |0〉 ↔ |−1〉 or |0〉 ↔ |+1〉 spintransition are deployed to coherently manipulate the NVspin state.

In Fig. 1d we depict two spin echo curves from diamondswith [N] = 80 and 6 ppm, which are representative of theset of 20 13C diamond samples studied in this work. Thedata exhibit coherent modulation of the NV spin echo sig-nal due to Larmor precession of nuclear bath spins (seeSuppl. S2) [22–24]. Isotopically enriched 12C-samples didnot exhibit any modulation of the coherence signal irre-spective of the applied magnetic field strength. The focusof this work is the overall exponential-type decay, whichis associated with loss of NV ensemble electronic spin co-herence due to dipolar interactions with electronic nitro-gen bath spins [20]. For all samples, the decay envelopewas subsequently fitted to the form C0 exp [−(t/T2)p](red solid lines in Fig. 1d) to extract T2([N]) and thestretched exponential parameter p [20, 25].

Figure 1e shows T2 times derived from this analysis for aselect set of 12C and 13C samples as a function of mag-netic bias field strengths. Only small variations in T2 (.10 %) are observable for the range of bias field strengths

B0 (2−30 mT, see Suppl. S2) indicating that T2 is largelyindependent of magnetic field. Next, we summarize inFig. 2a T2 values for all samples as a function of totalnitrogen concentration [N] with two regimes discernible.At nitrogen concentrations [N] & 0.5 ppm, T2 exhibits aninverse-linear dependence on the nitrogen concentration,suggesting that interactions with nitrogen bath spins arethe dominant source of decoherence of NV ensemble elec-tronic spin. This inverse-linear scaling is consistent withstudies in comparable crystalline systems and character-istic of dipolar-coupled spin environments [17, 19, 26, 27].In such instances, 1/T2 is proportional to the spin bathdensity nbath, i.e., 1/T2 = B · nbath, where the factor Bdepends on microscopic details of the system-bath cou-pling and the spin bath dynamics (see below).For samples with concentrations [N] . 0.5 ppm, how-ever, T2 saturates at ≈ 700µs, for both isotopically pu-rified and natural abundance samples. This T2 boundis well below the observed limit set by NV electronicspin lattice relaxation, where previous work found thatT2,max ≈ T1/2 ≈ 2.5 ms [28]. While a detailed investiga-tion of the measured T2 bound is beyond the scope of thismanuscript, additional decoherence mechanisms may in-clude the 13C nuclear spin bath (for 13C samples) [19, 29],spurious external AC magnetic fields, and other spin de-fects in the diamond host.To further quantify the observed scaling, we fit the ex-tracted T2 values to the form

1/T2([N]) = BNV-N · [N] + 1/T2,other, (1)

where BNV-N is the nitrogen-dominated NV decoher-ence rate per unit density and T2,other accounts for de-coherence mechanisms independent of nitrogen (includ-ing spin-lattice relaxation [28]). From the fit (blackdashed line in Fig. 2a) we extract BNV-N = 2π ×(1.0± 0.1) kHz/ppm (1/BNV-N = 160± 12µs ·ppm) andT2,other = 694±82µs. We also fit this model to the natu-ral abundance 13C (blue dots) and 12C (red squares) sam-ple data alone, and find agreement within error marginsamong the three sets of diamond samples (see Suppl. S2).Additionally, we plot the extracted stretched exponen-tial parameter p in the inset of Fig. 2a. All samples ex-hibit exponential-type decay with a sample average valuep = 1.37 ± 0.23. This non-integer spin-echo decay is instriking contrast to the cubic decay (p = 3) observed forsingle NV centers in a bath of nitrogen spins [20, 25] (seediscussion below).Similarly, FID Ramsey measurements were employedto determine the NV ensemble electronic spin dephas-ing time T ∗2 ([N]). A recent related study [10] demon-strated that several dephasing mechanisms typically limitT ∗2 . 1µs in NV ensemble samples. Sources of ensem-ble dephasing include interactions with nuclear 13C bathspins [10, 19, 30], crystal-lattice strain fields over the di-amond [10, 31], and measurement-related artifacts suchas magnetic field gradients over the collection volumeand temperature fluctuations [10, 32]. Great care wastherefore taken to isolate the nitrogen-specific contribu-

Page 3: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2


10 3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 103

Nitrogen Concentration (ppm)





103T 2


160 ± 12 s·ppm

nat. ab. 13C samples99.95 %+ 12C samplessimulationmodel fit

10 3 0.1 10 1030.0






10 3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 103

Nitrogen Concentration (ppm)







T* 2

(s) 9.6 ± 0.9 s·ppm

nat. ab. 13C samples99.95 %+ 12C samplessimulationmodel fit



10 3 0.1 10 1030.0






Figure 2. NV ensemble coherence a) NV ensemble spin echoT2 as a function of [N] with orthogonal-distance regression fitto Eqn. 1 (black dashed line) and range of values extractedfrom numerical simulation (gray band). Uncertainties are95 % confidence intervals. Inset: Stretched exponential pa-rameters p extracted from measurements. The average valueis indicated as black dotted line. b) Similarly, NV ensembleT ∗2 as a function of nitrogen concentration [N].

tion to T ∗2 from other contributions. In particular, welimit our set of FID measurements to 12C samples in the[N] = 1 − 100 ppm range for which 13C-related dephas-ing can be neglected [10]. Moreover, we sense dephasingin the NV double quantum basis +1,−1 [10, 33, 34]to mitigate contributions from strain field gradients andtemperature fluctuations of the diamond sample. We cor-rect for the twice higher dephasing rate in the doublequantum basis; further details are provided in Suppl. S2and Ref. [10].)NV ensemble electronic spin dephasing times T ∗2 andstretched exponential parameters p were extracted fromthe FID data via a fit of the decay envelopes to theform C0 exp (−t/T ∗2 )p. Figure 2b shows the measuredT ∗2 and p values as a function of [N] for the subsetof samples. Similarly to T2 (Fig. 2a), we find T ∗2 toscale inverse-linear with nitrogen concentration in the

explored regime. We consequently fit the data to theform 1/T ∗2 ([N]) = ANV-N · [N] (compare to Eqn. 1), whereANV-N is the nitrogen-related NV ensemble dephasingrate per unit density. From the fit we extract ANV-N =2π × (16± 1.5) kHz·ppm (1/ANV-N = 9.6± 0.9µs ·ppm).In addition, all FID NV ensemble measurements exhibitsimple exponential decay (p = 1, see Fig. 2b inset), whichdeviates from the quadratic decay (p = 2) observed forsingle NV measurements [20, 21], and is in agreementwith earlier theoretical work [35].Theoretical Model – To support the assumption that themeasured scaling for T2([N]) and T ∗2 ([N]) are indeed dueto nitrogen bath spins, we developed an analytic modeland performed numerical simulations of the bath dynam-ics. We started with a phenomenological model for inco-herent spin bath dynamics that leads to dephasing anddecoherence of NV center electronic spins. Under thesecular approximation, the dipolar interaction betweentwo spins i and j can be simplified to [11]

Hij = Cij‖ SizS

jz + Cij⊥ (Si+S

j− + Si−S

j+). (2)

Transforming the dipole-dipole interaction to a framealong the [111] crystal axis, the two coefficients are

Cij‖ =µ0



(1− 2 cos2 θ), and (3)

Cij⊥ =µ0



(1− 1

4sin2 θ

). (4)

Here, rij is the distance, and θ is the polar angle be-tween the applied bias magnetic field and the intra-spinaxis (i.e., a vector connecting the two spins). For thecase of dipolar interactions between NV and a P1 bathspin, the large NV zero field splitting makes spin flip-floptransitions non-energy-conserving and the second termin Eqn. 2 is strongly suppressed. The system-bath in-

teraction thus simplifies to HNV-N =∑i C


z Sizand the spin bath may be treated as an effective B-fieldwhose value depends on the state of the bath spins. Atroom temperature, all spin states are equally occupied,and we can define the system-bath interaction strength

∆2 ≡∑i(C

NV,i‖ )2/4, to characterize the effective B-field

due to dipolar coupling between the NV sensor spin andN-bath spins. ∆ quantifies the broadening of the NVsensor electron spin resonance and dephasing rate of theNV qubit.We now extent our model to evaluate the rate of P1 spinbath dynamics. In the presence of an external B-field, theflip-flop interaction between two P1 spins in Eqn. 2 can bemapped to a pseudo-spin-1/2 system, with HamiltonianHps = ~δσz +~Ωσx, where δ is the difference in the localfield (including Overhauser) experienced by the two bath

spins and Ω = Cij⊥ . As shown in Fig. 3, the pseudo-spinstates |e, g〉 correspond to |e〉 = | ↑↓〉 and |g〉 = | ↓↑〉 states of the P1 spin pair. In numerically evaluatingδ for simulations, we took into account the P1 nuclearspin state (I = 1), the P1 Jahn-Teller axis (along any of

Page 4: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2


the four [111] diamond crystal axes) [36], and nearby P1centers. Along with the coherent Hamiltonian evolution,there is a stochastic change in δ due to changes in thelocal spin environment caused by (among other things)flip-flop dynamics of far away bath spins. Including thisincoherent part, the evolution of the density matrix isgiven by ρ = −i/~[Hps, ρ] + L[ρ], where the Louvillianincludes dephasing at rate Γd. Here Γd denotes the rateof change of the effective B-field to which the pseudospinis subjected.

Figure 3. Phenomenological model to evaluate bath correla-tion time τc. (a) The bath spin dynamics arise due to inter-action between nearby P1 spins. (b) Out of the four configu-rations, states | ↑↓〉 and | ↓↑〉 give spin bath dynamics underHamiltonian in Eqn. 2. (c) These dynamics can be mapped toa spin 1/2 system. The slow dynamics of the remaining spinbath is taken into account as a dephasing term in the masterequation.

We solve for the rate of change of population (Rijflip) toobtain

Rijflip =Ω2



Γ2d + δ2

. (5)

Assuming all P1 spin pairs act independently, we addthe different rates in order to get an overall rate of spinbath dynamics RTot =


ijflip. Realistically, each

spin pair has a different δ and Γd. Nonetheless, whilewe evaluated δ for each P1 spin numerically, we assumedall pairs have the same dephasing rate Γd ≈


ij‖ ,

where Nb is the number of bath spins and Cij‖ is the

average dipolar interaction. Note that Γd is the intrinsiclinewidth of the dipolar spin bath [37]. We define τc ≡1/RTot to characterize the spin bath correlation time [20,25]. The many-body dynamics of the spin bath leads todecoherence of the NV center.While the origin of ∆ and τc are quantum in nature, inorder to estimate the electronic spin coherence proper-ties of NV ensembles, we can model the P1 bath dynam-ics as an effective random B-field with root-mean-squarestrength ∆ and correlation time τc [20, 25]. This ap-proximation works well due to the low density of impu-rity spins and slow bath dynamics, allowing us to ignorehigher order quantum effects. In our analytic model forthe NV spin coherence signal, the effect of the nitrogenbath is modeled as an Orenstein-Uhlenbeck stochasticprocess [25, 38, 39]. While the details of the derivation

are provided in the Suppl., here we present the main re-sults.

For a single NV initially polarized in the |0〉 state andundergoing the |0〉 ↔ | − 1〉 (or |0〉 ↔ | + 1〉) transi-tion, the probability to be measured in state |0〉 after

time t τc is given by psingleFID (t) = 1


[1 + e−(t/T∗


and psingleecho (t) = 1


[1 + e−(t/T2,single)3

][20, 25] (see

Suppl. S3) for FID and spin echo experiments, respec-

tively. Here, T ∗2,single =√

2/∆single and T2,single =

(12τc,single/∆2single)1/3, where (as discussed previously)

∆single characterizes the system-bath coupling strengthand τc,single characterizes the spin bath correlation time.In order to evaluate NV ensemble averaged probabilities,

we need to integrate psingleFID and psingle

echo over the distribu-tion of ∆single and τc,single in the ensemble.



0 10 20 30 40 50single (1/ s)







0 1 2 3 4 5c, single ( s)







Figure 4. Simulated distribution of coupling strength ∆ (a)and bath correlation time τc (b) for [N] = 100 ppm extractedfrom 104 spin bath configurations. From a fit of each distribu-tions (red line) to the analytic PDF P(∆) and P(τc) given inthe main text, respectively, the relevant ensemble parameters∆e and τc,e are extracted, and T ∗

2 and T2 calculated. Similardistributions are obtained for [N] = 0.1, 1, 10, and 1000 ppm.

Figure 4 shows the distribution of ∆single and τc,single

generated from simulating 104 bath configurations for[N] = 100 ppm. For dipolar electronic spin interactions,the probability density function (PDF) for ∆single has the

form P (∆single) = ∆ens


√2π e−∆2

ens/2∆2single [40], where

∆ens is the average electronic spin-spin coupling strength

within the NV ensemble. Integrating psingleFID (t) over the

distribution of ∆single, we arrive at the ensemble averagedprobability,

pensFID(t) =



[1 + e−(t/T∗

2,ens)], (6)

Page 5: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2


where T ∗2,ens = 1/∆ens. The ensemble-averaged NV FIDsignal thus exhibits simple exponential decay (p = 1)in agreement with our experimental results (see Fig. 2binset).A similar analysis can be done to evaluate the NV ensem-ble T2. In this case, we also need to account for the dis-tribution of τc,single. In our classical treatment, τc can beinterpreted as a first passage time for a stochastic process(here several bath spin flip-flops) with PDF P (τc,single) =√λ/(2πτ3


2τc,singleτ2c,ens [41].

Here, λ and τc,ens are the shape parameter and theensemble mean of the distribution, respectively. Asshown in Fig. 4, the above PDFs model the numericaldistribution of ∆single and τc,single obtained from simu-lating the dipolar-coupled system. Finally, we integrateover the PDFs of ∆single and τc,single and obtain

pensecho(t) ≈ 1


[1 + e−(t/T2,ens)

3/2], (7)

where T2,ens = (2τc,ens/∆2ens)

1/3 (t τc,ens), and theensemble-averaged spin echo decay exhibits non-integerdecay with p ≈ 3/2. This analytic treatment agreeswith the experimentally measured form of the NV en-semble spin echo decay envelopes (see Fig. 2a inset). Fur-thermore, using the bath simulation results for ∆ens

and τc,ens from our phenomenological model in Eqns. 6and 7, we find good agreement with experiments forT ∗2 ([N]) and reasonable agreement for T2([N]), as shownin Fig. 2. The consensus among analytic results, experi-ment and numerical simulation leads us to conclude thatthe Orenstein-Uhlenbeck model adequately describes thedecoherence of an ensemble of NV electronic spins in-duced by nitrogen bath spins, with ANV-N and BNV-N asthe experimentally determined dephasing and decoher-ence rates (per unit density) due to nitrogen bath spins.These results are consistent with earlier theoretical pre-dictions that similar electronic spin baths can be modeledclassically [39]. We emphasize that the role of the 13Cbath is negligible if nitrogen is the dominant source ofNV ensemble electronic spin decoherence.Taking the ratio T2([N])/T ∗2 ([N]) = ANV-N/BNV-N, whichis independent of absolute nitrogen concentration, wefind that T2 exceeds T ∗2 by ∼ 16× across a wide rangeof diamond samples and [N]. Given the provided scal-ings, rough calibration of bulk substitutional nitrogenspin concentrations through NV coherence measurementscan thus be performed.Finally, we comment on the p parameter in single and en-semble NV experiments. For single NVs, the exponential-type decay shapes for FID, spin echo, and spin lifetimemeasurements are determined by spin-resonance exper-iments in nitrogen-rich diamonds, showing good agree-ment with theory (see Tab. I, columns 2 and 3).

However, as has been observed in several experiments,different power laws emerge for the decay signal of in-

Experimentsingle NV NV ensemble

p exp./theo. p exp./theo.

T2 3 [20]/[25] ≈ 3/2 this workT ∗2 2 [20] /[25] 1 [10] / [35], this work

T1 (cross-relax.) - - 1/2 [8, 42] / [8, 43]T1 (spin-lattice relax.) 1 [44] 1 [45, 46]

Table I. Stretched exponential parameter p for single NV andNV ensemble measurements.

dividual NV centers with slightly varying spin environ-ments. For example, several studies independently re-ported a square-root decay shape (p = 1/2) for NV T1

spin relaxation in high-NV density samples [8, 42, 43]. Inthese samples, the NV T1 is limited by cross-relaxationwithin the strongly interacting bath of NV- spins ratherthan spin-lattice relaxation (i.e., phononic decay), whichexhibits a simple exponential decay envelope [45–47].This situation is comparable the present experiment, forwhich the measured NV ensemble T ∗2 and T2 are the sumof many individual decays, with decay rates limited bydipolar interactions with an inhomogenous nitrogen spinbath. We stress that the form of the stretched exponen-tial from such NV ensembles results from the averagingof NV and spin bath distributions, which in turn dependson the microscopic quantum interactions that lead to de-cay. Unlike T ∗2 , the NV ensemble T2 depends on themany-body dynamics of the spin bath. Mean field mod-els like the one used here are insufficient to accuratelycapture the dynamics of such highly disordered quantumsystems. While our model describes the relevant scalingsand NV coherence decay shapes, the underestimation ofT2, particularly for larger NV and nitrogen concentra-tion, may indicate localization-type behavior. Thus fu-ture work should include theoretical and experimentalinvestigation of localized phases in this system.

In conclusion, we studied electronic spin dephasing anddecoherence of NV ensembles in diamond as a functionof nitrogen concentration and extracted the scalings forT ∗2 ([N]) and T2[N]. We found that the dominant nitrogenelectronic spin bath dynamics are well described by anOrenstein-Uhlenbeck process, with reasonable agreementbetween experimental measurements and numerical sim-ulations. We also analyzed the NV ensemble spin coher-ence decay shape for FID and spin echo measurements,and found them well explained by a statistical averageover the contribution of many individual NV signals, inanalogy to the decay shapes observed in NV T1 ensembleexperiments.

We acknowledge fruitful discussion with Joonhee Choiand Soonwon Choi. We thank EAG Laboratories forthe SIMS measurements of nitrogen concentration. Thismaterial is based upon work supported by, or in partby, the United States Army Research Laboratory andthe United States Army Research Office under GrantNo. W911NF1510548; the National Science FoundationElectronics, Photonics and Magnetic Devices (EPMD),

Page 6: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2


Physics of Living Systems (PoLS), and Integrated NSFSupport Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Edu-cation (INSPIRE) programs under Grants No. ECCS-1408075, PHY-1504610, and EAR-1647504, respectively;and Lockheed Martin under award A32198. This workwas performed in part at the Center for Nanoscale Sys-tems (CNS), a member of the National Nanotechnol-

ogy Coordinated Infrastructure Network (NNCI), whichis supported by the National Science Foundation underNSF award no. 1541959. J. M. S. was supported by aFannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowshipand a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Re-search Fellowship under Grant 1122374.

Page 7: arXiv:1904.08763v1 [quant-ph] 18 Apr of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond Erik Bauch,1 Swati Singh,2


Supplemental Materials: Decoherence of dipolar spin ensembles in diamond


All diamond crystals were manufactured by Element Six and Apollo Diamond [48]. Samples with nitrogen spindensities [N]. 100 ppm were grown using chemical vapor deposition (CVD, for a review, see [49]) and consist of bulkdiamond plates, as well as thin (. 100µm) nitrogen-doped layers grown on top of Ib or IIa diamond substrates. Twoother samples were grown using the high-pressure-high-temperature (HPHT) method [50–54] and cover the range[N] & 100 ppm. Due to the low abundance of NV center spins in all samples ([NV] [N]), contributions from NV-NVdipolar interactions are negligible for the experiments in this manuscript.The total nitrogen concentration within diamond samples studied in this work is determined by several methods: Forthe majority of samples, the manufacturers provided estimated nitrogen spin concentrations or secondary ion massspectroscopy (SIMS) data taken on samples from the same growth run. In addition, for a subset of samples SIMSmeasurement were performed by EAG Laboratories. In select samples, nitrogen was determined through fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) [53, 55].The reported uncertainties in [N] are calculated from the mean and variation in spin concentration values provided bycombining results from various methods. If only one method was available, the uncertainty is given by the method’sreported error margin. For SIMS measurements an error of 50 % is conservatively assumed, which also accounts forvariations in N throughout different parts of a sample.


Spin Echo – Low nitrogen density 13C samples exhibited periodic modulation of the NV spin echo signal (ESEEM,Ref. [22, 23]) owing to the Larmor precession of the 13C nuclear spin bath, as shown in Fig. 1d ([N] = 6 ppmsample). Revival and collapses of the spin echo signal occurred with frequency fLarmor =


2π B0, where γ13C =

2π× 1.07 MHz/T [23, 24] is the 13C nuclear gyromagnetic ratio and B0 is the bias magnetic field. To clearly separatethe overall decay envelope from the Larmor signal, for each natural abundance 13C sample the bias field was adjustedbetween 2 − 30 mT to tune the Larmor precession frequency such that fLarmor 1/T2 (low nitrogen samples) orfLarmor 1/T2 (high nitrogen samples). The isotopically enriched 12C samples did not exhibit modulation of thecoherence signal independent of the applied magnetic field strength. As discussed in the main text and Fig. 1e, onlysmall variations in NV T2 are observed with changing B0, which suggests that T2 is largely independent of biasmagnetic field for the range of fields.We also fit Eqn. 1 to the 13C and 12C sample NV T2 data alone (see Fig. 2a) and obtained ANV-N = 2π × (1.0 ±0.2) kHz/ppm, T2,other = 715± 248µs and ANV-N = 2π× (0.9± 0.1) kHz/ppm, T2,other = 657± 94µs, respectively.The close agreement (within error margins) among ANV-N values extracted for 13C, 12C, and the combined datasuggests that NV spin ensemble decoherence due to 13C nuclear spins in natural abundance samples on T2 is negligible,when nitrogen is the dominant source of decoherence.Ramsey – Several inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms contribute to NV ensemble spin dephasing. For example,the T ∗2 -limit in natural abundance samples set by 1.1%13C spins (∼ 1 µs [10]) restricts our measurements to isotopicallyenriched 12C samples. In addition, FID decay was probed in the NV center’s double quantum basis (−1,+1) tomitigate effects of strain fields and temperature fluctuations. To account for the twice higher gyromagnetic ratio anddoubled dephasing rate in the double quantum basis, the extracted T ∗2 values are multiplied by 2. Lastly, measurementswhere performed at low magnetic bias fields (. 20 G) to reduce the influence of magnetic field gradients. Furtherexperimental details are given in Ref. [10].


In this section, we discuss the evolution of several standard pulse sequences on an NV electronic spin in the presenceof a fluctuating B-field. We also perform ensemble averages over a distribution of NV centers in order to evaluate theform of experimentally measured signals.For an NV center undergoing dynamical decoupling pulse sequences under the presence of a fluctuating B-field, theprobability to find the NV electronic spin in state |0〉 after time τ is given by

p(τ) =1

2(1 + 〈cosφ(τ)〉) =



(1 + <[〈eiφ(τ)〉]

). (8)

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Here, the total phase difference accumulated is

φ(t) =gµB~

∫dtf(t)B(t), (9)

where f(t) are step-like functions describing the periodic inversion of the NV spin for the pulse sequence underconsideration [25, 56], and B(t) includes the random magnetic fields due to the spin bath surrounding the NV center.Considering we have a large number of impurity spins with different couplings to the NV center, we assume that therandom fluctuating B-field due to the spin bath has a Gaussian distribution (with zero mean), simply due to theCentral Limit Theorem [20]. Invoking properties of Gaussian noise, Eqn. 8 simplifies to

p(τ) =1


(1 + e−〈φ(τ)2〉/2




(1 + e−χ(τ)

), (10)


χ(τ) =(gµB




ω2F (ωτ). (11)

Following the convention established by Ref. [56] and others,

SB =

∫dteiωt〈B(t)B(0)〉, (12)

is the classical B-field spectral noise density and

F (ωτ) =ω2

2|f(ω)|2 (13)

the filter function of the pulse sequence under consideration. The properties of the random B-field imposed here makeit equivalent to treating it as an Orenstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process [20, 25, 38, 39].We now look into the microscopic origin of the fluctuating B-field. For a bath spin Larmor precessing at ωL, theeffective B-field at the central spin is given by B1 cos (ωLt). Assuming the coherent spin precession decays at atimescale characterized by the bath correlation time τc, the B-field at the central spin can be approximated byB(t) = B1 cos (ωLt)e

−t/τc . Thus the bath spectral density becomes

SB [ω] =


1〉 cos (ωLt)e−t/τc



1〉1 + (ω − ωL)2τ2



1〉1 + (ω + ωL)2τ2


. (14)

In the short time (high frequency) limit, the bath spectral density function can be simplified to

SB [ω] ≈ 〈B21〉τc


1 + (δτc)2. (15)

For brevity and consistency with the main text, we define ∆2single ≡ (gµB/~)2〈B2

1〉. For an NV free induction decay

(FID) measurement, the filter function is given by F (ωτ) = 2 sin2 (ωτ/2) [56], leading to

χFID(τ) =2






1 + (δτc)2sin2 (ωτ/2)

= ∆2singleτ



τc− 1 + e−t/τc

). (16)

For a spin echo measurement, the filter function is given by F (ωτ) = 8 sin4 (ωτ/4) [56], giving us

χSE(τ) =8






1 + (δτc)2sin4 (ωτ/4)

= ∆2singleτ



τc− 3− e−t/τc + 4e−t/2τc

). (17)

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For short times, i.e. t τc (but ∆singleτc 1), χ for the two measurements simplifies to

χFID(τ) ≈∆2



χSE(τ) ≈∆2


12τct3. (18)

Substituting this in Eqn. 10, we get

psingleFID (t) =



(1 + e−(t/T∗

2,single)2), (19)

psingleSE (t) =



(1 + e−(t/T2,single)3

), (20)


T ∗2,single =




, (21)

T2,single =




. (22)

Here, we have replaced τc with τc,single to be consistent with the main text. Finally, comparing this with the phe-nomenological quantum model of the spin bath dynamics developed in this work, we get

∆2single =


(CNV,i|| /2)2, (23)




Rijflip. (24)

The time dependencies for various dynamical decoupling protocols become different if we average this signal overseveral NV centers, each evolving under a random spin bath distribution, as in experiments. For dipolar interactions,the probability density function (PDF) for ∆single has the form [40],

P (∆single) =∆ens




ens/2∆2single . (25)

Here, ∆ens is the average coupling strength of the NV to the spin bath within the NV ensemble. Integrating psingleFID (t)

over the distribution of ∆single, we arrive at the ensemble averaged probability,

pensFID(t) =



[1 + e−(t/T∗

2,ens)], (26)

where T ∗2,ens = 1/∆ens. The ensemble averaged FID signal thus exhibits simple exponential decay (p = 1) in agreementwith our experimental results (see Fig. 2b inset).We now perform a similar analysis to get an expression for the ensemble-averaged NV decoherence time T2,ens. Inthis case, we need to take into account the nitrogen electronic spin bath dynamics. We classically model the bathcorrelation time as the time taken for a stochastic process (here several bath bath spin flip-flops) to reach a certainthreshold, thus τc,single can be seen as the equivalent of first passage time. The probability distribution function(PDF) of τc here is assumed to be a simplified Gaussian PDF given by

P (τc,single) =



e−λ(τc,single−τc,ens)2/2τc,singleτ2c,ens . (27)

Here, λ is an overall fitting parameter, and τc,ens is the ensemble mean of the distribution. As shown in Fig. 4, theabove PDFs model the numerical distribution of ∆ and τc obtained from the quantum model. Finally, integratingover the distributions of ∆single and τc,single, we get for the spin echo signal

pensSE (t) ≈ 1


[1 + e−(t/T2,ens)

3/2], (28)

where T2,ens = (2τc,ens/∆2ens)

1/3, and the ensemble-averaged decay exhibits non-integer decay with p ≈ 3/2.

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In order to simulate a random mixed electronic spin bath and its dynamics, we start with a diamond lattice putting anNV at origin, and pick random lattice sites for nitrogen P1 centers with the right concentration. Current simulationsinclude 0.1− 1000 ppm of nitrogen spins. We evaluate the dipole-dipole interaction between the NV and P1 spins toobtain ∆single given by Eqn. 23. To obtain τc,single, we sum all the P1 spin pair interactions according to Eqn. 24.Finally, we extract the ensemble averaged values ∆ens and τc,ens from the distribution generated from ∼ 104 bathrealizations (see Fig. 4 in main text for [N = 100 ppm). When numerically estimating τc,single, we ignore spin bathpairs that interact weakly with the NV, leading to motional narrowing, as discussed in literature [20, 25].

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