Download - Apr-May 2005

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Newly Inaugurated Rotcrv at Khvndcuod. Shillong


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This is the fifth issue of the Megholaya Chronicle which is being published with a view to showcase the happenings in and outside the State of Megholoya, achievements of various departments and success stories of selected youth under the feature Personality Profile ,

In this issue, the highlights are on the Republic Day 2005 being celebrated all the State, the facets of the Meghalaya Day Celebrations, a write-up on the now famo s

strawberry fruit, an article on the museums in Shillong. besides various other events.

The Directorate of Information & Public Relations (DIPR) participates in venous tairs and exhibitions and thisyear, in tandem with the Department of Industries, took part in the North East Trade Expo at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, between 11 th to 14th March, 2005, bagging the second prize for the Best Display and Decoration , a special commendation for the Most Commercial Promising Product for the Sponge Gourd or Sohprew. The Directorate of Information & Public Relations also fieided a tableau at the

Republic Day ceremony held at Rajpath, New Delhi on the 26th January, This year's tableau depicted the colourful Behdienkhlam dance of the Jclntics,

D.I.P.R. was also awarded the first prize at the 6th International Shillong Trade Fair held between the 16th and 27th March, 2005.

The Directorate of Information & Public Relations has brought out numerous publications in the past and amongst them, the monographs are highly popular and a delight to read. The past volumes have been - land and People, Flora and Fauna, Places of Interest, The Cultural Pride of Meghalaya - Dances and Festivals, Dwellers of

High Hills - The Khasis of Meghalaya, The Pristine Culture & Society of the Garos of Megha/aya. The latest monograph is entitled The Enchanting life & Culture of the

Jaln/ias of Meghalaya which is currently under print. More are on the anvil.

In collaboration with the Children's Film Society of India, the Directorate of Information & Public Relations also hosted the Children's Film Festival between the 5th and Bth April 2005 at the cinema halls at Shillong, Jowai, Lad Rymbai and Byrnihat. This Directorate is also actively implementing the Special Interactive Programme (SIP)

various departments in the remote areas can sensitize the people about different schemes and projects by way of seminars, workshops, group

display and distribution of postersand pamphlets, cultural programs et 01.

The Directorate of Information & Public Relations is also undertaking on modernisation programme for upgrading it's technical equipmenfs, vehicles, computers and exhibits.

We hope this issue of MeghaJaya Chronicle will be informative, interesting and impressive. Ideas for improvements are welcome, especially articles, write ups, stories and good quality photographs.

Till next time, happy reading.

Director, Information and Public Relations Meghalaya, Shillong.

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Throughout history, strawberries have been cultivated, nurtured and relished by the royal families of Europe, most notably King Charles V, who adorned his Parisian gardens at the Louvre with 1200 strawberry plants in 1368. However it was King Louis XIV and one of his gardeners, Jean de la Quintinie, who took up serious cultivation of this captivating fruit at the Palace of Versailles. King Louis XIV’s gardener made the first detailed account in 1667 of how todevelop larger berries, how to prepare the soil and how tomanage the plant.

Present day commercial strawberries owe their existence to a chance crossing between two varieties, Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis, when a French naval engineer named Amedee FranAois Frezier brought some plants from Chile in 1712 while on a mapping expedition and grew them in Brittany. The plants grew well but did not produce berries until someone later planted a Virginia strawberry brought from North America in the 1600’s next to them. A whole new variety developed from this crossing and horticulturists named the new offspring Fragaria x ananassa which over a course of time had given rise to all the cultivated varieties throughout the world.

History of Strawberry

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L������ ������� ��� Na����a� F�a� a�� ���� ��� �a���� �� ��� ���������� �a�c���� c���������� �� a ���c���� ���� a� ��� NSCA M��� S�a����, Pa�a������. A����� a �a��� c����, �ab��a�� �� 16 G��������� D��a������� ���� ��������� �� ��� �cca����. T�� 1�� ����� ��� �ab��a� �������a���� ���� �� ��� S��� C������a���� D��a������ ����� ��� 2�� a�� 3�� ����� ���� ba���� S���c������ a�� W�a���� D��a������ a�� E��ca���� D��a������ �����c������. T�� b��� ������ �� ��� �a�c� �a�� ���� �� JNV Sc����, N�a��ba��. O���� ���������� �� ��� �a� ���� ba�� �����a� b� 4/9 G����a R�����, a R�c� C��c��� ��a������ S���� I�a��, R���� S���� a�� �������a�c�� b� ��� O���c���� C��b.

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D����������, M�. N���a�� L������ ���� ��� Ra������a �a���� �� ��� �a�c���� c���������� c��������� �� P���c� ��������� a�� �c���� ��������. A� �a�� �� ��� c���b�a����, �ab��a�� ���� ��������� b� ��� DIPR, PHE, S��� C������a���� a�� C & RD Sa����� B��c�. A������ �a�a���� �a� a��� ���a����� �� �a�� ���� ��������� �cca����.

����������������������������� M���a�a�a Pa���a����a�� S�c���a��, M�. B. N�������

�������� ��� T��c����� a�� ���� ��� Ra������a �a���� �� ��� �a�c���� c��������� a� Ma�a� T����. A ������ �a�a���� �a� ���� �� ��� �a� �� �a�� ��� �cca����. T�� ������ �� ��� ������� ���� ����� a�a� b� ��� C���� G����.

������������������������������� M���a�a�a Pa���a����a�� S�c���a��, M�. F�a�c��

P����� R. Sa���a �������� ��� T��c����� a�� a�������� ��� �a������� a� Da������� P�a�������. A� ���������� Ma�c� Pa��, c�����a� �����a���� a�� ������ ���� ��� ��������� �� ��� c���b�a����.

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G����a���� C���c��, M�. S. M����� �������� ��� T��c����� a�� ���� ��� �a���� �� ��� �a�a�� a� A��a��� L. P. Sc���� P�a�������. O���� ���������� ��c����� ������ a�� �a��� a�� c�����a� �����.

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N����� �������� ��� �a����a� ��a� �� ��� ���� �� ��� Na����a� A����� a�� ���� ��� Ra������a �a���� a� P����a� K���a� ��a�������. T�� �a��� ���������� ��c����� c�����a� �����a����, ������b����� �� ������ �� ��� c�������, ������b����� �� ���� �ac�a��� �� ��� �a������ �� NRM H�����a� a�� S�. J����� O���a�a�� H��� a�� ������ a�� �a���.

��������������������������������� M���a�a�a Pa���a����a�� S�c���a��, M�. La�b��

Ma����a�� ������� ��� T��c����� a�� ���� ��� Ra������a �a���� �� ��� Na����a� A����� a� R�a���� S����� C������ ��a�������. T�� ����� ���������� �� ��� �a� ��c����� ������ a�� �a���.


M��. M. T. Sa���a, B��c� D���������� O���c�� ������� ��� Na����a� F�a�. A �ac� ��� ��� N���a� a�� La��a�� �� ��� B��c� a�� ������ ��� c������� �a� ���� �� ��� �a�.

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T� c�������a�� ���� �������ca� ������, ��� 33�� M���a�a�a Da� �a� �b������ ���� ���� a�� ��a����� �� ��� S�a��. I� ��� S�a�� ca���a� S�������, ��� c���b�a���� �a� �a���� ���� a ���� �a� ����a�a�a��a, ���c� ����������� a ���b�� �� ������ ����ca���� ��� ����a� a����b���� ��c���a����� ��� ���������� ��a� �� M���a�a�a.

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I� c�����c���� ���� ��� c���b�a����, a S�a�� ����� ����b�����, a ����� a�� a �a������ c���������� ���� a��� ����. T�� S�a�� ����� ����b����� �a� �a���c��a��� b� C����a� a�� S�a�� G��������� D��a������� a� ���� a� NGO� a�� �������������. T�� P���� C���������� �a� ���a����� b� ��� D���c���a�� �� I�����a���� a�� P�b��c R��a�����, �� ��� ����� ������������������������� a�� �������, ����� ��� Pa������ C����������, ���a����� b� ��� D���c���a�� �� A��� a�� C������, �a� ���� �� ��� ����� ������������������������ ���������������������� ������������������������ a�� �����������������.

E�������� �� ��� S�a��, M���a�a�a Da� �a� c���b�a��� ���� ���a� �a��a�� �� Ga�� H���� a� ���� a� �� ��� ��b-��������� �� A��a�� a�� Da�������. S�a�� G��������� ����c�� �� ��� D�����c� ���� �������a��� a� �a�� �� ��� ��a�� �cca����. A� ��� S�a������ �a� c���b�a���� a� ��� D�����c� A���������, T��a, ����� ��������� c������� �� T��a, I.K. Sa���a, L������ D. S���a a�� J.S. La� ���� �������� ���� ��� M���a�a�a Da� A�a��� b� ��� D�����c� A��������a���� ��� ����� �����a����� c�����b����� �� ��� ��c����. T��� ���� ��������� ���� ��� ca�� �� R�. 10,000 �ac� a���� ���� a c��a���� a�� a �������. A������ ������ ��a���� �� ��� 33��

M���a�a�a Da� c���b�a���� a� T��a �a� ��� c�������� ������ �a������ ��a� ��� C��������� H��� Ha�a��a�a, �������� b� ����������a� a������ ���� Ba���a����, M�. R����a�a A����� Ba�� a�� M�. B���a� C����� ��� ������ ������� ��� ����� �� c������� ��� a�� ����.

�T he M eghalaya C hronicle

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Glimpses of Meghalaya Day Celebration

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L��� �a�� c������� ac���� ��� ���b�, ��� ����� ������ �� M���a�a�a �a�� a ������� ������� �� ��c� c�����a� a�� ��a������a� �����. I� a� ������ �� ��������, �����c� a�� c������� ��� �a������c���c ���ac� �� ��� K�a���, ��� Ja����a� a�� ��� Ga���, ��� S�a�� M����� �a� ���ab������ �� 1975. L�ca��� �� ��� ��a�� �� ��� c���, ��� W����a���� Sa���a M����� �� ��� ���� M�����, ���c� ��������� ��� �a����a� �������� a�� c�����a� �����a�� �� ��� S�a�� �� M���a�a�a. T�� M����� ���c� �a� �a��� a���� ��� ����� C���� M������� �� M���a�a�a, Ca��a�� W����a���� Sa���a �a� ���ab������ a� a ��a�� �a����� �� ��� L�����a���� A����b�� b������� a�� ���� ������� �� ��� �������� �� S�a�� C����a� L�b�a�� �� 1976. T�� ����� b��c� �� ��� M����� b������� �a� c������c��� �� 1984-85, ����� b��c� ��� �a� c������c��� �� 1992-93.

K������ �� ���� ��� c�a����� ����� �� ����, �����a����� ���� �a��� �� ������� ��������� a�� ������� ��� �������� M�����. T�� ����a���� b��a� �� b�a� ����� ���� ���������a����� �� V�c����a M�����a� Ha��, K���a�a ca�� ����a�� �� ���a�c�a��� a����� ���� b�� �� ��� ��a� 2001-2002. I� a������� �� ��������� ��� �������a���� �� ��� ����b���, ��� ��� �a�������, ��� Pa������ Ga����� a�� ��� M���ca� Ga����� ���� �������c��. T��� ��������a���� �c���� �a� ����� a ������ �� ��� ��a� 2003, ���� ��� I���a� M����� ������� ������� ���a�c�a� a�����a�c� �� ��� M�����. U���� ���� �����c�, ��� ����a�c� a�� ��c������ a��a �� ��� M����� ���� ���������. N�� �a������� ����c���� �c�����c �� a���c�����a� ac��������, ����a �� M���a�a�a, ca�� a�� ba�b�� ����, ���a� �a���� �c����, �a� a�� ��a�����, ba������, �a���c�a��� a�� ��a������a� ������ ���� a��� �������c��. O���� a���� a���ac����� ���� ��� A�� a�� C�a�� Ga����� a�� ��� E������a���c Ga�����. W��� a c����c���� �� ���� ��a� 2500 ����b���, ��� W����a���� Sa���a ����c�� ��� ���� a�� c������ �� ���

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T�� M����� �a� ����a��� ��a����a��� b� ��� M���a�a�a C���� M�������, D�. D D La�a�� �� D�c��b�� 16, 2004 - C������� : J����� L.R. Ma�a�, M����������.

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U��� �������� ������� ��� a�c� ����a�c� �� ��� C�����, ��� �� ���a��� �� a� �������� �����a� �� ��� �������������������������ca���� ��� �����a���ca�

��T he M eghalaya C hronicle

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T�� ���ba� ������ a�� ����� ������� a�� �a�c��� �� ��� ���������������. T���� a�� ba�b�� a�� ������ ����������� ���� b� ��� ��������� ����� �� ����c�a�� �� ��� N���� Ea����� S�a��. I� ��� �a�� ��ca��� ��� ���b�� �� ��� N���� Ea����� I���a ����� �� ����a����, c�� ��� ���� ��� a������. Ra��� a�� ������

��� ������a� ���� ��� ��c�����. Eac� ���b� ��������� ��� ��� ��a���� b��� ��� �����c� a� ���� a� ��� �����c�, ��� �������� ������� �����a�� ����� ��a������a� ��a���� ���� b� ��� ��������� ���b��.

T�� ������������������������������ ����c�� ��� �c�����c ���� �� ��� ������ �� ��� N���� Ea�� ��� �������� ����a���� �� ��a������a� ��c������� ��� ����� ���� �������c�. T�� ���������� ����� �� ���� �a����� a�� �������, ���� �a����, ba������, b�ac�������, ����������, ��a����, ���� ca����� a�� ��a���� �����. A��ac��� �� ���� �a����� �� ��� ����������������������� ������� ���c� ����ca��� ��� ��������� ����� �� ������ a�� a��� �� ��� ��������� N���� Ea����� S�a��� ��c������ S�����.

T������ ��� ������ ���� �������� �������, ��� DBCIC a��� a� ����ca���� ��� ������ c������� �� ��� ����� �a�� ������� ����a� �������a����. T�� �a����� a��� ��ac�� ��� ������� �� ��� ���� a�� ���� �� C����� a�� C���c��� �� ��� ����� ���� ���c�a� �������c� �� ��� N���� Ea��.

S�a���� ���� �� ��� �����, ����a�c�, ��c�����a����, ��b��ca����, ���c����� ������� �����a�� ��c a�� a��� ��c���a��� �� ��� C�����.

W��� ��� �a����� ������� ��� �����, ��� ������ ����� �� ��ac� a�� ���� ����� �a������� ������� ��� M�����. Ha���� ��������� ����� �a�� ��� b��a���a���� b�a��� �� ��� M����� , �� �� �a�� �� �a� ��a� a ����� �� S������� �� ��c������� ������� a ����� �� ��� D�� B��c� C����� F�� I��������� C�������.


Matthew Arnold

T he M eghalaya C hronicle ��

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T�� ��������� �� S���a �� ������a��. I�� �c���c b�a���, �a�����c �a����a��� a�� �ab������ ca�� ������ �a��� S���a ��� �� ��� ���� ������� ������� ������a���� �� ��� S�a��. I� a� ������ �� a ���� a ������� ������ �� ��� ������� ��c��� �� ��� ������ a�� a� ��� �a�� ���� ����a� ��� ����a�� �� ��� ������a�c� �� �����������a� �����c���� a�� ������a����, a� Ec�����ca� D���������� Pa�� �a� b��� ��� �� a� Ma���a�, N��������a� E�a�a.

D�������� ����� ��� Sa������a G�a���� R��a�a� Y��a�a (SGRY) 2002-2003, ������� ��� D�����c� R��a� D���������� A���c� (DRDA), Ea�� K�a�� H���� a� ��� N��a� A���c�, ��� ����� ��a�� �� ��� �����c� �a� ����������� �� A���� 2002. W��� ��� c�����a���� �� a ���b�� �� G��������� D��a�������, ��c� a� F�����, PWD, S��� a�� Wa��� C������a����, ��� ����� ��a�� �� ����a����c���a� ���� ��c� a� ���c��� �� 5 ��c�a��� �� Sac��� G����, ����������� �� a����ac� ��a�, c������c���� �� �a��� �a�������� ����c����� a�� c��c� �a�� ���� ca����� ���. A���� ��a����� �����a��� �a� a��� ���� �� 2003 a�� 2004 ��������� ��� ��ca� ������ a�� �������� ���� Ma���a�, K�� Ma�a�, La���a� a�� S���a. T�� �����c�� �� NGO�� ���� ��� K������ S�a���a�� S�c�a� O��a���a���� (KSSO) ���� ������ ��� ��������� �� �������� �ac������� ���� ��� Pa�� �� ��� ����a�� �� La���a�.

W��� ��� c��������� �� ��� ����� � � a � � , ��a�� a�� a��a� �� ������� ��� ��c��� a�� ����� ��a�� �� ��� �����c�, ���c� ���� ��c���� c������c���� �� ����a��a���, ���� ������, ���������� �����c������ ac�������� �� ��� a��a a�� a��� ��������� �� �����a� �ac�������.

T�� Ec�-Pa�� ���c� �a� ��a����a��� �� D�c��b�� 18, 2004 �� ����a� ���� a� a��a �� 14 ��c�a��� a�� �a� 5 ��c�a��� �� Sac��� G����, ����� �a��� �a�������� ����c�����, a�������a���� ��ac�, �������� c����� ���� 5 �����, c������� ��a� ��ac�, ��c��c ���� �a����a���, ����������, ���������, �������� ������ ��c.

W��� �������� ��b��c ��������� �� ��� Pa��, �� �� ����� ��a� ��� ����c� a�� a�c���a�� ���������� �����a��� ������� ��� Pa�� ���� a ���� �a� �� ��������� ��� ��c�a� a�� �c�����c c��������� �� ��� ��ca� ���������.

C������� : DRDA

D�c��b�� 4, 2004 �a� ��� ��a���a���� �� ��� ����� a�� a����a���� �� �a�� M���a�a�a�� ���� ��� M���a�a�a M������� ��� G����a� A��������a���� D��a������, M� H D R L������, ��a����a��� ��� V������ M���a�a�a H���� �a��� �S����� �� H��� A�a�������� ����a��� �� Ra��a���a� ����a�� ����� Sa���ac�a�� Pa�c�a�a� ab��� 5 K�� ���� C������a� M���ca� C������, V������, Ta��� Na��. T�� M������� �a� acc���a���� b� M���a�a�a C���� S�c���a��, M� P.J. Ba����� a�� ��� OSD, GAD, M�. A����� Ma�����.

T�� ���a ��� ��� M���a�a�a H����, V������ ca�a������ ���� ��� ����� ��c��a���� ���a�� ��� ������� a�� ������a���� b� M���a�a�a�� �������� V������ ��� a ���b�� �� ��a����, ��� �������� b���� ����ca� ���a�����. T�� ���c��� �� ������� ��� S�a�� H���� �� V������ b��a� �� ���

��a� 2000 ���� ��� Ta��� Na�� H������ B�a�� (TNHB), V������ U��� ������� ��a�� c��������� �� ��� H��� I�c��� G���� ������ �� ���

G��������� �� M���a�a�a. T�� ��a�� ���� ���� ���c���� ��������� ��� Cab������ a�����a�.

I� ��� ��a� 2003, a ��a� c��������� �� ��� M���a�a�a M������� ��� G����a� A��������a���� D��a������, M�. H.D.R. L������, ��� ���� M���a�a�a M�������, PWD M�. B������� N�����, acc���a���� b� ��� D����� S�c���a��, G����a� A��������a���� D��a������, G��������� �� M���a�a�a, SDO, PWD (B), K���a�a, ����c�a�� �� ��� R������ D��a������ �� ��� V������ C����c���a�� a�� ��� TNHB �����c��� ��� a�a�������. F�������� ��� �����c����, ��c���a�� ����a����c���a� ����� ���� ca����� ���.

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W��� ��� a�� �� ��������� ��� b��� �ac������� �����b�� �� ��� ������, ��� S�a�� H���� �� a��� �������� ���� a Ta�a S��� ����c��, ���c� ���� ��a� a ���a� ���� �� �a���� ��� ��a������a���� ���b���� a�� a�������a� �����c�� ��c� a� a�� �� b������ �� ��a�� ��c���� a�� ������ ��c���� ���� a��� b� �a�� a�a��ab�� b������ ����� �ac�������.

��T he M eghalaya C hronicle

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�������� ������EXPO 2005 AT THE NORTHEAST TRADE

M I D C , Information and Public Relations, Agriculture a n d Horticulture Department, Sericulture a n d Weaving, Meghalaya Khadi and Villages Industries Board, Meghalaya Apex Handloom and Handicrafts Co­op Production Ltd and private entrepreneurs.

At the end of the 8 day long extravaganza, Meghalayawasawarded the 2nd prize for Best Display and Decoration and a special commendation was also awarded for the Most Commercially Promising Product range for the “Sponge Gourd” or “Sohprew”.

S��c� �� �a� ����� ����, ��� I�����a����a� S������� T�a�� Fa�� �a� b�c��� a ��c� a���c��a��� �����. W��� �a���c��a���� ������� ����� ��a�, ���� ��a� ��� 6�� I�����a����a� S������� T�a�� Fa��, ���a����� b� ��� I��������� a�� T�a�� Fa�� A���c�a���� �� A��a� a�� ��������� b� ��� D���c���a�� �� I�����a���� a�� P�b��c R��a����� (DIPR), G��������� �� M���a�a�a, �a� ���� ���� Ma�c� 16 �� Ma�c� 27 a� ��� F��� B���a�� G�����, S�������.

I�a����a��� b� ��� M � � � a � a � a M������� ��� S����� a�� Y���� A��a���, M�. Pa�� L������, �� ��� ������c� �� ��ca� MLA,

With the of aim of showcasing Meghalaya’s potential to the rest of the country and the world alike, the Government of Meghalaya took part in the Northeast Trade Expo 2005, held at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi from March 7-14, 2005. Organized on the theme “Exotic Weaves of the Northeast”, by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Government of India in collaboration with the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), the Trade Fair saw the active participation of all the seven states of the Northeast.

On display at the Fair were exquisite traditional handicraft, accessories, masks, scrolls and icons, elegant handloom and weaves, designer bamboo and cane ware, aromatic herbs and spices, organic food, horticultural products and delicious cuisine.

The State of Meghalaya saw representation from the Industries Department, Tourism Department,

M�. R.G. L������, ��� Fa�� �a� ��� �a���c��a���� �� ������� c�������� ���� T�����, V����a�, M�a��a�, N��a�, Ba���a����, Pa����a� a�� T�a��a��. A��� ����ca���� ����� ������� ���� a ���b�� �� ��ca� �������������. A� a��a� �� �����c�� �a����� ���� �a�b�� �����, c����a��, ���������, �a������, ��a���� �����, ca�����, �� ���������, ��� �� �����a� ����c�� �������� ���� a�� �a��� �� ����. A ��a�� �a� a��� ��� �� b� ��� DIPR ������� c������� ������a��� ����c���� ��� ������, ��ac�� �� ��������, �a�c�� a�� ������a�� �� M���a�a�a, ����a a�� �a��a a�� ��ac�� �� �������� ���� �� �a��. O���� G��������� ���a������� �a���c��a���� �� ��� Fa�� ���� ��� A���c������ D��a������, C����� a�� T������ D��a������. A� ��� ��� �� ��� ��� ���� �a�-�a��, ������ ���� ������b���� �� ��������� ��a��� �� ��������� ca��������.

W���� ������� ��� ��� ������a������ �a���, ��� Fa�� �� a��� a� �cca���� ����� ��� �a����� �� ��ca� ������������� a�� ������� ��� �������� �� ��� a�� c���b�a��. I� ���� �a�, ��� Fa�� �� a ��a����� ��� ��c�a����� �� ���a� a�� ��������� �� ��a�� ���a����� ���� �����b����� S�a��� a�� c��������.

��T he M eghalaya C hronicle

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Inanexemplary action that other villages may emulate, Okkapara Songgitcham under Gambegre Development Block of West Garo Hills has kept alive the pristine culture and tradition of the Garos, that are fast disappearing with the advent of modernization. Locally known asOkkabra and nestled onthe low hill slopes, it is a typical sleepy little Garo hamlet complete withatraditional Nokpante orabachelors’ dormitory, a bo.rang or a tree-house and a village court right in the centre of the village.

The replacement of anewroof (nokking pina) over this more than 35 year old Nokpante took place with great traditional fervour and merry-making, along with several other traditional Garo rituals. To mark this nokking pina and tilta songa (a two-pronged post on which a criminal, after being tried in the village court, is tied to and whipped with athorny cactus-like plant) ceremony and also to encourage the villagers to keep their traditions alive, the Block Development Officer, Gambegre Block, Mr. W.D. Sangma and Border Area Development Officer, West Garo Hills, Ms. Gunme R. Marak jointly organized the day-long programme wherein many traditional practices of the Garos wereenacted by the villagers themselves in front of a large number of visitors, both local and foreign, and media persons.

The organizers will also be bringing out a documentary from the city’s programme with an aim to expose and promote the age-old culture and traditions of the Garos to the outside world, for which a Film Director of UNDP, Ms. Marie Ange Sylvain, was especially invited to attend the ceremony. She was accompanied by BBC Coordinator from Bangladesh Ms. Noksai Chisim and Ms. Tuhin, a Pastor also from Bangladesh.

Before the Nokking-pina ceremony, the Nokma or the village chieftain sacrificed a cow in front of the

newly erected Tilta. This cow is later cut into pieces,

cooked and enjoyed by the entire village. The bachelors

of the village begin removing the old thatch from the

roof to be replaced by the newone, while the women­

folk assist them in carrying the sheaves of bamboo-

leaves or wa.jak. As per the Garo traditional law, girls

are strictly prohibited from entering a Nokpante and if

at all they have to get in, they may do soonly from the

rear door and not through the main entrance. If any girl

is found violating this law they have to pay aheavy


Mentionable, this Nokpante in Okkapara

Songgitcham is the only remaining structure of the kind

to be found in this part of Garo Hills. One of the village

elders informed that this house had stood in this village

asfarashe could remember.

The nokking-pina ceremony was followed by

other rituals and Wangala dance accompanied by merry­

making and feasting. In the course of the day-long

programme, the villagers of Okkapara Songgitcham in

their full traditional attire enacted the journey of their

ancestors from Tibet to Garo Hills led by their leader

Jappa-Jallimpa. They also enacted the traditional Garo

marriage called do.sia and do·bik nia besides other

ceremonies related with marriage. To wind up the day-

long programme, the organizers also held aconcert in

which singers of local repute kept the children and youth

of the village on their toes for most part of the evening.

Although this is the first humble attempt made

by the Gambegre BDO and BADO to encourage and

promote traditional Garo practices, the programme

proved to be asuccessfulone.They hope to make such

programme an annual affair after revamping the old

traditional houses of Okkapara Songgitcham.

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to Saddled with big dreams and anever

die attitude, Mandrilla Marbaniang left the safety and security of her parents home in Shillong for the hustle and bustle of Kolkota, to pursue her desire to travel the skies. Belonging to a middle class Khasi family, Mandrilla’s journey began in the year 2001, following her graduation from Raid Laban College at Shillong. Filled with a burning desire to make a name for herself but with little idea on how to achieve her goal, she took her first step towards financial independence by becoming aschool teacher. She then went onto learn computers and in order to pay for the course she took to tutoring. Not quite satisfied with the direction she was taking, Mandrilla took her first serious step in pursuit of her dream by taking a Basic Cabin Crew Training course from the Franklin Management Consultant. Although Mandrilla graduated with flying colours, she was unable to take advantage of the courseasshe wasusually intimated adayortwo before the relating interviews, which were conducted either in Kolkata and Delhi. Frustrated yet not beaten in spirit, Mandrilla took the decision to move to Kolkata. Armed with her parents’ blessings, Mandrilla braced herself to meet the challenges of living alone in anew city. Once there, her day would begin with scanning

say newspapers for job vacancies and applying to various call centres and companies. A

breakthrough came when she was offered a part time job at the Convergence Contact Centre. Having worked there for amonth, her life took another turn when she wasofferedajob at the Oberoi Airport Services at Kolkata. Working 12 hours a day, often during late night shifts, Mandrilla kept to her work diligently, while at thesametime kept track of vacancies in the Airlines. Following 11months of harrowing work, her dedication finally paid off when she wasselected for Air Sahara. That according to Mandrilla was one of the “proudest moments” of her life. Today Manrilla is a proud member of the cabin crew for Air Sahara. Attributing her successto God’s grace in her life and her parents’ unrelenting support, Mandrilla feels that her journey has just begun

and she has miles to go before she sleeps.

Through dint of hardwork, courage and self belief, Mandrilla wasable to achieve what most youngsters living in small towns like Shillong only dream of achieving. If every young person takes

a leaf from Mandrilla’s book and dare, not only to dream but also pursue that dream, perhaps they canall find the solution to the problem of unemployment facing the State today.



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The annual Ind io Inte rnational Trade Fair "IITF" is a much-anticipated event. Since it first began in the year 1979, the tair has token a mammoth sca le and size. with partic ipation from within the country and abroad growing each year. With exhibits from a cross the g lobe. the Fair has become the pertec t platform for Indio to showcase her potential to the world and vice versa .

Like the yea rs before Megholoyo too partic ipated in the JlTF 2004 held at the ProgoJl Moidon, New Delhi. Besides the Department of Information and Public Relations. Tourism. Sericulture and Weaving. Agriculture, Mineral Resources, Forest, Industries. Science and Technology, MECOFED, a itogether fifteen entrepreneurs from d ifterent parts of the State participated in the Fair. Products on sale were processed fruit produ cts, handloom and hondlcrott materials , honey, turmeric, covleot, dry fiowers, broomsticks, tea , cashew nut and decorative items. This year , highlight of LT. related activities with Internet connection and presentation on the State through N.I.C, Meghalaya State Centre has been provided in the Meghalaya Pavilion at the Indio International Trade Fair (IITF) - 2004 held at the Pragati Maidan, New Delhi was declared open by the Resident Commissioner Government ot Meghaiaya, New Delhi, Mr S. Mendiratta, in the presence of the Commissioner and Secretory, Trade, Mr P.K. Srivastava, Secretory, Industries, Mr P. Jain, the Director of Information & Public Relations, Mr. A. Mawlong and the Directar ot Tourism, Mr H.M. Shangpliang among others. The front facio of the Pavilion located in Hall NO.16 at Pragafi Maidan, New Delhi depicted the various facets of Agriculture and Information Technology, whic h is the prescribed theme for the Fair this year , and tourist spots of the State. In the d isplay section. land and its scenic splendour, people, their living life style and cultural pattern, forest, mineral products, horticultural and cosh c rops, Science and Technology a ctivities and Information Technology infrastructures created in the State have been show cased through backlit vinyl scrol lers and rotating transl ide. The diorama created in the Pavilion prominently d isplays the indigenous fruit of Meghalaya, Sohiong.

In recognition of the creative d isplay, the State Government was presented a Silver Award in the North Eastern States category for best d isplay, decoration of the Pavilion and also tor the maintenance of d iscipline by the officers. staff and participating entrepreneurs.

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