Download - Art Historical Approaches: Theories and Methodologies for Understanding Images Readings: Theory Text Ch. 4, 13:2 Emperor Qinshihuang's Tomb (r. 221-207.

Page 1: Art Historical Approaches: Theories and Methodologies for Understanding Images Readings: Theory Text Ch. 4, 13:2 Emperor Qinshihuang's Tomb (r. 221-207.

Art Historical Approaches: Theories and Methodologies for Understanding Images

Readings: Theory Text Ch. 4, 13:2

Emperor Qinshihuang's Tomb (r. 221-207 BC), rediscovered c. 1974

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Xian another view

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Pompei & Herculaneum-rediscovery c. 1748

Art & Images as a way to understand or know history, life & the world

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Portrait of literate woman from Herculaneum c. 50 AD

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Pompei--Vesuvius Erupts 79 AD

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Foundations of Art History as a Discipline (Western Traditions) & It’s Influence on Ways of Thinking about

(and analyzing) Visual Images• Discussion of Art History as a Discipline (take notes as this part is not

included in detail in this outline)

• Changing notions & debates : what visual is representation doing?– Mimesis

• Art as imitation of absolute ideas (world of forms--Plato)

• Art does not reproduce visual appearance but essential idea (not just what exists but what could or should exist--Artistotle)

– Imitatio (art as representation of nature, reality, the world)• Imitation of what (ancients? natural world? Universal truths? Artist’s vision? Reflection

of context? Anticipation of viewer?)

• Questions of formalism, iconography, iconology, stylistic movement, etc…

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Core early foundations inspired by humanists from the Italian Renaissance:

– Leon Battista Alberti (1404• Philosopher: rationalism,

moderation, following nature, public good, ancient philosophers

• Admiration for ancient styles: Major work analyzing architectural styles & role of architecture in civic life, notions of beauty : De Re Aedificatoria, c. 1450-72

– Vasari’s Lives of the Most Excellent Architects, Painters and Sculptors (Lives of Artists in your readings) 1550

– Notion of connecting art to world views, socio-economic & cultural contexts emerges

Maison Carré, Nimes, c. 19 AD

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Greco-Roman Architecture

• Large built public spaces

• Visual display of power

• Lost engineering skills

• Insights into culture

• Framing spectacles

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Classification & Analysis of

Architectural Styles--Relation to General

Theories of Life-Nature

• Illustration from Diderot’s Encyclopedie

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Transition from Byzantine to Early Renaissance

Cimabue Madonna Enthroned 13th c. Gentile da Fabriano early 14th c.

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Notion of New Techniques for Depicting ‘Reality’/Nature as “we” see it or “as it really is” (??)

• Renaissance rediscovery of linear perspective (Edgerton)

• Depicting 3 dimensions (3D) on picture plane (2D)

• Not just about art & science--“art in the service of God” (Edgerton)

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Rediscovery of Linear Perspective

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Art & Science “in the service of God”

• D. Veneziano, Madonna & Child 1445

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Edgerton’s analysis of

use of symbolic use

of perspective

• Form & composition as key to meaning or content

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Content/Meaning, Norm & Form

• Formalism• Example: theories of Heinrich

Wöfflin Principles of Art History…

1-Linear vs. painterly2-Plane vs. recession3-Closed form to open form4-Multiplicity to unity5-Absolute clarity to relative clarity

– For 16th-17th art but applicable to later art

– Examples: Ingres vs. Delacroix in 19th c. French painting

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Ingres Valpincon Bather

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Delacroix--Liberty Leading the People

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Panofsky’s ideas about meaning & iconology (Theory Text Ch. 4:1)

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Iconology & Search for Methodologies Beyond Formalism

• Panofsky is critical of Wolfflin’s Formalist analysis (ex. triangle between legs of Michelangelos’s David)--Analysis of motifs & compositions

• Seeks ‘intrinsic’ meaning or content

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“Intrinsic Meaning”=Underlying principles that reveal attitudes (Panofsky)

• Examples of change in conventions about depictions of “The Adoration of Christ)

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Madonna Kneeling

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Abstract Art as a Challenge to

“the canon”• Picasso Les

Demoiselles d’Avignon

• Continues 19thc tradition of new art challenging the ‘establishment’

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MANET Dejeuner sur l<herbe

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Impressionism (1870s)

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Proliferation of stylistic movements

• Cloisonism --Pont Aven School

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Re-evaluation of artists & art in terms

of subsequent developments

• Van Gogh self-portrait

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Relationships between artistic

movements• Alfred Barr--

Museum of Modern Art exhibition catalogue

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Gombrich on art & invention or discovery

• Example: Constable

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JM Turner: Steam & Fog (before 1844)

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Svetlana Alpers

• Meanings & the position of the viewer--when the artist becomes the observer & the gaze is turned on the spectator

• Analysis of Velazquez’ Las Meninas

• who is the viewer-subject?

• What is the painting about?

• Idea of multiple meanings• Modes of picturing

relationships between the “viewer-subject”

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Detail of Velazquez’ Las Meminas

• Detail

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Manet’s Olympia

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Buck-Morris on critical analysis of contemporary images & image-making

• Aesthetic Experience & the “virtual”

• Example of Surrealsm--S. Dali The Persistence of Memory

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The “New Art History”

• c.1980s• Context

– “art for art’s sake”

– Political and economic contexts

– Anti-racist, feminist & post-colonialist influences

• Not just “great works” (canons) or “great men” (questioning bias in art historical methods)

• Re-thinking older classifications of art and non-art

– Non-representational art

– Popular culture

Pop Art (Roy Lichtenstein Nude with Beach Ball)

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Artists had long been challenging definitions of what is art, art history and

who can define it

Marcel Duchamp. Fountain, original (left) and recreations of lost 1917 “Original”